The Profits of Scripture: Doctrine; Reproof; Correction Profits of...

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The Profits of Scripture: Doctrine; Reproof; Correction and

Instruction in Righteousness

All Scripture is inspired of God and is profitable for Doctrine, Reproof, Correction and

Instruction in Righteousness, that the man of God might be perfect…thoroughly furnished

unto all good works. 2 Timothy 3: 16


For Doctrine, Reproof, Correction and Instruction in Righteousness, all Scripture is Inspired

and profitable. While we might note the absence of attachments regarding Inerrancy or Infallibility, the

existential constitution of Truth behind Divine Autonomy in Fellowship with finite autonomy, comprise an

explosive Cyclic Relationship of immanence to transcendence to immanence to transcendence.

For Doctrine, Reproof, Correction, Instruction in Righteousness – Definition, Distinction,

Direction and Deliverance – the Word of God is profitable. Doctrine, Reproof, Correction, Instruction –

a Biblical Four Chambered Heart pumping Life to dead, tired bones of propositional disagreement and

debate – if we can get it to beat while reading the Book.

As a Book of Relationship, Scripture offers immanence/transcendence through the interaction of

finite autonomy with an Inspired Propositional Text. Relative to Books within the same Testament,

immanence transcends to the condition of autonomy represented. Contrasting Truth of the Testaments,

immanence transcends a second time to the Word of God – profitable for Doctrine, Reproof, Correction

and Instruction in Righteousness…as purely unprovable as autonomy can get – except for behavioral


A double dose of immanence/transcendence, the Word of God has been called a Two Edged

Sword of the Spirit, negotiating finite division when approached the way Scripture was written – through

eyes of Faith.

Like a Tuning Fork, we cannot expect a flow of immanence/transcendence, reading Scriptural

Proposition with hearts skeptical of what the Bible assumes, or, without enough belief in Divine Existence

to have and record - a Relationship.

But neither do we have to come with Hearts full of Divine Spirit to experience Scriptural

Propositions immanently working to restore a fellowship that will explosively transcend. Divided empty

Hearts will do. Grieving Hearts will do. Hearts without purpose or esteem will work. Hearts searching for

identity are fine as well. The measure of Faith we bring to the Bible, ties or frees the Cycle of

immanence/transcendence to turn.

Not everyone picking up the Bible reads the Word of God, though, may begin reading the

Scriptures and finish with the Word. The difference lies in a dead boring book of numbered propositional

knowledge, particularly starting with Genesis, versus, what lay between immanent individual life changing

verses…transcending to the substance of all Relationship.

Levels expressed correlate to personal priority, conviction and Belief. Taking a little Faith to fight

off sloth and maybe, a bit more to handle a simultaneously expanding Height, Breadth and Depth. Scope,

Veracity and Lucidity are the most significant marks of Pure Living Growing Truth when exposed to

Inspiration. For while the Bible may be Inspired, Scriptural Truth is meant to be less propositional proof

and more a further immanence to transcend, creating what we call the Living Word.

Ask not whether the Bible is propositionally error free because of Inspiration, but, whether what

has been Inspired continues to lift up from depths expanding the breadth of Relationship. For the Bible is

a Book of Relationship that, for the most part, was written by inspired people never meeting – at least in

the Old Testament.

Yet, the Bible has a central Character appearing in every Book, over a time frame of about five

thousand years. The Silver Thread Running through all Sixty-six is the Record of each writer, relating to

the same Character, contrasted to writers of the same Testament; evolving from Old to New.

The Identity of the Bible should not be judged by those who read the Book, for the frame of

reference from which we study much less interpret today, may tomorrow change. Yet, were it not for the

Immutability of the Bible as the Word, we would swear on a Stack someone added next month’s Inspiring

verses. Of little difference how many times reading, when only the way of approach opens spiritual


Immanence and Transcendence: The Nature of Scriptural Flow

Those studying Scripture with the regularity of a Saint may well begin experiencing sudden rises

of energy moving up, out and in as single words break open to different levels, each in relationship to the

implications of Human Life. Conventional interpretations unchanged, meaning expands depth to doors

passed or yet reached, opening oceans we call Spiritual Filling or, Wells of Living Water.

Without Relationship there would be no such thing as Immanence or Transcendence. Why?

Without Relationship, space for Immanence and Transcendence does not exist. But if God is Three Infinite

manifestations of One Eternal Relationship from which Creation sprang, Immanence and Transcendence

exist as the Nature and Divine Energy of Ontological Flow…between Father, Word/Son and Holy Spirit.

So it is with Body, Soul and Spirit – or the ontology of man.

Bottom line: Between two of anything there is transcendence and immanence.

Immanence: Something about to happen. An immediate sense of intimate approach. Immanent

danger; blessing; test; task; labor – spiritually, all intimate issues residing inside the Image of God.

As we develop relationship of Body/Soul and Spirit within the Image, immanent change

proportionally grows, particularly when the Spirit of Christ is involved.

Immanence addresses the infinity of our Image, bringing proof after proof of how little we know

of ourselves. Immanence brings us to the Eternal Nature of God in everything. While many

would put the greatest act of Immanence as Incarnation, it was actually when Christ said, “Receive

ye the Spirit of Peace.”

Immanence builds to crescendos called Transcendence.

Transcendence: Beyond normal limits, surpassing, of transcendent beauty. Being outside or

going beyond the limits of possible human experience. Going beyond the limits of possible

knowledge. Being above and independent of the limitations of the material universe. To be or go

beyond the limits or powers of. To transcend belief. To surpass, excel: It transcended all our


All of us have hopefully had an Aha experience. We know the feeling of discovering solutions to

many unanswered puzzles of life. The gratification is as intense as the mysteries resolved by the

life changing experience.

This leads to the question: How many Aha experiences can a man have, before he is compelled to


An experience likened to pouring out, immanence transcends. Addressing relationship and

division within individual finite autonomy, we call this the Existential Level of Inspiration.

Let us say we experience the immanence of repentance, rebirth and inner fellowship between

Body, Soul, Spirit and Christ. An immanent microcosm of Aha experiences, transcendence

transforms the same to a macrocosm of the world. Repentance + Rebirth + Indwelling = Cosmic

Forgiveness, Salvation and the Gospel.

Simply put: From immanence a testimony is derived while transcendence makes us witnesses to

the Global Truth of what lay inside. We call this Relational Transcendence. Expanding the height,

breadth and depth of what we are inside, fuels the immanent human experience of Aha once again

to transcendence…and so it goes.

This does not mean we go forth thinking everything spoken is absolute Truth and verse-by-verse –

we can prove it. Rather, as we have seen, immanence and transcendence is the cyclic power a

self-inspired relationship creates – identical to the Eternal God from which the Image sprang.

Worthy questions, “Where is God most easily seen: in Transcendence or Immanence? Where can God be

experienced most?

Agnostics, skeptics and even Christians will normally seek God in Transcendence. Standing on a precipice

of the Grand Canyon or looking across a vast blanket of stars, we feel bottomless awe coupled with

individual insignificance…through a reality of which we are part.

Did God create, or did all this just evolve in the direction of the fittest? Can God be conclusively proven to

exist? Can the Bible be proven to be without error? We cannot without Faith by which these propositions

are received.

The point: We cannot foster belief in God…by looking to Transcendence. There is too much “out there”

we do not know. Belief in God is fostered through healing broken existential relationship inside, allowing

the Sound of God to be heard outside.

Immanence gives us ears to hear and eyes seeing God participant in all action…or as hanging above Carl

Jung’s door: Vocatus Atique Non Vocatus Deus Aderit – Bidden or not bidden, God is present.

Immanence Heals by conspicuously exploring the infinite nature of God’s Image, contrasted to the finite

nature of soul/body.

As Immanence Forgives, so Man is allowed to learn and grow from light in darkness. From Immanence

our repentance is received and by a human spirit in fellowship with the Spirit of Christ, an Image of God is


Transcendence or Immanence – from which is the purest Truth derived? We suggest where nothing can be

hidden. Successful avoidance matters little, for we are omnipresent and omniscient to our own behavior –

beyond a shadow of doubt.

Explosively curious stuff – getting from ground floor propositions careening harmonies of barbershop

begats, begetteds and begottens, to finding them all inside us having strangely, the names of family, friends,

neighbors, enemies, allies and even the barber. A few verses, separated by a chapter or two and brought

together – boom – the top blows off a dissolving bottom of deeper finite self-conception.

Immanence and Transcendence to the existential Level addresses subjects such as Divine

Autonomy; Innocence; Knowledge; Death; finite autonomy; esteem; Sin; Body/Soul/Spirit;

Forgiveness; Repentance; Acceptance; Love; Rebirth; Self-Separation; Identity; Union;

imperfection; Self-Relationship; the Heart; the Mind; Self-Perception; Self – Omnipresence and

Omniscience; Faith; Sacrifice; Suffering; Healing; Growth; Fellowship; Jesus; Spirit of Christ;

Fruit, Gifts; the Image of Man; the Nature of Existential Division; Testimony; the Infinity of

Human spirit; the Church and Temptation to name a few.

