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ALL PUBLIC ACTS appearing in this GAZETTE are to be considered official, and obeyed as such



Appointments, Resignations, Etc............................................. 3128 Corporations and District Councils—Notices ......................... 3153 Crown Lands Act 1929—Notice ............................................. 3131 Development Act 1993—Notice ............................................. 3129 Employment Agents Registration Act 1993—Notice.............. 3128 Environment Protection Authority—Notice ............................ 3128 Fisheries Management Act 2007—Notices ............................. 3131 Liquor Licensing Act 1997—Notices...................................... 3133 Mining Act 1971—Notices ..................................................... 3134 Petroleum Act 2000—Notice .................................................. 3136 Proclamations .......................................................................... 3144 Public Trustee Office—Administration of Estates .................. 3161 REGULATIONS Liquor Licensing Act 1997 (No. 200 of 2009) .................... 3146

Nursing and Midwifery Practice Act 2008 (No. 201 of 2009)............................................................. 3147 Roads (Opening and Closing) Act 1991—Notices.................. 3139 Transport, Department of—Notice to Mariners....................... 3138 Water Mains and Sewers—Mains Laid, Replaced, Etc. .......... 3139


ALL poundkeepers’ and private advertisements forwarded for publication in the South Australian Government Gazette must be PAID FOR PRIOR TO INSERTION; and all notices, from whatever source, should be legibly written on one side of the paper only and sent to Government Publishing SA so as to be received no later than 4 p.m. on the Tuesday preceding the day of publication. Phone 8207 1045 or Fax 8207 1040. E-mail: Send as attachments in Word format and please confirm your transmission with a faxed copy of your document, including the date the notice is to be published and to whom the notice will be charged. The Government Gazette is available online at:


Department of the Premier and Cabinet

Adelaide, 9 July 2009

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned to the Motor Accident Commission Board, pursuant to the provisions of the Motor Accident Commission Act 1992: Director: (from 9 July 2009 until 30 June 2012) Ruth Anne Korotcoff

By command, MICHAEL O’BRIEN, for Premier


Department of the Premier and Cabinet

Adelaide, 9 July 2009

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned to the South Australian Superannuation Board, pursuant to the provisions of the Superannuation Act 1988: Member: (from 9 July 2009 until 8 July 2010) Hedley Raymond Bachmann Member: (from 9 July 2009 until 8 July 2012) Kevin Michael Cantley Virginia Deegan Presiding Member: (from 9 July 2009 until 8 July 2010) Hedley Raymond Bachmann

By command, MICHAEL O’BRIEN, for Premier


Department of the Premier and Cabinet

Adelaide, 9 July 2009

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned to the Board of the Royal Zoological Society of South Australia Inc., pursuant to the provisions of the Associations Incorporation Act 1985: Member: (from 9 July 2009 until 30 June 2011) Maria Toscano Rodney Mark Hobbs

By command, MICHAEL O’BRIEN, for Premier


Department of the Premier and Cabinet

Adelaide, 9 July 2009

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned to the South Australian Council on Reproductive Technology, pursuant to the provisions of the Reproductive Technology (Clinical Practices) Act 1988: Member: (from 9 July 2009 until 8 July 2010) Oswald Marino Petrucco Lisa Marie Bedson Lorna Elizabeth Hallahan Deputy Member: (from 9 July 2009 until 8 July 2010) Robert John Norman (Deputy to Petrucco) Hilary Margaret Whittle (Deputy to Bedson) Robert Percy Pollnitz (Deputy to Hallahan)

By command, MICHAEL O’BRIEN, for Premier


Department of the Premier and Cabinet

Adelaide, 9 July 2009

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint Kenneth James Martin to the office of Judge of the Supreme Court of South Australia on an auxiliary basis from 9 July 2009 to 8 July 2010, it being a condition of appointment that the powers and jurisdictions of office should only be

exercised during the time or times the actual duties are being undertaken, but at no other time throughout the period of appointment, pursuant to section 3 of the Judicial Administration (Auxiliary Appointments and Powers) Act 1988.

By command,

MICHAEL O’BRIEN, for Premier


Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 9 July 2009

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has revoked the appointment of Euan Ferguson as a Member of the South Australian Bushfire Prevention Advisory Committee made on 25 June 2009 and 2 July 2009, noting that, by virtue of the Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005, Mr Ferguson, as Chief Officer of the CFS, is an ex-officio Member of the Committee, pursuant to the Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005 and section 36 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1915.

By command,

MICHAEL O’BRIEN, for Premier


Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 9 July 2009

HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint Hieu Van Le as Governor’s Deputy of South Australia for the period from 8 a.m. on Tuesday, 14 July 2009 until 4 p.m. on Wednesday, 15 July 2009.

By command,

MICHAEL O’BRIEN, for Premier



NOTICE is hereby given that, pursuant to section 4 (1) of the Employment Agents Registration Act 1993, I, Paul Caica, Minister for Industrial Relations, hereby exempt Trace Personnel Pty Ltd trading as Trace Personnel of New South Wales (4A1/410 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills, N.S.W. 2010), Queensland (Level 6, Suite 4, 138 Albert Street, Brisbane, Qld 4000), and Victoria (Level 5, 115 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, Vic. 3000) from: • section 11 (1) of the Employment Agents Registration Act

1993, in relation to the requirement that the holder of an employment agents licence must be a resident of South Australia; and

• section 16 (1) of the Employment Agents Registration Act 1993, in relation to the requirement that the holder of a licence must not carry on the business of an employment agent except at premises registered under this section.

Dated 2 July 2009. PAUL CAICA, Minister for Industrial Relations


Accredited Licence

THE Environment Protection Authority has issued an Accredited Licence to: Licensee: Constellation Australia Limited

Premises: Sturt Highway, Glossop, S.A. 5344

Activities: 6 (11) Wineries or Distilleries

S. BEHRENDT, Delegate, Environment Protection Authority



Amendment to the Land Not Within A Council Area (Coastal Waters) Development Plan


It is necessary to amend the Land Not Within A Council Area (Coastal Waters) Development Plan dated 5 March 2009.


PURSUANT to section 29 (1) (b) of the Development Act 1993, to incorporate aquaculture policies under the Aquaculture Act 2001, I, Paul Holloway, being the Minister administering the Act, amend the Land Not Within A Council Area (Coastal Waters) Development Plan dated 5 March as follows, by:

(a) in the first paragraph on page 18, deleting the following text:

(i) ‘and CW/15.’

(b) and inserting the following replacement text:

(i) ‘CW/15, CW/16 and CW/17.’

(c) after Zones Map LNWCA(CW)/15 (page 33), inserting Zones Map LNWCA(CW)/16 and Zones Map LNWCA(CW)/17, (the contents of Attachment A).



Dated 28 June 2009. PAUL HOLLOWAY, Minister for Urban Development and Planning



TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to the Crown Lands Act 1929, I, JAY WEATHERILL, Minister for Environment and Conservation, Minister of the Crown to whom the administration of the Crown Lands Act 1929 is committed DO HEREBY:

1. Dedicate the Crown Land defined in The First Schedule as Reserves for Water Supply Purposes and declare that such land shall be under the care, control and management of the Chaffey Irrigation Trust Incorporated.

2. Dedicate the Crown Land defined in The Second Schedule as Reserves for Drainage Purposes and declare that such land shall be under the care, control and management of the Chaffey Irrigation Trust Incorporated.

The First Schedule

Sections 217, 219, 222, 229, 230, 239, 240, 241, 245, 381, 382, 392, 398, 400, 402, 403, 445, 450, 452 and 455, Allotment 101 in Deposited Plan 76584, Allotment 7 in Deposited Plan 53750, Allotments 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 in Deposited Plan 29402, Allotment 101 in Deposited Plan 68736, Allotments 100 and 101 in Deposited Plan 75239, Allotments 100, 102 and 103 in Deposited Plan 74078, Allotment 2 in Deposited Plan 73650, Allotments 202, 203 and 204 in Deposited Plan 66329, Allotment 107 in Deposited Plan 65289, Allotment 26 in Deposited Plan 70562 and Allotments 4 and 5 in Deposited Plan 68416, Chaffey Irrigation Area, County of Hamley, exclusive of all necessary roads, subject to:

1. An existing right of way and easement over portion of Allotment 7 marked A on Deposited Plan 53750 (RLG 8974001).

2. An existing easement over Allotment 101 in Deposited Plan 68736 (RLG 10331340).

3. An existing easement over Allotments 4 and 5 in Deposited Plan 68416 (RLG 10747560).

The Second Schedule

Sections 211, 212, 214, 216, 218, 221, 224, 232, 238, 242, 250, 372, 385, 399, 443, 447, 449 and 463, Allotment 101 in Deposited Plan 77112, Allotment 101 in Deposited Plan 75726, Allotment 51 in Deposited Plan 34730, Allotment 103 in Deposited Plan 74078 and Allotments 101 and 104 in Deposited Plan 75023, Chaffey Irrigation Area, County of Hamley, exclusive of all necessary roads.

