The Rights Movement Expands

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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The Rights Movement Expands. 3/28/2011. Growing Latino Population. After WWI U.S. passes laws limiting immigration from Europe US faced a growing need for cheap labor Populations of Mexico and Latin America were greatly expanding. Bracero Program. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


The Rights Movement Expands


Growing Latino Population

• After WWI U.S. passes laws limiting immigration from Europe

• US faced a growing need for cheap labor

• Populations of Mexico and Latin America were greatly expanding

Bracero Program

• Bracero/Farmhand Program- granted Mexican migrants temporary guest worker status, for 25 years

• This program was crucial to maintaining American agriculture during WWII

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965

• Eliminated national origin quotas for immigrants

• Led to a surge in Mexican and Asian American immigrants

Cesar Chavez

• Most influential Latino activist

• Fought for the rights of farm workers

Migrant Farm Workers

• Laborers that moved from farm to farm, often state to state, picking fruit and vegetables

• Worked long hours in horrible conditions with no benifits


• United Farm Workers

• Nonviolent

• Implemented workers strikes and consumer boycotts

• Boycott was to gain recognition from growers

• 1975-California passed law to require collective bargening between growers and union representatives

The Chicano Movement

• Increasing awareness of Latino history and culture

• Goal of reducing poverty and discrimination

Japanese American League

• 1929- founded to protest Japanese American’s Civil Rights

• Wanted compensation for property lost during WWII

• Compare and Contrast Two Movements we have discussed

• Use your notes and book• Discuss

• Who were the movements main leaders?

• What were they trying to achieve?

• What situations were they previously in that caused them to fight for change?

• Were they militant? Radical?

• Did they use legal means, or not?