Immanence and Transcendence to the Relational Level addresses subjects as Firstborn; General

and Specific Revelation; Cosmic Forgiveness; Perfect Imperfection; Unconditional Love and

Acceptance; Grace; Eternal Relationship; the Father; the Word/Son; Incarnation; Holy Spirit; the

God/Man; Salvation; Election; Predestination; Resurrection; the Kingdom of God; Redemption;

Imbalance; Darkness/Light; the Image of God; Witness; and the Body of Christ to add a few more.

Explosively curious indeed, Immanence and Transcendence through a united Ontology delivers to

each Man an immanent microcosmic identity of macrocosmic proportions.

For in Him we live, and move, and have our Being. (Acts 17: 28)

I have been crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I but Christ that lives in me.

(Galatians 2:20)

I in them and Thou in Me that they might be one in Us. (John 17:23)

Never static but as patient as necessary, immanence and transcendence from the existential level

does not tread water well, on occasion surging forward, but usually back to Ground Floor Propositions,

Historical Jots, Scientific Tittles and appearances of Contradictory Umlauts.

Yet, from the existential level, a different Stage is brought to Scriptural propositional play,

namely, the finite Heart of Man United with the divine immanence of Human spirit – in fellowship with the

Spirit of Christ.

Temptation is greatest at this Level, for the success of existential immanence brings us a surprising

ontology of union…with the experience of Separation numbering the years of our lives. We are used to

defining and now, seek understanding how we are Scripturally defined. From existential immanence and

transcendence - the sojourn of Living Doctrine begins.

The Veracity of Living Doctrine

From the Tree comes the question: Yes, and how do we know the Scriptures correctly define

anyone, much less you?

Having had little chance to appropriate Scripture on the Existential Stage, relevant reflections of

Union become tenuously tied to the veracity from which the principles are based – once again dangling the

carrot of Inerrancy. Prove the Book and what we say holds water, despite the absence of appropriation.

In point of fact, we cannot prove the Book, God or Resurrection, even with the flesh and blood

evidence of our Lives – but can cast doubt upon the veracity of such questions through deeds of sacrifice,

spawned by ontology of union.

I have always had a problem with “They shall know we are Christians by our Love,” for while so

completely True, finite autonomy is left defining exactly how Christians should look. Not surprising

therefore, Christians must bring forth definition of how Love from ontology of union should appear from:

Doctrine, Reproof, Correction and Instruction in Righteousness.

Scriptures read propositionally frame existential levels with proof-textured Walls while

existentially received, no Walls, all Revolving Doors.

For while Doctrine, Reproof, Correction and Instruction in Righteousness derive from the

existential level of union to all Four, Statements of Faith and Creed are collectively deemed the apex

defining an Image’s reflection of Eternal Relationship. Simply put: Doctrines describe and define the

Principles of Relationship.

Let us not take this lightly, for the implications are extraordinary. We share a common ground

with the Eternal God as the same Principles of Relationship proceeding from Father, Word/Son and Holy

Spirit…are identical to our own.

But as we have seen, temptation seeks to break the Cycle of transcendence/immanence, dragging

us back to propositional proof. Christians spend more time attempting to scripturally prove what they

believe is Biblical, while rarely addressing how this or that Doctrine brings an experience of Life, Light

and Love.

The temptation here is very subtle. If Doctrine is Living, should defense be necessary pointing

out the existence of Light and Love in our behavior? Having to explain Light and Love coming from

Doctrine is like needing to prove a joke is funny… explaining why to an audience.

Doctrines describe the existential compass of Belief which can be held in the palm of a hand. By

living relationship to Doctrine, and, their relationship to each other, we form the physical/spiritual

perception by which experience in progress, may be simultaneously observed.

Defined by the relational matrix of doctrines professed, accordingly, we have a set of very vocal

confessions of conviction and Belief…from which Peace and War have been derived.

We cannot help the ascent, necessarily moving from self-appropriation to an appropriating self –

in relationship to someone else doing the same. I call this relationship Doctrinal Buddies, testing Belief

when called to Love each other.

Doctrinal Buddies test Love applied to those not doctrinal buddies. Unlikable Doctrinal Buddies

stretch the limits of Belief, as do very cute or handsome Doctrinal Buds. In other words, as the Scripture

Transcends to an Existential Level of Doctrine, so Doctrine must Transcend to Relationship with another,

or, disprove utility of the uniting Principle confessed.

Can we genuinely Love someone whose Doctrine is significantly different from our own? I am

witness to an associate Pastor, forced to leave his position for holding a post-tribulational view.

Second Level or Relational Transcendence brings ontological union to Ontological Union. The

back and forth giving and receiving action of finite relationship manifests qualities of Divine Autonomy as

Center to the relational Unit.

Second Level Transcendence adds Relationship to the Image of Man ontologically united,

existentially framing the Image of God – a single Union of Two.

Superimposing relational transcendence upon existential immanence carries the weight of Love

the Lord your God with all your Heart, Mind and Strength, and, your neighbor as yourself.”

Relational Transcendence introduces the Passion of immanent existential union to inter-personal

relationship, turning inward emotion outward and aimed toward a correlative other.

Existential immanence must survive the tests of Relationship by expanding to the breadth of inter-

personal task. A metaphorical battlefield appearing on the outside, spiritual strategies abiding within are

called Reproof and Correction.

Superimposing Relational to Existential Depth inside, Symbolic reach increases outside.

The most basic test to the Veracity of Doctrine can specifically show how emotion is affected by

Belief showing Veracity. What Doctrine lifts Depression? What Doctrine disperses Guilt? What Doctrine

reduces Jealousy, Anger, Rage, Anxiety, Worry, Loss, Fear, Esteem, Lust, Greed, Deceit and Disrespect –

and why?

Identifying Doctrine befitting emotional needs merit a good start to Veracity…but the hard part

effects success or failure through appropriation and, as such, let there be no mistake.

Hear ye the Parable of the Satisfied Man: A Rich Man had Health Insurance, faithfully paying the

regular monthly billings coming in and going out like clockwork. For years the premiums kept going up,

and he kept paying, assured this was the best possible Health Plan money could buy. Eight years passed

until finally, someone asked how well the policy paid, “It pays great, I suppose,” the man replied, “I have

never, thank God, had to use it.” “I see,” the Questioner continued, “And what if you need the plan and the

company refuses your claim?” The man replied, “After suing the Company to dirt, I would switch


So it is with Doctrine, for appending a concordance of Scriptural proof matters little if Belief tests

impotent to the emotional needs of Life. Indeed, it matters not whether the fault is lack of Belief or Faith

for of failed appropriation, Doctrine must either transcend or be deemed useless.

Irony happens when Doctrines deemed useless are nevertheless defended and believed. Not

surprising as Doctrines immanently defining finite identity are threatened to change, transcend or, left to

continue drying out.

Only a matter of time before the Truth will be silently brought to thought. If our Doctrines do not

increase a vision of Love; bring us greater Joy; give us Peace and the development of Patience; compel

Kindness with the Goodness of Pure Motive; in Gentleness, Humility and Faithfulness; with the power of

Self-Control…from man to God our Doctrines are too small - however noble the conviction and Belief.

It takes time for a most difficult confession to appear. It takes time to let go of what has confined

us to tunnel vision and a box. It takes time to courageously admit: Something must change for my

Doctrines do not work.

Appropriating existential immanence to relational transcendence might be likened to practicing

lines in a Play until getting in front of an audience, performing without the script. Like publicly singing a

song without the sheet music, or reciting a Poem from memory, our ride is as smooth as the tires and

shocks upon which we sit. The question resides with learning to drive.

For relational transcendence teaches the cost of Forgiveness in terms of Cosmic Sacrifice, and,

purpose is brought to Pain. Relational transcendence moves from Specific to Universal Love, making the

issue a Divine endorsement of all or none. Relationally transcending suspicion from separation, immanent

union heralds an open partnership of knowledge and innocence, quenching the fires of fear with insatiable

Curiosity to know.

As sure as we know we do not know, a partner of relational transcendence also does not know.

And what is that? Who knows? It is not important what is there – but rather darkness is in both until

together, transcending to relational Light.

While Reproof and Correction ultimately lead to greater existential immanence, in no other place

are they called upon more than interpersonal relational transcendence, for the darkness collective Faith

must overcome is doubled. Perhaps, more than any other place, we have occasion to transcend:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not into your own understanding. In all your

ways find God there, and your paths will be directed by the Divine. (Proverbs 3:5)

Commit your ways to the Lord and He shall direct your paths. (Psalms 37: 5)

For there is no temptation that will overtake us, as such is not common to man but, God is

Faithful, and will not allow assault without providing an adequate defense to bear it. (1

Corinthians 10:13

Relational transcendence exposes everything we know regarding existential immanence,

revealing form and spirit by what is reflected back, in turn creating a correlative response to sensory

interpretation of the experience. The greatest single temptation to relational transcendence doubts the

existential state in another.

Reproof and Correction – the Elements of Scripture driving relational transcendence to an

existential experience of Self – Examination without Fear.

For when the Priority of Man rises to Relationship, whether struggling or, for a moment at

complete Peace, the Divine Significance of Union resides Center to and of both immanence and

transcendence. Reproof and Correction – expand the limits of Doctrinal appropriation to folds of sacred

garments tailoring imperfection to perfect weaves. Reproof and Correction – what was most perfect

becomes Inspiration to greater perfection. Reproof and Correction – the Paths to Doctrinal Veracity.