Dated 9 July 2009.

JAY WEATHERILL, Minister for Environment and Conservation

DEH 11/4373


TAKE notice that pursuant to section 115 of the Fisheries Management Act 2007, the person listed in Schedule 1 (the ‘exemption holder’) of Southern Australian Seafoods Pty Ltd, P.O. Box 2516, Port Lincoln, S.A. 5607 is exempt from section 52 of the Fisheries Management Act 2007, but only insofar as he may take greenlip abalone (Haliotis laevigata) and blacklip abalone (Haliotis rubra) for the purpose of aquaculture broodstock (the ‘exempted activity’), in the waters specified in Schedule 2, subject to the conditions in Schedule 3, from 6 July 2009 until 20 September 2009, unless varied or revoked earlier.

SCHEDULE 1 Andrew Christian.

SCHEDULE 2 ‘Western Zone’—the South Australian coastal waters west of the meridian of longitude 13630E to the Western Australia border.

SCHEDULE 3 1. The exemption holder may take a maximum 150 greenlip abalone (Haliotis laevigata) and 15 blacklip abalone (Haliotis rubra) from the Western Zone Abalone Fishery for the purpose of aquaculture broodstock.

2. Broodstock must not be sourced from known Perkinsus areas.

3. Abalone taken pursuant to this exemption must not be sold or transferred to another party.

4. All abalone taken pursuant to this exemption must be delivered to and retained on the registered aquaculture site of landbased Aquaculture Licence No. FT00620.

5. The exemption holder must notify PIRSA Fisheries Compliance on 1800 065 522 at least two hours prior to con-ducting the exempted activity answer a series of questions about the exempted activity. The exemption holder will need to have a copy of the exemption notice at the time of making the call, and be able to provide information about the area and time of the exempted activity, the vehicles and boats involved, the number of agents undertaking the exempted activity and other related questions. Exemption No. 9902252.

6. The exemption holder must, within 50 m of the point of landing of any abalone taken pursuant to this notice, complete the PIRSA form ‘Broodstock Collection Report Form’. Immediately upon arrival at the exemption holder’s registered aquaculture site, this form must be faxed to PIRSA Fisheries on (08) 8226 0434. Prior to release into the registered aquaculture site, all abalone taken pursuant to this notice must be tagged so as to be clearly identified as wild broodstock. A copy of this form must be retained at the aquaculture site as part of their broodstock records.

7. Broodstock taken under this exemption must be physically contained and separated from any farm-reared and growout animals, including no mixing of water used to hold wild-caught broodstock with areas used to hold growout stock.

8. Broodstock taken pursuant to this exemption must be held together in identifiable groups from specific geographic locations or if broodstock from different areas must be mixed due to on-farm logistics, broodstock must be tagged so that their date and location of capture can be determined.

9. PIRSA Fisheries retains the right for a PIRSA Fisheries Officer to accompany the exemption holder at any time during the exempted activity.

10. While engaged in the exempted activity the exemption holder must carry or have about or near his person a copy of this notice. Such notice must be produced to a PIRSA Fisheries Officer upon request.

11. The exemption holder must not contravene or fail to comply with the Fisheries Management Act 2007, or any regulations made under that Act, except where specifically exempted by this notice.

Dated 6 July 2009.

W. ZACHARIN, Director of Fisheries


TAKE notice that pursuant to section 115 of the Fisheries Management Act 2007, the holder of a prawn fishery licence issued pursuant to the Fisheries Management (Prawn Fisheries) Regulations 2006 (the ‘exemption holder’) or a person acting as their agent is exempt from the notices made under section 79 of the Fisheries Management Act 2007, prohibiting the taking of western king prawns (Melicertus latisulcatus) in the waters specified in Schedule 1, in that the exemption holder shall not be guilty of an offence when using prawn trawl nets in accordance with the conditions of their fishery licence for the purpose of gear trials (the ‘exempted activity’), subject to the conditions contained in Schedule 2.


The waters of Spencer Gulf, Gulf St Vincent and the west coast of South Australia contained within the following co-ordinates:

Anxious Bay

Those waters of the west coast bounded by a line com-mencing at position latitude 3316.75S, longitude 13440.50E, then to position latitude 3316.75S, longitude 13439.25E, then to position latitude 3317.60S, longitude 13441.80E, then to position latitude 3417.50S, longitude 13440.80E, then to the point of commencement.

Port Lincoln

Those waters of Spencer Gulf bounded by a line commencing at position latitude 3442.00S, longitude 13552.70E, then to position latitude 3441.70S, longitude 13553.40E, then to position latitude 3443.40S, longitude 13554.50E, then to position latitude 3443.70S, longitude 13553.80E, then to the point of commencement.



Those waters of Spencer Gulf bounded by a line commencing at position latitude 3353.20S, longitude 13722.00E, then to position latitude 3353.50S, longitude 13732.50E, then to position latitude 3555.00S, longitude 13731.50E, then to position latitude 3354.70S, longitude 13731.00E, then to the point of commencement.

Port Pirie

Those waters of Spencer Gulf bounded by a line commencing at position latitude 3307.90S, longitude 13746.50E, then to position latitude 3308.10S, longitude 13746.70E, then to position latitude 3310.10S, longitude 13745.80E, then to position latitude 3309.90S, longitude 13745.60E, then to the point of commencement.

Port Adelaide

Those waters of Gulf St Vincent commencing at position latitude 3445.00S, longitude 13817.00E, then to position latitude 3447.00S, longitude 13817.00E, then to position latitude 3447.00S, longitude 13815.00E, then to position latitude 3445.00S, longitude 13815.00E, then to the point of commencement.


1. The exempted activity may only be undertaken from 10 July 2009 until 30 June 2010, unless varied or revoked.

2. The exemption holder may only conduct the exempted activity between 0900 hours and 1700 hours on any day.

3. The exemption holder may only engage in the exempted activity in those waters described in Schedule 1 that are greater than 10 m in depth.

4. Any fish taken during the exempted activity are to be returned to the water immediately.

5. The exemption holder must contact the PIRSA Fisheries Compliance Unit on 1800 065 522 not less than one hour prior to departure from port and provide the following information: • a description of the boat to be used including the regis-

tration number marked on that boat; • the estimated time of departure from port; • the area in which the gear trials are to be conducted; • the estimated time of return to port; • the registered master who will be in charge of the boat

during the exempted activity; and • Exemption No. 9902258.

6. While engaged in the exempted activity, the exemption holder must have a copy of this notice on board the vessel or near his person. This notice must be produced to a PIRSA Fisheries Compliance Officer if requested.

7. The exemption holder must contact the PIRSA Fisheries Compliance Unit on 1800 065 522, not less than one hour prior to the boat returning to port and provide the following information:

• a description of the boat used including the registration number marked on that boat;

• the estimated time of return to port; • Exemption No. 9902252.

8. The exemption holder must not contravene or fail to comply with Fisheries Management Act 2007, or any other regulations made under that Act except whereby specifically exempted by this notice.

Dated 6 July 2009.

W. ZACHARIN, Executive Director, Fisheries


TAKE notice that pursuant to section 115 of the Fisheries Management Act 2007, those classes of persons specified in Schedule 1 are exempt from Regulations 7 and 10 and Clauses 58, 73 and 125 of Schedule 6 of the Fisheries Management (General) Regulations 2007, but only insofar as they may use one or more rock lobster pots that are not registered and may have southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) in the rock lobster pots when

placed in the water (‘the exempt activity’), subject to the conditions specified in Schedule 2, from 7 July 2009 until 30 June 2010, unless varied or revoked earlier.


• All Fisheries Officers attached to the Strategic Operations Group of PIRSA Fisheries Services.

• Fisheries Officers acting with and under the direction of a Fisheries Officer attached to the Strategic Operations Group of PIRSA Fisheries Services.


1. Fisheries Officers must not carry out the exempt activity unless it is for the purposes of undertaking any covert surveillance operation that involves the use of unregistered rock lobster pots.

2. The maximum number of pots deployed in the water at any one time must not exceed two pots for each fisheries officer on board the boat from which the covert surveillance is being carried out.

3. Any rock lobster taken shall be returned to the water prior to the retrieval of the boat from which the covert surveillance is carried out.

Dated 6 July 2009.

