The Poetic Stylings of Chris McMenamin

Post on 03-Jun-2018

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  • 8/12/2019 The Poetic Stylings of Chris McMenamin



    A Collection of PoemsBy Chris McMenamin


    Under each subcategory, the poems are listed (mostly) chronologically.

    My poems are inspired mostly by Elizabethan literature, and to some extent post-Elizabethan.

    I hope you enjoy.


    The Knowledge

    His life was a liefor he lived it with shame

    Took shelter from sun

    and rejoiced in the rain.

    He called out to Meadows,To Mountains, To Seas,

    He called out to Plants,As they grew into Trees.

    He had no doubts,

    no thoughts, nor ideasNo wants, aims, nor goals,

    no secrets, no fears.

    Yet he did know his name,

    and he knew his own kind,and the thing he knew best?

    That thing was his mind.

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  • 8/12/2019 The Poetic Stylings of Chris McMenamin




    Ive answered your questions,Youve yet to return.

    You have no answers,as the record nears

    the end of the track.

    Everything bitter is sweetto a hungry man,

    the lost book tells me.But that was not a question,

    and no questions exist.

    We need a resource, andWe need a real source.

    Where is one to be found?In every broken melody,

    Perfection is found.

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    A Conscious Decision

    A conscious decisionAffects a conscious world

    A world of lifeAnd a world of lies

    That you only want to exist.A life once lived,

    To be lived again.

    A life of love,or a love of life?

    But what is it worthin the end?

    You sing a new song,and you rhyme an old rhyme,

    but what is it worthin the end?

    The decision is made.

    The man is long deadOff to live another,

    In a world of belief.

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    The Fires KnowledgeA soul once heardis a soul unknown:

    One sheep of a herd,Waiting to be shown.

    Good things of this world

    Hide way in shadows.Flags unfurled,

    In broken meadows.

    You see the power,Shown to all.

    You see the tower,Hundred feet tall.

    Adamant with Greed,

    Thirst for a feed.Pride shows all,

    On an Envious fall.

    Rage needs Rest,But Desires the best.

    They stand out there,Where we do not fear.

    We fear the hidden,

    We love the sheep.

    With good, we ridden,With wicked, we keep.

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    My Regrets

    Regret is not looking back,

    on the past, and sighing.

    Regret is not looking now,

    at the present, and crying.

    Regret is not looking forward,to the future, and dreaming.

    Regret is looking back,

    and accepting that things

    will never be the same.

    Regret is looking now,

    and waiting for the sign

    that things will start to get better.

    Regret is looking forward,

    To the Dreams you had in the past,that will never return.

    Regret is when youd give up,

    the joys you have inherited

    to return things

    to as they were.

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    There are always two halvesto every whole

    Two sidesof every coin

    Two faceson every person:

    One that says

    "What Im doing is bad"and another that states

    "But it feels so good".Your conscience sits on your shoulder,

    Dont turn them away.

    I always try to bethe voice of reason

    of good.The one that asks

    If you believe its right.I never aim to judge.

    Pick a number:

    7 or 12?You cant make choices this way.

    Ask yourself the questionsor have someone ask them

    to you.

    Suggest? Sure!Influence? Never!

    Guide along the path,walked by so many before,

    in the search to find:Not truth - Yourself.

    There are two facesto every soul:

    Desire, and Moral.

    Which do you choose?

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    New World

    I always try to bea man aside myself

    "A man for others" they said"brings happiness and wealth"

    Alas my journey startsor ends, at least, I part,

    as I embracewhat I cant fix.

    I delve into the deep

    subconscious of my Mind,and give birth to a new world,

    where lives peace for all kind.I made matter, and life,

    contained ideas of strife,as my perfect world

    formed itself.

    Opening my eyes,I see the world of war,

    I take it all in, tillI can bear it no more.

    I oath that I will neerbuild a world of fear.

    Close my eyes andyearn to forget.

    I created consciousness,I created peace of mind,

    weary of rebellion,

    I was always true and kind.But nonetheless it came

    I knew itd be the same.I had lost the game

    from the start.

    Both worlds ended right there,

    as I fell to the floor.A single tear did lay,

    and of me was no more.While even to this day

    I have not learnt the wayin which we can save

    our own lives.