Living Doctrine

Didaskalian: Teaching, instruction; that we might be taught; teaching that which is taught; Doctrine;

precepts; one who teaches the things of God and duties of man; of those who in the religious assemblies of

Christians undertook the work of teaching with the special assistance of the Holy Spirit. (Thayer)

The tenets of a literary or philosophical school, or of a political or economic system; or the dogma of a

religion. (Webster)

Until I come, give attention to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation and Doctrine. Take

pains with these things; be absorbed in them, so that your progress may be evident to all. Pay

close attention to yourself and to your Doctrine; persevere in these things for as you do this, you

will insure salvation both for yourself and for those who hear you. (1 Timothy 4:13, 15, 16)

1. Relationship with Living Doctrine strongly suggests an exhortation leading to

measurable growth.

2. Living Doctrine suggests beginning with immanence…relationally transcending to

the precepts of Belief.

3. Living Doctrine suggests the power of a witness, publicly working the experience of

personal salvation – from inside…out.

4. We do not absorb Living Doctrine…Living Doctrine absorbs the Believer. We call

this: Grasped.

In all things show yourself to be an example of good deeds, with purity in Doctrine, dignified,

solid in speech which is beyond reproach, in order that the opponent may be put to shame, having

nothing bad to say about us. (Titus 2:7,8)

1. About as close to “…and they will know we are Christians by our Love…by our

Love…” as you can get.

2. While it may feel our Doctrines of Belief bring some kind of spiritual dignity, it is in

fact man, shrouding Doctrine with the dignity of infinite spirit.

3. Pure Doctrine is as spotless as the critique it has to bear.

4. Pure Doctrine respects the dignity of all Life.

5. Pure Doctrine fosters deeds without pretext…across the finite board.

For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if received with gratitude, for

it is sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer. In pointing out these things to the

brethren, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, constantly nourished on the words of the

Faith and of the sound Doctrine which you have been following. (1 Timothy 4: 4 – 6)

1. Sound Doctrine constitute the words of Christian Faith.

2. Though the word of God may deliver sound Doctrine, without prayer Belief remains


3. Following sound Doctrine allows relationship to all God has created.

4. Sound Doctrine nourishes and encourages the growth of Christian Life.

Let all who are under the yoke as slaves regard their own masters as worthy of all honor so that

the name of God and our Doctrine may not be spoken against. (1 Timothy 6:1)

1. The only yoke addressed by Christian Doctrine…is our Bond to Christ.

2. Despite need for change, Christian Doctrine addresses the infinite nature of all


3. Christian Doctrine is apolitical…for whether Republican or Democrat, and, without

endorsing this view or that, we are taught to Honor the King.

4. Christian Doctrine begins with mankind as children of God, worth the honor and

respect of Image to Image.

If any one advocates a different Doctrine and does not agree with sound words of our Lord Jesus

Christ and Doctrine conforming to godliness, he is conceited and understands nothing; but has a

morbid interest in controversial questions and disputes about words, out of which arise envy,

strife, abusive language evil suspicions and constant friction between men of depraved minds and

deprived of the truth, who suppose godliness is a means of gain. (1 Timothy 6: 3-5)

1. By the words of Christ, Christian Doctrine exhorts greater spiritual Life than the

finite mind can conceive.

2. Defining and describing what was delivered to the saints, Living Doctrine Breathes

an expanding expression of implication… to infinity.

3. Challenging Living Doctrine questions the veracity of Belief to those growing

from Divine Embrace, making he who understands nothing…conceited.

4. Challenging Living Doctrine, number of arguments won and lost may redefine

godliness as means to enviable repute.

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears

tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires. (2

Timothy 4:3)

1. The infinite nature of Sound Doctrine becomes something to be endured by the

Temptation of Idolatry.

2. Unless the Life of Doctrine is experienced, empty precepts will at best be endured.

3. We seek to justify Sin by escaping the tenets of sound Living Doctrine.

4. Surrounding ourselves with darkness, conflict between Living Doctrine and Sin is


Doctrine and Christian Theology

Apart from Doctrine, Theology cannot exist. Beginning with God, apart from sound Doctrine, Theology

will be as small as a propositional trap that does not fulfill…bringing us to Anselm’s classic argument

seeking to prove the existence of Divine Being.

Debating the Divine Existence, Anselm posed a simple definition of the Subject to an Atheist: God is that

which nothing greater can be conceived. Agreement with such description would not appear to be a

problem. “Well,” says Anselm, “…if existence is greater than none, by definition, God must exist.”

Volumes have been written commenting on the argument, concluding it not as naïve as immediate

appearances may dictate.

While Anselm’s argument does not constitute a Doctrine – it is nevertheless most applicable to a definition

of “sound.” If we want to know what is “sound,” simply pose Anselm’s criteria to each Teaching, “Can

anything be conceived greater…than the expression of this Doctrine?” If we can, either the Doctrine is

not “sound” or, though “sound,” expresses little but petri-dish embryonic development.

Sound Doctrine expresses Relationship of the Eternal, to the finite/infinite relationship of God’s Image.

Pure Doctrine remains…so long as nothing is added or subtracted to muck up the infinite reach and Eternal

grasp of Father, Word/Son and Holy Spirit.

Chairman of the Department of Clinical Psychology at Fuller Theological Seminary, the late Dr. Archibald

Hart was noted for “Forgiveness is the genius of Christianity.” (Feeling Free)

Forgiveness is a Doctrine unique to Christianity, for all religion reaches for God…a Doctrine very much

present to Biblical Faith. But Christianity also teaches God reaching for Man – a Doctrine conspicuously

absent from the Stage of World Religion. Further, Christian Doctrine teaches the possibility of Relationship

with a God defined the Same.

Accordingly, Christianity has some of the richest spiritual teachings available to God’s Image. Weaving a

Tapestry of Infinite Truth, Living Doctrine cannot stand alone, for by relationship…Doctrine to Doctrine –

Christianity breathes. We call this – Christian Theology.

Wikopedia provides an excellent summary of Relationship between Doctrine and Theology.

Christian Theology is an enterprise seeking to construct a coherent system of belief and practice.

This is primarily based upon the Texts of Old and New Testaments, as well as the historic

traditions of Christians. Christian Theologians use Biblical Exegesis, rational analysis and

argument to clarify, examine, understand, explicate, critique, defend or promote Christianity.

Theology may be undertaken to help the Theologian better understand better understand the

Doctrines; make comparisons between Christianity and other religions; defend Christianity

against objections and criticisms; facilitate reform within the Christian Church; assist in the

propagation of Christianity; draw upon the resources of Christian Tradition to address some

present situation or need; or for a variety of other reasons.

Systematic Theology is a discipline of Christian Theology formulating an orderly, rational, and

coherent account of Christian Faith and Doctrine. Systematic Theology draws on the foundational

sacred texts of Christianity, while simultaneously investigating the development of Christian

Doctrine over the course of, particularly through philosophical evolution. Inherent to a system of

Theological thought is that a method is developed, one which can be applied both broadly and


Christian Doctrine can best be summarized:

1. Scripture as the basis of Theology

a. Biblical Revelation

b. Biblical Authority

c. Biblical Inspiration

2. Theology proper: God

a. Attributes of God




The Trinity

b. God the Father

c. Christology and Christ


The Ecumenical Councils

Attributes of Christ

God as Son

The Person of Christ


Hypostatic Union

Other Christological Concerns

Approaches to Christology

The Works of Christ

d. Pneumatology – The Holy Spirit

3. Cosmology: Things Created a. The World

b. Anthropology: Humanity


Origin of Humanity

Death and the Afterlife

c. Angelology: Angels

Angels of the Heavenly Host

Demonology: Fallen Angels

d. Heaven

e. Hell

f. Theodicy: Allowance of Evil

4. Hamartiology: Sin a. Sin

b. The Fall of Man

c. Original Sin

d. Depravity

5. Soteriology: Salvation a. Traditional Focus

b. Distinct Schools

c. Catholic Soteriology

d. Comparison among Protestants

6.Ecclesiology: The Church

a. Ecclesiastical Polity

b. Priesthood

c. Church Discipline

d. Missiology

e. Eucharist

f. Baptism

7. Eschatology Approaches to prophetic interpretation

Living Doctrine in Relationship to Living Doctrine evolves to Living Theology breeding a personal police

force against contamination.

Paul had a right to warn against the contamination of his Teachings, for Doctrine largely came from what

the Apostle Taught…or Scripture. Contamination of Paul’s Teaching meant Doctrine, in some way,

excelled a finite something to infinite status, conflicting with the words of Christ.

For example: It was a Church in upper class suburbia. Just about as friendly as a Church can be, with

regular bake sales, cookie sales, carwashes and Thanksgiving Suppers. It was a faithful church of medium

size – called The Sacred Brotherhood of the Cross…a home of the Clan. They worship the same God we

do, for God is infinitely White. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself – if both White.

We tend to make God an advocate of our premises – from politics to which Church we join. In Paul’s day,

contamination could easily slip into the fabric…for the Apostle’s Teaching was the Scripture from which

Doctrine would emerge.