W. ZACHARIN, Director of Fisheries


TAKE notice that pursuant to section 115 of the Fisheries Management Act 2007, Tony Lee, P.O. Box 242, Mount Gambier, S.A. 5290 (the ‘exemption holder’) is exempt from section 52 of the Fisheries Management Act 2007, but only insofar as the exemption holder or a person acting as his agent may take turbo (Turbo undulatus) for the purpose of trade or business from South Australian coastal waters (the ‘exempted activity’), subject to the conditions in Schedule 1, from 1 July 2009 until 30 June 2010, unless revoked or varied earlier.


1. The exemption holder may only take turbo (Turbo undulatus) by diving and collection by hand.

2. The exemption holder must not take more than 3 000 kilograms of turbo (Turbo undulatus) in any period of three calendar months.

3. The exempted activity may only be conducted by Tony Lee and/or the permitted agent of the exemption holder, Craig Skinner. Only one person may conduct the exempted activity at any one time.

4. The exemption holder or a person acting as an agent must notify PIRSA Fisheries prior to departing on a fishing trip by calling 1800 065 522 and providing the following information:

• the name of the person making the call;

• details of the boat that will be used to engage in the exempted activity;

• the time and date the exempted activity will commence;

• an estimated time of landing;

• the place of landing; and

• Exemption No. 9902253.

5. If the exemption holder is not able to land turbo at the estimated time or place notified in accordance with condition 4 above, they must notify PIRSA Fisheries by calling 1800 065 522 before the estimated time provided in accordance with condition 4 and provide a new time of landing or place of landing.

6. Within half an hour of landing turbo the exemption holder must weigh the turbo and complete the daily log sheet in accordance with condition 7.

7. The exemption holder must provide the Director of Fisheries separate statistical catch and effort information, in the form of a log sheet as provided by the Director. The exemption holder must complete the log sheet every day and submit a completed monthly log to the Director no later than the fifteenth day of the month following the month to which the log sheet relates. The log sheet


must be submitted to the Director at the address specified on the approved log sheet. If no fishing activity was undertaken or no fish were taken on a day or during the month, a nil return must still be completed and submitted to the Director.

8. A PIRSA Fisheries Departmental Officer may accompany the exemption holder at any time during fishing operations.

9. While engaged in the exempted activity the exemption holder or a person acting as his agent must carry or have about or near his person a copy of this notice. Such notice must be produced to a PIRSA Fisheries Officer upon request.

10. The exemption holder must not contravene or fail to comply with the Fisheries Management Act 2007, or any regulations made under that Act, except where specifically exempted by this notice.

Dated 2 July 2009.

W. ZACHARIN, Director of Fisheries


TAKE notice that, pursuant to section 115 of the Fisheries Management Act 2007, Andrew Ferguson of Australian Bight Abalone, G.P.O. Box 1243, Adelaide, S.A. 5001 (the ‘exemption holder’) or a person acting as his agent are exempt from section 52 of the Fisheries Management Act 2007, but only insofar as they may collect beachcast algae and seagrass, for the purpose of trade or business (the ‘exempted activity’) in the areas specified in Schedule 1, subject to the conditions in Schedule 2, from 1 July 2009 until 31 July 2009, unless varied or revoked earlier.


Intertidal area between Mean Low Water Springs and Mean High Water Springs and bounded by 486181mE 6285680mN (MGA Zone 53) to the north and 485411mE 6279859mN (MGA Zone 53) to the south.


1. The exemption holder may take beachcast (unconnected and deposited on shore) algae and seagrass for the purpose of trade or business from the area listed in Schedule 1.

2. A maximum of 500 tonnes may be collected pursuant to this exemption.

3. The operation should be designed to prevent removal of sand.

4. Written permission from the Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure must be obtained before material may be collected from the area.

5. The exemption holder must notify PIRSA Fishwatch on 1800 065 522 on any day of operation, at least two hours prior to conducting the exempted activity and answer a series of questions about the exempted activity. The exemption holder will need to have a copy of the exemption at the time of making the call, and be able to provide information about the area and time of the exempted activity, the vehicles and other related questions. Exemption No. 9902255.

6. A report on the area of beach cleared (square metres), volume of seagrass cleared (cubic metres) and the method and location of disposal must be supplied to the Director of Fisheries, G.P.O. Box 1625, Adelaide, S.A. 5001 no later 15 working days after the expiry of this exemption.

7. While engaged in the exempted activity the exemption holder must carry or have about or near his person a copy of this notice. Such notice must be produced to a PIRSA Fisheries Officer upon request.

8. The exemption holder must not contravene or fail to comply with the Fisheries Management Act 2007, or any regulations made under that Act, except where specifically exempted by this notice.

Dated 1 July 2009.

W. ZACHARIN, Director of Fisheries


Notice of Application

NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 52 (2) (b) of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997, that Port Football & Community Sporting Club Inc. has applied to the Licensing Authority for a variation to Conditions and variation to an Extended Trading Authorisation in respect of premises situated at Wandearah Road, Port Pirie, S.A. 5540 and known as Port Football & Community Sporting Club.

The application has been set down for callover on 7 August 2009 at 9 a.m.


The following licence conditions are sought:

• Variation to Conditions to include Verandah area adjacent to the Clubrooms.

• Variation to an Extended Trading Authorisation to include the abovementioned area.

Any person may object to the application by lodging a notice of objection in the prescribed form with the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner and serving a copy of the notice on the applicant at the applicant’s address, at least seven days before the callover date (viz: 31 July 2009).

The applicant’s address for service is c/o Stephen Murphy, P.O. Box 209, Port Pirie, S.A. 5540.

Plans in respect of the premises the subject of the application are open to public inspection without fee at the Office of the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner, 9th Floor, East Wing, 50 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Phone 8226 8410, Fax: 8226 8512. Email:

Dated 30 June 2009.



Notice of Application

NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 52 (2) (b) of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997, that Adam Daniel Stewart has applied to the Licensing Authority for a Special Circumstances Licence in respect of premises situated at Lot 101/102, Princes Highway, Salt Creek, S.A. 5264 and to be known as the Heart of the Coorong.

The application has been set down for callover on 7 August 2009 at 9 a.m.


The following licence conditions are sought:

• For consumption on the licensed premises:

To a resident or lodger staying in the Cabins, Motel Units, Chalets, Caravan Park, Motor Homes and Tents at any time on any day.

To a diner for consumption with or ancillary to a meal provided by the licence in a designated dining area.

To a person at a place other than the licensed premises participating in a Fishing/Eco Tour organised by the licensee, within the surrounding areas.

• For consumption off the licensed premises:

To tourists, residents and lodgers staying in the Cabins, Motel Units, Tents, Caravans and Motor Homes from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. seven days per week.

Any person may object to the application by lodging a notice of objection in the prescribed form with the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner and serving a copy of the notice on the applicant at the applicant’s address, at least seven days before the callover date (viz: 31 July 2009).

The applicant’s address for service is c/o Adam Stewart, Lot 101/102, Princes Highway, Salt Creek, S.A. 5264.


Plans in respect of the premises the subject of the application are open to public inspection without fee at the Office of the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner, 9th Floor, East Wing, 50 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Phone 8226 8410, Fax: 8226 8512. Email:

Dated 1 July 2009.



Notice of Application

NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 52 (2) (b) of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997, that Rogers & Rufus Fine Wines Pty Ltd has applied to the Licensing Authority for a Wholesale Liquor Merchant’s Licence in respect of premises situated at Lot 101, Eden Valley Road, Angaston, S.A. 5353 and to be known as Rogers & Rufus Fine Wines.

The application has been set down for callover on 7 August 2009 at 9 a.m.

Any person may object to the application by lodging a notice of objection in the prescribed form with the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner and serving a copy of the notice on the applicant at the applicant’s address, at least seven days before the callover date (viz: 31 July 2009).

The applicant’s address for service is c/o Fisher Jeffries Solicitors, G.P.O. Box 544, Adelaide, S.A. 5001 (Attention: Stephen Lendrum).

Plans in respect of the premises the subject of the application are open to public inspection without fee at the Office of the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner, 9th Floor, East Wing, 50 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Phone 8226 8410, Fax: 8226 8512. Email: Dated 1 July 2009.



Notice of Application

NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 52 (2) (b) of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997, that Hann Hotel Nominees Pty Ltd as trustee for Hann Hotel Trust has applied to the Licensing Authority for a Redefinition, variation to an Extended Trading Authorisation, variation to Entertainment Consent and variation to Conditions in respect of premises situated at Hanson Street, Kingston, S.A. 5275 and known as the Famous Royal Mail Hotel.

The application has been set down for callover on 7 August 2009 at 9 a.m.

