The Secret Story of Gluttony

Post on 01-Jan-2016

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The Secret Story of Gluttony. --Research Plan Presentaion Presented by: REN Ying XU Zuyi FENG Yuye. Main Theme Statement. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


The Secret Story of Gluttony

--Research Plan Presentaion

Presented by: REN YingXU Zuyi


Main Theme Statement

Starting from a story of college girl, we will try to explore the living condition of college students suffering from eating disorder and we will focus on the help offered to those people.

Local Tie

The lead will be a true story about a girl student in BEIDA.

Help, or the absence of the help, offered in BEIDA will be covered in the feature.

Our project is about the integrity self-image and psychological health of college students.

Issue Tree

Lead:College girl

suffering fromEating Disorder

Services (Psychology)

Reasons(Gender Study)

Living Condition (Online Communites)

Research Plan

Subject of research: 1, Journals of Psychology--Ren Yin 2, Journals of Gender Studies--Xu Zuyi 3, Community of people suffering from B

ulimia Nervosa --Feng yuye

Research on Bulimia Nervosa

--From psychological perspective


An eating disorder, common especially among young women of normal or nearly normal weight, that is characterized by episodic binge eating and followed by feelings of guilt, depression, and self-condemnation. It is often associated with measures taken to prevent weight gain, such as self-induced vomiting, the use of laxatives, dieting, or fasting


Biological cause No specific biological link; Usually along with depression, bipolar, anxiety

disorders, and substance abuse disorders Psychological cause

Preoccupation with eating, food, body size etc Cognitive bias specific to processing above

information Perfectionism: parental pressure Low-esteem A sense of powerlessness …


Cognitive-behavior therapy(CBT): Psychoeducation Cognitive restructuring Relapse prevention

Interpersonal psychotherapy(IBT): Focusing on patients’ interpersonal relatio

nship Family


Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa: Psychological and Psychopharmacologic Considerations(Journal of Adolescent Research 2003; 18; 261)

Wait Not, Want Not: Factors Contributing to the Development of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa(Trish Murray, The Family Journal 2003; 11; 276)

Research on Bulimia Nervosa

--From gender study perspective

Gender Study

“Men’s gaze” Slim waists have been the mark of attract

ive women throughout history.--Dr Devendra Singh

Women’s waist to hip ratio fertility Boyfriend | Father & Mother

Pressure from female’s own sex Peer pressure The mass media (fashion industry) Twenty years ago, the average model weighed 8 per cent less than t

he average woman—but today’s models weigh 23 per cent less. Products (e.g. Barbie doll) “PS” (photoshop) technique

Gender Study

Gender Study

Gender Study True self-identity vs. False self-identity First daughter in the family—perfectionis

t(China—one-child policy) Mass media—false image—depression The obsession with food and weight is one of the ways t

hey try to cope with these pressures. The women binge for relief from False Self pressure and they purge to reaffirm allegiance to their False Self identity.

Gender Study

References and resources Database http:// BBC News Wikipedia etc.

Research on Bulimia Nervosa

--About Online Communities

Some Communities (Anonymous)

39 Health Community Bohee Weight-control Community Douban Communities …

Douban Communities Detailed information (Hobbies…) Blog (Personal behaviors, emotions,

thinking) Abundant Users (Big sample) Characteristics of users (Well-


Some Douban Groups 暴饮暴食合作社 暴食催吐 谁来阻止我吃东西的手 不开心时我就喜欢吃 徘徊在暴食与厌食之间

What are we looking for?

Living condition How do the communities function Find interviewee Prepare for questions in interview Details may interest the readers

Some Details_Happy or not? 不开心时我就喜欢吃,吃的时候我就不开心。循环


吃的时候整个大脑是空白的。谈不上很开心,但是会忘记不开心。 结束了之后会很困扰。 然后又继续用吃来忘记不开心。 循环循环再循环。

吃到肚子撑着难受还要吃 ~~ 经常边吃边哭 ~~~~ 我觉得自己根本就是糟蹋食物!

Some Details_What to eat? 有一回家里没有吃的东西,我就硬生生的吃

了很多豆腐卤(酱豆腐)。好咸 - - !

记得从前有 BS 的时候吃过我家宝贝的狗粮,把狗的饼干,亮毛片,奶粉吃了

Some Details_How much? 2 个大西瓜 2 个好长的瑞士卷 一罐金枪鱼 4 盒百力滋 5 个咸蛋 1 个

皮蛋 2 杯加奶加糖的咖啡 一个布朗尼 一个千层雪里蛋糕 12 包海苔 2 盒全麦饼干 2 条趣多多 5 条牛肉 4.5 包鱿鱼仔。

7 个 KFC 劲脆鸡腿堡, 1 个深海鳕鱼堡 , 4 个大油饼 3 瓶王老吉凉茶 , 2 瓶矿泉水

稻香村:糖火烧 9 个,盘花酥 50 个,蜜三刀 9 个,红豆烧 2 个

一桶爆米花,一碗牛杂粉,一袋仟吉南瓜吐司面包, 6 个费列罗巧克力,一袋趣多多,一袋小的奥利奥,半个菠萝,一袋红烩味薯片,一袋良品铺子的薯片,四包笋片,四个酱鸭舌,一个果冻。

我最喜欢看这种帖子了 ,完全是来求安慰的 ,每每看完大家暴的东西以后, 无耻地觉得自己暴得原来不算太多。。。。

Some Details_How much? 一锅白饭,就在刚才一边看帖子一边吃了一锅白饭!变态啊变态 ...

1斤饼干也值得说呀?我月饼都能吃 2斤了,再吃掉 1 整盒精选版的德芙巧克力, 800克的那种,超级诱人,再吃达能和鬼脸嘟嘟,还能塞下去 5 , 6包,我中秋节那天就是这么吃的。这还只是午饭,晚上又吃了 3斤冰皮月饼,我最喜欢玫瑰味的,好软好香,一口下去与世无争别无所求。今天刚称了170公分只剩下 88斤

我最厉害的是中秋节那一次,大礼盒装的月饼, 950克一袋的我吃了 3袋, 1公斤烤羊肉,然后直接是1 包 4袋奥利奥就着牛奶吃了。中午, 11 个意大利板栗饼,一盒 15 个老婆饼, 5 包鬼脸嘟嘟和 2包趣多多加 2 包广合绿茶曲奇,还有很多饭菜,这就不说了。下午, 2斤冰皮月饼, 1 盒纪念版精选德芙,共 800克。晚上, 1 大盆粉蒸肉, 1只生日蛋糕, 1斤长崎蛋糕, 1斤香蕉船面包, 1 盒寿司卷。 所以说,你们只是吃的花样多,量并不多,跟我比起来你们是在不算暴食。那天我家里人都被我吃的吓坏了,以为我要胃爆棚,结果没事,只是感觉很撑。

Some Details_Feelings 你也会有一天明白,心里的饿,需要的是温暖,不是食物。

到后来跟上了发条的机器人一样 完全不在乎吃进去的东西好不好吃 完全不在乎吃了多少东西进去 只觉得 身体很空 需要塞东西进去填满它 所以 经常吃到想吐吃到鸡皮疙瘩 完全是在受罪 不是在享受


The End

Thank you for your time & attention!