"The Political Function of the Modern Lie" (Contemporary Jewish Record, Vol. VIII, 1945)

Post on 04-Jun-2018

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  • 8/13/2019 "The Political Function of the Modern Lie" (Contemporary Jewish Record, Vol. VIII, 1945)



    VOLUME VIII - 1945 .


    N E W YORK N Y


  • 8/13/2019 "The Political Function of the Modern Lie" (Contemporary Jewish Record, Vol. VIII, 1945)


    fhe Political Function of

    the Modern LieALEXANDRE KOYRE

    N EVER has there been so much l y i ~ gas in our. day. Neve r has

    lying been so shameless, so systematic, so unceasing., It -may be objected that the lie is as_ old as 'the world itself, or at leastas old as man himself, a n ~ e n d xab initio. Also, the political lie cameinto existence together with the city, as history amply demonstrates;

    '-Finally, there is no need to dig deep into the past:_ thebuncombe of the'First World War and the electoral chicanery that followed it toucheddepths and set records. hard to surpass. ' ~

    Certainly, man is defined by his faculty of speech, inher:ent in whichis ~ h epossibility of the He; n d ~ w i t hapologies to Porphyry-it is thelie,' much more than the laugh, that characterizes man.' Certainly, also,the political lie belongs to all ages:_ thousands of years ago the rules :

    d h . f d k . . dn tee nique o emagogy, nown to our time as propagan a, weresystematized and codified. 1 Today from the high walls of Kamak, fromthe rocks of Ankara, the creations of these techniques; the propagandaof' forgotten empires long crumbled into dust still speak to us.- .

    That nian has always lied, to himself and to others, is indisputable.

    He has lied for the sheer fun of it-the fun of exercising this astoundinggift of being able to say what is not so, creating by- his word a world- -for which he alone is responsible. Also, he has lied. in self-defense: the lie is a weapon. - It is the_ preferred weapon of the- underdog and theweakling. . _ . ' . - :

    However, it is not our intention at this point to go into the p h e n o m e ~nology of the He. Right n ow we wan t to concern ourselves with thecontemporary lie, and even more strictly, with the contemporary politicall i e ~We remain convinced that in this sphere _ quo nihil antiquius, the