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The Journal: November 8, 2017

The meeting of the 701h Student Senate was called to order at 7:37 Student Senate President Peter Singhal.

Senator Alvarez led the Senate in the Pledge of Allegiance.

MEMBERS PRESENT (First Roll Call): Senators Acevedo, Alvarez, Angel, Aparicio, Arthmann, Bolton, Bousbar, Brown, Correa, Dawkins, Denton, Ellis, Gavin, Gonzalez, Iniguez, Jackson, M. Joseph, Knight-Baker, Maglaqui, McQuillan, Ouellette, Paz, Pinango, Poole, Powell, Rapee, Reiter, Robertson, D. Rodriguez, 0 . Rodriguez, Schulster, Spear, Steinberg, Touma, Wright.

MEMBERS ABSENT (First Roll Call): Senators Al-Awady, Pimentel, Steele, Trinchetto.

MEMBERS TARDY/LATE (First Roll Call): Senator Villegas (7:40).

Moment of Silent Reflection:

Corrections: None.

Student Comments: Cea Moline spoke in support of Students for Justice in Palestine and said that she wants to make sure they can secure funding for speakers on feminism and nationalism. Katherine Draken told the Senate that she supports Students for Justice in Palestine for educating students and bringing great speakers.

Special Introductions and Announcements: Amy Hecht, Vice President for Student Affairs, told the Senate that she wants to hear from students concerning the Board of Trustees Interim regulation , She indicated that the regu lation updated language and policy to FSU practice. She said FSU has had controversial speakers in the past, both liberal and conservative, and as long as there is enough space to house that speaker they will be able to speak at FSU. She said make sure organizations are bringing speakers and provide feedback. Robyn Jackson, General Counsel Office, told the Senate that they are interested in student feedback during this open comment section prior to the January Board of Trustees meeting and she would like to know if you have feedback before the meeting takes place. Please email her at

Messages from the Executive Branch: Kyle Hill, Student Body President, told the Senate that past events has left him heart broken and he stands with President Thrasher in his indefinite interim suspension of social fraternities and sororities and van on alcohol at RSO events. He said his heart goes out to the Coffey family. He said he thinks the President is sincere when he said he wants to create a new culture and for FSU to be the leaders who they really are. He said the Homecoming theme is fitting: Spirit of Unity, and we need to come together as Seminoles, and be that change, because it is up to us to define how long the suspension lasts. He asked the Senate to be neutral regarding the context of a speaker, even though you might not agree with the speaker, it is your duty to uphold the constitution rigidly.

Messages from Agency and Bureau Directors, SGA Organizations Officers and Employees: Erika Rivera, Homecoming Overall Director, told the Senate that all FSU students are welcome

as individuals or as part of an organization to participate in Homecoming. She said it is a time for all students, staff and alumni to come together in celebration. Candace Tavares, Director of Pride Student Union, told the Senate the Pride works to serve the LGBTQ+ community. She said that their month has ended and it was the best one ever. She informed the Senate that Pride has been invited to a conference and asked to present at the conference. She asked the Senate to allow them to bring more than four students since this is a huge conference with 20 workshops. She also mentioned that they are the oldest and best pride organization in Florida and the southeast. She announced that they are observing Trans Awareness Day on Monday, November 20, at the Globe. SCURC announced that they have a publication every year and they provide travel grants for students to go and present research at conferences.

Messages from the Executive Cabinet: Sam Pyle, Secretary of Internal Affairs, told the Senate that he is the liaison between Senate and the Executive Branch. He announced that he will be meeting with the Deans on campus about the academic policy and he would like feedback from the students concerning this. Madeline Holzmann announced that movie night will take place at the Challenger Center on Sunday at 4 p.m. The move Thor will be showing.

Messages from the Class Councils: None.

Messages from the Congress of Graduate Students: None.

Messages from the Union Board and Soar Board: None.

Messages from the Judicial Branch: None.

Messages from the Campus Recreation Board: None.

Report of the SGA Accounting Office: As of November 8, 2017 Senate Projects has $25,900.00. RTAC has a balance of $49,215. PAC has a balance of $51,081.00.

Report of Committees: There was a motion to movie into committee caucus to elect chairs, vice chairs and members of the Sweepings Committee. The motion passed.

