The social network - GPD

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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The social network - GPD


The Social Network


The World in The World in RelationshipsRelationships

A look at A look at

Modern Modern FriendshipFriendship

Key to good Key to good


Take this quiz…

1. Name the top 5 wealthiest people in the world 2010

2. Name the top 5 highest grossing movies of all time

3. Name the top 5 highest earning celebrity couples 2010

Now try this one…

1. Name a friend who have helped you through a difficult time

2. Name a person who has taught you something worthwhile

3. Name a person who have made you feel appreciated and special

The World In Relationships

What do the studies show?

The Break-Up

Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries

Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley

Britney Spears and Jason Allen Alexander

Jennifer Lopez and Cris Judd

Divorce rates in the U.S.

Decline in Friendships in the U.K

A Look at Modern Friendship

The Silent Friend

The World of Social Networking

“If Facebook were a country, it would now be the

6th most populous in the world”

Technology: Friend or Foe?

Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest billionairein history…but for this entrepreneur,success leads to both personal and legal complications.

True Story...

Why are our relationships dissatisfying in this world?

What are your thoughts?

Tragedy of material relationships

• Misdirection of love• Exploitation• Material foundation• Expectations unfulfilled • Misunderstandings• Endless

The key to good relationships

Our Soul Connection

Just imagine…

You decided to move country for an exciting new job prospect, a potential long-term relationship or another important commitment. You pick.

The move meant you would be away for a long period of time and therefore there was a lot of planning to do. You also left behind your best friend…

Just imagine…

Your friend tried to keep in touch but naturally you were too busy settling in, meeting new people and discovering how good the city life was at what felt like your ne home.

Just imagine…

After a while you begin to realise how important that relationship was. Your new relationships don’t seem to be working out the way you thought they would so you decide to get back in touch with your old friend. It’s been quite a long time now but because you were bestfriends you know it will seem natural to get back in touch.

What method of communication would you use?

Keep in mind you’re not just trying to get back in touch but re-develop your relationship.


What would the relationship be like?

For each method of communication what would be the:

•Knowledge you get of the person•Intimacy and depth of interaction•Quality of the interaction you get•Strength the r’ship develops•Cost of the interaction

Which one is the best option? Why?

With whom you associate, you become

We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are

Realise the love you receive from others comes from the Supreme Person

Keep your friends close, and your values closer

See the relationship as an opportunity to serve

Material Vs. Spiritual Relationships…

1. Security

2. Fulfilled love

3. Satisfying relationships

4. Service and tolerance

1. Misunderstandings

2. Misdirection of love

3. Failed expectations

4. Exploitation

Thank You