The problems of injuries' - Gut · Gut, 1961, 2, 267 Theproblems ofclosed liver injuries' R. H. B....

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Gut, 1961, 2, 267

The problems of closed liver injuries'R. H. B. MILLS

From East Glamorgan Hospital, Church Village, Nr. Pontypridd

SYNOPSIS Because laceration of the liver is a condition which the surgeon is rarely called upon totreat, 36 cases of liver injury admitted bAtween 1926 and 1958 have been reviewed and the resultscompared with those of other authors. As well as discussing the incidence of this injury and itsrelation to age, sex, and pathology, the surgical management is outlined. The greatest singlefactor which has assisted the surgeon is transfusion of whole blood. Early operation is consideredadvisable, and suturing is preferred in repairing damage to the liver substance and achievinghaemostasis. Nevertheless, the mortality rate is high, in this series 60 %, which compares favourablywith that of other series. It is notable that patients operated on have a better chance of survivalthan those not operated upon.

Hepatic trauma due to external violence is notcommon, but is a condition which is associated witha high mortality rate. Apart from tears sustained inthe course of difficult cholecystectomies, lacerationof the liver due to external trauma is a conditionwhich the average surgeon is rarely called upon totreat. Because of this, not only does one find thatviews in regard to the local management of theinjured organ vary, but there is little known aboutsuch problems as incidence, complications, mortalityrates, and treatment.

In order to try to build up some authoritativepicture of this type of injury, a review of 36 cases ofliver injury admitted to the Cardiff Royal Infirmaryand from hospitals in four heavily industrializedmining valleys radiating from the northern bound-aries of the city was undertaken. In this particularreview, which covers the period 1926-58, there were30 non-penetrating injuries confirmed either atoperation or at necropsy, five presumed cases, andone of open injury.


The assessment of incidence was found to bedifficult, for there were many years in which no caseswere seen and information on what percentage ofadmissions were emergencies was not recorded. How-ever, between 1949 and 1953 the incidence in theCardiff Royal Infirmary was found to be 1 in 4,000,but in one valley (Pontypridd) during the years1955-57, the incidence was 1 in 1,200. The latter

'Synopsis of a thesis accepted by the University of Cambridge in 1959for the degree of M.D.

figures compare closely with those of Edler (1887)and Thorlakson and Hay (1929), who in each casegave a figure of 1 in 1,300, whereas Wright, Prigot,and Hill (1947) found 27 cases occurring in 34,000cases admitted to the Harlem Hospital between 1953and 1945, a figure of 1 in 1,259.The problems of closed splenic and renal injuries

are well described in most surgical textbooks, butlittle is said of rupture of the liver. Because descrip-tions of the two former injuries are accompaniedeither by historical annotations or by profuselycoloured illustrations, the focus of interest tends tobe centred on those two organs and the impressionis conveyed that they are the commonest organs tobe injured in the abdominal cavity. This is far fromthe truth, for in this series during the only period inwhich complete statistics were available from all theareas under consideration, there were 11 hepaticcompared with 12 splenic and 17 renal injuries.Below are summarized figures from past reviewscompared with the present series, and it is surprisingLo see that, apart from the figures of Hinton (1929)and Clarke (1954), in all other series the liver appearsto be more frequently damaged than the spleen.

TABLE ILiver Spleen Kidney Pancreas Gastro-


Present reviewVance (1928)Hinton (1929)Allen (1931)Lewis and Trimble(1933)Clarke (1954)

1 1 12 17 159.9% 33/o 21-5% 4.40,o7 8 18 -

24 10 - -


20 1 2 30 - 398 27 10 1 5


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Of the 30 cases recorded in this review 24 males andsix females were injured, a ratio of four to one. Theage distribution is of interest for predominantly liverinjury is an injury sustained by the young (Fig. 1).

