The Radical Sales Shift - Implications & Diagnostics - Part 2

Post on 21-Jan-2018

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Professional Development

Session #2

Session 1 Recap: Introduction & Background

(~pp 1 - 45)

New: Implications & Diagnostics(~pp 45 – 90)

The Premise: “We can’t find enough hunters”

Peter Saunders, the owner of ClinTek

Good business but churning through sales people – just can’t find good hunters!

hunting is less effective now because people buy differently than

10 years ago

A radical sales shift is occurring. B2B companies have to think about generating sales ‘outside’

of the sales department – ie through marketing.

Background – Why has selling and buying changed?

Reduced friction for buyers (easier to find the skills you need) Easier access to niches for sellers (easier to market to small groups)



The New Buyer

More informed

More connected

More impatient

More Autonomous

More overloaded

More risk averse

More abundant

Session #2

Implications of the New Buyer (A new way to think about

revenue generation)


3 Diagnostics (~pp 43 - 90)

3 Implications of the New Buyer

1. New pipeline – the sales process has a lot of twists, turns and loops

2. New sales team skills – the old canned approach doesn’t work

3. The growing role of marketing

The sales process

Old Funnel - and new reality

New structure full of twists and ‘bounces’ - pinball machine

Sales team skills

1. Buyers are experts – so sales people have to be MORE expert.

- - Experience, expertise and calibration needed

- - Canned approaches don’t work well

Marketing has a growing role in revenue generation

This first 57% is marketing!

The remaining 43% is sales &


Diagnostic 1: Marketing

1. 5 sections: Strategy, Awareness, Lead Generation, Sales Support, Customer Retention

2. 25 questions, scores on a 0 – 4 scale

3. Questions like:

• We understand who our ideal customers are and why they use us

• We know the keywords (search terms) that people use to find info online about the problems we solve

• We use a CRM system

• We communicate regularly with our past customers

4. Score analysis – Marketing Neophyte, Junior, Senior, Sophisticate

5. Basic recommendations for each

Diagnostic 2: Sales

1. 4 sections: Recruiting & Training, Process & Skills, Measurement & Mgmt, Performance

2. 25 questions, scores on a 0 – 4 scale

3. Questions like:

• We conduct sales training twice a year or more

• When someone calls our office, it is easy for them to speak with an appropriate sales representative

• We do key account planning on an annual basis

• At least 80% of our sales team meet quota every year

4. Score analysis – Sales Neophyte, Junior, Senior, Sophisticate

5. Basic recommendations for each

Diagnostic 3: Marketing & Sales Integration

1. 10 questions, scores on a 0 – 4 scale

2. Questions like:

• Sales and marketing have jointly developed the customer persona

• Sales and marketing have created common definitions of terms like ‘qualified lead’, ‘deal size’ and

‘customer retention’

• The marketing team involves the sales team in developing its annual marketing plan

• Marketers go on prospect calls with the sales team at least twice a year

3. Score analysis – Sales and Marketing Silos, Acquaintances, Best Friends

4. Basic recommendations for each

What’s Next

Session #3

Introduction to the 20 Leaders&

The First 5 Lessons