The Red Yellow Blue Green Dream2

Post on 05-Apr-2018

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  • 8/2/2019 The Red Yellow Blue Green Dream2


    The REDyellowBLUEgreen..dream!

    Cochin, India, April 2012

    Written by Gerd Fehlbaum

    This essay is in the making, getting longer every couple of

    days, with more and more pictures added. Thanks forYOUR opinion! Leave comments! Tell me, I am WRONG!

    Why is our (western) world so fucked up?

  • 8/2/2019 The Red Yellow Blue Green Dream2


    Because we oversee the obvious!

    Part 1 The trap_______________________

    What annoys me the most in this so called modern times, is the

    lack of tangible new ideas, which in my opinion should surround

    our daily lives like water the fish, but which seem to be held

    captivated in the least tangible way, in our computers, the

    internet, the cloud. What has REALLY changed in our 3-D world,

    in the products we buy, in the houses we dwell, in the cities we

    live and work? Nothing! Yes, NOTHING!

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    The internet grows in an explosive speed. You know why?

    Because it seems to be a mirror cabinet, one of this labyrinths

    people went to on county fairs to get lost in them not long ago.They paid money and when they didnt find the outlet by the end

    of the day, they were guided out for free. This is not the case

    with the internet, it does never close its doors and besides, it is

    free. It only costs time It is a self-referring system, supposedly

    open, but only within itself. You can enter easily by pushing some

    buttons, but you cannot leave, since it does not offer any exits. It

    only seems to offer exits in the form of hyperlinks, but they are

    nothing than further facets of the same, goodoldnet. We usethis net as a mirror of our selfs, which we define as our interests.

    On the other hand, we hope others see us in the mirrors we hold

    into the World Wide Web, and then we feel happy about.

    Alternatively, we peek at mirrors of others, friends, the ones we

    feel close to, despite separation by often-vast distances.

    However, we keep on living in a rather stiffly set way, our parents

    decided to be rightfor us. Respectively the way the economical

    structures see fit for us, in totality, the way, things have evolved

    over the past thousand years, before the advent of the all-

    changing internet. Which is, I again dare to say, absolutely and

    entirely BORING! At least to curious, intelligent, playful beings

    like us, the generation of NOW! And because it is so boring,

    because nothing REALLY changed in our 3 Dimensional world,

    besides the design of everything, the symbolical aspects, but not

    the core, not the background, we feel all the more drawn to a

    net, where so much COULD come out ofand so little does

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    The problem with the internet is the lack of exits, real exits -

    where ideas form to things, not other ideas. Things, materialfacts, where the supposedly so important knowledge is actually

    applied. Not applied in the old fashion way, which means with a

    superior looking over your shoulder, while you work, or like a

    judge, judging the rightfulness of your own application, of what

    seems to be right to YOU! Something based on your own

    knowledge, but in an act of three-dimensional freedoms, created

    and done by yourself. Everything we can pack, wrap up, throw

    away or make with our hands, not just the fingertips. Everything

    we cannot just delete or copy and paste. Everything REAL, so to


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    I observe that we live in athing world more than ever in human

    history, yet give these things less importance than ever We

    know nothing about their whereabouts, neither about the

    techniques involved, nor the materials and substances involved.

    We eat food; we have no idea about the diverse ingredients. We

    wear fashion made by people so distanced from us, that we even

    consider them as nonexistent. We drive cars we would never be

    able to repair, kept mobile with substances involved, for the

    exploitation of which battles are needed on a daily basis, most of

    them we never heard about. Some against humans, some against

    nature, most of them both.

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    It is the saddest fact of our modern times, that each one of us

    has given away the applications of what is possible in the out

    forming of our concrete reality, including our private spheres, into

    the hands of a few, mostly unknown people. In an undemocratic

    change towards full-scale modernity, best represented by global

    corporations, science, fashion, and media we have lost our very

    ability to create! Create anything tangible.

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    We submitted ourselves to a general thought that OTHERS will

    take care of our things. This is the bitter end of an evolution

    towards the specialized production of goods, which in some fields

    is understandable. In others not. The tinkerer, the crafts men

    and women, have been the ancestors of our modernity, but if you

    listen good, they CRY! It might be true, that their wisdom does

    not count much in producing I-pods, but what is about the shoes

    we walk in, the bed, we sleep in? There are no big differences

    over the times in the way beds have to be. Nevertheless, how

    beds nowadays are produced, there are important differences.

    Tangible differences. Modern beds are typically made in big parts

    out of deadly poisonous substances, acquired from distant places,

    assembled by badly protected workers and sold for prices, where

    any halfway sane carpenter would not even start looking for wood

    in his shed. So it became as fucking unloved, unpreloved, your

    bedstead, as it can possibly be!

    As democratic as our networking abilities seem to be nowadays,

    including theoretically politics, as undemocratic are our concrete,tangible surroundings. From waking up in the morning to going to

    sleep we live in alienated spaces, which neither we could ever

    have done ourselves, nor would ever be allowed to comment on

    by leaving our own traces. Saying your opinion on the net is

    highly fashionable, while the last bumper stickers have

    disappeared from the last cars, because it is the banks, who own

    them, and we bow to their wishes Drastically speaking, we are

    fed, clothed and surrounded by an economy which stuffs downour throats the newest food, fashion, cars and houses. Almost

    alien forces have decided what is right for us! This is nothing

    new, but first, it is not very old neither, and second - and far

    more important - it is not an unchangeable situation! Quite

    contrary, it is the looming economy of the future

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    Yes, right, we have to roll up our sleeves not just roll the next

    one Or scroll down a couple pages, or go another hyperlink

    further. No, we have to WALK the extra mile. Talk is still cheap;internet has not changed that, I suppose.

    Me, who writes this daring account on the state of where we are

    (in so called Western countries, but in fact more and more

    countries) has walked a couple good extra miles, lives from what

    his hands are creating very well indeed and travels the world

    in a sailing ship. I write on a computer run with solar power, Itravel with the wind, since many years.

    Yes, I am disappointed with what I can see on land, when I come

    from the unchanged ocean, the last true statement of natural

    forces and laws. Right now, I am in India, but that matters little.

    The tendency seems clearer than ever: wherever I go, I see once

    upon a time creative people with lots of three-dimensional

    freedoms turn into shoppers. They are shoppers of lame copies of

    what they used to do themselves, or within the framework of

    their peers, their regions or cultures. Often with less effort

    involved, not speaking about environmental impact, compared to

    when you just shop.

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    They fell asleep; it seems, at one point in recent history. Not the

    people themselves of course, since they lead less sleepy, more

    exhausting lives than ever before! Not on a physical, but on a

    mental level, so they did not feel, how their hands fell asleep, and

    their legs too. All life has become, is being driven by external

    forces. Forces nobody understands, moving us in a direction

    everybody talks, but nobody knows about, but with

    unprecedented speed, the only sure thing in modern live. Or is

    the speed just an illusion, a trap caged by monitors, modernity

    standing still in reality, just pretending to be on the move by

    emitting lots of noises? And the only thing which REALLY moves

    fast, is the destruction of forests, the melting of the poles, the

    disappearance of species. Is the only swiftness in progress the

    waning of human abilities to create his own world? In his own

    four walls at least. And the outside maybe as well. Are this little

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    freedoms taken away from us with the speed of light, so we dont

    even remember them?

    If we obviously, and following the advice of my parent

    generation, cannot CHANGE the world, can we at least paint this

    world? The world of ours, in specific. I mean, legally, without

    been thrown in jail? No, but we CAN!

    From street art to graffiti, from night markets to days working in

    the sun, on products, we decide are necessary, to give this sad

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    and somehow retro looking modernity a better look all this is

    the world of tomorrow! The economy of tomorrow! Full-blown

    capitalism has created a vast array of tools, artists dreamed

    about for a million years, artisans hoped for, for thousand and

    more years. Thanks for THAT, dear capitalism! However, it would

    be a betrayal of a million years of art, a cheating of countless

    generations of crafts people, not to USE this tools! In addition, in

    bringing into existence new materials, capitalism was great!

    Thanks a lot! So many metals waiting to be recycled, every

    blacksmith of old would get fire in his eyes! So much simply

    made wooden furniture, waiting to be painted in red. Or green.

    Or yellow. Or blue. Or blue/yellow?

