THE r----::::A:::::::::::~-----l SANCTUARY-KEEPER t … ·  · 2008-11-11144 The Sanctuary-Keeper...

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THE r----::::A:::::::::::~-----l SANCTUARY-KEEPER




AD. 1989 February A.M. 5992

o The Heterogeneous Ecc1esia........................ 121 o Walking in the Light ............................... 124 o Proposals for Unity ................................ 127 o The Superiority of Christ........................... 131 o Forewarned-Forearmed ... ·........................ 133 o The Position of Wives ............................. 134 o Ecc1esial Discipline ................................ 134 o On the Names of Our Periodicals ................... 135 o Excommunication of Queen Elizabeth .............• 137

t Unamended

1. Nature of man: Adam disobeyed God, was guilty and was sentenced to death. He fell from a very good state to a mortal state and the sin tendency became a part of his being. All men descend from Adam and inherit from him a mortal nature, the fed­eral sentence ofdeath and the proclivity to sin, without any personal guilt at birth. Man is alienated from God primarily by legal condemnation and secondarily by personal transgression.

2. Nature and sacrifice of Christ The sentence ofdeath was upon Christ as it was all other men and he needed atonement the same as other men. By living a life of perfect obedience coupled with the shed­ding of his blood in sacrificial death, he met God's requirements and delivered himself from the hold of death and pro­vided a way for others to benefit from his sacrifice.

3. Baptism: Baptism removes inherited condemnation as well as personal sins com­mitted before baptism. At baptism one legally passes out of Adam and the atten­dant sentence to eternal death and passes into Christ as his only federal head. Future judgment which inures at baptism will be based solely on obedience to the law ofthe Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus.

4. Resurrectional responsibility: The act which relates or entitles one to resur­rection is baptism at which time one en­ters the Everlasting Covenant-the God-idevised instrument providing resurrection. Resurrection means "a standing again in renewed corporeal existence" as a mortal being. Jesus- meaning covenant affiliation with him (not the personal power ofJesus}­is THE resurrection as well as the life. Christ's sacrifice ratified the Everlasting Covenant. The shedding of his blood was required in order for him to be resurrected­he was the first beneficiary. Though there have been restorations to life in the past, these are not the resurrection at the last day-that includes only just and unjust saints-and there is no evidence in Scrip­ture that any others will be raised before,

Amended ~ ~ If

1. Nature of man: The disobedience of I Adam affected him in separating him from 'r God's favor and condemning him person­


!ally to death. His descendants inllerit a condition of mortality and a proneness to sin fronl him, but no legal condemnation. Personal transgressions rather than legal condemnation alienate a person from God

I 2. Nature and sacrifice ofChrist There

was no alienation ofChrist from God. His sacrifice was a matter of obedience and since he was without personal sin he need­ed no atonement or covering for sin. His sacrifice made redemption possible for others, but he could have been redeemed by God without shedding his blood I

I 3. Baptism: Baptism is for the removal

of personal sins. No inherited alienation or law of sin and death is removed One is still in Adam after I;>aptism as we 11 as being in Christ, not putting offAdam until pass­ing the judgment seat ofChrist. Baptism is not the means of acquiring title to resur­rection. I

4. Resurrectional responsibility: The act which relates or:e to resurrection is knowledge or enlightenment which nec­essarily precedes baptism. The act ofbap­tism has no resurrection- relating efficacy. The entering into the Everlasting Cove­nant does not link one to resurrection. Since it not determinable who has suffi­cient knowledge to qualify for resurrec­tion, it is unknown who will be ultimately raised The use ofresurrection in Scripture refers to the complete process of coming forth from the dead and receiving immor­tality. The shedding of Christ's blood was not required for his own resurrection or for others. Since enlightenment is the basis for resurrection, there will be universal resurrection at the end of the millenium for those dying during the millenium.

when, or after Christ returns. ~ o WCFs Newsletter ................................. 138 ~ o This is WCF-#7................................... 142...-......-......-... ........ _---.....-.....-......-......-.....-.....-......-.....-. -_...-....-.. .........

o Mark Them Which Cause Divisions ................. 144


THE SANCTUARY-KEEPER is published monthly for $6.00 per year ($8.00 Canada and overseas, in U.S funds) by Christadelphian Publications, 2725 Kenmore Road, Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A., 23225. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Christa­delphian Publications, 2725 Kenmore Road, Richmond, Virginia 23225. Subscriptions, correspondence and material submitted for publication should be sent to the editor and publisher, James S. Stanton, 2725 Kenmore Road, Richmond, Virginia 23225.

Bible School Dates - 1989 Arkansas Bible School ............................ June 17 - 25 Canadian Bible School.. ........................ August 12 - 19 New England Bible SchooL ..................... August 19 - 25 New Mexico Bible School. ......................... July 22 - 30 Texas Bible SchooL ............................... July 15 - 23

Great Lakes Bible School ................... Not recommended West Coast Bible SchooL ................... Not recommended


"The KING OF THEJEWS will first manifest his presence, not to the world at large; which will not know ofhis being there, or, if told the fact, would not believe it; but to THOSE WHOM THE BLOOD OF THE COVENANT BRINGS before his tribunal."

JOHN THOMAS, Eureka, Vol IIIB, p. 189

The reader will remember that before the Judgment Seat of Christ in the wilderness ofTernan, there were TWO CLASSES ofsaints in Christ Jesus constitutionally ... The constitution and destiny of these TWO CLASSES, though originally built upon the same foun­dation, is widely divergent ... The judicial inspection of his house­hold, having separated the refuse and the vile from those "accounted worthy to obtain of the aion, and the resurrection;" the rejected, by virtue of the sentence pronounced upon them by Christ, saying, ..Depart from me, ye cursed, into the aionian fire, prepared for the Devil and his Angels," forthwith enter upon their journey to the place of

,exile or torment; or, in the words ofJesus, "they go away into aionian punishment;" while the righteous, by their being quickened, enter into aionian life.

JOHN THOMAS, Eureka, Vol. IIIB, p. 256

"Men were not ushered into being for the purpose of being saved or lost. God manifestation, not human salvation, was the great purpose of the Eternal Spirit. The salvation of a multitude is incidental to the manifestation, but was not the end proposed. The Eternal Spirit in­tended to enthrone himself on earth, and in so doing, to develop a divine family from among men, every one of whom shall be Spirit, because born of the Spirit, and that this family shall be large enough to fill the earth, when perfected, to the entire exclusion of flesh and blood" (cf. I Cor. 15:28).

JOHN THOMAS, Herald ofthe Kingdom, 1858

That at the appearing ofChrist prior to the establishment of the Kingdom, the responsible [his servants, 1877 edition], faithful and unfaithful, dead and living ofboth classes, will be summoned before his judgmentseat" to be judged according to their works;" "and receive in body according to what they have done, whether it be good or bad."


That at the appearing ofChrist prior to the establishment of the Kingdom, the responsible (namely, those who know the

. revealed will of God and have been called upon to submit to it), dead and living-obedient and disobedient-will be sum­moned before the judgment seat to be judged according to their works; and receive in body according to what they have done, whether good or bad.


Federal Relationship Federal Relationship Unamended Teaching Amended Teaching EITHER II Ada. OR II Cllrls. II Ad•• WHILE II Clirisl


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Orthodox Christendom With Supporting Theories

Teaching of the Amended With Supporting Theories

144 The Sanctuary-Keeper 2/89

dump the believers in the cellar and head offfor foreign countries to con­quer parts unknown. If, in the course of the ecclesial ministrations, others from the outside see the values ofthe Truth and develop an interest, this is fine and reflects the right spirit of

ecclesial work. But it must not be done at the expense of internal work and proper growth within the body. We all know that we have among us those whose only course in life is to "preach the gospel" We ask, What gospel are they preaching?

Mark Them Which Cause Divisions Concerning WCF, I think we, that

is concerned Unamended Christa­de1phians of the conservative wing, should consider what the apostle Paul wrote in Romans 16. Starting at verse 17, he wrote, "Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them."

"Mark them," that is, label them, name names, whatever it takes, but single them out and then avoid them. Yes, the time is fast approaching for a division so that pure doctrine and those that wish to adhere to it might be preserved.

Verse 18 continues, "For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple."

Why, the whole substance of the WCF mailing is ripe with such self­aggrandizement concerning what they have done and what they want to do.

I say, "Out with such rubbish!" We don't need those kinds of pro­grams.

NOTE: The above is a post script to a letter received and was probably not intended for publication, but it gets right at the heart of the matter from a Scriptural point of view. I believe

that Romans 16: 17-18 accurately fits the description ofWCF in identifying them as" them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned."

The Richmond Hall Ecclesia held its annual gathering December 30­January 1 with a goodly number of visitors joining with us. The theme addressed was, "But who shall abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fuller's sope" (Mal 3:2). The speakers were Brethren Murray Chisholm, Jim Wa­sheck, Tom Azbill, David Taggart, Dale Lee andJames Hassell

We had the usual disconcerting in­flux of young people from the Wil­liamsburg Conference who come by for the free meal and to spread their ecumenical overtures. Two that I ob­served had on sweat shirts with a cir­cular emblem covering the entire front with the lettering "Jesus is com­ing," and "Brethren of Christ." In­cluded in the group was an Amended, a customary item. The mixture and so-ca11ed fellowship at the Williams­burg Conference is well known. The program at WC this year was around the theme, "God is good," and in­cluded a story of two raccoons, one of which was named Tim.



"Ye (Aaro!l and his sons) sha/ll!eep the charge ofthe SIlTlc/Mary. all' the charge of the a/tar"-(Num. 18:5).

"Ye (breth~en of Christ) are. . . . IITI holy priesthooJ to offer up spiritual sacrifices"-(I Pet. 2:5).

"Thou hast kept My Word alld !xlr! 1101 Jmied My Name"-(Rev. 3:8).


The Heterogeneous Ecclesia

This article is excerpted from Eureka, volume III-B, pages 63-64. Al­though dealing with the prophetic implications of Revelation 15 which speak of the terminal events of the Seventh Trumpet and the execution of the Seventh Vial comprised of the Seven Thunders, Brother Thomas sees fit to expound on the seriousness of living the Truth, ofbeing a part of the true ecclesia which will survive the time of the end, of recognizing the dangers of "deceiving and being deceived." The true ecc1esia, consisting of Christ and the immortalized saints of a11 ages, will in fact be the dispenser ofthe Seventh Vial judgments.

It is indisputable that Deity allows things to happen that are bad, that will cha11enge the faith of the true ecclesia If we will but examine the testimony we will see in the divine record that the problems of the ecclesia came from within the ecclesia The problems of the spiritual integrity of the Christadelphian body are not the dangers of the orthodox church deceiving its membership with immortal soulism, of personal devil theories, of mis­conceived trinitarianism. The real problems, as was true in the apostolic era, are liberalism, deceptiveness, social churchism ecumenism lack offounda­tion in first principles, humanism, and yes; FOUNDATIONS and national organizations which usurp the authority and purpose of the ecclesia. The body today is being offered, and it has been for about two decades, an ambitious pseudo-hierarchy to act as its religious performance. What is being said, in effect, is, you as an individual or a local ecclesia do not know how to administer your service to the Lord What you need is a Central Organization. Send funds to us and we will channel them where they are best

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needed "The church will take care of your offerings." The old proverb urging you to" give your money to the Lord, but be sure to send it in care of the Williamsburg Christadelphian Foundation," is more realistic than some innocent souls are aware.

We urge our readers to consider the following article and see if there is not some correlation to the WCF organization. Of course it was written some 120 years ago, but the operation of the flesh has not dramatically changed in this time. Sel£.appointed leaders are campaigning for your sup­port, financial and moral, so that they can further their aims to blur the doctrines which have stoodour community well for 140 years. WCF does not stand for the Unamended Statement of Faith, but it continues to represent itself as such, hoping that no questions will be raised by the reticent and unsuspecting among us. The time is far past that WCF should be allowed to perpetuate their deceit Individuals and ecclesias should ask for written statements, clearly stated with no ambiguities, as to which Statement of Faith is their official position. They should be asked to declare their position on resurrectional responsibility so the body will have some idea of what is being presented in their "missionary" efforts and their "seminary" work. They should be flushed out oftheir cloak ofsecrecy and give a full disclosure of expenditures for travel of their directors and seminary professors. They should be called on the carpet for an accounting oftheir travel expenditures to minister to the Church ofGod of the Abrahamic Faith. What will be next, excursions to the Protestants and Catholics? Those who support WCF, financially and morally, are puppets in the hands of the seminarians if they continue to put up with their secretive operations.

The excerpt from Eureka follows:

T HE HOUSE ofJacob is the House of the Deity; ofwhich the Saints, whose head is Christ, are the imperial and sovereign order. In all the "times of the Gentiles" the saints are a mixed community in which

are found fish of all sorts, good, bad and indifferent. The good are answer­able to the "few who are chosen;" and find eternal life (Matt. 20:16; 7:14); while the bad and indifferent are those who "begin in the Spirit" and end in the flesh- those who at the outset oftheir career seemed to" run well," but were hindered from a "patient continuance in well-doing," or "obeying the truth," in being "bewitched" by the sorcery of designing knaves, who "by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple" (Gal. 3:1,3,7; Rom. 16:18).

In our generation, as in that of the apostles, the ecclesia, or general assembly of the many, who are called, is composed of these heterogeneous materials. It has been thus in all generations before and since Satan, in the days ofJob, mingled with the Sons of the Deity, when they presented them­selves in the divine presence Gob 1:6). The Satanic element has ever been among them with its "depths as they speak" Gob 2:24), corrupting and perverting the weak. In the wisdom ofthe Deity, Satan has been permitted to practice, and to deceive the hearts ofthe simple, who are" ever learning, and

2/89 This is WCF-#7

directors are in fact still frequenting the CGAF and taking part in their services as well as breaking bread in fellowship.

They are still saying thatwe should go into all the world and preach the gospel, but they never quote Paul when he declared that this was ac­complished, and they do not seem to recognize that God is calling out of the Gentiles a people for His name. We do not need 0-0 and the WCF missionaries doing this work.

Keep up the work, as we all need it. Yours in Christ,

COMMENT: This letter was received too late to include it with the others in last month's issue. The substance is quite the same---WCF is not needed and will not listen to any who do not agree with their tactics. As for me or anybody else" suggesting" that they list their tapes by the respective fel­lowships, this probably has been done and fallen on deaf ears. My recom­mendation is that they discard one or the other groups oftapes, depending on which fellowship they think they are, and distribute the ones to whose fellowship they wish to be associated with. And even better than this, I would like to see WCF go complete­ly out of business (and I wonder if this term "business" doesn't accu­rately describe their operation) and let their directors work in their re­spective home ecclesias. We empha­tically do not need this or any other national or international preaching or dispensing organization. I know that the Unamended don' twant them (WCF) and I doubt that theAmended want them.

What present and continuing con­tact and fellowship WCF has with CGAF, I do not know as I have no association with them. We have con­tinued to state that ifWCF wanted to be "above board," they could easily

say they do or they don't The chum­miness with CGAF was not open to begin with, and it was relatively acci­dental that the letter from Mark Drabenstott(CGAF) came to light in 1985, indicating that WCF was en­gaged in cooperative efforts with the CGAF. No mention was or ever has been made public of the CGAF doc­trines of immortal emergence, paid preachers (this does not seem to bother WCF, anyway), non-comba­tant military service, etc. WCF has always preferred the cloak of ano­nymity.

There were comments in the last issue about the application ofJesus' words to go into all the world and preach the gospel. I agree that this was specifically given to the eleven apostles, and that the then-known world was Judah's limited common­wealth and perhaps some abutting territories. Although we have a duty , to speak the gospel to others today and invite their attention to its hope­ful prospects, we do not have a com­mand or commission to go to foreign countries thousands of miles from our homes.

We recognize that results are not always measured in numbers when it comes to the Truth's work. Quality is one thing to be considered It is much more important than quantity. When we water down the standards ofwhat the Truth really is, we stand a better chance ofaccumulating larger numbers. And the more we water it down and come closer and closer to the no-doctrine sects of Christen­dom, the more numbers, and conse­quently less quality, we are going to attract.

