THE PILATESfi METHOD OF BODY CONDITIONING Teacher Certification Program 2001 · 2007-08-07 · THE...

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Teacher Certification Program 2001

section page

About the Pilates® Method 2Introduction 3Overview/Before Enrolling 4Course Formats 5Tuition & Enrollment 6Certifying Centers 8Application Via Video 9Certification Center Locations 10Suggested Reading 11Apprenticeship 12Policies for Remote & Foreign Students 133 Phases of Apprenticeship 14Exams 15Final Stages 16Certifying Staff 17The Pilates® Guild� 19-21Sample License Agreement 22-24Application 25-29

checklist, student enrollment agreement, student

health form, prior experience form, prerequisite questionnaire

table of contents

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The Pilates Studio®

About the Pilates® Method

�Physical fitnes is the first requisite of happiness. Our interpretation of physicalfitness is the attainment and maintenance of a uniformly developed body witha sound mind fully capable of naturally, easily, and satisfactorily performingour many and varied daily tasks with spontaneous zest and pleasure.�

- Joseph Pilates, Return to Life (1945)

"To live on this earth, it helps to have a healthy body. Here is the way. ThePilates way. It is wonderful for your body, wonderful for your muscles --particularly those of the stomach and back. I have used the Pilates Method- I still do and my dancers use it, and it works."

- George Balanchine, Choreographer

An apprenticeship requires the student to use the five parts of the mind:Imagination, Memory, Intelligence, Will and Spirit. An effectiveapprentice is studious, empathizing and projects confidence & energyto each client and is ready and able to assist a teacher at all times. Theapprentice should help to maintain the orderliness of the studio to createa pleasant environment for all."

- Romana Kryzanowska, Master Teacher

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Teacher Certification Program 2001


Welcome to The Pilates Studio® �s Teaching Certification Program. This packet will help youmake an informed decision about becoming a certified instructor. The importance of qualityinstruction and high quality training and good credentials cannot be ignored in today�scompetitive fitness world.

Balance and harmony lead to health, just as imbalance and discord lead to disease.Understanding of this basic tenant of the Pilates® method of body conditioning enables certifiedinstructors to teach clients how to keep their bodies in harmony with natural law. A skilledteacher is one who knows how to keep the body in tune, preventing injury; he or she knowshow to balance the musculoskeletal system allowing for efficiency and harmony in dailyactivities. Proper training and understanding of the system developed by Joseph Pilates ensuresa teacher's ability to observe and locate the origin of movement dysfunction. This originalsystem of exercise is based on 50 years of observation, application and results from tens ofthousands of individuals, making it applicable in most physical conditions. Clients benefit fromthe method by restoring the normal physical condition related to their specific anatomy andbody type. If they continue to maintain the level of body conditioning consistently, they canremain physically healthy for a lifetime.

One of the goals of the certification program, apart from providing quality education, is thestandardization of The Pilates® method of body conditioning and its teaching. Once you havebeen certified, you will be ready to begin independent instruction at a safe and primary level.You will also be ready to begin the journey towards becoming an experienced teacher of thePilates® method of body conditioning.

Joseph Pilates began to develop his extensive exercise method at the turn of the century. Duringhis lifetime, he created more than five hundred exercises, inventing an original system andunique apparatus into existence. Dissatisfied with existing approaches to physical training,Joseph Pilates studied both Eastern and Western exercise disciplines. Eastern methods suchas yoga emphasize mental relaxation, breathing, and suppleness. The Western methodsgenerally seek to maximize competitive strength and endurance. In creating The Pilates®

method, he combined the best qualities of both to form an ideal physical training and bodyconditioning program. This combination of exercising both the body and mind initiallyattracted dancers and athletes, and for many years he was a training secret limited to a smallminority. Currently, this body conditioning program has experienced a renaissance as analternative or complement to other exercise regimes, treatment modalities, and athleticactivities.

The ultimate goals of the method are an extremely high degree of abdominal strength, full bodycontrol, greater flexibility, integration of the spine and the limbs, and most significantly, thecombined power of the body and mind. By performing many different exercises for a lownumber of repetitions, the muscles are strengthened, elongated and toned without creatingbulk. Total concentration on the body during each exercise emphasizes movement quality,coordination and breath.

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The Pilates Studio®


The Teacher Certification Program consists of two parts, seminar training and apprenticeship.The seminars are taught in several formats, each with its own specific prerequisites. TheApprenticeship is the same for all training formats. The Apprenticeship is composed of severallevels - observation, assistance, and student teaching. At each level there are written andpractical exams and apprentices are expected to continue training throughout their appren-ticeships. Certification is awarded only to those students who complete all workshops andthe 600 hour apprenticeship; students also must pass all exams and sign a license agreementin order to attain certification.

Before Enrolling

To apply to the program, a student must have all of the following requirements fulfilled:1. The prerequisite session requirement to gain experience in the method

(private sessions taught by a Certified Instructor)- at least 75 sessions prior experience to apply for the Weekend Workshops- at least 75 sessions prior experience to apply for the Condensed Courses- at least 75 sessions prior experience to apply for the 12 Day Intensive Course- at least 75 sessions prior experience to apply for the 20 Day Independent Advanced Study

2. Written application including (see pages25-29)- Student Enrollment Agreement- Health Form- Prior Experience Form- Prerequisite Questionnaire

3. Resume and two letters of recommendation

4. Practical assessment of prior knowledge of the method by the Director of the center one is applying to (or Master Teacher or Teacher of Teachers)

5. Interview to be conducted by the Director of the certifying center hosting the training

Beyond an active interest in becoming a certified instructor, applicants must fulfill severalprerequisites. A strong background in the method is required before enrolling in the TeacherCertification Program and admittance is granted only after an extensive application process.It should be noted that Certification Centers are independently operated, accordingly there maybe slight variations in office policy between Centers.