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    Here we reach a new world. It is the world of US! How can talk

    about individualism, if we have not even tried out the idea of

    being ourselves, reflected in what we have, as reflections of our

    wishes, as reflections of our deepest desires? How? By putting

    our profile on facebook? You must be kidding, my son! Sure, you

    can, but the frame in which you have to express yourself is so

    narrow, so predigested already, that the word remote controlled

    is not far from the truth. We all know that! You, me, everybody!

    But we have no alternative, we are told. So the houses stay grey

    on the outside, but every citizen of Babylon would have instantly

    the thought, how great of a hanging garden this ugly house might

    be. Them, and lots of other ancestral cultures would have done

    similar. Get the tomatoes on the porches and let the vines take

    care of the beauty, the insulation and the booze of the

    inhabitants. Easy live a couple seeds away, millions of super ugly

    apartment blocks, either heated or cooled down by huge amounts

    of fossil fuel. And probably not more than ten with overgrown

    walls, which is as easy to achieve, as planting a tree. This of

    course would be another involvement into the three-dimensional

    look of our environment, which would be fined and prosecuted, ifdone repeatedly on public land. Public land Who is the public?

    Well, its not ME, so far that I know it, but who ELSE is the

    public, in a republic? What means voice of the public

    (Republic), if each one of us is subjected to a state of sheer

    passivism, when it comes to the LOOK of our cities, our houses,

    our shops? Is it the outcome of democratic processes as we

    know them how our - by naked eye observable and tangible -

    environments look like? We can choose between a Trillionscreensavers, but the bus station always looks the same. If you

    tag, you are already with one leg in prison. Nevertheless - and

    just so, that you do not get deadly bored - the advertising in the

    bus station changes every five seconds!

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    Yes, I know that YOU know what I know! However, what now?

    Are we doomed to fail, because of this external failures of

    whatever? A system, an empire, a school of thought maybe?

    Capitalism? Or are we failing, simply because we oversee the

    obvious, while we stare on our monitors? OUR monitors? Are

    you kidding? THEIR monitors! The up keepers of this mirror

    cabinet, whoever they are. External forces They need not to be

    humans; they might be laws of logic, self fulfilling prophecies; but

    maybe more than anythingthe will to exist, which might include

    not just people, just live, just ideas, but also dead machines of all

    sorts. It is not that they think, it is enough, that they cost! And

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    that alone keeps the thinker in constant care ofhis machine To

    keep it running, multiplying, selling itself.

    Therefore, we turned into slaves - sort of - instead of masters, of

    our own inventions; unknowingly keeping alive the spirit of few

    inventors. What would James Watt think of our modern world? I

    am not sure; he would even agree with half of the applications of

    his own invention. The steam engine, itself an offspring of the

    canon by the way.

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    So here we are, 200 years after the first revolution of the first

    motor, but not only have the motors become million folded

    common place, also the canons still roar, somewhere. Right now

    in Syria, a town gets bombarded with artillery grenades at a rate

    of one every five minutes. The wide branch on the human tree of

    innovations, the war arm, holds guard over all its offshoots.

    Which by now are the combustion engine and all other derivates

    out of the steam engine idea. Which was a great idea, two

    hundred years ago, even a hundred years ago, even fifty ago it

    still looked and smelled OK, modern, kind of!

    The industrial revolution, I am sorry to announce this miserable

    fact, has not gone far! Technically we live in medieval times,

    horse around in full body armours and fight for a king. The

    streets still smell sickening, but because of different reasons.

    Does it matter? The only true advancement created by the

    industrial revolution is the introduction of each person with the

    rest of the world. Thanks to the dynamics of capitalism we get

    informed about its downside. Thanks to Hollywood we can watch(live!) how the US is slowly loosing it The pillars are crumbling

    of a whole mindset! So far has the industrial age brought us. To

    know! Thanks for that!

    However, what is knowledge exactly meant FOR? Is it not rather

    a precondition to act in an informed way, than a final value in

    itself? Is freedom already freedom, when it just exists as apossibility? Is a tomato a tomato, when you just have a seed?

    Try make a soup out of it, and you will know!

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    Others complain the industrial revolution has not gone far

    enough! Some are sincere believers in a positive outcome of a

    further teknification of our daily lives, some are not, but

    salesman, working for the king. The first goggle monitors are on

    the market, so the day is near, when we all walk around with

    google goggles. See flagged people in the bus station, with

    messages swirling around their heads. Looking for a one night

    stand! Or Leave me alone, fuckers!

    This will be a new option, soon available in a shop near you! This

    is, what we dream about! Killer aps, which tint the buildings

    green and pink and the cars orange or blue, depending our

    individual tastes. Bunte neue Welt! Why not? For a year maybe,

    or a day in live But despite opening again new vessels for

    creativity, creating some jobs for a season or two, all this is

    complete rubbish! Latest when the next model comes on the so-

    called market, which has as much to do with a real market, as an

    open fireplace has with a nuclear reactor.

    Or are we on the completely wrong branch? Some might say,

    fear in their eyes. This are the ultimate questions nowadays,

    twittered about on the human tree of possibilities, by more and

    more color thirsty birds. We still cannot fly without help, but we

    can still ACT and CREATE without help. All we have to know, we

    learn in the shortest time, if we see the need in it. The only

    problem remaining is that seemingly simple things are vastlycomplicated for people trained in solving only complicated tasks!

    Simplicity is not an included freebie, when you have did all your

    degrees. Its a quality by itself, rarely considered in days as we

    know them.

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    It is one thing, to have the right of free speech, but a completely

    different affair, when it is about free act! People nowadays have

    problems in understanding this evaluation, but in the time ofJames Watt, anyone would have understood. Although many

    things this people did had a purpose, all were ACTS, deliberately

    done, mostly out of own judgment. Then something else crept in,

    slowly in form of innocent garment factories: the REaction. The

    mode, where somebody I do not know will take care of me, when

    I subject myself to his demands. Etc.

    Respectively Electricity, Technique, Computer. Bang! That is it,

    dear recent followers of the famous industrial revolution - which

    right now gets into a trap, big time!

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    The trap

    The trap is the crisis of lack of content for the millions of drawers,

    vessels, niches we have created a couple offshoots further away

    on the weapon branch of our human existence. All this traps,

    vessels, drawers are well connected, they constantly

    communicate with each other about their contents. However,

    they never MIX! Yes, they DO mix, in a pre arranged, utilitarian

    way, become products we ought to buy, but stay essentially the

    same, as they were before the inclusion into the progressing net.

    Weather the net brings together people, or separates people, is a

    question which time will answer. At this point it seems to be both.

    Means, it could get worse!

    Of course, it would create a big bang, if we would return to the

    tangible world. After having spent a billion man-years behind

    screens, describing this world in its entirety, latest since Google

    etc., to look up again to the 99% reality and ask, what haschanged?

    I dare to ask: WHAT CHANGED? Changed since, or even more

    pointed as a question, BECAUSE of the net. I see the same old

    world when I walk my extra miles. The same old sky scrapers

    here in Cochin, as in New York a hundred years ago. The same

    old stinky, oversize cars, as in Berlin in 1912. The same ceilingfans like in old movies. The same silk shawls, the women wear,

    only that they are synthetic now (they THINK, they live their


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    I leave it to your own observations to discover, how completely

    retarded our (human) world looks these days, dear reader! Take

    off all your goggles and you follow my thoughts. I will not try to

    sell you something, just tell you about possibilities, possibilities to

    ACT, the by far least used mode of being this days. Nothing more

    I will cover in this wild essay, no fake sugar, no gods, not even

    fake ones!

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    Getting out of the trap

    Getting out of the trap is not easy, but why should it? What is

    safety? - is a question, long time not examined. We speak like

    ants in a hive speak. While the river rises. About babys. About

    our kids. About Mickey Mouse. We want our kids to keep our

    course of life, how it has always been done. This makes total

    sense in a sustainable ant hive, in human evolution maybe up to

    the middle ages. But somehow it is nonsense, since we have

    equipped our antswith mobile phones. Them telling us, that theriver is rising.

    The river of goods, which has risen to the point of latent

    boredom, but still mildly camouflaged by glimmer and hope for a

    quich thrill. The longer the more it is only about keeping the

    antsinterested in buying little antbeds and antpillows.