The ecclesias who appear to have a little strength today are the ones that work within their ecclesia and try to make sure that their young ones are properly taught and that the baptized constituency receives good instruc­tion and building up. They do not

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hood Is it ego?

WCF Seminars In the offering ofseminars to their following, WCF comes closer to the

church image that many ascribe to them. Our own ecclesia, our own breth­ren, even our neighboring ecclesias, in the WCF theory, are not able to handle the ministering. Experts are needed The university must be called on. Trained in the psychology of the church, the professionals are ready to move in. Many throw their sales pitch away without opening it. Others scoff at the idea of such a would-be hierarchy. This is not a faculty ofUnamended people, or even pseudo-Unamended-it is a blend of many persuasions, Amended and Unamended. You wantbaptism for personal sins only-we can have it for you. You want no estrangement or alienation until commission of actual sin-we can have it for you. You want pre-baptismal responsibility to the judgment seat of Christ-we can have that for you, too. Actually, WCF does not deal in doctrines, even false doctrines. They may harbor them personally, but ,heir curricula is primarily no-doctrine. By professing fidelity to a Statement of Faith they will alienate themselves from the other fellow­ship, and that is not going to happen, no matter what the beliefs of either fellowship turn out to be. This is proven by their courtship ofthe Catonsville Ecclesia out of the "Clean Flesh" background and their courtship of the Church ofGod ofthe Abrahamic Faith, the immortal emergence exponents. WCF is looking for numbers who are unwilling to make a fuss about too much doctrine, thereby increasing the power and influence of WCF.


This is WCF-#7 Dear Brother,

As I remember at the Chicago "CGAF," etc. There is no way that meeting [Dec. 1986] the WCF indi­ they can screen all ofthe tapes as this cated that they all had Unamended failed miserably. leanings and indicated that the fu­ If they continue the" missionary" ture would even be likely to become effort I am afraid it will cause divi­stronger in their actions and bahav­ sions in the Unamended community. iour. For them to go and appoint an To my understanding they are still Amended party to their board of di­ collecting donations from Unamend­rectors is nothing more than deceit­ ed and spending it to set up satellites fulness. of Amended ecclesias in Austin and

I would also like for you to suggest further on south. to them that if they are going to con­ George Booker, in my opinion, tinue their tape library, then at least has been appointed director in order list the available tapes under "Un­ to satisfy his own ambitions with the amended" and"Amended," and to WCF. have no other tapes available such as I would like to know if the WCF

2/89 The Heterogeneous Ecclesia

never able to come to the knowledge of the truth" (II Tim. 3:7), without judicial interference.

The Satanic element in an ecclesia is always prompt and vivacious for mischief. If it fears to attack openly the most prominent advocate of the truth, it has recourse to underhanded and secret influences. Handling the word ofthe Deity deceitfully, "deceiving and being deceived," are its charac­teristics. While inspired with personal hatreds, it affects zeal for the truth in destroying it, or making it of none effect, by the traditions of its monstrous ignorance and folly. Yet" theJudge of the living and the dead" is profoundly silent save in the word ofHis law and testimony. There are reasons for this.

The truth as it is inJesus is entrusted to the ecclesia, or House ofthe Deity, which is "the Pillar and foundation support of the truth." The mem­bers of this house are held responsible and accountable for their relation to this, as a treasure committed to them to be contended for earnestly, and to be upheld at all hazards, in their day and generation. This house being furnished with vessels of all sorts, some to honour and some to dishonour, the truth receives a characteristic treatment at the hands of each sort.

The vessels fitted to capture and destruction set forth traditions, or heresies, which nullify the word. Ifmen speak or write upon the things of the spirit, they are commanded to do so" as the oracles of the Deity;" and if they disobey this injunction, it is because "there is no light in them." Nevertheless, they will give utterance to their folly. This cannot be helped. Fools will be fools come what may. From these premises it is inevitable that, as Paul says, "there must be heresies among you." They are permitted to exist, though not approved. Their existence arouses the flagging ener­gies of sterling and faithful men, "who are able to teach others" (II Tim. 2:2). It sets them to contending more earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints Oude 2), which manifests them as the approved, who are grounded and settled in the faith, and not moved away from the hope ofthe gospel (I Cor. 11:19; Col. 1:23).

This manifestation of the approved after this process is one reason why Yahweh keeps silence, and permits Satan to continue their operations among the Sons ofthe Deity, without any present judicial interference. There is also another very good reason for present non-intervention, and this is, because He has appointed a set time, styled by that infallible and incomparable exponent of the truth, the Lord Jesus, .. a Day ofJudgment," hemera kriseos (Matt. 12: 36); and by the no less accurate Paul, "THE DAY when the Deity shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to the gospel"

Paul preached: "Therefore," saith he, "judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come; who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts;" and "who will judge the living and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom" (Rom. 2:16; I Cor.4:5; II Tim. 4:1); and styledby the earnest and faithful Peter, "theDay of Inspection," hemera episkopes (I Pet. 2: 12), "the time that the judgment begins

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at the house of the Deity" (ch. 4: 17); when, asJames testifies, the saints shall be judged by the law of liberty" (ch. 2:12).

This day of inspection is "the day of wrath and revelation of the righ­teous judgment of the Deity; who will render to everyone according to his deeds" (Rom. 2:5-6). It is a day in which He will separate the satanic goats from the sheep who have heard his voice, and done the Father's will Those slothfu~ unprofitable, and wicked professors are" cast into the lake of fire burning with brimstone," in which are destroyed the beast and the false prophet, by that portion of the last plagues which is executed by the Second and Third Angels [of Revelation 14], who have power over fire. In other words, the judgment given to the approved, who enter into the joy of their Lord, affords scope in the execution ofit upon the Diabolos and Satan of the world, for the punishment also of the unprofitable servants of the house of the Deity; who are" condemned with the world" to the calamities of the last plagues, which to them will be "a sorer punishment" than to the adversaries at large (Heb. 10:26-30).

]OHNTHOMAS February, 1868

Walking in the Light Implications of Deity's Nature

WE HOPE to show that it is essential that we have a proper under­standing ofboth the nature and the purpose ofDeity ifwe are tru~y walking in the light. In discussing the nature of God, we will

consider two very important characteristics of Deity. Specifically we will consider first the individuality of God followed by a consideration of the sovereignty of God After this we will then consider the purpose of God, namely, to ultimately manifest Himself in a multitude.

We define God's individuality as" the quality or state ofbeing indivisi­ble and His existence as a separate and distinct entity." Intense personality is certainly a revealed characteristic of the Creator of heaven and earth. Not only the frequent use ofthe personal pronouns"I," "Me," "He," and" Him," but also many express declarations ofthis in many and various forms attest to it. F or example, we have these various excerpts taken from Scripture to illus­trate this point: "The Father hath life in himself' Oohn 5:26). "He is the living God" Oer. 10:10). He is the Lord of heaven and earth" (Acts 17:24). "There is none like me in all the earth" (Exod 9:14). "To whom will ye liken me, or shall I be equal?" (Isa. 40:25).

Furthermore, the form of the glorious Creator, shadowed to us in

2/89 WCF's Newsletter

disrupting the brotherhood and causing discord, they apparently don't hear Him. Of course we should know that Deity speaks through His Word, not through any supernatural means, and those that have ears to hearwill receive instruction. Deity is not saying anything different in 1988 than he said in 1888 or 1 788. The Word is constant. We do see world events transpiring that confirm the Word, but we are not living in an age of vision or special com­munication Is there anything else to knowing and living the Truth than doing the work ofan evangelist? It has been wisely observed that our actions speak more loudly than our words, so it is possible to "preach the Truth" without being aware of it. It has also been rightly observed that the art of "public preaching" gives opportunity for manifestation of ego. When one recites a few simple verses to another who has no Bible background, the reciter appears to be well versed, and he may think he is a great success in impressing others with his knowledge.

Verse to Remember One WCF critic has noted their misuse ofMark 16: 15 in the box on the

third page of the newsletter. This misunderstanding is not limited to WCF. Some think that Mark 16:15, "Goye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature," is a command directed to present-day believers. Present­day believers are commanded to let their lights shine which may involve various forms ofpreaching to those with whom they come in contact. But the verse in Mark is directed specifically to the apostles: "Afterwards he Uesus] appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen him after hewas risen And he said unto THEM . .." (vs. 14). Some have even gone so far as to say the Lord will not return until this command is substantially followed and the Truth has been sent to all continents and islands.

Domestic Missionary Work The total lack of doctrinal position by WCF is seen in this announce­

ment that the Amended portion of their directorate, George Booker, is guiding the" outreach program" in South Austin, Texas. WCF reports that "the South Austin Ecclesia has had a very strong outreach program in recent years, resulting in many baptisms." What they have done is to get in touch with welfare recipients and people from broken marriages and offer them a crust ofbread. This works on this kind ofpeople. We seriously question how well prepared these baptismal applicants are, and what their credentials are. They may be like the natives in Mexico who have only a smattering of the Truth. I asked one of the missionary-minded supporters of the Mexico venture just what Statement of Faith they used in Guadalajara, and his mouth fell open about an inch. Before he had a chance to reply, I stopped him and said, "Never mind, by your demeanor you have already told me--they never heard of a Statement of Faith. None of these missionaries, foreign or domestic, have an answer as to why one has to go thousands of miles to discover a potential convert when there are dozens right in his own neighbor­

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him out;" but I don't know exactly what that means. Has he inwardly sepa­rated from the Amended and their beliefs and genuinely endorsed the beliefs of the Unamended. or is the Unamended community just a convenient resting place for him? His pro-reunion stance speaks for itself. Another, Tony Giordano, has strenuously worked to promote reunion with the Amended since at least 1955. He breaks bread with them, has broken bread with the CGAF. He has promoted Operation Onesimus, CFU, family living seminars with CGAF. When asked ifhe has any reservations about breaking bread with the Amended, he responds that it has long been the practice of the ecclesias to which he belonged, Garfield and Norfolk, to break bread with the Amended. He is reluctant to make an affirmative statement that his statement offaith is the BUSF. Certainly he cannot state that the BUSF is his exclusive statement of faith. His actions show that he is a dual- or multi­fellowship person This is the structure ofWCF and its kindred organizations. Out of respect to Woody Legge, we don't think he was initially a WCF-type person, but was used by its organizers to achieve some of their goals. Now these three have retired.

WCF has added two new directors, George Booker of the Amended fellowship, formerly Berean, and Alan Wubbels. Both these people were directors of the CFU movement Their respective ecclesias voted unani­mously FOR the CFU package- reunion without unity. They did all that was in their power to cram reunion down the throats of the simple, and their parting words were that the work must go on, reunion must be worked for and achieved. The attempt to sell reunion was rife with ambiguities. If we don't believe the same things, use language to make it appear that we believe alike. With enough ofthis we can unite with anybody eventually-Mormons, Baptists, Catholics. Any member of the Unamended community that cannot see through WCF's aims in naming an Amended director is a blind person being led by the blind

WCF's statement that the two new directors "come with excellent qualifications" means that they are pro-reunion, pro-seminarian, pro-Open Door, pro-Amended. pro-missionary. They further say, ",!,he Foundation is structured to operate until the Lord comes, even though individuals may come and go." Brethren who see the folly of WCF will have to gird up their loins to endure and oppose them indefinitely, for they are determined to continue their restiveness and conflict among those who prefer defined doctrine and no professionals.

The sub-headings in the WCF newsletter, "The Work,"" Service to the Brotherhood." "The Invitation," "Broad Brush Preaching," and"To Whom Should We Preach?" have nothing substantive in them so we are making no specific comment about them. The tone, as many have noticed, is churchy. There is a one- track mind on preaching to the outsider. No notice is taken to individual Bible study by believers, nor to their need for being built up. Their statement that "the Lord seems to be talking to Christadelphians in 1988," does not make much sense. If He is talking to WCF to tell them to stop

2/89 Walking in the Light 125

various places, helps us to comprehend and understand that conception of our Heavenly Father which is exactly suited to our spiritual requirements­the idea of a glorious corporate intelligence located in the heart of the universe, upholding and sustaining all things by the word ofHis power. We are told that man is "made after the similitude of God." and that he is "the image and glory ofGod." Christ, who was formed in fashion as a man, is said to be" the image ofGod," and" the express image ofhis person." From these declarations comes the conviction that the Father is not only glorious sub­stance, even spirit substance, but that this substance has the human form in its perfection.

Our Heavenly Father's person is, in fact, the protottype or original of all intelligent being. OfMoses it was said. "the similitude ofthe Lord shall he behold." Also, that" there arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face." And, "the Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend" Undoubtedly, that these revelations refer to the angelic manifestation ofDeity is generally accepted. But still the fact remains that the similitude Moses beheld was the similitude of Deity. Thus the angels are in Deity's image, and we in the image of the angels, and therefore Deity's.

A correct understanding of the Father's person, enthroned in the hea­vens ofglory, yet in harmony with universal space, brings immense practical power with it This understanding makes worship a reality and helps us to more fully comprehend that the Godrevealed to us in the Bible is a Creator, a Father, and a person, universal in His presence and power, but still a glOriOUS person whom we can contemplate, love, confide in and adore. We cannot worship abstract universal power, but we can worship a glorious being who possesses universal power, and has made all things in the exercise of His supreme wisdom and power. This is the Father revealed to us in the Bible, and manifested especially to us by the LordJesus Christ

A Scriptural understanding of these concepts allows us to comprehend "the idea of a glorious corporate intelligence located in the heart of the universe, upholding and sustaining all things by the word of his power." BrotherJohn Thomas defined the Scriptural conception ofthe Father, out of whom are all things, as follows:

"Absolute power, from whose incorruptible substance or hypostasis free spirit radiates, is before all existing things. This self-existing incorrupt­ible substance is essentially spirit-spirit substance-a concentration and condensation into One Body of all the attributes, intellectual, moral and physical ofomnipotence-all things are out of Deity, as we are told in I Corinthians 8:6. All things being out of Deity, they were not made out of nothing. The sun, moon and stars, together with all things pertaining to each, were made out ofsomething, and that,some­thing was the radiant effluence of His substance, or free spirit, which pervades unbounded space. By free spirit, all created things are con­nected with the center of the universe, which is light that no man can

126 The Sanctuary-Keeper 2/89

approach unto, so that not even a sparrow falls to the ground without the Father, who is not far from everyone of us. The formation of the first man ofthe earth was the expression by spiri t ofthe peculiar divine idea or mental image. The spirit-developed form styled man was the result of power divinely manipulated and incorporated with the dust (itself an electrical product) assumed the form of the divine image and likeness and stood erect, a living, natural body, or man."

A true understanding of our Heavenly Father as revealed in His Word brings us to the knowledge that the source or fountain of power in the universe is One. It is a unit. Therefore everything which exists is out of Him. Hence, the Creator did not "make all things out of nothing." This is the teaching ofthe old man ofthe flesh which leads many ofhis children to affirm that" matter is God," understanding by "matter" that which is perceived by the five senses. They confuse that which is "of Him" with the "Him" out of whom all things proceed. While on the other hand, other misguided children of the flesh say that "God is immateriaV' or that He is not matter, or substance, or body, but rather an inconceivable something they call" Spirit," an incorporeal, unsubstantia~ immaterial spirit, which is as near to nothing as we can imagine.

The concept of a primary, intelligent, and therefore personal force, with a located nucleus of form, power and glory is, in reality, much more in harmony with the facts of the universe as we find and observe them, than the notion ofimpassive force, which is only a name for something inconceivable. Weare weak, limnited forms of intelligence, and we must not conceive ofor measure the Eternal Being by the light ofour feelings or notions. Our simple duty is to accept implicitly what is revealed to us in God's Word, relying at the same time on the logic ofDavid' s argument that"He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? He that formed the eye, shall he not see?" To this we may logically conclude, He that bestowed upon us the mystery of personal indi­viduality, shall he not possess it in the highest form?

Yes, the God ofIsrael is a personal God. The Father of our LordJesus Christ is a personal Father, yet not a man, though we faintly borrow our image from Him He is glorious and incorruptible in His substance, un­changeable in His nature, one with the universe, clothed with eternal light and power. He fills heaven and earth by His spirit, which is one with Him. By this He upholds all things, and knows and controls everything. Can we not exclaim with David that "honor and majesty are before him; strength and beauty in his sanctuary. Who in heaven can be compared unto the Lord? Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised. His greatness is unsearchable. I wqill speak of the glorious honor of his majesty; to make known to the sons of men his mighty acts, and the glorious majesty of his kingdom"

ROBERT A. MILLER No. Little Rock, Ark.