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Teacher Certification Program 2001

Course Formats

Weekend Workshops

Weekend Workshops are offered at The Pilates Studios® of New York and the Midwest.These workshops are conducted in the form of six seminars which are taught Friday eveningsthrough Sunday days. A total of 75 prerequisite sessions with an Instructor certified by ThePilates Studio® and passing a skills assessment are required to apply for enrollment in theWeekend Workshops. Please contact the Certification Center for the specific dates and timesof the Weekend Workshops. Workshops must be attended in sequential order.

Condensed Systems Courses

Condensed Systems Courses are offered at The Pilates Studios® of New York, Fort Myers,Seattle, the Midwest, Atlanta and Brazil. The courses are composed of three seminars, each5 days long. A total of 75 prerequisite sessions with an Instructor certified by The Pilates Studio®

and passing a skills assessment are required to apply for enrollment . Please contact theCertification Center for specific dates and times of the Condensed Courses. Workshops mustbe attended in sequential order.

12 Day Intensive

The 12 Day Intensive involves 12 consecutive days of seminar training , including weekends.A total of 75 prerequisite private sessions with an Instructor certified by The Pilates Studio®

and passing a skills assessment are required to apply for enrollment. Please contact theCertification Center for specific dates and times of the 12 Day Intensive. Intensives are onlyoffered in New York City.

Independent Advanced Study

The Independent Advanced Study with Master Teacher Romana Kryzanowska and Sari Paceis not formally structured as a course and is only available to students with extensive previousexperience in the Pilates® method of body conditioning. Special approval from The PilatesStudio® of New York is required for enrollment in this program. This format is open only to foreignapplicants or those who reside out of New York State. All forms (application, resume and 2letters of recommendation) as well as documentation of more than 75 prerequisite priorsessions are required to be considered for the mandatory assessment and interview.

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The Pilates Studio®

Course DescriptionsWeekend Workshops

Seminar I: The MatA course in the original mat exercises. These are the exercises which Joseph Pilatesgradually evolved into The Pilates® method of body conditioning and first led him to createthe apparatus used in his method. Thirty exercises will be investigated in depth. Focus willbe given to the six main principles at work throughout the method: proper control, correctbreathing, muscular precision, movement quality, and concentration. Attention will alsobe given to correct sequence, and to issues surrounding the progression of students throughthe mat program toward the apparatus program.

Seminar I I: The ReformerA course on exercises performed in conjunction with the Universal Reformer, the mostwidely used apparatus. In all, thirty exercises through the advanced level will be discussedwith attention being given to the particular advantages and considerations of working onthe Reformer apparatus. Topics will include: the role of spring resistance and gravity inReformer exercises, increased freedom and diversity of movement, and body positioningduring exercises.

Seminar III: The CadillacA course in the performance and teaching of Cadillac / Trap Table Exercises. ThirtyCadillac exercises, which represent some of the most therapeutic and complex exercisesfrom the method's repertoire shall be explored.

Seminar IV: The Chairs (High Chair and Low Chair)A course covering thirty exercises on the Chairs. Topics of discussion: Using the Chairto increase the difficulty of the mat exercises, as a tool for the rehabilitation of knee injuries,and its application for hamstring strengthening. Students will learn to further integrate thepowerhouse in conjunction with the lower body.

Seminar V: The Barrels (Small Barrel and High Barrel)A course covering thirty exercises performed on the Barrels. Special areas of focus duringthis seminar will be the use of the Barrels for strengthening of the torso and the abdomen, forhelp in reversing the abnormal thoracic curve of the spine found in many people, and forincreased stretching suitable for dancers and athletes.

Seminar VI: The System in Review, the Pole System�, Foot Corrector� andMagic Circle®

A course covering customizing the method to the client with extensive discussion onidentifying weakness or injury in the client and determining the uses of the Pilates® methodof body conditioning and apparatus for treatment. A brief but intensive review of the usesof the Pole System� for upper extremity strengthening and stretching, the Foot Corrector�.The Magic Circle® as an aid to Mat work will be discussed.

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Course Descriptions (cont.)

Condensed Systems Course

The Condensed Course is divided into three, five day workshops and must be taken inconsecutive order. Mat, Reformer, Cadillac , Chairs, and Barrels are combined and taughtas Beginning System, Intermediate System, and Advanced System.

The Beginner System focuses on technical, and teaching aspects including the necessaryexercises from each piece of apparatus as well as the appropriate applications. TheIntermediate System focuses on all the necessary exercises to accomplish such level includingbut not limited to the use of the Mat exercises, Reformer, Cadillac, Chairs, Barrels, the weightsand Magic Circle®. The Advanced System, focuses on review of the previous material todiscuss and learn proper customizing, use, and applications for particular and specific needs.

12 Day Intensive Course

This 12 day course is the equivalent of the Complete System - Beginning, Intermediate andAdvanced. Due to the rigorous nature of this course registration is only recommended forstudents who are in excellent physical condition and is offered only in N.Y.C. .