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    The Lions Strength

    Bravery is known by the Lions strength -the courage of ordinary man

    as their world is rocked by pain,

    To survive in the world, so cruelly made to test,with others placed around, with easier and harder lives,

    but your own path is a challenge

    To strive in this world, to come out on top,to stand in the limelight and proclaim to the world:

    I made it! I did what I wanted,against all odds, and all by myself!

    But listen intently to the voice in your head,

    and dont be discouraged if it tells you that youre wrong.Stand up and fight,

    Do what you think is right.

    Defend Yourself

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    A Crackling Roar

    The Fire swept me upand carried me away

    to the world without fear,and why, he neednt say.

    The ice cold wind blew gainst my face,

    my tears fell far behind.I refused to accept what I would meet,

    I knew myself, my mind.

    We flew past carriage drivingthrough the time of fallen leaves.

    I saw the seasons creeping,They were stealing Fall, like thieves.

    He spoke not a word of conflict,

    nay, not one word at all,instead we flew past mountains,

    things that made me feel small.

    We past mortality,we passed all I call home,

    we entered the world of spirits and shades,the world where the dead roam.

    Shrieks from ahigh,

    tortured screams from below,

    we passed the river of broken dreams,where boiled blood melts snow.

    Furies flew on overhead,circling high, smelling new prey.

    Those were the first beasts on my journey,and I heard them say:

    "The Fire carries onlyone who knows not himself,

    the one that seeks not happiness,not riches, wealth, nor health.

    A cackle was heard, the furies descended

    on a victim far below,the Fire took me onwards,

    there was still so much to show.

    To a hole in the ground, where nothing is found,'cept doors made out of gold,

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    from beyond boomed the voice of youth,yet somehow sounds so old:

    "The Fire carries onlyone who knows not himself,

    the one that seeks not happiness,not riches, wealth, nor health.

    Flying past the words, we

    arrived at a palace door -I begged the Fire to take me home,

    I had figured out my flaw.

    "My lack of passion burns desire,a longing - so strong,

    and forever when I waken,I will sing myself that song:

    The Fire carried me

    for I knew not myself,I never looked for happiness,

    not riches, wealth, nor health.

    And at that point, the Fire burned,I found myself at strife,

    I put way the pain, and went to bedto straighten out my life.

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    Mercy Once Shown

    I dont know how,and I dont know why,

    but I am not the sameman that I once was.

    I once showed mercy

    and benevolence,I held you in

    your time of grief.

    But now I sigh,I let you choke,

    Stay distant with you -I do not blame you.

    Did I go wrong

    because we stopped?Or did we stop

    when I went wrong?

    This passing thoughtwill be so much more.

    I will test this theory.I will live this story.

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    A Dialogue Between a Cursd Man and His Shade


    A cursd man once walked along

    to try and right all of his wrongs.

    He turned around to glance behind:

    His enemy sprang from his mind.

    CURSD MANWhat are you doing here, today?

    I do not want to see your face.I bid you leave, you go away

    for I no longer have my grace.

    HIS SHADEI am your soul, your shade, your mind.

    I am your death, you keep me kind.

    I am he whom you try to find.I am you, our selves intertwined.


    And if you were to die a death?A knife into your back or side?

    For this to be your final breath?Would you deride, or death decide?


    Your blade would pierce not skin, nor boneyour blade would pierce my love alone.


    Are you really who I disdain?Perhaps a lesson from my pain?


    I am not who you think I am,I know not how I look to you,

    but know it is who you condemn,who you struggle to love anew.

    CURSD MANBut why would you take such a form?

    So as to cause me more distress?

    Tell me now! I bid you informwhy I must take this final test.

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    HIS SHADEBecause you can not love yourself.

    Because you must love me foremost.

    I like it when, in your shade, I dwell

    You make the kindest of all hosts.

    When I am cast by you, I feelyou lead me safe from harm, to heal.


    The shadow took a step too far,

    He found the man, and chose to mar.

    The shadow took a step too far,

    marked by the shadow, shadows scar.

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    The Gold-Rimmed Glasses

    Help me escape.

    After all this time,I hold steady.

    Help me escapefrom the prison forced upon me.

    Help me see.Blind with rage,

    Calm me down.Help me see

    what lies ahead.

    Help me think.Forget my thoughts

    and focus.Help me think about

    what is needed.

    Help me stay.Stop shivering from

    the cold that never came.Help me stay

    and be the better man.

    Help me keep.The smallest whisper

    inside my head.Help me keep

    away from harm.