---Subsequent installments to follow, Lord willing--­

2/89 WCF's Newsletter 139

ways and doctrines of the church. They did not have nor did they need any headquarters organization, any banking system to which to entrust their contributory funds, any seminars with "trained" pastors, any requests for bequests, any massive traveling to and fro with expenses paid from the treasury, any foreign "missionaries," any booths at county fairs, any recruit­ing and brainwashing of the young people into elite groups, any bumper stickers or "smile" buttons to wear. They were a simple, unsophisticated, sincere people who looked for the coming of the Master and were concerned about holding fast to the form of sound doctrine which included a walk worthy ofsuch a high calling. Occasionally they reported ofa new baptism of one who had been a work associate or neighbor of one of the believers. Although there was no utopia, they rejoiced in the Truth and leaned on each other for moral and spiritual strength. On this side of the Atlantic Brother Thomas Williams was held in high esteem as a brother who loved the Truth and did his best to defend it by spoken and written word against all would-be seducers. How they loved Brother Williams. And how we miss his kind today.

How all this has changed! WCF has helped change all of this quite a bit for those who are willing to heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears. WCF is, after al~ the Open Door Christadelphian Church. It has satellite ecclesias and individuals who go along with its ecumenical and no-doctrine philosophy. Try as you may, you cannot get WCF to own up to any official belief or doctrine-they engage in what they erroneously call "love" and "charitable works." When they are caught in a problem situation, they say that is the brother speaking for his ecclesia, not WCF, or that is the brother speaking for his Sunday School, not WCF. Their directors who call all the promotional shots are multi-fellowship people. Yes, multi-fellowship. Don't Open Door Christadelphians hold the door open for one and all? They have in the past and will now fellowship the Amended, the Unamended, the Church of God of the Abrahamic Faith, and the Toronto 13-proposition Statement of Faith. You want to know where they stand? They stand on any platform that fits the occasion. They have offered directorships to at least two brothers who are very affluent in this world's goods. There may be others. There is no discussion in their disseminated propaganda of legal condemnation, which first must be thoroughly understood before proper baptism and initiation into Christ can take place to remove the inherited alienation resting upon all men and women. No discussion on baptism, resurrection, Christ's relation to Adamic condemnation, no discussion on prophecy with a particular reticence in affirming the historical interpretation of the Apocalypse. What do they discuss? Look at their newsletter.

Change of Directors Three directors have retired. One, Maurice Wubbels, was baptized into

the Amended fellowship in 1955. Is it out of order to ask ifhe believed in resurrectional responsibility of the enlightened rejector at that time? How does he believe today? I have heard him say that they (the Amended) .. kicked

127 138 The Sanctuary-Keeper 2/89

might be preserved uncorrupted and people of the said kingdom, and • • • • • allothers which have inany sort sworn

"IV. Being, therefore, supported unto her, to be forever absolved from with this authority, whose pleasure it any such oath, and all manner ofduty, was to place us, though unequal to so of dominion, allegiance, and obedi­great a burden, in this supreme ence; as we also do, by the authority throne of justice, we do, out of the of these presents, absolve them, and fullness of our apostolic power, de­ do depreive the same Elizabeth of clare the aforesaid Elizabeth, being a her pretended title to the kingdom heretic, and a favourer of heretics, and all other things aforesaid And and her adherents in the matter afore­ we do command and interdict all and said, to have incurred the sentence everyone ofthe noblemen, subjects, of anathema, and to be cut off from people, and others aforesaid, that the unity of the body ofChrist. And, they presume not to obey her, or her moreover, we do declare her to be admonitions, mandates and laws; and deprived ofherpretended title to the those who shall do the contrary, we kingdom aforesaid, and ofall domin­ do innodate with the like sentence of ion, dignity, and privilege whatso­ anathema." ever: and also the nobility, subjects,

WCFs Newsletter

PROPAGANDA is defined in the dictionary as(1) in the Roman Catholic Church, a committee of cardinals, the Congregation for the Propaga­tion ofthe Faith, in charge ofthe foreign missions; (2) any organization

or movement working for the propagation of particular ideas, doctrines, practices, etc.; (3) the ideas, doctrines, practices, etc., spread in this way; (4) any systematic, widespread, deliberate indoctrinationor plan for such indoc­trination: now often used in a derogatory sense, connoting deception or distortion. The idea ofpropagating is to multiply, transmit, to spread (ideas, customs, etc.) from person to person or generation to generation, to diffuse, disseminate, circulate or generate.

If there are those who see in the above definitions a distinct parallel with WCF, I would have to agree with them. It used to be with the Christa­delphians that if they planned any get-togethers or special functions there was a simple announcement and brethren came and joined together in unity of spirit. With the advent of WCF, as well as its predecessor and current supporter, Operation Onesimus, this has all changed. Now we have the sophistry, the hard-sell, the churchism, the Madison Avenue approach of quote, "The Organization," unquote.

Christadelphians used to get together, socialize and talk on things of common interest, particularly the things concerning the Kingdom of God and the name ofJesus Christ- the gospel that had separated them from the

2/89 Walking in the Light

This series on"Walking in the Light" is based on a presentation offive classes given at the Kentucky Bible School in 1988. When I received the transcript of the material it was divided into five parts which I have further sub-divided to make the articles less lengthy. The titles under the main heading "Walking in the Light" are those I have assigned without consulta­tion with the writer. In the overall delivering of the class material in the five lecture-classes a bibliography was given in which the several reference books were credited The material which I received had the bibliography at the end ofthe material, and I had failed to list the bibliography after each installment as printed in THE SANCTUARY-KEEPER Brother Miller has received a criti­cism in which it is inferred that he plagiarized, using other material without assigning due credit. This is not the case; the error is mine in not going to the end of the material, picking up the bibliography and printing it in the first installment ofthe series which beganin November, 1988. Listed below is the bibliography, and Brother Miller acknowledges that he may have been assisted by reference to other works than those listed Ifwe quote, either directly or obliquely, from pioneer sources or other data, it is safe to say that none of us are trying to accrue any personal notoriety to ourselves; we are only interested that the truth ofthe subject matterbe presented in as forceful a way as possible. The bibliography will not be repeated in future installments.

1. The Ways ofProvidence, Robert Roberts 2. A Word in Season, Robert Roberts 3. Letter to the Romans, John Carter 4. Elpis Israel, John Thomas 5. Phanerosis, John Thomas 6. The World's Redemption, Thomas Williams 7. The Blood ofthe Covenant, J. J. Andrew 8. What is Truth, John S. Peake

Proposals for Unity As Reported by Logos Magazine

In the September Ecclesial Calen­ The article would take at least two dar supplement to Logos magazine, full pages to reproduce in its entirety, the editor made some observations so we will reprint only part of it: about the endeavors to achieve re­ ..All [efforts] have failed to over­union between the Amended and come the inherent differences in be­Unamended fellowships in North lief between the two groups. This America. This article should have a was established when the Continen­degree ofinterest to our readers as it tal Reunion Committee b.rought particularly addresses the California down its findings in 1983 after many activities about which we have re­ years of joint meetings, and identi­ported in recent issues. fied the main doctrinal differences as

137 2/89 On the Names of Our Periodicals

relating to resurrectional responsibil­ity, baptismal status and the nature ofman. These are fundamental issues of the Atonement, and therefore cov­er vital matters of doctrine.

... "The Amended Ecclesias are based on the BASF and accept clause 24 as fundamental [see inside back cover of THE SANCTUARY-KEEPER for specific wording]. This amend­ment was inserted into the Birming­ham Statement of Faith by Brother Roberts when other views on resur­rectional responsibility became evi­dent, and it was necessary to accu­rately define the terms of truth.

... "How far, then, can efforts to achieve unity be pursued?

"When kindred minds and hearts find a common understanding, com­patible with the highest standards of truth as defined in the Birmingham Amended Statement of Faith, unity is not only desirable but commanded (Heb. 10:25). This was achieved in America (BereaniCentral reunion), England and Australia, when eccle­sias formally adopted relationships upon a common basis: the BASF.

"Ecclesias in California are cur­rently engaged in discussing unity between the Unamended and Amend­ed groups in that area The editor had opportunity to talk with some brethren during a brief stop-over in Los Angeles on his way to Bible School commitments in the east. The dis­cussions were most profitable, and enabled an exchange ofviews on the current proposals (dated May 15, 1988) which are circulating amongst the California Ecclesias for consider­ation.

"There are some disquieting fea­tures, however. The proposal allows for the continuation of two State­ments of Faith, which will continue to be called the BASF and the BUSF. It has been this difference in the past that has maintained the rift between the two communities, and the CUf-

Excommunication of Queen Elizabeth

128 The Sanctuary-Keeper 2/89

The acceptance or rejection of the doctrine concerning it will determine the destiny of every man that hears it; for it is the subject ofthe gospel by which we all must be saved.

Thus from the beginning to the present time progress has marked the Editor's career. There has been no vacillation with him. He has not professed and recanted, and professed again, not knowing his own mind for two successive moons together. Al­though hampered for want of means to carryon efficiently the work in which he has been engaged these seventeen years, he has never sold his birthright for a mess of pottage. Such "grains of sense" as these he has inherited from none.

He has proved by his works his faith, and when his traducers can do the same, he will cheerfully yield to them the palm of equal disinterest­edness with himsel£


rent suggestions do not succeed in unifying the two fellowships on a common basis. Instead, an attempt is made to overcome the problem with an' attaching document' of three pages which must be appended to each Statement of Faith. This docu­ment is different from the Adden­dum ofEngland Of the Unity Book of A ustralia, since it not only' explains' the contentious issues, but also adds to the B USF in an attempt to bring it into harmony with the BASF. But if this is the case, it is dishonest to refer to one of the 'principal Statements' as the BUSF, since it would now be 'amended' by the attachment of the proposal It should not purport to be something it is not If the BUSF is to be amended, then all proposals which try to explain doctrinal differences will prove to be a stumbling block­since they are not then part of an acceptable Statement of Faith.

"Ecclesias elsewhere view with grave concern an attempt to recon­cile differences by maintaining two differing Statements of Faith. Not­withstanding assurances to the con­trary, the fact that the Unamended Ecclesias of California seem unable, at this moment, to wholeheartedly accept the BASF which is commonly held by Central Ecclesias worldwide, indicates that differences still remain.

"The suggestion has been made that by this means, however, other Unamended Ecclesias (on the B USF) might look more favorably upon the unity proposals. But if this is 'doing evil that good may come' it is not to be recommended. Let the clarity of the Truth be stated, and unity will be wholesome. IfUnamended brethren in California believe the doctrines of the BASF let them say so, and accept the basis which will properly unite us. We need brethren of goodwill, who, whatever their previous associ­ations, are able to acknowledge what is saving truth, and accept it whole-

The following paragraphs form a part of the" Damnation and Excom­munication of Elizabeth, Queen of England, and her adherents," by Pope Pius in the year 1570.


"I. He that reigneth on high, to whom is given all power in heaven and on earth, committed one Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, out of which there is no salvation, to the one alone upon earth, to Peter, the Prince of the Apostles, and to Peter's successor the Bishop of Rome, to be governed in fullness of power. Him

considered as the organ of all those, be they many or few, whose hope the kingdom is. The Editor is their hum­ble servant for the truth's sake. When they can find another who will serve them in that truth more patiently, perseveringly, andself-denyingly, he will readily give place to such an one, and retire into that obscurity which is far more congenial to his feelings and habits than a notoriety which exposes him to the rancor and ill will of the rulers of the present darkness, and of those who do their will

Till then, however, it is to be hoped that they will bestir themsaelves, and not allow his efficiency to be cramped by a parsimony of which the world itself would be ashamed Much can be done with a little as he has proved; but the armies of the aliens cannot be effectually encountered if the locker be entirely destitute of shot. A word to the wise is enough.


alone he made Prince over all peo­ple, and all kingdoms, to pluck up, destroy, scatter, consume, plant, and build, that he may retain the faithful, that are knit together with the band of charity, in the unity of the Spirit, and present them spotless and un­blameable to their Saviour. In dis­charge of which functions, we who are, by God's goodness, called to the government of the aforesaid church, spare no pains, labouring with all earnestness, that unity and the reli­gion, which the author theregf hath for the trial of his children's faith, and for our amendment, suffered to be exercised with so great afflictions,

129 136 The Sanctuary-Keeper 2/89 2/89 Proposals for Unity

been shown by events to have been discordant with the word; the truth of the advent, however, has not been at all affected by the mistake. The word of the Lord lives and abides forever, and though men may err in their interpretations, the declara­tion ofHis will standeth firm that all things here shall be subjected to his dominion, so that "his will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven."

From 1834 to'46 or'4 7 the Editor had been bringing out and advocat­ing great and important truths. Dur­ing this period every effort had been made by the rulers to prevent their discussion and to turn away the ears of the people. But the Editor was bound to persevere although discour­agements obtained preeminence on every side. He advocated the truths because he believed them to be true; and because all truth that God has condescended to reveal in His word is worthy ofbeing known, and, when known, is calculated to soften the heart and improve the dispositions of men.

At that time he would not have said that the knowledge and beliefof them was indispensable to a partici­pation of the everlasting blessings of the age to come. He had not the tes­timony before his mind to justify such a conclusion; consequently could not venture to affirm it. But in process of time he came to see that they were the gospel in ruins-its integral parts lying as the fragments of a wreck all around Having made this discovery he proceeded to rebuild the fabric­to bring the dismembered elements together, and to set them forth as one harmonious whole.

His faith had now attained an am­plitude it had not possessed before. It embraced the hope ofGod's calling to His kingdom and glory in the name ofJesus as the future Lord and sover­eign of the world He now perceived what the faith of the gospel was that

was necessary to constitute an im­mersion christian baptism. It was nothing less than the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and name ofJesus as the Christ; and he discovered ac­cordingly that if a man would in­herit that kingdom he must believe with an honest and good heart the things concerning it.

It was not simply a Future Age of glory, but it was "a kingdom, glory and dominion" in that age with"hon­or and immortality" that were the glad tidings of "the truth as it is in Jesus." To become a joint heir with him of this kingdom the Editor was immersed in 1847.

Having thus obeyed the gospel himself, he forthwith commenced its announcement to others in the United States, and afterwards in Brit­ain. Thousands upon thousands have heard the joyful sound during the two years that are past; and if it be God's will that it should be still fur­ther proclaimed in these States the Editor holds himself in readiness to do it to the full extent of the means afforded him.

Having returned from Europe for this purpose, he begins this work by the issue of the" Herald of the King­dom andAge to Come." As the things of the Kingdom of God and of His Anointed will be the great theme of this periodical, he has amplified the title of the former work. The" Future Age" and the"Age to Come" signify the same thing; he has therefore for the sake ofeuphony adopted the lat­ter phrase as a substitute for the for­mer, and inserted "the Kingdom" before it.

This is the great fact of the Age to Come, and the promise made to the fathers, the hope of Israe~ and the faith of all believing Gentiles, who are not highminded and too wise in their own conceit to learn. The king­dom has become the topic of the present age which cannot be set aside.

heartedly. We will be stimulated by such courage and wisdom and the Brotherhood will be strengthened as a result. Other Unamended Ecclesias might then be encouraged to recog­nize the benefits of true unity, and seek to reconcile differences which have remained for so long.

"The editor has appreciated frank and thoughtful discussions on this and other matters in his present jour­neys throughout the Continent, and will comment further on the Califor­nian Proposals in particular, in the next issue (God willing)."

G. E. Mansfield

COMMENT: As far as any reunion between the two fellowships, we can say, "There is nothing new under the sun." As the Logos editor states with clarity and accurateness, the Conti­nental Reunion Committee found that the differences IN BELIEF are too prohibitive. The Committee did not find anything new- they only re­stated what has been established and on-going fact for about 100 years. No matter how you try to cut it, we do not believe alike. And we do not believe alike on fundamentals ofwhat each considers vital doctrines which cannot be compromised or ambigu­ously rephrased to make it appear that we are alike.