20 Day Independent Advanced Study

Independent Advanced Study with Master Teachers Romana Kryzanowska and Sari Pace isavailable to qualified candidates only by special arrangement withThe Pilates Studio® of NewYork and is open only to foreign applicnats or those who reside outside of New York State.Independent Advanced Study takes place only at Drago�s Gym, 50 W 57th St., N Y This formatis not structured as a course. The Independent study combines aspects of the WeekendWorkshops with hands on learning, sessons under the supervision of Romana Kryzanowskaor Sari Pace, assisting and observing in the studio. Following the 20 days, the 600 hourapprenticeship and all exams are completed at Drago�s Gym under the supervision of Romanaand Sari.

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The Pilates Studio®

Tuition & Enrollment

Apprentices who enroll at one certification center and plan to transfer to another certificationcenter later on in the program, must obtain prior written approval from both Certification CenterDirectors acknowledging the transfer arrangement. Without this arrangement, students arerequired to complete the entire program at the Certification Center where they are attendingthe seminar series.

Transferring between Certification Centers

Tuition for the Certification Program is $3,200 and in addition, the cost of 10 privatesesssions are required (at a Certifying Center). Tuition includes the following:

* cost of all required seminars* 600 hours of Apprenticeship* testing at the end of 200, 400 and 600 phases of the Apprenticeship* use of equipment at Center for practice (must check with Center for availability)* liability insurance while in the program (the program is to be completed within a year. Students granted permission to exceed the year limit, must obtain their own insurance to continue.

* Students applying to Centers outside the United States, should contact the center for information regarding tuition, due to the exchange rate.

Tuition does not include the following:

* cost of assessment and interview at a Certifying Center $60.00* Evaluations with Romana or Sari at Drago�s Gym, NYC $104.00*cost of 10 private sessions to be completed during the course of apprenticeship (mandatory - to ensure continued personal progress). Session cost will vary withlocation.

Due to the tremendous demand and limited class space, tuition must be paid in full to the Center,at least 1 month prior to the course date. Enrollment of less than 4 weeks before is subjectedto an additional $100 charge per course. Failure to submit payment in full by the due datewill result in an automatic forfeit of your reservation. A deposit of half of the cost of tuitionserves as a reservation. All reservations are on a first come first serve basis, providing allrequirements are met.

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Teacher Certification Program 2001

EvaluationsAn evaluation to apply to the teacher certification program can be compared to an

audition. Candidates are expected to be fluent in the following:

- Knowledge of an Intermediate System on all apparatus including Mat.-Knowledge of transitions between exercises, rhythm, spring settings and apparatus set up.-Understanding of the six principles of the Pilates® Method and conceptssuch as the �powerhouse.�

Applicants are asked to physically demonstrate their knowledge on each apparatuswithout being coached by a teacher. The evaluating teacher will provide the applicantfeedback on their skills assessment after the evaluation. Applicants are notified via theCenter wether they have been accepted. Applicants who are not accepted may be askedto take additional private classes in order to be re-evaluated for a later training series. It ishighly recommended to applicants taking sessions with a teacher who does not own allthe apparatus to seek out an additional teacher.

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The Pilates Studio®

Application Via VideoThis is possible only with written permission from the Certification Center Director. Applicantsmust reside further than 100 miles from the Certification Center and must arrange for a telephoneinterview with the Center Director or Supervising Instructor. In person interviews are preferred.Applicants may submit a video with sound which shows thier performance of an intermediatesystem solo in the studio (under the supervision of the certified instructor they completed theprerequisite session requirement with). The workout should be performed without coaching fromthe certified instructor. The video must state which format of the training program is being appliedto ( Weekend Workshop, Condensed Course orIntensive ) Video should reflect an applicants knowledge of the exercises, rythym, timing anddynamics of movement. In addition it should include a few words about the applicantsbackground and why they wish to become a certified instructor.

Videos should be sent at least 90 days in advance with all applications and prior sessionscompleted. Tapes will be reviewed in order of reciept by the Supervising Instructor and / orDirector of the Certification Center. Feedback will be given one month prior to the start of thefirst seminar via phone as to wether or not you have been accepted. Tapes recieved after 90days prior to the start of the seminar will be held and reviewed for the next available training.

Leave of Absence Policy

The apprenticeship requires physical participation at all times and therefore is a physicallyintense learning environment. It is the policy of the certification program, that students whomust take a leave of absence while in training, who are rendered unable to exercise for 30days, must write to Pilates, Inc. to request a leave of absence from the program / extension,for the specific amount of time needed until apprenticeship can be resumed. The student mustalso notify their Certification Center Director and Supervising Instructor of their physicalcondition.

