The September 16 issue of the Southern Digest

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System adjusts to SUBR budget crisis; Air cleared on Ombudsman office; SU football prepares for grudge match vs. Jackson State; and more


Since its opening in November 2009, the Southern University office of the ombudsman’s motto has been “students working for students” providing services the students need.

While students are plagued with consideration of transferring, dropping classes, adding classes, seeking other professors, and finding a voice on an administration driven campus; the ombudsman office is still a mystery for most students.

Ryan Ward, mass communications major from St. Louis, didn’t have a place on campus in mind in the event he should need to solve a conflict between him and a professor or staff member. He said, “I am not sure, but I don’t think there

is a place like that on campus, maybe you could talk to an administrator.”

Although the office has been operating for two years, students around campus say that they are not sure if there is a place on campus that they could go to if they had a conflict with a teacher or a staff member.

“Personally I really don’t know but you probably can go to the department of that class,” said Wesley Lee, computer science major from LaPlace, La.

Raven Brady-Parker, a nursing major from Baton Rouge, considered going to speak with a trusted professor.

The dictionary defines ombudsman as: A man who investigates complaints and mediates fair settlements, especially between aggrieved parties such as consumers or students and an institution or

organization.In a university or higher

education setting the role of the ombudsman is usually conflict resolution.

In its short existence the SU office of the ombudsman has provided peer counseling, student development, leadership, mentoring, informal mediation of group conflicts and assisted students in the development of conflict resolution strategies.

Services offered by the office are: the Lagniappe informational kiosk on the first floor of the Smith-Brown memorial student Union; University Ambassador, formerly known as SOLA, and 365-Jag Preview.

“There are plenty of places to go if you feel you are not being

Throughout the budget downfall at Southern University at Baton Rouge, little is known about the rest of system’s involvement in alleviating this problem.

According to Kevin Appleton, vice president of finance and business affairs for the Southern University System, the other campuses have contributed approximately “$3.65 million this academic year” to help the dismal budget situation facing SUBR. Along with their contributions and many cost cutting measures being implemented this year’s budget was successfully balanced and submitted to the Louisiana Board of Regents.

“Baton Rouge campus has suffered what I call a triple whammy with reductions in state appropriated funds compounded by unfunded mandates from state government also compounded by enrollment losses which impact tuition and fees,” said Appleton. “That is why the Baton Rouge campus is in worse shape than the other

campuses in the system.”Appleton insisted that the

most effective way for SUBR to pull itself out of this budget sinkhole is to increase enrollment stating, “the money follows the students”.

“There are other steps that

need to be taken in order to mitigate the financial stress, the major step is going to be a critical examination of academic and administrative structures to make sure that our institution is organized in a way that promotes efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability,” Appleton explained.

When asked if the other campuses would take furloughs too to further assist with the

budget issues Appleton said that he thinks that furloughing the other campuses would negatively impact the functions of the other campuses unnecessarily.

“Furloughs are not meant to be a permanent solution,” Appleton said. “They are only meant to

serve as a temporary solution.”He stressed that this action

would weaken the system and would bring down the moral on the other campuses.

This current academic year SUBR’s operating budget no longer receives a majority of its funding from the state funds, now the university’s operations are funded mostly by self generating revenues such as student tuition and fees.

There were rumors of the Baton Rouge campus loaning money to not only the other campuses but the system office as well, however Appleton could not comment on this due to this predating his arrival last October.

“I think it is more important for us to focus on external fundraising from private sources as well as from grants and contracts,” he said. “Also to think more like an entrepreneur in terms of how the university and the system can develop revenue streams from meeting economic needs of it’s constituencies.”

Active pursuits of funding are being done to further increase the budget at SUBR. Appleton

claims that the university is aggressively seeking funding from all people who “love” SU as well as philanthropic sources.

“A lot depends on the economy and how well the state does in terms of its collections and much depends on the political process and the spending priorities set by the governor and the legislature,” he said. “Much will also depend on our efforts at recruiting and retaining students. Those are going to be major factors.”

Appleton is confident that SUBR will not be closing anytime soon, he said that there is the ability and willingness to make the hard decisions needed to move Southern forward from this point.

