The Rulers of Egypt Chapter 3 Section 2. Egyptian Kingship Pharaoh: ◦ The Title used by the King...

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The Rulers of EgyptChapter 3 Section 2

Egyptian Kingship

Pharaoh:◦The Title used by the King of Egypt. ◦Word refers to the “Great Place”.

Egypt’s fortune rested on the strength of its pharaohs.

Men were usually appointed as Pharaoh.

Women have made their appearance on the throne

Hatshepsut is an example of a powerful woman Pharaoh.

From Dynasty to Dynasty…

Dynasty:◦Is a series of rulers from the same family or ethnic group.

Egypt had 31 dynasties rule its lands.

Broken up into 3 time periods. ◦Old Kingdom:◦Middle Kingdom:

◦New Kingdom:

Egypt is Unified

1st Dynasty:◦King Menes was King of Upper

Egypt.◦Armies conquered Lower Egypt. ◦King Menes united Upper and Lower Egypt.

◦Unification: Joining of separate parts into one.

◦When united they were called the “TWO LANDS”

◦Built city Memphis (present day Cairo). Became Capital of Egypt. Located in Lower Egypt.

Egypt Is Unified…Cont….

◦Pharaoh named Narmer wore two crowns together:Red Crown: Lower Egypt.

White Crown: Upper Egypt.

◦Many say Menes and Narmer were the same person.

All Powerful Pharaohs…

Absolute Power:◦Complete Control over their people.

Had Advisors:◦To help them make important decisions.

Would Pray to Ma’at (Goddess of truth) for answers.

Whatever his decision was became Law throughout Egypt

Example: He would decide when the fields would be planted.

All Powerful Pharaohs…continued..

Egyptians believed:◦Pharaohs were earthy form of “Horus” (Falcon God)

In time they were connected with other gods:◦Sun God: Re

They were God KingsThey provided the

Egyptians with the Nile’s yearly floods and Harvests.

Checking for Understanding…

Who was Menes and what did he accomplish?

•Menes was the first leader of Egypt’s first dynasty. He united Upper and Lower Egypt.

The Old Kingdom… (2686-2125)

Known for its well-run system of Government.

Peace and trade was kept with Nubia.

Merchants sailed the Eastern coast of the Mediterranean.◦Brought back Timber.◦Used to build:

Houses Boats Furniture

The downfall:◦ Governors began to speak out against the Pharaohs’ power.

◦Unity began to crumble.

The Middle Kingdom. (2055-1650)

Order was restored from

the Old Kingdom.

Empire Expands into

Lower Nubia.

Pharaohs spent the

nations wealth on

improving: the towns and

cities with their public

works, rather then on


◦ Constructed new


◦ New Irrigation projects


◦ Literature and Art


◦ Egypt grew richer.

• But with weak rulers:

Eventually taken

over by foreign


The New Kingdom. (1550-1069)

Egyptian Princes drove out the invaders.

Built an Empire:◦Created Huge Armies of:Foot soldiers.Mounted Warriors.Charioteers.

Bronze swords and Body armor made them unstoppable.

The New Kingdom. (1550-1069)..Cont..

Famous Pharaoh:◦King Tutankhamen:

◦Became ruler as a child.

◦Died at the age of 18.

◦Discovered in 1922.

◦All his buried treasures taught people a great deal about the Egyptians.

Checking for Understanding…

What characterized each of the three kingdoms?

• Old Kingdom:• Peace and trade with

Nubia. • Pharaoh was

overthrown by the government.

• Middle Kingdom:• Construction of

buildings and irrigation projects.

• Invaded by outside forces.

• New Kingdom:• Marked by the

building of its vast army.

• Creation of Armor and Weaponry.

The Pharaoh Queen….

Regent:◦Someone who rules for a child until the child is old enough.

Thutmose III:◦ took control of the kingdom.

◦Was too young.◦His Stepmother “Hatshepsut” was appointed regent.

The Pharaoh Queen….

Known for her good leadership.

Time a great Peace and Economic success.

Encouraged trade with faraway places.

Famous expedition ◦To the land of Punt.◦Located on the East Coast of Africa.

Merchants brought back many goods.◦Special trees

Used to make incense. A substance burned for its fragrance.

The Pharaoh Queen…. Cont…

Hatshepsut refused to give up control when Thutmose became of age to rule.

She ruled until her death.

Thutmose then became the Pharaoh.

He destroyed all her statues.

No one is sure if Thutmose played a part in her death……

Thutmose III Rules…

Became greatest Pharaoh of the New Kingdom.

Armies defeated Syria and Phoenicia in Southwest Asia.

Reached as far:◦East of the Euphrates River.

◦South into Nubia.Was an educated man:

◦Studied plants.◦People he conquered he showed mercy.

Ancient Egypt after the New Kingdom….

Egypt declines:◦Civil War breaks out.

◦Made them weak and poorly defended.

332 B.C.◦Conquered by Alexander the Great of Macedonia.

◦The Macedonian’s ruled Egypt for over 300 years.

Ancient Egypt after the New Kingdom….Continued…

51 B.C.◦Queen Cleopatra VII ruled Egypt.

◦Last Macedonian to rule Egypt.

31 B.C.◦conquered by the Roman Empire.

◦She committed suicide before the Romans found her.

Egypt would not govern itself for again for almost 2,000 years

Checking for Understanding…

What caused the decline of Egypt during the New Kingdom Period?

• Civil War in Egypt left the country weak and poorly defended.