    Antcurtains, so they can hide from the other ants. All that. Toys,

    so the antbabys stay happy and later make sure, great aunt ants

    and great grand old ants had their toys to play with. I see them

    already marching over the horizon of time. Old time netters sit

    in wheelchairs in front of their monitors, scratch their buts and

    hide behind the same curtains (100% Polyester), in the same old,

    naked, grey high risers. Never in closer distance to each other

    than being together in the elevator, but there of course staring in

    a monitor, to monitor something.

    Thats the monitor generation. Thats us! Thats a bunch of idiots,

    which have overseen the obvious, that by monitoring, we will lose

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    the sense of ACTING. ACTING OUT! Being, in one simple word.

    Which not conceivably can be a the case, if you just WATCH. Or

    just LISTEN!

    There is no obligation to act! And there is no obligation of leaving

    a trap But there should be a grain of understanding, that thiswill be done by some. Done, even by people close from us, not

    only by movie stars and bankers on monitors. Our modern time

    floods us with arguments, why new ways have to be explored,

    new ways in our 3 dimensional world, I add, for clarity. But we

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    oversee this arguments, ignore them, think they are just passing


    In our two-dimensional world - the computer in particular (which

    of course has also a huge, but slightly hidden 3 dimensional

    impact) - in THIS world I would not hesitate one millisecond to

    say, that a need of newness is not so absolutely tantamount.

    Everything is still so fresh, we have not even scratched the

    surface of what is already there. We use ten percent of our brain

    to play with a billionth of a general idea, the World Wide Web,

    which measures another billionth of inherent possibilities in

    breath, and a quadruple Quintillion Gigabites in already available

    storable niches, most of them free for the taker. The complete

    vacuum! Every dust particle gets sucked in through the smallest

    hole. The internet is boundless already! So why expand the


    The boundries

    I have crossed so many, yet, I have never SEEN one! What I

    want to say, is, you only know something, when you are there.

    You only know a person, when you can look in his or her eyes;

    you only know a bed, when you have slept in it. This holds true in

    one way or another for all that is tangible. Tangibility has the

    negative connotation, that it wants to belong to someone, that it

    raises the question of ownership. This seems not to be the case

    with internet. It is a decoupling devise between appearance and

    matter. It does not matter, if you lose your laptop peanuts

    because the internet, the big magic flatness, will still be there,

    when you bought your new computer with twice the brainpower

    for half the price. I counted it down and came out with about

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    2018, when insanely advanced computers should come for free

    with a Macsuperwhooperfancyburger for the whole family, plus

    French fries and coke!

    So far, so good. Great show, Silicon Valley and Hollywood! But

    whats next? I sincerely beg for an answer! What is next, when a

    billion people wake up from their face book coma and/or just

    puked their guts out because of food poisoning? In short words:

    Realize, that they are people, not just users, human beings, not

    just consumers, mindfull homo sapiens, not ants, bits, bytes or

    burgers. I suppose, a certain emptiness would engulf our lives

    when we fully apprehend, how the world minutes ago seemed to

    be in such an obvious progress But all the sudden, with the flick

    of a switch, long gone darkness or grayness would roam the

    streets. And an almost deadly veil of NON-action would rule the

    world as never before. That would be boring! And entirely

    dangerous maybe the less of both evils.

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    Back to the tree of human abilities, the core trunk on what we

    dwell. A different branch, than the technical, industrial, military,

    is the branch of arts. It looks a bit neglected this days, it seems,a mix of too many ingredients maybe, of which even the most

    recently added taste stale. A few fat fruits of art on some thinner

    branches, but endless rows of brittle grows, if any, along most of

    this branch. No juicy fruits, rarely some blossoms, except in

    street art and graffiti maybe. But that fruit is forbidden, as we all

    know it, or at the most scarcely accepted in some rare places,

    like the north pole...

    Not much ACT this days, on the formerly busy and thriving

    branch of art. A branch, so low connected to the trunk of human

    abilities, that it can almost be seen as the start of them, as the

    start of US, as we know us: As acting, not just talking doers of

    the best (or worst) kind, evolution could possibly have come up

    with. A rare kind Tinkerers turned geniuses. Till Internet came

    Slowly but surely, we have our heads turned by external forces,

    so that when and whatever we plan, we already have the net in

    mind. If you act, act in front of others! The net seems to tell us.

    In front of us ALL! Therefore, the focus turned away from actual

    acting to foreseeable hindsight considerations about the

    networthiness of our planed actions. We try to comprehend our

    past from the future and by this look at our selves through the

    lens of the imagined, but in reality ignorant net. Through the eyes

    of others.

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    If this is a good recipe for exploring yourself, I doubt! Again,

    there is no obligation to explore yourself, but it should be

    allowed. There are many ways to find out, one of them is acting,

    yes, DOING what you want, and then look at the results! And

    again, every compatriot of James Watt would have understood

    this notion, but not many now. What you mean with results,

    bradda? The ticket, because of speeding?

    We have lost our most basic approaches to acting, since

    everything we do is REACTING to demands, followed by

    RECREATION, whatever that is. I doubt at James Watts times

    anyone would have understood the word recreation. Creation,

    yes, but re.? So, its one of this giant words, which hang like

    stones on the human tree, hindering it to grow.

    Or is it a necessary branch, this re-cre-ation?

    Yes, sure, there is time needed to completely wind down, unplug,

    reset. But are we doing THIS while monitoring the news of the

    world or play the world of warcraft? Sure NOT! Contrary, it sucks

    us into a void, into a vacuum. With the only clear intent, that by

    navigating through your normal live, more wolfs can be legally

    chased after you, to lighten your carriage by a couple gold coins

    at least. Legally, so no one will pay attention, when you scream:

    I was robbed! So you will not scream, but stay put in your lineof duty, mercenary of the big machine, and rather dream, then


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    Wake up from the promised dream of the net, get up from

    being hooked to your cables and start to use your logic, your

    built-in internet between your own faculties of judgment, what

    needs to be done, and what not! It is easy to gain free speech

    look at the Arabian spring but free ACT is hard as bone to

    achieve! Again, look at North Africa, wait a while, and you will

    understand, what I mean! Never forget, what the trigger was: A

    well educated young man, with university degree, who did not

    find ANY job in his country Tunesia. So he decided to sell fruits on

    a market, which he was not given permission to do, since the

    proper license was only given to old timers, guys with foot long

    beards, selling fruits since the beginning of time. So he burned


    Now, more than a year later, his almost messianic death has

    created widespread revolutions, which are still spreading. Great!

    The first genuine revolution for the freedom to sell fruits on

    markets! Or was it about something else? I can already assure

    you, dear hopeful revolutionary in the still cozy off of our nicelyorganized Western countries, that THIS right is still as far away

    from here, as anything imaginable. The right to sell your fruits, or

    any other produce or products you erroneously considered your

    right to fabricate with the intent to sell, is still a NONO! Is still

    TABU! Of course you can SAY whatever you want! But if you

    enter the restricted area of selfmade, selfsold ANYTHING, in any

    tangible, roomtaking way not via virtual presence on ebay

    you gonna enter the most unlevel playfield you can think of! Yougonna eat SHIT, my friend! If you dare to try, if you think, that

    attached to the general right to BUY everything as long as you

    have money or credit that counteracting to THIS freedom, you

    should have also the right to SELL. Forget it! Being a Swiss

    Citizen, being an artist in a country, where the free market

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    plays haywire, I will have to dig myself through endless

    obligations and restrictions, till I can set up a table, 60 cm in

    length and 30 wide. Not even in a forest they would let me do

    that And anywhere close to a large enough population of

    possible clients, only on very rare occasions, like on century old

    fairs, markets, or a whine degustation, so the drunkards have

    something to tickle their senses. Otherwise? Forget it! Or lend

    half a million from a bank, open a shop with a ten year plan and

    try to survive the first ten month. Chased by the kings hyenas on

    a monthly basis, just because you need in fact not even as much

    space as a car does - but have to rent a whole suite in a castle.

    OK, here we go! In a completely bloodless, boring future, since

    not only the means of production have been taken away from us,

    essentially the knowledge of SIMPLE production of ANYTHING

    simple in the way, that it is doable in small quantities, but great

    diversity no, also the very space to expose this has completely

    been, turned in parking lots, in most cases.