Conditions The following licence conditions are sought: • Redefinition of licensed area to incorporate the area outside

Area 3 as depicted on the plans attached hereto, such area to be included in the Extended Trading Authorisation.

• Variation to an Extended Trading Authorisation including Entertainment Consent to permit on licence consumption in the whole of the licensed premises until midnight on each and every Sunday of the year (presently 10 p.m., midnight in association with a long weekend).

• Deletion of the prohibition on entertainment on public holidays.

• Deletion of the Condition which reads ‘Entertainment is limited to 60/40 bands and DJ’s. There will be no heavy metal or rock bands and no discotheque style entertainment or the advertising of a disco’ and substitution of the following Condition:

‘Noise emanating from the premises shall not exceed 8dB(A) above the ambient background noise level when measured in any octave of the sound spectrum from the nearest noise sensitive location (residence).’

• Deletion of that part of the Condition which requires that ‘the curtains will be drawn when there is live entertainment or the juke box is being used’.

• Deletion of the Condition which reads ‘the licensee is to advise the objectors of any proposed live entertainment’.

Any person may object to the application by lodging a notice of objection in the prescribed form with the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner and serving a copy of the notice on the applicant at the applicant’s address, at least seven days before the callover date (viz: 31 July 2009).

The applicant’s address for service is c/o Wallmans Lawyers, 173 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5001 (Attention: Ben Allen or Peter Hoban).

Plans in respect of the premises the subject of the application are open to public inspection without fee at the Office of the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner, 9th Floor, East Wing, 50 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Phone 8226 8410, Fax: 8226 8512. Email:

Dated 7 July 2009. Applicant


NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with section 28 (5) of the Mining Act 1971, that the Minister for Mineral Resources Development proposes to grant an Exploration Licence over the undermentioned area:

Applicant: Iluka (Eucla Basin) Pty Ltd

Location: Mount Cooper area—Approximately 50 km south-east of Streaky Bay.

Term: 1 year

Area in km2: 681

Ref.: 2008/00125

Plan and co-ordinates can be found on the PIRSA website: or by phoning Mineral Tenements on (08) 8463 3103.

J. MARTIN, Acting Mining Registrar


NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with section 28 (5) of the Mining Act 1971, that the Minister for Mineral Resources Development proposes to grant an Exploration Licence over the undermentioned area:

Applicant: Quasar Resources Pty Ltd

Location: Mount Ive area—Approximately 100 km north-north-west of Kimba.

Pastoral Leases: Kolendo, Mount Ive, Unalla

Term: 1 year

Area in km2: 584

Ref.: 2008/00400

Plan and co-ordinates can be found on the PIRSA website: or by phoning Mineral Tenements on (08) 8463 3103.

J. MARTIN, Acting Mining Registrar


NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with section 28 (5) of the Mining Act 1971, that the Minister for Mineral Resources Development proposes to grant an Exploration Licence over the undermentioned area:

Applicant: Frome Uranium Pty Ltd

Location: Callabonna area—Approximately 220 km east of Marree.

Pastoral Lease: Quinyambie

Term: 1 year

Area in km2: 149

Ref.: 2009/00082


Plan and co-ordinates can be found on the PIRSA website: or by phoning Mineral Tenements on (08) 8463 3103.

J. MARTIN, Acting Mining Registrar


NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with section 28 (5) of the Mining Act 1971, that the Minister for Mineral Resources Development proposes to grant an Exploration Licence over the undermentioned area:

Applicant: Marathon Resources Ltd

Location: Mulga Well area—Approximately 90 km south-east of Tarcoola.

Pastoral Leases: Bon Bon, Coondambo

Term: 1 year

Area in km2: 347

Ref.: 2009/00090

Plan and co-ordinates can be found on the PIRSA website: or by phoning Mineral Tenements on (08) 8463 3103.

J. MARTIN, Acting Mining Registrar


NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with section 28 (5) of the Mining Act 1971, that the Minister for Mineral Resources Development proposes to grant an Exploration Licence over the undermentioned area:

Applicants: RMG Services Pty Ltd (66%) Teck Cominco Australia Pty Ltd (34%)

Location: Mid-Lake Torrens area—Approximately 140 km north of Port Augusta.

Pastoral Lease: Bosworth

Term: 2 years

Area in km2: 114

Ref.: 2009/00094

Plan and co-ordinates can be found on the PIRSA website: or by phoning Mineral Tenements on (08) 8463 3103.

J. MARTIN, Acting Mining Registrar


NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with section 28 (5) of the Mining Act 1971, that the Minister for Mineral Resources Development proposes to grant an Exploration Licence over the undermentioned area:

Applicant: Hiltaba Gold Pty Ltd

Location: Pinding area—Approximately 30 km west-south-west of Tarcoola.

Pastoral Leases: Malbooma, Pinding, Wilgena, Kychering

Term: 1 year

Area in km2: 500

Ref.: 2009/00095

Plan and co-ordinates can be found on the PIRSA website: or by phoning Mineral Tenements on (08) 8463 3103.

J. MARTIN, Acting Mining Registrar


NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with section 28 (5) of the Mining Act 1971, that the Minister for Mineral Resources Development proposes to grant an Exploration Licence over the undermentioned area:

Applicant: Olliver Geological Services Pty Ltd

Location: Karkarook area—Approximately 60 km west of Cowell.

Term: 1 year

Area in km2: 91

Ref.: 2009/00141

Plan and co-ordinates can be found on the PIRSA website: or by phoning Mineral Tenements on (08) 8463 3103.

J. MARTIN, Acting Mining Registrar


NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with section 28 (5) of the Mining Act 1971, that the Minister for Mineral Resources Development proposes to grant an Exploration Licence over the undermentioned area:

Applicant: John Jacob Simnovec

Location: Nackara area—Approximately 40 km north-east of Peterborough.

Term: 1 year

Area in km2: 706

Ref.: 2009/00146

Plan and co-ordinates can be found on the PIRSA website: or by phoning Mineral Tenements on (08) 8463 3103.

J. MARTIN, Acting Mining Registrar


NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with section 35A (1) of the Mining Act 1971, that an application for a mining lease over the undermentioned mineral claim has been received. Details of the proposal may be inspected at the Department of Primary Industries and Resources, Mineral Resources Group, Level 7, 101 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000:

Applicants: Andrew Clive Goldsworthy and Michael John Goldsworthy.

Claim Number: 4116

Location: Section 125, Hundred of Bray—Approximately 14 km south-east of Robe.

Area: 30.80 hectares

Purpose: For the recovery of extractive minerals (limestone)

Reference: T02763

A copy of the proposal has been provided to the Robe District Council.

Written submissions in relation to the granting of the mining lease are invited to be received at the Department of Primary Industries and Resources, Mineral Resources Group, Level 7, 101 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000 or G.P.O. Box 1671, Adelaide, S.A. 5001 no later than 23 July 2009.

Copies of all submissions will be forwarded to the applicant and may be made available for public inspection unless confidentiality is requested.

J. MARTIN, Acting Mining Registrar



Grant of Geothermal Exploration Licences—GELs 462, 463, 465, 466, 467, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479 and 480

NOTICE is hereby given that the abovementioned Geothermal Exploration Licences have been granted with effect from 12 August 2009, under the provisions of the Petroleum Act 2000, pursuant to delegated powers dated 28 March 2002, Gazetted 11 April 2002, page 1573.

No. of Licence Licensee Locality Date of Expiry Reference

GEL 462

GEL 463

GEL 465

GEL 466

GEL 467

GEL 468

GEL 469

GEL 470

GEL 471

GEL 472

GEL 473

GEL 474

GEL 475

GEL 476

GEL 477

GEL 478

GEL 479

GEL 480

Inferus Resources Pty Ltd

Arrowie Basin, South Australia

11 August 2014


Description of Area—GEL 462

All that part of the State of South Australia, bounded as follows:

Commencing at a point being the intersection of latitude 303714S GDA94 and longitude 1371224E GDA94, thence east to longitude 1371900E GDA94, south to latitude 304130S GDA94, east to longitude 1372700E GDA94, south to latitude 304600S GDA94, west to longitude 1365800E GDA94, north to latitude 304130S GDA94, east to longitude 1371224E GDA94 and north to the point of commencement.

Area: 468 km2 approximately.

Description of Area—GEL 463

All that part of the State of South Australia, bounded as follows:

Commencing at a point being the intersection of latitude 304600S GDA94 and longitude 1365800E GDA94, thence east to longitude 1372700E GDA94, south to latitude 305130S GDA94, west to longitude 1365800E GDA94 and north to the point of commencement.

Area: 470 km2 approximately.