But we have something Paul never had as the writer of Scripture. We have 2000 years of meditation on

what he wrote under inspiration. An evolution to Living, infinite Breath comes through how Doctrines

relate…which is why Paul stressed a pain staking immersion into the infinity of each.

For as God Is Relationship; and Man is relationship; and Scripture is relationship; so by relationship

Doctrine Lives an infinite matrix of connections sharing breath with an unlimited rest. We call this: The

Police Force of Living Theology.

Our tendency seems to fear contamination of Doctrine creeping in to Living Theology, completely unaware

of its presence, but nothing could be further from the Truth. Why?

1. Living Doctrine ceases to Breathe when something greater can be seen relevant to each.

2. Living Theology ceases to Breathe when the relationship of Doctrine replaces inclusive to


3. We cannot alter a single Doctrine without changing the relational matrix of them all.

4. The intrusion of foreign doctrine to Christian Theology produces a matrix of relationship that

does not make sense, therefore most times can be easily seen.

Let us take for example the subtlest way foreign doctrine can slip into a Living Theological Matrix – or the

words that are used to describe each.

1. Embattling the Church for over 300 years, the difference between Homoiousian and

Homoousian was the subject of debate for three centuries, seeking an expression of the Nature

of Christ. The Arians propounded Homoiousian, or the divinity of Jesus, while Athanasius of

Alexandria championed Homoousian as Deity, or of Substance equal to the Substance of God.

The difference: God can create a divine being such as angels, verses an Incarnation.

Obviously, though taking 300 years, Homoiousian was unacceptable to Living Doctrines of

Salvation, Atonement, Sacrifice, Forgiveness, Rebirth…the works.

2. Our second example is a bit subtler: For in Him resides permanently all of God’s Deity

(Theotetos). Jehovah’s Witnesses translate the word as Theiotes, or divinity, thus teaching

Jesus - Michael the Archangel.

Until I come give attention to the public reading of Scripture; to exhortation and

Doctrine; Take pains with these things; Absorb yourselves in them so that your

progress may be evident to all. Pay close attention to yourself and to your Doctrine;

persevere in these things, for as you do this, you will insure salvation for yourself and

those hearing you. (I Timothy 4: 13, 15, 16)


Elegko: To convict, refute, confute, generally with a suggestion of the shame of the person convicted; of

crime, fault, or error; of sin. Contextually, by conviction to bring to light, to expose. Used of the exposure

of confutation of false teachers of Christianity. Utter these things by way of refutation. To find fault with.

To reprehend severely, chide, admonish, reprove. To call to account; show one his fault; demand an

explanation. To chasten, punish. The mission of the Comforter. (Thayer)

If then the whole church should assemble together and all speak in tongues and ungifted men or

unbelievers enter, will they not say you are mad? But if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or an

ungifted man enters, he is convicted by all, he is called to account by all; the secrets of his heart

are disclosed and so he will fall on his face and worship God, declaring that God is certainly

among you. (1 Corinthians 14:23 – 25)

1. Without Reproof, there is no Repentance.

2. Without Conviction, the secrets of a heart cannot be known.

3. Reproof directs us to the Worship and Presence of God.

…to execute judgment upon all, and to convict all the ungodly of all their ungodly deeds which

they have done in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken

against Him. (Jude 15)

1. By Reproof we are convicted of Sin.

2. The focus of Reproof is whatever is ungodly.

3. Reproof targets those by deed or word, having spoken against the words and

Teachings of Christ.

Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with great

patience and instruction. (2 Timothy 4: 2)

1. Paul appears to suggest reproof and rebuke can be mingled with Exhortation to

receive without offense.

2. Paul speaks of Reproof and Rebuke in terms of Patient Instruction.

3. Reproof has no season, and neither does Sin.

And if your brother sins, go and reprove him in private; if he listens to you, you have won your

brother. But if he does not listen to you, take one or two others with you, so from three witnesses

every fact may be confirmed. And if he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he

refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax-gatherer. (Matthew

15:15 – 17)

1. Without reproof and rebuke, a man may enter Darkness and never come out.

2. While anyone can say “I reprove and rebuke your actions,” the veracity of such

accusation must pass evaluations of another two.

3. Without reproof and rebuke, Pure Testimony will be compromised and


And he entered in the Praetorium again, and said to Jesus, “Where are you from?” But Jesus

gave him no answer. Pilate therefore said to Him, “You do not speak to me? Do you not know

that I have authority to release You, and I have authority to crucify You.?” Jesus answered, “You

would have no authority over Me, unless it had been given you from above; for this reason they

who delivered Me up to you have the greater sin.”(John 19: 9 – 11)

1. The Roman Procurator proclaims the foundation of life and death his choice to make,

and Jesus completely rebukes the idea with another.

2. Despite the challenge to his position and authority, Pilate was not offended by the

reproof of Jesus.

3. Must have been quite a quandary for Pilate. On the one hand the reproof of Jesus

took the procurator’s official power away…replacing on the other with Authority

from Above.

And Simon Peter answered and said, “Thou are the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus

answered and said to him, ”Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not

reveal this to you, but My Father who is in Heaven. And I also say to you that you are Peter the

stone, but upon this Rock I will build my Church and the gates of Hell shall not avail against it.

From that time Jesus began to show His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many

things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed and be raised up on the third

day. And Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, saying, “God forbid it Lord. This shall

never happen to You.” But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan. You are a

stumbling block to Me; for you are not setting your mind on God’s interest, but mans.”

(Matthew16:16 – 18, 21 – 23)

1. Praise and Reproof coexist side by side, expressed through the present state of a

Believer’s mind.

2. He who is Praised can just as easily stand in the way of Jesus, as someone who is


3. Reproof and rebuke seek to purify and increase reasons for Praise.

Without Reproof there can be no Christian Growth, for we would not know what needs improving. But

reproof and rebuke can only be received by standing on a foundation of Grace and Forgiveness without

which we would feel picked apart – unable to do anything right.

Christian Doctrine does not suggest the tenets of belief strive for a future Relationship with God. Rather,

the Christian Faith announces by Rebirth what all World Religions seek…God has given.

But let us not be so foolish to think of all World Religions, Christianity is the snap, crackle and pop to

Eternal Life. After all, with a bit of Faith, a dash of Grace and sprinkle of Confession – we are and will

continue to be Forgiven all our Failure and Darkness…for the price of Repentance to ask.

In The God/Man part two, a conclusion bottom-lined with, “Therefore…we are Perfect.” In a brief

moment where hush replaced the regularity of “amen,” a single voice was heard, “No, we are not perfect.”

Responding, “Oh yes, in God’s eyes we are Perfect.” “Oh,” the audience affirmed, “In God’s Eyes.”

Rebirth does not suggest a conscious embrace of Christian Doctrine, except perhaps Faith, Grace,

Unconditional Love, Acceptance and Cosmic Forgiveness. Our relationship to Doctrine is more of a

mental symptom contained within the spiritual act. After all, but for the Truth of Doctrine, there would be

no Rebirth. We may therefore conclude: When Doctrine precipitates Repentance, it begins to Live and


The Courage To Be A Christian

We are all aware of pains taken to exercise a head-knowledge of Belief, in spite of what the Heart says.

But Rebirth does not embrace Doctrines. Rebirth embraces the Matrix of Relationship to Whom the

Doctrines point…from which Living Fellowship with infinite Perfection emerges. Rebirth begins…the

Reborn experience of Relationship with Eternal Infinite Light, Life and Love.

The greatest Temptation of a Reborn Life seeks an academic understanding Doctrine, bringing us back to

the head.

This is understandable. We cannot escape searching for the meaning of what creates a Christian Matrix.

For the Reborn bear immediate questions our testimony brings: What is Salvation? Apart from our

experience, why trust myself to Grace? What spawns Faith? How can God Forgive Hitler and send him to

eternal damnation? As God’s Image, can you forgive Hitler? Why should I care if you forgive me?

But the study of Living Doctrine seeks a greater understanding of what presently occupies the finite/infinite

heart of God’s Image, and this as we have seen is profitable.

By the spirit of scripture and Man, we can mentally meditate the relationship of Doctrine to Doctrine,

further uncovering and expanding the infinite eternal nature of a Living Matrix. Excellent Apologetics will

defend the veracity and necessity of each Doctrine in relationship to the rest.

Yet, high marks of excellence for defending a sound Doctrinal Matrix does not necessarily mean breathing

the Life Christian Doctrine offers. We have simply attempted to prove they do.

So busy defending our Doctrines of Belief, we forget to ask the question, “So what?” Our answer lies in

Living Fellowship put forth by the Matrix…found and experienced as the secrets of a Heart are revealed.

Unlike World Religions, Christian Courage of Conviction does not refer to an embrace accepting the

doctrines of a particular group or cause, for this would be closer to the Doctrine of Philia. While we do not

diminuate the courage to take a stand, Christian Conviction does not begin accepting the Life of Doctrines

having yet to arrive.

Christian Conviction does not begin with what we elect to believe. The Devil after all believes and

trembles. Christian Conviction begins the day we are Reborn temples to an indwelling Spirit of Christ.

Between World Religions and Christianity, Rebirth is about as impatient as Living Doctrine can get.