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Teacher Certification Program 2001

Certifying CentersThe Pilates Studio® of New York The Pilates Studio® at Atlanta Ballet2121 Broadway Suite 201 4279 Roswell Road, Suite 703New York, N.Y. 10023 Atlanta, GA 30342212-875-0189 404.459.9555fax: 212-769-2368 fax: 9455Sean P. Gallagher, P.T- Director, President Denise Reeves-DirectorBob Liekens, Supervising Instructor, Teacher of Teachers

The Pilates Studio® The Pilates Studio® of the Midwest890 Broadway, 6th Floor 820 Davis Street Suite 202New York, NY 10003 Evanston, IL 60201212-358-7676 847.492.0464fax: 212-358-7678 fax: 0210(800) or (888) .474.5283 Fatima Bruhns- DirectorEmail: Juanita Lopez,Teacher of TeachersElyssa Rosenberg- Assoc. Director

The Pilates Studio® at Dragos Gym The Pilates Studio® of Seattle50 West 57th Street 6th Floor 413 Fairview Avenue NorthNew York, NY 10019 Seattle, WA 98109212.757.0724 206.405.3560Romana Kryzanowska- Master Teacher fax: 3938Sari Pace- Master Teacher Lauren Stephen- Director

Lori Coleman-Brown, P.T- DirectorDorothee Vandewalle, Teacher of Teachers

The Pilates Studio® at the P.A. Ballet1101 South Broad Street The Pilates Studio of Fort MyersPhiladelphia, PA 19147 11751 Cleveland Avenuetel: 215.551.4694 Ste. 21 & 22fax: 7224 Fort Myers, FL 33907June Hines, Director tel: 941.274.5711 fax: 6622

Hope Petrine, Director

The Pilates Studio and P.T. Center of Bryn MawrMegan Egan, Director899 Penn Street, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010tel: 610. 581.0222fax: 0223

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The Pilates Studio®

International Certifying CentersThe Pilates Studio® AustraliaCynthia Lochard, Director. Teacher of T.Suite 12, Level 4/46-56Holt Street, Surry Hills, 2010 AustraliaTel/Fax:

The Pilates Studio® of BrazilInelia Ester Garcia, DirectorR. Cincinato Braga, 520Bela Vista- Sao Paulo, BrazilTel /Fax 011-551-1284-8905

The Pilates Studio NetherlandsKeizerstraat 322584 BJ the Hague, NetherlandsTel: 011-317-03542979Fax: 011-317-03228285Marjorie Oron, Director

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Teacher Certification Program 2001

Suggested ReadingRELATED READING

The Pilates® Method of Body Conditioning- By: Sean P. Gallagher, P.T. and RomanaKryzanowska [Trans-Atlantic Publications Inc. , Philadelphia,PA] Available for purchasedirectly from The Pilates Studio® and bookstores.

The Pilates Method of Physical and Mental Conditioning - By: Philip Friedman & GailEisen (Doubleday Publishers, Garden City, NY) OUT OF PRINT (check your local li-brary)

Return to Life through Contrology and Your Health- Joseph H. Pilates, Compiled, Editedand Revised by Sean Gallagher & Romana Kryzanowska, (Bainbridge Books, 2000)Available for purchase directly from The Pilates Studio® and bookstores.

ANATOMY/KINESIOLOGY RELATED READINGA basic understanding of anatomy and kinesiology is helpful in understanding the methodand how it relates to the body. Before you attend, please read at least two of the follow-ing books:

Anatomy of Movement - Blandine Calais-Germain, French physiotherapist & dancer.(Eastland press, Vista, CA) This book provides the reader with a good understanding ofmusculoskeletal anatomy and kinesiology. With over 1,000 drawings this book has beenadopted as required reading in several dozen schools and training programs. It has alsoreceived "rave" reviews in a variety of professional journals including Impulse the journalfor dancers and bodyworkers. Available for purchase directly from The Pilates Studio®,NYC. $30 Includes Shipping.

The Thinking Body - Mabel E. Todd, c. 1937, Paul B. Hoeber Inc.

Atlas of Human Anatomy - Netter, Flash Anatomy-The Bones, Minding the Body, Mendingthe Mind, Regional Atlas of the Human Body: Clemente, Therapeutic Approach.

Job's Body - Deane Juhan, c. 1987 Published by Station Hill Press, Inc. Barrytown, NY12507

Human Movement Potential: Its Ideokinetic Facilitation - Lulu E. Sweigard, Ph.D., c.1974,Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc.

The Anatomy Coloring Book - Wynn Kapit / Lawrence M. Elson (Harper Collins Publisher)

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The Pilates Studio®


The Apprentice Program consists of 600 apprenticeship hours with a Certified Instructor in aCertification Center. Progression allows students to develop higher skills of teaching. Consistentapprenticing will insure timely completion of the program, progression of knowledge, teachingskills and mastery of the art. Apprenticing is completed based on your own schedule, and thatof the Center attended. Minimum required documented practice/teaching time is 20 hoursper apparatus and 60 hours per month in the center. Accumulation of apprentice hoursbegins after completion of the first seminar. Fulfilling the prerequisite session requirement andattending courses or taking exams is not part of the apprenticeship.

Within one year of enrollment of their first course, apprentices may review, space permitting(for free) in courses. Check your center�s policy regarding this. Due to limited space, allapprentices must obtain permission from the Centers Director to observe a course.The center cannot guarantee space, for priority is granted to students attending for the first time.Apprentices who arrive without the center's permission will be denied.

Apprentice logs are available at each Certification Center. Apprentices must document all hoursand have the Supervising Certified Instructor sign the log. Every 100 hours, the log must bemailed or faxed to the Certification Center where you are enrolled until the 600 hours arecompleted. Students failing to do so will not be eligible for Certification. If there is a reasona student needs an extension (extreme hardship only) a written request must be sent to Pilates,Inc (890 Broadway) N.Y.C, stating the reason and planned completion date. Pilates Inc.reserves the right to deny a request for an extension. Apprentices are not authorized to teachclients outside of the Certification Center. Violation of this policy is cause for dismissal fromthe program.

