The PolitePersistence System Workshop 2.12.14

Post on 27-Jan-2015

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This was the workshop deck that facilitated a group of about 30 'Polite Persisters' as they learned how to accelerate their human interaction in business. The workshop covered ways to build professional relationships faster and easier than ever before. The PolitePersistence System is not just about enhancing business development practices - rather The PolitePersistence System can be used to gain significant exposure, seek out investors, etc.



Accelerate Human Interaction in Business

February 12th, 2014Presented by:John Genovese


Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential

Topic Objective Time

Welcome Understand why you’re here 5 minutes

Objectives Understand your goals for today 2 minutes

PICS Stage & Polite Focus Learn how you fit into The PolitePersistence System 3 minutes

Introductions Share your objective 5 minutes

80/20 Your Contacts Learn how to target the right contacts 10 minutes

Surround Sound Channels Learn the Surround Sound approach to getting responses 10 minutes

Navigation Mapping Learn how to stay on track and focused 10 minutes

Multiply Yourself Learn how to leverage the power of virtual assistants in your follow up 10 minutes

What You Learned Recap the main points 3 minutes

Close Discuss next steps and takeaways 2 minutes

Thanks for attending!


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Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential


What is Hustling?

20% Creation

80% Promotio


•product development

•content development


etc.•marketing•telephonic &

electronic communication

•direct customer research

•networking•paid search•advertiseme


Welcome cont.

Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential


Ex-Apple founders with 6 FTEs

55,000 Total Signups w/ 6,800

paid users

Free to paid conversion rate of

13% (Evernote has 6%)

4.5 Star Rating w/ 1,000+ Reviews

Raised $1.8M & Seed Extension of


Welcome cont.

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Follow Up


Welcome cont.

Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential


“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.

Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.

Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.

Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts.

Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.”

– Calvin Coolidge, 30th President of the United States

Welcome cont.

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Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential


2. To learn how to use The PolitePersistence System to achieve your Polite Focus

1. To share and verbalize your business’s growth goal (i.e. Your Polite Focus)

4. To meet and connect with fellow entrepreneurs, business owners and solopreneurs for mutual benefit

3. To provide you an opportunity to receive feedback from and give feedback to your fellow Polite Persisters

PICS Stage & Polite Focus11

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PICS Stage & Polite Focus

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PICS Stage & Polite Focus cont.

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1. Using four corners of the room, break yourselves up into your respective PICS Stage.

2. Anyone who wants can be a Client. 1. Clients will be able to apply The PolitePersistence System to their


3. Anyone else will be the PolitePersistence System Consultants.1. Consultants will link up with Clients and help them develop their

PolitePersistence System

4. The client should quickly fill out the Client Profile form.

5. As we go through The PolitePersistence System Consultants will be tasked with guiding this Client on using the PolitePersistence System to achieve his or her Polite Focus.


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Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential


30 seconds each Your Name Company Name Company Tag Line or One Sentence Benefit Statement

I.e. We help ABC do XYZ.

Polite Focus for Your Company I.e. I am seeking to... (find beta users, gain more exposure,

connect with specific type of contact, find investors, etc.) Something Interesting About You

“Fewer is better and less is more.” - Anonymous

80/20 Your Contacts16

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80/20 Your Contacts

Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential


I Don’t Always Follow Up With My


…But When I Do I Know I’m Not

Wasting My Time.

80/20 Your Contacts cont.

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Your message Their


80/20 Your Contacts cont.

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Racking the shotgun demands


Rack the Shotgun Story

80/20 Your Contacts cont.

Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential


The 80/20 PPS Funnel Example



Targeted List of Bloggers

Interested Bloggers



Bloggers Ready to Interview

Gauge Interest in Your Product

or Service

Gauge Interest in Conducting


Follow Up via The PolitePersistence System

Follow Up via The PolitePersistence System

80/20 Your Contacts cont.

Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential


Inbound Contacts 80% of your Inbound Interaction is

Generated by 20% of your Message Need incoming traffic to prove 80/20 Some inbound sources include:

80/20 for Inbound Contacts

Foot Traffic

Radio Podcasts TV Google Adwords

Endorsed Email Blasts

Craigslist Direct Mail Letters

Facebook Ads

Twitter LinkedIn Banner Ads

YouTube Videos

Press Releases

Books eBay

Kindle Books

Guest Post

Appear as Expert

Trade Show


Free White Paper

Webinar Pinterest

80/20 Your Contacts cont.

Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential


Outbound Contacts 80% of your Outbound Interaction is

Generated by 20% of your Outreach Need sources of contacts to prove 80/20 Some outbound sources include:

80/20 for Outbound Contacts

Google Alerts

Twitter KW Alerts

Google Searches

Meetups Seminars Conferences

Events LinkedIn

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Niche Sites

Trade Orgs

Press Releases

RSS Feed Local News

Bloggers Radio Podcasts Speaker Panels

Top X Lists


Google+ In-Person Research

80/20 Your Contacts cont.

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Your PolitePersistence System Goal Follow up ONLY with the individuals who

responded when you ‘racked the shotgun’

How Will You Rack The Shotgun?

80/20 Your Contacts cont.

Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential



1. Help your Client determine his or her 80/20 contact strategy for reaching his or her Polite Focus.

2. Help him or her by recommending: Three inbound sources of contacts, if applicable Three outbound sources of contacts, if


3. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper – you will share this with the class.

“A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.” – Herbert Simon

Surround Sound Channels


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Surround Sound Channels

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Enemy #1: Noise Attention Economy Get Things Done The Mere-Exposure Effect

All leads to Surround Box Out Approach

Surround Sound Channels cont.

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Enemy #1: Noise

Surround Sound Channels cont.

Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential


The Attention Economy

UX UP30 to 40%

Clear Call-To-Action

Surround Sound Channels cont.

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Get Things Done (GTD)

Surround Sound Channels cont.

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Mere Exposure Effect

Surround Sound Channels cont.

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Mere Exposure Effect

Hmm… I’m starting to

like this guy.

Surround Sound Channels cont.

Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential


Learn to Navigate

the Attention Economy


Make Sure to

Fit Within their GTD



Stay on Their

Radar for the Mere-

Exp. Effect


Box Out Other Noise



Recipients want and need to see relevant information instantly


Simplify your communication to ensure your task gets accomplished Takeaway:

Continue to message your target recipient until he or she becomes familiar enough with you that he or she responds Takeaway:

Know your competing with your recipient’s other tasks so make sure you don’t fall out of site – out of mind

Surround Sound Channels cont.

Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential


The PPS Surround Sound Box Out Approach

Your MessageMarketing Noise

Marketing Noise


Target Recipie


Google+ Phone

LinkedIn Twitter



Surround Sound Channels cont.

Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential


Four elements make up a Surround Sound Channel Medium Order Length Between Template

Surround Sound Channels cont.

Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential


Core Communication Mediums

Niche Communication Mediums

Alternative Communication Mediums


Email LinkedIn (InMessage,

Connect Request Message, Standard Message)

Facebook (Response to post, Direct Message, Company Message)

Twitter (@Reply, DM, @Mention)

Google+ Phone

Skype Hangout SMS Instant Message

Creative Pinterest, Etsy, etc.

Sports SportsFanLive,, etc.

Real Estate Zillow, Trulia, etc.

Physical Niche Aggregators

Meetup GroupSpaces,etc.


Surround Sound Channels cont.

Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential


1st Determine How Many Touch Points

3rd Determine Time Between Each Medium

2nd Determine the Order of Your Mediums

Order & Length Between

Do you want to have a total of three follow ups?

Do you want to follow up seven times?

Remember – The PolitePersistence System suggests 5 – 10 touch points.

Remember – Contacts may not check every communication medium you use.

Your communication medium order is not set in stone.

Remember - Experiment.

Do you want to wait three days between each touch point?

Do you want to send your tweet out the same day as your email?

Remember – the timed structure will help you develop a habit of following up.

Surround Sound Channels cont.

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Need a Reply?

Use a Polite Hi!

Surround Sound Channels cont.

Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential


Personal SimpleDirect


Good – Cite how you came across him or her

Better – Cite how you came across him or her and drop a specific comment about something he or she wrote

Best – Cite a referral source & drop a specific comment about something he or she wrote

Remember – Attention First

Your goal = get a conversation started

To do so, ask a close ended question:

Are you interested? Do you want to discuss this


When in doubt, try to keep templates short and sweet.

Example:- First Line: How you found their

information- Second Line: Why you’re

contacting him or her - Third Line: The name of your

company / product (hyperlinked to your homepage) and your one sentence, description of your company. Include qualifiers (i.e. social proof) if necessary.

- Fourth Line: Simple and direct ask

- Fifth Line: Your closing salutation Bonus: Services like ToutApp & Yesware allow you to track metrics of templates you use.

Surround Sound Channels cont.

Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential



1. Develop your Client’s Surround Sound Box Out Approach

2. Analyze their Polite Focus and pick as many relevant communication mediums as you see fit.

3. Now determine the Order & Length between for each of the communication mediums you chose.

4. Lastly, it’s time for you to write the templates your Client will use for each communication medium. Be sure to include placeholders for variables (i.e. [FIRST NAME], etc.)

1. It might make sense for different members of your Consulting team to write the templates for the different mediums.

5. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper – you will share this with the class.

“If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else.” – Yogi Berra

Navigation Maps40

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Navigation Mapping

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Constellations Used for Navigation Science of Your Navigation Map Draw your Navigation Map using

Surround Sound Channels as map points

Navigation Mapping cont.

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Constellations Make Up Our Navigation Maps

Directions Story Telling

What does your constellation tell us about your goal?

Navigation Mapping cont.

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Science of Your Navigation Map

Clarification Motivation



“I want to connect with X number of people…”

“I am connecting with these people because…”

“I will do XYZ every day to stay the course…”

“I’m looking forward to achieving this goal…”

Navigation Mapping cont.

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Draw Your Navigation Map - 1 of 4

Yes, that’s a suppose to be a beer…

Step 1) Draw

Navigation Mapping cont.