Description of Area—GEL 465

All that part of the State of South Australia, bounded as follows:

Commencing at a point being the intersection of latitude 305130S GDA94 and longitude 1365800E GDA94, thence east to longitude 1372700E GDA94, south to latitude 305230S GDA94, east to longitude 1373200E GDA94, south to latitude 305600S GDA94, west to longitude 1365600E GDA94, north to latitude 305300S GDA94, east to longitude 1365800E GDA94 and north to the point of commencement.

Area: 454 km2 approximately.


Description of Area—GEL 466

All that part of the State of South Australia, bounded as follows:

Commencing at a point being the intersection of latitude 305600S GDA94 and longitude 1365600E GDA94, thence east to longitude 1370630E GDA94, south to latitude 310700S GDA94, west to longitude 1364900E GDA94, north to latitude 310000S GDA94, east to longitude 1365600E GDA94 and north to the point of commencement.

Area: 484 km2 approximately.

Description of Area—GEL 467

All that part of the State of South Australia, bounded as follows:

Commencing at a point being the intersection of latitude 305600S GDA94 and longitude 1370630E GDA94, thence east to longitude 1372030E GDA94, south to latitude 310700S GDA94, west to longitude 1370630E GDA94 and north to the point of commencement.

Area: 453 km2 approximately.

Description of Area—GEL 468

All that part of the State of South Australia, bounded as follows:

Commencing at a point being the intersection of latitude 305600S GDA94 and longitude 1372030E GDA94, thence east to longitude 1373200E GDA94, south to latitude 305830S GDA94, east to longitude 1373600E GDA94, south to latitude 310455S GDA94, west to longitude 1372030E GDA94 and north to the point of commencement.

Area: 377 km2 approximately.

Description of Area—GEL 469

All that part of the State of South Australia, bounded as follows:

Commencing at a point being the intersection of latitude 310700S GDA94 and longitude 1364900E GDA94, thence east to longitude 1372030E GDA94, south to latitude 311200S GDA94, west to longitude 1364900E GDA94 and north to the point of commencement but excluding the Woomera Commonwealth Land.

Area: 441 km2 approximately.

Description of Area—GEL 470

All that part of the State of South Australia, bounded as follows:

Commencing at a point being the intersection of latitude 311200S GDA94 and longitude 1364900E GDA94, thence east to longitude 1372030E GDA94, south to latitude 311700S GDA94, west to longitude 1364900E GDA94 and north to the point of commencement but excluding the Woomera Commonwealth Land.

Area: 457 km2 approximately.

Description of Area—GEL 471

All that part of the State of South Australia, bounded as follows:

Commencing at a point being the intersection of latitude 311700S GDA94 and longitude 1364900E GDA94, thence east to longitude 1372030E GDA94, south to latitude 312200S GDA94, west to longitude 1364900E GDA94 and north to the point of commencement.

Area: 462 km2 approximately.

Description of Area—GEL 472

All that part of the State of South Australia, bounded as follows:

Commencing at a point being the intersection of latitude 312200S GDA94 and longitude 1365730E GDA94, thence east to longitude 1372030E GDA94, south to latitude 312900S GDA94, west to longitude 1365730E GDA94 and north to the point of commencement.

Area: 472 km2 approximately.

Description of Area—GEL 473

All that part of the State of South Australia, bounded as follows:

Commencing at a point being the intersection of latitude 312700S GDA94 and longitude 1372030E GDA94, thence east to longitude 1372300E GDA94, south to latitude 313400S GDA94, east to longitude 1372700E GDA94, south to latitude 313600S GDA94, west to longitude 1370030E GDA94, north to latitude 312900S GDA94, east to longitude 1372030E GDA94 and north to the point of commencement.

Area: 499 km2 approximately.

Description of Area—GEL 474

All that part of the State of South Australia, bounded as follows:

Commencing at a point being the intersection of latitude 313600S GDA94 and longitude 1370330E GDA94, thence east to longitude 1372800E GDA94, south to latitude 313700S GDA94, east to longitude 1373200E GDA94, south to latitude 313900S GDA94, east to longitude 1373500E GDA94, south to latitude 314100S GDA94, west to longitude 1370330E GDA94 and north to the point of commencement.

Area: 422 km2 approximately.

Description of Area—GEL 475

All that part of the State of South Australia, bounded as follows:

Commencing at a point being the intersection of latitude 314100S GDA94 and longitude 1370330E GDA94, thence east to longitude 1373500E GDA94, south to latitude 314355S GDA94, east to longitude 1373600E GDA94, south to latitude 314600S GDA94, west to longitude 1370330E GDA94 and north to the point of commencement.

Area: 466 km2 approximately.


Description of Area—GEL 476

All that part of the State of South Australia, bounded as follows:

Commencing at a point being the intersection of latitude 314600S GDA94 and longitude 1371600E GDA94, thence east to longitude 1373600E GDA94, south to latitude 315400S GDA94, west to longitude 1371600E GDA94 and north to the point of commencement.

Area: 467 km2 approximately.

Description of Area—GEL 477

All that part of the State of South Australia, bounded as follows:

Commencing at a point being the intersection of latitude 315400S GDA94 and longitude 1371900E GDA94, thence east to longitude 1373600E GDA94, south to latitude 315505S GDA94, east to longitude 1373605E GDA94, south to latitude 320400S GDA94, west to longitude 1371900E GDA94 and north to the point of commencement.

Area: 497 km2 approximately.

Description of Area—GEL 478

All that part of the State of South Australia, bounded as follows:

Commencing at a point being the intersection of latitude 320400S GDA94 and longitude 1371900E GDA94, thence east to longitude 1373605E GDA94, south to latitude 321300S GDA94, west to longitude 1371900E GDA94 and north to the point of commencement.

Area: 447 km2 approximately.

Description of Area—GEL 479

All that part of the State of South Australia, bounded as follows:

Commencing at a point being the intersection of latitude 321200S GDA94 and longitude 1374100E GDA94, thence east to longitude 1374500E GDA94, south to latitude 321305S GDA94, west to longitude 1374408E GDA94, south to latitude 322200S GDA94, west to longitude 1372600E GDA94, north to latitude 321300S GDA94, east to longitude 1374100E GDA94 and north to the point of commencement.

Area: 486 km2 approximately.

Description of Area—GEL 480

All that part of the State of South Australia, bounded as follows:

Commencing at a point being the intersection of latitude 311830S GDA94 and longitude 1373605E GDA94, thence east to longitude 1374100E GDA94, south to latitude 313200S GDA94, west to longitude 1373800E GDA94, north to latitude 313100S GDA94, west to longitude 1373600E GDA94, north to latitude 312700S GDA94, east to longitude 1373605E GDA94 and north to the point of commencement.

Area: 190 km2 approximately.

Dated 1 July 2009. B. A. GOLDSTEIN,

Director Petroleum and Geothermal Minerals and Energy Resources Primary Industries and Resources SA Delegate of the Minister for Mineral Resources Development


NO. 33 OF 2009

South Australia—River Murray—Clayton—Pipeline Installed

MARINERS are advised that the Department for Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation has placed a buoy and pipeline in the River Murray east (upstream) of Clayton on Hindmarsh Island side of the channel to maintain a fish habitat in the Boggy Creek Wetland.

The pipeline will be in place for several weeks and is marked with a large yellow buoy at the outer end near the edge of the main channel (position indicated below) and the surface pipeline is marked with white buoys approximately 30 m apart.

Zone 54H Location

Easting Northing Latitude Longitude

Clayton 312313 6068889 3530.3508S 13855.8314E

Mariners are reminded that they should familiarise themselves with the location of the pipeline and take care when operating in this area.

Adelaide, 1 July 2009.

PATRICK CONLON, Minister for Transport

DTEI: 2009/00683





Road Closure—Mount Torrens

BY Road Process Order made on 18 May 2009, the Adelaide Hills Council ordered that:

1. The whole of the unnamed public road situate between pieces 4 and 5 in Filed Plan 156448, Lobethal-Mount Torrens Road and piece 7 in Filed Plan 156449, more particularly delineated and lettered ‘A’ and ‘B’ (respectively) in Preliminary Plan No. 08/0053 be closed.

2. The whole of the land subject to closure lettered ‘A’ be transferred to David John Kretschmer and Melissa Faye Kretschmer in accordance with agreement for transfer dated 21 July 2008 entered into between the Adelaide Hills Council and D. J. and M. F. Kretschmer.

3. The whole of the land subject to closure lettered ‘B’ be transferred to Paul John Edwards and Michele Gail Edwards in accordance with agreement for transfer dated 1 July 2008 entered into between the Adelaide Hills Council and Kevin Sinkinson.

On 3 June 2009 that order was confirmed by the Minister for Infrastructure conditionally upon the deposit by the Registrar-General of Deposited Plan 81214 being the authority for the new boundaries.