The Apprenticeship

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Teacher Certification Program 2001

Policy for Those Residing Over 100 Miles From aCertification Center

Students who reside further than 100 miles from a center should contact a Certification Centerwho will refer you to a Certified Instructor for only the first 200 hours of observation andpractice. Every 50 hours, apprentices must visit their Certification Center to be evaluated. Anyadditional hours accumulated over the 200 hour mark with a certified Instructor will not becounted. Therefore, as the 200 mark is neared, the student should contact the CertificationCenter to schedule the 200 hour exam. This will enable a timely transition to the next level ofhours at the Certification Center.To insure proper supervision and consistency of learning, thelast 400 hours of apprenticeship must be completed in full at the CertificationCenter. Due to the nature of the work and the high standards set for instructors, this type ofapprenticing may require more than 600 hours. Check your centers� policy regarding this.

Policies for Remote and Foreign Students

Policy for Foreign Students

Those who cannot relocate for the certification program, and must return home afterthe courses, can apprentice in their country if they have access to a Certified Instructor,AND approved apparatus. For every 200 hours completed, the apprentice must return tothe Certification Center that they attended to be evaluated. During this evaluation periodthe apprentice spends time observing, teaching, or assisting, depending on how mayhours have been accumulated. Apprentices within 300-600 hours must schedule asession to teach a Certified Instructor in the center, and pay the center the hourly rate forthe lesson. The Supervising Instructor will then sign the apprentice log for the session andother work at the center. Please call Pilates, Inc. (890 Broadway) for details. Due to thenature of the work and the high standards set forinstructors this type of apprenticing mayrequire more than 600 hours. Tuition paid by check to a Center in the United States mustbe in U.S. dollars and requires an additional $30.00 check processing fee. Foreignstudents who apprentice in the United States must have a work visa in order to be paidduring their apprenticeship.

Policy for Brazilian ApplicantsAccording to the laws in Brazil, any teaching of a method of exercise must be solelygiven by qualified and certified teachers holding a Physical Education degree, dulyrecognized by the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC) in Brazil. Therefore tobecome certified and teach in Brazil you must provide a copy of your physicaleducation degree to our Director, Inelia Garcia. Studios opening in Brazil arestructured as franchises only.

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The Pilates Studio®

Phases of Apprenticeship

FIRST PHASE:0-200 Hrs: �Observation , Practice , Assisting� 200 hours completed in the

combination of study, practice of the exercises with fellow apprenticesand some minor assisting of teachers. Hours are documented and signedby the Centers' Supervising Instructor and submitted to the CertificationCenter. Exam at 200 hours: 1. Teach for the Supervising Instructor abasic Mat and basic Reformer 2. perform selected exercises of a basicsystem. 3. Knowledge & application of the six key principles. 4.Multiple Choice Questions. All log sheets must be received bythe Center prior to testing. Testing procedures are determinedby each Center.

SECOND PHASE: 200-400 Hrs: "Observation, Practice and Assisting" 200 hours completed as

an assistant teacher to the Supervising Instructor as well as mutualpractice teaching of fellow apprentices and friends in the CertificationCenter. Friends who are taught by apprentices must sign a waiver.Consult your Center about a �floor fee� pertaining to teaching friends.Hours are documented and signed by a Supervising Instructor andsubmitted to the Certification Center. Exam at 400 hours: 1.Teaching for the Supervising Instructor an intermediate Mat and aIntermediate Reformer. 2. Teaching two to three selected intermediatelevel exercises on the Chairs, Barrels, Cadillac and Pedipull. 3. Onewritten essay. All log sheets must be received by the Center priorto testing. Testing procedures are determined by each Center.

THIRD PHASE: 400-600 Hrs "Observation, Practice and Assisting" 200 hours completed by

solo teaching under supervision, continued at a Certification Center. Asskills develop and apprentices become more capable of teaching, thestudent earns an hourly wage determined by the directors of the Center..Hours are documented and signed by a Supervising Instructor andsubmitted to the Certification Center. Exam at 600 hours: 1. Writtenessay exam and short answer 2. Oral exam with a Master Teacher, (mayinclude teaching a system to a designated person and/or answering oralquestions). All log sheets must be received by the Center priorto testing. Testing procedures are determined by each Center.

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4.) A fourth failure is grounds for dismissal from the program.


At the end of each phase of apprenticeship there is an exam, (oral and written). Exams at eachlevel of the apprenticeship are graded as PASS / FAIL. A final written exam graded�INCOMPLETE� requires the student to review the exam with their Center Director or residentTeacher of Teachers and re-work the exam as specified. There is a $25.00 charge for there-grading an incomplete exam. Students must successfully pass every exam to be eligible forcertification. All exams are scheduled through and completed at the Certification Center. Atno time are apprentices allowed to observe other apprentices testing. All log sheets must bereceived by the Center prior to testing.

Failure to pass an exam:

1.) First failure requires an additional 50 hours before retesting and moving onto the nextlevel. There is an additional charge of $50 for a written retest and $100 for an oralretest.

2.) Second failure requires an additional 100 hours before retesting and going onto thenext level. Retest fees are the same as in item #1 above.

3.) Third failure requires retaking workshops where student is found deficient.

