The Primary Update 09.05.13

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The Primary Update Grade 2 — Grade 5

May 9th, 2013 WELCOME PAGE

As the saying goes, time zooms by when you’re having fun, and this is so true of late here at JBS. The students have been incredibly busy the past couple of weeks, especially the Grade Two and Three classes who pulled of a spectacular comical performance of Porridge. We clearly have many budding actors and actresses amongst us here at JBS who may possibly be treading the stages one day on Broadway! A huge credit to all the staff who were involved in this production and especially to the parents who were able to support with the scenery, costumes and props, as ever we are eternally grateful of your continued support.

The end of year assessment week will be with us shortly. At JBS we intend to keep the assessment process for the students as low key as possible, in a bid to avoid any unnecessary stress put upon your son or daughter. Each grade will be assessed on Reading, writing, Numeracy and Science.

Assessments will be administered in a relaxed atmosphere, in a manner for which they are designed to give a true indication of a child’s individual attainment. The assessment process will take place over an extended period of time, from the week beginning 26th May. Your child’s overall academic performance will be reported in the end of year academic report.

In order to help your child during this time, please make sure that they receive plenty of rest and down time at home. A restful night’s sleep and a good breakfast will greatly help your child concentrate and work to their best of their ability. If you do have any questions with regard to the assessments then please do not hesitate to come in and ask either myself or your child’s class teacher.

Wishing you a relaxing extended weekend and we look forward to seeing the students back in school on Tuesday 14th May.

Best wishes

Miss Williams



مجلة مسابقة الحديث الشريف

للعام الدراسي 3103 / 3102

أبريل ، 22، وذلك يوم الخميس الموافق 2102/ 2102استضافت مدرسة جرين فيلد مسابقة الحديث الشريف على مستوى مدارس تعليم لعام

م وذلك تحت إشراف مؤسسة تعليم وبحضور د. سامّية الفرا ومنسق اللغة العربية األستاذ. مراد قّماش إذ قام طالب مدرسة جرين فيلد بتقدي

ذين ال عروض ممتعة نالت إعجاب جميع الحضور، ثم انتهت االحتفالية بتوزيع الجوائز على الفائزين والمشاركين والغبطة تعلو وجوه أولياء األمور

أبوا إال أن يشاركونا هذا االحتفال الجميل .


In Maths we have been learning about directions. The children worked in pairs to give each other directions using north, south, east and west. They were really good at it and later even helped the pirate find his treasure!

Grade 2 have been learning about Calligrams in literacy. They have been exploring how different texts appeal to readers by the use of layout, graphics and illustrations. They have been creating calligrams and adding rhyme and alliteration to them. We have been very impressed with their work! Well done.

The Cheetahs following directions Which way?!

The Lions with some of their poems.


This week in Grade 3 we have been learning about alternative styles of poetry. The most enjoyable style was RAP poetry! RAP stands for Rhymic American Poetry. We took a classic children's fairytale- Goldilocks and the three bears- and turned it into a cool rap. Each pair of lines ends with two rhyming words and each line has a similar amount of syllables so that the rap 'flows' well. We divided the rap into five verses (or stanzas) and wrote all of our own lyrics. It was off the chain.

Ilyas performing solo. Word.

Sofia, Arianna, Trond, Saam, Landon, Ethan, Maitha, Francesca and Arshia in

a rap-off. .


In Grade 4 this week, we have been having a speech competition on the topic of “Are zoos good or bad for the preservation of wild animals”. In class, we have been learning about persuasive writing, which was very useful when we were writing our speeches. By giving our speeches in front of the class, we learned how to speak loudly and confidently, and make eye contact with the audience. We wrote the speech for homework last week and we spent the whole week practicing saying our speeches. All three Grade 4 classes got together to listen to the speeches. We had picked numbers out of a box and that told us the order that we would give our speeches. We found it difficult to write the speech and we were nervous saying them even though we were only in front of our friends. The Grade 4 teachers will choose who had the best speech and then they will progress to the next level where they will be against the best speaker from Grade 5 and 6. The best one will then represent JBS at the Taaleem Speech Competition. It was hard but also fun and even if we don’t go through the next round, the audience might have learned something.

By Alia and Nouf


My Goals By Laura

I want to improve in my spelling by the end of the year.

I want to improve in my swimming and sports by the end of the year.

I will improve my spelling by engaging my brain.

I will improve my swimming and sports by swimming and doing sports.

My Goals by Joshua

My goals by the end of this year, are to pass my swimming tests, being able to speak French, not to talk too much and to be better at numeracy and literacy. I alsowant to get less scared in science when doing

experiments. I want to be better at Arabic I think I could also listen more to the teacher.

Joshua Reid

My goals by Victoria

I want to improve in my swimming especially backstroke. In class I want to improve my math and literacy because in literacy I’m with a teacher that is a helper and in math I want to be in a higher group.

GRADE 2 & 3 PRODUCTION When a crime wave hit Jolly Jumeira, there’s a caseload of mysteries to be solved! Who’s stolen Ma Hubbard’s recipe book? Who’s kidnapped Marigold the cow? And what dirty secret is Papa Bear hiding behind his Porridge empire? This year Grades 2 and 3 combined to put on their annual production- a side splitting musical called "Porridge." This stirring tale followed Detective Jack Spratt as he tried to find the identity of the dastardly criminal and uncover the terrifying truth in this tale of mystery, mayhem and breakfast cereal! Everyone involved including the children, the staff and the parents on the production team worked together to put on the most rewarding and hilarious show! After the initial auditions, the play was cast and 3 weeks of intense work followed. This involved learning words, acting and singing lessons, rehearsals, costumes, props and settings preparation. Despite all the hard work we all thoroughly enjoyed putting on the show and our cast of crazy characters kept the audience laughing throughout!


Over the last weeks, after completing the respective units, grade 2 to grade 5 children had to write and design their French projects.

Grade 2 had to prepare the program of a party, and design an invitation card in French. Grade 3 and 4 students have been working on their projects about their house: they had to design a project and describe their house using the vocabulary learnt in class. Some children brought pictures of rooms in their own house and they, then made very interesting presentations to the class:

Grade 5 created a mind map about what they think about different sports. To make it more personal, some had taken pictures of themselves performing the different sports. Grade 5 pupils then made presentations to the rest of the class and expressed their opinions about a variety of sports in French.

Grade 3 and 4: French projects

‘Les pièces de ma maison’

Grade 5 French projects: Mind Map :

Ce que je pense des sports