Pursuant to section 24 (5) of the Roads (Opening and Closing) Act 1991, NOTICE of the order referred to above and its confirmation is hereby given.

Dated 9 July 2009.

P. M. KENTISH, Surveyor-General



Road Closure Nestor Street, Stirling North

BY Road Process Order made on 30 April 2009, The Corporation of the City of Port Augusta ordered that:

1. The whole of Nestor Street situate east of Maule Avenue and dividing allotments 503 and 504 in Filed Plan 21299, more particularly delineated and lettered ‘A’ in Preliminary Plan No. 09/0009 be closed.

2. Issue a Certificate of Title to The Corporation of the City of Port Augusta for the whole of the land subject to closure which land is being retained by the Council for merging with the adjoining Council land.

On 5 June 2009 that order was confirmed by the Minister for Infrastructure conditionally upon the deposit by the Registrar-General of Deposited Plan 81215 being the authority for the new boundaries.

Pursuant to section 24 (5) of the Roads (Opening and Closing) Act 1991, NOTICE of the order referred to above and its confirmation is hereby given.

Dated 9 July 2009.

P. M. KENTISH, Surveyor-General

WATER MAINS AND SEWERS Office of the South Australian Water Corporation Adelaide, 9 July 2009 WATER MAINS LAID Notice is hereby given that the following main pipes or parts of main pipes have been laid down by the South Australian Water Corporation in or near the undermentioned water districts and are now available for a constant supply of water to adjacent land. ADELAIDE WATER DISTRICT CITY OF ONKAPARINGA Lacy Coral Avenue, Aldinga Beach. p36 In and across Seagull Avenue, Aldinga Beach. p37 Coast Lane, Aldinga Beach. p37 Lichen Walk, Aldinga Beach. p37 Across Dover Street, Aldinga Beach. p37 In and across Yeltana Avenue, Huntfield Heights. p39 Lancewood Place, Huntfield Heights. p39 Auldstone Place, Huntfield Heights. p39 Goodenia Close, Huntfield Heights. p39 Tristania Rise, Huntfield Heights. p39 Auldstone Place, Huntfield Heights. p40 Woodrose Court, Huntfield Heights. p40 Yeltana Avenue, Huntfield Heights. p40 Across Kangarilla Road, McLaren Flat. p41 Easements in lot 63 in LTRO DP 46894, Kangarilla Road, McLaren Flat. p41 and 42 In and across Grey Box Avenue, Noarlunga Centre. p45 Easements in lot 3 in LTRO DP 73499, Grey Box Avenue, Noarlunga Centre. p45 and 46 CITY OF PLAYFORD Across Stebonheath Road, Davoren Park and Andrews Farm. p38 In and across East Parkway, Andrews Farm. p38 Saint Germain Avenue, Andrews Farm. p38 Meretta Lane, Andrews Farm. p38 In and across Saint Lawrence Avenue, Andrews Farm. p38 Easements in lot 1052 in LTRO DP 80758, Mendota Avenue, Andrews Farm. p38 Mendota Avenue, Andrews Farm. p38 In and across Griffin Drive, Andrews Farm. p38 In and across Jindabyne Street, Andrews Farm. p38 Kerang Street, Andrews Farm. p38 Alexandrina Crescent, Andrews Farm. p38 Across Lakeland Road, Munno Para West. p44 Easements in lot 4 in LTRO DP 67541, Lakeland Road, Munno Para West. p44 CITY OF SALISBURY Lake Street, Parafield Gardens. p47 and 48 Easement in lot 1023 in LTRO DP 79214, Lake Street, Parafield Gardens. p48 In and across Wood Street, Parafield Gardens. p47 Brooke Street, Parafield Gardens. p47 CITY OF WEST TORRENS Across and in Henley Beach Road, Mile End. p2 Easement in lot 59 in LTRO FP 5976, Henley Beach Road, Mile End. p2 James Congdon Drive, Mile End. p3 In and across Railway Terrace, Mile End. p3 Junction Lane, Mile End. p3


BEETALOO COUNTRY LANDS WATER DISTRICT DISTRICT COUNCIL OF THE COPPER COAST Across and in Martinga Road, Jerusalem. p9 Haynes Street, Jerusalem. p9 FARRELL FLAT WATER DISTRICT REGIONAL COUNCIL OF GOYDER High Street, Farrell Flat. p8 MOUNT COMPASS WATER DISTRICT ALEXANDRINA COUNCIL In and across Ekers Court, Mount Compass. p43 McKinlay Street, Mount Compass. p43 NAPPERBY WATER DISTRICT PORT PIRIE REGIONAL COUNCIL Seventh Street, Napperby. p10 Third Street, Napperby. p10 PORT LINCOLN WATER DISTRICT CITY OF PORT LINCOLN Brockworth Road, Port Lincoln. p56 PORT VICTOR WATER DISTRICT CITY OF VICTOR HARBOR Central Drive, Victor Harbor. p1 Easement in allotment piece 1000 in LTRO DP 77887, Central Drive, Victor Harbor. p1 ROBE WATER DISTRICT DISTRICT COUNCIL OF ROBE Robe Street, Robe.p7 WALLAROO WATER DISTRICT DISTRICT COUNCIL OF THE COPPER COAST Easements in lot 3000 in LTRO DP 79413, Hopgood Road, North Beach. p49 Karratta Street, North Beach. p49 and 50 Across and in Farrell Road, North Beach. p49 and 50 Harding Street, North Beach. p49 In and across Dovenby Street, North Beach. p50 and 49 In and across Timaru Way, North Beach. p50 and 51 Jessica Place, North Beach. p51 WALLAROO MINES WATER DISTRICT DISTRICT COUNCIL OF THE COPPER COAST West Lake Street, Jerusalem. p9 WHYALLA WATER DISTRICT THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF WHYALLA In and across Robinson Street, Whyalla Jenkins. p52 and 53 Easement in lot 2001 in LTRO DP 78590, Robinson Street, Whyalla Jenkins. p53 Busch Street, Whyalla Jenkins. p53 and 54 Across and in Fairclough Crescent, Whyalla Jenkins. p54 and 55

WATER MAINS ABANDONED Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned water mains have been abandoned by the South Australian Water Corporation. ADELAIDE WATER DISTRICT CITY OF WEST TORRENS Across and in Henley Beach Road, Mile End. p2 James Congdon Drive, Mile End. p3 In and across Railway Terrace, Mile End. p3 Junction Lane, Mile End. p3 PORT VICTOR WATER DISTRICT CITY OF VICTOR HARBOR Easement in lot 1 in LTRO DP 78035, Armstrong Road, Victor Harbor. p11 ROBE WATER DISTRICT DISTRICT COUNCIL OF ROBE Robe Street, Robe. p7 WALLAROO WATER DISTRICT DISTRICT COUNCIL OF THE COPPER COAST Easement in lot 3000 in LTRO DP 79413, Hopgood Road, and lots 185 and 184 in LTRO DP 79413, Harding Street, North Beach. p49 Across Harding Street, North Beach. p49 Easement in lots 194-196 in LTRO DP 79413, Harding Street, and lots 200 and 199 in LTRO DP 79413, Farrell Road, North Beach. p49 Across Farrell Road, North Beach. p49 Easements in reserve (lot 511 in LTRO DP 79413), Farrell Road, and lot 32 in LTRO CP 20661, Woodforde Drive, North Beach. p49 and 50 WATER MAINS LAID Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned water mains have been laid down by the South Australian Water Corporation and are not available for a constant supply of water to adjacent land. GLOSSOP WATER DISTRICT THE BERRI BARMERA COUNCIL Waterworks land (section 1426, Berri Irrigation Area), Battams Road, Glossop. This main is available on application only—not available for constant rateable supply. p15 PORT VICTOR WATER DISTRICT CITY OF VICTOR HARBOR Waterworks land (lot 21 in LTRO DP 28956), George Main Road, Victor Harbor. p11-14 Easements in lot 1 in LTRO DP 78035, Armstrong Road, Victor Harbor. p11-14 GLOSSOP WATERWORKS OUTSIDE GLOSSOP WATER DISTRICT THE BERRI BARMERA COUNCIL Across and in Battams Road, Glossop. This main is available on application only—not available for constant rateable supply. p15 Easements in lot 1 in LTRO DP 30937 and sections 331 and 1874, Berri Irrigation Area, Battams Road, Glossop. This main is available on application only—not available for constant rateable supply. p15-17


