The Rise of Islam. The Life of Muhammad Discuss the life of Muhammad. What have you learned so far?

Post on 18-Dec-2015

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The Rise of Islam

The Life of Muhammad

Discuss the life of Muhammad. What have you

learned so far?


• Mecca, located on the Arabian peninsula, was an important center of trade and religious site.

• Strategically located between trade routes

• Home of Ka’aba


• Muhammad was born in Mecca circa 570 ACE.

• Interacted with many different religions.

• Married an entrepreneur named Khadija. She was very rich from caravan trade. Khadija was 40 while Muhammad was 25.

The Origins of Islam

• During his marriage to Khadija, Muhammad was plagued by incessant headaches. He would retire to a cave outside of Mecca.

• Muhammad was visited by the angel Gabriel. For 22 years, Gabriel revealed what Muslims believe to be the Truth to Muhammad.

Gabriel Visits Muhammad

The Origins of Islam

• Muhammad compiled these revelations into the Islamic holy book, the Qu’ran (Koran).

• Belief in one God interfered with the revenue made off travelers to Mecca that worshipped many gods at the Ka’aba.

The Flight (Hijrah)

• Muhammad was forced to flee Mecca for Yathrib, located to the north of Mecca. – Yathrib is later called Medina, “city of the

prophet.”• Muhammad continued to win converts to


• In 630 ACE, Muhammad returns to Mecca with a great army. Mecca allows Muhammad to reenter Mecca and convert the inhabitants to Islam.

Jihad- endeavor to spread the faith

Jihad does not mean to kill innocents

The Death and Legacy of the Prophet

• Muhammad continued converting non-believers by choice or the sword.

• The prophet died in 632 ACE– He bequeathed his followers a state with a

political & economic responsibilities, and a military arm.

The Four Rightly Guided Caliphs

What do you know about the Four Rightly Guided


The Four Rightly Guided Caliphs

• Muhammad’s death brought questions of succession. Who would lead this new Islamic state? How would the ruler lead?

• The position of caliph was created. Abu Bakr was

elected the first caliph.

The Four Rightly Guided Caliphs

• The first three of the rightly guided caliphs, Abu Bakr, Omar, and Uthman, continued to expand the influence of Islam

Ali Ibn Talib

• Ali was Muhammad’s son-in-law and his cousin. Many felt that Ali should have been Muhammad’s successor.

• Ali is finally elected caliph.

• Ali is assassinated, which led to the establishment of the Umayyad dynasty.

Ali’s Legacy• Out of Ali’s

assassination, the foundation for modern Islam is laid.

• Sunni Islam– Orthodox Islam. Sunnis do not believe in the legitimacy of the Imams. They look to the Qu’ran and Hadith for guidance.

Ali’s Legacy

• Shia Islam– Believed that Ali was chosen by God to be the leader of Islam. Ali and his descendants are considered Imams, leaders of the Islamic community.