“Southern University Sys-tem and its institutions are aggres-sively pursuing strategies that will reposition our institutions for future growth and prosperity,” Appleton stated. “Part of that is aggressive fundraising, aggressive recruiting, adminis-trative restructuring and efficie-ncy and effectiveness, as well as restructuring of the academic enterprise to facilitate a 21st century education.”

See Ombudsman page 3

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thE official studEnt nEwspapEr of southErn univErsity and a&m collEgE, baton rougE, louisiana

today saturday sunday monday

87/63 90/68 89/68 88/67

Friday, september 16, 2011

BP ultimately responsible for spillsee News, page 3

Jaguars prepare for grudge match vs. J-Statesee Sports, Page 5

Leaving a legacysee Commentary, page 7

VOlume 57, issue 5

NormaN J. DotsoN Jr.The Southern Digest

samaNtha smithThe Southern Digest

System adjusts to SUBR budget crisis

“Baton Rouge campus has suffered what I call a triple whammy with reductions in state appropriated funds compounded by unfunded mandates from state government, also compounded by enrollment losses which impact tuition and fees.That is why the Baton Rouge campus is in worse shape than the other campuses in the system.”

Kevin AppletonSUS VP of Finance & Business Affairs

Finance VP outlines system involvement in budget recovery efforts; what SUBR needs to do for future

This sign posted on the door of the Office of the Ombuds in T.H. Harris Hall gives instructions to students needing assistance. The ombudsman position itself is currently vacant, but officials are currently facilitating the functions of the ombudsman from The Office of Student Affairs in the J.S. Clark Annex Building.

Air cleared on Ombudsman’s office, purpose on campus


the First Emmanuel Baptist Church Family invite students to come fellowship every Sunday at noon. Transportation will be provided from Southern University campus in the circle in the back of campus at 11:15am Sunday mornings. Please contact the church 1-866-524-8891 to schedule pick-up on Sundays and contact Rev. David S. Jackson at 225.205.9736 or Bro. Eric Peters at 504.939.2149 for more information. The church us located at 1933 Wooddale Blvd. Baton Rouge, LA 70806.

PEER TUTORINGCenter for Student Success

is offering Peer Tutoring in Stewart Hall Room 107 Monday through Fridays from 8:00 am to 5:00pm. Any tutoring sessions after 5pm Monday through Thursday will be held in John B. Cade Library until 9:00pm.


Every Monday beginning Sept. 12th the SU barber shop will offer a “Back to School Special”. Students can receive a $2.00 discount off a student haircut. This special is only during the month of Sept. between the hours of 11a.m.-3p.m. Students should bring in this coupon and ask for Rob to redeem the discount. For any questions call 225.771.3693

SGA CAMPAIGN WEEKCast your ballot for fall 2011

elections. Election day will be on Sept. 19 from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. All students need to have their Southern University ID to vote. Part-time students and students who do not present an ID will not be allowed to vote.

EFFECTIVE NOTE TAKING SKILLSLearning effective skills

for taking good notes in class requires practice and technique. Improving your college note taking is especially beneficial. The purposes of note taking helps you remember what you have heard and read in school. This seminar will teach you effective note taking skills that will also help with your time management while taking and reviewing notes. The seminars will be held Sept. 19 from 4-4:50 p.m., Sept. 20 from 2-2:50 p.m., and Sept. 21 from 1-1:50 p.m. in Lawless Auditorium of W.W Stewart Hall.

STUDY SKILLSNow that you know your

learning style, you have the motivation, but the ways of studying in high school just don’t seem to be cutting it. Come learn the college study tips, learn how to study smarter not harder. The seminars will be held Sept. 19 from 4-4:50 p.m., Sept. 20 from 2-2:50 p.m., and Sept. 21 from 1-1:50 p.m. in Lawless Auditorium of W.W Stewart Hall.

OPERA CREOLESouthern University’s

Department of Music will present the New Orleans vocal group “Opera Creole” at 7:30 p.m., Sept. 23 in the Recital Hall of the DeBose Music Building.

The event is part of the University’s year-long celebration of the black composer and the concert series, “The Black Composer Speaks: The African American Classical Music Tradition.”

Opera Creole is an ensemble of professional artists who live in or are natives of New Orleans. The ensemble is dedicated to educating students, sharing the contributions of Louisiana Creole composers with the community, and preserving the Creole culture through h i s t o r i c a l l y / g e n e a l o g i c a l research, education programs and celebrations.

