The Principal’s Role in Developing Academic and Behavioral Expectations that Systematically...

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The Principal’s Role in Developing Academic

and Behavioral Expectations that Systematically

Support School Culture

PresentersJeromey M. Sheets, Ed.D

Past President, OAESAPrincipal, Tallmadge Elementary School

Lancaster (OH) City Schools

Paul G. Young, Ph.D.Past President, OAESA & NAESP

Retired CEONational AfterSchool Association

About the Presenters

Jeromey Sheets, Ed.D. 15 year veteran principal Has led four schools Past President of OAESA NAESP State

Representative Last school earned 8/8 on

Ohio Report Card One OAESA Hall of Fame


Paul Young, Ph.D. 19 year veteran principal Has led four schools Past President of OAESA Past President of NAESP Last school earned highest

district scores in reading (Gr. 1, 4 & 6)

Two OAESA Hall of Fame Schools

Retired CEO, National AfterSchool Association

Presentation Goals

• build positive school culture

• create a comprehensive behavior support system

• establish positive relationships with parents

• enhance instructional leadership

Review and further develop strategies that…

What is School Culture?

• Beliefs• Values• Traditions• Behavioral Patterns• Safety Practices• Climate• Environment• The Way Things Are Done

What is School Culture?

ASCD’s Lexicon of Learning defines school culture as:

• The sum of the values, cultures, safety practices, and organizational structures within a school that cause it to function and react in particular ways.

• Some schools are said to have a nurturing environment that recognizes children and treats them as individuals; others may have the feel of authoritarian structures where rules are strictly enforced and hierarchical control is strong. Teaching practices, diversity, and the relationships among administrators, teachers, parents, and students contribute to school climate.

• School climate refers mostly to the school's effects on students, whereas school culture refers more to the way teachers and other staff members work together.

If culture is the personality of the organization, then climate represents that organization’s

attitude. It is much easier to change an

organization’s attitude (climate) than it is to

change its personality (culture).

Steve GruenertIndiana State University

Essentials of School Culture• Focus on reflection• Democratic governance• Clear policies and expectations for behavior• Student leadership• Respect and caring• Diversity recognized and celebrated• Inter-grade & across-grade student groupings• Pick Me Ups (formal time to start each day as a community)• Rituals (e.g. new student orientation; International Night; alumni

reunions; etc.)• Students are comfortable talking with adults about academic and

personal issues• High attendance, graduation, and college acceptance rates• Low dropout rate• Emphasis on professional development/life-long learning for staff

members• Fun!

See more at: From Big Picture Learning - Dennis Littky, Providence, RI

Key Elements that Frame School Culture

• Structure• Powerful work ethic • Common behavioral and academic

expectations for students and staff• Trust• Staff and parent empowerment

Establish Structure• Mission• Vision• Transparency• Expectations• Establish Decision Making Policies• Common Knowledge• Staff Development• Shared Goals• Evaluation

Mission and Vision Statements

• A mission statement explains why your school exists

• The “why” is the guiding purpose of all you do

Suggestion • A school’s mission

is to teach (and promote learning)

• A vision statement must explain (in detail) what your learning community hopes to achieve

Suggestion• Break down your

vision by the week, month, year, multiyear

• Communicate it often

Teach and Establish a Work Ethic

Do what you say you will do when you said you would do it.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a

habit. - Aristotle

Professional Work Ethic Virtues

1. Attitude2. Common Sense3. Competence4. Gratitude5. Initiative6. Integrity7. Perseverance8. Professionalism9. Reliability10.Respect

Teach Common Expectations

• Students (and staff) know exactly what is expected

• Students know what will happen if they cross over the line

• Students understand the meaning of consequences

• Energy, enthusiasm, and dedication are pervasive

• Teachers supervise every inch of instructional space

• Student-teacher interactions are fair, firm and consistent

• Pride is observable

From Newell, (2012) Classroom Management in the Music Room


What behavioral expectation is the most important for students and

staff to understand at your school?

