Post on 25-Dec-2015

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Astrology is based on the concept of As Above So Below. Because everything in a realm/dimension/or space is effected by the energy within it, the planetary bodies in the heavens are influenced by and influence the energies of Earth. They are always integrating and creating cause and effect as the energies come in contact with each other. When we are born into this realm, the energies interacting at that time will have an intense effect on the being and will determine how they interact with the changing of these planetary placements as they cycle over time.

This mirroring of the being with their surroundings (you are everything and everything is you) means that every being is a universe to themselves. Within them lies these same energy centers or planetary bodies that are reflected out into the sky. Although modern Astrology includes Uranus Neptune and Pluto, the strongest energies, those that are closest to and including the Sun, are considered the Personal Planets.

• Sun-This represents the soul expression or life force. A lack of life force will express the sun as the Ego ( false light that is not self sustaining). The Sun is a gigantic self sustaining star that provides light and life for the Earth. It knows it’s purpose is to serve others and itself. It also purifies by removing toxins from the body and heals the body opening up the pineal gland to higher energies. So we can see the Sun in our Chart as the core consciousness we come into this realm with. Can also relate to the beings Father figure.

• Moon-The Moon is a representation of the waters or the emotional state/desires of the being. As the Moon only receives light from the Sun, we know that when our Sun or soul is in detriment, our Moon or emotions can be out of control. The Moon also symbolizes hidden light or the subconscious, the raw reactive instinct. Where the Sun has a fixed cycle, the Moon has a varying cycle. Relates to the Mother figure and home

*This relates to the Chi as well, as the light force from the Sun is used to warm the waters of the Moon to birth and cultivate the spirit body (Air). This is the trinity, Father Mother Sun (the sun is a core of gases (air) compressed and held down by gravity. As the air centers a new Sun or Son is born. Making the 2 eyes 1)

• Mercury-This is the planet of communication which can be masculine or feminine. Mercury is the gate way through which abstract energy is directing out into the realm. This is why what you speak and hear are so important because those energies you put out and take in interact with other planetary bodies.

• Venus-This is the planet of love and creativity. A feminine planet that relates the love language of the individual or how they take in energy.

• Mars-This is the planet of action. A masculine planet related to doing or the sowing of a seed. This planet describes the beings aggressiveness and how they put out energy.

• Jupiter-This is the planet of expansion. It is related to how we expand and grow our light energy, which is why it is also symbolized as the planet of luck. This is a masculine planet and also relates to sowing seeds but on a higher dimension. This is sowing with a purpose for the intention of growth.

• Saturn-Masculine planet of restriction and responsibility. This planet has to do with preservation, security, and being grounded. Some see Saturn as unlucky, this energy calls you to see things as they are so that any energies not serving you can be dispelled. The rings around Saturn symbolize cycles and karma, which bring back to our attention things we need to address and correct in our innerverse

Energy contracts and expands in cycles within cycles. The planetary bodies are the fixed points in the cycles of our lives, energies that are always present. The variables or varying cycles are based on the constellation star systems or Astrology signs. The 12 signs of the zodiac in order are: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.

Notice that each sign is in the elemental order of Fire-Earth-Air-Water

Fire-Aries Leo and SagEarth-Taurus Virgo and CapAir-Gemini Libra and AquariusWater-Cancer Scorpio Pisces

To relate this to Numerology (by numerical order of the signs):Fire is 1 5 and 9=6Earth is 2 6 and 10=9Air is 3 7 and 11=3Water is 4 8 and 12=6

We can see from the values that Fire and Water balance each other out as the 6, the two necessary things for life or to create the Breath Air which comes from the 3-The infinite original trinity Masculine and Feminine Divine energy merging to create. Earth is the only 9, because earth is dense and more grounded. But the 9 is just a reflection of the 6 the soul state that allows for elevation.

Planet Houses and RulersThe 12 signs are subtler energies that emerge from the planets, so the 7 planets rule these 12 signs. These signs and planets sit in 12 houses which represent where the energy is being manifested. Planets-What is being manifestedSigns/elements-How its being manifestedHouses-Where it is being ManifestedNotice that each house relates to its corresponding sign.

