The Salvation Story of Man-Shrine Lego Contest

Post on 11-Jun-2015

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A review of the 2012 Shrine Lego building contest reveals that an inspired story emerges...


The Story of Man’s SalvationThe Story of Man’s SalvationThe Story of Man’s SalvationThe Story of Man’s Salvation

as viewed from the as viewed from the as viewed from the as viewed from the National Shrine of the Little Flower National Shrine of the Little Flower National Shrine of the Little Flower National Shrine of the Little Flower Parish Lego Building Contest 2012Parish Lego Building Contest 2012Parish Lego Building Contest 2012Parish Lego Building Contest 2012

Entrant: Melinda Tulley

Creation of the World

God created God created God created God created the world in six the world in six the world in six the world in six days. On the days. On the days. On the days. On the seventh day he seventh day he seventh day he seventh day he rested…rested…rested…rested…

Quinn Armstrong

Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

God told Adam God told Adam God told Adam God told Adam and Eve…pick and Eve…pick and Eve…pick and Eve…pick fruit from any tree fruit from any tree fruit from any tree fruit from any tree but this one…but this one…but this one…but this one…

Kevin Hejka

Garden of Eden

Man Man Man Man disobeyed disobeyed disobeyed disobeyed God in the God in the God in the God in the Garden of Garden of Garden of Garden of Eden, Eden, Eden, Eden,

resulting in resulting in resulting in resulting in original sinoriginal sinoriginal sinoriginal sin

Original sin is Original sin is Original sin is Original sin is removed removed removed removed

through the through the through the through the Sacrament of Sacrament of Sacrament of Sacrament of BaptismBaptismBaptismBaptism

Maggie Huber

Sacraments of Initiation and Penance

God sent Prophets God sent Prophets God sent Prophets God sent Prophets to turn them from to turn them from to turn them from to turn them from their sin and save their sin and save their sin and save their sin and save His chosen peopleHis chosen peopleHis chosen peopleHis chosen people

Deelan Tulley

Plague of Frogs

Judges should note the

apocryphal moment when a

frog jumps up and smacks

Pharaoh upside the head

Samuel Owens

Crossing of the Red Sea

The birth of a The birth of a The birth of a The birth of a Savior was long Savior was long Savior was long Savior was long foretold by the foretold by the foretold by the foretold by the Prophets…Prophets…Prophets…Prophets…

Blake Smith

Advent Wreath

…………but God’s people but God’s people but God’s people but God’s people had to wait a long had to wait a long had to wait a long had to wait a long time with great time with great time with great time with great anticipation…anticipation…anticipation…anticipation…

Genevieve & Bobby Rogers

The Nativity

The Savior of the The Savior of the The Savior of the The Savior of the world was born in a world was born in a world was born in a world was born in a humble stable…humble stable…humble stable…humble stable…

…………His name was JesusHis name was JesusHis name was JesusHis name was Jesus

Frank Vidosh

The Nativity

…………a simple a simple a simple a simple Manger was Manger was Manger was Manger was used for a bedused for a bedused for a bedused for a bed

Monika Parkila

The Nativity

Three Magi would Three Magi would Three Magi would Three Magi would visit, bringing gifts…visit, bringing gifts…visit, bringing gifts…visit, bringing gifts…

Such a profound Such a profound Such a profound Such a profound event that His event that His event that His event that His birthday is birthday is birthday is birthday is

celebrated to this celebrated to this celebrated to this celebrated to this day by believers day by believers day by believers day by believers

and nonand nonand nonand non----believers alike.believers alike.believers alike.believers alike.

Lukas Parkila

Christmas Tree

Brendan Tulley

The Paralytic

Jesus taught of Jesus taught of Jesus taught of Jesus taught of forgiveness and forgiveness and forgiveness and forgiveness and healing and then healing and then healing and then healing and then demonstrated it…demonstrated it…demonstrated it…demonstrated it…

Jesus taught his followers many Jesus taught his followers many Jesus taught his followers many Jesus taught his followers many things so they could help spread the things so they could help spread the things so they could help spread the things so they could help spread the

message of Good News…message of Good News…message of Good News…message of Good News…

Brian Tulley

Jesus Walks on Water

Keifer Hanselman

The Last Supper

Jesus taught his followers, “do Jesus taught his followers, “do Jesus taught his followers, “do Jesus taught his followers, “do this in remembrance of me…”this in remembrance of me…”this in remembrance of me…”this in remembrance of me…”

But one follower would betray him…But one follower would betray him…But one follower would betray him…But one follower would betray him…

This remembrance takes the form This remembrance takes the form This remembrance takes the form This remembrance takes the form of celebration of the Mass…of celebration of the Mass…of celebration of the Mass…of celebration of the Mass…

Stephen Klimushyn

Birds Eye View of Shrine

Judges may wish to note

beloved Music

Director/Organist Mr.

