The Rise of Christianity

Post on 24-Feb-2016

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The Rise of Christianity. 6.2 | Polytheism to Monotheism. Roman Paganism. Romans believed that there were many gods, who favored Rome Rituals kept the gods happy “We have overcome all the nations of the world, because we have realized that the world is directed and governed by the gods” - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


The Rise of Christianity

6.2 | Polytheism to Monotheism

Roman Paganism Romans believed that there were

many gods, who favored Rome Rituals kept the gods happy

“We have overcome all the nations of the world, because we have realized that the world is directed and governed by the gods”

Haruspices Adding gods to their list of gods

was common Adopting local gods Deification of emperors

The Birth of Christianity

Jesus Christ In a time of Jewish revolutionary activity, he was seen as a

threat to the state, claiming to be the king of the Jews The later Jewish revolt (of three major), sack of Jerusalem by

Titus 70 AD, and the siege of Masada 71 AD

Simon (Peter) St. Paul

Was a persecutor of Christians Christians did not get along with others – fanaticism

Spread Christianity throughout the Eastern Mediterranean Opened Christianity to Gentiles (non-Jews)

These two religions, ironically, would become enemies

Travels of St. Paul

Let’s Talk about Christianity

Persecutions Christianity was tolerated by Rome until they

began to threaten public order and stability Refused to participate in rituals and social events,

the foundation of stability During the Crisis of the Third Century Persecutions began Martyrdom became not only common, but


Only the most fanatical would remain in Christianity Isolated from society – many divisions


The Appeal of Christianity

The persecutions would fail to remove Christianity, why?

Pagan vs. Christian afterlife – control of destiny Connection to Hinduism and the

appeal of Buddhism Christianity made its way in through

the military Cults Mithraism

Constantine Becomes Christian Edict of Milan 313 A.D.

Accepts Christianity His purpose and design? – Nicaea Monotheistic movement – Apollo

Back and forth between religions Julian the Apostate

Theodosius the Great Official religion of the Roman Empire – 385 AD Political division – East and Western Empire