1. Playground rules and expectations

2. Cafeteria rules and expectations

3. Reason/s for office referrals

Guide to the Professional Management of


Your Elementary SchoolSomewhere, USA 11111

Purpose of this Guide• Clarification of the principal’s expectations• Intentional teaching of positive behaviors to students (and staff) • Empowerment of professional staff

Template for PowerPoint is available upon request

Areas of Student Supervision and Management

• Morning line-up• Homeroom/announcements• Classroom instruction• Restroom breaks• Library/computer lab• Hallway movements (to and from other areas)• Assemblies• Cafeteria• Resource classes• Lunchroom• Lunch recess• Indoor recess• Office referrals• Detentions• Dismissal (walkers, bus room, etc.)

Keys to Successful Student Management

• Attain staff buy-in • Structure the student day• Teach preventative management

strategies• Reinforce of pro-social behavior• Role-model of all desired behaviors• Integrate a Code of Conduct into daily


Teach How to Make a Line

• Practice makes perfect• Stand behind the next student• All bodies, heads, and eyes

face forward• Keep in personal space• No talking

Sample School Structure/ExpectationsPowerPoint Slide

Teach Hallway Movements

• No student talking, only teacher voice for directions

• Keep to the right in halls and on stairs

• Do not disrupt instruction in other classrooms

• Keep hands off student work on walls

• Consider it a challenge to be the best managed class in the school while moving in lines

Sample School Structure/ExpectationsPowerPoint Slide

In an Effective School, There Are Five Major

Reasons for Office Referrals

• Personal injury• Cheating• Illegal or illicit behavior (stealing, drugs,

etc.)• Danger or threat to other students or

adults• Overt refusal to follow a staff member’s


Rationale for School-Wide Student Management and

Code of Conduct• Schools must be safe and

productive• Schools must create a climate with a

high expectancy of student success• Students must be motivated and

engaged• Staff must be guided to prevent

problems and to view those that do occur as “opportunities for teaching”

Sample Code of Conduct

• W ork for Quality

• E arn Respect

• S afety First

• T reat Others Kindly

Modify to fit your needsSuggestion - Keep a code simple and easy to recite

At Cedar Heights Elementary, I am expected to live

ABOVE the LINE! H onesty

O wnership

R esponsibility

N eatness

E xpectations

T olerance

Line of Choice ---------------------

B laming

E xcuses

D enial

Communicate and Connect

Congratulations!___________________________ is being recognized with this HORNET Award by _________________ for following Cedar Heights School Above the Line Expectations.

At Cedar Heights we believe in:

H onesty

O wnership

R esponsibility

N eatness

E xpectations

T olerance

Please sign this form and send it back with your child so he/she may be included in a weekly drawing for a prize.

______________________________Parent Signature

When a School Is Well Structured and Staff Effectively Manages Student Behavior…

• Office referrals are minimal• Removals from school are infrequent• Behavior incidents are minor and

routine• Success rate for individual behavior

plans is high• Staff/parent/administrative satisfaction

is high

The Principal Sets the Tone in Establishing School Culture

• Be visible• Choose a positive attitude• Identify patterns of behavior (students

and staff)• Don’t procrastinate; address problems• Empower staff to be the disciplinarians• Keep the “Monkeys off Your Back”• Gather good ideas from other schools• Look professional

“The most powerful single influence enhancing achievement is feedback.”

• Oral feedback is more effective than written

• Quality feedback is needed, not more feedback

• Much of the feedback provided by the teacher to the student is not valued and not acted on

• The most powerful feedback is provided from the student to the teacher and or to peers.

Feedback is Essential in School Culture

Strategies for Instructional Change

• Establish effective, evidence-based intervention processes• Establish systems to address all

learners’ needs• Remove labels• Assign teachers to strengths• Focus on Tier I data• Establish professional learning

communities• Replace IAT with Kid Talks• Lead expanded learning opportunities in

before and afterschool program

Build Trust

Principals Must LEAD• Learn

• Evaluate

• Attitude

• Decision

LEAD involves measuring, monitoring, maintaining, and maximizing the school’s instructional program.


What academic expectation is the most important for students and

staff to understand at your school?