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Final Stages

Students who successfully complete all requirements and sign a license agreement receive adiploma from The Pilates Studio® certifying them as a recognized teacher of The Pilates® methodof body conditioning. After signing a license agreement, Certified Instructors are legallypermitted to use our registered marks as outlined in the license agreement. Once certified,teachers may only instruct in The Pilates® method of body conditioning. They are not authorizedto certify others. For the first year, teachers are "dues free" members of the Pilates® Guild, theorganization for all Certified Instructors. Thereafter, to remain certified, teachers fulfill annualrenewal requirements.

While The Pilates Studio® cannot guarantee employment after certification, all of our studiosare currently seeking certified teachers. Other options are working as an independentcontractor, opening a studio, teaching at one of our nationwide studios or centers, or enteringinto a partnership with The Pilates Studio® to open a Certification Center in a geographiclocation not presently represented. The Pilates Studio® aids teachers through referrals andmarketing assistance.

Once Certified Permission is required to:

1. Publish, photocopy or reproduce in any manner the materials and content of the seminars.

2. Develop, reproduce, manufacture or distribute products using the Pilates® marks or otherwise use the marks except as provided for in the license agreement.

3. Host a training program to teach the contents of the workshops.

Yearly renewal requirements:

1. 16 hours of documented course work in the Pilates® method of body conditioning.2. Payment of dues, and a signed license agreement.

Within the first year of obtaining certification, continuing education is not required. However,newly certified teachers can choose, for their own review to attend and assist in a basic seminaras long as there is space available . One must call the Certification Center to ask permissionto participate because new students have first enrollment priority. If you arrive without havingbeen granted permission, the Center reserves the right to deny your admission. Every yearfollowing, continuing education is required and specific courses are offered at eachCertification Center. Continuing Education courses are offered only for individuals certifiedover a year.

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Romana Kryzanowska (Master Instructor) first came to Joseph Pilates at the recommen-dation of George Balanchine when she was a young dancer at the School of American Balletin New York City. From that time on, she was closely involved with and dedicated to JosephPilates. Shortly after his death, Clara Pilates asked Romana Kryzanowska to carry on the traditionof his unique method. For over 50 years, Romana Kryzanowska has taught, lectured anddemonstrated at various universities throughout the United States. She continues to teach thishighly specialized approach to body conditioning and corrective exercise in Manhattan anddirects the teacher certification seminars at The Pilates Studio®, New York City.

Sari Pace (Master Instructor) Born in Peru, Sari emigrated to the U.S. where she began hercareer in dance at the School of American Ballet. Her talent for choreography led her to tourwith the Goldovsky Opera company as a choreographer and soloist. From the age of nine,Sari Pace has studied and performed the method taught by The Pilates Studio®. As a younggirl she assisted Joseph Pilates in his studio, until she graduated to teaching, under Joseph'swatchful eye. Currently, Sari continues her work with her mother Romana Kryzanowska, atDrago�s Gym in Manhattan, and teaches the certification seminars.

Carol Baker (Certified Teacher Trainer) received her B.F.A. in dance from the Universityof North Carolina and her M.A. degree in Dance and Teaching Higher Education from NewYork University. She was a student and a teacher trainee with Romana Kryzanowska and hastaught at The Pilates Studio® of New York, Drago's Gymnasium, Body Art and New YorkUniversity. Currently she instructs at the Art of Control, Mt. Kisco, NY.

Roxane Murata (Certified Teacher Trainer) Holds a B.S. in dance from ShenadoahConservatory, an M.A. in Performance and Choreography from N.Y.U., and is a graduateof the Swedish Massage Institute. Roxane has studied and performed Ballet professionally.She received her certification and training through The Pilates Studio® of New York and RomanaKryzanowska. Past experience includes teaching the Pilates® method of body conditioning atNew York University.

Juanita Lopez (Certified Teacher Trainer) As a professional dancer, teacher andchoreographer at Northwestern University, Illinois, and The Evanston School of Ballet, JuanitaLopez began her study of The Pilates® method of body conditioning in 1988 and has sincedeveloped a private practice where she works with a wide variety of clientele including thosewith special needs or conditions. She obtained her certification through The Pilates Studio®

and worked closely with Romana Kryzanowska. Currently, she teaches the certificationseminars at The Pilates Studio® of the Midwest as well as runs her own practice.

Certifying Staff

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Certifying Staff

Bob Liekens (Supervising Instructor The Pilates Studio®, NYC and Certified Teacher Trainer)Originally from Belgium, Bob graduated from the Academy of Dance in Rotterdam, Netherlands,as a dance major and continued to perform with Viola Farber in France. After relocating to New YorkCity over ten years ago, he studied and performed with several choreographers as well as beganhis study of the Pilates® method of body conditioning with Master Romana Kryzanowska. After visitingand instructing at several studios in the Metropolitan area he became Supervising Instructor at ThePilates Studio® in New York City. Bob was a faculty member of the Martha Graham School of ModernDance.

Leah Chaback (Certified Teacher Trainer) As Director of The Movement Center in Kingston,New York, Leah began her study the Pilates® method of body conditioning in 1986 at S.U.N.YPurchase, New York. She was trained and worked extensively with Master Teacher RomanaKryzanowksa. After teaching for The Pilates Studio® in New York City, Leah opened the MovementCenter in 1990 where she currently teaches.