We are tired of waiting for answers to promises outside our reach, spinning the life of a gerbil, unable to

get off his personal wheel. We are damned angry, and refuse to take it anymore.

We are fatigued, having to carry a burden of past sin into another life…without ability to pay back the debt.

Damned angry, and we refuse to take it anymore.

Religion at it’s best caters to the rich and starts bloody wars in the name of God. Depending on who we

fighting and why, I’m a middle class guy who’s damned angry and intend to go to Canada…where I won’t

have to take it anymore.

Hear ye the parable of a Brick:

There was a man born with an obsession to own an oversized brick of gold without going into

debt, but was never able to fund the venture. Neither would he put his friends in debt by borrowing

to achieve the goal.

Recurring dreams did little but increase the intensity of his obsession.

As an honest man, he ruled out stealing…but finding one in a sack by the side of a road, would not

be reported to the police.

His repute was, “You cannot engage conversation with this guy, escaping the mention of some

gold Brick.” His answer was usually, “Just because I do not possess one, does not exclude me

from trying.”

On his 78th birthday party, he received an anonymous gift weighing over 200 pounds with a note:

No longer can you escape what is sought.

A hush dropped over the group of 10 as he unwrapped the bar of Gold. For 60 seconds you could

hear a pin drop until someone asked, “What are you going to do with it?”

And the silence…continued.

Rebirth brings what we sought outside – inside. But the question remains, “What are we going to do with


For those dedicated to develop Relationship with Father, Word/Son and Holy Spirit, the answer will be

another question: What is He going to do with us?

Calling attention to the Spirit of Christ, “body” has been transformed to a finite Temple of Infinite

Fellowship – a Mission of The Comforter.

And so we begin a Fellowship with Unconditional Love and Acceptance; Grace; Faith; Forgiveness and

Confession…for what is to come requires solid grounding upon these Doctrines. It takes courage to be a


Rebirth has transformed us into a temple of finite/infinite immanent negotiation, inching upward from

Heart to Mind. We call this an evolving Fellowship to: The Mind of Christ.

The impact cannot be overestimated.

Imperfection and Perfection do not mix, and through finite eyes, we are scabs on thorns trying to smell like

roses. We are imperfect and know it, in spite of the masks we wear. We are the omniscience of our hearts,

and cannot escape ourselves.

Let us put this another way. When God looks at us, we know exactly what He sees.

And yet, in the Eyes of God…we are Perfect.

Rebirth has transformed finite imperfection to temples of Fellowship with Infinite Perfection. Yet, our

value as Image lay neither with imperfection or perfection, but a Fellowship of both. By Rebirth, the Image

of God holds a suggested value of Perfect Imperfection, and everything residing inside an immanent

relationship that through Fellowship – will necessarily transcend.

As the Comforter searches out the depths of Heart, Fellowship with Christ befriends to spiritual

dispositions of Life, Love and Light. We are walking contrasts of comparison and critique by an inner

fellowship to Perfection. It takes Courage to be a Christian.

The Truth of “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” holds merit, for we never know what

the Spirit of Christ may excavate and throw on this existential Table of Fellowship.

The Holy Spirit reproves using…though long buried and conveniently forgotten perhaps, what we already

know and cannot escape…or the omniscience of ourselves. On this existential stage, of two things we may

be certain…there is nothing that can be hidden, and, at the Table of Fellowship, anything goes. Big time


We can usually distinguish the voice of Christ as distinct from the finite gongs and clashing cymbals of

man, seeking to make some kind of case or excuse for past action.

In contrast, the voice of Christ is quietly loud enough to be mentally recognized above the madding crowd

of finite thought, addressing issues of the flesh through well-placed infinite questions we have never

thought to ask…coming out of the blue. Pay attention. An honest reaction may normally be: I didn’t think


On the up side, from our metaphorical Table of Negotiation there is neither reproof or rebuke, for the object

of both drive a never-ending engine of existential purification, fueled and compelled through Fellowship

with an Infinite God.

On the other hand:

Failure to bring uncovered issues to The Table will likely end with reproof and rebuke.

Failure to learn from spiritual lessons will also bring rebuke and reproof.

Though subtle or otherwise, failure to repent of sin will bring forth rebuke and reproof.

Failure to remain on God’s path may be severely reproved and rebuked, such as Solomon and

Sheba; Jonah; the Pharisees or, withstanding Peter to his face.

Chaining ourselves to Dogmas of pedantic naiveté will almost certainly spawn rebuke and


In the name of our World, Peter was reproved and rebuked for teaching a gospel of exclusion.

Rarely does reproof and rebuke come as total surprise.

Shame and guilt arise from reproof and rebuke – for someone has had to remind us, publicly

perhaps, of what once was an assumed conviction.

Perfect imperfection knows not the experience Perfection, except in continuous striving to be.

There is never a time we can be as perfect as we can be, but nevertheless know the Power of

infinite eternal moments, coming and going inside an inspired flash.

Reproof and Rebuke never target ignorance, unless valid reason cannot provide an excuse for

being spiritually dumb.

True Reproof and Rebuke are never undeserved.

The greatest action of Reproof and Rebuke, is when we target ourselves.

Though refusing to admit the error of our ways, Reproof and Rebuke call attention to what

everyone seems to already know.

But to round out the Courage it takes to be a Christian, let us not forget a Doctrinal Matrix that says,

“Thinking or Doing it – we are reproved if sin.” It takes Courage to be a Christian – for Fellowship with

Perfection means we are under the microscope of reproof – and we are.

It takes Courage to sign up. But it is notable to question what fuels Reproof relative to imperfection. Does

Perfection trigger Reproof? Does imperfection trigger Reproof?

Or is it the Fellowship of a Perfect Imperfection – with the Infinite Eternal Relationship of

Father/Word/Son and Holy Spirit? It takes Courage to be a Christian.

It takes Courage to know by our own tenets of Belief, we will be unable to live up to the Doctrinal


It takes Courage to know we will likely at some point in the Christian Life – fall into Hypocrisy.

It takes Courage to know if our doctrines do not expand, they will not work.

It takes Courage to speak and listen to what we say.

It takes Courage to observe our thoughts.

It takes Courage to rely on Grace so much, we invite a life of Reproof.

It takes Courage to accept Reproof as responsible for our greatest Perfection.

It takes Courage to bring a disputed Reproof – to the Table of Negotiation.

Some call Reproof the Divine Hinge of the Christian Life, while others perhaps…a Divine Royal Pain. We

may come to a wiser perception of Reproof however, by examining what exactly this Hinge holds up.

Without Reproof conviction would be without Courage.

Without Reproof there would be no Growth.

Without Reproof we could not be Perfect Imperfection.

By Reproof we must work for our Dreams, and, the reality of our salvation.

Though Reproof may be painful, the result may save much suffering.

The ultimate goal of Reproof seeks purification of both mind and heart in Fellowship with the

spirit of Christ.

Without Reproof none would be coerced to correct.

Without Reproof there would be no Repentance.

Without Reproof there is no Challenge.

Without Reproof there is no need for Faith or Grace.

Without Reproof, the Treasures of the Christian Matrix could only be haphazardly discovered.

Reproof guides us to the Kingdom of God.

If Reproof does not improve spirituality, we should expect further reproof.

Reproof – the Courage it takes to be a Christian.


hepanorthosin: Restoration to an upright, or right state; correction; improvement of life and character. To

correct an error; to remove faults from; to adjust, or bring to standard; to correct the reading for individual

error; to conform to recognized standards; an amending; to speak under correction; to admit the possibility

of error. (Thayer and Webster)

When the wicked increase, transgression increases; but the righteous will see their fall. Correct

your son, and he will give you comfort. Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained, but

happy is he who keeps the law. (Proverbs 29:16 – 18)

1. Correction returns us to self-control…and our dreams.

2. Correction brings comfort to and from those corrected.

3. Correction moves us to observe and understand – the nature of our fall to sin. We

call this – Wisdom.

Behold how happy is the man whom God corrects. So do not despise the discipline of the

Almighty, for He inflicts pain and gives relief. He wounds and His hands also heal. (Job 5: 17,


1. Distaste for Correction changes, when coming from the Almighty God.

2. Reproof is as Painful as Correction brings Relief.

3. Correction speaks to the importance of our Image – in Fellowship with an Infinite

Eternal God.

My son, do not reject the discipline of the Lord, or loathe His correction. For whom the Lord

loves He corrects, even as a father, the son in whom He delights. (Proverbs 3: 11, 12)

1. By Correction God shows Unconditional Love.

2. By Correction God delights…as a proud Father to son.

3. Loathing the Correction of Almighty God refuses to take Perfect responsibility for

our imperfect lives.