In the present review road accidents accountedfor eight cases, crushing injuries nine, direct blowson the abdomen six, falls from a height five, 'scissors'type two. In children, road accidents and dangerousplay (falls from walls or trees) accounted for manycases, but over the age of 20, although road accidentscontribute to the overall figure, injury sustained indangerous occupations is the most frequent cause.The commonest industrial injury occurred in themines where men were crushed by derailed coaltrams or buried under falls of coal. In so far as theAmerican literature is concerned, all reviews dealingwith the topic of abdominal injuries (Thorlakson andHay, 1929; Allen, 1931; O'Neill, 1941; Papen andMikal, 1950; Mikal and Papen, 1950; Musselman,Glas, and Campbell, 1955) showed that automobileaccidents were by far the commonest cause.The force of injury required to produce liver injury

varies tremendously, from simple to the most majorinjuries. From an aetiological point of view closedrupture of the liver can be classified as in Table U.There is no doubt, however, that major trauma is

the causative factor in well over 99% of cases. Minortrauma is of importance where there is pathologicalor physiological enlargement of the liver, as intoxaemia of pregnancy or in the newborn. Spon-taneous rupture is a rarity and a most doubtful entity.In all the literature studied I have only found 10 suchcases. This paper deals with the type of injury mostfrequently seen in clinical practice, the type normallyassociated with trauma of varying degree, but inwhich there is no underlying hepatic disease.


The mechanism of liver rupture is difficult tounderstand for it is almost impossible to produceexperimentally the type of injury seen at operation.Whatever mechanism is involved is really only ofacademic importance so long as it is clearly under-stood that the surface laceration is merely the



U) 55

IL0 4


10 20 30 40 50.--70FIG. 1 AGE PERIOD

external evidence of generalized intrahepatic damageof unknown and varying extent, and the whole courseand complications of the illness are determined bythis latter factor. Three separate systems must beconsidered, each with its own particular problems.

DIVISION OF INTRAHEPATIC BLOOD VESSELS Haemor-rhage undoubtedly constitutes the principal threatto life. A feature which is not fully realized is thatthe hepatic venous system is of comparable size tothe portal and that tributaries of no mean diameterramify through all parts of the liver substance.Furthermore, the point of entry of the hepatic veinsin the vena cava is extremely close, within 1 in. ofthe right auricle. In effect, therefore, division of ahepatic vein means that these patients are virtuallybleeding from the right side of the heart. It is prob-able that in a very high proportion of those cases inwhich sudden death occurred at the site of theaccident it is these vessels which were torn. Thepercentage of patients who die at the site of theaccident is difficult to determine, but Vance (1928)gave a figure of 33-3 %, Lamb (1939) of 43.33%, andin one particular area between 1954 and 1958 in thisseries the figure was 50%.

INTRAHEPATIC CELLULAR DAMAGE This may bediffuse and varies tremendously in extent. In twocases in this series, in which a small laceration was



Major Road accidents, falls from heights, crushing and bufferinjuries, etc.

Minor (1) Without underlying liver diseaseNewborn

(2) With underlying liver diseasePregnancy

('Apoplexy of the liver') (1) Without underlying liver disease(2) With underlying liver disease


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The problems of closed liver injuries

FIG. 2. Histo-logical section ofliver taken at adistance from thesite of laceration,demonstratingsmall haemorrhagicareas.

found, scattered throughout the liver substance weremultiple areas of intrahepatic haemorrhage (Fig. 2).Apart from presenting as a cause of sudden deathand the common type met in clinical practice, liverinjury may exceptionally present as delayed ruptureor later manifestations. The mechanisms can bereadily related to the underlying intrahepatic injury:

Subcapsular -> Abdominal mass -+ Rupture into peritoneal cavityt

(I) Haematoma


Becomes infected -+ Liver abscess -- Subphrenic abscess-+Communicates with -->'Traumatic haemobilia'

biliary tract(2) Traumatic bile cyst Presenting as an abdominal mass

--Enlarging beneath the diaphragm, dyspnoea- Rupture into peritoneal cavity

Should a subcapsular haematoma form it mayenlarge in such a fashion as to present as an ab-dominal mass which subsequently ruptures. On theother hand, a central injury may be produced. Shouldthis in the main be a haematoma, it may increase insize and with a varying amount of bile extend to thesurface, or it may form a true bile cyst. If a centralhaematoma becomes infected, a liver abscess willresult which commonly manifests itself at a laterstage as a subphrenic abscess. Occasionally, such ahaematoma communicates with a major radical ofthe biliary tree and the contents are discharged intothe duodenum and melaena results (traumatichaemobilia).The intrahepatic post-operative complications are


related to the extent of infarction of liver tissueThus:Loss of blood supply Infarction -- Necrosis-*Sequestration

Subphrenic abscess - Liver abscess *- Infection -- Secondaryhaemorrhage

When a surgeon undertakes a laparotomy for alacerated liver he can by no means at his disposalassess the true amount of liver damage, for a smallsurface laceration may be accompanied by the mostsevere intrahepatic damage. He is therefore in noposition to offer a prognosis as to the outcome of theoperation, no matter how successful he may havebeen in suturing the damaged viscus.