Student Affairs -

Budget -

Internal Affairs -

Finance -

The committee elected Senator Steinberg as Chair and Senator Touma as Vice Chair. Senators Joseph and Arthmann were elected for the Sweepings Committee. Meeting time TBA.

The committee elected Senator Dawkins as Chair and Senator Jackson as Vice Chair. Senators Knight-Baker and Rapee were elected for the Sweepings committee. Meeting time TBA.

The committee elected Senator Ellis as Chair and Senator Acevedo as Vice Chair. Senators Alvarez and Powell were elected for the Sweepings Committee. Meeting time TBA.

The committee elected Senator Poole as Chair and Senator Robertson as Vice Chair. Senators Gonzalez and Wright were elected for the Sweepings Committee. Meeting times are Tuesdays at 8:30 p.m. Room TBA. There was a motion to go into Finance of the Whole for Consent Resolution 3. The Senate debated and passed Consent Resolution 3 by a vote of yes-24,

no-10, ab-4. There was a motion by Senator Knight-Baker to accept the decision of the Committee as the decision of the Senate; Senator Bolton seconded, the motion passed.

Judiciary - The committee elected Senator Reiter as Chair and Senator Villegas as Vice Chair. Senators Bousbar and McQuillan were elected for the Sweepings Committee

Rules & Calendar - There was a motion to go into Rules and Calendar of the '(Vhole to interview Senators that were forwarded by the Executive, the motion passed and the committee interviewed and passed the following: Morgan Dobbins for A&S Seat 1 (yes-29, no-4, ab-0); Clarissa Bradfield for Business Seat 4 (yes-32, no-1, ab-0); Carlton DiSalvo for Undergraduate Studies Seat 3 (yes-33, no-Om ab-1 ); Alexa Isaac for Undergraduate Studies Seat 7, (yes-32, no-2, ab-0); David Higgins for Undergraduate Studies Seat 9 (yes-34, no-1, ab-0); Chad Shillito for Undergraduate Studies Seat 11 (yes-33, no-1, ab-0); Vanessa Gomez for Undergraduate Studies Seat 13 (yes-30, no-4, ab-0); Preston Mizell for Undergraduate Studies Seat 15 (yes-31 ,no-3, ab-0); and Kelvin Ready for Undergraduate Studies Seat 17 (yes-33, no-0, ab-0). There was a motion to move out of committee by Senator Bolton. The motion passed. There was a motion to accept the decision of the committee as the decision of the Senate, the motion passed.

Senate Confirmations: Morgan Dobbins for A&S Seat 1; Clarissa Bradfield for Business Seat 4; Carlton DiSalvo for Undergraduate Studies Seat 3; Alexa Isaac for Undergraduate Studies Seat 7; David Higgins for Undergraduate Studies Seat 9; Chad Shillito for Undergraduate Studies Seat 11 ; Vanessa Gomez for Undergraduate Studies Seat 13; Preston Mizell for Undergraduate Studies Seat 15; Kelvin Ready for Undergraduate Studies Seat 17; Amryss Clark for Legislative Aide to Senator Ellis; Linnea Blackmore for Legislative Aide to Senator Robertson; Karina Estrada for Legislative Aide to Senator Bolton; and Sara Luepschen as Legislative Aide to Senator 0. Rodriguez.

Consent Calendar:

Resolution 3 - Sponsored by Senator Schulster. PAC requests for Students for Justice in Palestine ($800 for a speaker). PASSED IN FINANCE OF THE WHOLE AND SENATE. YES-24, N0-10, AB-4. (Motion by Senator Knight-Baker to accept the decision of Finance as the decision of the Senate; seconded by Senator Bolton. Motion passed)

Bills First Reading:

Bill 2 - Sponsored by Senators Dawkins and Wright. An allocation of $500 from Senate Projects to The Academic Center for Excellence. Purpose: to purchase food for students during finals week fall 2017. REFERRED TO BUDGET.

Bill 3 - Sponsored by Senators Trinchetto, Angel and Rodriguez. An allocation of $1,000 from Senate Projects to The Center for Leadership and Social Change. Purpose: to pay

for food for the Cultural Graduation to be held on Thursday, December 14, from 6-8:30 p.m. in the Union Ballrooms. REFERRED TO BUDGET.