Please read the back outside cover of this magazine to see what some of the vital differences are. We do not believe in the same Christ that the Amended do, so it is not necessary to go any further. Just because a person goes by the name ofChristadelphian does not insure that he believes the Truth.

Simply stated, the Unamended be­lieve in resurrection through Christ ONL Y; the Amended believe in re­surrection through enlightenment. Belief in the certain resurrection of the enlightened rejector relegates the

work of Christ as well as the efficacy ofbaptism to an incorrect and infer­ior status which we cannot accept. It destroys the incorporation ofimplied resurrection in the promises made to Abraham and his seed It changes the meaning of the ecclesia from" called out, or invited ones" to "threatened out, or compelled ones."

I believe the Logos editor errs in saying that" this amendment was in­serted into the BASF [in 1898] by Brother Roberts." It is my under­standing that Robert Roberts refused to change the Statement of Faith, although he disagreed very strongly with the position of those who be­lieved and earnestly contended that resurrection came through the blood . of the everlasting covenant. Upon the death ofRobert Roberts in 1898, C. C. Walker and his followers forth­with adopted the amendment which declared as a first principle of saving truth that "those who know the re­vealed will of God and have been called upon to submit to it," WILL BE [not may be] summoned before THEJUDGMENT SEAT [not some discriminatory judgment, as a few tentative Unamended have averred], to be judged, etc.

The basic position on two-class re­surrection, i e., just and unjust- both in covenant relationship, by the Un­amendedwas more clearly defined in the 1894-98 period, particularly in the pamphlet The Bloodofthe Covenant by Brother J. J. Andrew. THE SANC TUARY-KEEPER(1894-1902) consis­tently and faithfully presented the doctrinal position on which the Un­amended stood and now stand

Previous to the 1890s, the Bir­mingham Statement ofFaith, bearing neither labelAmended or U namend­ed, was in universal use, although it is established without dispute that dif­ferences of opinion existed on the likelihood or even certainty of the resurrection of the enlightened re­

130 The Sanctuary-Keeper 2/89 ---------------------------,-------------------------­

2/89 Ecclesial Discipline 135

jector. Allowing for some inerrancy in my

understanding, if there are those who care to send proof to the contrary, I do not believe that brethren of the 1860-1890 period claimed that we were "in Adam" and "in Christ" si­multaneously, or that rejecting Gen­tiles would appear specifically at the tribunal of Christ alongside the cov­enant people, or that Christ was not related to Adamic condemnation, or that baptism had nothing to do with placing a person in line for resurrec­tion. Brethren got along without the Amendment. The Amendment waS a doctrinal change mandating the ne­cessity of pledging allegiance to a certain party or voice of opinion.

When Brother Andrew published his exposition, he was supported to the fullest and without exception by Brother Thomas Williams in North America. Some try to portray these two as adversaries, but it simply is not true. If there are any who think that Brother Williams was not in agreement with BrotherAndrew doc­trinally and with one exception, fel­lowship-wise, please read from the old Advocates, 1894, I think, the arti­cle "What Is The Matter With You Over There?" After 1900 Brother Andrew took a more closed pOSition on fellowship than did Brother Wil­liams, with some controversy follow­ing between the two of them. Broth­er Andrew declined to fellowship those who believed in the Amend­ment, whereas Brother Williams con­tinued in this country to leave the question open. However it is public fact that Brother Williams did not allow the doctrines that characterize the Amended today and which were an outgrowth of the Amendment. Concerning these views that natural­ly sprang out of the Amendment, he told C. C. Walker that his baptism was no better than that of a Camp­bellite. The resolute and defined po­

sition of Brother Williams has be­come today in many circles a sort of acquiescience, perhaps even better described as a surrender. At present there are a number of Unamended, individuals and ecclesias, who accept and openly fellowship theAmended The Californians of whom the Logos editor speaks, are some of them. The ecclesias at Turlock, Ridgecrest and Los Angeles are not of this sort, pre­ferring to hold to the sound doctrine of the BUSF.

The point in G. M. Mansfield's ar­ticle that it is dishonest to refer to the BUSF as Unamended if it is to be "amended" by the Californians is well taken. The Unamended State­ment, if you will look in the inside front cover of most copies, has been "amended," I think by Brother Wil­liams. But such "amendments" are not changes in doctrines; they are primarily grammatical changes.

We would say to the Logos editor that the Californians to whom he re­fers do not represent the main body of the Unamended. Many would not fellowship them since their open ca­pitulation to the Amended This would not include the movements by Operation Onesimus and the Wil­liamsburg Conference and Williams­burg Foundation, nor the Rockford (Great Lakes) and West Coast Bible Schools, as their records speak clear­ly. Amended are utilized and fellow­shipped in these groups, and many Unamended shun association with them, as they should.

We must ask, seriously and simply, does it make a difference what we believe? If it does, how do we show it? By courting and winking at false doctrine? Is pseudo- unity more to be desired than correct doctrine? If it is, then we could unite with the Church ofGod of the Abrahanmic Faith and many other "Christian" groups. We commend Logos on their honesty and forthrightness in calling attention to

them, but at the same time, to vindi­cate the ecclesia's regard for righ­teousness, and the sullied honour of Christ, by subjecting their action to

. some open mark of disavowal This is best done by asking them to

refrain for a time from the breaking of bread, while not absenting them­selves from the meetings. In this there is an exhibition ofhumble sub­mission on the part of the offender which is a guarantee of the genuine­ness ofhis sorrow; and on the part of the ecclesia an effective washing of their hands of all complicity with his transgression. This is the only reme­dy in our hands at the present time.

It has nothing to do with judicial action. The friends of Christ are not allowed in this present state to em­ploy coercive measures in any form. The execution of the judgment writ­ten is a prerogative in reserve for such only as come through the pres­ent probation with divine approval

Meanwhile, we are allowed to use the defensive weapon of non-associ­ation where there is non-compliance with the precepts ofChrist. "Excom­munication" is an ordinance of the apostasy; ecclesial withdrawal is of apostolic prescription.


On The Names of ,Our Periodicals Second of Two Parts

T HIS hope of immortality raised the question when will this hope he

realized? He saw clearly that it was not at death, but at the resurrection of the righteous from among the dead. This resurrection then was a great epoch in the future history of the world, and the commencement of an era ofwonders upon the earth. It was introductory in truth toanAge and Dispensation in which the" ex­ceeding great and precious promises of God" would be realized by all the saints.

The scripture testimony of these things created in his mind a hope which looked beyond the resurrec­tion epoch, and contemplated a kingdom, glory and dominion under which all nations should be blessed This economy is styled by theApostle "the Age to come" (Eph. 1:21), or the Future Age. Of this age the Lord Jesus is the Founder, and therefore

he is styled by the prophet "the Fa­ther of the Everlasting Age," which being an age of undisturbed repose confers upon him the honorable and glorious title of" the Prince ofPeace."

To advocate the claims of this age upon the faith and hope of his con­temporaries, the Editor recommenced his literary labors, and bestowed up- , on the periodical devoted to it the name of the "Herald of the Future Age." He was the more induced to designate it by this title because he believed that the Age was at hand or fast approaching. If he had thought that it was far off he would not have styled it the "Herald" of that age.

He believed then as he believes now that it was near, even at the door; he therefore heralded forth that an­nouncement though upon different principles from "the cry" that was then sounding throughout the land. That cry as a question of time has

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The Position of Wives

" HUSBANDS, love your wives, and be not bitter against them." Men who are unkind, churlish, and neglectful in their behaviour towards their wives will doubtless one day rue it. Predisposition

in either of these directions should be manfully attacked and overcome. After Christ, a man's wife should come first in his affections and considera­tions. The commandments are very definite upon the matter. The wife should not be treated as a useful chattel, but as a precious gift from God (Prov. 18:22). The wife is to be loved (even as a man would love himself), cherished, nourished, and held in honour(Eph. 5:28-29; Col. 3:19; I Pet. 3:7). A husband's duties do not begin and end in providing temporal necessities. He has to bear in mind that his wife is a joint-heir with himself of salvation. He has to dwell with her "according to knowledge." He has to be circum­spect to study the manifold bearings that his conduct has on her race for eternal life. He has to look to her spiritual requirements; to help her to get to the meetings, and secure time for reading. He should also endeavour to arrange for profitable companionship for her. "The husband is the head of the wife," and should therefore form a worthy example to her. Further, the fear ofdispleasing her should not influence him to forego the obligations and calls of the Truth. Neither should that motive cause him to refrain from giving faithful counsel or timely reproof. The injunction to "live joyfully" precludes the exhibition ofa domineering, austere attitude (Ecc1 9:9). Oh! what scope there is in the marital relationship for glorifying God by good works.

Preparing For Marriage, page 100

Ecclesial Discipline

W HEN A brother or sister falls into open sin(" known or read

of all men"), an ecclesia is bound in an open manner to signify its repro­bation ofthe offence, to prevent the taunt arising among "those without" that iniquity is fellowshipped with impunity. The enemy is too ready to make use of such a misfortune for malicious purposes.

"We are not ignorant of his de­vices" (II Cor. 2:11). The "very ap­pearance of evil" must be avoided

An evil report obstructs the cause of the Truth. Paul evinces the utmost sensitiveness on this point in all of his epistles, and it will be shared by every man ofhonour and good sense.

What course should be pursued in the matter? If the brother or sister offending is callous and indifferent on the subject, there is only one course, and that is the public repudi­ation of their company. If they are sincerely repentant, the duty of the ecclesia is to receive them and help

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the truth- that there is not doctrinal agreement in the two groups. It is too bad that we cannot commend a good number of Unamended who are not as honest as Logos.

And to those who are having any difficulty assessing the position of the Californians who illegitimately call themselves Unamended, let it be known that even the Amended are having difficulty assessing what they stand for. It is biblically impossible to stand for both BASF and BUSF. We agree with Logos that the only

unity is when one group completely drops their traditional beliefand un­reservedly accepts the other.

We would urge the Belmont, Cali­fornia Ecclesia to disavow their ne­gotiations with the Amended, and return to the form ofsound doctrine the Unamended have preached and practiced for over a hundred years. And we might add, this would include a revision oftheir published stand on the issues which divide the Amended from the Unamended

The Superiority of Christ Part V

WE, TOO, have been led outofdark spiritual Egypt by a greater than Moses-the LordJesus Christ-just as the children ofIsrael were led out of natural Egypt by Moses. We have been called to the

light ofGod's promises through Christ. In Hebrews 3:7 & 9, we see that Paul brings to light the fact that God spoke to theJews through Moses at Sinai, and they failed to listen to Him. He urges the present generation ofJews to now listen to His Son, the anti type of Moses. In the 8 th verse he says, "Harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, in the day of temptation in the wilderness." Paul chose two Greek terms, provocation (parapikrasmos) and temptation (peirasmos, trial, proof), which mean basically the same as the two Hebrew words so rendered in Psalm 95:8, which are proper names and are translations of the Hebrew words meribah(strife) and massah( trial). These two places were ofgreat historical importance. AtMeribah, in the sightofthe elders ofIsrael(Exod 17:1-7), Moses took his rod, the same rod that he had lifted up to part the Red Sea at the Exodus, and he is told to smite the rock, which he did On a second occasion Moses took Aaron the high priest and Aaron's rod that budded and here he was told to speak to the rock (Numb. 20:7-9). He did not speak to the rock, but hestrllck the rock a second time. And Paul asks if they, the present generation ofJews, would do the same thing that Moses did in type, that is crucify the Son of God afresh.

Further, in Hebrews 3:9, "When your fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw my works forty years," has reference to the works of God through Moses in the wilderness for forty years. Paul reminds the Hebrews that for nearly forty years they had seen and witnessed the works ofone greater than Moses. In verse 10 he says, "They do alway err in their heart; and they have

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not known my ways." The word" err" means to wander or roam. They were going towards the promised land as we are today, but they had turned their hearts back to Egypt-to the darkness ofEgypt-and we can also be guilty of such a sin. Such erring can keep us out of the promised land just as it kept Moses and the exodal people of Israel out of the promised land after their wandering in the wilderness.

Moses, we believe, will be in the Kingdom ofGod restored, but he was temporarily kept from crossing theJordan River into the promised land with the new generation. Natural Israel in the days ofMoses heard the living God, as we see in verse 12, in the form of the law and the miracles. In the day of Christ they saw much more in the form ofJesus Christ with his laws and teaching and in the miracles he performed- the testimony he gave on behalf ofhis Father. Today we must have the faith concerning Christ's teaching and keep it, looking forward to the day of earth's redemption. For we have seen the miracles ofIsrael and we have seen the miracles set forth in the Written Word of God We have seen the revival of the Truth in the 1800s. We have seen the establishment of the nation onsrael in 1947-48 and the return ofthe Jews from all over the earth, particularly since 1897, so we have also seen miracles before our very eyes.

We, holy brethren, are "partakers of the heavenly calling" (Heb. 3:1). We are of the "house" of Christ (Heb. 3:6), and we must "hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end." We are told to "hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end" (Heb. 3:14). The word" confidence" is from the Greek hupostasis, foundation, support, substratum or that which lies under. Faith is the hupostasis ofthings hoped for (Heb. 11: 1). Moses had his beginning with the law ofGod, but he through an act ofunbelief, or a lack offaith, failed to reach the end, an entrance into the promised land

TheJews were given the questions, Whose faith? Whose system? Whose belief? Whose life will you follow? Will it beMoses and the law ofMoses? Will it be Christ and the law of Christ? We have the same choice today, except ours is whether we are to follow the world and its laws or the laws ofChrist. Christ is the author and finisher ofour faith. A new beginning will soon be in effect in this earth-the millenial age will begin. The laws of God will be enforced by Christ and the ruling saints. But our choice is now. Paul says to the Jews (Heb. 3:15-19), "While it is said, Today ifye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation. For some, when they had heard, did provoke: howbeit not all that came out of Egypt by Moses. But with whom was he grieved forty years? Was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcases fell in the wilderness? And to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest, but to them that believed not? So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelieE"

Paul spoke oftheJews who came out ofEgypt, but it also referred to the Jews ofhis day, approximately 64 A.D., and it can be applied to us in this day and age. In this generation Israel has just reached its 40th anniversary of

2/89 The Superiority of Christ

statehood, and the nation is in unbelief. The promised land is in view, but those who harden their hearts will be denied an entrance. We could, indi­vidually, be denied entrance into the day of rest, the millenial rest, the seventh- day rest ofGod Let us remember that" faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God"

"0 come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms. For the Lord is a great God, anda great King above all gods. In his hand are the deep places of the earth: the strength of the hills is his also. The sea is his, and he made it: and his hands formed the dry land 0 come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker. For he is our God; and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep ofhis hand Today ifye will hear his voice, Harden not your heart, as in the provocation, and as in the day of temptation in the wilderness: When your fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw my work. Forty years longwas I grieved with this generation, and said, It is a people that do err in their heart, and they have not known my ways: Unto whom I sware that they should not enter into my rest" (Psa. 95:1-11).

ROBERT S. TUCKER Richmond, Va.

---This concludes this series--­

Forewarned-Forearmed Yes, if we are wise. Let us be wise

and open our eyes to what has hap­pened in the past in relation to de­partures from the Truth.

Let us ask and answer this question: Who have been the worst corrupters of the Faith and the worst spiritual seducers of our brethren? Not bad men, or brethren of bad repute; not ambitious novices or dissatisfied up­starts. Oh, dear no!

That class ofcorrupters would suc­ceed in drawing after them very, very few; in fact, those members who were carried away by such would be a very good riddance to any Ecclesia.

No; nearly half a century's exper­ience has taught us that the corrupt­ers who have done the most mischief have been the kind, broad-minded, liberal-hearted leaders who invariably

have an eye to a seat on the fence­leaders, not because they possess the qualities ofleaders, but because their followers are made up of non-think­ers who, loving to be at peace with all men, choose the easiest route there­to, and therefore, needing a leader, select one after their own heart, and invariably have as their motto: "Let sleeping dogs lie," which is the re­verse of the Apostolic one of"Con­tend earnestly for the Faith Qude 3).