Post-operative jaundice occurred in five cases inthe present series and usually within the first week ofconvalescence. In part this is probably related tocellular damage, but all these cases had previously


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been given blood and it is impossible to exclude thepossibility of a transfusion reaction.

DAMAGE TO THE BILIARY RADICALS When the liver islacerated, as well as there beingvascular and sinusoidaldamage, fine biliary radicals are divided and bile inaddition to blood pours into the peritoneal cavity.Should surgical intervention be successful in con-trolling haemorrhage, but fail to ensure either thatno further bile flows into the peritoneal cavity orthat adequate drainage for further uncontrolledbiliary secretion is provided, then the majority ofthose intra-abdominal complications which arise inthe post-operative period can be attributed to theperitoneal irritation consequent upon the biliaryoutflow.

In this particular series the following complica-tions were observed: Peritonitis (4 cases), ileus(3 cases), intestinal obstruction (3 cases), residualabscess (1 case), and burst abdominal wound (2cases).


This term 'hepato-renal syndrome' is an uncertainentity and has been applied to all sorts of conditionsin which terminally there is a progressive renal failureof unexplained origin. In cases of hepatic trauma ithas been postulated that a nephrotoxin is elaboratedby the damaged liver and on this account it was sug-gested by Boyce (1941) and later by Gans (1955) thatthis was the most important reason that 'the removalof devitalized liver tissue is indicated'. This hypo-thesis cannot go unchallenged and the followingpoints summarize the arguments that can beadvanced against it.

(1) Experimental injury to the liver in dogs, rats,and rabbits has been unsuccessful in producing thetype of injury found in humans (Orr and Heiwig,1939; Helwig and Orr, 1932). (2) There are manycases of survival described in which (a) massive liverdamage was sustained, (b) where liver sequestra havebeen either removed surgically or dischargedspontaneously from a drainage hole a considerableperiod after the initial injury (Sanders, Macguire,and Moore, 1949; Clarke, 1941; Pilcher, 1942;Thomason, 1952; Cohn, 1947). In none were thereany associated abnormal urinary symptoms. (3)Finally, one may therefore ask, 'If damaged livercan produce a nephrotoxin why does it not occur inevery case'?Whereas the mechanism of acute post-traumatic

renal failure is not yet fully explained and is probablyrelated to the extent and duration of the traumatichypotension, it seems most unlikely that a specificnephrotoxin is elaborated by the liver. Incompatible

blood transfusion, crushing, shock, and many othercomplex factors are involved, each of which may playa part in producing this syndrome. In only one of thecases under review did post-operative anuria occur.


When a patient sustains an injury to the liver, hemay be killed immediately or die before admissionto hospital; he may survive long enough to beadmitted to hospital (the common type), or he maypresent days or even weeks later with delayed mani-festations (e.g., abdominal mass, delayed rupture,liver or subphrenic abscess, haemobilia, and so on).It is with the common type that we are concernedand these patients present with varying degrees ofshock and abdominal pain.

In this particular series shock was present invarying degree and some patients presented thetypical appearance of blood loss. They were pale andsweating with sometimes a tinge of cyanosis of thelips and in others air hunger. One would expect thatthe degree of shock would bear a direct relationshipto the extent of the laceration but this was not so.In one of the cases an elderly man involved in a caraccident, who had a blood pressure of 120/90 mm.Hg and a pulse rate of 60 when admitted to hospital,was found at operation to have an extensive invertedY laceration of the right lobe of the liver. Conversely,a small boy of 11 years who had sustained a 1 in.laceration of the liver, was profoundly shocked onadmission. In a more recent review of 21 cases ofliver injury, 47*5% of cases when first seen hadsystolic blood pressures of over 100 mm. Hg. It isapparent that neither the general appearance of thepatient nor the blood pressure readings can beregarded as accurately reflecting the extent of bloodloss or of hepatic damage. It would be most unwiseto allow either of these uncertain features to affectsurgical judgment when it comes to a question ofwhether or not to explore the abdomen, for thephysiological response to blood loss varies con-siderably from individual to individual.The abdominal physical signs found in these cases