The concert will consist of a standard operatic repertoire, musical works by composers of color, and New Orleans 19th Century free Creoles.

Admission to the event is $15 for adults, $5 for students with a valid university ID. Admission will be accepted at the door. There will be no advance sell of tickets for the concert.

For more information, contact the SU Department of Music at 225.771.3440 or 225.771.5984.

MADDEN 12 TOURNAMENTSmith-Brown Memorial

Union will be hosting a Madden 12 Tournament. Students who are interested must pay $5 registration fee and sign up Sept. 19-23. The tournament will be on September 28 in LaCumba’s Playpen. Trophies will be presented to the 1st and 2nd place winners.


Applications for the School of Nursing for the Spring 2012 semester are now available online at Click on Academic Affairs and follow the School of Nursing Undergraduate program link. All students must meet the following criteria; have been admitted to Southern University-BR, Have a cumulative grade point average of 2.6, Submit ACT/SAT scores and writing proficiency score, Complete all courses listed in the first three semesters of nursing curriculum with a minimum of C in each course. The deadline to apply is October 1, 2011.

page 2 - Friday, september 16, 2011

Campus liFethe sentinel OF an enlightened student bOdy sinCe 1926

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ISSN: 1540-7276. Copyright 2008 by The Southern University Office of Student Media Services. The Southern DIGEST is written, edited and published by members of the student body at Southern University and A&M College.

All articles, photographs and graphics are property of The Southern DIGEST and its contents may not be reproduced or republished without the written permission from the Editor in Chief and Director of Student Media Services. The Southern DIGEST is published twice-weekly (Tuesday & Friday) with a run count of 5,000 copies per issue during the Southern University - Baton Rouge campus fall, spring semesters.

The paper is free to students, staff, faculty and general public every Tuesday & Friday morning on the SUBR campus. The Southern DIGEST student offices are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday - Friday. The offices are located on the first floor of T.H. Harris Hall, Suite 1064.

The Southern DIGEST is the official student newspaper of Southern University and A&M College located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Articles, features, opinions, speak out and editorials do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the administration and its policies. Signed articles, feedback, commentaries and features do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors, staff or student body.

Southern University and A&M College at Baton Rouge is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097, telephone (404) 679-4500, Website:

MISSION STATEMENTThe mission of Southern University and A&M College, an Historically Black, 1890 land-grant institution, is to provide opportunities for a diverse student population to achieve a high-quality, global educational experience, to engage in scholarly, research, and creative activities, and to give meaningful public service to the community, the state, the nation, and the world so that Southern University graduates are competent, informed, and productive citizens. Website:


For more information call 225.771.5833 or mail your subscription payment of $40 to: The Southern Digest Subscriptions, PO Box 10180, Baton Rouge, LA 70813. Business, cashiers checks and money orders accepted only. No personal checks or credit card orders accepted. Make all payments to The Southern Digest.




Daytime Phone: ( )

who’s speaking out?

“All of them are good. Some didn’t seem like they had confidence. Their platforms all sounded good but it’s all about who is willing to carry them out.”

“All of the candidates were good but, I have confidence in Megan running for Miss Freshman.”

“I felt the pageant was successful. I felt that Shanice did the best. She made it seem like she was prepared and ready to help the freshman class. There was strong competition. It could sway either way.”

“Go Shanice! Shanice is running for Miss Freshman. She had a good solid campaign. The S on your chest theme was good.”

leija melbert














What did you think of the Fall election candidates and their plans?

APARTMENTS FOR RENTApt. homes available @ The

Palisades. 1.866.936.5544.


SU Jazz Band record album. Also 1950, 1980 45rpm records. Call 225.687.8076.


campus briefsTODAy




Ombudsman from page 1

newsFriday, september 16, 2011 - page 3

the sentinel OF an enlightened student bOdy sinCe 1926

treated right on campus,” said Jessica Cole, sophomore social work major from Baton Rouge, “ You can go talk with your dorm RA’s, the head of the department, or your major teachers if you are in trouble,” she said.

Controversy surrounding the office brewed when interim ombudsman D.J. Baker stepped down in July. Baker offered a small communiqué informing students that the office of ombudsman is closed and that they should direct all inquiries and needs for service to student affairs.

“Thank you for allowing us to serve you and we wish the best on your path to graduation,” said Baker in the released communiqué.