COMMENT: Weare now about 100 years from the date of this writing and its truth is quite eviden.t in our time. Let us be alert thinkers and contenders for the Faith.

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not known my ways." The word" err" means to wander or roam. They were going towards the promised land as we are today, but they had turned their hearts back to Egypt-to the darkness ofEgypt-and we can also be guilty of such a sin. Such erring can keep us out of the promised land just as it kept Moses and the exodal people of Israel out of the promised land after their wandering in the wilderness.

Moses, we believe, will be in the Kingdom ofGod restored, but he was temporarily kept from crossing theJordan River into the promised land with the new generation. Natural Israel in the days ofMoses heard the living God, as we see in verse 12, in the form of the law and the miracles. In the day of Christ they saw much more in the form ofJesus Christ with his laws and teaching and in the miracles he performed- the testimony he gave on behalf ofhis Father. Today we must have the faith concerning Christ's teaching and keep it, looking forward to the day of earth's redemption. For we have seen the miracles ofIsrael and we have seen the miracles set forth in the Written Word of God We have seen the revival of the Truth in the 1800s. We have seen the establishment of the nation onsrael in 1947-48 and the return ofthe Jews from all over the earth, particularly since 1897, so we have also seen miracles before our very eyes.

We, holy brethren, are "partakers of the heavenly calling" (Heb. 3:1). We are of the "house" of Christ (Heb. 3:6), and we must "hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end." We are told to "hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end" (Heb. 3:14). The word" confidence" is from the Greek hupostasis, foundation, support, substratum or that which lies under. Faith is the hupostasis ofthings hoped for (Heb. 11: 1). Moses had his beginning with the law ofGod, but he through an act ofunbelief, or a lack offaith, failed to reach the end, an entrance into the promised land

TheJews were given the questions, Whose faith? Whose system? Whose belief? Whose life will you follow? Will it beMoses and the law ofMoses? Will it be Christ and the law of Christ? We have the same choice today, except ours is whether we are to follow the world and its laws or the laws ofChrist. Christ is the author and finisher ofour faith. A new beginning will soon be in effect in this earth-the millenial age will begin. The laws of God will be enforced by Christ and the ruling saints. But our choice is now. Paul says to the Jews (Heb. 3:15-19), "While it is said, Today ifye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation. For some, when they had heard, did provoke: howbeit not all that came out of Egypt by Moses. But with whom was he grieved forty years? Was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcases fell in the wilderness? And to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest, but to them that believed not? So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelieE"

Paul spoke oftheJews who came out ofEgypt, but it also referred to the Jews ofhis day, approximately 64 A.D., and it can be applied to us in this day and age. In this generation Israel has just reached its 40th anniversary of

2/89 The Superiority of Christ

statehood, and the nation is in unbelief. The promised land is in view, but those who harden their hearts will be denied an entrance. We could, indi­vidually, be denied entrance into the day of rest, the millenial rest, the seventh- day rest ofGod Let us remember that" faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God"

"0 come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms. For the Lord is a great God, anda great King above all gods. In his hand are the deep places of the earth: the strength of the hills is his also. The sea is his, and he made it: and his hands formed the dry land 0 come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker. For he is our God; and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep ofhis hand Today ifye will hear his voice, Harden not your heart, as in the provocation, and as in the day of temptation in the wilderness: When your fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw my work. Forty years longwas I grieved with this generation, and said, It is a people that do err in their heart, and they have not known my ways: Unto whom I sware that they should not enter into my rest" (Psa. 95:1-11).

ROBERT S. TUCKER Richmond, Va.

---This concludes this series--­

Forewarned-Forearmed Yes, if we are wise. Let us be wise

and open our eyes to what has hap­pened in the past in relation to de­partures from the Truth.

Let us ask and answer this question: Who have been the worst corrupters of the Faith and the worst spiritual seducers of our brethren? Not bad men, or brethren of bad repute; not ambitious novices or dissatisfied up­starts. Oh, dear no!

That class ofcorrupters would suc­ceed in drawing after them very, very few; in fact, those members who were carried away by such would be a very good riddance to any Ecclesia.

No; nearly half a century's exper­ience has taught us that the corrupt­ers who have done the most mischief have been the kind, broad-minded, liberal-hearted leaders who invariably

have an eye to a seat on the fence­leaders, not because they possess the qualities ofleaders, but because their followers are made up of non-think­ers who, loving to be at peace with all men, choose the easiest route there­to, and therefore, needing a leader, select one after their own heart, and invariably have as their motto: "Let sleeping dogs lie," which is the re­verse of the Apostolic one of"Con­tend earnestly for the Faith Qude 3).


COMMENT: Weare now about 100 years from the date of this writing and its truth is quite eviden.t in our time. Let us be alert thinkers and contenders for the Faith.

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The Position of Wives

" HUSBANDS, love your wives, and be not bitter against them." Men who are unkind, churlish, and neglectful in their behaviour towards their wives will doubtless one day rue it. Predisposition

in either of these directions should be manfully attacked and overcome. After Christ, a man's wife should come first in his affections and considera­tions. The commandments are very definite upon the matter. The wife should not be treated as a useful chattel, but as a precious gift from God (Prov. 18:22). The wife is to be loved (even as a man would love himself), cherished, nourished, and held in honour(Eph. 5:28-29; Col. 3:19; I Pet. 3:7). A husband's duties do not begin and end in providing temporal necessities. He has to bear in mind that his wife is a joint-heir with himself of salvation. He has to dwell with her "according to knowledge." He has to be circum­spect to study the manifold bearings that his conduct has on her race for eternal life. He has to look to her spiritual requirements; to help her to get to the meetings, and secure time for reading. He should also endeavour to arrange for profitable companionship for her. "The husband is the head of the wife," and should therefore form a worthy example to her. Further, the fear ofdispleasing her should not influence him to forego the obligations and calls of the Truth. Neither should that motive cause him to refrain from giving faithful counsel or timely reproof. The injunction to "live joyfully" precludes the exhibition ofa domineering, austere attitude (Ecc1 9:9). Oh! what scope there is in the marital relationship for glorifying God by good works.

Preparing For Marriage, page 100

Ecclesial Discipline

W HEN A brother or sister falls into open sin(" known or read

of all men"), an ecclesia is bound in an open manner to signify its repro­bation ofthe offence, to prevent the taunt arising among "those without" that iniquity is fellowshipped with impunity. The enemy is too ready to make use of such a misfortune for malicious purposes.

"We are not ignorant of his de­vices" (II Cor. 2:11). The "very ap­pearance of evil" must be avoided

An evil report obstructs the cause of the Truth. Paul evinces the utmost sensitiveness on this point in all of his epistles, and it will be shared by every man ofhonour and good sense.

What course should be pursued in the matter? If the brother or sister offending is callous and indifferent on the subject, there is only one course, and that is the public repudi­ation of their company. If they are sincerely repentant, the duty of the ecclesia is to receive them and help

2/89 The Superiority of Christ

the truth- that there is not doctrinal agreement in the two groups. It is too bad that we cannot commend a good number of Unamended who are not as honest as Logos.

And to those who are having any difficulty assessing the position of the Californians who illegitimately call themselves Unamended, let it be known that even the Amended are having difficulty assessing what they stand for. It is biblically impossible to stand for both BASF and BUSF. We agree with Logos that the only

unity is when one group completely drops their traditional beliefand un­reservedly accepts the other.

We would urge the Belmont, Cali­fornia Ecclesia to disavow their ne­gotiations with the Amended, and return to the form ofsound doctrine the Unamended have preached and practiced for over a hundred years. And we might add, this would include a revision oftheir published stand on the issues which divide the Amended from the Unamended

The Superiority of Christ Part V

WE, TOO, have been led outofdark spiritual Egypt by a greater than Moses-the LordJesus Christ-just as the children ofIsrael were led out of natural Egypt by Moses. We have been called to the

light ofGod's promises through Christ. In Hebrews 3:7 & 9, we see that Paul brings to light the fact that God spoke to theJews through Moses at Sinai, and they failed to listen to Him. He urges the present generation ofJews to now listen to His Son, the anti type of Moses. In the 8 th verse he says, "Harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, in the day of temptation in the wilderness." Paul chose two Greek terms, provocation (parapikrasmos) and temptation (peirasmos, trial, proof), which mean basically the same as the two Hebrew words so rendered in Psalm 95:8, which are proper names and are translations of the Hebrew words meribah(strife) and massah( trial). These two places were ofgreat historical importance. AtMeribah, in the sightofthe elders ofIsrael(Exod 17:1-7), Moses took his rod, the same rod that he had lifted up to part the Red Sea at the Exodus, and he is told to smite the rock, which he did On a second occasion Moses took Aaron the high priest and Aaron's rod that budded and here he was told to speak to the rock (Numb. 20:7-9). He did not speak to the rock, but hestrllck the rock a second time. And Paul asks if they, the present generation ofJews, would do the same thing that Moses did in type, that is crucify the Son of God afresh.

Further, in Hebrews 3:9, "When your fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw my works forty years," has reference to the works of God through Moses in the wilderness for forty years. Paul reminds the Hebrews that for nearly forty years they had seen and witnessed the works ofone greater than Moses. In verse 10 he says, "They do alway err in their heart; and they have

130 The Sanctuary-Keeper 2/89 ---------------------------,-------------------------­

2/89 Ecclesial Discipline 135

jector. Allowing for some inerrancy in my

understanding, if there are those who care to send proof to the contrary, I do not believe that brethren of the 1860-1890 period claimed that we were "in Adam" and "in Christ" si­multaneously, or that rejecting Gen­tiles would appear specifically at the tribunal of Christ alongside the cov­enant people, or that Christ was not related to Adamic condemnation, or that baptism had nothing to do with placing a person in line for resurrec­tion. Brethren got along without the Amendment. The Amendment waS a doctrinal change mandating the ne­cessity of pledging allegiance to a certain party or voice of opinion.

When Brother Andrew published his exposition, he was supported to the fullest and without exception by Brother Thomas Williams in North America. Some try to portray these two as adversaries, but it simply is not true. If there are any who think that Brother Williams was not in agreement with BrotherAndrew doc­trinally and with one exception, fel­lowship-wise, please read from the old Advocates, 1894, I think, the arti­cle "What Is The Matter With You Over There?" After 1900 Brother Andrew took a more closed pOSition on fellowship than did Brother Wil­liams, with some controversy follow­ing between the two of them. Broth­er Andrew declined to fellowship those who believed in the Amend­ment, whereas Brother Williams con­tinued in this country to leave the question open. However it is public fact that Brother Williams did not allow the doctrines that characterize the Amended today and which were an outgrowth of the Amendment. Concerning these views that natural­ly sprang out of the Amendment, he told C. C. Walker that his baptism was no better than that of a Camp­bellite. The resolute and defined po­

sition of Brother Williams has be­come today in many circles a sort of acquiescience, perhaps even better described as a surrender. At present there are a number of Unamended, individuals and ecclesias, who accept and openly fellowship theAmended The Californians of whom the Logos editor speaks, are some of them. The ecclesias at Turlock, Ridgecrest and Los Angeles are not of this sort, pre­ferring to hold to the sound doctrine of the BUSF.

The point in G. M. Mansfield's ar­ticle that it is dishonest to refer to the BUSF as Unamended if it is to be "amended" by the Californians is well taken. The Unamended State­ment, if you will look in the inside front cover of most copies, has been "amended," I think by Brother Wil­liams. But such "amendments" are not changes in doctrines; they are primarily grammatical changes.

We would say to the Logos editor that the Californians to whom he re­fers do not represent the main body of the Unamended. Many would not fellowship them since their open ca­pitulation to the Amended This would not include the movements by Operation Onesimus and the Wil­liamsburg Conference and Williams­burg Foundation, nor the Rockford (Great Lakes) and West Coast Bible Schools, as their records speak clear­ly. Amended are utilized and fellow­shipped in these groups, and many Unamended shun association with them, as they should.

We must ask, seriously and simply, does it make a difference what we believe? If it does, how do we show it? By courting and winking at false doctrine? Is pseudo- unity more to be desired than correct doctrine? If it is, then we could unite with the Church ofGod of the Abrahanmic Faith and many other "Christian" groups. We commend Logos on their honesty and forthrightness in calling attention to

them, but at the same time, to vindi­cate the ecclesia's regard for righ­teousness, and the sullied honour of Christ, by subjecting their action to

. some open mark of disavowal This is best done by asking them to

refrain for a time from the breaking of bread, while not absenting them­selves from the meetings. In this there is an exhibition ofhumble sub­mission on the part of the offender which is a guarantee of the genuine­ness ofhis sorrow; and on the part of the ecclesia an effective washing of their hands of all complicity with his transgression. This is the only reme­dy in our hands at the present time.

It has nothing to do with judicial action. The friends of Christ are not allowed in this present state to em­ploy coercive measures in any form. The execution of the judgment writ­ten is a prerogative in reserve for such only as come through the pres­ent probation with divine approval

Meanwhile, we are allowed to use the defensive weapon of non-associ­ation where there is non-compliance with the precepts ofChrist. "Excom­munication" is an ordinance of the apostasy; ecclesial withdrawal is of apostolic prescription.


On The Names of ,Our Periodicals Second of Two Parts

T HIS hope of immortality raised the question when will this hope he

realized? He saw clearly that it was not at death, but at the resurrection of the righteous from among the dead. This resurrection then was a great epoch in the future history of the world, and the commencement of an era ofwonders upon the earth. It was introductory in truth toanAge and Dispensation in which the" ex­ceeding great and precious promises of God" would be realized by all the saints.

The scripture testimony of these things created in his mind a hope which looked beyond the resurrec­tion epoch, and contemplated a kingdom, glory and dominion under which all nations should be blessed This economy is styled by theApostle "the Age to come" (Eph. 1:21), or the Future Age. Of this age the Lord Jesus is the Founder, and therefore

he is styled by the prophet "the Fa­ther of the Everlasting Age," which being an age of undisturbed repose confers upon him the honorable and glorious title of" the Prince ofPeace."

To advocate the claims of this age upon the faith and hope of his con­temporaries, the Editor recommenced his literary labors, and bestowed up- , on the periodical devoted to it the name of the "Herald of the Future Age." He was the more induced to designate it by this title because he believed that the Age was at hand or fast approaching. If he had thought that it was far off he would not have styled it the "Herald" of that age.

He believed then as he believes now that it was near, even at the door; he therefore heralded forth that an­nouncement though upon different principles from "the cry" that was then sounding throughout the land. That cry as a question of time has

129 136 The Sanctuary-Keeper 2/89 2/89 Proposals for Unity

been shown by events to have been discordant with the word; the truth of the advent, however, has not been at all affected by the mistake. The word of the Lord lives and abides forever, and though men may err in their interpretations, the declara­tion ofHis will standeth firm that all things here shall be subjected to his dominion, so that "his will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven."

From 1834 to'46 or'4 7 the Editor had been bringing out and advocat­ing great and important truths. Dur­ing this period every effort had been made by the rulers to prevent their discussion and to turn away the ears of the people. But the Editor was bound to persevere although discour­agements obtained preeminence on every side. He advocated the truths because he believed them to be true; and because all truth that God has condescended to reveal in His word is worthy ofbeing known, and, when known, is calculated to soften the heart and improve the dispositions of men.

At that time he would not have said that the knowledge and beliefof them was indispensable to a partici­pation of the everlasting blessings of the age to come. He had not the tes­timony before his mind to justify such a conclusion; consequently could not venture to affirm it. But in process of time he came to see that they were the gospel in ruins-its integral parts lying as the fragments of a wreck all around Having made this discovery he proceeded to rebuild the fabric­to bring the dismembered elements together, and to set them forth as one harmonious whole.

His faith had now attained an am­plitude it had not possessed before. It embraced the hope ofGod's calling to His kingdom and glory in the name ofJesus as the future Lord and sover­eign of the world He now perceived what the faith of the gospel was that

was necessary to constitute an im­mersion christian baptism. It was nothing less than the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and name ofJesus as the Christ; and he discovered ac­cordingly that if a man would in­herit that kingdom he must believe with an honest and good heart the things concerning it.

It was not simply a Future Age of glory, but it was "a kingdom, glory and dominion" in that age with"hon­or and immortality" that were the glad tidings of "the truth as it is in Jesus." To become a joint heir with him of this kingdom the Editor was immersed in 1847.