are considerably modified by the presence ofassociated intra-abdominal injuries. In this series of30 confirmed cases only 50% were uncomplicated,and in the remainder the associated organs injuredall lay in the upper abdomen close to the liver(stomach 3, jejunum 1, transverse colon 1, omentumand mesentery 4, spleen 3, kidney 2, gall bladder 1,pancreas 1, adrenal 1). The majority, therefore, com-plained of generalized abdominal tenderness mostmarked perhaps in the upper abdomen or epigas-trium. In only six was there pain, tenderness, andrigidity related to the right hypochondrium. On the

270 R. H. B. Mills

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The problems of closed liver injuries

other hand, in an unpublished review of another 21cases of uncomplicated liver injury, a presumptivepre-operative diagnosis was possible in 85 % of cases,but even so in half of these the main complaint wasof generalized abdominal tenderness. On more thanone occasion the physical signs were completely mis-leading for in one case pain was most marked in theleft iliac fossa.


The mortality rate in subcutaneous liver injury isextremely high. In the present series of 30 confirmedcases, 18 died and 12 survived, giving a mortalityrate of 60%. On the other hand, taking the series asa whole, there was a steady decrease in the mortalityrate, which coincided with the establishment of aregional blood transfusion service and with theincreasing use of whole blood at the earliest possibletime (Fig. 3). This overall mortality rate does notcompare unfavourably with others found in theliterature (Tilton 62.5%; Vance 100%; Lamb 68%;Wright et al. 81-3%; Allen 666%). As would beexpected, as the number of associated injuriesincreased, so did the mortality rate. In the presentseries Fig. 4 demonstrates this point.

It is commonly held that the mortality rate ofclosed liver injuries is higher than in penetrating ones.No comparison was possible in the present reviewfor only one case of open injury occurred. This viewis based on four critical reviews by Edler (1887),Tilton (1905), Boljarski (1910), and Cohn (1947),each of whom demonstrated that closed liver injurieswere associated with about a 40% higher mortalityrate than with open injuries.


Of the 18 deaths in this series, there was evidencethat in 11 cases no blood transfusions were under-taken or that it was either in inadequate amounts ortoo late. In fairness it must be stated that thesedeaths occured mainly in the years between 1926 and1936 when a regional blood transfusion service wasnot in existence. Of the remaining seven, three diedof complications attributable to uncontrolled biliaryleak from the damaged liver. Two developed burstabdominal wounds at 11 and nine days respectivelyand both died at re-operation for suturing the wound.One collapsed suddenly for no apparent cause, andthe other vomited and aspirated the stomach con-tents into the trachea. The third case developedintestinal obstruction. One patient died on the sixthday ofanuria and renal failure; one patient developeda secondary haemorrhage on the ninth day, and onepatient survived 56 days, but finally died fromassociated pulmonary tuberculosis. Finally, one childdied shortly after operation and at necropsy the onlydefinite finding was that histologically there wasconsiderable diffuse intrahepatic haemorrhage.

It would seem, therefore, that there are three maincauses of death: 1, Inadequate pre-operative prepara-tion, 2, inadequate control of haemorrhage andbiliary leak at operation, and 3, there are some casesin which the intrahepatic damage is so diffuse as torender the prognosis most doubtful. Because of thislast fact the surgeon is entirely in the dark and all hecan do is the minimum to control further loss ofblood and bile. He can offer no prognosis and hemust appreciate two things, namely, there is goingto be a percentage of patients who die following

87-5 %

[8 CASES] [7



1930 1940





412 7

[12 CASES)

1950 1958












57.I %500/%

1930 1940


FIG. 3















100 ,/[3 CASES]

1926 1958* .


FIG. 4

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R. H. B. Mills

successful operation, those with extensive intra-hepatic injuries and there is nothing he could havedone about it; there is a very small percentage ofcases in which complications attributable to intra-hepatic necrosis (e.g., abscess, sequestra) may occur.Again nothing can be done about these at operationand he must patiently await the outcome of his initialefforts.

usually before surgery can be attempted. All thosewith acute haemorrhage die, if they are not given thebenefit of surgery'. Statistically, three reviews supportthis opinion.