    The problem is, that maybe the stages, on which we might have

    to act, should this become necessary because of a system

    failure, or just for the fun of becoming self-employed, has been

    withdrawn in the limelight of a prosperous time. Beginning with

    the onset of the industrial revolution, we have progressively been

    delearned to run our own affairs, but this was quickly furthered

    by the advent of the computer, another tool. An absolutely usefultool! But way overrated as kingpin of a new possible age, which

    does NOT fool itself into believing, the computer might be a

    means of itself... The computer and especially the internet are

    more a capping of the past, than a useful guidance into the

    future. An almost final conclusion of all the elaborate discoveries

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    of technical possibilities, Mesdames et Messieurs, where we

    enshrine all that has been done, all that has been found out, said,

    and even sung. A highly complex class picture of sorts, at the end

    of a rather bizarre and towards the end ridiculously wasteful age.

    Not much more, I am not afraid to say, but with the inclusion,

    that it highly entertains me when I am bored, which happens

    here and then. A couple million bells and whistles, with which to

    play, but in the end nothing more than a square picture in the

    size of a Kodak family portrait from about 1875, mounted on a

    black box. And a whole global structure behind, which does the

    rest Plays movies on our funny handheld cinemascope, or tells

    us what to do, as long as we know nothing better to do. Kicking a

    can down the road in a highly advanced manner, till the next turn

    off. I have serious doubts this will suffice to keep many human

    generations fascinated, fed, clothed, roofed, as happy campers on

    planet earth. SERIOUS doubts!

    Let us look at human society from a distanced perspective, like a

    first time visitor on this planet. Latest now you will notice: thisplanet is occupied by antlike occupiers, which seem to be happy,

    well fed and clothed in a few places, but quite the opposite in

    most others. This places exist very near to each other, in all

    nations. Another thing you might notice is the wonderful nature

    of this planet, its wonderful living life. Live, wonder, color, which

    is obviously, even looking from afar, in danger of being destroyed

    or diminished to a fraction in about a historic second. If

    necessary, take your binoculars out and look from afar, but VERYCLOSE! You will find out, what REALLY happens, if you also

    observe a large enough time span, like one generation of human

    beings. Only that relative instant in universal time dimension

    should tell you enough of ourprogress towards an uprooted,

    burnt, exhausted environment. The world future generations will

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    face - together with a rapidly shrinking diversity of non-human


    So far so bad. The real world, not the net NOT the technical

    world! Looking still from afar - means looking in a very broad

    sense - you can easily see that machines are doing VERY WELL!

    They are the TRUE winners! At least THAT, purebred cynics might


    So what can we do to bring all that in a kind of bearable balance

    again? I am not talking about instant perfect harmony, since that

    never existed before anyway. However our climate might change

    (it might even change in a favorable way), the big question

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    remains. No, gets more urgent every day! How do we achieve a

    betterment of OUR OWN human condition? Since striving for a

    GENERAL betterment can only be the result of many, who have

    found an answer for themselves already? And LIVE it! This is a

    VERY important point!

    Yes, HOW?

    First of all, there are many, who live decent lives, close to the

    thinkable ideal for our kind. To hope for more, much more, is

    nonsense! The quota should be, according to a revised version of

    utilitarianism, how much happy for how much oil? So Kants

    slogan, that each one of us has to live in a way, that all of us

    could live - could also be revised and the future included, what

    never hurts! To live in a way, that permits future. Or in stronger

    words: To live in a way, that the future not only looks back at us,

    as THE party-poopers of the big human party. A grand party

    never ever seen before, which only really does fun - according toutilitarianism too - when it never ends!

    Great! So we are in deep shit, Mesdames et Messieurs! La grand

    merde! Rien de rien! And while revolutions spark like party lights

    on our free falling planet its normal course, dont worry the

    very economies of countries close by, look like a team of cross

    country motor bikers, stuck in a mud hole, with whining motorsand screeching tires and smoking exhausts. Something is wrong

    these days, my friend Steven Tyler usually sings, but nobody

    knows, what it is!

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    Let me guess anyway, Steven! Just the obvious. We have lost our

    senses for the obvious, the simple, the direct, the instant we live

    in. Ours is only the past What we make out of. How we present

    it. I love your autobiographie, Stefen! I can see, you have not

    completely lost your grip

    The present, the precious ten second split of the KNOW, is

    tremendously important. At least to employers, while they

    employ. A more relaxed homo sapiens might not even be so

    present in the present, but rather dream gaze in the past and the

    future. Since he has no machine to control, nor to watch at a

    monitor, this relaxed person will not need so much the constant

    influx of the present. The all so spoken for, valued present. In

    reality, I dare to tease, a hole in wall, through which we peek,

    like monkeys under a cardboard box, constantly looking for

    bananas on the ground. We are NOT humans, because we have

    this outstanding ability to concentrate on the present every

    mouse is better at that - but DESPITE having to live in the

    present! Having to stare out of that hole, day out, day in. Ifanything makes us wonderfull, its because of our memories, our

    harddrives. As well as our ability to project our attention towards

    the future. And therefore to combine this! And therefore have a

    whole internet going on in our brains, with data speeds far

    higher, and therefore really cool for gaming! Only the software is

    right now a bit one-sided The input we get, the illusions, which

    are held up in front of our two built in cameras, the beautiful

    world in Disneyland, or the latest bomb blast in Bagdad. Thewhole stream of pictures, words and together symbols, which

    brakes on our foreheads like Mother Ocean in Hawaii, is hard to

    wash out of the eyes, in less than a day. Therefore, our peering-

    out-of-the-cardboard-box-jobs rarely leave us run wild for more

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    than that one-day necessary, to tune back into something.

    Anything! Isnt that saaaad?

    Sad is, that have to work, to buy things, we dont want. I know,

    this sounds over stated, but is the complete truth, if the gates of

    a truly free market SOCIETY (this is very important) open, the

    tinkerers start to tinker again, the shoemakers are making shoes

    again, the farmers sell their produce and we know, where they

    come from and the mobil phone factories would idly ticking

    along and stay somehow committed by what was on the market

    in 2012. And just repeat themselves till we are idiots or gone! I

    have absolutely no further wishes towards your walkie-talkies Mr.

    Jobs! Your ingenuity be blessed, and rest in peace!

    And I have heard enough about the universe, Mister Von Braun,

    Mister Newton. Was nice talking to you! Helped me shape my

    understanding, that essentially we are a rare exception in a vast

    vacuum. How dense or undense this vacuum is? Sorry, I havesomething to DO! Riding this blue cannonball through a galaxy,

    being a proud inhabitant of the wide open space, running a small

    art business, so I can play monkey - but more often sail around,

    watch at the starry sky as a piece of art, the ocean waves as well.

    Be human in knowing, that I DO know nothing. Be it with the net.

    Or without.

    So it all boils down to me as utilitarianism, or better say

    functionalism, but where the form is kept intact as a GOOD form.

    Good is enough! Now lets examine our forms Bloody hell! We

    seem to transform even our living units into command centers of

    intergalactic battleships. Well hidden behind fake woodpanels, or

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    condensed into a smart phone. We use tanks to go to work,

    where the command centers really are. Or at least the outlaying

    nipples of this ever more hungry biest, called economy,

    capitalism, you name it yourself! The one system we are thinking

    to be part of, but in fact has no more sympathy for us, as a lion

    has towards a gnu. We used to be added to this system with the

    sole purpose to work. This were the good times! The sole porpose

    now is to shop. To shop till you drop dead. However you get your

    bucks together, thats entirely up to your cleverness, bra! Its no

    more the working, which makes us us, but the shopping. Since

    it doesnt need workers anymore! Nothing new, I now, but not

    THAT old neither, I might add! So is in the end Karl Marx right,

    in his a century and a half ago prediction, that capitalism will

    meets its makers because of overproduction, unbearable

    overproduction? I see more than a grain of truth in that, but even

    this I see with a tear in my eyes! I just LOVE shopping, am a

    heavy materialistic person, would love to collect whole garbage

    dumps, since I think they are the shopping malls of the future.

    They will not stay free much longer, I fear

    But we have a problem with art. At the very core of our being

    human. All this electric zoo we have surrounded us with with a

    couple exceptions arent they just great? Great little animals,

    showing us pictures and letting us talk to them or bake our

    breads or light our rooms. No doubt about, we really scored high

    on the ladder of possible innovations! But we have a problem with

    art. This long neglected wish in us, to be awed, not justentertained. It came up, big time, like a fire bursting through the

    roof, blasting all walls away, a mere hundred years ago. And

    what we see now is the aftermath. A still slightly glimmering fire,

    but close to the end, in every sense of this word.