Oh Lord, do not Thine eyes look for truth? Thou hast smitten them, but they did not weaken; Thou

hast consumed them, but they refused to take correction. They have made their faces harder than

rock; they have refused to repent. (Jeremiah 5: 3 – 4)

1. Though God may drive us to Correction, we may nevertheless refuse it.

2. Refusing Correction requires a Mask of Stone.

3. Without Correction, Repentance cannot exist.

And you shall speak all these words to them, but they will not listen to you; and you shall call to

them, but they will not answer you. And you shall say to them, “This is the nation that did not

obey the voice of the Lord their God or accept correction; truth has perished and has been cut off

from their mouth. (Jeremiah 7:27, 28)

1. It is easier to stonewall Correction than outright refuse it.

2. Refusing Correction ignores the Voice of the Lord.

3. Refusing Correction contaminates confession.

Art Thou not from everlasting O Lord my God, my Holy One? We will not die. Thou, O Lord,

hast appointed them to judge; And Thou O Rock has established them to correct. (Habakkuk


1. We stand on the Rock of His Correction.

2. The worth of a judge is the measure of his Correction.

3. Correction embraces the eternal life of the Holy One.

Correction examines affairs of both Heart and Mind – or from the Depth of Emotion to Infinity. From the

Heart we pour waters of untapped feelings swirling to tides and currents of bottomless emotion. But as our

emotions would have it, from the Heart peeps the question: How are we doing, seeking answer from the


Perhaps a first time searching for answers in the face of others, we realize only “they” can tell us how we

are doing. And so the Mind gets a scope of the Land and sends back a message to the Heart: we are doing

good, fair, great, flying high, in a bit of a plunge, or not so good.

But the Mind tries to be sensitive regarding the message sent…and so though in a bit of plunge and not so

good, we are beginning to get more Hispanic support. And the women like us too, you handsome devil.

At best we have bought time to raise the tides of higher repute, but stat…before she asks again.

But until that time, it would perhaps behoove we consider the Four Pillars of Correction.

Back Ending Sin

Which is most difficult? Receiving Cosmic Forgiveness by Grace through Faith, or, forgiving ourselves for

what God has Forgiven?

To be Forgiven a Sin can lop off the flower without going to the Root. And so by the Light before us, we

back up into Darkness until reproved, from which there is correction of both Mind and Heart.

Once appropriated, from the Light we step back into Darkness…until reproved again from which

applicable correction again appears.

Stepping into the Root, understanding kills what spawned it, and all that is left is the wisdom derived. For

the righteous shall see their fall. It is easier to forgive ourselves, when the Heart and Mind understand

what happened.


Refusing Correction brings nothing to Imperfection that is Perfect, for without Repentance, it is impossible

to have Relationship with an Eternal Infinite God.

With Correction the Voice of God returns, and our mouths are opened proclaiming appropriation.

By Correction Unconditional Love and Acceptance embrace us.

We are Perfectly Imperfect Images in the constant state of Reproof, Repentance and Correction…yet rest in

comfort freely given others.

Appropriating Correction turns shame and guilt to esteem.

By Reproof and Correction we have Fellowship with God.

But for Reproof and Correction, the Church at Corinth would have “bit the dust” of history.

By Reproof and Correction we have Fellowship in the Body of Christ.

By Reproof and Correction, the spirit and soul/body learn to live a single existential fellowship.

By Reproof and Correction the Fruit from Spiritual Fellowship grows.

Perceptual Change

By the way we think, so our emotions tend to follow suit.

The measure to which we think, determines the intensity of emotion.

The depth to which we think, determines how bottomless we feel.

Without Reproof and Correction, we see through a darker glass than needed.

When emotions enslave us, thought will be reproved if lopsided and corrected to balance.

By Reproof and Correction…we change the way we think, and consequently – perceive.


It takes Courage to be a Christian. It takes Courage to sign up for a life of perfect Repute. But which

demands the greater intestinal fortitude: Bearing what it takes to receive continued Reproof, or, by

Correction removing the cause?

To be the target of Reproof requires nothing. Just sit there and keep doing what we do – until the Divine

Boom comes. Though we may consider this task easy, Reproof will only intensify as Correction is ignored

or refused. The engine that drives Correction, Reproof asks the Christian: Do you have what is required to

take the heat?

On the other hand, Correction is whatever it takes to silent Reproof. Correction is the labor of working

Salvation out. The immediate reward of Correction is a return to lucidity enabling clearer paths forward.

Correction says, “If you have the Courage for rubber meeting road, best not drive around with a flat.”

Correction may take us three steps back, before venturing a viable move forward. Correction is less

interested in steps, and more the way and reasons they are taken. Correction seeks to know the thought,

feeling and emotion behind our actions….for therein lay the purity of righteous deeds. Correction builds the

Kingdom of God within us.

It takes Courage to humbly receive Reproof. It takes Courage to embrace the assignments of Correction –

for they require a spirit willing to face failure…while never giving up a chance at another try. Returning to

seasons of Sin, it takes Courage to learn what went wrong and why. It takes Courage to honestly ask,

“What was I thinking? What was I feeling? What contaminated my Mind and Heart? When?

It takes even greater Courage to honestly answer the questions we self-impose. And yet without Reproof

and Correction – the questions would never be asked.

My son, do not reject the discipline of the Lord, or loathe His correction. For whom the Lord

loves He corrects, even as a father, the son in whom He delights. (Proverbs 3: 11, 12)

Correction: The Courage It Takes To Be A Christian

Instruction In Righteousness

Paideian: The whole training and education of children which relates to the cultivation of mind, morals,

and employed for this purpose now commands and admonishes. Whatever in adults also cultivates the

soul, especially by correcting mistakes and curbing the passions, hence instruction which aims at the

increase of virtue. Chastisement of the evils with which God visits men for their amendments. To train

children with data of the thing in which one is instructed. To chastise with words to correct: of those who

are molding the character of others by reproof and admonition.

Dikaiosune: In a broad sense, the state of him who is such as he ought to be, righteousness. The condition

acceptable to God. The doctrine concerning the way in which man may attain to a state approved of God.

The king who himself has the approbation of God, and who renders his subjects acceptable to God.

Integrity, virtue, purity of life, uprightness, correctness in thinking, feeling and acting. Of righteousness

which manifests itself in beneficence. Denoting right conduct towards men, and, piety towards God. To

live and devote the life to righteousness. To perform completely whatever is right. When affirmed of

Christ, denotes his perfect moral purity, integrity, sinlessness. When used of God, his holiness. Only

through faith, by which a man appropriates that grace of God revealed and pledged in Christ, is reckoned

by God to the man as righteousness. Denotes the state acceptable to God which becomes a sinners

possession through that faith by which he embraces the grace of God offered him in the expiatory death of

Jesus Christ. The divine arrangement by which God leads men to a state acceptable to Him.

And fathers do not provoke your children to anger; but bring them up in the discipline and

instruction of the Lord. (Ephesians 6: 4)

1. The discipline and instruction of the Lord does not provoke anger.

2. The bearer of discipline and instruction – can.

3. By the Lord’s discipline and instruction – they will grow.

It is for discipline that you endure; God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom

his father does not discipline? But if you are without discipline, of which all have become

partakers, then you are illegitimate children and not sons. Furthermore, we had earthly fathers to

discipline us, and we respected them; shall we not much rather be subject to the Father of spirits,

and live. For they disciplined us for a short time as seemed best to them, but He disciplines us for

our good, that we may share His holiness. All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful,

but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of

righteousness. Therefore, strengthen the hands that are weak and the knees that are feeble, and

make straight paths for your feet, so that the limb which is lame may not be put out of joint, but

rather be healed. (Hebrews 12: 7 – 13)

1. Without the Father’s discipline and instruction, a human father would be one up on


2. Human fathers disciplined according to their situation, while God’s instruction brings

life sharing Holiness.

3. Righteousness is a Fruit we grow into.

A fool rejects his father’s discipline, but he who regards reproof is prudent. Much wealth is in the

house of the righteous. But trouble is in the income of the wicked. The lips of the wise spread

knowledge, but the hearts of fools are not so. The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the

Lord, but the prayer of the righteous is His delight. (Proverbs 15: 5 – 8)

1. He who takes reproof seriously captures the wisdom of his error.

2. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

(Matthew 5:6)

3. Apart from the purity of action, God is not impressed by sacrificial deeds.

This command I entrust to you, Timothy, my son, in accordance with the prophecies previously

made concerning you, that by them you may fight the good fight, keeping faith and a good

conscience which some have rejected and suffered shipwreck in regard to their faith. Among

these are Hymenaeus and Alexander, which I have delivered over to Satan, so that they may be

instructed not to blaspheme. (1Timothy: 1:18 – 20)

1. A pure conscience enables victory in conflict.

2. Rejecting instruction may send us to Darkness.

3. It matters little from where instruction comes for God to use it.

Now in a large house there are not only gold and silver vessels, but also vessels of wood and of

earthenware, and some to honor and some to dishonor. Therefore, if a man cleanses himself from

these things, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every

good work. Now flee from youthful lusts, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, with

those who call on the Lord from a pure heart. But refuse foolish and ignorant speculations,

knowing that they produce quarrels. And the Lord’s bond servant must not be quarrelsome, but

be kind to all, able to instruct, patient when wronged, with gentleness correcting those who are in

opposition, if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth, and

they may come to their senses and escape from the snares of the devil, having been held captive by

him to do his will. (2 Timothy: 2:20 – 26)

1. Righteousness is a Fruit of spiritual purification through which our hearts are


2. Calling upon God with a pure heart produces righteousness, faith, love, peace and a

direct connection to the Fruit of the Spirit.

3. By gentleness and patience, instruction heralds the Hope of repentance from

enslavement to evil.

