The Restoration (British History)

Post on 21-Dec-2014

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The Restoration (British History) period in England


The Restoration

Simón ArayaClaudia Vásquez

• Politics: The monarchy returned to power, but they had to share their authority with Parliament.

• Royal Court: Charles II brought sophistication and splendor from the court of Louis XIV (France) to England.

• Social life: The coffehouses and salons were built as a place to gather of writers, artists, politicians and other members of society to share and exchange ideas, gossips and conduct buissneses.

The Restoration

Great Britain is formed by: England, Wales, Scotland• 1660: The monarchy is restored with the crowning of

Charles II• 1665: Great Plague of London killed many people.• 1687: Sir Isaac Newton published the “Law of gravity”

• Charles II governed until 1685.• Reign of George III 1760-1820• Lady Mary Wortley introduces the inoculation • in England

• In 1702 Scotland was united with England to • form Great Britain• (during Anne’s reign)

Historical Context

• Louis XIV built the Grand Palace of Versailles(he died excecuted in 1793)

• Britain defeats France in the 7 years war (French and Indian war) gaining French Canada

• Robert Walpole was the first political leader to be the prime minister

• American Independence was acknowledge in the Treaty of Paris in 1783

Robert Walpole

Louis XIV

Characteristics of the Period

•The Age of Reason: People used reason, not faith, to make sense of the world (use reasoning to understand the world).

•Writers of this period often used satire to bring attention to the problems of the day.

Women were as interested in new ideas as men were, but they were excluded from the public arenas where men enjoyed lively discussions

Charles II

James II

Mary William

His Brother

He wanted to restore Roman Catholicism as

England’s state religion

Parliament forced him to abdicate his throne.

Glorious Revolution

His Daughter His Son-in-law

Died during her reign Ruled alone after Mary died

Literature of the Time

• Mainly the writings were: essays, novels, autobiographies.

• Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe was the first

English novel published.

• “Two treatises on Government "published natural rights of life, liberty and property

• Rise of women writers (enlightenment)

Journalism• Prose• Reflections about ordinary people• Variety of topics: gosips, opinions, mocked.

• Neoclasisism : new satire.

Causes and effectsCharles II returned to England

Share the authority with Parliament

Relative stability

The middle class grew and prospered

Ordinary men and women had more money, leisure, and education that ever before

The monarchy knew how to handle a series of disasters like the Great Plague and the great fire of London.

Brought splendor and sophistication to England which he saw while exiled in France.

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