The rocket project

Post on 25-Jan-2015

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The Rocket Project

Physics 504 Rocket Project Overview Name: ___________

Due: _____________________

Purpose: To design and construct a series of rockets that can perform the following functions:

Free standingLaunchNose cone deploys

Parachute deploysWaterproofRe-usableModifiableAerodynamic design.

Materials: rocket engine, igniter, plug, wadding (supplied) Paper tube, decorations, nosecone (student)

Procedure: Watch Mr. Mac’s launch.Gather materials and construct rocket.Draw multi-view diagram of rocketMeasure data pre-launchCalculate theoretical heightCheck by Mr. Mac that the above is done satisfactorilyLaunch and measure actual heightAnalyse results and recordRe-design rocket based on WWW/EBIComplete draft and final data/calculation sheetsSelf - evaluatePrepare report - individualPrepare and give presentation - group

Calculations: On sheets provided

Report: Your report will include: The good copies of sheets The draft copies of sheets The diagrams of each version of the rocket

Conclusions of what makes a good rocket, the design changes your rocket went through.Recommendations for your next rocket this year

Physics 504 Draft Rocketry Data & Reflection

Group Members: Group Name: _______________________ Rocket Name Version 1 Version 2 Version 3Mass (g)



# Aerofoils/Fins

Engine Type Thrust(N)Wadding Type(Paper/Steel Wool)Launch angle:Measured @ 50mWindForce/Direction

Height of Launch(ht = 50tanθ)

What Went WellWWW

Even Better IfEBIProposed Design Changes

Physics 504 Draft Rocket Calculation Sheet

Rocket Names : __________________ Group Name : ________________________ Calculation Version 1 Version 2 Version 3Mass of Rocket(kg)

Weight of Rocket (N)F = mg

Forceof Engine(N)

Thrust (N)

Engine F – Weight

Acceleration of Rocket m/s2

a = Thrust / m

Time of Thrust 0.8 s 0.8 s 0.8 sTheoreticalHeight (m)s = ut + ½ at2

Actual Height (m)

Percent ErrorIActual – Theoretical I x100 Theoretical

Physics 504 Rocket Project Group Self-Evaluation

Group Members: ________________________ Group Name : _______________ Category Excellent 5 Well done 4 Satisfactory 3 Unsatisfactory

2 or 1


Above and beyond

DecorationSide fins/aerofoilsAttachment for engineCOG LineWadding usedDetachable topReusable parachute

3 elements done well

2 elements done well


Above and beyond

Standard reportCalculations complete include: Mass of rocket Thrust Theoretical height Actual height Reason for any changes

3 elements done well

2 elements done well

Presentation See other rubric


Above and beyond

ScaledLabelledAccurateNeatly DrawnSide and overhead views

3 elements done well

2 elements done well


Ahead of timeOthers model off of your group

Ready On timeWorks really wellHelps othersShared work

1 days late 2 days late

Comments: _____________________________________ Practical Grade : ______

Physics 504 MultiView Diagram of Rocket Version 1 2 3

Diagram of : ____________________ Drawn by : _________________Scale : ______________ Pencil : ______________Labelled : ____________ Accurate : ___________Neat : _______________

Physics 504 MultiView Diagram of Rocket Version 1 2 3

Diagram of : ____________________ Drawn by : _________________Scale : ______________ Pencil : ______________Labelled : ____________ Accurate : ___________Neat : _______________

Physics 504 MultiView Diagram of Rocket Version 1 2 3

Diagram of : ____________________ Drawn by : _________________

Scale : ______________ Pencil : ______________Labelled : ____________ Accurate : ___________Neat : _______________

Physics 504 Final Copy Rocketry Data & Reflection

Group Members: Group Name: _______________________ Rocket Name Version 1 Version 2 Version 3Mass (g)



# Aerofoils/Fins

Engine Type Thrust(N)Wadding Type(Paper/Steel Wool)Launch angle:Measured @ 50mWindForce/Direction

Height of Launch(ht = 50tanθ)

What Went WellWWW

Even Better IfEBIProposed Design Changes

Physics 504 Final Copy Rocket Calculation Sheet

Rocket Names : __________________ Group Name : ________________________Calculation Version 1 Version 2 Version 3Mass of Rocket(kg)

Weight of Rocket (N)F = mg

Forceof Engine(N)

Thrust (N)

Engine F – Weight

Acceleration of Rocket m/s2

a = Thrust / m

Time of Thrust 0.8 s 0.8 s 0.8 sTheoreticalHeight (m)s = ut + ½ at2

Actual Height (m)

Percent ErrorIActual – Theoretical I x100 Theoretical

Alternate Calculation Sheet

Physics 504 Rocket Report Name   :

Statement of Purposein your own words

Design Changes


Other thoughts

Physics 504 Rocket Project Group Teacher Evaluation

Group Members: ________________________ Group Name : _______________ Category Excellent 5 Well done 4 Satisfactory 3 Unsatisfactory

2 or 1


Above and beyond

DecorationSide fins/aerofoilsAttachment for engineCOG LineWadding usedDetachable topReusable parachute

3 elements done well

2 elements done well


Above and beyond

Standard reportCalculations complete include: Mass of rocket Thrust Theoretical height Actual height Reason for any changes

3 elements done well

2 elements done well

Presentation See other rubric


Above and beyond

ScaledLabelledAccurateNeatly DrawnSide and overhead views

3 elements done well

2 elements done well


Ahead of timeOthers model off of your group

Ready On timeWorks really wellHelps othersShared work

1 days late 2 days late

Comments: _____________________________________ Practical Grade : ______