Since his departure the office of the ombudsman has continued to offer its services to the students of SU.

“We offer several different programs. We do orientation, welcome week and we always guide students and incoming freshman through the registration process keeping it organized and making sure that it isn’t overwhelming. The whole idea is bringing people in the correct way,” said Assistant to the ombudsman De’Van Stephenson.

Stephenson described how the SU ombudsman is different from those offered at other university, “We only deal with student concerns, we are an unbiased entity here for the students,” she said.

Universities throughout the state have ombudsman that serve the staff and student population. At Louisiana State University, the ombudsperson is Dr. Kirsten Schwehm; she is a licensed

clinical psychologist. According to the LSU official website

the philosophy of her office is C.A.R.E. communicate, assess, refer, educate.

“As the CARE Manager, I assist student through communicating, assisting, referring and educating in a variety of ways. Identifying needs and developing new initiatives, in addition to improving existing services, increases the quality of life for students”

At University of Louisiana-Lafayette the ombudsperson is Lena Bethel, her office is responsible for informing students of their rights in the process of grade and disciplinary appeals and is a function of student government.

For more information contact the office of the ombudsman located on the second floor of the J.S. Clark Administration Building.

A tourist walks among seashells and tar balls along Gulf Islands National Sea Shore near Pensacola Beach, Fla., Wednesday.A key government panel reported today that BP is ultimately responsible for the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history. Eleven oil rig workers were killed and some 200 million gallons of crude oil discharged into the Gulf of Mexico.


BP bears ultimate responsibility for the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history, a key government panel said Wednesday in a report that assigns more blame to the company than other investigations and could hurt its effort to fend off criminal charges and billions of dollars in penalties.

The report concluded that BP violated federal regulations, ignored crucial warnings, was inattentive to safety and made bad decisions during the cementing of the well a mile beneath the Gulf of Mexico.

Eleven rig workers were killed in the April 2010 explosion, and some 200 million gallons of crude spewed from the bottom of the sea.

The investigation was conducted by a team from the two main agencies responsible for drilling and safety in federal waters: the Coast Guard and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Regulation and Enforcement.

In the report, other companies shared some of the blame. Rig owner Transocean was accused of being deficient in preventing or limiting the disaster, in part by bypassing alarms and automatic shutdown systems. Halliburton, the contractor responsible for mixing and testing the cement, was faulted as well.

But BP, as the designated operator of the Macondo well, “was ultimately responsible for conducting operations at Macondo in a way that ensured the safety and protection of personnel, equipment, natural resources and the environment,” the panel concluded.

The report identifies many of the same causes and faulty decisions found by previous investigations, including those conducted by a presidential commission,

congressional committees and the companies themselves. But some of those earlier investigations spread the blame more evenly.

The new report also marks the first time an investigative body looking into the spill has identified specific violations of federal regulations by BP and its contractors.

The findings will be used to shape reforms in offshore drilling safety and regulation. They will also be used by lawyers for victims involved in court battles over the oil spill, and by government agencies considering charges and penalties.

“It is only a question of time before BP — along with Transocean and Halliburton — will face criminal charges for their roles in the Gulf oil spill,” said David Uhlmann, a University of Michigan law professor who formerly led the Justice Department’s environmental crimes section.

The Justice Department hasn’t commented on where its probe stands.

Congressional leaders immediately scheduled hearings to discuss the findings, BP responded to the report by saying it is time for “other parties to

acknowledge their roles in the accident and make changes to help prevent similar accidents in the future.” Transocean said it takes exception to any criticism of its drill crew. Halliburton did not comment.

In the report, the primary cause of the disaster was identified — again — as the failure of the cement seal in the well. While it was Halliburton’s job to mix and test the cement, BP had the final word and made a series of decisions that saved money but increased risk and may have contributed to the cement’s failure, the panel said.

The report said BP, and in some cases its contractors, violated seven federal regulations at the time of the disaster.

The violations include failure to take necessary precautions to keep the well under control at all times, and failure to securely cement the well and maintain the blowout preventer. Cement is used as a barrier in wells to keep the highly pressurized oil and gas bottled up.

This report is likely to carry more weight in Congress than the other investigations. Republican lawmakers had said they were unwilling to adopt reforms until the federal investigation was complete.