    Help me cool.Heat too hot

    to bear.Help me cool

    my mind from fear.

    Help me sleep.The day is done,

    The cows came home.Help me sleep

    away my memories.

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    Help me remain.After all this time,

    I hold regrets.

    Help me remainin this prison forced upon me.

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    Neer imagine a daywhere escape is not possible.

    For every day - the shacklesare released.

    Your guard, however,Stays close,

    Vigilant,Not wanting to lose

    his dearest friend.

    Neer imagine a daywhere you cannot walk free,

    side-by-side withthe guard that

    once kept you.

    Neer imagine a daywhere the mirrors voice

    is not your own.Where a shadows path

    is followed by yours.

    Imagine a daywhere freedom of mind

    can be broughtby justice.

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    The problems of others bubble around them,As the sleepy expressions of unknown and disconcern await the light of love,

    While insomnia keeps victims awake to suffer endless torment.

    Wade to where none sleep,and allow yourself to submerge in the dark,

    the lonely, the cold, the tired.Pain to wash out the confused.

    The questions are out there, and need to be answered.

    Violence will not answer the question - only silence the asker -But who asks the questions?

    It appears to be me, But they cannot see.

    For them its to be completely free:To refuse to look inside.

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    The Temptation

    The Devil may answer your questions,But your angel asks of you

    to find the answers for yourself.

    Thought is hard -Temptation is sweet,

    but no rewards?

    Put your mind thoughturmoil and trouble

    for sweet success.

    Years down the line,What has it brought?


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    Liberty, or lack thereof

    Riddles and confusions,are just laughs and fun -

    until you realize thatthere are more than one.

    My life was once free,

    even more free than yours -and then I saw one

    of my greatest flaws.

    Wildly laughing awayat the stress on my face -

    the pain that its causedIm losing the race.

    Well, cant you see now?

    The suffering I must live?Why cant you stop now?

    Its the least you could give.

    Alas, you dont stopand its never the same,

    Ill never be free -forced to play in this game.

    The suffering lingers,

    Year after year

    Part of Me dies,Tear after tear.

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    Not TodayNot here, not now,

    and not today

    I am the conscious,youll do as I say.

    The false hope presented

    by my inner mindI open my eyes,

    but Ive been ever blind.

    Longing to see,Lusting to know

    of curtain pulls and stringsthat hide hind the show.

    Sun-drops begin

    to fall on my face,so I hide in my home,

    my sanctuary, this place.

    I hide from the Moon,and I hide from the Sun

    The Day is amongst usNight cant be undone.

    and as I laugh in a way

    that will lock me away,

    all I can say is:

    Not Today

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    Blessed With This Curse

    Blessed with this curseof living without sight,

    At least I am savedfrom the evil of night.

    Close your eyes,

    what do you see?I see Darkness being Darkness,

    encompassing me.

    But what of the lustto see things in full?

    In colour and beauty,does that make me a fool?

    I know Id be hurt,

    but visions and dreams?The things that I long

    to hold together my dreams

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    The Street-Lamps Revenge

    In a world of my own, where darkness roams,and the Ascendancy reigns supreme,

    I walk through a door, and find no morethan the world of my wildest of dreams.

    I see a town, not my own, but never would I, oh! How Ive grown!

    Oh, how I have changed.You, saviour, king of all, you put me down to make yourself tall!

    What have you arranged?

    And in the castle, at day or at night. You hide in the shadows to give me a fright.Oh, how you have not changed.

    You, my liege, I am servant to you. Tell me some lies, not what is true,and tell me what you have arranged.

    My town is hit by a natural disaster, I flee from my town, faster and faster.

    I run but you stop me, O, Ascendancy!Leave me, Leave me alone! Leave me to be on my own!

    Leave me, and let me be.

    I arrive, snails pace, outside the new town, but above my eyes, appears a frown.Do I want this? Or to live without home?

    My old town, though broken, remains in my mind, I broke it, but always, Ive been so kind.Do I want this? Or to live on my own?

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    The church burns down.Not accident nor arson,

    Left alone to burnin the ruins of itself.

    A black veild woman

    stands there to watch.The misery burning

    on the dreams of others.

    Rain falls,and feeds the fire

    As water streamsdown her face.

    The Shades climb the walls,

    Their shadows, though black,show through the fire,

    and through the veil.

