The smarter, faster guide to Microsoft Word 2010 Settings

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© 2011-2012 Jacq Connect LLC, Maumee OH 43537. All rights reserved.

Microsoft product screen shots reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation.

The smarter, faster guide to Microsoft Word 2010 Settings Welcome to Word 2010!! ..................................................... 1 Understanding the Elements of the Word 2010 Window ............... 2 The File Tab in Word 2010 ................................................... 3 The Quick Access Toolbar .................................................... 8 The Title Bar ................................................................... 8 A Word about the Mini Toolbar ............................................. 8 The Word 2010 Primary Ribbons ............................................ 9 The Word 2010 Window Continued… ...................................... 10

Minimize-Maximize-Close Buttons, the Help Button, and the Ribbon Minimizer .............................................. 10 Scrollbars ............................................................ 10 The Status Bar ...................................................... 11

Setting Options in Word 2010 .............................................. 12 Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar ................................... 21 AutoSave and AutoRecover ................................................. 22 The Word 2010 Primary Ribbons ........................................... 23

The Home Ribbon ................................................... 23 The Insert Ribbon ................................................... 23 The Page Layout Ribbon ........................................... 23 The References Ribbon ............................................ 23 The Mailings Ribbon ................................................ 23 The Review Ribbon ................................................. 24 The View Ribbon .................................................... 24

Keyboard Shortcuts for Word 2010 ........................................ 25 Questions for the Instructor ................................................ 26

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January 10, 2012 Page 1

Welcome to Word 2010!!



Quick Access Toolbar

Title Bar Ribbon


Application Minimize, Maximize and Close


Ribbon Minimize Caret

Ribbon Menu



Vertical Scrollbar

Horizontal Scrollbar (only seen at higher

zoom levels)

View Zoom Status Bar


Help Button

Tab Tool

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January 10, 2012 Page 2

Understanding the Elements of the Word 2010 Window

To begin, let’s take a look at the Word 2010 main window, one section at a time:

Note: There is a possibility that your screen may not look exactly like my picture above. This is because in Word 2010, how a window is displayed will depend on the size of your monitor and the resolution to which it is set.

A lower resolution (i.e. 800 x 600) will result in less information being displayed on your screen, but the size of your text and images will be larger.

A higher resolution (i.e. 1280 x 800) will result in more information being displayed on your screen, but the size of your text and images will be smaller.

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The File Tab in Word 2010

The File Tab replaces the Office Button in Word 2007 and introduces you to the Backstage View of Word 2010.

Microsoft describes the Backstage view as “everything you do to a file that you don’t do in the file.” Basically, the Backstage view hides the document that you are currently working on and presents a page with a menu of activities related to the hidden file.

1. The following commands are now tabs running vertically along the left side of the Word window but they function the same as they did in previous Word versions: |Save| and

|Save As| ([Ctrl+S]), |Open| ([Ctrl+O]), |Close| ( x), and |New| ([Ctrl+N]).

2. If you have just created a document and have not named it and you click on |Save|, Word will take you to the Save As dialog box where you can select your desired file format in the Save As options box.

Your work can be saved as a Word document, a Word Template, or a Word 97-2003 document.

3. The |Info| tab is a new feature in Word 2010.

Here you can see the properties of your document, set permissions (decide who can edit your document),convert a document into the Word 2010 format, prepare the document for sharing, and see previous versions of the document.

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4. Instead of automatically showing you a list of your most recently used files as in Word 2007, Word 2010 provides you with a new option called |Recent|.

Recent will provide you with a list of recent documents and a list of recent folders you have opened.

In the Display section of Word Options, you can set how many recent documents and folders Word will display for you.

You can select up to 50 recent documents, but be careful!! Listing that many documents can become unwieldy and will ultimately defeat the purpose of this useful shortcut.

At the bottom of the Recent window, you have the option of choosing to Quickly access this number of Recent Documents:

By selecting this option and setting a number here, the number of recent documents you selected will always be immediately available to you along the left pane of the recent window.

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5. The Pushpin is not only still around but it has been expanded to include recent opened folders!!

The pushpin option is available under the |Recent| tab.

If you “push” a pushpin (click on it), the selected document or folder will stay in the recently used file list until you unpin it.

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6. |Print| not only allows you to print, it also allows you to change your print options right on the same page.