Report: BP ultimately responsible in Gulf spill

DiNa Cappiello &harry r. Weber

The Associated Press

the sentinel OF an enlightened student bOdy sinCe 1926page 4 - Friday, september 16, 2011

The Southern University football team has been a popular topic on campus all week, ending a seven-game losing streak with last week’s 21-6 win over Alabama A&M in the Jaguars’ home and Southwestern Athletic Conference opener.

Now, the Jaguars (1-1, 1-0 SWAC) prepare for a Saturday showdown against rival Jackson State at A.W. Mumford Stadium, looking to place another tally in the win column while getting revenge from last year’s loss to the Tigers (2-0, 0-0 SWAC).

“No matter what our record is coming into the game we always look forward to playing Jackson State, especially with the bitter taste they left in our mouth last year,” said SU quarterback Dray Joseph, the conference’s reigning offensive player of the week.

The NCAA hit both programs with a postseason ban because of low APR scores, which were released earlier this year.

The SWAC barred the two teams from December’s SWAC Championship game, despite the NCAA stating that the game is not considered a postseason contest.

Wide receiver LaQuinton Evans, who posted a four-catch, 102-yard outing against AAMU, said a win against JSU is important regardless of the situation.

“We can’t go to the champion-ship, so fi gure that we have to spoil everybody in the SWAC,” Evans said. “We can’t lose. We got to protect our house.”

Although the Jaguars were voted least favorite to win the Western Division, Southern head coach Stump Mitchell declared Saturday the SWAC championship, encouraging fans to come out and show support.

“This really is a SWAC championship as far I’m concerned,” said Mitchell. “You’re probably looking at two of the best teams in the SWAC that won’t have at this particular point in time a chance to play in the championship.”

Jackson State head coach

Rick Comegy said that playing football and winning football games are more valuable for his players than using the situation as motivation.

“We don’t use it at all,” Comegy said. “I think being as good as we can be is more motivational.”

Comegy said he does not the Southern team that lost to Tennessee State two weeks ago to show up, especially after last

season’s 49-45 shootout loss.“We dodged a bullet last year,”

Comegy said. “They’re going to be confi dent that they can come out and get this win. “It’s a game that you want to chalk up on your side.”

The Tigers return 2010 SWAC offensive player of the year, senior quarterback Casey Therriault.

Therriault, who threw for 317

yards and fi ve touchdowns in last year’s shootout and shattered several of JSU’s passing records, is a talent that is tough to bring down, according to defensive coordinator O’Neil Gilbert.

“The thing I like about Casey is that he’s mobile and tough,” Gilbert said. “He’s very, very athletic and with a strong arm. He’s one of the top quarterbacks in my opinion.”

Friday, SePtember 16, 2011 - Page 5the Sentinel OF an enlightened Student bOdy SinCe 1926

Southern linebackers Jamie Payton (56) and Anthony Balancier (49) corral Alabama A&M Kadarius Lacey short of a first down during last week’s Jaguar win. The Jags take on archrival Jackson State Saturday.


MoRRis dillaRdThe Southern Digest

Jaguars, Tigers set for grudge match

SAN FRANCISCO —Netflix’s decision to raise prices by as much as 60 percent is turning into a horror show.

The customer backlash against the higher rates, kicking in this month, has been much harsher than Netflix Inc. anticipated. That prompted management to predict Thursday that the company -the largest U.S. video subscription service- will end September with 600,000 fewer U.S. customers than it had in June.

It will mark just the second time in 12 years that Netflix has lost subscribers from one quarter to the next. The last downturn occurred during 2007 when Netflix lost a mere 55,000 from March through June.

The current hemorrhaging exacerbated fears that Netflix is losing the magic touch that increased its stock 10-fold in the three years leading up to the company’s July 12 announcement about its higher prices.

Since then, Netflix has turned into Wall Street’s equivalent of a box-office flop. Its shares plunged $39.46, or about 19 percent, to close at $169.25 on Thursday, leaving Netflix’s stock price more than 40 percent below where it stood before the company unveiled the higher prices. The cost to shareholders so far: more than $6 billion in paper losses.

It could get uglier if the worst-case scenarios play out. Netflix suffered another setback earlier this month when Starz Entertainment ended talks to renew the licensing rights to a key part of Netflix’s video library for streaming over the Internet. The fallout from that decision will hit in March when Netflix will no longer be able to stream the popular mix of recently released movies and TV shows that it got from Starz, raising the specter of another onslaught of customer defections.

