The Saltflow Group: Link to China FTA Network

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Sat 13 Aug 2011| 18:47 Homepage FTA News Release Hotlinks

FTA Tariff Calculator China's Free Trade Agreements Free Trade Agreements under Negotiation Free Trade Agreements under Consideration

China's Free Trade Agreements


China-Pakistan FTA

China-Chile FTA

China-New Zealand FTA

China-Singapore FTA

China-Peru FTA

Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic

and Partnership Arrangement

Mainland and Macau Closer Economic and

Partnership Arrangement

China-Costa Rica FTA

Free Trade Agreements under Negotiation

China-GCC(Gulf Cooperation Council) FTA

China-Australia FTA

China-Iceland FTA

China-Norway FTA

China-SACU(Southern African Customs

Union) FTA

Free Trade Agreements under 


China-India Regional Trade Arrangement

Joint Feasibility Study

China-Korea FTA Joint Feasibility Study

China-Japan-Korea Joint Study

China-Switzerland FTA Joint Study

Preferential Trade Agreement

Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement

The Chinese Government deems Free Trade Agreements (FTA

as a new platform to further opening up to the outside a

speeding up domestic reforms, an effective approach to integr

into global economy and strengthen economic cooperation w

other economies, as well as particularly an important supplem

to the multilateral trading system. Currently, China has 14 FT

 partners comprising of 31 economies, among which 8 Agreeme

have been signed already.

FTA News Release more>

2011/08/03China-Costa Rica FTA entered into force on August 1 2011/07/08

Second Round Negotiation on China-Switzerland FTA Held in Xi’an 2011/04/14

First Round Negotiation on China-Switzerland FTA Held in Bern 2011/02/11

 Negotiation on China-Switzerland Free Trade Area Officially Launched 2010/12/06

Costa Rican FM hails FTA with China 2010/10/25

Seventh China-ASEAN Expo closes in south China, boosting FTA operations 2010/10/22

ASEAN companies eye China for future growth 2010/10/22

7th China-ASEAN Expo opens to provide new opportunities, witness fruits of CAFTA 2010/10/22

China International Trade Representative Gao Hucheng Addressed the Opening Ceremony of 7th China-ASEAN Expo

2010/09/16Eighth Round Negotiation of China-Norway FTA Held in Norway 2010/09/07

2nd Session of China-Japan-ROK Joint Research on FTA Held in Tokyo 2010/08/01

China-Chile FTA on Service Trade Implemented 2010/07/29

Vice M inister Yi Xiaozhun`s Speech in China-New Zealand FTA Workshop 2010/07/08

Eyeing China-ASEAN FT A, T aiwan businesses hop e to leverage ECFA, boost trade with SE Asian markets 2010/06/25

Official reveals timetable for Sino-Australia FTA talks

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