Bills Second Reading:

Bill 1 - Sponsored by Senators Steinberg and Dawkins. A revision to the Student Body Statutes Chapter 615. Purpose: to clarify and improve the timeline of events regarding Homecoming and Pow Wow. PASSED YES-36, N0-0, AB-1 (Motion by Senator Villegas to go into Judiciary Committee of the Whole, motion passed. Motion by Senator Bailey to accept the committee's decision as the decision of the Senate passed).

Constitutional Amendments: None.


Resolution 1 -

Resolution 2 -

Resolution 3 -

Unfinished Business: None.

New Business: None.

Sponsored by Senator Alvarez. Subject: Asking SGA to set aside resources for advocacy for FSU students to declare candidacy, campaign, and run for elected positions in SGA and to appoint deputies to the Office of the Supervisor of Elections. REFERRED TO STUDENT AFFAIRS AND JUDICIARY.

Sponsored by Senator Angel. Subject: Giving permission to the Pride Student Union to take more than four ( 4) students to the Creating Change Conference in Washington, D.C., on January 24-28, 2018. REFERRED TO STUDENT AFFAIRS AND BUDGET. .

Sponsored by Senator Angel. Subject: Asking Senators to attend a workshop to learn more about leadership, identities and perspectives. REFERRED TO STUDENT AFFAIRS AND RULES AND CALENDAR.

Closing Announcements: Senator Jackson gave a shout-out to the veterans. He thanked the Budget committee for electing him as vice chair. Senator Bradfield announced that the Green Dot focus group will meet on Wednesday, November 15 at the Health and Wellness Center and she needs 15 students present to meet. Senator McQuillan congratulated all the new chairs and vice chairs. He announced that there will be a Green Dot meeting on Sunday, November 19. Senator Bolton told the Senate that J.R. Harding can meet with anyone who wants to talk about students with disabilities at FSU. Senator Touma announced that they have a Women's Caucus to make sure women are included in events and this caucus is open to everyone. She said there will be a casual event tomorrow in the Bridge Lounge to help students apply for Senate. Senator Schulster asked Senate to please attend events that are funded by the Senate. He said he is not mad or upset that Senate funded this SJP and we need to adhere to values and not feel bullied. Senator Steinberg told the Senate that OGA lobbies on behalf of the students at FSU and they are currently working on the legislative agenda for 2018 school year. Senator Ellis

congratulated the new chairs and vice chairs and told the Senators to hug someone tonight before they Senate. Senator Reiter encouraged the Senators to go to committee meetings that are not your own. Daniel McBurney congratulated the newly elected chairs and vice chairs. Danielle Morgan Acosta introduced herself to the Senate and invited them to come to her office. She told the Senate that there are numerous events taking place and a lot of money goes to fund Homecoming. She told the Senate that the away game with Clemson will be shown in the ballrooms. She also told the Senate that the Black Student Union does plenty of events and the preview of their new house is next week. She urged the Senators to get some sleep and take care of themselves. Pro Tempore Maglaqui announced that he is attending a conference in North Carolina where he is representing FSU. Senate President Singhal told the Senate that FSU needs a new normal for Greek life and students have the ability to create a new normal to make sure that a tragedy like the death of student never happens again. He congratulated the new Senators and the new committee chair and vice chairs. He urged the Senate to attend the Women's Caucus tomorrow. He also asked anyone if they want to be on an ad hoc committee, to run an efficient Market Wednesday, to please see him.

Final Roll Call: Present: Senators Alvarez, Aparicio, Arthmann, Bolton, Bousbar, Bradfield, Correa, DiSalvo, Dobbins, Ellis, Gomez, Gonzalez, Higgins, Iniguez, Isaac, Jackson, M. Joseph, Knight-Baker, Maglaqui, McQuillan, Mizell , Ouellette, Powell , Rapee, Ready, Reiter, Robertson, D. Rodriguez, 0. Rodriguez, Schulster, Shillito, Spear, Steinberg, Touma, Villegas, Wright. Absent: Senators: Acevedo, Al-Awady, Angel , Brown, Dawkins, Denton, Gavin, Paz, Pimentel, Pinango, Steele, Trinchetto.

The meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m.

Student Senate President

Student Senate Program Assistant