Zoe Hagler ( Certified Teacher Trainer ) Director, of the Pasadena, California studio whichbears her name, Zoe has studied with the San Francisco Ballet and danced professionally with boththe San Francisco and Chicago City Ballet companies. She received her bachelor�s degree in exercisescience from Occidental College. Zoe�s study of the Pilates® method of body conditioning beganin 1985, and she has trained extensively with master Romana Kryzanowska for more than ten years.After serving as an instructor at several Los Angeles studios, Zoe opened her own studio in Pasadenain 1995. She was the first Teacher Trainer to be certified on the West Coast.

Dorothee VandeWalle (Certified Teacher Trainer) Dorothee grew up in Belgium whereshe started dancing at age seven. After graduating from the Institute of Bhunentanz in Cologne,Germany, she danced professionally in Europe and the United States for ten years. Dorothee hasstudied the Pilates® Method since 1985, and under Master Teacher Romana Kryzanowska�ssupervision, began teaching in 1988. Since that time she has continued teaching the Pilates® Methodin Seattle, WA and was the head instructor at Robert Leonard Fitness Studio. She continues to teachclients, and oversee apprentices in the teacher certification program.

Cynthia Lochard (Certified Teacher Trainer)Born in N.Y.C she began her professional career in 1978 as a professional dancer

with the New York City Ballet. Since the age of sixteen, Cynthia used the Pilates® Methodto refine her technical dancing skills and help prevent injury. She later moved to Sydney,Australia where she danced for two years as part of The Sydney Dance Company. In1994, she returned to N.Y.C to attain her certification in the Pilates® Method under theguidance of Romana Kryzanowska and Pilates, Inc. After attaining certification in 1995,she returned to Sydney Australia to continue teaching and became the Director of ThePilates Studio® of Sydney.

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Teacher Certification Program 2001

The purpose of the Guild is to maintain a recognizable foundation for Certified Instructors andan international membership whose collective work is consistent and of the highest possiblequality. The Guild actively provides the community of Certified Instructors with a national referralservice for teachers and studios, marketing information and materials and enables instructorsto use the marks.

Newly Certified Instructors are dues free for one year. The renewal requirement is yearly.Membership is maintained by timely payment of dues, fulfilling the requirements of theContinuing Education Program, Code of Ethics, Standards of Practice, Trademark UsageGuidelines and License Agreement. Those certified for 20 years, no longer pay dues but mustregister themselves yearly for a new license and adhere to the stipulations in the license, theCode of Ethics and Standards of Practice.

The Pilates® Guild�

Individual Guild Membership

Enrollment and annual dues for an individual teacher is currently $110.00 This fee is basedon the cost of providing referral services to members. Please refer to the sample licenseagreement in this booklet.


* Use of the Pilates® mark for providing Certified Instruction, to promote the teaching of themethod as taught by The Pilates Studio® under the direction of Master Instructor RomanaKryzanowska.

* Use and protection of the mark with respect to your personal services.

* Discounts on equipment, discounts on educational and marketing materials and participationin national advertising including listings in resource guides and directories published bynational health and fitness related publications.

* Within one year of certification, Instructors may participate for free, space permitting, incertification seminars for purposes of obtaining continuing education credit. After one yearstime, they enroll in Continuing Education courses offered at each Center.

* Participation in liability insurance through The Pilates Studio® and American InternationalSpecialty Lines Insurance Company (part of A.I.D.) for all certified instructors.

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The Pilates Studio®

Official Membership

Granted to two or more Certified Instructors who instruct together. Annual dues are currently$150.00 covering only the first two instructors. All other Instructors employed by the Studiomust be certified by The Pilates Studio® and are required to pay their individual $110.00membership.


* Under the guidance of The Pilates Studio®, Instructors with an Official Membership may hostapprentices for the first 200 hours (with approval of Pilates, Inc.), hold introductory workshops(not for certification purposes and provided there isn�t a certification center within a 100 mileradius).

* May use the Pilates® trademark for providing exercise instruction services in any promotionalmaterial as long as the guidelines are followed. Please send rough copies of ads or promotionalmaterials via mail or fax to Pilates Inc (890 Broadway) for approval regarding proper use ofthe trademarks, before printing. If changes are necessary, you will be notified promptly withcorrections.

* Discounts on educational,promotional materials and equipment.

* Within one year of obtaining Certification, Instructors with an Official Membership mayparticipate, space permitting, for free in seminars for review or for continuing educationpurposes. After one year, they enroll in continuing education courses offered at each Center.

The Pilates® Guild� (cont.)


* Using the Pilates® trademark in a business or corporate name is not permitted.

* All staff must be certified through The Pilates Studio® teacher Certification Program.

* Offering workshops for teachers or apprentices is not permitted, unless approved by PilatesInc.

* Prohibited to certify other individuals.

* All equipment in the Studio must be approved as meeting Pilates® Guild� specifications.

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Teacher Certification Program 2001

Certifying Studio Membership

One or more Certified Instructors who wish to establish a direct partnership with Pilates Inc.of New York, whose main purpose is to host the Teacher Certification Program and apprentices,as well as train clients in The Pilates® method of body conditioning. At present, we see a needfor only 1 certification Center per city. Annual dues are currently $200 per year. Centermembership is subject to the approval of Pilates Inc. Please contact Sean Gallagher, P.T.Director.


*Pilates Inc. Marketing Director available for guidance and assistance.

* Use of The Pilates Studio® trademark in the business name.