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    It is not, that there is a lack of artists, of high priests of the

    symbols, but a lack of understanding of the basic principle of

    these symbols. That art, since becoming mans first guide inleaving the kingdom of animals, that art has always to bow to

    esthetic supervision. A much-dared statement this days, I know,

    therefore I repeat: Art without a grain of beauty might be

    anything including a political statement but it is NOT art!

    Of this particular NON-art we have amassed shiploads and it is

    clogging our cellars, our markets, our galleries. The whole

    concept of letting artists cut back their statements behind the

    threshold of an esthetic base line is fooling the core value of art,

    is trash! It is worse than sex without orgasm! It is the emperors

    new cloth, newly spun out of the old new cloth of deceit Daily

    seen on walls of modern art galleries, museums and banks, finely

    tuned to their very concept of money.

    So, not surprisingly, we, the 99% of the people, face economic

    problems of tremendous, never seen proportions - although they

    might only become tangibly clear to a minority of us. Often

    artists. But arent we ALL artists? Sooner or later in live?

    The big nasty problem lays in a combined devaluation of our

    products we can shop, and the means of exchange, to acquire

    what we buy, the money. Both hold each others brittle hands and

    steer towards the gates of hell. In the big economical downturn of

    the past, when money devaluated on a rapid pace, at least the

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    products kept guard, from becoming devaluated. Only because of

    that, they got more and more expensive. Not like today, it seems

    to me. Both go down in unison. Not inflation is the risk anymore,

    but deflation of all there is, besides dentist bills and taxes, if you

    belong to the majority of underclass in the making. Good morning

    America! Bonjour Paris! Buona notte Rom! Another empire in the


    So we have to do what now? I ask and beg for an answer to this

    question in all sincerity and seriousness, a 56-year-old European

    with two kids (11&15) can ask. I ask Mister Barosso and Missis

    Merkel! Spend LESS money, pay more taxes, work harder and

    consume MORE? So that this Leviathan, which has just shot in

    three of his four feet, gets up and going again? The almost deadly

    sick economy? How should that go, without helicopter money? Or

    brain teasing ourselves on a flat earth?

    This aint not work Mister Barosso! You cant convince me of theend of a time of reason. We might be at the verge of other times,

    we definitely are at the end of Mickey Mouse and many other

    times, but NOT at the end of the times of reason, my lord!

    Contrary, logic has again to trickle down into our distorted views

    about many things especially money. And where it comes from.

    And where it goes. All that! So, that we are no more - when it

    comes to money - about as knowledgeable, as a 4 year old is,

    about the whereabouts of his own existence. If we already defineourselves through money, lets talk about it to the END! Or are

    there any secrets, we ought better not to know? Any skeletons in

    the coffers of modern money making?

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    However! I am here in India, as I said, and seems quite funny to

    me, how also here the product world is tending to the banal,

    therefore to the cheaper and cheaper, but their MONEY is still

    real! It hangs around their necks, they wear it on their fingers

    and around their arms. Women, children and men alike. A truly

    wealthy nation, just recently gotten much richer, through the

    increase in gold prices.

    And US? Void of all TRUE wealth, which can only be things in

    limited supply, are betting on brands, until they are copied and

    their meaning gets lost. But simultaneously we have omitted any

    ideas of blingbling values with which we can still be wealthy. We

    have no comparable values, against which we can judge our

    shopping decisions. We go shopping with bubble money on plastic

    chips and return home with bubble food in plastic or the newest

    new piece of fashion, which looks 0,1% different from what we

    were wearing before. We trade black jackets for jackets with a

    different black. We are hooked in a time, which was right at the

    time, but which is not right anymore! We are highly retarded inour looks, since we have no choice. We are offered only one

    color, but in a million different hues. And we can only pay in one

    currency, but in a million different shops. Which are in the hands

    of ten thousand, if I might add, in a rather subdued muffled

    laughter about this overstatement.

    Come here to India, or go anywhere out in the world, whereprosperity is not generally achieved yet, and the relation would

    be different. Here are a million shops, owned and run by

    hundreds of thousands. Oh, we are OVER that, Mister Barosso?

    Dont need THAT kind of freedom anymore? Only suffice

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    ourselves with being in the reigns of functioning corporations,

    whose boss we never go to eat with? Rrreally?

    Well, so whats about spain? I remember the skillfully made

    leather jacket I bought in Barcelona in about 72. It lasted till

    about 85, when it disappeared on a sailing trip. I even remember

    the guy selling it. He had a mustache like Dali and a cute

    daughter helping him, since everything they sold, they had done

    themselves. The whole family was present. It was a happy tent

    full of funny stuff, more or less useful, but fantastically made,


    Where are they gone? The craftsmen, the artists. When will they

    come back? Return from their misguided jobs as clerks, working

    for capitalism which never will fail, by the way, because it is

    TOO GOOD to fail - and become what rightfully exists in every

    stratum of people, the masters of the symbols as Paul Gauguin

    was a good example for, but every shoemaker is, in essence.Especially in times like ours! Where everything seems to be based

    on symbols, more than functionality. From status symbols to

    street signs and icons on the monitors, we are all but functioning

    by a set of symbols!

    In that way, dear people of deep inner reflection, our great

    mistake might be to ask for more spiritual insight. Since exactlythat not only leads us into deeper insulation (which might FEEL

    right), but also keeps us ignorant towards the outside, the

    tangible, materialistic, positivistic world. Logic, practical senses,

    down to earth approaches have never been as absent as now! La

    grand complication is the name of an extremely expensive Swiss

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    watch. But it is a good description of our times, as well! While

    anything goes, NOTHING goes, respectively is linked to a big

    complication. While you can publicly and freely talk about

    postnatal abortion (infacide, baby murder), including the ethic

    considerations if this might be rightfully done by parents, you still

    will run in big complications, if you want to sell fruits on the

    market, after having a degree in philosophy. Why that, Angela

    Merkel? Why that, my dear philosophers?

    So how we get out of this mud hole? I frankly dont know! But

    still keep digging in it, to see, if there might be firm ground under

    it, something we have overseen, since a generation or two.

    Where did all this penny pincherism came from? This notion, that

    the cheap will pull us up. The 99-centism? I hoped it will be over

    by the turn of the century. How wrong I was! It has become a joy

    of almost sexual proportion, to go for ever cheaper prices. We

    thought we only shoot in the feet of others, but in the end theywill be ours! It is wildly hypothetical, if a nation, a culture, a

    people can just give up being tangibly productive. And retreat in

    the offices, to remote control people behind many horizons. Doing

    for us, what seems the only real things there are. Our empire of

    goods. The very core of what makes us proud. All our belongings,

    including the cases, we store them in. If houses could be built in

    China and helicopter lifted onto our lots, we would do so! But I

    doubt, many houses would be ordered right know Even for99999 pounds, free of port. London, Barcelona, wherever.

    So the whole house building frenzy has come to a sudden stop, I

    hear on BBC. You name it WHERE! It just didnt work like this.

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    Den letzten beissen die Hunde, we say in German. You should

    understand this, Mister Barosso! So why you did not wake up

    earlier, had your analysts walk an extra 500 miles, to see this

    coming? Was it so difficult to see ahead? I dont believe so!

    As a result, the last tribe of craftsmen, mostly men, I might add,

    the house builders, the carpenters, the oven builders are out of

    work too, now After all the jewellery makers, T-shirt painters,

    beadstead makers, curtain weavers, have been put asleep.

    Turned into carboardboxkeepers. Highly concentrated in the here

    and know here being the whole world with no time left, to

    wander off in the past, or storm ahead in the future. With no time

    left. Period! So that tuned with eyes on monitors all day long,

    also the evenings will be spent by monitoring. Flooding our

    receptors with input, while slowly muffling out our voices, with

    which we used to speak out loud, when something got wild. Or

    the core values became wildly hypothetical. Should there be more

    than one!