Having thus obeyed the gospel himself, he forthwith commenced its announcement to others in the United States, and afterwards in Brit­ain. Thousands upon thousands have heard the joyful sound during the two years that are past; and if it be God's will that it should be still fur­ther proclaimed in these States the Editor holds himself in readiness to do it to the full extent of the means afforded him.

Having returned from Europe for this purpose, he begins this work by the issue of the" Herald of the King­dom andAge to Come." As the things of the Kingdom of God and of His Anointed will be the great theme of this periodical, he has amplified the title of the former work. The" Future Age" and the"Age to Come" signify the same thing; he has therefore for the sake ofeuphony adopted the lat­ter phrase as a substitute for the for­mer, and inserted "the Kingdom" before it.

This is the great fact of the Age to Come, and the promise made to the fathers, the hope of Israe~ and the faith of all believing Gentiles, who are not highminded and too wise in their own conceit to learn. The king­dom has become the topic of the present age which cannot be set aside.

heartedly. We will be stimulated by such courage and wisdom and the Brotherhood will be strengthened as a result. Other Unamended Ecclesias might then be encouraged to recog­nize the benefits of true unity, and seek to reconcile differences which have remained for so long.

"The editor has appreciated frank and thoughtful discussions on this and other matters in his present jour­neys throughout the Continent, and will comment further on the Califor­nian Proposals in particular, in the next issue (God willing)."

G. E. Mansfield

COMMENT: As far as any reunion between the two fellowships, we can say, "There is nothing new under the sun." As the Logos editor states with clarity and accurateness, the Conti­nental Reunion Committee found that the differences IN BELIEF are too prohibitive. The Committee did not find anything new- they only re­stated what has been established and on-going fact for about 100 years. No matter how you try to cut it, we do not believe alike. And we do not believe alike on fundamentals ofwhat each considers vital doctrines which cannot be compromised or ambigu­ously rephrased to make it appear that we are alike.

Please read the back outside cover of this magazine to see what some of the vital differences are. We do not believe in the same Christ that the Amended do, so it is not necessary to go any further. Just because a person goes by the name ofChristadelphian does not insure that he believes the Truth.

Simply stated, the Unamended be­lieve in resurrection through Christ ONL Y; the Amended believe in re­surrection through enlightenment. Belief in the certain resurrection of the enlightened rejector relegates the

work of Christ as well as the efficacy ofbaptism to an incorrect and infer­ior status which we cannot accept. It destroys the incorporation ofimplied resurrection in the promises made to Abraham and his seed It changes the meaning of the ecclesia from" called out, or invited ones" to "threatened out, or compelled ones."

I believe the Logos editor errs in saying that" this amendment was in­serted into the BASF [in 1898] by Brother Roberts." It is my under­standing that Robert Roberts refused to change the Statement of Faith, although he disagreed very strongly with the position of those who be­lieved and earnestly contended that resurrection came through the blood . of the everlasting covenant. Upon the death ofRobert Roberts in 1898, C. C. Walker and his followers forth­with adopted the amendment which declared as a first principle of saving truth that "those who know the re­vealed will of God and have been called upon to submit to it," WILL BE [not may be] summoned before THEJUDGMENT SEAT [not some discriminatory judgment, as a few tentative Unamended have averred], to be judged, etc.

The basic position on two-class re­surrection, i e., just and unjust- both in covenant relationship, by the Un­amendedwas more clearly defined in the 1894-98 period, particularly in the pamphlet The Bloodofthe Covenant by Brother J. J. Andrew. THE SANC TUARY-KEEPER(1894-1902) consis­tently and faithfully presented the doctrinal position on which the Un­amended stood and now stand

Previous to the 1890s, the Bir­mingham Statement ofFaith, bearing neither labelAmended or U namend­ed, was in universal use, although it is established without dispute that dif­ferences of opinion existed on the likelihood or even certainty of the resurrection of the enlightened re­

137 2/89 On the Names of Our Periodicals

relating to resurrectional responsibil­ity, baptismal status and the nature ofman. These are fundamental issues of the Atonement, and therefore cov­er vital matters of doctrine.

... "The Amended Ecclesias are based on the BASF and accept clause 24 as fundamental [see inside back cover of THE SANCTUARY-KEEPER for specific wording]. This amend­ment was inserted into the Birming­ham Statement of Faith by Brother Roberts when other views on resur­rectional responsibility became evi­dent, and it was necessary to accu­rately define the terms of truth.

... "How far, then, can efforts to achieve unity be pursued?

"When kindred minds and hearts find a common understanding, com­patible with the highest standards of truth as defined in the Birmingham Amended Statement of Faith, unity is not only desirable but commanded (Heb. 10:25). This was achieved in America (BereaniCentral reunion), England and Australia, when eccle­sias formally adopted relationships upon a common basis: the BASF.

"Ecclesias in California are cur­rently engaged in discussing unity between the Unamended and Amend­ed groups in that area The editor had opportunity to talk with some brethren during a brief stop-over in Los Angeles on his way to Bible School commitments in the east. The dis­cussions were most profitable, and enabled an exchange ofviews on the current proposals (dated May 15, 1988) which are circulating amongst the California Ecclesias for consider­ation.

"There are some disquieting fea­tures, however. The proposal allows for the continuation of two State­ments of Faith, which will continue to be called the BASF and the BUSF. It has been this difference in the past that has maintained the rift between the two communities, and the CUf-

Excommunication of Queen Elizabeth

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The acceptance or rejection of the doctrine concerning it will determine the destiny of every man that hears it; for it is the subject ofthe gospel by which we all must be saved.

Thus from the beginning to the present time progress has marked the Editor's career. There has been no vacillation with him. He has not professed and recanted, and professed again, not knowing his own mind for two successive moons together. Al­though hampered for want of means to carryon efficiently the work in which he has been engaged these seventeen years, he has never sold his birthright for a mess of pottage. Such "grains of sense" as these he has inherited from none.

He has proved by his works his faith, and when his traducers can do the same, he will cheerfully yield to them the palm of equal disinterest­edness with himsel£


rent suggestions do not succeed in unifying the two fellowships on a common basis. Instead, an attempt is made to overcome the problem with an' attaching document' of three pages which must be appended to each Statement of Faith. This docu­ment is different from the Adden­dum ofEngland Of the Unity Book of A ustralia, since it not only' explains' the contentious issues, but also adds to the B USF in an attempt to bring it into harmony with the BASF. But if this is the case, it is dishonest to refer to one of the 'principal Statements' as the BUSF, since it would now be 'amended' by the attachment of the proposal It should not purport to be something it is not If the BUSF is to be amended, then all proposals which try to explain doctrinal differences will prove to be a stumbling block­since they are not then part of an acceptable Statement of Faith.

"Ecclesias elsewhere view with grave concern an attempt to recon­cile differences by maintaining two differing Statements of Faith. Not­withstanding assurances to the con­trary, the fact that the Unamended Ecclesias of California seem unable, at this moment, to wholeheartedly accept the BASF which is commonly held by Central Ecclesias worldwide, indicates that differences still remain.

"The suggestion has been made that by this means, however, other Unamended Ecclesias (on the B USF) might look more favorably upon the unity proposals. But if this is 'doing evil that good may come' it is not to be recommended. Let the clarity of the Truth be stated, and unity will be wholesome. IfUnamended brethren in California believe the doctrines of the BASF let them say so, and accept the basis which will properly unite us. We need brethren of goodwill, who, whatever their previous associ­ations, are able to acknowledge what is saving truth, and accept it whole-

The following paragraphs form a part of the" Damnation and Excom­munication of Elizabeth, Queen of England, and her adherents," by Pope Pius in the year 1570.


"I. He that reigneth on high, to whom is given all power in heaven and on earth, committed one Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, out of which there is no salvation, to the one alone upon earth, to Peter, the Prince of the Apostles, and to Peter's successor the Bishop of Rome, to be governed in fullness of power. Him

considered as the organ of all those, be they many or few, whose hope the kingdom is. The Editor is their hum­ble servant for the truth's sake. When they can find another who will serve them in that truth more patiently, perseveringly, andself-denyingly, he will readily give place to such an one, and retire into that obscurity which is far more congenial to his feelings and habits than a notoriety which exposes him to the rancor and ill will of the rulers of the present darkness, and of those who do their will

Till then, however, it is to be hoped that they will bestir themsaelves, and not allow his efficiency to be cramped by a parsimony of which the world itself would be ashamed Much can be done with a little as he has proved; but the armies of the aliens cannot be effectually encountered if the locker be entirely destitute of shot. A word to the wise is enough.


alone he made Prince over all peo­ple, and all kingdoms, to pluck up, destroy, scatter, consume, plant, and build, that he may retain the faithful, that are knit together with the band of charity, in the unity of the Spirit, and present them spotless and un­blameable to their Saviour. In dis­charge of which functions, we who are, by God's goodness, called to the government of the aforesaid church, spare no pains, labouring with all earnestness, that unity and the reli­gion, which the author theregf hath for the trial of his children's faith, and for our amendment, suffered to be exercised with so great afflictions,

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might be preserved uncorrupted and people of the said kingdom, and • • • • • allothers which have inany sort sworn

"IV. Being, therefore, supported unto her, to be forever absolved from with this authority, whose pleasure it any such oath, and all manner ofduty, was to place us, though unequal to so of dominion, allegiance, and obedi­great a burden, in this supreme ence; as we also do, by the authority throne of justice, we do, out of the of these presents, absolve them, and fullness of our apostolic power, de­ do depreive the same Elizabeth of clare the aforesaid Elizabeth, being a her pretended title to the kingdom heretic, and a favourer of heretics, and all other things aforesaid And and her adherents in the matter afore­ we do command and interdict all and said, to have incurred the sentence everyone ofthe noblemen, subjects, of anathema, and to be cut off from people, and others aforesaid, that the unity of the body ofChrist. And, they presume not to obey her, or her moreover, we do declare her to be admonitions, mandates and laws; and deprived ofherpretended title to the those who shall do the contrary, we kingdom aforesaid, and ofall domin­ do innodate with the like sentence of ion, dignity, and privilege whatso­ anathema." ever: and also the nobility, subjects,

WCFs Newsletter

PROPAGANDA is defined in the dictionary as(1) in the Roman Catholic Church, a committee of cardinals, the Congregation for the Propaga­tion ofthe Faith, in charge ofthe foreign missions; (2) any organization

or movement working for the propagation of particular ideas, doctrines, practices, etc.; (3) the ideas, doctrines, practices, etc., spread in this way; (4) any systematic, widespread, deliberate indoctrinationor plan for such indoc­trination: now often used in a derogatory sense, connoting deception or distortion. The idea ofpropagating is to multiply, transmit, to spread (ideas, customs, etc.) from person to person or generation to generation, to diffuse, disseminate, circulate or generate.

If there are those who see in the above definitions a distinct parallel with WCF, I would have to agree with them. It used to be with the Christa­delphians that if they planned any get-togethers or special functions there was a simple announcement and brethren came and joined together in unity of spirit. With the advent of WCF, as well as its predecessor and current supporter, Operation Onesimus, this has all changed. Now we have the sophistry, the hard-sell, the churchism, the Madison Avenue approach of quote, "The Organization," unquote.

Christadelphians used to get together, socialize and talk on things of common interest, particularly the things concerning the Kingdom of God and the name ofJesus Christ- the gospel that had separated them from the

2/89 Walking in the Light

This series on"Walking in the Light" is based on a presentation offive classes given at the Kentucky Bible School in 1988. When I received the transcript of the material it was divided into five parts which I have further sub-divided to make the articles less lengthy. The titles under the main heading "Walking in the Light" are those I have assigned without consulta­tion with the writer. In the overall delivering of the class material in the five lecture-classes a bibliography was given in which the several reference books were credited The material which I received had the bibliography at the end ofthe material, and I had failed to list the bibliography after each installment as printed in THE SANCTUARY-KEEPER Brother Miller has received a criti­cism in which it is inferred that he plagiarized, using other material without assigning due credit. This is not the case; the error is mine in not going to the end of the material, picking up the bibliography and printing it in the first installment ofthe series which beganin November, 1988. Listed below is the bibliography, and Brother Miller acknowledges that he may have been assisted by reference to other works than those listed Ifwe quote, either directly or obliquely, from pioneer sources or other data, it is safe to say that none of us are trying to accrue any personal notoriety to ourselves; we are only interested that the truth ofthe subject matterbe presented in as forceful a way as possible. The bibliography will not be repeated in future installments.

1. The Ways ofProvidence, Robert Roberts 2. A Word in Season, Robert Roberts 3. Letter to the Romans, John Carter 4. Elpis Israel, John Thomas 5. Phanerosis, John Thomas 6. The World's Redemption, Thomas Williams 7. The Blood ofthe Covenant, J. J. Andrew 8. What is Truth, John S. Peake

Proposals for Unity As Reported by Logos Magazine

In the September Ecclesial Calen­ The article would take at least two dar supplement to Logos magazine, full pages to reproduce in its entirety, the editor made some observations so we will reprint only part of it: about the endeavors to achieve re­ ..All [efforts] have failed to over­union between the Amended and come the inherent differences in be­Unamended fellowships in North lief between the two groups. This America. This article should have a was established when the Continen­degree ofinterest to our readers as it tal Reunion Committee b.rought particularly addresses the California down its findings in 1983 after many activities about which we have re­ years of joint meetings, and identi­ported in recent issues. fied the main doctrinal differences as

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approach unto, so that not even a sparrow falls to the ground without the Father, who is not far from everyone of us. The formation of the first man ofthe earth was the expression by spiri t ofthe peculiar divine idea or mental image. The spirit-developed form styled man was the result of power divinely manipulated and incorporated with the dust (itself an electrical product) assumed the form of the divine image and likeness and stood erect, a living, natural body, or man."

A true understanding of our Heavenly Father as revealed in His Word brings us to the knowledge that the source or fountain of power in the universe is One. It is a unit. Therefore everything which exists is out of Him. Hence, the Creator did not "make all things out of nothing." This is the teaching ofthe old man ofthe flesh which leads many ofhis children to affirm that" matter is God," understanding by "matter" that which is perceived by the five senses. They confuse that which is "of Him" with the "Him" out of whom all things proceed. While on the other hand, other misguided children of the flesh say that "God is immateriaV' or that He is not matter, or substance, or body, but rather an inconceivable something they call" Spirit," an incorporeal, unsubstantia~ immaterial spirit, which is as near to nothing as we can imagine.

The concept of a primary, intelligent, and therefore personal force, with a located nucleus of form, power and glory is, in reality, much more in harmony with the facts of the universe as we find and observe them, than the notion ofimpassive force, which is only a name for something inconceivable. Weare weak, limnited forms of intelligence, and we must not conceive ofor measure the Eternal Being by the light ofour feelings or notions. Our simple duty is to accept implicitly what is revealed to us in God's Word, relying at the same time on the logic ofDavid' s argument that"He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? He that formed the eye, shall he not see?" To this we may logically conclude, He that bestowed upon us the mystery of personal indi­viduality, shall he not possess it in the highest form?

Yes, the God ofIsrael is a personal God. The Father of our LordJesus Christ is a personal Father, yet not a man, though we faintly borrow our image from Him He is glorious and incorruptible in His substance, un­changeable in His nature, one with the universe, clothed with eternal light and power. He fills heaven and earth by His spirit, which is one with Him. By this He upholds all things, and knows and controls everything. Can we not exclaim with David that "honor and majesty are before him; strength and beauty in his sanctuary. Who in heaven can be compared unto the Lord? Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised. His greatness is unsearchable. I wqill speak of the glorious honor of his majesty; to make known to the sons of men his mighty acts, and the glorious majesty of his kingdom"

ROBERT A. MILLER No. Little Rock, Ark.