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Draw Your Navigation Map - 2 of 4

1) Twitter

2) Email

3) LinkedIn

4) Facebook

5) Twitter

X Day(s)

Same Day

X Day


X Day(s)

Step 2) Plot

Navigation Mapping cont.

Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential


Draw Your Navigation Map - 3 of 4

1) Twitter

2) Email

3) LinkedIn

4) Facebook

5) Twitter

X Day(s)

Same Day

X Day


X Day(s)

Step 3) Match to Spreadsheet

Navigation Mapping cont.

Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential


Draw Your Navigation Map - 4 of 4

1) Twitter

2) Email

3) LinkedIn

4) Facebook

5) Twitter

X Day(s)

Same Day

X Day


X Day(s)


0 =


Step 4) Review & Optimize

Navigation Mapping cont.

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Here are a few of my own…

Inbound Subscribers

Outbound Meet-Uppers

Outbound Bloggers

Navigation Mapping cont.

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1. You will now develop your Client’s Navigation Maps

2. Create a Navigation Map related to your Client’s Polite Focus. (Be Creative)

3. Plot his or her Surround Sound Channels

4. Indicate the length of time between each Medium

5. Give the Navigation Map a Fill-In Feature to track progress

“Time is the most valuable asset you don’t own.” – Mark Cuban

Multiply Yourself50

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Multiply Yourself

Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential


Why use a Virtual Assistant (VA)? Your VA Toolkit

Finding a VA Managing a VA

Multiply Yourself cont.

Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential


Why Use a Virtual Assistant?

It’s simple numbers… As an entrepreneur, business owner, solopreneur or

business developer your time is easily $50+++ / hour

How many contacts do you need to break even?

If you use a VA (@ $5/hr) it costs you about $40

If YOU follow up it costs you at LEAST $400 + Opportunity Cost

If it takes you on a low end to follow up with 100 contacts five minutes each = 500 minutes = ~ 8 hours.

Multiply Yourself cont.

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Your VA Tool Kit: Finding a VA

VA Matchmakers Online Staffing Portals


Multiply Yourself cont.

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Your VA Tool Kit: Finding a VA cont.

Your project description should include a few things:1. Project Summary2. Project Deliverables (in bulleted list)3. Skill Requirements4. What Is Provided5. Schedule6. Next Steps7. Disqualifiers

Multiply Yourself cont.

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Your VA Tool Kit: Finding a VA cont.

Examples of Disqualifiers: “Complete this task...” “Include these original questions in your

response.” “I Am Real”

Multiply Yourself cont.

Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential


Your VA Tool Kit: Managing a VA

Explain how to use your PolitePersistence System • Walkthrough the


• The spreadsheet is the deliverable

• Communication channel templates are included

• Each tab is a new approach / niche

Multiply Yourself cont.

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Your VA Tool Kit: Managing a VA cont.

Explain there are two roles that your VA will play1) Finding Contacts 2) Receiving Contacts

Document Everything

Multiply Yourself cont.

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Your VA Tool Kit: Managing a VA cont.

Explain how you want to be alerted

Multiply Yourself cont.

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Your VA Tool Kit: Managing a VA cont.

Explain the purpose of your checkpoints & reviews

Have established goals Goal = Outreach to 200 Contacts w/ 10% conversion

Conduct checkpoints once a week Every Sunday night check results & tweak if necessary

Review at the end of month Determine if VA is meeting expectations

Multiply Yourself cont.

Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential



1. Write your Request for Proposal (RFP) for finding your Client’s VA.

2. Follow the provided outline but feel free to tweak as you feel necessary based upon your Client’s Polite Focus.

“Systems are the roads that actions take to arrive at achievement.” – John Genovese

What You Learned61

Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential

What You Learned

Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential


How To: Build a personalized and custom follow up system Empower a VA to ‘automagically’ put you in touch

with only the people who want to build a professional relationship with you

MOST IMPORTANTLY: You learned that every time you connect with

someone using The PolitePersistence System you are adding real time & money back to your life



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Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential


2. Sign up for PolitePersistence Launch Updates PP is The PPS scaled down, simplified and automated for email Download & use for free @

3. Follow Me on Twitter @PolitePersist – to keep in touch

1. Join ‘Polite Persisters’ on Google+ Will post templates and content from workshop here This is a community for: sharing templates, asking

questions, connecting with other like-minded hustlers & improving your professional hustling game

Click here: Polite Persisters


Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential


Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential

APPENDIX: References

Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential


Everpix Shutdown:


Science Behind GTD:

Science of Achieving Your Goals


Mere Exposure Effect http://

APPENDIX: 80/20 Rules

Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential


The PolitePersistenceSystem 80/20 Hustling

Rules To Live By

Know How Much You Are Willing to Pay for a New Contact (Paid Search)

No Cold Calling. Ever.

Contacts Who Find You Are More Willing

Always Have Something in Common

Author, Speak and Publish When Possible

Always Narrow Lists

Seek to Solve Problems, Not Provide Information

Seek Introductions When Possible

Maintain Detailed Customer Database

Make It Easy to Reply

Inbound Contacts Outbound Contacts

Appendix: Surround Sound Channels

Copyright 2014 PolitePersistence, LLC Confidential