    No doubt, it speaks to me, when I open my eyes in a forest. Early

    in the morning, before the mist settles, but after the sun already

    came up. The only absolute is natur itself, but the only relative, is

    the planet we live on. We cannot deny the inherent beauty of any

    segment of nature, but we can change the value, we give our

    own bloody world. We can bargain about her, yes we can! She

    became a small little entity, compared to our weapons of massextinction. Mickey Mouse is REALLY over, Mister Obama, even in

    your skies! Thanks for having brought man on the moon, dear

    Americans. We really enjoyed it! Wozz next, bradda? I know, you

    see us in Europe, riding out our storms of money, but dont

    worry, we see you too! And all your artists, the masters of

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    symbols, the once walking ahead of every new train to come. Or

    to go. We dont see you going right know, dear American artists,

    crafts people and makers, tinkerers and self inventors. Whozz UP,

    dudes? Long time no see! Anything NEW on the horizon, in Santa

    Barbara? Any new bangles or earrings, which look not like million

    others, sold up and down the Costa Brava, almost like spare parts

    for motors, like washers and nuts in five standard looks and

    starting at 99 cents. Oh my god, how deep is this trap? This trap

    of believing, we can source out our sources. How could we? For

    the simplest things to let others be in charge, respectively

    believe, they are the simplest of things, since we do not see them

    made anymore. A sad sad facet of our modern times. It is getting

    hard to see anyone WORK! Its a thing which is be done behind

    curtains this days. If anyone would like to find out, what kind of

    work he or she would want to do one day, it would be hard to find

    living proofs for any kind of craftsmanship, but relatively easy, to

    watch a million people press buttons from the first hour of their

    work, till they go in pension. Or get laid off. And told, that selling

    bananas requires a permission and involves external costs, which

    will be sucked out of you, poor human, for the sake of the order.The order of truth, faireness and free market.

    So far, so bad. We need jobs, because we are sucked empty

    every day, but we dont get them, because the suckers have set

    up this trap of supposedly wise division between work and home,

    between producing countries and consuming countries. La grand

    complication! We cannot let these erroneously called markets bewithout competition, dear friends! This would be foolish! We do

    not have to find our place in a virtual sphere, but have to turn

    business man and business women. Foremost, I might add, but

    maybe in a vastly different way, as times tell me. Who says, a

    businessperson only has to care for MONEY? It is all, what we

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    were before, that should count towards our business behavior,

    maybe the most unfriendly of our human skills. Yet, necessary

    like long ago already, as a livelong game for goods. Instead of

    war. The best compromise between never achievable world peace

    and going back to the caves in a couple generations, because of

    the big one. How could a government, based on the order of a

    free market, deny a craftsman the least bit to set up camp on

    parking lot? I dont see any reason, why it should be allowed, to

    park my truck, but forbidden to SELL (my) products on that same

    space. Do that, try that out on a Wall Mart parking and you can

    be lucky, if you are not walking away handcuffed within two

    cigarettes length.


    Part 2 Look closer!

    Having so described some obstacles which are in my opinion in

    our way of a really free market society, which should go hand in

    hand with our freedom of speech to contribute not only verbally

    to our societies, but also substantially in form of products let

    me explore into the rainbow of opportunities to overcome this.

    These boring times, where ourselves, our entire human existence,

    is run by the dictate of an economy of specialization. While this

    one sided approach might be necessary to produce networks

    the veins it is not necessary for all, like the blood itself it

    carries. This redness in us all, this urgent desire for colors and

    form. This forms of human output, which can be done in the

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    simplest, almost uneducated ways. Like forks or spoons, carpets

    or bedsteads, cups and jewellery, wallpaper and hammocks,

    garden sheds and wheelbarrows, yellow ceiling fans and blue

    writing desks, green cucumber and red ink.

    Of course, all this mentioned products and produce can only be

    produced with SKILLS. But maybe NOT skills, which you need to

    study in Berkley, but on the road, while you walk through life, by

    some friends is perfectly enough.

    There is a grain of truth in the capitalistic logic, when countries

    are asked for their contribution of what they can do best to the

    world market and buy ALL THE REST from outside. Well, that is

    the rest of the bagof slightly rotten grains. Poisonous already

    in the fact, that they have to be transported. Which for say

    jewellery would not be a catastrophe, since the fuel involved to

    get it around the world, would not be very substantial. It can be

    very well carried on foot. But bringing just a bed, one single bed,from Siberia to London is a task of gigantic proportion. By the

    development of trucks etc. it does not SEEM like this, but on a

    technical and substantial level it is. The bed we spend our nights

    in are achild of the thought, that every region should supply

    what it can do best or have the substances to run this worldwide

    economy. La grande complication! Looks good on a screen, but

    somehow lame in reality.

    So like the world at large, ourselves too have become hesitant to

    keep contributing our other faculties towards society. Our many

    other talents, which by the flick of a finger can turn into skills,

    products, businesses. It is not true, that we are all artists only,

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    but also, we are all crafts people, every man a carpenter, every

    women a dress maker and we are all gardeners, we are all

    patrons of garden cafes, we are ice cream makers, toymakers,


    So why can we not be all that?

    Because we are told, that we are sheer amateurs, that we know

    nothing. And we are told, that a bed has to have perfectly

    straight edges, and every crafts man gets measured out, if he or

    she can achieve the precision of the competing machines. The

    machines, as a kind of road show, have right now the upper hand

    when it comes to employment, because we hold fast to this

    outdated model of esthetic. A model, which is purported as the

    essence, what clear minded, logic society MUST come up with:

    Minimalism. The end of the road of the art of living. We are

    almost there.

    Minimalism, as cool as it looks, is in same time the counter

    concept of all dreams. You do not wake up inspired after a

    minimalistic dream, but after one full of form and color. Our

    dream world is based on our real world and our real world is at

    least in part result of our dreams. Monitors feed our dreams, by

    stories remote from our own lives. It is OK to live the dream of

    others, but there should be more to it! Yourself, your friends,your own identity. Only in comparing both, your dreams are

    healthy and you are not constantly chased by dragons or

    machines while you sleep. Rather we should dream DOING, so

    that we CAN do, when reality calls for action.

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    So, when we are barely functioning in our specialized doing, but

    are nothing but consumers in every other aspect of our highly

    materialistic ways, we are taking ourselves not serious, all theother faculties, in which we could participate in the concrete

    forming of our world.

    Our world always and forever is a regional, familiar, observable

    world, however long we stretch our periscopes out into the larger

    world. Instead of the moment, which counts, it may be the place,

    which counts. Instead of the moment, it is the movement

    The movement is the river of changes, which engulfs our small

    little worlds. In the absence of change, it is a lake, but only few

    people still live in lakes of time, in still corners, where the

    movement has not torn away layer by layer of the past. And

    replaced with a supermarket, in essence. While I do not believe in

    superman, I believe in market!

    Markets are about as old as humanity, but became something so

    remote from the mark, which was a defined AREA it seems

    like a rocket was attached to the whole idea of market. Its

    boosters shed, the second and third thrusters burnt out, right

    now flying through empty space with about twenty times the

    speed of sound. Little side rockets are lit, to correct the course,

    but otherwise we seem helplessly convicted to witness the

    reentry of our colossal economy into the atmosphere of reality.

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    But are we so helpless?

    I have just read a lengthy article in the New York Times, asking

    the question, why all consumer electronic comes from China,

    especially Apple products. And why it is not made in the US.

    Supposedly, it has to do with the lack of mid level educated

    technical staff. Who do not revolt by sleeping in dormitories and

    being woken up in the night, to kick start a new line of products.

    This, in essence, is blamed for high unemployment, slow

    economy, overworked people in our Western countries. Why?

    Because we gave up forming our world and see jobs only possible

    in complex structures. Any father advising his son to become a

    shoemaker would be ridiculous in modern countries. Nothing we

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    wear, or walk in, nothing we cook in, nothing we cook or eat,

    nothing we spend our days or nights in was made by anyone we

    would know, most would have been brought from far away

    factories by trucks, ships and airplanes, machines we do not

    understand, and of course by leaving massive trails of garbage

    and destruction.

    In this new world order, or better say world chaos, feeling secure

    is not easy. It partially is UNsecure, because every person

    participates in omitting as many jobs as possible, by choosing

    always the cheapest product. This is nothing new, but becomes

    serious for everyone minus one percent, when there are no new

    markets left, to expand the production. Even niches on this planet

    get stuck in global business thinking.

    So all the talk talk in concerned media is about businesses

    making high tech products, of course. Of course? WHY?

    At the end of the day it does not mean anything, HOW money is

    generated. This could especially said nowadays. We could run a

    jewellery based economy, a kava based, a tree based, an artist

    based. Economy is the creation of value. Value CAN be an I-

    phone, but it not necessarily has to be. We are advised right now,

    this to be the hip thing, but while texting on them, the devises,

    we do not feel, how our old carpets get pulled away from underus. Our whole fabric of threads, which connected us once to our

    places, to our tribes. All the inter weaving of meaning and back

    ground has vanished in the concrete world around us.