---Subsequent installments to follow, Lord willing--­

2/89 WCF's Newsletter 139

ways and doctrines of the church. They did not have nor did they need any headquarters organization, any banking system to which to entrust their contributory funds, any seminars with "trained" pastors, any requests for bequests, any massive traveling to and fro with expenses paid from the treasury, any foreign "missionaries," any booths at county fairs, any recruit­ing and brainwashing of the young people into elite groups, any bumper stickers or "smile" buttons to wear. They were a simple, unsophisticated, sincere people who looked for the coming of the Master and were concerned about holding fast to the form of sound doctrine which included a walk worthy ofsuch a high calling. Occasionally they reported ofa new baptism of one who had been a work associate or neighbor of one of the believers. Although there was no utopia, they rejoiced in the Truth and leaned on each other for moral and spiritual strength. On this side of the Atlantic Brother Thomas Williams was held in high esteem as a brother who loved the Truth and did his best to defend it by spoken and written word against all would-be seducers. How they loved Brother Williams. And how we miss his kind today.

How all this has changed! WCF has helped change all of this quite a bit for those who are willing to heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears. WCF is, after al~ the Open Door Christadelphian Church. It has satellite ecclesias and individuals who go along with its ecumenical and no-doctrine philosophy. Try as you may, you cannot get WCF to own up to any official belief or doctrine-they engage in what they erroneously call "love" and "charitable works." When they are caught in a problem situation, they say that is the brother speaking for his ecclesia, not WCF, or that is the brother speaking for his Sunday School, not WCF. Their directors who call all the promotional shots are multi-fellowship people. Yes, multi-fellowship. Don't Open Door Christadelphians hold the door open for one and all? They have in the past and will now fellowship the Amended, the Unamended, the Church of God of the Abrahamic Faith, and the Toronto 13-proposition Statement of Faith. You want to know where they stand? They stand on any platform that fits the occasion. They have offered directorships to at least two brothers who are very affluent in this world's goods. There may be others. There is no discussion in their disseminated propaganda of legal condemnation, which first must be thoroughly understood before proper baptism and initiation into Christ can take place to remove the inherited alienation resting upon all men and women. No discussion on baptism, resurrection, Christ's relation to Adamic condemnation, no discussion on prophecy with a particular reticence in affirming the historical interpretation of the Apocalypse. What do they discuss? Look at their newsletter.

Change of Directors Three directors have retired. One, Maurice Wubbels, was baptized into

the Amended fellowship in 1955. Is it out of order to ask ifhe believed in resurrectional responsibility of the enlightened rejector at that time? How does he believe today? I have heard him say that they (the Amended) .. kicked

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him out;" but I don't know exactly what that means. Has he inwardly sepa­rated from the Amended and their beliefs and genuinely endorsed the beliefs of the Unamended. or is the Unamended community just a convenient resting place for him? His pro-reunion stance speaks for itself. Another, Tony Giordano, has strenuously worked to promote reunion with the Amended since at least 1955. He breaks bread with them, has broken bread with the CGAF. He has promoted Operation Onesimus, CFU, family living seminars with CGAF. When asked ifhe has any reservations about breaking bread with the Amended, he responds that it has long been the practice of the ecclesias to which he belonged, Garfield and Norfolk, to break bread with the Amended. He is reluctant to make an affirmative statement that his statement offaith is the BUSF. Certainly he cannot state that the BUSF is his exclusive statement of faith. His actions show that he is a dual- or multi­fellowship person This is the structure ofWCF and its kindred organizations. Out of respect to Woody Legge, we don't think he was initially a WCF-type person, but was used by its organizers to achieve some of their goals. Now these three have retired.

WCF has added two new directors, George Booker of the Amended fellowship, formerly Berean, and Alan Wubbels. Both these people were directors of the CFU movement Their respective ecclesias voted unani­mously FOR the CFU package- reunion without unity. They did all that was in their power to cram reunion down the throats of the simple, and their parting words were that the work must go on, reunion must be worked for and achieved. The attempt to sell reunion was rife with ambiguities. If we don't believe the same things, use language to make it appear that we believe alike. With enough ofthis we can unite with anybody eventually-Mormons, Baptists, Catholics. Any member of the Unamended community that cannot see through WCF's aims in naming an Amended director is a blind person being led by the blind

WCF's statement that the two new directors "come with excellent qualifications" means that they are pro-reunion, pro-seminarian, pro-Open Door, pro-Amended. pro-missionary. They further say, ",!,he Foundation is structured to operate until the Lord comes, even though individuals may come and go." Brethren who see the folly of WCF will have to gird up their loins to endure and oppose them indefinitely, for they are determined to continue their restiveness and conflict among those who prefer defined doctrine and no professionals.

The sub-headings in the WCF newsletter, "The Work,"" Service to the Brotherhood." "The Invitation," "Broad Brush Preaching," and"To Whom Should We Preach?" have nothing substantive in them so we are making no specific comment about them. The tone, as many have noticed, is churchy. There is a one- track mind on preaching to the outsider. No notice is taken to individual Bible study by believers, nor to their need for being built up. Their statement that "the Lord seems to be talking to Christadelphians in 1988," does not make much sense. If He is talking to WCF to tell them to stop

2/89 Walking in the Light 125

various places, helps us to comprehend and understand that conception of our Heavenly Father which is exactly suited to our spiritual requirements­the idea of a glorious corporate intelligence located in the heart of the universe, upholding and sustaining all things by the word ofHis power. We are told that man is "made after the similitude of God." and that he is "the image and glory ofGod." Christ, who was formed in fashion as a man, is said to be" the image ofGod," and" the express image ofhis person." From these declarations comes the conviction that the Father is not only glorious sub­stance, even spirit substance, but that this substance has the human form in its perfection.

Our Heavenly Father's person is, in fact, the protottype or original of all intelligent being. OfMoses it was said. "the similitude ofthe Lord shall he behold." Also, that" there arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face." And, "the Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend" Undoubtedly, that these revelations refer to the angelic manifestation ofDeity is generally accepted. But still the fact remains that the similitude Moses beheld was the similitude of Deity. Thus the angels are in Deity's image, and we in the image of the angels, and therefore Deity's.

A correct understanding of the Father's person, enthroned in the hea­vens ofglory, yet in harmony with universal space, brings immense practical power with it This understanding makes worship a reality and helps us to more fully comprehend that the Godrevealed to us in the Bible is a Creator, a Father, and a person, universal in His presence and power, but still a glOriOUS person whom we can contemplate, love, confide in and adore. We cannot worship abstract universal power, but we can worship a glorious being who possesses universal power, and has made all things in the exercise of His supreme wisdom and power. This is the Father revealed to us in the Bible, and manifested especially to us by the LordJesus Christ

A Scriptural understanding of these concepts allows us to comprehend "the idea of a glorious corporate intelligence located in the heart of the universe, upholding and sustaining all things by the word of his power." BrotherJohn Thomas defined the Scriptural conception ofthe Father, out of whom are all things, as follows:

"Absolute power, from whose incorruptible substance or hypostasis free spirit radiates, is before all existing things. This self-existing incorrupt­ible substance is essentially spirit-spirit substance-a concentration and condensation into One Body of all the attributes, intellectual, moral and physical ofomnipotence-all things are out of Deity, as we are told in I Corinthians 8:6. All things being out of Deity, they were not made out of nothing. The sun, moon and stars, together with all things pertaining to each, were made out ofsomething, and that,some­thing was the radiant effluence of His substance, or free spirit, which pervades unbounded space. By free spirit, all created things are con­nected with the center of the universe, which is light that no man can

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at the house of the Deity" (ch. 4: 17); when, asJames testifies, the saints shall be judged by the law of liberty" (ch. 2:12).

This day of inspection is "the day of wrath and revelation of the righ­teous judgment of the Deity; who will render to everyone according to his deeds" (Rom. 2:5-6). It is a day in which He will separate the satanic goats from the sheep who have heard his voice, and done the Father's will Those slothfu~ unprofitable, and wicked professors are" cast into the lake of fire burning with brimstone," in which are destroyed the beast and the false prophet, by that portion of the last plagues which is executed by the Second and Third Angels [of Revelation 14], who have power over fire. In other words, the judgment given to the approved, who enter into the joy of their Lord, affords scope in the execution ofit upon the Diabolos and Satan of the world, for the punishment also of the unprofitable servants of the house of the Deity; who are" condemned with the world" to the calamities of the last plagues, which to them will be "a sorer punishment" than to the adversaries at large (Heb. 10:26-30).

]OHNTHOMAS February, 1868

Walking in the Light Implications of Deity's Nature

WE HOPE to show that it is essential that we have a proper under­standing ofboth the nature and the purpose ofDeity ifwe are tru~y walking in the light. In discussing the nature of God, we will

consider two very important characteristics of Deity. Specifically we will consider first the individuality of God followed by a consideration of the sovereignty of God After this we will then consider the purpose of God, namely, to ultimately manifest Himself in a multitude.

We define God's individuality as" the quality or state ofbeing indivisi­ble and His existence as a separate and distinct entity." Intense personality is certainly a revealed characteristic of the Creator of heaven and earth. Not only the frequent use ofthe personal pronouns"I," "Me," "He," and" Him," but also many express declarations ofthis in many and various forms attest to it. F or example, we have these various excerpts taken from Scripture to illus­trate this point: "The Father hath life in himself' Oohn 5:26). "He is the living God" Oer. 10:10). He is the Lord of heaven and earth" (Acts 17:24). "There is none like me in all the earth" (Exod 9:14). "To whom will ye liken me, or shall I be equal?" (Isa. 40:25).

Furthermore, the form of the glorious Creator, shadowed to us in

2/89 WCF's Newsletter

disrupting the brotherhood and causing discord, they apparently don't hear Him. Of course we should know that Deity speaks through His Word, not through any supernatural means, and those that have ears to hearwill receive instruction. Deity is not saying anything different in 1988 than he said in 1888 or 1 788. The Word is constant. We do see world events transpiring that confirm the Word, but we are not living in an age of vision or special com­munication Is there anything else to knowing and living the Truth than doing the work ofan evangelist? It has been wisely observed that our actions speak more loudly than our words, so it is possible to "preach the Truth" without being aware of it. It has also been rightly observed that the art of "public preaching" gives opportunity for manifestation of ego. When one recites a few simple verses to another who has no Bible background, the reciter appears to be well versed, and he may think he is a great success in impressing others with his knowledge.

Verse to Remember One WCF critic has noted their misuse ofMark 16: 15 in the box on the

third page of the newsletter. This misunderstanding is not limited to WCF. Some think that Mark 16:15, "Goye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature," is a command directed to present-day believers. Present­day believers are commanded to let their lights shine which may involve various forms ofpreaching to those with whom they come in contact. But the verse in Mark is directed specifically to the apostles: "Afterwards he Uesus] appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen him after hewas risen And he said unto THEM . .." (vs. 14). Some have even gone so far as to say the Lord will not return until this command is substantially followed and the Truth has been sent to all continents and islands.

Domestic Missionary Work The total lack of doctrinal position by WCF is seen in this announce­

ment that the Amended portion of their directorate, George Booker, is guiding the" outreach program" in South Austin, Texas. WCF reports that "the South Austin Ecclesia has had a very strong outreach program in recent years, resulting in many baptisms." What they have done is to get in touch with welfare recipients and people from broken marriages and offer them a crust ofbread. This works on this kind ofpeople. We seriously question how well prepared these baptismal applicants are, and what their credentials are. They may be like the natives in Mexico who have only a smattering of the Truth. I asked one of the missionary-minded supporters of the Mexico venture just what Statement of Faith they used in Guadalajara, and his mouth fell open about an inch. Before he had a chance to reply, I stopped him and said, "Never mind, by your demeanor you have already told me--they never heard of a Statement of Faith. None of these missionaries, foreign or domestic, have an answer as to why one has to go thousands of miles to discover a potential convert when there are dozens right in his own neighbor­

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hood Is it ego?

WCF Seminars In the offering ofseminars to their following, WCF comes closer to the

church image that many ascribe to them. Our own ecclesia, our own breth­ren, even our neighboring ecclesias, in the WCF theory, are not able to handle the ministering. Experts are needed The university must be called on. Trained in the psychology of the church, the professionals are ready to move in. Many throw their sales pitch away without opening it. Others scoff at the idea of such a would-be hierarchy. This is not a faculty ofUnamended people, or even pseudo-Unamended-it is a blend of many persuasions, Amended and Unamended. You wantbaptism for personal sins only-we can have it for you. You want no estrangement or alienation until commission of actual sin-we can have it for you. You want pre-baptismal responsibility to the judgment seat of Christ-we can have that for you, too. Actually, WCF does not deal in doctrines, even false doctrines. They may harbor them personally, but ,heir curricula is primarily no-doctrine. By professing fidelity to a Statement of Faith they will alienate themselves from the other fellow­ship, and that is not going to happen, no matter what the beliefs of either fellowship turn out to be. This is proven by their courtship ofthe Catonsville Ecclesia out of the "Clean Flesh" background and their courtship of the Church ofGod ofthe Abrahamic Faith, the immortal emergence exponents. WCF is looking for numbers who are unwilling to make a fuss about too much doctrine, thereby increasing the power and influence of WCF.


This is WCF-#7 Dear Brother,

As I remember at the Chicago "CGAF," etc. There is no way that meeting [Dec. 1986] the WCF indi­ they can screen all ofthe tapes as this cated that they all had Unamended failed miserably. leanings and indicated that the fu­ If they continue the" missionary" ture would even be likely to become effort I am afraid it will cause divi­stronger in their actions and bahav­ sions in the Unamended community. iour. For them to go and appoint an To my understanding they are still Amended party to their board of di­ collecting donations from Unamend­rectors is nothing more than deceit­ ed and spending it to set up satellites fulness. of Amended ecclesias in Austin and

I would also like for you to suggest further on south. to them that if they are going to con­ George Booker, in my opinion, tinue their tape library, then at least has been appointed director in order list the available tapes under "Un­ to satisfy his own ambitions with the amended" and"Amended," and to WCF. have no other tapes available such as I would like to know if the WCF

2/89 The Heterogeneous Ecclesia

never able to come to the knowledge of the truth" (II Tim. 3:7), without judicial interference.

The Satanic element in an ecclesia is always prompt and vivacious for mischief. If it fears to attack openly the most prominent advocate of the truth, it has recourse to underhanded and secret influences. Handling the word ofthe Deity deceitfully, "deceiving and being deceived," are its charac­teristics. While inspired with personal hatreds, it affects zeal for the truth in destroying it, or making it of none effect, by the traditions of its monstrous ignorance and folly. Yet" theJudge of the living and the dead" is profoundly silent save in the word ofHis law and testimony. There are reasons for this.

The truth as it is inJesus is entrusted to the ecclesia, or House ofthe Deity, which is "the Pillar and foundation support of the truth." The mem­bers of this house are held responsible and accountable for their relation to this, as a treasure committed to them to be contended for earnestly, and to be upheld at all hazards, in their day and generation. This house being furnished with vessels of all sorts, some to honour and some to dishonour, the truth receives a characteristic treatment at the hands of each sort.

The vessels fitted to capture and destruction set forth traditions, or heresies, which nullify the word. Ifmen speak or write upon the things of the spirit, they are commanded to do so" as the oracles of the Deity;" and if they disobey this injunction, it is because "there is no light in them." Nevertheless, they will give utterance to their folly. This cannot be helped. Fools will be fools come what may. From these premises it is inevitable that, as Paul says, "there must be heresies among you." They are permitted to exist, though not approved. Their existence arouses the flagging ener­gies of sterling and faithful men, "who are able to teach others" (II Tim. 2:2). It sets them to contending more earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints Oude 2), which manifests them as the approved, who are grounded and settled in the faith, and not moved away from the hope ofthe gospel (I Cor. 11:19; Col. 1:23).

This manifestation of the approved after this process is one reason why Yahweh keeps silence, and permits Satan to continue their operations among the Sons ofthe Deity, without any present judicial interference. There is also another very good reason for present non-intervention, and this is, because He has appointed a set time, styled by that infallible and incomparable exponent of the truth, the Lord Jesus, .. a Day ofJudgment," hemera kriseos (Matt. 12: 36); and by the no less accurate Paul, "THE DAY when the Deity shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to the gospel"

Paul preached: "Therefore," saith he, "judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come; who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts;" and "who will judge the living and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom" (Rom. 2:16; I Cor.4:5; II Tim. 4:1); and styledby the earnest and faithful Peter, "theDay of Inspection," hemera episkopes (I Pet. 2: 12), "the time that the judgment begins

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needed "The church will take care of your offerings." The old proverb urging you to" give your money to the Lord, but be sure to send it in care of the Williamsburg Christadelphian Foundation," is more realistic than some innocent souls are aware.

