The Project-Sony Self-governing Observer with Navigation by Yourself Student: Clion Jean-Baptiste...

Post on 19-Jan-2016

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The Project-SonySelf-governing Observer with Navigation by Yourself

Student: Clion Jean-BaptisteSupervisor: Dr Christophe Meudec


2. General presentation

4. The Softwares/Software presentation

3. The Robot/Hardware presentation

5. Conclusion

1. Introduction


Self-governing Observer with Navigation by Yourself

1. Introduction

Through the bachelor of computing, students have to develop a project on all the school year, this one can be choose into a list or can be propose by the student.

I chose to propose a project, it’s the project-Sony

Via this presentation, we will see the different aspect or featutes of this task.

Self-governing Observer with Navigation by Yourself 1/10

2. General presentation

Project Self-governing

Observer with

Navigation by


Self-governing Observer with Navigation by Yourself 2/10

The aim of this project is to develop:

• A robot capable of interaction with his environment.

• A robot easy to lead/control

• A robot with a basic Artificial Intelligence


Thanks to AI and Camera

Thanks to Different input devices

2. General presentation

Self-governing Observer with Navigation by Yourself 3/10

Main Actors


On computer


2. General presentationUser Inputting Computing Communication Action





Self-governing Observer with Navigation by Yourself 4/10

3. The Robot/Hardware presentation

Self-governing Observer with Navigation by Yourself 5/10

LCD Screen

Main Board


Video Camera


3. The Robot/Hardware presentation

Self-governing Observer with Navigation by Yourself 6/10

It allows the user to watch in real time videos 

from and/or draw your own graphic interface as a PDA.

The POB-PROTO board has 6 connectors to gear servomotors (PORTC0 RC1 RC2 RC3 RC6 RC7). To manage the position of a servo, just use the SetServoMotor function.

Its technical features allow the robot to recognize patterns as well as directing the robot.

The TANK mechanical base is a simple start to building a robot. The DC engines are protected, so they will not disturb the electronics.

This grip let the robot to interact with his environmemt.

4. The Softwares/Software presentation

Self-governing Observer with Navigation by Yourself 7/10

1. TTT-soft: Tic Tack Toe mode

2. FHP-soft: Find His Path mode

3. FTP-soft: Follow The Path mode

4. PSE-soft: Partition of an Object’s Set mode

5. TSS-soft: Seeing Shape mode

7. LNA-soft: Learning New Actions mode

6. FGC-soft: Free Guide and Control mode

8. TSS-soft: Seeing Shape mode

9. FGC-soft: Free Guide and Control

4. The Softwares/Software presentation

Self-governing Observer with Navigation by Yourself 8/10





Input command



Send data

Send orders

Send data

5. Conclusion

Self-governing Observer with Navigation by Yourself 9/10

This project let me to approach the embedded programmation with a maximum of freedom.

Indeed, the hardware side is quasi hidden, thus I can concentrate my work on the programmation and the networking communication.

Questions ?

Self-governing Observer with Navigation by Yourself 10/10

Any Questions ?