TABLE IIIAuthor Cases Operated Cases Not Operated

No. Died (% Mortality) No. Died (% Mortality)


There has been divergence in opinion as to whetheror not laparotomy should be undertaken in cases ofruptured liver. The case for a conservative policyhinges on the fact that the portal venous circulationis sluggish and of low pressure and that invariably, atoperation, no continuing haemorrhage of any greatextent is found. Cases are bound to crop up in whichno major breach in intrahepatic venous circulationhas occurred, but there are other factors which needmost careful consideration before a regime of earlysurgical intervention is condemned.The importance of the valveless hepatic veins and

their close relationship to the right side of the hearthas already been discussed. It is commonly held thatbleeding has ceased by the time laparotomy is under-taken. This is not wholly true. It has been my per-sonal experience that while the lacerated area is filledwith clot and there is no longer any massive bleeding,there is always a slow but constant trickle into theperitoneal cavity. These clots are friable and mosteasily detached, but what is most important is thatthey conceal tributaries of either the portal or hepaticvenous systems visible to the naked eye. In threecases I have seen such clots separate following themost gentle manipulations, and this was followed bya pulseless gush of blood from vessels as large as anadult-sized radical artery. With such experience it isdifficult to be convinced that conservatism is eitherjustifiable or a sound surgical policy.

Precise diagnosis is frequently impossible. Con-comitant injury of liver and spleen manifests itself inexactly the same fashion as if only one was injured,namely, as intra-abdominal haemorrhage. Further-more, in 50% of the cases in this series there was anassociated injury found at operation.No recognition has been taken of the fact that if

the injury is not treated there is a continuous freeflow of bile into the peritoneal cavity, with its ownparticular risks and consequences. This view is sup-ported by Halberstam, Bloom, and Graham (1947)and Newell (1948), who state that laparotomy isindicated not only in every case of liver injury, butalso when such an injury is merely probable, andthat 'traumatic rupture of the liver is a dangerousinjury. All patients with massive haemorrhage die,

Alien (1931) 22Wright et al.(1947) 9Mikal and Papen(1950) 7

14(637) 2 2(100)

5 (555) 17 17 (100)

- (38.9) 18 -(81-8)


This, of course, involves the whole problem ofdiagnosis of abdominal injuries. In interpreting thephysical signs, four factors must be considered: theactual injury to the abdominal wall, the low-gradeperitoneal irritation produced by a haemoperiton-eum, the more severe type resulting from actualinfection of the peritoneal cavity by intestinal con-tents, bile, or urine, and finally the amount of bloodlost.The localizing physical signs, e.g., the marked

tenderness in the right hypochondrium, are probablydetermined by the site at which the external forcestrikes the abdominal wall, but which viscus is in-jured is determined by the direction of this externalforce. This can be the only explanation for thosecases of liver injury in which the physical signs aremost marked in a quadrant other than the righthypochondrium, e.g., the left iliac fossa. Haemo-peritoneum is productive only of a low-grade peri-toneal irritation and the physical signs are dependententirely upon its extent and its duration. Further-more, the injury to the abdominal wall may havebeen diffuse and the differentiation between guardingand rigidity is then difficult.

All that can be said with confidence is that thepatient is suffering from an intra-abdominal haemor-rhage as the variations in local physical signs are sogreat. The adoption of a purely academic outlook inthe diagnosis and treatment of abdominal injuries,and to say, this is a case of ruptured liver, or this isa case of ruptured spleen and so on, is wrong. Inclinical practice we are presented with a patient withan abdominal injury and it is impossible to sort outthe clinical features and relate them to one or otherorgan. There are only two decisions which arerequired: Whether or not surgery is to be undertaken,and if so, when?Two things only must be considered: 1 Has the

patient lost blood into the peritoneal cavity and ishe continuing to lose blood? 2 Are there early signs


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The problems of closed liver injuries

of peritonitis and is it spreading? In so far as thosecases are concerned which are admitted with pro-found shock and blood loss, the decision is obvious,but the difficulty arises where the degree of haemor-rhage or peritoneal irritation is minimal. The signsof haemoperitoneum are slight, productive only ofmild generalized tenderness with slight guarding ordiminution in bowel sounds, and the compensatoryability of some patients is so great that up to 3 pintsof blood can be lost without much alteration inblood pressure and pulse rate. Even if these minimalsigns are present and a liver injury is suspected, forthe foregoing reasons, because the patient is beingoperated on when his general condition is relativelygood, early surgery is to be recommended.