Abbott in his Sunday Best

…………through the institution and through the institution and through the institution and through the institution and service of the priesthood.service of the priesthood.service of the priesthood.service of the priesthood.

Lily May

Rectory Gardens

Msgr. Easton

(with Stachu)

Benjamin Vidosh

NSLF Tower

Jesus willingly accepted Jesus willingly accepted Jesus willingly accepted Jesus willingly accepted His sentence of death…His sentence of death…His sentence of death…His sentence of death…

Kira Jenkins

Jesus Carries the Cross

Erik Jenkins

Mosaic of Jesus Crucified

He was He was He was He was stripped of stripped of stripped of stripped of His clothes His clothes His clothes His clothes

and crucified…and crucified…and crucified…and crucified…

Kathryn Mutscher

Jesus Dying on the Cross

Most of His Most of His Most of His Most of His followers followers followers followers

abandoned him. abandoned him. abandoned him. abandoned him. His Mother and His Mother and His Mother and His Mother and John did not.John did not.John did not.John did not.

Luke Hanselman

Jesus Crucified

…………continuing to continuing to continuing to continuing to teach and teach and teach and teach and forgive even forgive even forgive even forgive even during a slow during a slow during a slow during a slow and painful and painful and painful and painful death.death.death.death.

Oliver Smith

Sacred Heart of Jesus

We adore We adore We adore We adore His Sacred His Sacred His Sacred His Sacred Heart for this Heart for this Heart for this Heart for this

ultimate ultimate ultimate ultimate sacrifice.sacrifice.sacrifice.sacrifice.

For one brief For one brief For one brief For one brief moment, Jesus moment, Jesus moment, Jesus moment, Jesus felt abandoned… felt abandoned… felt abandoned… felt abandoned…

“My God, my “My God, my “My God, my “My God, my God, why have God, why have God, why have God, why have you forsaken you forsaken you forsaken you forsaken


Owen Smith

A Crucifix

Alex Lopez

Jesus dies on the cross

Finally, He gave Finally, He gave Finally, He gave Finally, He gave up His spirit and up His spirit and up His spirit and up His spirit and returned to the returned to the returned to the returned to the Father to open Father to open Father to open Father to open the gates of the gates of the gates of the gates of HeavenHeavenHeavenHeaven

Jean & John Simonson

NSLF Tower

The Roman soldier The Roman soldier The Roman soldier The Roman soldier that pierced the that pierced the that pierced the that pierced the

body of Jesus with body of Jesus with body of Jesus with body of Jesus with a spear and a spear and a spear and a spear and

confirmed his death confirmed his death confirmed his death confirmed his death is commemorated on is commemorated on is commemorated on is commemorated on the Shrine towerthe Shrine towerthe Shrine towerthe Shrine tower

Jesse Hanselman

The Burial of Jesus

His body was laid in a His body was laid in a His body was laid in a His body was laid in a tomb with a large stone tomb with a large stone tomb with a large stone tomb with a large stone rolled in front of it.rolled in front of it.rolled in front of it.rolled in front of it.

Tom & Brandy G.

from “Birth, Death…”

(multiple scenes of

Jesus’ life)

But after three days But after three days But after three days But after three days the tomb was found the tomb was found the tomb was found the tomb was found

empty by three women empty by three women empty by three women empty by three women except for some burial except for some burial except for some burial except for some burial cloths…and an angel cloths…and an angel cloths…and an angel cloths…and an angel who announced the who announced the who announced the who announced the


Since then, the Since then, the Since then, the Since then, the cross has become cross has become cross has become cross has become a symbol of new life a symbol of new life a symbol of new life a symbol of new life rather than torture rather than torture rather than torture rather than torture

and deathand deathand deathand death

Drew Lopez

The Cross Where Jesus Died

Peyton Smith

Jesus Rising in the Clouds


After the Resurrection,After the Resurrection,After the Resurrection,After the Resurrection,Jesus left us…Jesus left us…Jesus left us…Jesus left us…

…………and yet remains ever present and yet remains ever present and yet remains ever present and yet remains ever present with us in the Tabernacle.with us in the Tabernacle.with us in the Tabernacle.with us in the Tabernacle.

Violet Vidosh

Sanctuary of the Church

Kevin Parkila

Replica of the NSLF

The National The National The National The National Shrine of the Shrine of the Shrine of the Shrine of the Little Flower Little Flower Little Flower Little Flower testifies to the testifies to the testifies to the testifies to the world the path of world the path of world the path of world the path of Salvation…Salvation…Salvation…Salvation…

Carmine Copp

(untitled chapel)

…………in communion with in communion with in communion with in communion with the rest of the the rest of the the rest of the the rest of the

Church around the Church around the Church around the Church around the

Jean Simonson

St. Catherine Church

The EndThe EndThe EndThe End

(my apologies to any participants with omitted or improperly credited entries)

Photography and story by J. Burley