Here you can change your printer, page orientation, paper size, margins, what part of your document or document you would like printed and more.

You are also able to preview your document here. The preview will be displayed on the right side of the window.

This will show you what your document will look like printed.

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7. Doesn’t it drive you crazy when you go to attach a document to an email but you can’t remember whether you saved it first??

The new |Save & Send| feature removes all doubt by saving the document before attaching it to your email!!

You can send a copy of your document either as an email or an internet fax.

8. |Help| allows you to access the Word help menu.

9. |Options| is an item we will explore in depth next.

10. |Exit| closes the Word application.

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The Quick Access Toolbar

Word 2010 has a handy little feature called the Quick Access Toolbar. This little gem is your friend, your life-saver, the maintainer-of-your-sanity while you are working with Word.

1. The Quick Access Toolbar is used to store shortcuts to frequently used features in Word 2010.

Although the ribbons in Word 2010 are customizable, the Quick Access Toolbar is still extremely useful and it can be a real time saver.

2. Whenever you try to find a command in a ribbon and can’t find it easily, put that command in your and end the cycle of wasting time looking for that ever elusive [Quick Print] button.

Later I’ll show you how to use the drop down arrow to customize this toolbar and put on it all the buttons you use often.

3. You have your choice of showing the Quick Access Toolbar above or below the ribbon.

The Title Bar

The Title Bar is located next to the Quick Access Toolbar.

Here Word displays the name of the current, active document.

Until you have saved your document and given it a specific name, Word will title it Document1.docx – Microsoft Word.

A Word about the Mini Toolbar

When you right-click on a word, not only do you see the options menu; you also see a toolbar called the Mini Toolbar.

The Mini toolbar helps you work with fonts, font styles, font sizing, alignment, text color, fill color, and numbering features.

To use it, just click on the command you wish to use.

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The Word 2010 Primary Ribbons

Microsoft Word 2010 has the same user interface (i.e. ribbons) that was introduced in Word 2007.

Located on the ribbons are tabs, buttons, command categories, dialog box launchers, and dropdown arrows.

1. According to Microsoft, “The commands in Word 2010 are in their optimal position.” That doesn’t mean they are easy to find!!

The key to keeping sane while deciphering the Word ribbons is to start from the bottom of a ribbon and read up.

The category names are at the bottom of each ribbon.

For example, the categories on the Word 2010 |Home| ribbon are: Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Styles, and Editing.

2. Each Ribbon tab displays a different contextual ribbon containing groups of commands or functions.

To view complete dialog boxes for those groups, click on the diagonal arrow dialog box launcher located in the lower right-hand corner of the individual category boxes.

3. If you do not know what a button means, put your cursor over it. You will get an explanation of what it does as well as a tool tip.



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The Word 2010 Window Continued…

Minimize-Maximize-Close Buttons, the Help Button, and the Ribbon Minimizer

1. The minimize-maximize-close buttons are located in the top right corner of the document.

You may have only one document open at a time in a Word application.

2. The Help button is also located in this corner of the document.

Selecting it will bring up the Microsoft Office Help dialogue box and you can ask a question or search for a topic relating to your issue.

3. You may minimize the Word ribbon by clicking on the caret (^).

Clicking here will remove the ribbon and leave only the tabs.


The scroll bars take you to different areas of your document, vertically and horizontally.

You can use the arrows, click and drag on the scroll bar, or click above and below the scrollbar.

Vertical Scrollbar

Horizontal Scrollbar

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The Status Bar

1. The Status Bar is located at the bottom of your Word window and it can display information such as your current page number, how many words are in your document, and whether the spell check function is active.

2. You can change what displays on the status bar by right-clicking on the bar and selecting the options you want from the Customize Status Bar menu.

Click a menu item to select it and click it again to deselect it.

A check mark next to an item means it is selected.

3. The Zoom feature can be activated or deactivated through the Customize Status Bar menu.

4. There is an easy access zoom scrollbar located on the status bar, in the lower right hand corner of the screen.

5. To the left of the easy access zoom scrollbar are icons for the different document view options.

There are five view choices, only one of which I find useful: Normal Layout, Web Layout, Outline Layout, Reading Layout, and Print Layout.

a. Normal Layout shows your text, but not where it is on the page.

b. Web Layout presents your document as if it were a website.

c. Outline puts your document in outline format, although this is not how it will print.

d. Reading Layout view formats your screen to make reading your document more comfortable.

e. Print Layout view displays your document as itwill look when printed and allows you to see the margin areas.

