The Pond Problem

Post on 10-Jan-2016

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The Pond Problem. By: Jon Harris. Introduction HELP!!! Mr. Harris has taken his class out to the local pond to talk about nature but has forgotten the names of all the animals he sees. He needs your help to find out what animals are in the pond. Your Task - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  • The Pond ProblemBy: Jon Harris

  • Introduction

    HELP!!! Mr. Harris has taken his class out to the local pond to talk about nature but has forgotten the names of all the animals he sees. He needs your help to find out what animals are in the pond.

  • What kind of toad is this?What kind of fish is this?What kind of snake is this?What kind of bird is this? Your TaskIn your groups, you will choose one of the following animals to research. You will find the name of the animal, where it lives, what it eats, and what eats it, using the information in the following websites.

    Resources: Mark Moran (

  • Process

    I will put you into groups of three or four

    You will visit the previous links to look up information on the animal you have chosen

    When you are finished, your group will make an informative poster about the animal, using the information that you have gathered

    Each group will also make a food web showing what your animal eats and what eats your animal

    Your group will present what you have found to the class

  • Display board has a few of the facts about the animal

    Presentation hard to hear and follow. Little or no information about the animal is given.

    Food web is cluttered and does not show the animals place in the food chain.Display board has most of the facts about the animal that were asked for and has some arrangement

    Presentation is either loud enough or clear enough but not both. Students give some information about their animal

    Food web shows most of the relationships between the animals and is able to be followed

    Display board is nicely arranged and has all the facts asked for

    Presentation is superior. Easily heard and is clear. Students give multiple facts about their animal

    Food web is easy to follow and shows the relationships between all of the animals.Below Average AverageAbove Average Evaluation Your grade will be given based on the following guidelines

  • Ohio Academic Content Standards: 3rd GradeThese are the State Academic standards that will be covered during this lesson

    Science:Life Sciences:2. Relate animal structures to their specific survival functions (e.g., Obtaining food, escaping or hiding from their enemies). Scientific Inquiry:3. Read and interpret simple tables and graphs produced by self/others. 5. Record and organize observations (e.g., journals, charts, and tables).6. Communicate scientific findings to others through a variety of methods(e.g., pictures, written, oral, and recorded observations).

  • ISTE Science Standards

    These are the ISTE standards that will be covered during this lesson

    CONTENT STANDARD A: SCIENCE AS INQUIRYA1. Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry:

    Plan and conduct a simple investigation

    Communicate investigations and explanationsA2. Understanding Scientific Inquiry:

    Scientists develop explanations using observations (evidence) and what they already know about the world (scientific knowledge)

    Scientists review and ask questions about the results of other scientists work

  • ConclusionThank you so much for helping Mr. Harris. Thanks to you,he was able to teach his class about all the animals he found on the trip!