The Quinton Welcome! · The...

Post on 16-Jan-2020

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The Rector, Jenny Arnold Tel: 422 2031

Curate, Rachel Heathfield, 07968 077453


Curate: Andrew Wells, 07977 579894

Youth worker: Phil Arnold, 07906 612021



Boliver Forrest 0121 684 0738 John Trevor 07931 287949


Chris Iles Tel: 0121 550 1083 Heather Williams Mob: 07790 554954

The Coffee Shop: 0121 422 6700

Parish Office, 0121 422 2031, Elaine Buchan, Administrator

Monday, Tuesday & Thursday, 11am to 3pm Friday 2pm-4pm

The safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults is of paramount importance at Christ Church (policies available on request). On occasions general photos may be taken

for publicity purposes - please inform clergy or a churchwarden if you or your child(ren) do not wish to be

included in any photo

Contact information

Need a name badge?

Please sign the sheet on the tables at the

back of church. Many thanks


JOB / TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES ~ posters on the notice board

St Martin in the Bullring

p/t Operations Manager


Closing date 4/12/17

Narthex—Sparkbrook Aging Better Hub

p/t data and information administrator.

Closing date 8/12/17

Thank You

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the

clergy, lay readers and congregation of Christ Church

for their prayers, support and words of condolence

during what has been the worst time of my life. With

the love and encouragement given to me and with

God’s constant presence I realise I must carry on

with life as Mavis would wish me to do. Again,

Thank You everyone. May I wish you all a blessed

Christmas. Bryan Palser

Christ Church

The Quinton


This Sunday’s Collect

Eternal Father, whose son Jesus Christ ascended to the throne of heaven that he

might rule over all things as Lord and King: keep the Church in the unity of the Spirit and in the bond of peace, and bring the whole created order to worship at his feet; who is alive and reigns with you in

the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

please put hearing aid in T position

if you need a visit or want to talk to someone, the

pastoral care team is here to help you. Please contact Iris Downey, tel: 07821 778066 or any

member of the team.

26th November 2017 Sunday next before advent

Today’s Services

Don't forget! Cafe Church for youth every Sunday

6pm-7:30pm at The Coffee Shop:


Leader/Preacher: Jenny Arnold

Readings : Ezekiel 34: 11-16, 20-24 [p.866]

Matthew 25: 31-end [p.994]


Leaders: Rachel Heathfield /Phil Arnold

Readings: Isaiah 65: 17-23 [p.753]

James 5: 7-8 [p.1216]


Leader: Jenny Arnold

If you are new, do take a Welcome Pack from the back of Church

Next Week’s Services, Sunday 3rd December 8.30 am Holy Communion 10.30 am Advent Ignite 4pm 4 O’Clock Church 6:30 pm Holy Communion

Prayers each week:

Monday 9am Christ Church

Tuesday 9am St Boniface

Wednesday 9am Coffee Shop

Services for Advent and Christmas. All the forthcoming services are detailed on the

website & ChurchSuite. There is also a flyer at the back of church—please

take one, to give to a neighbour or friend.

Thursday 7th December 2017 at 7pm Come and join us for a Social Evening with a Buffet

at the Garden House, Hagley Road. Buffet served at 8.30pm. Please see Liz and Annie for more details.

Call Liz on 0121 684 0738 or Annie on 0121 532 7524. A great night not to be missed!! (Cost £10.99)

Schools special Christmas events - help required Quinton Primary on Wednesday 29th Nov

Brandhall school early years on Tuesday 19th Dec Help needed from 8.30 til 11am—See Rachel


Preschool Christmas Fayre

Friday 8th December 3:30-5:30pm

Cakes required for a cake stall and bottles (full) for

a bottle stall. If you can help, please leave at the

back of church. Thanks Chris


It’s the time of year to order bible notes for 2018.

There is a sign up sheet at the back of church and if

you are unsure of the best notes for you please con-

tact Andy Arnold on

or via the church office.

Ladies Evening Guild ADVENT SERVICE

Thursday 7th December 8.00pm in Church All ladies welcome.

We have been invited to sing carols at …. The Toby Carvery Thursday 14th Dec @ 7pm Tescos Tuesday 19th Dec @ 5pm The Amber Tavern Thursday 21st Dec @ 6pm Please come as we bless the community with the joy of Christmas

Does anyone have any pine cones or have local

knowledge of where I can go and collect some for

Christmas craft activities? Please let Rachel know!

If you know someone who would like prayer please contact the

Prayer Ministry Team ~ Tel: 07790 554954

more notices over....

Praying for our school.

Please join us on Wednesday 6th December at 2.45

for refreshments and prayer from 3 till 3.25 pm in


Aladdin and the Lamp Fri 1 Dec at 7:30 & Sat 2 Dec at 2 and 7:30 pm

At Quinton Methodist Church Hall

or see Heather Williams or Bob Iles

Last chance to buy tickets today!!!

At our annual Carol Service on Sunday December

17th we have a choir to help lead the worship. If you

enjoy singing, please see Phil Amey.

Practice dates: In church 7:15pm-8:15pm

Thursday November 30th and

Wednesday December 6th.

"Preserves for Paraguay" Jam & chutney now available at the back of church.

Please make a donation to support the FIESA Toy Library for deprived children run by churches

& students in Asuncion Paraguay. Please consider making a cash donation to this project if you do not have a toy to bring to the Toy Service.

Envelopes in pews. Pete & Sue Sherwen.


Have you noticed the new mats at the main

and side entrances into church? Thanks to Ladies

Evening Guild and those who supported their

fund raising events.

Mince Pies Please would you bring some mince pies to the church for

everyone to enjoy at all the Christmas services.

First Friday 1st December 1-2.30pm

Calling all P&Bs Coffee Shop users and volunteers!

Come and join us for fellowship, teaching, prayer

and news about the ministry of the Coffee Shop.

Bring your own lunch. Issues for discussion, please

let John Trevor or Rachel know.

St Boniface are selling recipe books in aid of their

refurbishment. £5 each. Please see them at the back

of church.

Christian Solidarity Worldwide

Last week’s speaker from CSW encouraged us to

send cards. All the information you need, including

what to say, names and addresses to write to etc. are

on-line, get involved/ connect and

encourage and the booklet “connect and encourage”

can be downloaded free. If you are not on-

line, Jenny has compiled a brief summary with a

few suggested names and addresses on an A4 sheet

at the back of church for you to take and use.