For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men, instructing us to deny

ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present age,

longing for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ

Jesus. (Titus 2:11 – 13)

1. Without Grace, instructing righteousness is impossible.

2. Sensible, righteous and godly living denies neither pure passion nor desire – just the

ones that are ungodly and worldly.

3. The greater our righteousness and godliness, the more we long for an appearance of

He who has sanctified our hearts.

But in everything commending ourselves as servants of God, in much endurance, in afflictions, in

hardships, in distresses, in beating, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labors, in sleeplessness, in

hunger, in purity, in knowledge, in patience, in kindness, in the Holy Spirit, in genuine love, in the

word of truth, in the power of God by the weapons of righteousness for the right hand and the left,

by glory and dishonor, by evil report and good report; regarded as deceivers and yet true; as

unknown yet well known, as dying yet behold we live; as punished yet not put to death; as

sorrowful yet always rejoicing,, as poor yet making many rich, as having nothing yet possessing

all things. (2 Corinthians 6: 4 – 10)

1. While heeding instruction in righteousness commends us as servants of God, we

cannot commend our own righteousness.

2. Apart from the ears, eyes and faces of others, we cannot see our own purity.

3. The greatest weapon of righteousness is despite the circumstances, holiness


And who is there to harm you if you prove zealous for what is good. But even if you should suffer

for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed, and do not fear their intimidation, and do not be

troubled. But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to

every one who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and

reverence; and keep a good conscience so that in the thing in which you are slandered, those who

revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame; for it is better if God should will it so,

that you suffer for doing what is right, rather than for doing what is wrong. (1 Peter 3: 13 – 17)

1. The greatest temptation to pure holiness begins fearing the intimidation of others.

2. Though perhaps not politically expedient, it is the right thing to do.

3. Suffering for what is right brings infinite purpose and meaning to pain.

For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you have need again for some one to teach you

the elementary principles of the oracles of God and you have come to need milk and not solid

food. For every one who partakes only of milk is not accustomed to the word of righteousness, for

he is a babe. But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to

discern good and evil. (Hebrews 5:12 – 14)

1. It takes time to become the instruction in righteousness taught.

2. Thinking through the mind of a Babe, failure to understand, or, forgetting the

elementary principles of Spirit will sharply decrease ability to receive instruction in


3. By practicing instruction in righteousness, we can train our senses to perceive,

identify and divide good from evil.

And do not go on presenting the members of your body to sin and instruments of unrighteousness;

but present yourselves to God as those alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of

righteousness to God. For sin shall not be master over you, for you are not under law, but under

grace…Do you not know that when you present yourselves to someone as slaves for obedience,

you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or of obedience resulting

in righteousness. But thanks be to God that though you were slaves of sin, you became obedient

from the heart to that form of teaching to which you were committed, and having been freed from

sin, you became slaves of righteousness. I am speaking in human terms because of the weakness

of your flesh. For just as you presented your members as slaves to impurity and to lawlessness,

resulting in further lawlessness, so now present members as slave to righteousness in

sanctification. (Romans 6:13 – 14; 16 – 19)

1. Quit looking at the value of others before asking: How many instruments of God

have I become?

2. Grace is the answer to surviving reproof and correction, and the engine driving

Righteous Instruction.

3. Committed to Living Doctrine, we become the Righteousness to which we are


For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the

Holy Spirit. (Romans 14: 17)

1. Experiencing the Kingdom of God abides with the Righteousness we have become.

2. As with all Spiritual Fruit, Righteousness Grows.

3. By the Spirit of Instruction…Fruit mature.

For you were formerly darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of light (for

the fruit of light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth), trying to learn what is

pleasing to the Lord. (Ephesians 5:8 – 10)

1. Defining the sixth Fruit of Spirit – Goodness is the purity of motive behind


2. Instruction in Righteousness is what compels perfect imperfection to learn.

3. The Lord smiles on those seeking to appropriate His Instruction.

Righteousness: A never-ending evolution to Spiritual Perfection.

While Instruction In Righteousness is not righteousness, seeking appropriation is.

While Reproof addresses the need for immediate action regarding Doctrinal Life, Correction always tells

us why – a dichotomy turning knowledge to Wisdom.

From the Propositional Level, Scripture can appear in need of its own Reproof and Correction, particularly

between the Testaments. Indeed, “eye for an eye, tooth for tooth” alongside “turn thy cheek a good solid

490,” can be a real propositional stumper all right. Yes indeed, the Bible speaks with a forked tongue:

“Create equal loss in the offending neighbor’s yard,” but, “Forgive your neighbor and offer to plant his

peach trees.” Both come from Inspired Pages, but how can both be true?

Simplistically, the usual answer takes the right of retribution out of Human hands through the Sacrifice of

Christ, opening would be fists of vengeance to palms extending Forgiveness.

Traditionally, the common reply references development of Light to Specific Historical Manifestations,

defined looking back through the New to Old Testament.

From the standpoint of Human autonomy, Scripture spans developing consciousness from Procession,

Separation and Union to an Evolutionary Record of the Image of God. Viable answers all imply a

progressive fulfillment to what was – as a caterpillar to a butterfly, so old Man to new.

Righteousness: Patient Instruction to Spiritual Babies.

To recap and not surprising, while Existential Transcendence develops a Biblical array of Doctrines

expressing inner Union, Relational Transcendence creates a Framework to Scripture called Living


And so for example, our immanent relationship to Christ will existentially transcend to Doctrines of

Fellowship…such as Grace, Forgiveness, Faith, Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness,

Goodness…essentially all the Doctrines of a Redemption – capable of growing Spiritual Fruit.

Relational transcendence puts flesh to bone: Relative to others, what does Forgiveness mean? What in

your life will bring greater Peace? When was your last deed of Kindness with pure motive? Though God

Forgives, can you forgive yourself? Answering these questions brings us back to an entire new picture for

Fellowship to consider…and we are back to immanence. The Cycle is rather underdeveloped in Babies.

But we have been told to bring men and women up in righteousness. That means mom, brother, friend,

grandfather, and…the babies. Perhaps we are wise to understand more of what constitutes a spiritual baby.

Christianity, like a family giving repeated birth without constraint, has the problem of raising kids as

responsible representatives to a new Ontology of Union with knowledge and innocence. “Why?”

The problem should be obvious. For 20,30,40 or 50 years Man thinks, feels and acts in Separation,

accepting one day a definition by Faith in Forgiveness, changing to Union.

All things become new is quite an understatement when Curiosity replaces Fear in Relationships once

predominantly concerned with the veracity of each Party.

Relational Transcendence is a Playground of Performances that, while perhaps forging simplistic

embryonic Theologies, will nevertheless sew up Existential Doctrines. Relational Transcendence is where

we find our Doctrinal Buds that in Union, open to Flowers.


All newly Reborn Christians are potential Doctrinal Buds. New Christians or, finite autonomy existentially

transcended, have experienced something wonderfully True, conspicuously released and, overwhelmingly

clear, yet, unseen, unprovable and solely indicative to what we behaviorally call the personal testimony.

A most common element between new Reborn Christians, Babes in Christ cannot help proclivity to

understand the implications of New Birth in Relationship to family, friends, activities, vocation and, the

priorities of Union upon which they stand.

As Babes in Christ are filled with Ontological Union, existential voids turn out, breached by inter-

personally relating to what stands across the Five Human Senses.

Babes in Christ can get rather bombastically loud with fast collective excitement, reaching out for

everything New on the other side of any direction.

Babes in Christ are always hungry for more; eagerly bold to serve and, blatantly opposite all instruction

regarding children and strangers. For Babes in Christ have come from self-definition to God’s Definition,

ushering into History an ontology of Human fulfillment, purpose, direction, meaning, esteem and respect.

Christian Babes must therefore talk more than show until experiencing what is spoken.

Christian Babes accept what has not yet been Doctrinally experienced, on the basis of what Scripturally

has. “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.”

Serious Christian Babies take notes, cross-reference Biblical definitions to Doctrine and, bound with

Concordance, Lexicon and Word Study, give the swing of Scriptural Weight a whole new meaning called –

study to show thyself approved unto God, for the student need never be ashamed, rightly dividing the

Word of Truth.

On the other side, Babes in Christ have something to say about anything demanding authority to speak, for

they have been Forgiven.

Christian Babes do not yet know how to Drive yet, want to get there now.

Christian Babes know Reproof and Correction must transpire, though probably most for refining the

Doctrines of the other guy.

Newborn Christians speak Insperinglish, with Doctrinal summaries and sermons responding to questions

about the weather, all the way to saying a simple grace.

And while newborn Christians have accepted Divine Acceptance, like Jonah, recipients may have difficulty

being as forgiving an emissary.

New Christians with strong but loosely connected Doctrine scan all written or spoken propositional

statements for error over content, defending the Scriptural Base of renewal against any hint of pejorative


Yet, for lack of teaching, error is most likely able to creep into the Theology of spiritual babies.

Baby Christians will disagree even when in agreement, saying the same thing another way.

New eager Christians may agree or disagree with what is confessed before hearing what is said, on the

basis of the last thing not heard, yet, spoken.

Congregations of spiritual Babes make Hell a welcomed Doctrine to series out in 52 parts, as Pastor of the

Corinthian Church might have attested.