We urge our readers to consider the following article and see if there is not some correlation to the WCF organization. Of course it was written some 120 years ago, but the operation of the flesh has not dramatically changed in this time. Sel£.appointed leaders are campaigning for your sup­port, financial and moral, so that they can further their aims to blur the doctrines which have stoodour community well for 140 years. WCF does not stand for the Unamended Statement of Faith, but it continues to represent itself as such, hoping that no questions will be raised by the reticent and unsuspecting among us. The time is far past that WCF should be allowed to perpetuate their deceit Individuals and ecclesias should ask for written statements, clearly stated with no ambiguities, as to which Statement of Faith is their official position. They should be asked to declare their position on resurrectional responsibility so the body will have some idea of what is being presented in their "missionary" efforts and their "seminary" work. They should be flushed out oftheir cloak ofsecrecy and give a full disclosure of expenditures for travel of their directors and seminary professors. They should be called on the carpet for an accounting oftheir travel expenditures to minister to the Church ofGod of the Abrahamic Faith. What will be next, excursions to the Protestants and Catholics? Those who support WCF, financially and morally, are puppets in the hands of the seminarians if they continue to put up with their secretive operations.

The excerpt from Eureka follows:

T HE HOUSE ofJacob is the House of the Deity; ofwhich the Saints, whose head is Christ, are the imperial and sovereign order. In all the "times of the Gentiles" the saints are a mixed community in which

are found fish of all sorts, good, bad and indifferent. The good are answer­able to the "few who are chosen;" and find eternal life (Matt. 20:16; 7:14); while the bad and indifferent are those who "begin in the Spirit" and end in the flesh- those who at the outset oftheir career seemed to" run well," but were hindered from a "patient continuance in well-doing," or "obeying the truth," in being "bewitched" by the sorcery of designing knaves, who "by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple" (Gal. 3:1,3,7; Rom. 16:18).

In our generation, as in that of the apostles, the ecclesia, or general assembly of the many, who are called, is composed of these heterogeneous materials. It has been thus in all generations before and since Satan, in the days ofJob, mingled with the Sons of the Deity, when they presented them­selves in the divine presence Gob 1:6). The Satanic element has ever been among them with its "depths as they speak" Gob 2:24), corrupting and perverting the weak. In the wisdom ofthe Deity, Satan has been permitted to practice, and to deceive the hearts ofthe simple, who are" ever learning, and

2/89 This is WCF-#7

directors are in fact still frequenting the CGAF and taking part in their services as well as breaking bread in fellowship.

They are still saying thatwe should go into all the world and preach the gospel, but they never quote Paul when he declared that this was ac­complished, and they do not seem to recognize that God is calling out of the Gentiles a people for His name. We do not need 0-0 and the WCF missionaries doing this work.

Keep up the work, as we all need it. Yours in Christ,

COMMENT: This letter was received too late to include it with the others in last month's issue. The substance is quite the same---WCF is not needed and will not listen to any who do not agree with their tactics. As for me or anybody else" suggesting" that they list their tapes by the respective fel­lowships, this probably has been done and fallen on deaf ears. My recom­mendation is that they discard one or the other groups oftapes, depending on which fellowship they think they are, and distribute the ones to whose fellowship they wish to be associated with. And even better than this, I would like to see WCF go complete­ly out of business (and I wonder if this term "business" doesn't accu­rately describe their operation) and let their directors work in their re­spective home ecclesias. We empha­tically do not need this or any other national or international preaching or dispensing organization. I know that the Unamended don' twant them (WCF) and I doubt that theAmended want them.

What present and continuing con­tact and fellowship WCF has with CGAF, I do not know as I have no association with them. We have con­tinued to state that ifWCF wanted to be "above board," they could easily

say they do or they don't The chum­miness with CGAF was not open to begin with, and it was relatively acci­dental that the letter from Mark Drabenstott(CGAF) came to light in 1985, indicating that WCF was en­gaged in cooperative efforts with the CGAF. No mention was or ever has been made public of the CGAF doc­trines of immortal emergence, paid preachers (this does not seem to bother WCF, anyway), non-comba­tant military service, etc. WCF has always preferred the cloak of ano­nymity.

There were comments in the last issue about the application ofJesus' words to go into all the world and preach the gospel. I agree that this was specifically given to the eleven apostles, and that the then-known world was Judah's limited common­wealth and perhaps some abutting territories. Although we have a duty , to speak the gospel to others today and invite their attention to its hope­ful prospects, we do not have a com­mand or commission to go to foreign countries thousands of miles from our homes.

We recognize that results are not always measured in numbers when it comes to the Truth's work. Quality is one thing to be considered It is much more important than quantity. When we water down the standards ofwhat the Truth really is, we stand a better chance ofaccumulating larger numbers. And the more we water it down and come closer and closer to the no-doctrine sects of Christen­dom, the more numbers, and conse­quently less quality, we are going to attract.

The ecclesias who appear to have a little strength today are the ones that work within their ecclesia and try to make sure that their young ones are properly taught and that the baptized constituency receives good instruc­tion and building up. They do not

144 The Sanctuary-Keeper 2/89

dump the believers in the cellar and head offfor foreign countries to con­quer parts unknown. If, in the course of the ecclesial ministrations, others from the outside see the values ofthe Truth and develop an interest, this is fine and reflects the right spirit of

ecclesial work. But it must not be done at the expense of internal work and proper growth within the body. We all know that we have among us those whose only course in life is to "preach the gospel" We ask, What gospel are they preaching?

Mark Them Which Cause Divisions Concerning WCF, I think we, that

is concerned Unamended Christa­de1phians of the conservative wing, should consider what the apostle Paul wrote in Romans 16. Starting at verse 17, he wrote, "Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them."

"Mark them," that is, label them, name names, whatever it takes, but single them out and then avoid them. Yes, the time is fast approaching for a division so that pure doctrine and those that wish to adhere to it might be preserved.

Verse 18 continues, "For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple."

Why, the whole substance of the WCF mailing is ripe with such self­aggrandizement concerning what they have done and what they want to do.

I say, "Out with such rubbish!" We don't need those kinds of pro­grams.

NOTE: The above is a post script to a letter received and was probably not intended for publication, but it gets right at the heart of the matter from a Scriptural point of view. I believe

that Romans 16: 17-18 accurately fits the description ofWCF in identifying them as" them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned."

The Richmond Hall Ecclesia held its annual gathering December 30­January 1 with a goodly number of visitors joining with us. The theme addressed was, "But who shall abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire, and like fuller's sope" (Mal 3:2). The speakers were Brethren Murray Chisholm, Jim Wa­sheck, Tom Azbill, David Taggart, Dale Lee andJames Hassell

We had the usual disconcerting in­flux of young people from the Wil­liamsburg Conference who come by for the free meal and to spread their ecumenical overtures. Two that I ob­served had on sweat shirts with a cir­cular emblem covering the entire front with the lettering "Jesus is com­ing," and "Brethren of Christ." In­cluded in the group was an Amended, a customary item. The mixture and so-ca11ed fellowship at the Williams­burg Conference is well known. The program at WC this year was around the theme, "God is good," and in­cluded a story of two raccoons, one of which was named Tim.



"Ye (Aaro!l and his sons) sha/ll!eep the charge ofthe SIlTlc/Mary. all' the charge of the a/tar"-(Num. 18:5).

"Ye (breth~en of Christ) are. . . . IITI holy priesthooJ to offer up spiritual sacrifices"-(I Pet. 2:5).

"Thou hast kept My Word alld !xlr! 1101 Jmied My Name"-(Rev. 3:8).


The Heterogeneous Ecclesia

This article is excerpted from Eureka, volume III-B, pages 63-64. Al­though dealing with the prophetic implications of Revelation 15 which speak of the terminal events of the Seventh Trumpet and the execution of the Seventh Vial comprised of the Seven Thunders, Brother Thomas sees fit to expound on the seriousness of living the Truth, ofbeing a part of the true ecclesia which will survive the time of the end, of recognizing the dangers of "deceiving and being deceived." The true ecc1esia, consisting of Christ and the immortalized saints of a11 ages, will in fact be the dispenser ofthe Seventh Vial judgments.

It is indisputable that Deity allows things to happen that are bad, that will cha11enge the faith of the true ecclesia If we will but examine the testimony we will see in the divine record that the problems of the ecclesia came from within the ecclesia The problems of the spiritual integrity of the Christadelphian body are not the dangers of the orthodox church deceiving its membership with immortal soulism, of personal devil theories, of mis­conceived trinitarianism. The real problems, as was true in the apostolic era, are liberalism, deceptiveness, social churchism ecumenism lack offounda­tion in first principles, humanism, and yes; FOUNDATIONS and national organizations which usurp the authority and purpose of the ecclesia. The body today is being offered, and it has been for about two decades, an ambitious pseudo-hierarchy to act as its religious performance. What is being said, in effect, is, you as an individual or a local ecclesia do not know how to administer your service to the Lord What you need is a Central Organization. Send funds to us and we will channel them where they are best

THE SANCTUARY-KEEPER is published monthly for $6.00 per year ($8.00 Canada and overseas, in U.S funds) by Christadelphian Publications, 2725 Kenmore Road, Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A., 23225. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Christa­delphian Publications, 2725 Kenmore Road, Richmond, Virginia 23225. Subscriptions, correspondence and material submitted for publication should be sent to the editor and publisher, James S. Stanton, 2725 Kenmore Road, Richmond, Virginia 23225.

Bible School Dates - 1989 Arkansas Bible School ............................ June 17 - 25 Canadian Bible School.. ........................ August 12 - 19 New England Bible SchooL ..................... August 19 - 25 New Mexico Bible School. ......................... July 22 - 30 Texas Bible SchooL ............................... July 15 - 23

Great Lakes Bible School ................... Not recommended West Coast Bible SchooL ................... Not recommended


"The KING OF THEJEWS will first manifest his presence, not to the world at large; which will not know ofhis being there, or, if told the fact, would not believe it; but to THOSE WHOM THE BLOOD OF THE COVENANT BRINGS before his tribunal."

JOHN THOMAS, Eureka, Vol IIIB, p. 189

The reader will remember that before the Judgment Seat of Christ in the wilderness ofTernan, there were TWO CLASSES ofsaints in Christ Jesus constitutionally ... The constitution and destiny of these TWO CLASSES, though originally built upon the same foun­dation, is widely divergent ... The judicial inspection of his house­hold, having separated the refuse and the vile from those "accounted worthy to obtain of the aion, and the resurrection;" the rejected, by virtue of the sentence pronounced upon them by Christ, saying, ..Depart from me, ye cursed, into the aionian fire, prepared for the Devil and his Angels," forthwith enter upon their journey to the place of

,exile or torment; or, in the words ofJesus, "they go away into aionian punishment;" while the righteous, by their being quickened, enter into aionian life.

JOHN THOMAS, Eureka, Vol. IIIB, p. 256

"Men were not ushered into being for the purpose of being saved or lost. God manifestation, not human salvation, was the great purpose of the Eternal Spirit. The salvation of a multitude is incidental to the manifestation, but was not the end proposed. The Eternal Spirit in­tended to enthrone himself on earth, and in so doing, to develop a divine family from among men, every one of whom shall be Spirit, because born of the Spirit, and that this family shall be large enough to fill the earth, when perfected, to the entire exclusion of flesh and blood" (cf. I Cor. 15:28).

JOHN THOMAS, Herald ofthe Kingdom, 1858

That at the appearing ofChrist prior to the establishment of the Kingdom, the responsible [his servants, 1877 edition], faithful and unfaithful, dead and living ofboth classes, will be summoned before his judgmentseat" to be judged according to their works;" "and receive in body according to what they have done, whether it be good or bad."


That at the appearing ofChrist prior to the establishment of the Kingdom, the responsible (namely, those who know the

. revealed will of God and have been called upon to submit to it), dead and living-obedient and disobedient-will be sum­moned before the judgment seat to be judged according to their works; and receive in body according to what they have done, whether good or bad.


Federal Relationship Federal Relationship Unamended Teaching Amended Teaching EITHER II Ada. OR II Cllrls. II Ad•• WHILE II Clirisl


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Orthodox Christendom With Supporting Theories

Teaching of the Amended With Supporting Theories

THE r----::::A:::::::::::~-----l SANCTUARY-KEEPER




AD. 1989 February A.M. 5992

o The Heterogeneous Ecc1esia........................ 121 o Walking in the Light ............................... 124 o Proposals for Unity ................................ 127 o The Superiority of Christ........................... 131 o Forewarned-Forearmed ... ·........................ 133 o The Position of Wives ............................. 134 o Ecc1esial Discipline ................................ 134 o On the Names of Our Periodicals ................... 135 o Excommunication of Queen Elizabeth .............• 137

t Unamended

1. Nature of man: Adam disobeyed God, was guilty and was sentenced to death. He fell from a very good state to a mortal state and the sin tendency became a part of his being. All men descend from Adam and inherit from him a mortal nature, the fed­eral sentence ofdeath and the proclivity to sin, without any personal guilt at birth. Man is alienated from God primarily by legal condemnation and secondarily by personal transgression.

2. Nature and sacrifice of Christ The sentence ofdeath was upon Christ as it was all other men and he needed atonement the same as other men. By living a life of perfect obedience coupled with the shed­ding of his blood in sacrificial death, he met God's requirements and delivered himself from the hold of death and pro­vided a way for others to benefit from his sacrifice.

3. Baptism: Baptism removes inherited condemnation as well as personal sins com­mitted before baptism. At baptism one legally passes out of Adam and the atten­dant sentence to eternal death and passes into Christ as his only federal head. Future judgment which inures at baptism will be based solely on obedience to the law ofthe Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus.

4. Resurrectional responsibility: The act which relates or entitles one to resur­rection is baptism at which time one en­ters the Everlasting Covenant-the God-idevised instrument providing resurrection. Resurrection means "a standing again in renewed corporeal existence" as a mortal being. Jesus- meaning covenant affiliation with him (not the personal power ofJesus}­is THE resurrection as well as the life. Christ's sacrifice ratified the Everlasting Covenant. The shedding of his blood was required in order for him to be resurrected­he was the first beneficiary. Though there have been restorations to life in the past, these are not the resurrection at the last day-that includes only just and unjust saints-and there is no evidence in Scrip­ture that any others will be raised before,

Amended ~ ~ If

1. Nature of man: The disobedience of I Adam affected him in separating him from 'r God's favor and condemning him person­


!ally to death. His descendants inllerit a condition of mortality and a proneness to sin fronl him, but no legal condemnation. Personal transgressions rather than legal condemnation alienate a person from God

I 2. Nature and sacrifice ofChrist There

was no alienation ofChrist from God. His sacrifice was a matter of obedience and since he was without personal sin he need­ed no atonement or covering for sin. His sacrifice made redemption possible for others, but he could have been redeemed by God without shedding his blood I

I 3. Baptism: Baptism is for the removal

of personal sins. No inherited alienation or law of sin and death is removed One is still in Adam after I;>aptism as we 11 as being in Christ, not putting offAdam until pass­ing the judgment seat ofChrist. Baptism is not the means of acquiring title to resur­rection. I

4. Resurrectional responsibility: The act which relates or:e to resurrection is knowledge or enlightenment which nec­essarily precedes baptism. The act ofbap­tism has no resurrection- relating efficacy. The entering into the Everlasting Cove­nant does not link one to resurrection. Since it not determinable who has suffi­cient knowledge to qualify for resurrec­tion, it is unknown who will be ultimately raised The use ofresurrection in Scripture refers to the complete process of coming forth from the dead and receiving immor­tality. The shedding of Christ's blood was not required for his own resurrection or for others. Since enlightenment is the basis for resurrection, there will be universal resurrection at the end of the millenium for those dying during the millenium.

when, or after Christ returns. ~ o WCFs Newsletter ................................. 138 ~ o This is WCF-#7................................... 142...-......-......-... ........ _---.....-.....-......-......-.....-.....-......-.....-. -_...-....-.. .........

o Mark Them Which Cause Divisions ................. 144