    Anatomically studied, a modern appartement is a belly full of

    meaningless garbage, hard to digest products of a global

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    structure, which is as alien, as no other structure ever developed.

    While no more able to find meaning in life since Sartre, which is

    fully understandable, we unfortunally also packed away any

    meaning in our products, anything magic, or believed magic,

    anything heart touching, besides the price. We have hung up all

    conversation with our past. Up to the time gap between the

    production of something, until having it in our hands. This three

    month, or whatever, we give a shit for. The dark little cloud

    coming out of the chimneys in far away valleys. The cloud,

    especially for us.

    This means, we live in a totally disconnected time, despite the

    belief in the contrary. We might be highly connected with the

    present, but cannot afford to study the past anymore. The past

    has always to be seen in the light of the present. The present

    always changes. So also the past changes. As much as Europe

    needed the Renaissance, we need a Renaissance of even bigger

    dimension now! But what needs to be reborn, is maybe not (only)

    the wisdom of the old greek, but of all other insular cultures. Whyinsular cultures? Because we live on an island! What else?

    Insular cultures.

    There are so many, as there are islands. But there are NEW

    islands forming also, islands of PEOPLE, forming far out in the seaof the internet their platforms of ideas. Mostly ideas.

    So we have ideas without tangible relevance, except in a PURELY

    tangible way by ordering something at ebay. On the other end

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    of the scale we have the shops, the malls, the great wall of boxes

    full with ONLY tangible, three dimensional creations, but void of

    any idea. Lacking the breath of person behind, who turns the

    whole shopping experience into an encounter with a stranger. So

    we are guided by our angles, while we shop, but our social

    contact ability would only be used online, monitoring, or being

    monitored. In a highly sharp and supposedly realistic way, which

    should be open for debate

    So We live in the three worlds. The always same three

    dimensions, which we basically stopped observing much, the

    clickable two dimensions, which are quite hip right now and make

    nice night lights and lets not forget the first dimension, money

    and time. This could be called the chief dimension, but it would

    be a mistake. Its just one, of three evenly important - at least!

    So we, the artists and craftspeople of this lucky planet, should

    have our Renaissance. It does not matter, if money comes fromthe 37th generation of a communication device, or from the

    370th Generation of carpet weaving. With the last generation

    being still around

    We live in the very fortunate time, where the presence of the

    past is still alive! Through internet we have access to more craft

    techniques than ever before. No craftsman, doing things with hishands and simple tools, had as much possibilities of KNOWLEDGE

    and GENIOUS simple tools, which get produced by machines of

    course, but no problem with that. It is not about bringing down

    the stream of advanced products, but to compliment this stream,

    with a river of creativity. How else, besides with more wars, can

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    we get going again towards a healthy economy, if not with

    healthy products of any sort?

    But healthy alone is not enough. Making money is not enough. It

    needs art! It needs art more than ever before, to counter balance

    a world of machines. They need to be put under scrutiny in an

    almost darwinistic way. But WE cannot just do this This is a

    process, something like the Nurnberg trials, but against

    technologies. And in slow motion. No rush! Is still the mother of


    So it needs art, which is dead right now, to be born again! My

    god of art! What a quest! What a question?

    Art, like working, is too new of a word to be taken too serious!

    Art, in the best sense, is the art of LIVING. And this in a concrete

    sense, is about WHERE you live. Here in India, hundred metersdifference can make a beggar out of a millionaire. Our whole life

    is about WHERE we are WHEN.

    Having not full control over that, one can only improve the

    inevitable private space, the nutshell of our selves. But being

    hunters in modern life, we only use our spaces like retreats from

    the hunt. We are either ready to move on anytime or we arecalled stuck, while we hunt to feed our hungry houses. There are

    no non hunters around anymore, not many at least.

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    So we should (ugly three words) INVITE us again into a

    different concept of life, without turning couch potato in front of a

    monitor. We need to lure ourselves back in a more meaningful

    environment, which can only mean, that we understand this

    environment better. As I pointed out, the opposite is our situation

    now. We might have been unaware about the details of our

    belongings in earlier times, but we knew their most striking

    qualities, one being, where they are from. Now we know all the

    fine print, all the molecular structures, all the wonders, one

    might even feel, but we have regrettably given away every

    curiosity in us, about the background story of any thing we buy,

    since a thing in its existence, is not worth being hinterfragt.

    Asked behind Besides, that no one gives an answer on that,

    while you push your cart along the aisles, you are also detrained

    from this kind of thinking. As long as transport is guaranteed we

    would sell the whole world for a trillion rupees in a kiosk on mars.

    Or not even trade it for our carpets What is value? Money?

    Sure! But WHAT kind of money is a bigger than ever question.

    Euros might not be enough to keep Europeans happy!

    So it needs artists to redefine value, since REAL value does only

    exist in the mind. Artists and craft people giving this boring

    product time the long due overhaul. Doing this on markets, which

    might have the size of whole parking lots, something interesting

    will happen. The trade between them. The exchange of relatively

    RARE goods, since if they are not rare, it would not create the

    demand in a more individualistic time, where also productsbecome individualistic. Isnt it funny, how our seemingly

    individualistic time lacks individual products, made by individuals?

    Individualism is externally not much more than the mix of a

    narrow selection of branded products on human models. And the

    only TRUE reason for this, is supposedly the unwillingness of

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    the beloved customers to pay a bit more. This, their will in

    mind, professional buyers fly all over the planet to buy the

    dullest, un-individualistic products there are but with

    important labels on them and as cheap as shit! In this double-

    pronged approach, nothing ever gets debated, because nothing

    REALLY changed from last years collection, and the shoppers

    stay happy. Happily dreaming

    Debated is everything, which gets held under the nose of the

    shopper, be it in shopping malls, markets or, in a different way,

    what appears on the net. This is right now the only niche, an

    artist or craftsman can occupy without paying an arm and a leg

    for his mild trial, to be part of the CONCRETE economy. Without

    trial, nobody knows, if his product can be sold. This would, as I

    say it here again, be the easiest of things, of trial, here in India.

    You need about three boards of wood, some fabric to beautify

    your vending table, and in less than an hour, you would hold the

    outcome of your productivity under the eyes of as many Indians,

    who venture along where you sit, stand, talk, bullshit around withthem, laughing your guts out, shaking hands, receiving so called

    real money, IF your products sell. And yes, they MIGHT, in this

    dullest of all dull modern times! Believe me, dear artists, dear

    craftsmen, its up to us, to change the stage dress of modernity!

    Or do you expect the drummers to shake the grey out of the wall,

    the musicians to paint the three dimensional? Or the manager, to

    paint spirals on the chimney of his factories? Do you think,

    bureaucrats open the floodgates of colors? Do you hope,politicians will give us more, than rose tinted goggles? Do you

    wait for Wal-Mart to reinvent the wheel ofphantasy?

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    So we are humans again. In charge of bettering our own

    conditions without destroying our marvelous planet.

    Do you, for the baker, who only bakes the best bread in the

    world, so that he can serve best his own demands, that HE will

    take care, of the other side of the street? Where this grey, dull,

    ugly wall is, the puddle on the walkway, the beggar sitting? No,

    he will NOT! It is not in his interest to be surrounded by an

    environment of beauty, rather the opposite one can speculate, so

    his little bakery stands out of the ruins of modern reality and

    feels cozy and warm inside. A nice smelling heaven full of

    chocolate angels surrounded by hellish smelling road valleys in

    concrete mountain ridges.

    This much about bakeries. And the big hinderance in a

    Renaissance of our market beliefs, which unite us more, than any

    religion..., REALLY! It is THE uniting factor! What do we value?

    And how much TIME we want to submit, unfree, to what wevalue. And, I dare to say in May 2012, how much RISK is

    involved, which lays in the bargaining between sugar and art, or

    shoes and sandwiches. I observe, these are still important

    factors, even in the life of the meanest blogger. You cannot be

    without sugar or sandwiches, maybe you do not need shoes,

    brother, but you need ART! And this is, where the misery startet.

    As a result, we live in the most symbol driven times ever! Not in

    the darkest times in Europe, have symbols guided us as much! Insoon every walk of life, symbols are our guidance, not our


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    At the end of Mickey Mouse, it is up to artists to reinvent the

    wheel of fantasy. Which is the king pin of the human machine.