1st House-Place of Ascendant or Rising sign. This is how you present yourself to the world, your sense of identity(Aries-I Am)2nd House-How we feel or what we manifest 1st house. (Taurus-I Have)3rd House-Investigation research connecting and exploring boundaries. (Gemini-I Think)4th House-home, house of security roots foundations (Cancer-I Feel)5th House-Self awareness, self confidence. and creativity. Here we learn to express ourselves (Leo-I Will)6th House-House of analysis, critical thinking. Filtering out what is and isnt serving us (Virgo-I Analyze)7th House-Partnerships, Marriage, one-on-one relationships (Libra-I Balance)8th House-Desire, Power, Sex, Passion, the cycle of life, death and rebirth (Scorpio-I Desire)9th House-Long journeys, religion, new focus after rebirth (Sagittarius-I Aim)10th House-Practical vision, seeing things as they are (Capricorn-I Use)11th House-Putting that vision to good use (Aquarius-I Know)12th House-What we go through to make our dreams reality, also the house of Past Life undoing (Pisces-I Believe) *Note this relates to Christ being “Fishers of Men” Pulling them out of the cycles of Desire Water the 8. After Pisces the cycle starts all over again

SUNRules Leo in the 5th House. The fire of the Soul is based on will power “I WILL” Fire

MoonRules Cancer in the 4th House. Concerned about the Security needed for the will or Soul to survive “I FEEL” Water

MercuryRules Gemini in the 3rd House and Virgo in the 6th House “I THINK” and “I ANALYZE” Air and Earth

VenusRules Taurus in the 2nd House and Libra in the 7th House “I HAVE” and “I BALANCE” Earth and Air

MarsRules Aries in the 1st House and Scorpio in the 8th House “I AM” and “I DESIRE” Fire and Water

JupiterRules Sagittarius in the 9th House and Pisces in the 12th House “I AIM” and “I BELIEVE” Fire and Water

SaturnRules Capricorn in the 10th House and Aquarius in the 11th House “I USE” and “I KNOW” Earth and Air


The Flow1st House

2nd House

3rd House

4th House

5th House

6th House

7th House

8th House

9th House

10th House

11th House

12th House


Sun Leo

Moon Cancer

Mercury Gemini Virgo

Venus Taurus Libra

Mars Aries Scorpio

JupiterSagittarius Pisces



The Cycle

RELATING THE PLANETARY BODIES TO OURSELVESThe main issue is that none of us come into this realm at the exact placements of all these planetary

bodies, as they are cooperating together.

So for instance if you are a Virgo with a Virgo ascendant, it wont carry the same energy as Aries in the first house. Instead Virgo brings the analytical side to the forefront of their being along with their soul expression. Because Virgo is ruled by Mercury you can look and see what the house placement of Mercury is. If you have a Mercury in the 12th house you may want to consider how you are analyzing things. As the 12th house is the house of karma and the unseen, this may show a tendency to overexert this energy to your sense of self and possibly be critical to a default. Instead of truly figuring out what serves you, you may throw the baby out with the bathwater to your own demise. The positive of this placement is when used constructively for research or investigation and the ability to communicate what has been analyzed

Aside from the house placements are the angles the planets make in relation to each other. These angles are called aspects. The most popular and influencing aspects are

Conjunct –Planets in the same position 0 degrees depends on planets involvedSextile-Planets 60 degrees apart complementary aspectSquare-Planets 90 degrees apart hard or opposing aspectTrine-Planets 120 degrees apart complementary aspectOpposite-Planets 180 degrees apart hard or opposing aspect

So if you have a Sun Square Mars, the way you direct your energy comes at the expense of your Soul Expression. If the Sun is in the 1st house and your Sun Sign is Virgo you may spend so much energy overanalyzing things that the real you never gets to emerge. With the Mars sign is Sagittarius in the 4th House it shows that must of this energy is spent in the Household, aiming for a specific ideal, so you can expect feeling overworked and run down in your home.

On another note if you have Moon Square Mercury and your Moon is in Gemini and your Mercury is in Virgo, it may play out as a person who is curious about everything, but is never sure about how they feel. The Virgo energy of the Mercury doesn’t express what is researched but holds it in to analyze, making communication of emotions and comfort difficult. If Mercury Rules Gemini and the Moon is in the 10th House, then it ties the emotions and career with social status, bringing along the curiosity and indecisiveness of Gemini into this area of life. Mercury also Rules Virgo, if it is in your 1st and 12th House then you bring the analytical energy into your sense of self and possible self undoing, conflicting with the indecisive nature (resulting in lack of awareness of self of the soul) and the need to rise in social status (by causing your own undoing)

If the Moon in Gemini in the 10th house is Trine the Venus in Libra in the 2nd House then your bring creativity and beauty (attractiveness good morals etc) into your work environment and balance it with your career needs. It can also mean that you are romantically fulfilled by a prosperous suitor who can fulfill your romantic and social status needs. Because Libra is at home with Venus and the 2nd House ruled manifestation when these energies are balanced prosperity will abound.


The energies regardless are always present. The goal is to make the energies complementary. Possibly put less energy into the home life and more into the creative soul. Spend less time thinking about your feelings and more time actually expressing them. Utilizing the ability to research and good moral heart to create the abundance and career that your heart desires.

If you are unable to put all the pieces together, you can apply the planetary bodies to the chakras based on hard aspects or challenges in your chart, and do physical body work to help balance these areas in the body.

The next few slides are study resources