The Role of Total Management in Improving Product Acceptability of Consumers (a Case Study of...

Post on 16-Aug-2015

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ABSTRACT The researcher sees to this topic “total quality management: A tool for product satisfaction (A case study of Nigerian Bottling Company (NBC) Owerri Plant, so as to know what leads to this problem of lack of total quality service. The problem of this study lies on diversification of product line. This problem is handled by making investigation through research question, and hypothesis. The researcher made its sample on population of 159 questionnaires, and sample size of 150. Out of 159 questionnaires, 150 was completed and 9 was not completed. The researcher presented this work in table, one of the questions ask in the table is what is the objective of the firm’s total quality management? The problem of lack of quality control, substandard product, lack of confidence towards customers, poor communication, management not being supportive to its client. The researcher found out that if this problem written above is properly handled by management, the company will do well, there will be effective and efficient of communication towards the management and the workers. The customers are likely to have confidence to their product. The problem of poor management will be taken care of. There will be quality checkmate. Lastly substandard product will be eliminated and the company to liable to profit maximization.


TITLE PAGETHE ROLE OF TOTAL MANAGEMENT IN IMPROVING PRODUCTACCEPTABILITY OF CONSUMERS(A Case Study of Nigerian Bottling Company (NBC) Owerri Plant)PRESENTED BYKANU AUGUSTINE OLUEBUBECHI08068034345SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASING AND SUPPLYMANAGEMENT, FEDERAL POLYTECHNIC NEKEDE, OWERRI, IMOSTATEIN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT OF THE AWARDOF HIGHER NATIONAL DIPLOMA HND! IN PURCHASING ANDSUPPLY MANAGEMENTAUGUST, "0#5iAPPROVAL PAGEThis is tocertifythat this project has beenreadandapprovedbythedepartment of purchasingandsupply, federal polytechnic Nekede, Owerri inpartial fulfillment for the requirements for the award of Higher National DiplomaHND! in purchasing and supply"################################## ################$%" &"O" 'H()*+* , D*T-.roject supervisor!################################### ################$%" *"$" /0O% D*T-Head of Department!################################### ################-1ternal -1aminer D*T-iiDEDICATIONThis research work is dedicated to 2od *lmighty who made it possible for me topass through a high institution" iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT( sincerely e1press my gratitude to 2od *lmighty for the life, good health, financeand literary ability to carry out this research project" (wishtoconveymydeepappreciationtothesupervisorwhodespitehistightscheduleintheofficemadeout timetoreadandcorrect thismanuscript" Hiscontribution will always be an imprint in my mind"*nd to all those who contributed to the success of this work, ( thank you all"ivABSTRACTTheresearcherseestothistopictotal qualitymanagement:Atool forproduct satisfaction (A case study of Nigerian Bottling Company (NBC) Owerrilant! so as to "now what leads to this pro#lem of lac" of total quality ser$ice% Thepro#lem of this study lies on di$ersification of product line%This pro#lem is handled #y ma"ing in$estigation through researchquestion! and hypothesis% The researcher made its sample on population of &'(questionnaires! andsamplesi)eof &'*% Out of &'(questionnaires! &'*wascompleted and ( was not completed% The researcher presented this wor" in ta#le!one of the questions as" in the ta#le is what is the o#+ecti$e of the firm,s totalquality management- The pro#lem of lac" of quality control! su#standard product!lac"of confidencetowards customers! poor communication! management not#eing supporti$e to its client% The researcher found out that if this pro#lem writtena#o$e is properly handled #y management! the company will do well! there will #eeffecti$e and efficient of communication towards the management and thewor"ers% The customers are li"ely to ha$e confidence to their product% Thepro#lemof poor management will #e ta"en care of% There will #e qualitychec"mate%.astly su#standard product will #e eliminated and the company to lia#le toprofit ma/imi)ation%vTABLE OF CONTENTTitle age 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iAppro$al page 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ii1edication 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iiiAc"nowledgement 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i$A#stract 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0$Ta#le of Content 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $iiCHAPTER ONE3"4 (ntroduction # # # # # # # # 33"3 5ackground Of The 6tudy # # # # # 33"7 6tatement Of The problem # # # # # 83"8 Objectives Of The study # # # # # # 93"9 %esearch :uestions # # # # # #93"; 6tatement of Hypothesis # # # # # # ;3"< 6ignificance Of The 6tudy # # # # # )imitation Of The 6tudy # # # # # # =3"? Definition Of The 6tudy # # # # # # ?CHAPTER TWO)iterature %eview # # # # # # # #7"4 (ntroduction # # # # # # # # 3;7"3 Total :uality Overview # # # # # # 3