“Netflix isn’t looking like it’s as good a deal because their prices are getting higher and their content isn’t getting any better,” said Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter, who thinks the company’s shares could fall as low as $110. “It’s like they have taken the beef away from the buffet.”

The customer exodus still hasn’t convinced Netflix to reverse its course and lower its prices as it did in 2007 when it was engaged in a cut-throat battle with Blockbuster Inc. In announcing its lowered subscriber forecasts Thursday, Netflix emphasized it consider its new prices to be “the right long-term strategic choice.”

The new pricing structure was driven by Netflix’s desire to build up its service that streams video over high-speed Internet connections, even at the risk of hurting the DVD-by-mail rentals that used to be its main business.

With Jay-Z and Kanye West’s “Otis” still holding the lead amongst sampler listeners, sampling may never die out amongst music listeners.

Sorry Auto-Tune, with my deepest sympathy.

Hip-Hop producers, such as West, Dr. Dre and Swizz Beatz are well known for sampling previously recorded songs and putting their own twist to them. Sampling is a process of making a beat more vivid but keeping the classic beat alive for the upcoming generations to hear and learn from.

I guess hip-hop producers are fond of the phrase “if it ain’t broke, then don’t fix it … just tweak it a lil’.” Sampled beats are easily recognizable, especially if the sampled song was a huge hit on singles charts back in the day.

However, if you are having problems with answering the most common question amongst beat heads —“Where did I hear that from?” — there is a good reference site that can help you with finding an answer. is a website database that is dedicated to exploring music that has been sampled by one artist or several artists. So far, the database is

loaded with 110,000 songs and 42,000 artists, leaving hip-hop with the crown of sampling.

According to the site, Dr. Dre has 1,124 samples discovered and uploaded while Kanye has 584 uploaded by users. Artists who also used sampled beats are also plugged into the site. For instance, Jay-Z has 722 Samples and Lil’ Wayne is up and coming with 364 samples, all discovered by beat lovers and music lovers worldwide.

When searching through the database, internet surfers can type in the song

they believe is sampled and instantly the sampled video along

with the original will come up side by side, which is

great for comparing and critiquing. Once an account is created, users

could also create a profile, engage in various discussions about familiar tunes and upload newly discovered samples onto the site once approved. So far, who has 30,000 likes from Facebook users.

So, the next time you hear a familiar beat and don’t know the exact name of the song sampled, or if you know a song that was sampled and honestly believe no one in the world but you recognized it, visit the site, check it out and get lost with other music lovers in understanding the DNA of music.

CulturePage 6 - Friday, SePtember 16, 2011 the Sentinel OF an enlightened Student bOdy SinCe 1926

Billy WashingtonThe Southern Digest a beathead’s best friend

Higher Netflix prices equals fewer subscribers

Michael liedtkeThe Associated Press

“The ultimate test of man’s conscience may be his willingness to sacrifice something today for future generations whose words of thanks will not be heard.” — Gaylord Nelson, principal founder of Earth Day, former Gov. of Wisconsin and U.S. Senator (1916-2005)

Sometimes you have to sacrifice your personal wants and desires for the prosperity and success of the future. What you do now will lay the foundation for your children and their children will do in the future. What people did before us set the foundation and vision for our lives.We may not be here when the generation alphabet starts over but, we should hope that we have left the best of us for those generations as examples and inspirations.

Can you think of where you would be if you didn’t have an inspiration or motivation?

Who would President Obama be without the inspiration of other presidents like John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln?

Inspiration of others leads us to think of our best ideas, work through our best plans and continue on our path. Vision without action is merely just a thought and action without vision is irrational.

Can you think what the Civil Rights Movement would have been like without Rosa Parks, The Montgomery Bus Boycott, The Greensboro Four, The Little Rock Nine?

Standing against the only mode of transportation at the time, sitting at a lunch counter where no one wanted you and refused to serve you and being the first African-Americans to

enter a predominately and historically European American Central High wasn’t easy. Without these parts of the movement grassroots organizations and individuals would have not been able to stand in front of the cops and society that outnumbered them.

We need to take history and put it into the context of our lives in the present. We must learn from the past to promote progression today that will prevent stagnation in the future.

We have to remember the few things that will outlive all of us: our words, our reputations, and our legacies, and our world.

