The power of social video storytelling for non-profits

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Pecha KuchaLisa DuTtonThe Power of Video Storytelling for Non-Profits


The big trend is video storytelling

Video storytelling with a social layer.The big trend in my mind is Snapchat,and everything related to live video streaming like Periscope and Facebook live video. -- Benoit Descary

Once upon a timeever feel let down after finishing a book? You were so in love with the characters you literally mourn their loss. Can you remember a movie or video that had you reaching for a Kleenex or rooting for the underdog or spitting mad or laughing out loud? Great stories entertain, educate and inspire. They spark a connection.


A short history of storytelling

Cave drawings, to novels, movies and podcasts despite the march of time humans are still enthralled by stories. Story telling is common to every known culture. And although the technology has changed, the desire to tell and hear stories has remained unchanged. Stories are central to human existence because they help us make sense of the world.

6 Reasons Why Podcasting is the Future of Storytelling

The Big Fish Blog

The Art of Immersion: Why do we tell stories

A memorable video

slow There is a series of commercials that stick in my mind even though they aired way back in 1990. Tasters Choice ran 13 different ads over a three year period during popular television shows such as ER. The commercials were about an ongoing courtship between two neighbours that began with a borrowed cup of coffee.


Tasters Choice ad in the 1990s was huge succes

I couldnt wait to see the next installment of a commercial. The difference: Tasters Choice was telling me a story not just hustling coffee. Thanks to these ads Tasters Choice became the most popular instant coffee in North America. At the time, a spokesperson said: "People are bombarded with media messages, so this was definitely very different."


We are bombarded by media messages

Time Sqaure

FAST More than ever people are bombarded by a tsunami of commercials, print ads, brand labels,Facebook Ads, Google Ads, ads on your phone or anything a business can produce to get your attention and get you to buy.Digital Marketing expertsestimate that most Americans are exposed to around 4,000 to 10,000 advertisements a day.

How many media messages do we see in a day?


How can non-profits get their messages heard?

How can nonprofits compete? By telling powerful stories. Like the14 year old waiting for a heart transplant and the 8 year old who received a kidney from her dad.

Video are now easier than ever to produce and distribute thanks to smart phones and platforms like Snapchat, Pericsope and others. Non-profits can produce engaging videos and loyal followers. 7

Why do non-profits need to be great storytellers?

EntertainEducate Inspire

Every nonprofit needs to become a storyteller in order to intrigue a journalist, inspire a donor to give, motivate staff to aim higher, to spark a revolution, to educate people about your cause and to land a corporate sponsorship deal. Stories are the basic building blocks for reaching our goals and fulfilling our mission.


Why storytelling and not facts & stats?

To hell with facts! We need stories!Ken Kesey, American novelist, essayist, and countercultural figure

slow Stories are powerfulThey help us remember. If you want people to remember facts, make them part of your story. Stories allow us to connect emotionally with people. They are a way for us to get people to empathize. Empathy and emotional engagement are key. With these two things, we can reallly get donors engaged and committed to our cause.


Why storytellingpart II

Stories link us to our sense of generosity. Studies show that donors tend to give twice as much when presented with a story about an affected individual as opposed to reading facts and stats about a problem. Stories stir our emotions: The more vivid the storythe more emotionally arousing. And emotions are what trigger the desire to help. 10

Who gives to charity?

Women more likely to give then men

75% of 15 to 24 year old give80% of 25 to 34 year olds give88% of those over age 35 give

According to Statistics CanadaWomen are more likely to give than men. 86 versus 82%. In 2010, as in previous years, 73% of people aged 15 to 24, 80% of those aged 25 to34 and 88% of the those age 35 and over gave to charity.

Charitable Giving by Canadians

Why do people give to charity?

SLOW Studies show people give because In addition to benefiting the community, the act of giving increases our psychological wellbeing, self-esteem and social status.We give because we want to be part of something bigger than ourselves. Giving to charity connects us to something that is having impact in the world.A little social pressure helps too...12

We give because our friends and neighbours are too!

Our peers are giving, so we should give too - Think about the recent boom in crowdfunding and peer-to-peer campaigns, (the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS is a prime example) aside from people wanting to be a part of the story we also are inspired to give when we see our friends and family chipping in to the cause


Why your organization needs a good storyteller

FAST Recap...we give to feel good, to be part of something important and something our peers are involved with. However, before we donate we must have read or watched something that triggers the desire to give. Enter storytelling. Jonah Sachs writes: Today, you can either learn to tell stories that inspire people to act or you can get immediately forgotten.


Powerful stories galvanize people nations to act

Video of Mark Zukerberg taking the Ice Bucket Challenge posted on Facebook 3-year-old Alan Kurdi pushes Canada to accept over 25,000 Syrian refugees

The stakes are high. Powerful stories change minds. The story of Alan Kurdi inspired the Canadian Government and Canadians to welcome 25-thousand Syrian refugees. The Ice Bucket Challenge was like lightening in a bottle raising $115 million for ALS. Moving, emotional stories go beyond creating awareness they motivate action. 15

People are watching a slew of videos

Okaystories are important but I have a few statistics. US adults spend about 1 hour, 16 minutes a day watchingvideo on digital devicesFacebook has8 billion daily video viewsfrom 500 million usersOn Snapchat 6 billion videos are viewed daily


Why you need to embrace social video

You Tube is the most popular video platform. The platform has over a billion users. Daily people watch hundreds of millions of hours of video.

Periscope is only a year old. Over200 million broadcastswere created in the past year and 110 years worth of live videoare watched daily

Just how popular is You Tube Periscope become the pillar of Twitters Growth?

Social video owns the all-important 18 to 33 year-old demographic.Millennials are spending less time in front of their TVs and more time watching video on their mobile devices and laptops. By 2030,millennials will comprise 75 percent of the global workforce, making it hard to ignore video platforms that resonate so well with this key audience and potential donors.


Recap the power of video storytelling

Stir our emotions

Spur us to actMotivate us to share

Videos generate responses that are both intellectual and emotional.They Inspire action The right combination of storytelling, imagery (through photos and video) and personal appeals move people to donate.They significantly expand donor reach because an engaging video is so easy to share.


A impactful video:

The White Hat volunteers is a moving low budget video. The Syrian volunteers rush to bombed buildings to find survivors. One time, they dig for hours to reach a crying baby. The crowd cheers as the infant is pulled from the rubble.

The video had me in tears, writing a cheque and sharing the story with you.Thank you. 20