If for some reason or another a decision is made toobserve the patient, then a rising pulse rate is anearlier and more accurate assessment of blood lossthan change in blood pressure. Similarly as a reflec-tion of the development of peritonitis of any degree,alteration in the quality, or absence of bowel sounds,is the most important physical sign.The presence of haematuria or multiple fractured

ribs must not be allowed to deter a surgeon fromoperating. This is a great diagnostic pitfall and if theabdominal physical signs leave the slightest possibledoubt that some intra-abdominal injury has takenplace, then laparotomy should be performed. Con-siderable judgment is required to decide whetheroperation is needed or not, but any deterioration inthe general or local condition of the patient warrantsthe most serious consideration of laparotomy. Thereis no disgrace in operating and finding nothing.


From what has been said in the previous sectionsand if the policy of early surgical intervention isaccepted, then treatment must be directed towardsearly and adequate replacement of the blood lost,early control of bleeding, and at the same time controlof biliary outflow or the provision of adequateexternal drainage from the lacerated area. No furthercomment will be made on the question of trans-fusion, only to repeat that in 11 of the 18 deaths inthis series death was attributable either to delay orinadequacy of blood replacement. When operationis undertaken the whole abdominal cavity must besystematically examined to exclude any other injury.

There remain to be discussed details of surgicaltechnique and it is around this point that there hasprobably been the greatest controversy of all. Thereis one important feature which must be emphasizedabove all else. If hepatic surgery is to be undertaken,a needle long enough to be passed through the wholethickness of the liver must be available. A Kous-

netzoff needle is not an instrument available in alltheatres, whereas a 9 in. silver malleable probe withan eye will prove more valuable than the largestavailable needle of the ordinary variety.SURGICAL APPROACH Grey Turner's (1940) advicemust always be borne in mind: 'The patient will notdie from a very big incision, but may very likelysuccumb if some important injury is overlooked. . .'.In this respect the question arises whether or not thereis justification under certain circumstances in con-verting a simple upper abdominal incision into athoraco-abdominal one.The crux of the matter seems to be, Is it going to

be of any value? If on palpation a deep cleft which isbleeding severely can be demonstrated, and it is feltthat this would be amenable to some form of sutur-ing, then there can be no reason for not doing this,for suturing is preferable to packing. On the otherhand, if a stellate or grossly comminuted injury isfelt, in which suturing would be out of the question,then there is no point in doing it and packing shouldbe resorted to. The additional risks of a thoraco-abdominal incision must be weighed against therisks of closing the abdomen with bleeding incom-pletely controlled.

TREATMENT OF THE LIVER WOUND There can be nouniform method applicable to all varieties of liverinjury. These wounds vary in size and depth, andmay be simple surface breaches of Glisson's capsule,full-thickness divisions, or stellate and comminutedinjuries with variable degrees of separation. Thespecific measures which must be considered are de-bridement, packing, suturing, drainage, or acombination of all.

Debridement That there is a place for theremoval of almost completely or completely detachedsegments of liver, whose viability is in doubt, cannotbe denied, for they are potentially sources of infec-tion. The fulfilment of this ideal may be difficult, forthere is not only the worry of having to accomplishhaemostasis from a newly created raw surface, butthere is the worry of extending the surgical procedurein a patient who is already critically ill. In this serieswhat liver was removed was either free, small, orfragmented. In the case in which deep fissures arepresent which extend through most of the liver sub-stance, the additional risks of removal may well bepreferable to re-attaching them, so running the risksof repeated secondary haemorrhages which are evenmore difficult to control and may necessitate the useof a thoraco-abdominal approach. This view is sup-ported by the experience of Sanders et al., who, intwo cases in which a deep laceration of the lateralthird of the right hepatic lobe was present, had tooperate a second time, using a thoraco-abdominal


