The Power of Multiple Intelligences and Content Marketing

Post on 11-Jan-2017

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The Power of Multiple IntelligencesChanging How You Do Content Marketing

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1. Musical Intelligence

Are you like Prince, who is just a master of his craft at music. He knew over 27 different instruments.

Music Intelligence Example: Eric Thomas is know as the Hip Hop Preacher. He uses music videos on YouTube to inspire.


2. Visual intelligenceDo infographics make your eyes sing with delight? Then you have a visual-spatial intelligence.

Fear not, most people around the world need visual cues.

Visual Intelligence Example: National Geographic’s showcases the world with amazing photos. 

3. Verbal–linguistic intelligenceDo you like to talk? Maybe you enjoy talking a lot. You could be the super hero of talkers.

Verbal intelligence example-Podcasts like those from StartUp Podcast are a great verbal way to communicate your message.

4. Logical–mathematicalWhat is the square root of 7,056?Did you need a calculator? Perhaps you turned on the old noggin and spewed out an answer. Either way, welcome to the logical intelligence.

Logical-Mathematical Examples- How many statistics do you see on the internet? Just a random search for marketing statistics brought up the following articles: 1. 2016 State of Marketing- 55 Important Bu

siness Findings2. Top 10 Digital Marketing Statistics of the

Week3. 12 Statistics Why Your Legal Firm Should

Be Using Video Marketing.

5. Bodily–kinesthetic intelligence Are you athletic? Do you have that unexplained need to move around all day?

Kinesthetic Example- My cousin Stephanie uses video to showcase her Yoga skills. She does remote teaching.

6. Interpersonal intelligence

Interpersonal people are really good at connecting with others. They are the ones with a hundred friends. All of them seem to be besties. 

Interpersonal example- Ryan Biddulph is the master at blog commenting. He consistently posts comments on a wide array of bloggers posts. BloggingFromParadise.c


7. Intrapersonal intelligenceAre you an expert on yourself?

Do you know exactly who you are and why you do the things you do in life? Then you have a strong intrapersonal intelligence.

Intrapersonal Examples- Take Not Your Average Mom. Your mother of 7 with stories that make a mother think.

8. Naturalistic intelligenceDo you have a oneness with the nature?

Naturalistic Example-  Unsplash is part of a web development company that does projects for some of the largest tech companies in the world.

They send out multiple free, quality images a few times per month. Many images are scenes of nature.

9. Existential intelligenceAre you always pondering the meaning of life? Looking up at those twinkling lights in the cool mid-evening air wondering who else is there? Then you my friend have an amazing capacity to existential thinking.

Existential Examples- Solberg Manufacturing machine silencing factory is working on reducing emissions at their plant by 25% before 2018.

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