My suggestion is to stick with the Print Layout view.

You may have only one file open in the application.

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January 10, 2012 Page 12

Setting Options in Word 2010

Microsoft Word 2010 has many options that can be set to your personal preferences. However, there are a few options that are recommended for the smooth operation of Word:

1. To access the Word 2010 options menu:

Click on the |File| tab

Go to the |Options| button, located along the left side of the window.

This is where you control how Word 2010 works for you.

2. For time’s sake, I will just do snapshots of suggestions of how you should set your options.

Some are optional, based on how you like to work (some people love having the mini toolbar come up when they highlight something, but others hate it).

The optional features will be outlined.

3. Important, don’t-forget-to-check-this features are starred.

4. Since the Quick Access Toolbar is so important, it will be discussed in the next section.

5. Add-Ins and Trust Center – We won’t discuss these because they are advanced features that you’ll probably never use.

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6. Add-Ins and Trust Center – We won’t discuss these because they are advanced features that you’ll probably never use.

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Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar

Since you’ve already learned a bit about this nifty little guy, let me tell you how to customize it:

1. Click on the down arrow at the end of the Quick Access Toolbar to open the dropdown menu.

2. Select the command(s) you would like on your Quick Access Toolbar.

The commands you have chosen will have a check next to them.

3. Choose More Commands… to add commands that are not listed in this dropdown.




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AutoSave and AutoRecover

1. Your program state is automatically saved In Microsoft Word 2010. However, there is an additional benefit to enabling AutoRecover or AutoSave.

2. If you enable the AutoSave and AutoRecover options, some aspects of the state of the Word program are recovered when the program is restarted after it closes abnormally.

To enable these features, please do the following:

a. Click the |File|\tab

b. Click |Options|

c. Click [Save]

d. Select the Save AutoRecover information every x minutes check box

e. In the minutes list, specify how often you want the program to save your data and the program state

3. Tip: The amount of new information that the recovered file contains depends on how frequently a Microsoft Office program saves the recovery file.

For example, if the recovery file is saved only every 15 minutes, your recovered file won't contain your last 14 minutes of work before the power failure or other problem occurred.

Optimally, you should set your AutoRecover time for at least every 5 minutes.

If you have a powerful computer and frequent saving won’t bog it down, I would set it to save every minute.

4. Optionally, in Microsoft Word, you can change the location (specified in the AutoRecover file location box) where the program automatically saves a version of your open, active files.

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The Word 2010 Primary Ribbons

The Home Ribbon

The |Home| ribbon is the formatting toolbar of Word 2010.

The Insert Ribbon

Most insert commands have context-sensitive (contextual) ribbons that will appear based on what is selected.

The Page Layout Ribbon

The References Ribbon

The Mailings Ribbon

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The Review Ribbon

The most helpful command in this ribbon is the [Spelling] button, also known as the Spell Check tool.

The View Ribbon

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Keyboard Shortcuts for Word 2010

[Ctrl+S] = Save your document [Ctrl+Z] = Undo the last action

[Ctrl+N] = Create a new Word document [Ctrl+Y] = Redo the last action

[Ctrl+O] = Open a document [Ctrl+F] = Find an item in a document

[Ctrl+W] = Close a document [Ctrl+H] = Replace an item in a document

[Ctrl+P] = Print a document [Ctrl+G] = Go to an item in a document

[Ctrl+C] = Copy a selected item [Ctrl+B] = Bold text

[Ctrl+X] = Cut a selected item [Ctrl+I] = Italicize text

[Ctrl+V] = Paste a selected item [Ctrl+U] = Underline text

[Ctrl]+[Shift]+> = Increase font size [Ctrl]+[Shift]+<= Decrease font size

[Ctrl+A] = Select all items on a page [Shift+Enter] = insert a soft return

Click 2x = Select a word [Ctrl+Enter] = insert a new page

Click 3x = Select a paragraph [Ctrl]+[Space] = remove paragraph or

character formatting [F1]= Microsoft Word Help For more information about keyboard shortcuts in Word 2010, please visit:

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Questions for the Instructor