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approach to control secondary haemorrhage fromthe necrosed fragments of liver which had beenre-attached to the main bulk of the liver at the firstoperation. There seems to be one exception to this,namely, deep lacerations immediately to the leftof the falciform ligament where the whole of theleft lobe of the liver has been detached. This is thesite at which the portal veins and hepatic vesselsbifurcate and where there is a probability that thedetached fragment has retained its blood supply. Theporta hepatis should be carefully examined to deter-mine this point before suturing is undertaken. Sucha procedure was performed with success in two casesin this series.Packing Packing is one ofthe traditional methods

of controlling haemorrhage in liver injuries. Threesubstances have been used, namely, gauze, localtissues (falciform ligament, omentum, muscle), andsynthetic coagulants.Gauze packing was associated with the highest

mortality rate in this series. Of the eight patients inwhom it was used, five died. If packing is to beresorted to, it must be placed in a position in whichit can exert pressure and not be easily dislodged. Theonly part of the liver in which this can occur is thedome, where the space between liver and diaphragmis so small that it can exert effective pressure andremain where it has been placed. On the under-surface packing moves every time the patientbreathes and it soon becomes dislodged and ineffec-tive. If it is used in such a situation it then becomesnothing more than a gesture. The use of packing istherefore indicated in cases of comminution of theliver not amenable to suturing, in the dome, orposterior surface, and it is obviously of value in thosepatients whose general condition is so critical thatthe operation must be abandoned with haste. Quiteapart from this, other theoretical objections havebeen raised against packing. 1 It must be tight orit is of no use: if too tight it will produce pressurenecrosis and favour secondary haemorrhage. 2 Ittends to dam any flow of bile and is a potentialsource of infection leading to localized pockets ofbile, abscesses, hepatitis, subphrenic infection, andincreases the risk of chest complications (Madding,1955).Local tissues have been used in an effort to avoid

a gauze pack. However, they are often difficult toreflect into position and if they are to be effectiveneed to be used as free grafts. Synthetic coagulantsare useful in the control of superficial lacerationeither alone or in combination with suturing. Theiruse, however, in large amounts or in deep lacerationsin combination with suturing must be regarded withsome caution for their rate of absorption is slow andmay exceed the period required for healing; they are

not always absorbed and may lead to their ownquota of post-operative complications. These haveincluded subphrenic abscess, hepatic abscesses, in-testinal obstruction from adhesions, and the erosionof the oxidized cellulose through the intestinal wall.

Suturing This is undoubtedly the most effectivemeans of both controlling haemorrhage and biliarydrainage, and should be employed whenever possible.Two types of injury seem to lend themselves to thisform of treatment: the linear full-thickness andpartial-thickness injuries. Preliminary occlusion ofthe vessels lying in the free edge of the lesser omen-tum will help to reduce the amount of bleeding fromthe raw liver surface, but not completely, for thatdoes not control any back flow from the hepaticveins. Before suturing, attempts should be made toidentify and ligate any major vascular radicalsvisible on the surface, and when such suturing isfinally undertaken it should be not merely across awound, for such stitches have no effect whatsoeverin controlling either biliary outflow or furtherhaemorrhages. The important sutures are those whichrun parallel with the wound edges, for it is thesewhich compress the vascular and biliary channels.If sutures are placed parallel with the torn surfacesand effect haemostasis, then the liver substance lyingbetween those sutures and the tear is liable to under-go necrosis. It is difficult to see any alternative andthe risk of possible necrosis must be accepted as theprice to be paid for effective haemostasis. (On severaloccasions I have placed such sutures i in. from thetear and have found that not only do the sutureshold well, but that no complication which has beenmentioned has occurred.) When considerable fissur-ing is present, attempts at suturing are not alwayssuccessful, but even so, considerable patching ofthese wounds can sometimes be accomplished. Whenresection of devitalized tissue has been undertaken,suturing is of course essential in an attempt tocontrol bleeding from the torn surface.One last consideration is that it has been shown

that the tight closure of these lacerations may leadto certain complications. A closed cavity may becreated within which blood, bile, or pus mayaccumulate, leading to cyst or abscess formation orthe syndrome of traumatic haemobilia. On thisaccount Kreig (1936), Hawthorne, Oaks, and Neese(1941), and Sparkman (1953) suggested that a smalldrain should be inserted into the depths of a suturedhepatic laceration.