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    As the Dew Settles

    As the dew settles on the grassaround the stairs leading down

    to the sand.Silence breaks with the waves

    and the first step leavesits mark.

    One foot follows the other,

    as your mind wanders -fresh with sea air.

    Footprints and shadowsreturn to their shapeless form

    as you move on.

    Radiance explodes.The rising sun breaks the dark

    as the birds break the silence.Turn around, but dont move back:

    Move forward, Continue on,and go get rest.

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    Step Over

    Take one last look at the rainas you clutch your umbrella.

    Finding your way home.

    Step over the ThresholdYou can never return

    You can never go back.

    Inside, you stare, out the window,at the rain

    You notice the Beauty.

    Joy fills you asthe heavy rain

    falls on the ground outside.

    You stare for a whiletill you can take it no more

    You run to the door.

    Crossing the Threshold,nothing else changes,

    for you are now your new self.

    Stand in the rain.The taste on your tongue.

    The Beauty in your heart.

    There would be no returneven if you wanted it.

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    The Raging Storm

    The wind blew strong and loudNot feeble and fickle as once it had,

    and carried with it a shroudof ivy and lavender -

    on a cloud of morosity and anger, rage and grief.

    The wind sung its tunenot on the flute of its previous self,

    but instead on a magnificent bassoonof shining silver -

    like the moons strong health.

    The winds tune, sweet and slowforced tears from those nearby,

    and as the wind ceased to bellowand the storm subsided

    I did know that she would cry,

    and at that was my time to die.

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    Imagine the setting sunand picture its brilliance,

    This is an echo of Beauty.

    But I have seenthe face of Beauty,

    Please know that nothing compares.

    Beauty is that -but fragile too,

    and broken with betrayal of trust.

    This sphere of radiant Beauty,of unimaginable colours,

    grows damper and duller each day.

    And as my sun sets,my colours, few, fade

    I am glad that I witnessed

    Beauty -

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    A sneer of distaste,

    A moan of disgust.The End is almost among us.

    Let the Eye from beyondStare through the dark,

    The fire, the rage the glory.

    Let boredom remainLike cattle, like sheep.

    The Eye blinks to the dark.

    The storm lingers on,

    Never ceasing to stopAllowing some to escape.

    Time has now changed,The storm has long died.

    Refuse and rubbleRemain in its wake.

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    Habitual Misery

    Fall into a habitof euphoria and bliss

    and watch those around youits you that they miss.

    Youve gone from this world,yet your corpse lives behind

    marred, burnt, and scarred,and lacking a mind.

    A sigh of desire

    as the bags round my eyesforce me to a world of

    illusions and lies.

    My dreams linger on,Oh, the happiest place,

    where true peace of mindis winning the race.

    But all dreams must end,

    with the sunrise,your lack of soul shows

    through the tears in your eyes.

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    In spite,he lives his life.

    "Im living! What are you going to do about it?!"

    Lives in the moment -or so he believes

    hes empty on the inside.

    He doesnt use Mind:no thought or emotion.

    He doesnt want the hurt.

    Intoxicants stop all thought,but consciousness rolls back

    to be ended some other way.

    Sleep.Everlasting sleep.

    He doesnt want to awakento the world of truth.

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    He lets out a sighas I stare in his eye

    at the man that he wanted to be.He doesnt let it show,

    doesnt want people to knowabout the man that he wanted to be.

    A burning desire,

    as bright as a fireare his wishes to change the world.

    Bad morals and lies,are things he despises

    when he plans to change the world.

    He loathes to bewhat people want to see

    as he cries himself to sleep.The summer breeze blows

    as his little world closes,as he cries himself to sleep.

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    The smallest of smilesAppears on his face

    As the most sinister of plotsFall into place.

    Endless grief and harm,

    Away he plans to send.Eternal distaste and disgust,

    Could it ever end?

    Clarity fades, Detail blurs,As he awakens from his dream.

    Peace and calm ensue,Harm torn from its seam

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    A Voice I Never Hear

    A voice I never hear,its mine - but not my own.

    I hear, and shrink with fear,Blood boils to the bone.

    A voice of pleading tear

    comes out in subtle moan,but she would not adhere,

    she could not have known.

    As a response hit my earand in an austere tone

    Answered with a sneer -She had thrown the final stone.

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    Give up your Pride,Its not worth this

    You should have been denied.

    Give up your Prideand accept bliss

    learn to abide.

    Give up your Prideand walk amiss

    keep walking, teary-eyed.

