The Plague

Post on 18-May-2015

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Enduring Understanding: The spread of disease can alter an area socially and economically

In the 1300’s an infectious disease struck Asia, the Middle East, Northern Africa and Europe that killed tens of millions of people.It’s victims suffered severe chills, fever, convulsions, dark spots, vomiting, and usually died within a few days of infectionBetween 20 and 40 million people died by 1400

It is thought that the Plague, or “Black Death”, spread from central Asia to Europe along trade routes. It was caused by a bacteria found in ground rodents in central Asia.It was carried along trade routes by Mongol armies and traders and first introduced in Europe in Kaffa in 1347.

Mongol armies attacking the city of Kaffa used infected corpses as weapons

As traders escaped the city they carried the disease with them on ships to Sicily – It spread into Europe from this point

Weather, war and famine played a role in the severity and the speed in which the disease covered Europe

The plague, or “Black Death”, didn’t officially get it’s nickname until 1833

The nickname came from the later part of the infection when the body would begin to rot and turn black

After a human is bitten by an infected animal the bacteria moves through the blood stream and into the lymph nodes, which start to swell causing painful bumps or ,“buboes”, to develop

Other symptoms include: fever, chills, headache and extreme tiredness

If left untreated the infection can enter the bloodstream and lead to abdominal pain, shock, and bleeding under the skin or organs

If it enters the lungs it can lead to coughing with blood, high fever, and results in death

After contracting the disease it usually takes between 2-6 days to run it’s course

At first there was little or no response from European governments. The disease spread so fast that it was not clear where the disease came from

More people died in cities than in the country side – the clergy suffered more than any group because they cared for the sick

It wasn’t uncommon for 50% of a city’s or town’s population to die off.

“Experts” began to look to weather, natural disasters, and God’s anger as causes of the Plague. They also began to blame groups of people such as the Jews.

People tried to ward off the plague with handkerchiefs soaked in oils and incense. They believed that the smell could spread the plague. They wore charms, ate special diets, developed odd sleeping patterns, and tried to avoid too much exercise in one day.

Religious fanaticism began to take off – minority groups were blamed for the spread of the plague

A religious group called the “flagellents” began to punish themselves for their sins in hope of preventing the plague from spreading

The massive loss of life caused by the plague had a major impact on Asia, North Africa, and Europe

Christians saw the plague as a punishment for sins

Muslims saw the plague as a test of faith War stopped, trade declined, landowners

were ruined by the shortage of labor Hostility towards Jews developed during

the Crusades continued during the Bubonic Plague

As time went on doctors and government officials began to understand the spread of the Plague.

Doctors spread the progression of the disease and began to develop vaccines.

Government officials began to quarantine people infected with the disease.

In Europe the economy suffered greatly, at first.

Lack of population = loss of workforce = not enough food produced and looting by pirates and bandits

Feudalism comes to an end