The Shutter Bug Quiz

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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The Shutter Bug Quiz

Question and Answer

What metal compound flows inside the ‘Wolverine’?

What is the name of the trailer in this classic adventure movie of 2000?

How many Oscars did this all time great director won?

How much money did Peter Parker have in his pocket while he asks Mary Jane for a cheese burger?

Write the tag line and name of the character of this original 1951 movie?

Who currently owns DreamWorks and who were its original founders?

Name this movie and the Oscar winning character?

How many stars did this logo originally start with and why?

Name the middle name of this real life character, used just once in the film?

Which island is named in the first series of the Pirates movie is a part of Haiti?

You can mail me at for the correct entries.