    Give up your Pride,but dont dismiss

    decide to look inside.

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    The Dwelling

    Rage at a sightto be used again

    in a time to come.Quietly burning

    scare away men,start to run.

    Red flames riseand begin to die.

    Cool winds

    scatter ashes.The evil

    is deadReplaced with blossom

    to be forgotten.

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    I Am a Sonnet

    Your face and your grace,They put me at peace.

    Did you not knowThat loves not for lease?

    My mind is on youWhen my eyes are not,

    But this made me questionThat which I have got.

    I do not want this.

    Why cant this be plain?I must stop this

    Lest it be my bane.What I want, I had

    Before I went mad.

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    Night's Revenge

    I dug my claws into herto never let her go,

    but before I even did,Her self, to I, did show.

    I retracted them because I knewshe wasnt right for me.

    My claws left scratches, scars, and cutsMy claws left me to flee.

    Though so much time has passed,

    I feel guilt for all the pain.I tell myself, though I know it false,

    it shall never happen again.I bade her, once, goodbye.

    Her first and last goodbye.

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    She Hides Away

    Do not hold my heart to yoursLike poison, she doth taste.

    Nay, do not hold my heart to yoursDo not trust this face.

    Watch in the milk that you might drink,

    The honey you may eat:For I will drive you to your brink,

    I will seal your fate.

    O, please love my gentle heart,She longs for someone new.

    O, please love my darling heart,My heart will not harm you

    Because my heart, she hides awayTreveal herself some other day.

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    Sonnet VI: O, dearest

    O, dearest, blackened heart:deaths sweet, warm embrace.If only I could meet my death

    and gaze into her face.The war my heart and death would make

    would leave, his love, to bleed.His love, my love, I then could take,

    for on this love, I feed.

    Alas, no love has found my chest,my shadow, nor my soul.

    To find my death would feed me best,and help me reach his goal.

    O, dearest, blackened hearthe and my death shall part.

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    Fragility Comes At a Cost

    My dear, thy love: a bright, warm flame,too close to which I stand.

    Thy love, so dear, shall never maimme whilst I hold thy fragile hand.

    My love, thine eyes a fleeting glance

    which leaves me longing breath.Thy lips, my love, have me entranced

    which surely ends in death.

    But her skin is too pure and fair

    for this lovers eyes.Ill speak not of her lips and hair,

    seen through my disguise.The feelings I cannot express

    will make her think of me less.

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    Dearest love, I search for you,Though I know your face.

    My love, wrapped up in lace,Has been born anew.

    All that my hearts been through,Its been through for this chase

    My foundation and base,My only love, eer true.

    Dearest love, I have lost you,

    Neer to find again.But all my efforts all I do

    Is to stop the pain.Do not fret, my lovely dear,

    For we shall meet where air meets air.

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    Down My Spine

    Your face used to be an admirable thing,a sight to behold whence everything else

    fled from my sight I, to it, did cling,I dreamt of your face, and then nothing else.

    Las when I would wake, Id find you not there:You would not exist for me.

    Las when I would wake, Id find true my fears:I am forever free.

    I thought you were gone when you stopped being mine,

    Until I found you breathing still down my spine.Your face creeps from corridors and crowded streets,

    I wonder how often it is our eyes meet.I wonder still more, how many times

    our eyes do not meet, still you stare down my spine.

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    Illusion of Time

    If fate had given us

    another year or two,we couldve changed the world -

    It couldve been ours.We could have made new songs,

    New poems, new prayers.

    If fate had given us

    another month or two,we couldve talked of love -

    and been happy for a while.We could have sung old songs,

    old poems, old prayers.

    If fate had given usanother day or two,

    we couldve talked of life -of fears and goals.

    We could have lived our dreams,with no time for songs.

    If fate had given us

    another minute or two,I couldve told you that you mean

    the world to me.We could have laughed and cried

    about illusion of time.

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    If only I could take the weight off your shoulderIt would strengthen your stride,

    It would make you much bolder.But hide way your pride,

    your shame, and your tearshold back all death, hold back your fears.

    If only I could give words about life

    of encouragement, beliefof peace, against strife.

    Of suffering, and grief,Shame and misery unknown,

    as you lie in discomfort, dreaming of home

    If only I could take the big things awayto fill in your shoes,

    What then, would you say?So take charge, and choose,

    my help seems so small.Build up an army, and make our help tall.