Our words make up how others perceive us. The way we talk and carry on a conversation says more than whether you have home training but, also it speaks from your heart and spirit. We need to be careful with our words because, once they are mumbled, said, screamed, and expressed they are never forgotten. Kind or evil words will stick with a person and they will dwell on them.

Our reputations leave a lasting impression. Our reputations will make or break us; our families, our

associates, and our future generations. Reputations may not be who you are but it is what or who society thinks you are. If society thinks you are a thorn in its side it will cast you out as if you are one.

Our legacies dictate the possibilities in the future. If a parent was willing to fight for their children, those same children will be willing to fight on behalf of their children. Legacy is important for historical and present context. You can’t know where you are going if you don’t know where you have been.

Our world. The world we live on was here before we were born and will be here when we become part of it. We have altered it through our practices and we have tested to see how we can help but, ultimately if we fail to protect our natural resources they will not be here after we are gone and the next generations of humanity will not have the opportunities we have had.

Your latter should be greater than your past. Someone once told me that Generation Y would be the first generation to do worse than their preceding generation. That’s a first in the Guinness Book of World Records we do not want.

“Sometimes a kind word is uttered in voice you can not hear, in a place you can not see, in the mind of person who you don’t know. That kind word is placed on your heart and spirit will lead to the kindness and joy of others. A kind and joyful hearted person thinks not only of themselves but, also of those around them and after.” —Evan Taylor, Southern Digest Editor-in-Chief 2011-2012

I am a little confused about something, didn’t the faculty agree like a week ago to taking a furlough? If so, why does The Advocate have a story stating that some of the faculty wanted to withdraw their contracts now?

Um, we didn’t magically come across the money we needed for you to take back your furlough agreements, so why on earth are you trying to renege?

Really? Renegers.I say at this point for the betterment

of the university there is no “takesies-backsies!” I mean, seriously, who does that?

Did you know that with these furloughs the university saved roughly $1.6 million? Also it helped to keep a lot of people’s jobs (mainly staff) that would have otherwise lost them without the added savings. I understand no one wants to get paid less for doing more work, but I figured as shepherds of higher education you would be able to understand that for the good of the many a few will have to sacrifice for a better tomorrow.

It’s not fair for the faculty to have to take a cut however you are not the only ones who have been cut. The staff of this university has had to take cuts (involuntarily mind you) for two-and-a-half years. They don’t all make as much the faculty. I know, for a fact, that two of them don’t and they do plenty more in one day than most deans do in a

week. Taking this furlough would help them keep their jobs and support their families.

Yeah, I know you don’t trust that administration will do right by SUBR and take a hit along with everyone … neither do I. However, at this point are you really going to let something like that essentially ruin our university?

I’m not going to call it petty because its not, it’s a very honorable reason however there is no honor in letting your pride take the front seat and dictate the future of others. I think at this point we can all agree that something has to be done and followed through!

That means we can’t make a decision to do something and then decide after a vote that well we don’t really want to do this anymore. It not only gives the perception that you (and when I

say you I mean those faculty members that are renegers) only care about your paychecks and that you are indecisive about crucial issues.

Also it gives others ammunition against us when its all over the newspapers.

While I’m on the subject of newspapers, stop running to The Advocate every time there is a disagreement! The Advocate rarely ever runs anything positive and if they do it’s at the butt-crack of the newspaper where you can barely read it.

I’m saying that because I am sick and tired of all of Jordan Blum’s clips being about something negative that happened at Southern. I mean you would think after so many years we would learn to handle things in house, but that takes adults being adults and using their words to solve issues at home.

But I digress.Bottom line is I understand where

you (the faculty) are coming from not wanting to be cut and the big boys upstairs not taking lick with everyone else, but my question is this: Do you care enough about Southern to give up something or is that too much to ask for?

Now is not the time to be short-sighted with only your well-beings, you by yourself do not make up Southern University there are many others who do. We all depend on one another exist like a family, so let’s act like one.

nOrman J. dOtSOn Jr.

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Friday, SePtember 16, 2011 - Page 7

COmmentarythe Sentinel OF an enlightened Student bOdy SinCe 1926

evan taylOr

Ain’t no ‘takesies-backsies’ where I’m from

The latter should be greater

the Sentinel OF an enlightened Student bOdy SinCe 1926Page 8 - Friday, SePtember 16, 2011