The plant kingdom!

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Alejandra López García5º primaria

Curso 2014/2015

Produce fruits with seeds inside.

Only have small flowers their seeds developed in cones.

They have roots and strog stems and grow under the ground. They have large leaves. They produces spores inside sori.

They have very simple stems and leaves. They produce spores.

Hold the plant in the ground. Absorb water and minerals from the ground through the root hair.

Holds up the other parts of the plant, transport materials to and from leaves. Nutrients travel through the stem to the leaves for photosyntesis.

Contain chlorophyll, a green substance which is neccesary for photosyntesis. Have two groups: petiole an blade. Veins support the leaf, undeside the blade are tiny holes, called stomata. The gas take place through stomata.

Plants make their own food whit a process called photosyntesis:

Roots absorb water and minerals from the soil. Xylem cells transport this mixture of water and minerals,

called raw sap, through the stem to the leaves. Leaves absorb carbon dioxide through the stomata. In the

chloplasts, chlophyll collects solar energy to transform water, minerals and carbon dioxide into glucose and oxigen.

Phloem cells carry the glucose, the plants food through the stem to all parts of the plant.

Plants consume oxigen and produce it too. They produce more oxigen for photosyntesis during a day. At night, when photosyntesis stop, plants relase carbon dioxide.