The Practitioners Guide to Creating Content Like a Publisher

Post on 28-Jan-2018

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We’re all journalists now.

Scott Gant, 2007We're All Journalists Now: The Transformation of the Press and Reshaping of the Law in the Internet Age

Brands are media companies now.

Commonly Said, 2011 - 2012See especially: Red Bull, Intel and American Express

We’re all publishing companies now.Takes the concept of journalismAnd adds process, volume and scale

The devil is in the details. Brands aren’t set up to be publishers. They don’t necessarily understand the editorial process or have the stomach for the length of time it takes to build an audience.

Josh Sternberg, DigidayJanuary 25, 2012

Today and throughout the Mediabistro Social Media Boot Camp experience, we are going to help you overcome these challenges.

We've gone from being exposed to about 500 brand messages a day back in the 1970s to as many as 5,000 a day today.Jay Walker-Smith Yankelovich Consumer Research

See: 5,000

Engage: 76

Recall: 12

Act on: 5Yankelovich Consumer Research

See: 5,000

Engage: 76

Recall: 12

Act on: 5Yankelovich Consumer Research

you have to be the 0.1%

You have to create breakthrough content to be noticed.

How? Follow the right processes and formulae.


star power


by: 72 and sunny

for: K-Swiss



humorby: john st.

for: themselves

You have to create work that provides value to be shared.


star power


by: JESS3

for: Wikipedia’s 10th Anniversary

Eloqua - The Social Media ProBook

social media pros giving pragmatic insights

visualized in a “Mad Men Yourself” style

The State of the Internet

the growth of the internet and

social media’s role

visualized in a 5 minute video

Animated Study on Women’s Economic Opportunity for The Economist

150 page white paperby The Economist

visualized in a 6 minute video

Washington Post - The Future of Domains

ICANN’s new TLDs vs.

the “old” TLDs

told through a decaying city / burgeoning city


Creating compelling content has become a necessity for brands.

TV Ratings 101 for ESPN (Puppets & Papercraft)

how TV ratings work

told through puppets and papercraft

told through a behind the scenes

Stop Motion Animation for Gmail

Gmail’s fidelity from web to mobile

told through papercraft and stop motion animation

told through a behind the scenes

Creating content for brands is a delicate balance between business objectives, creativity & user goals.

The only important thing about design is how it relates to people. Victor PapanekDesign for the Real World: Human Ecology and Social Change (1971)

Top 5 reasons building an arsenal of templates makes sense for you:1. Scaleable resource.

2. Able to deploy quickly and efficiently.

3. Socially snackable; will show up as social graph share images and can be re-purposed by others, while retaining your stamp.

4. Enhances editorial content, reinforcing its thesis, supporting data and overall argument.

5. Smart media brands rely heavily on editorial templates. Brands like Bloomberg, The Economist and WSJ have set the standard for smart, branded assets that accompany their editorial. Follow their lead.

Overview of how the graphics are integrated with their editorial. These "spreads" are heralded as some of the best because of their attention to editorial design.

The layout and information flow is interesting and unique, while still ensuring that the colors and textures are distinctly Bloomberg BusinessWeek.

Lists and tables of contents don't have to be relegated to text; Bloomberg BusinessWeek shows us that visual

design can help spice up any information (and layout!).

Data-driven design is a part of Bloomberg's overall style. It is smart, trendy and modern. Consider levering this for your own brand.

Notice how the red in the lefthand corner ties it to The Economist's brand. Copy, colors and fonts also consistent with their publication.

How do you want to leave your (water)mark?

More complex chart graphics, but still on brand. Creates "snackable" assets for The Economist to share in social and

retain credit.

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