    If only I could help you do what you must

    accomplish your labors,and strengthen your trust.

    So, help out your neighborsHelp those in your street,

    Diomedes horses will seem like no great feat.

    If only I could help you live your dreams,sew your cloth,

    repair your seamsBut you must dodge the swath,

    live the life that you wantdont give in to cruelty of others, or taunt.

    God Speed.

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    Do You Need Me To Stay?

    Do you need me to stay by your side?Protect you from things in your wardrobe, or under your bed?

    Do you need me to stay by your side?To thrust you aside at the sight of the oncoming train?

    To jump into the path of the rocks and the stones?Do you need me to stay by your side?

    Save you from evil?

    Do you need me to hide from your sight?Allow you to face this world on your own?

    Do you need me to hide from your sight?To remain at a distance while you dodge the train?

    To hold back tears as you try catching the stones?Do you need me at all?

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    The imperfections you can seemean nothing whatsoeer to me.

    I see beauty, strength, and pride,You see reason to run and hide.

    Cry in secret, I will too.

    Together we will pull you through.Burns will heal and scars will fade,

    Together well stop that tear cascade.

    If fate decrees it not to be,it appears you soon shall part.

    But stay with me, against destinyand we shall make a start.

    Alas today, Dido I play,

    with her sword in her hand -but I shall not run away

    when we meet in Hades land.

    Instead I shall embraceMy death was not your fault.

    While in my face, this barren place,Your true self I exalt.

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    I will be with youNo matter where you go,

    Or what you do.

    I will support, and aid,And be with you

    Through light and shade.

    Until the dayWhen my light fades

    Do not feel dismay

    For I will be,In every way,

    With you, see?

    I will be each drop of sun,I will be each brilliant tree,

    I will be with nature, one.

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    I've Lost You

    There was a time,I was confused.

    But now that time has passed.

    Is this my fault?Youve left me bruised,

    Our time left us too fast.

    There was a time,You were amused

    With pouring out your heart.

    I offered myself,But you refused

    My attempt to restart.

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    The Poles of Season

    Letters from a postman read:Has your heart been filled with dread?

    Lovely day on which to wed.Have you seen what lies ahead?

    On this day, do angels fly

    Angels of death watch nearby.Of summer and spring, I do decry,

    After all we are born to die.

    Value in all good bread,Time has come to go to bed.

    Valiancy has left you fed,Time has left and wished you dead.

    Everything has become dry,

    Even now, within my sigh.Evermore beauty in the sky,

    End has come, I bid good-bye.

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    Tigers in the Snow

    Will you leave me in the nightif I fall asleep?

    While the shades of the dead coverany light - Will you creep?

    'Cos you've left me before,But came for more.

    This time just leave me alone.

    You fill me with a longingof one other than you.

    Fill me with regret and leavemy morals all askew.

    Please dont linger any more,Retreat to my bedroom door,

    And just leave me alone.

    Leave me all alone,to ponder on my own.

    To sob, and cry, and moanover the pain down to the bone.

    The sun arises and I fearThat you will still be waiting here.

    Just leave me alone.

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    The Cold Burns Me

    What happens when the sun goes away?What happens when the stars refuse to shine?

    What happens when night turns into day?Will you still be mine?

    How can the look on your face

    match my heart so purely?What reason could you embrace

    when I love you so dearly?

    How can the cold burn in the summer sun?How can you employ me with such ease?

    How can you throw away all excitement and funwhen I try my best to appease?

    How can your very scent

    intoxicate me fully,make me so content,

    make me love endlessly?

    Now my heart has beeneclipsd by the sun,

    and all those who have seenyour love are forced to run.

    Now that the stars shine brighter

    than the light of my love,

    and my heart is full of my fear,shall I ascend above?

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    I once knew a young woman named Mia.Stones were thrown at her window, and she answered each call

    with a warm smile, and a warmer embrace.

    I once knew a young woman named Mia.She noticed not the miniscule fissures forming in her glass heart

    and carried on with warmth and passion.

    I once knew a young woman named Mia.She chose to ignore the cracks growing in her window,

    claiming they were not worth her worry.

    There once was a young woman named Mia.She lay on her bed, blood streaming from her face

    as the shattered window covers every inch of her being.

    I once met a young woman named Mia.She met me and used me as a window frame

    to rebuild her life.