Drainage Although drainage was not under-taken in many cases in this series, without adversecomplications, it cannot be regarded as a goodsurgical practice. Omission to drain can only beattributed to failure to appreciate the fundamentalpathology or to the supreme confidence of the


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The problems of closed liver injuries 275

operator that further biliary leak has been prevented.The biliary radicals are small, difficult to detect evenat necropsy, and neither the appearances nor thesize of the wound can give any indication of thepossible amount of further biliary flow. In addition,there is always the question of possible necrosis. Theplacing of drains, not only in appropriate positionson the surface of the liver, but also when the occasiondemands, in the liver substance itself, must beregarded as being one of the most important featuresin the management of liver injuries.


Clinical research which involves not only the collec-tion and analysis of a given number of cases, but alsothe comparison of results obtained with those inother published series, is always beset with difficulties.Apart from the question of gathering in these cases,it is invariably found that there are gaps in therecording of the details regarded as being essentialin the preparation of any statistical analysis. So ithas been with this series. It has been impossible toproduce figures of such accuracy that they wouldwithstand a truly scientific criticism. Quite apart fromthis, there are 'clinical' features such as the individualpatient's reaction to blood loss, and surgical andanaesthetic skill, which are so varied that it is im-possible to translate them into terms which can beexpressed or recorded as graphs or figures. One isleft only with impressions and individual opinions.

In the introductory paragraph of this paper certainquestions were posed, and, bearing in mind what hasbeen said, the conclusions arrived at are as follows:

Liver injuries are uncommon. They occur inbetween 1 in 1,300 and 1 in 4,000 cases admitted tohospital. Hepatic injury occurs if not with equal, thenwith slightly greater frequency than splenic injury,but which is injured when a patient is involved in anaccident is a matter of chance, for both these organslie closely together in the upper abdomen andwhether one or the other or both are damageddepends on the site, direction, and extent of injury.Attention is drawn to the difficulties of precisediagnosis and that in these cases multiple intra-abdominal injuries may often be sustained.The greatest single cause of death is haemorrhage

and shock, but late complications following opera-tion can be attributed mainly to a continued biliaryleak from the torn liver surface.The mortality rate is still high in closed liver

injuries. In this series the overall mortality rate is60% and this compares favourably with figuresobtained in other series.The one pathological feature not always appreci-

ated is that the surface laceration is only part of

varying degrees of generalized liver damage, and thatalthough the regenerative powers of the liver areexcellent, on occasions the intrahepatic damagemay be so extensive that death occurs shortly afteran apparently successful operation.There is no one correct treatment, especially

where the actual technique of hepatic haemostasis isconcerned. Packing if possible should be avoided,but if it has to be resorted to, it must be placed in aposition where not only will it remain but where itwill exert pressure. The only place where this canoccur is over the dome and posterior surface. Sutur-ing is to be preferred and should be used wheneverpossible.

There is a place for more radical surgery on a fewoccasions. Where a segment of liver is almost com-pletely detached it should be removed, and where afreely bleeding laceration at the dome or posteriorsurface is detected and it is felt to be amenable tosuturing, then there is justification for converting asimple laparotomy into a thoraco-abdominal ex-ploration to ensure good vision for effectivehaemostasis.The most important single factor which can reduce

the overall mortality rate is the early and adequatetransfusion of whole blood. Early operation is con-sidered advisable, and although on a few occasionsresection of hepatic tissue may be necessary, ingeneral the simpler the technique used to controlboth haemorrhage and biliary effusion, the better.Drainage of the peritoneal cavity is considered to benot only good surgical practice, but essential in casesof liver injury.

This work was undertaken at the suggestion of ProfessorLambert Rogers, Director of Surgical Studies, Universityof Wales. I am most grateful to him for his kindlycriticism and help.

I wish to thank the following surgeons for permissionto quote their case histories: Messrs. Melbourne Thomas,R. J. Williams, Wynford Davies, and S. Bloom. Theremaining cases were collected for me by Mr. Morgan,the Medical Records Officer of the Cardiff RoyalInfirmary.

I am grateful to Miss Joan Beard for her patience andthe care with which she has undertaken the typing andchecking of this work.


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