Across and in MacKay Road, Glossop. This main is available on application only—not available for constant rateable supply. p17-23 Easements in section 1272, Berri Irrigation Area, MacKay Road, Glossop. This main is available on application only—not available for constant rateable supply. p21 In and across Jury Road, Glossop. This main is available on application only—not available for constant rateable supply. p24 MONASH WATERWORKS OUTSIDE MONASH WATER DISTRICT THE BERRI BARMERA COUNCIL Across and in Jury Road, Monash. This main is available on application only—not available for constant rateable supply. p24-34 Across and in Sturt Highway, Monash. This main is available on application only—not available for constant rateable supply. p34 Waterworks land (section 1886, Berri Irrigation Area), Sturt Highway, Monash. This main is available on application only—not available for constant rateable supply. p35 SEWERS LAID Notice is hereby given that the following sewers have been laid down by the South Australian Water Corporation in the undermentioned drainage areas and are now available for house connections. ADELAIDE DRAINAGE AREA CITY OF MARION Across Wallala Avenue, Park Holme. FB 1182 p59 Bowaka Street, Park Holme. FB 1182 p59 CITY OF WEST TORRENS James Congdon Drive, Mile End. FB 1184 p1 and 2 STIRLING COUNTRY DRAINAGE AREA ADELAIDE HILLS COUNCIL Across Willow Lane, Stirling. FB 1182 p60 Easements in lot 1 in LTRO DP 16206, Willow Lane and lot 101 in LTRO FP 15570, Mount Barker Road, Stirling. FB 1182 p60 VICTOR HARBOR COUNTRY DRAINAGE AREA ALEXANDRINA COUNCIL In and across Port Elliot Road, Hayborough. FB 1184 p5 Easements in lot 731 in LTRO FP 165980 and lot 730 in LTRO FP 165979, Fourth Avenue and lot 312 in LTRO DP 3207, Albatross Avenue, Hayborough. FB 1184 p5

CITY OF VICTOR HARBOR Beaumont Street, McCracken. FB 1184 p3 Easement in lots 170 and 169 in LTRO DP 6092, Cakebread Road, Encounter Bay. FB 1184 p4 SEWERS ABANDONED Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned sewers have been abandoned by the South Australian Water Corporation. ADELAIDE DRAINAGE AREA CITY OF WEST TORRENS James Congdon Drive, Mile End. FB 1184 p1 and 2 STIRLING COUNTRY DRAINAGE AREA ADELAIDE HILLS COUNCIL Easement in lot 68 in LTRO FP 158314, Druid Avenue, Stirling. FB 1182 p58 SEWERS LAID Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned sewer has been laid down by the South Australian Water Corporation and is not available for house connections. STIRLING COUNTRY DRAINAGE AREA ADELAIDE HILLS COUNCIL Easement in lot 68 in LTRO FP 158314, Druid Avenue, Stirling. FB 1182 p58 ADDENDUM Addendum to notices in “Government Gazette” of 16 April 2009 “Notice is hereby given that the following sewers have been laid down by the South Australian Water Corporation in the undermentioned drainage area and are now available for house connections” “ADELAIDE DRAINAGE AREA” “CITY OF PORT ADELAIDE ENFIELD” “In and across Causeway Road, Ethelton. FB 1183 p12-14” “Easement in lot 109 in LTRO FP 216960, Causeway Road, Ethelton and New Port. FB 1183 p12-14” To each of these notices add “This main is not available for house connections” A. HOWE, Chief Executive Officer, South

Australian Water Corporation



To apply from 1 July 2009


Agents, Ceasing to Act as.................................................... 42.75

Associations: Incorporation ................................................................... 21.70 Intention of Incorporation ................................................ 53.50 Transfer of Properties ...................................................... 53.50

Attorney, Appointment of.................................................... 42.75

Bailiff’s Sale........................................................................ 53.50

Cemetery Curator Appointed............................................... 31.75

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pany be wound up voluntarily and that a liquidator be appointed’)........................................................... 53.50

Release of LiquidatorApplicationLarge Ad.......... 85.00Release Granted ..................... 53.50

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Firms: Ceasing to Carry on Business (each insertion)................. 28.50 Discontinuance Place of Business ................................... 28.50

LandReal Property Act: Intention to Sell, Notice of............................................... 53.50 Lost Certificate of Title Notices ...................................... 53.50 Cancellation, Notice of (Strata Plan) ............................... 53.50

Mortgages: Caveat Lodgement........................................................... 21.70 Discharge of..................................................................... 22.70 Foreclosures..................................................................... 21.70 Transfer of ....................................................................... 21.70 Sublet............................................................................... 10.90

LeasesApplication for Transfer (2 insertions) each ......... 10.90

Lost Treasury Receipts (3 insertions) each.......................... 31.75

Licensing............................................................................. 63.50

Municipal or District Councils: Annual Financial StatementForms 1 and 2 .................. 598.00 Electricity SupplyForms 19 and 20.............................. 425.00 Default in Payment of Rates: First Name ................................................................... 85.00 Each Subsequent Name................................................ 10.90

Noxious Trade..................................................................... 31.75

Partnership, Dissolution of .................................................. 31.75

Petitions (small)................................................................... 21.70

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Register of Unclaimed MoneysFirst Name...................... 31.75 Each Subsequent Name ................................................... 10.90

Registers of MembersThree pages and over: Rate per page (in 8pt) ...................................................... 272.00 Rate per page (in 6pt) ...................................................... 359.00

Sale of Land by Public Auction........................................... 54.00

Advertisements.................................................................... 3.00¼ page advertisement .......................................................... 127.00½ page advertisement .......................................................... 254.00Full page advertisement....................................................... 498.00

Advertisements, other than those listed are charged at $3.00 per column line, tabular one-third extra. Notices by Colleges, Universities, Corporations and District Councils to be charged at $3.00 per line. Where the notice inserted varies significantly in length from that which is usually published a charge of $3.00 per column line will be applied in lieu of advertisement rates listed. South Australian Government publications are sold on the condition that they will not be reproduced without prior permission from the Government Printer.

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1-16 2.60 1.20 497-512 36.25 35.25 17-32 3.50 2.20 513-528 37.25 36.00 33-48 4.55 3.25 529-544 38.50 37.25 49-64 5.75 4.40 545-560 39.50 38.50 65-80 6.70 5.55 561-576 40.50 39.50 81-96 7.80 6.45 577-592 41.75 40.00

97-112 8.90 7.60 593-608 43.00 41.50 113-128 9.95 8.75 609-624 43.75 42.75 129-144 11.10 9.85 625-640 45.00 43.25 145-160 12.20 10.90 641-656 46.00 45.00 161-176 13.30 12.00 657-672 46.75 45.50 177-192 14.50 13.10 673-688 48.75 46.75 193-208 15.60 14.40 689-704 49.50 47.75 209-224 16.50 15.20 705-720 50.25 49.00 225-240 17.60 16.30 721-736 52.00 50.00 241-257 18.90 17.20 737-752 52.50 51.00 258-272 19.90 18.30 753-768 53.50 52.00 273-288 21.00 19.70 769-784 54.50 53.50 289-304 21.90 20.60 785-800 55.50 54.50 305-320 23.20 21.80 801-816 57.00 55.00 321-336 24.20 22.80 817-832 58.00 57.00 337-352 25.40 24.10 833-848 59.00 58.00 353-368 26.25 25.20 849-864 60.00 58.50 369-384 27.50 26.25 865-880 61.50 60.00 385-400 28.75 27.25 881-896 62.00 60.50 401-416 29.75 28.25 897-912 63.50 62.00 417-432 31.00 29.50 913-928 64.00 63.50 433-448 32.00 30.75 929-944 65.00 64.00 449-464 32.75 31.50 945-960 66.00 64.50 465-480 33.25 32.50 961-976 68.50 65.50 481-496 35.25 33.25 977-992 69.50 66.00

Legislation—Acts, Regulations, etc: $ Subscriptions: Acts ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 223.00 All Bills as Laid ..................................................................................................................................................................... 536.00 Rules and Regulations............................................................................................................................................................ 536.00 Parliamentary Papers.............................................................................................................................................................. 536.00 Bound Acts ............................................................................................................................................................................ 248.00 Index ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 124.00 Government Gazette Copy....................................................................................................................................................................................... 5.85 Subscription ........................................................................................................................................................................... 296.00 Hansard Copy .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 16.30 Subscription—per session (issued weekly) ................................................................................................................................ 465.00 Cloth bound—per volume.......................................................................................................................................................... 199.00 Subscription—per session (issued daily) ................................................................................................................................... 465.00 Legislation on Disk Whole Database ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3 443.00 Annual Subscription for fortnightly updates .......................................................................................................................... 1 058.00 Individual Act(s) including updates ....................................................................................................................................... POA Notice of Vacancies Annual Subscription .................................................................................................................................................................. 164.00 Compendium Subscriptions: New Subscriptions ................................................................................................................................................................. 2 039.00 Updates .................................................................................................................................................................................. 719.00

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South Australia

Nursing and Midwifery Practice Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2009

1—Short title

This proclamation may be cited as the Nursing and Midwifery Practice Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2009.