    I once knew a young woman named Mia.Stones were thrown through her empty frame, and she glared

    with a cold grimace, and a colder heart.

    There once was a young woman named Mia.She had no frame to use, no passions to love.

    She had not herself, nor friends, nor even family.

    I once knew a young woman named Mia.She was unnoticed, unappreciated, and fragile.

    She was glass.

    There once was a young woman named Mia.

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    The Garden

    The run-down sanatoriumCalls, with rusted gate.

    Calling, calling, bid me comeI am already late.

    Thman at the sanatorium

    Makes me lose my headTo all the things he yelled at me, some

    Believe I said:

    Your weariness discomforts me,But soon you shall be gone,

    And while youre there, I fearfullyHope that I am wrong.

    I stare through the mangled bars,

    Iron, wrought, with rust.I stare through my internal scars

    Causd by your lust.

    The man opens the lonely gate,Welcomes me: my new home

    His eyes are telling me to waitBut theres warmth in his tone.

    His eyes are fractured past repair,

    Passing his past - the gate.

    I feel no fear, my fate I fearI seal my fear, my fate.

    I walk past the shattered eyes,Shattered windows, crippled eaves.

    Wary, weary of more lies.Wary of more thieves.

    I place my hand upon the wallWeathered, dull, and sad.

    Through the cream shade, I hear the callsOf people who are mad.

    My fingers run both oer and through

    The gaps, fissures, and cracks.The eaves were once a vibrant blue,

    But colour now they lack.

    A tortured scream, a screech, a sighI hear, and it does seem

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    To come from behind me awry,The building seems to teem.

    A clattring thud, I hear at lastThe gate, and too, its man,

    Who hurries, like the gate, as fast,Both closing with a bang.

    I look once again through the bars,

    But on the other side.I look and see the cars, the stars,

    Twinkling with pride.

    I look upon the Autumn tree,My Bough, my Trunk, my Leaf.

    Falling, falling, cant you seethe struggles of my grief?

    Im taken to the building now,

    I struggle through the door.I say good-bye to Leaf and Bough

    Whove fallen on the floor.

    The inhabitants are quiet now.Waiting, expectant.

    The man leads me away he vowsMe safe, but in a rant.

    He opens my rooms entranceway,Unveiling paradise.

    If you need me, I hear him say,

    A call will suffice.

    My first Day in the garden blursherself with all the rest.

    I recall ambrosia, orOther food that was blessed.

    My second Day, just like her twinHides herself away

    As bliss was bliss till Blissful cameTo keep my joy at bay.

    She called my name, so soft, so sweet,

    I scarcely caught a glimpse,When the man called, his tone effete

    The garden gently blinked.

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    The screaming voices call out ofThe closets of my mind,

    The skeletons waltz away love

    And leave their victim blind.

    The screaming dies, the echoes fade.The man leaves me again,

    Finding another to tiradeSome others love to gain.

    But has he hurt me so much that

    I cannot show him love?Surely he, my saviour, at

    Times would think thereof?

    He has a scent like the sweetestWines found on the Earth.

    I breathe him and I breathe deepest,Deepest since my birth.

    But my concerns were squandered by

    A distraction of sortsBlissful, my Blissful: dear, but sly

    I catch her eye divorce.

    So much amorphous longingAnd sorrow in good-bye.

    More so when its not said, prolonging

    Till I die.

    Envy is composed, and bred

    Of the man JealousyWill feed you bread and leave you fed

    Love will be your enemy.

    Even now, as I awake,Neer to sleep again:

    Vicissitude can make or break

    You suffering in pain.

    I climb back through the closet door,Towards the waiting man.

    I have left Blissful one time moreAnd I cry while I can.

    I recess through my rooms sole door

    And found myself in blissAnd in front of the raging shore.

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    Roar, crash, breaking amiss

    From the hill on which I stood

    I saw the garden, allI saw the sea, the cliff, the wood,

    Never to cease no walls.

    The woods were to the right, and allthe trees were spread around,

    and though the trees were very tall,their trunks were firm aground.

    And to the left, a great black pit

    With gold littered above.I heard the sound of a twig split

    And knew it was my love.

    I turned, I saw a smile, and thenA touch of her skin,

    And I knew true bliss once againKnew Blissful once again.

    Days went past, and weeks went past

    And Blissful was my love,Time went past, went past so fast,

    And left me in a rush.

