The Roommate Fairy Tale Tips for making the journey of living with your roommate a fairy tale....

Post on 27-Mar-2015

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The Roommate Fairy Tale

Tips for making the journey of living with your roommate a fairy tale.

Created by Ashlee Norris

Western Washington University

Once upon a time, a excited student came to a kingdom otherwise WWU.

They met their new roommate and everything

was great until…

their roommate…

Stopped taking showers

Stayed up late talking on the phone

Came home intoxicated

Snores loudly

Let’s partner sleepover without asking

Borrows CD’s, clothes, toiletries and money without asking and does not return


Yells and gets angry very easily

Listens to their stereo very loudly

The excited student became frustrated and did not know what do, so they turned to the their fairy Godmother to see how to inform their roommate about how they were feeling.

Fairy Godmother Rule # 1: Be true to Yourself and Your Roommate

When you first meet your roommate, be yourself, so that they get to know the real you from the beginning of the relationship.

Try to get to know your roommate, don’t brush them off based on their appearance, you will never get to know what they are all about if you don’t try.

Fairy Godmother Rule # 2: Speak up. Get to know your roommate.

Even if you're not great friends, you'll be able to get along better if you understand each other. Discuss what you expect from each other. Don't be afraid to tell your roommate if his/her actions bother you. Let each other know when important events (tests, papers, games, etc.) are coming up.

Fairy Godmother Rule # 3: Silence is NOT Golden • You shouldn't be afraid to

discuss things with your roommate, but you'll probably be better off if you don't tell your roommate about all of her little annoying habits.

• Think long term. You're going to have to live with your roommate for an entire school year, so don't nit-pick or judge her on how she acts the first week of school

• It takes people a while to adjust to college life and living with a stranger, so give your roommate the benefit of the doubt before criticizing his/her actions.

Fairy Godmother Rule # 4: Plan ahead

• Decide how you're going to handle financial obligations (e.g. phone bill, groceries) ahead of time so there won't be any misunderstandings when it's time to pay.

• You should also discuss whether borrowing or using each other's property (e.g. stereo, clothes, toiletries, etc.) is cool. Establishing boundaries is fine as long as both roommates are aware of them.

Fairy Godmother Rule # 5: Establish company policy

Decide whether it's acceptable to bring a boyfriend/girlfriend back to the room. Figure out how the roommate entertaining a guest will let the other roommate know when he/she has company.

Fairy Godmother Rule # 6: Do unto others...

Whether you like your roommate or not, treat him with the consideration that you'd like to be treated with. Set an example and with any luck your roommate will catch on.

Fairy Godmother Rule # 7: Give a little.

You don't have to subvert your personality to get along with another person, but be prepared to compromise.

• If you're naturally a slob, you should learn to be neat to the extent that you don't encroach on your roommate's space.

• If you're a neat freak, remember that your roommate may not be as offended by mess as you are.

Fairy Godmother Rule # 8: Don't Stress

Most roommates naturally figure out how to get along even if they don't become best friends. In the unlikely event that you find yourself in a living situation that's unbearable, you should meet with your RA to discuss a new way to approach your roommate or other options.

The End

The excited student listed to The Fairy Godmother and realized that by just talking with their roommate compromises were established, and they lived happily every after…

The moral of this story is you and your roommate may or may not have a

fairy tale relationship, but you can find happiness in

your living situation.

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