1. Homework

2. Time-on-task with in-class work

3. Differentiated instruction

Avoid the Villains of Decision Making

• Narrow framinglimiting options to consider

• Confirmation biasseeking information that bolsters


• Short-term emotionsbeing swayed by emotions that fade

• Overconfidencetoo much faith placed on predictions

Communicate with Parents

• Share daily learning targets

• Communicate positives each day

• Involve parents in the RTI process

• Establish trusting relationships

• Identify and encourage parent leaders

At its best, student culture is the cornerstone of a

learning environment where student intellect and

character will both thrive. The key to building a great

culture is consistency - Paul Bambrick-

Santoyo Kappan, May 2014

PollOf the three options listed, what is the biggest culture killer at your


1. Student unrest, lack of discipline/respect; bullying

2. Trust - poor staff relations; isolated teachers

3. Absentee - uninvolved parents

My “To Do” ListCite several take-aways,

implications, or strategies that you have determined to further develop

to enhance your school culture.




Meet Us In Nashville!!Share your vision of positive

school culture with other principals

• Saturday, July 12, 10:15-11:45 a.m.• Canal C – Gaylord Opryland Resort

and Convention Center

Recommended Reading

ResourcesBlanchard, K. Oncken, W., Burrows, H. (1989). The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey. New York: Blanchard Family Partnership and the William Oncken Corporation. Brafman, O. & Brafman, R. (2010). Click: The Magic of Instant Connections. New York:

Random House.Chester, E. (2012).

Reviving Work Ethic: A Leader’s Guide to Ending Entitlement and Restoring Pride in the Workforce. Austin, TX; Greenleaf Book Group Press.

Espinoza, C., Ukleja, M., & Rusch, C. (2010). Managing the Millennials: Discover the Core Competencies for Managing Today’s Workforce. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Hatte, J. (2009). Visible Learning. New York: Routledge.Heath, C. & Heath, D. (2013). Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work. New

York: Crown Business/Random House.Hess, F. (2013). Cage-Busting Leadership. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.Maxwell, J. (2002). Leadership 101. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers.Newell, D. (2012). Classroom Management in the Music Room. San Diego: Neil A Kjos Music

Company.Young, P., Sheets, J. & Knight, D. (2005).

Mentoring Principals: Frameworks, Agendas, Tips, and Case Stories for Mentors and Mentees. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Young, P. (2008). Promoting Positive Behaviors: An Elementary Principal’s Guide to Structuring the Learning Environment. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Web ResourcesA Resource and Promising Practices Guide for School Administrators & Faculty:

Section I: School Climate and Culture; New York State Education DepartmentBambrick-Santoyo. (2014). Build a meaningful student culture from Day One. Kappan

95(8), 72-73.Gruenert, Steve. (2008). School Culture, School Climate: They Are Not the Same Thing.

Principal, March/April 2008, National Association of Elementary School Principals.Habegger, Shelly (2008).

The Principals Role in Successful Schools: Creating a Positive School Culture. Principal, September/October 2008, National Association of Elementary School Principals.

Is Your School's Culture Toxic or Positive? Education WorldKuntz, Brad (2012) ASCD Community: Create a Positive School Culture. Volume 54,

Number 9, (formerly the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development).MacNeil, A., Prater, D., Busch, S. (2009). The

effects of school culture and climate on student achievement. Volume 12, No. 1, 73-84, International Journal Leadership in Education.

Positive School Climate Tool Kit, Minneapolis Public Schools.School Climate: National School Climate Center. Sheets, J. & Young, P. (2013). Frame Your School’s Culture. Principal Navigator - OAESA,

9(1), p. 6-8. Sheninger, Eric (10-16-2013). The Secrets to Creating a Positive School Culture. A

Principal’s Reflection (Blog). Zakrzewski, Vicki (2013). How to Create a Positive School Climate. Greater Good Science


Presenter Contact Information

Jeromey M. Sheets, Ed.D.

2625 Wheeling Rd NE Lancaster, OH 43130 740-503-0617 (C) 740-654-1820 (H)

Paul G. Young, Ph.D.485 Crestview Drive

Lancaster, OH 43130614-296-4246 (C)

740-653-6553 (H)