Baby Christians reference little importance to personal Life before spiritual Rebirth, burying everything

connected to the Old Man in a place called “as far as east is from west.”

All newborn Christians appear vaccinated with a serum called In the Name of the Lord by which they

boldly speak, needing to learn the same Name also works well shutting up.

The greatest temptation facing newborn Christians forgets they are finite autonomy in the wake of feeling

spiritually clean.

The greatest tragedy of Babes in Christ are those having been Christian for over three years.

Bringing Baby Up In Righteousness

The issue begs the question: Brought up through instruction in righteousness, who received the greatest

purity – a baby raised up, or, the instructor?

While Fear reborn to insatiable Curiosity applies Doctrinal definition to all things, all things bring

Doctrine to a Living Relational Matrix of transcendent implications expediting Union or, dispatching

Separation. From this New World, instructing babies in righteousness requires…

Baby Steps

1. New Christians must define what has existentially happened, being exhorted to simply

observe the relational principles of Scripture Doctrinally appropriated by the mature.

2. New Christians must be treated with forthright gentleness and patience if instruction in

righteousness is to be received.

3. Like children, new Christians should be Scripturally trained to know, defend and set forth a

viable case for Belief, testing the mettle of Doctrine in Relationship to everything, in or out

of the World, materially, spiritually, theoretically or actually. Without passion reborn to

Curiosity, this baby step becomes impossible.

4. Instruction in righteousness teaches Babies how to Breathe. Compared to the Stage of

existential transcendence, relational transcendence may frequently see Christians growing

old trying to grow up or, to use another metaphor, fainting for lack of Breath.

For there are only Two Stages upon which Man plays Tunes of Life – the one outside, and

the other inside. Likewise, there are only two Places from which Man finds access to

spiritual oxygen – outside and inside.

We can breathe in and out anywhere at any time, as fast or slow as we like, for whatever

physical reason desired, assuming of course we are grounded to a diaphragm. So likewise

Inspiration can Breathe In and Out, anywhere, at any time, fast or slow, when correlatively

Grounded to Union with the spirit of divine Life across an existential void.

5. Babies tending to confess victories while dismissing apparent defeats from the Relational

Stage will extinguish Inspirational Life to a fizzle. Not so strange considering the penchant

finite autonomy has toward Selectivity – Union deleting, denying or ignoring Separation will

die beating what is needed most to Breathe. For though the Baby knows by confession all sin

will be forgiven, instruction in righteousness may begin reproving immaturity to use it.

6. Babies brought up by instruction in righteousness experience God’s Unconditional Love

through the Instructor.

7. Babies brought up by instruction in righteousness may mingle milk with meat.

8. Babies must learn the language of instruction to be comfortable speaking of righteousness.

Righteousness: Reborn To Living Fellowship.

Righteousness is the Fellowship we have with a Living God defined as Eternal Relationship of Father,

Word/Son and Holy Spirit. Righteousness sets forth the Perfection of the Father. The Word sends forth

reproof and correction. From the heart, Fellowship with the Son reaches for a spiritual Mind. And from

the Spirit of Christ, Fellowship is as omniscient as what we know in our hearts to be True.

Reproof, Correction and successful appropriation of Instruction, Righteousness is the veracity our

Doctrines Live and Breathe.

Righteousness brings us into Fellowship with ourselves and others through Relationship with an Infinite


By Righteousness the intimacy of Fellowship is determined.

Fellowship with God is never static, for moment by moment – reproof, correction and instruction are

always on the existential move.

A seeker took his first step into the waters of a river he intended to cross. Observed by a blind

sage, the master shouted: I’ll bet you can’t do it. It can’t be done. “What can’t be done?” the

seeker replied. Approaching, the sage answered, You cannot step on the same piece of water –


We are truly a strange breed, seeking easy labor for most reward while spiritually in Fellowship working

toward eternal destiny. Christianity proves words verified by Resurrection may still not be received in lieu

of a very heavy existential work schedule.

The Image of God is a strange breed, for by Faith through Grace – we get it all for free. Theoretically,

Christianity should be an existential snap; relational crackle and ontological pop. We get Salvation,

Forgiveness and Eternal Affirmation – without lifting a finger. By what possible misappropriated logic

could someone refuse such an offer?

Perhaps we need to ask: Why such tenuous Labor is needed to allow God finish the Work Divinely

Started? Our answer resides in the measure of Faith by which the Spirit of Christ is engaged.

If then you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is,

seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things of the

earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our

life is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory. Therefore consider the

members of your earthly body as dead to immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire and greed,

which amounts to idolatry. For it is on account of these things that the wrath of God will come,

and in them you also once walked, when you were living in them. But now you also put them

all aside – anger, wrath, malice, slander and abusive speech from your mouth. Do not lie to one

another, since you laid aside the old self with its evil practices, and have put on the new self who

is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the Image of the One who created him. A

renewal in which there is no distinction between Greek and Jew, circumcised and

uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and freeman, but Christ is all, in all. (Colossians 3:


Let us therefore as many as are perfect, have this attitude and, if in any have a different

attitude, God will reveal that also to you. However, let us keep living by that same standard to

which we have attained. (Philippians3:15, 16)

Equipped to attain the unity of the faith, and the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the

measure of the stature belonging to the fullness of Christ. As a result, we are no longer to be children,

tossed here and there by waves, and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by

craftiness in deceitful scheming. But speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him,

who is the head, even Christ. From whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by that which

every joint supplies, according to the proper workings of each individual part, causes the growth of the

body for the building up of itself in love. (Ephesians 4:13 – 16).

Let no man despise your youth, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show

yourself an example of those who believe. (1 Timothy 4:12)

So then, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much

more in my absence, work out your salvation with immanent awe; For it is God who is at work

in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure, doing all things without grumbling or

dispute. (Philippians 2:12, 13)

And this is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God

is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him

and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light as

He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His

Son, keeps cleansing us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves,

and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our

sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make

Him a liar, and His word is not in us. (1 John 1:5 – 10)

We do not mean to imply people approaching the Bible without believing in God would not find Divine

Autonomy persuasive in Scripture, for miracles are surely possible. Yet, when Faith is absent, the vortex

of focus rests upon the veracity of a Text saying God Exists, leaving no choice but to place issues of Belief

on the wrong argument.

A ploy from the Tree taking the entire issue off God, dropping to the inerrant veracity of an empirically

verifiable Document leaves little opportunity for Introductions to Fellowship with Divine Autonomy, much

less transcendence of any kind.

For the Bible is less the Book of Life and, more a Collective Document of Relationship, engaging

Fellowship with the Faith a Reader brings to each page. Like Faith without Works, Scripture apart from

Faith is as Dead as the incontrovertible inerrant propositions for which we so avidly do battle, losing the

war to some of the following:

1. “Gee, I guess you are right about that one, but I still cannot believe the Book perfectly

inerrant.” “Really?” said the Apologist, “And how can you say that, having seen the

conclusions of the evidence?” “Because,” says finite autonomy, “He who knows not, and

knows not that he knows not is a fool.” “Yes?” the Apologist replied. “But he who knows

not, and knows that he knows not may be taught,” autonomy continued. “So?” the Apologist

again replied. “So we know only I know we know not.”

1. Okay, I believe the Bible is free of historical and scientific error, containing no contradictions

regarding the Book’s point of view. I just don’t believe in the point of view.

2. “Can we prove the existence of God?” the Apologist was asked. “No, we cannot. It is a

matter of Faith,” he replied. “Then why are you trying to prove inerrancy of a Book

based upon God’s Existence?”

3. “Do you consider yourself well trained and knowledgeable of pretty much everything in the

Bible?” the Apologist was asked. “Yes,” he rebounded, “and I can prov….” “No, that’s all

right,” the petitioner interrupted, “I concede the point to ask if it were known 10% of the

Bible was error, could you find it with the other 90% and if so, what are we debating about?”

4. “So knowing these things, why do you not yet Believe?” asked the Apologist. “Well,

because,” she replied, “You’ve proven everything requiring Faith, and God cannot be

approached without it.”

5. “Okay, okay, FINE, the Book’s inerrant, inspired and comes from the throne of God Himself

– now what?”

6. “No, no, no, you are not supposed to embrace inerrancy and give up Inspiration,” the

Apologist said disbelieving his ears, “Why on earth would you ever want to do that?”

“Well,” said the man, “Justifying laughter from a joke or the legitimacy of titanic tears, like

asking for proof of Love disperses the spirit of them all.”

We denigrate the Life of anything having to prove it Lives, and, empirically verifying the veracity of the

Bible pays little compliment to the Power of Scriptural DNA. We do not carry a Book of inerrant Truth

but rather, hold a Laboratory genetically able to alter the “spiritual genome” discovered in the substance of

Human Faith.

Like a Machine activated each time the Bible is opened, through the same eye reading Scripture, the Spirit

of the Word studies us. While the Bible speaks of Life being in the Blood, Scripture Lives only by a

Reader’s transfusion. Unique to each, the Bible has a pulse with a Heart cycling spiritual blood between

two Stages, pumped through four Living Chambers of Doctrine, Reproof, Correction and Instruction in

Righteousness, that the Image of God might be made Perfect, thoroughly furnished to perform all Good