    Im called back through the closet door

    But it breaks my heart to leaveBut to Blissful, my love I swore,

    And her love, I believe.

    I walk through the door, bold as brass,

    And tempered like a bull.I say to the man Alas,

    I cannot stay, you fool!

    I turn, turn in an anger

    And crash through the door.I call out her name, but hear no answer,

    No sign, not any more.

    I look around the room:A concrete square: a bed,

    A mirror, and rose in bloom.I slowly fall, with dread.

    I know how this has happend,

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    Ignorant is Bliss: Appendix to the Garden

    While, today, grey skies and tearsthat fall down from above,

    I reflect now on all your fears,your affections and love.

    How I envy your ignorance,

    My Bliss, my world, my dearand though this makes no difference,

    the problems very clear:

    If Love, on her deathbed doth lie,should spare a thought for me,

    if she were sweet and ignorant,she would die happily.

    If I were ignorant to Bliss,

    and ignorant to Love,who, then, would I pain to miss,

    and who then would I grieve?

    But if I knew not Temptation,instead, knew only Bliss,

    would I still desire cessation,would I still want this?

    If I were ignorant to loss

    of love, and pain, and death,

    would I be happy becauseI knew not your sweet breath?

    Oh, if only I were ignorant,as ignorant as Bliss.

    If only I were ignorant,as ignorant as Bliss.

    Dance of Death and Love and King

    Death plain, simple Death,

    I have not known Thy tiresome sting,else for Love, and those still loved

    and those whove become King.

    Death my Death, shade of my soul.hold me in Thine arms.

    lest I take up mine gainst You,my Love my Love, stay calm

    for He has joined the dance today,

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    dancing on His own.Death and Love show pity asthey waltz around His throne.

    Love has no love for He, the King,

    after how He treated her,and Death too has a vivid hate

    from when they would confer.

    Yet He, the King, steals glances atthe chair on which He sat

    and Death glowers at the Kingand at His feet, Thou spat.

    The mirrors on the walls reflect

    the madness lyng within.But who is mad? Who is mad

    when they are all akin?

    Surprised (no, shocked!) to see them dance,after all they (not thee) neer cared

    for dancing, or for romanceits what Hes always feared.

    You claim, You claim, its not much more,

    that you, Love, you love Me.Throughout the dance, I stand alone,

    watching, being free.

    When they all leave, the mirrors shownot Death, nor Love, nor King,

    but myself joined by no otherthan she who dares to sing.

    She sits down in the broken chair

    that once belonged to Him,and now it is naught His, nor Yours

    She tempts me to the brim.

    Death my one, my lovely Death,

    I have not known Thy solemn sting,else for Love, and those still loved

    and He who became King.

    You and I, still You and I,While Death stands from afar.

    You and I, still You and Iattempt to heal the scar.

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    Hope's Return

    Has the time / come at last / for the blossoming of spring? /To think of all / the wasted weeks / since fate had Cupid bring /

    my path into hers. / The months we could have had.

    Ive caught her eyes / a few times / but was never introduced /if I had / met her, think / of all the fun wed have produced. /

    Perhaps I shall / go forward today.

    I shall miss, / when shes gone, / the falling grace of winter, /and I fear / my love for her / will overarch the former. /

    The future lies / in Hopes Return.

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    The empty smiles that I giveWhen you look my way

    The lonesome means through which I liveEvery single day.

    These things give me hope.They help me to cope.

    To say my mind is not on you

    In every other moment -Whats a lie, if not true?

    If anything but potent?You give me hope.

    You help me to cope.

    The fullest smiles I can give,Ill give when Im with you

    I await the day on which I liveAnd fall in love with you.

    You always give me hope.You will help me to cope.

    When I am withered, fore I away,

    Ill thank you for your help.I shall think back to our best days

    When you nursed me back to health.You always gave me hope.

    You helped me to cope.

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    The Rising Sun That Will Not Set

    IfI know when a doomed man singsBefore the song is known,

    Surely I can understandWhy my heart has flown.

    If the love thats in his eyes

    Is good enough for her,Andif she shows love in return,

    They shall not face a curse.

    If the jealousy, that liesIn thhearts of their friends,

    Proves to me their love is whole,Their love will never end.

    If their love is strong enough

    To heal each others pain,Surely hope lyng in their love

    Will keep their good friends sane.

    I know this free man does not singA song of loss and grief,

    And with my blessing of their love,I wish them always peace.