    Out of craft developed industry. The act of weaving is good old

    VERY old grandma of mathematics and geometry. Even MORE

    fundamental, drawing is the grand daddy with a beard growing

    half way around the world, the grand daddy of having IDEAS!

    (See Icon and ideaby Herbert Read)

    Wau, Mesdames et Messieurs! La grand merde! The big shit!

    Where do you let people DRAW? Seriously, and then let them

    SELL their art? Oh, in a GALLERY, I hear To support the

    middleman circus, the whole world seems to become. The buyer,

    whopre selects, the editor, who pre selects, the politicians,

    who pre select, what should be decided by the people. And

    what better not.

    But, of course, the personification of the middle man, are the

    banks, if there should be more than one left. The WORLD BANK.The tightest web of all maybe, easy to get caught in them, but

    indestructible, because of being too big to fail, which I think was

    the motto of the Romans too. Also churches where too big to fail!

    The pyramids where too big to fail

    Well, last might be true. Egypts past being is still with us in the

    form of examples. A time bomb, or tomb, from where a steadystream of symbols caresses us gently. What will be left from

    banks, however high they are built, are in the best case gold piles

    surrounded by empty Champaign bottles, quickly turning into

    empty spam boxes, the further away you go from the gold, or the

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    certificates found in the basements of former banks - too big to


    So, in the end, we have to be bankers ourself, thinking about our

    products as our own currency, which we exchange on the free

    market into real money, or other products.

    On markets you do not just give a shit, how the market looks as

    a whole. It is wholly important, to perform well as a group of

    individuals, selling individual goods. Here we might have to start

    from very low The experience of standing in the rain at London

    on a market and selling for 666 pounds to otherwise frustrated

    shoppers, is like driving a Harley from Cannes to Saint Tropez in

    a full blown mistral. For 66 pounds, it is rather like walking up a

    sand dune in the heavy rain. I have done both many times!

    People are HUNGRY for anything TRULY new, but there is notmuch, if bargaining is only restricted to very few giants in their

    global hedges, but nowhere TRULY to a much wider part of the

    population. I am talking about Europe, good old market place

    Europe, but maybe the US have not even had the opportunity to

    develop a healthy market culture, which requires denser

    population. However, this might be the case now! The American

    way of business developed early into a franchising system. The

    snake oil sales man became the leader of business style.

    Communication was the base of banks and businesses very soon,

    while Europe was still walking through the aisles of markets.

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    Which were all there was to participate: A Laden (a shop).

    Literally a plank of wood.

    For reasons of war and following progress, the idea of markets

    became reinvented, as we know now. It became not an extension

    of the whole market idea, but a replacement, at least in modern

    Europe. Interesting how well many countries are well off, where

    markets in a very simple form still exist. India, Indonesia, Brazil

    Since the unemployment of many hard hit countries are not into

    the 80 percent, but more in the 10 or 20, I observe two things. It

    can get worse. And 10 percent of many rather well developing

    countries have approximately this number of self employed,

    inclusive kids selling coke in subways. The same kids are in

    Europe in the situation, as being unemployed, broke and bored to

    hell and return. There they sit and sip. The best of them drawing

    pictures on each others shoulders with a felt pen, the best

    playing on a bamboo flute, the best filming what happens next

    When only one of them paints other peoples shoulders, but in

    exchange for money, and the flute player would held his pirate

    hat into the stream of bureaucrats hurrying to work. We all know

    it, they would be losers left behind.

    Artists and craftspeople are nowadays comparable to workers

    before the invention of unions. But our union does not need to be

    abstract and political, but concrete like the feet of our umbrellas

    and solely based on the long time agreed on first principles of a

    truly free market based economy. With a heavy dose of

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    unleashed, un-middleman controlled art. THAT would create


    Markets are, or should be, also banks. Sellers of stuff, in which

    you can trust, to be of any value for a long time. Good luck artist!

    I usually give 300 years guarantee for my mirrors, 100 for my

    jewellery, and I like to smile!

    Markets are like trees. They have so many branches, so many

    people meeting each other, so much talk without a phone, so

    much chatter and twitter. To take ones market away is a cry

    against humanity, a closing up of so many avenues, where people

    interact and trade. Without markets, our language would not

    have evolved in this way. Without markets, we become lonely

    shoppers. In this loneliness, we sink deeper and deeper, like in a

    tunnel of sweet marshmallow, which gets tighter and tighter, until

    we are stuck. After having overseen for a historic five minutes,

    the very necessity of having REALLY open forums, which marketsin essence are, there should be NEW markets, and not ONLY

    free markets, but markets with conscious guidelines

    But it is not, that markets areset upplatforms to discuss a

    certain issue, yet they are open for this! There is almost nothing

    imaginable, which is as free as land with a market happening on

    it. Anything could happen there!

    This is why they are not the least bit encouraged! Because they

    offer alternatives in doing business. In general, they are hard to

    control, when it comes to taxing participants in free markets. It

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    is the only place, where the middlemen might lose So markets

    are even LESS encouraged!

    Economical (mega) structure and political structure as closely

    connected as the church was with politics, I cannot help myself,

    than seeing the middle ages in all of Europe. The ruling of new

    kingdoms, the tsars, the Berlusconies and other comedians. Its a

    time to sharpen the pencils again!

    We almost drown in an ocean of opportunities, but we do not see

    them! We got dull senses for anything we buy, because there is

    not much to choose from. One million shades of red, and we start

    to think, this is a complete rainbow. So there is plenty of blue

    left, tons of green, yellow submarines, not seen surfacing since

    the sixties, the golden sixties, where for some years, art was

    allowed out of the cage. Where art serves time again, because

    there is a really long train of ones and zeros crossing high street,

    seemingly endless

    A good train to get from here to there, but no luggage permited!

    A fooling device, so you see a new world, as long as you stay

    online. A brief interruption of the regional thinking, which is

    making its way back at a frightening speed.

    But how can one identify with the regional, if there is no regional

    content? All but carried here productivism of future global trash?

    How can we identify, at the peak of boredom in visible reality, our

    own little souls?

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    This question is too important to leave it to trend scouts! Again,

    markets lend themselves to identify. Trends are easily visible, not

    shown on a monitor. We only identify by human interaction,whatever we think we might be, is just a guess. Take away this

    human playground called market, and with this the automatic

    congregation of people, and you have perfect conditions for the

    development of religious beliefs of all sorts. Only: their

    congregations are not as open, as a market. They serve this

    hugely important purpose to bring people together, but do this in

    churches or temples in an often hierarchic, and always

    monopolistic way, when it comes to their market attitude In away, they seem to be the predecessors of shopping temples!

    Creating a warm feeling under one roof, this we are all one

    feeling, which even individualist need, only dualist maybe not, the

    people harmonic in themselves.

    Which artists not often are There might be lots of anger and

    frustration coming up in art, once people were encouraged and

    allowed to participate in the looks of towns or houses.

    Friedensreich Hundertwasser is a good example of a gifted

    REALITY artist, as Gaudi was in Barcelona. Now we have parks

    and public squares - better than ever maybe - we are allowed to

    stroll around, sit down and wonder, take pictures and breathe

    better air, but we are seen as mere rats, if we occupy a meter

    square and show our art. We would do the least accepted thing in

    our straight societies: Try to run our own life, try to develop a

    deviant style, invent something, outside of the official norm. Act

    just by consciously NOT cooperating with companies and

    universities and their pre-selectors of human material, or

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    resources, which might sound a trifle nicer, to find new ways to

    new productivity.

    Again, I point out, that not every office clerk should jump in theartist suite, but it should be allowed to do so! There should be aneven playfield, even here In the world of art, nothing is moremissing that actual space. Playroom to experiment not only in thecreation, but also in the merchandising.

    How could such a product driven time, be so strict in controlling

    the righteousness of a product? In choosing nothing but redproducts? Or black, which is closer to the actual truth. Black,the color of importance, of gravity, of hidden secrets, and ofcourse the clerics of medieval Christianity. Half of Europe walksaround in the color of chimneysweepers and has given up on

    anything colorful, except what comes delivered over phone.

    So language turns nuts, together in a cage with smilies.

    Language turns imprecise, like all nutters do, when degraded tomessages, integrated in animated pictures. Language gets vagueon this cushion of set fonts, which seemingly come in endlessvariations, but still have lost in value.

    What are words, if only machines are creating them? The veryforms