* Ability to hold the certification program and continuing education courses. Apprentices mayfulfill all 600 hours at a certification center.

* Use of the Pilates® trademarks to describe your services

* Increased discounts on marketing and educational materials.

* Grand Opening, guidance with media coverage, perspective client attendance, communityawareness and public relations assistance .

The Pilates® Guild� (cont.)

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The Pilates Studio®

The Pilates® Guild� Service Marks & Trademarks

" Pilates®" Pliates® method mat tapes" The Pilates Studio®" "Pilates Logo" (design mark in process of registering)�" Magic Circle�� Pilates®wearFoot Corrector PilatesPerformer®Pole System

Pilates, Inc. is the owner of the above trademarks. It is the only legal purveyor of exercise andconditioning systems under �Pilates� trademarks in this country and therefore the only entity thatcan grant permission for the use of the trademarks. A certificate from The Pilates Studio® TeacherCertification Program and a signed license agreement with membership in the Guild grantsyou the legal authorization to use the trademark for providing exercise instruction only.

What are Service Marks and Trademarks?

Outlined are the main issues identifying what the trademarks are . More in-depth coverage canbe obtained from The Pilates Studio® by requesting a copy of the "Guidelines for the use ofthe Pilates® Guild� Service Marks".

A service mark is a word, group of words or design that identifies the origin of a service, anddistinguishes it from other services. Marks represent the company or organization that providesthe service, and to which the public can look to assure itself of the quality of the productassociated with the mark. A trademark designates the source of goods, as opposed to services.

Without the Guild�s monitoring of the marks, the meaning and value of Pilates® trademarkswould be reduced, because any individual could arbitrarily claim that they are instructors,practitioners or trainers of The Pilates® method of body conditioning. The trademarks insurethe high quality, service and standards which The Pilates Studio® and its predecessorsestablished decades ago. Because the Studio links its registered service marks with its Standardsof Practice, Code of Ethics, and quality control, the public is reasonably assured that a CertifiedInstructor meets these standards.

Legal Information

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Teacher Certification Program 2001

Sample License Agreement

License Agreement Between Certified Instructors & Pilates®, Inc.

In an effort to maintain the integrity of the services offered under the PILATES® trademark, ensurethat the Pilates name is only used in connection with the proper instruction of the unique exercisemethods developed by Joseph Pilates, and maintain The Pilates Studio®�s quality controlstandards required by trademark law, Pilates, Inc. (�Licensor�), the owner of the trademarksPILATES® and THE PILATES STUDIO®, is only granting licenses to instructors who are certifiedby THE PILATES STUDIO® (hereinafter �Licensee�).

1. This is a license to use the PILATES® trademark in connection with Licensee�s instruction ofthe PILATES® method of body conditioning. This License is good for a period of one year andwill be renewed on January 1st of every year for as long as the Licensee:

a. adheres to Licensor�s Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics, a copy of which is attached;b. complies with the terms of this License Agreement;c. completes at least one certified continuing education course in the PILATES®

method of body conditioning during each year this license is in effect; andd. pays the yearly license fee, which is currently $110.00 and will not unreasonably be increased by Licensor and may be increased due to costs of providing services

to licensees.

2. Licensee may use the PILATES® trademark in order to identify himself/herself as a CertifiedInstructor in the Pilates® method of body conditioning in Licensee�s advertising, sinage,letterhead and business cards, only, provided all such uses of the PILATES® mark are approvedby Licensor. This License is personal to Licensee. In order to operate a facility with two or moreCertified Instructors, a facility is required.

3. Licensee agrees not to use the trademark THE PILATES STUDIO® and not to use thetrademark PILATES® in or as the name of its business, e-mail address or web-site address, orin any manner except as explicitly provided for herein.

4. Licensee agrees to submit all advertising, promotional and other materials incorporating thePILATES® mark to Licensor for approval, which approval will not be unreasonable withheld.Licensor agrees to review all materials sent for review within ten business days of receipt andto give Licensee a written explanation in the event that any such materials are not approved.(purpose- to insure proper use of the marks.)

Please note that failing to have all materials approved before publication may cause licenseeto bear cost of reprinting correct materials.

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The Pilates Studio®

5. Licensee acknowledges Licensor�s trademark rights to PILATES® and THE PILATES STU-DIO® and agrees that apart from the rights granted herein, Licensee has no right to usesuch marks.

6. Licensee agrees to only use the PILATES® trademark solely in connection with bodyconditioning exercises, machinery and training materials that are approved by Licensor.Licensee agrees not to use the PILATES® mark in connection with any other, or modified,exercise method.

7. Licensor agrees to provide a toll free referral service to the general public providing thenames of Certified Instructors to those who inquire.

8. Licensee agrees to permit Licensor to observe, no more than three times a year and onreasonable notice, Licensee�s teaching of the PILATES® method of body conditioning inorder to ensure that Licensee is teaching such method properly. Licensee agrees to submitin writing to Licensor all complaints that Licensee receives concerning his/her teaching ofthe PILATES® method of body conditioning along with a written explanation concerningsuch complaint.

9. Licensee agrees not to teach the PILATES® method of body conditioning in conjunctionwith any person who is not a Certified Instructor. This License does not grant Licensee theright to certify instructors or teachers in the PILATES® method of body conditioning or toconduct workshops for teachers or student teachers, which are the sole right of Licensor,unless approved in writing by Licensor.



Sample License Agreement (cont.)