2—Commencement of Act

(1) Subject to subclause (2), and section 2(2) of the Act, the Nursing and Midwifery Practice Act 2008 (No 50 of 2008) will come into operation on 4 August 2009.

(2) The following provisions of the Act will come into operation on 1 January 2010:

(a) section 25(1)(d);

(b) section 29;

(c) section 51;

(d) Schedule 1 clause 4.

Made by the Governor

with the advice and consent of the Executive Council on 9 July 2009



South Australia

Administrative Arrangements (Administration of Nursing and Midwifery Practice Act) Proclamation 2009

under section 5 of the Administrative Arrangements Act 1994

1—Short title

This proclamation may be cited as the Administrative Arrangements (Administration of Nursing and Midwifery Practice Act) Proclamation 2009.


This proclamation comes into operation on the day on which it is made.

3—Administration of Act committed to Minister for Health

The administration of the Nursing and Midwifery Practice Act 2008 is committed to the Minister for Health.

Made by the Governor

with the advice and consent of the Executive Council on 9 July 2009



South Australia

Liquor Licensing (General) Variation Regulations 2009

under the Liquor Licensing Act 1997


Part 1—Preliminary

1 Short title 2 Commencement 3 Variation provisions

Part 2—Variation of Liquor Licensing (General) Regulations 1997

4 Variation of regulation 8—Cases where licence is not required

Part 1—Preliminary

1—Short title

These regulations may be cited as the Liquor Licensing (General) Variation Regulations 2009.


These regulations come into operation on the day on which they are made.

3—Variation provisions

In these regulations, a provision under a heading referring to the variation of specified regulations varies the regulations so specified.

Part 2—Variation of Liquor Licensing (General) Regulations 1997

4—Variation of regulation 8—Cases where licence is not required

Regulation 8(2)(j)—after "Riverton & District High School," insert:

Streaky Bay Area School,


As required by section 10AA(2) of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1978, the Minister has certified that, in the Minister's opinion, it is necessary or appropriate that these regulations come into operation as set out in these regulations.

Made by the Governor

with the advice and consent of the Executive Council on 9 July 2009

No 200 of 2009



South Australia

Nursing and Midwifery Practice Regulations 2009

under the Nursing and Midwifery Practice Act 2008

Contents 1 Short title 2 Commencement 3 Interpretation 4 Representative bodies 5 Delegation by Board—prescribed powers and functions 6 Annual report 7 Prescribed areas of nursing or midwifery 8 Prescribed terms 9 Person to whom nurse or midwife to produce certificate of registration or enrolment 10 Prescribed bodies—guidelines 11 Prescribed employees—obligation to report medical unfitness or unprofessional conduct 12 Required information in report of medical unfitness or unprofessional conduct 13 Prescribed information relating to claim against registered or enrolled person or services

provider 14 Certificates of registration or enrolment 15 Issue of duplicate if certificate lost etc 16 Return of certificate 17 Fees and charges 18 Temporary practice in the State

Schedule 1—Revocation of regulations

1 Revocation of Nurses (Electoral) Regulations 1999 2 Revocation of Nurses Regulations 1999

1—Short title

These regulations may be cited as the Nursing and Midwifery Practice Regulations 2009.


These regulations come into operation on the day that section 42 of the Act comes into operation.


In these regulations—

Act means the Nursing and Midwifery Practice Act 2008;

business day means any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday.


4—Representative bodies

For the purposes of the definition of representative bodies in section 3 of the Act, the following bodies are declared to be representative bodies for the purposes of the Act:

(a) Australian College of Mental Health Nurses;

(b) Australian College of Midwives, Inc;

(c) Australian Nursing Federation;

(d) Health Consumers Alliance Incorporated;

(e) Royal College of Nursing Australia.

5—Delegation by Board—prescribed powers and functions

For the purposes of section 16(1) of the Act, the following powers and functions are prescribed:

(a) the power of delegation under that section;

(b) the power to hear and determine proceedings under Part 4 of the Act.

6—Annual report

For the purposes of section 24(2)(a)(iv) of the Act, the following information is prescribed:

(a) the number of persons granted registration on each register required to be kept under section 25 of the Act;

(b) the number of persons enrolled under the Act;

(c) the number of persons granted limited registration on each register required to be kept under section 25 of the Act;

(d) the number of persons granted limited enrolment under the Act;

(e) the number of nurses and midwives whose registration is endorsed under section 36 of the Act, and the nature of each such endorsement;

(f) the number of services providers who gave written notice to the Board in accordance with section 39 of the Act;

(g) details of any code of conduct, professional standard or guideline prepared or endorsed by the Board;

(h) a description of any committee established by the Board (including information as to the function of the committee);

(i) the number of notices given to the Board under section 73 of the Act;

(j) the number of reports made to the Board under section 74 of the Act;

(k) the number of persons found guilty of an offence against the Act or these regulations;

(l) the total amount of fines paid to the Board in accordance with the Act;

(m) the number and nature of complaints received by the Board against persons registered or enrolled under the Act that were made by persons of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, or non-English speaking, backgrounds.


7—Prescribed areas of nursing or midwifery

For the purposes of section 36(2)(a) of the Act, the area of mental health nursing is prescribed.

8—Prescribed terms

For the purposes of paragraph (i) of the definition of prescribed term in section 46(3) of the Act, the expression "mental health nurse" is prescribed in relation to endorsement of registration with recognition in the area of mental health nursing.

9—Person to whom nurse or midwife to produce certificate of registration or enrolment

For the purposes of paragraph (d) of the definition of prescribed person in section 50(2) of the Act, an exempt provider who has provided, or who is providing, nursing or midwifery care through the nurse or midwife is within the ambit of that definition.

10—Prescribed bodies—guidelines

For the purposes of section 55(3) of the Act, the Australian Nursing Federation (SA Branch) is prescribed.

11—Prescribed employees—obligation to report medical unfitness or unprofessional conduct

For the purposes of section 59(1)(c) of the Act, each employee responsible for the supervision of the person registered or enrolled under the Act is prescribed.

12—Required information in report of medical unfitness or unprofessional conduct

(1) For the purposes of section 59(1) of the Act, the following information is required:

(a) a prognosis in respect of the relevant person's medical unfitness to provide nursing or midwifery care;

(b) if the person making the report is of the opinion that the person is or may be medically unfit to provide nursing or midwifery care only in a particular area—a statement specifying the particular area and the reasons for the opinion.

(2) For the purposes of section 59(2) of the Act, the following information is required:

(a) the date, time and place of the alleged unprofessional conduct;

(b) the nature of the alleged unprofessional conduct.

13—Prescribed information relating to claim against registered or enrolled person or services provider

(1) For the purposes of section 74(1) of the Act, the following information is prescribed:

(a) the details of the nursing or midwifery care forming the subject of the claim (including the date, time and place of the provision of the care);

(b) the nature of the loss or damage allegedly caused by the nursing or midwifery care forming the subject of the claim;

(c) the date on which the person against whom the claim was made first became aware of the claim.


(2) For the purposes of section 74(2) of the Act, the following information is prescribed:

(a) the details of the nursing or midwifery care forming the subject of the claim (including the date, time and place of the provision of the care);

(b) the nature of the loss or damage allegedly caused by the nursing or midwifery care forming the subject of the claim;

(c) the date on which the services provider against whom the claim was made first became aware of the claim.

14—Certificates of registration or enrolment

(1) The Board must issue to each nurse or midwife a certificate of registration or enrolment (as the case requires) in a form determined by the Board.

(2) The certificate must note, in a manner determined by the Board, any condition, limitation or endorsement that applies in relation to the person's registration or enrolment.

15—Issue of duplicate if certificate lost etc


(a) a nurse or midwife satisfies the Board that his or her certificate of registration or enrolment has been lost or destroyed; or

(b) a certificate that has become wholly or partly illegible is delivered to the Board,

the Board may, on payment of a fee determined by the Board, issue a duplicate certificate.

16—Return of certificate

A nurse or midwife must within 2 business days deliver his or her certificate of registration or enrolment to the Board—

(a) if there is a change in the accuracy of a particular specified in the certificate; or

(b) on receiving notice of the suspension or cancellation of the registration or enrolment of the nurse or midwife; or

(c) on being required by the Board by notice in writing to deliver the certificate to the Board.

Maximum penalty: $2 500.

17—Fees and charges

(1) The Board may fix—

(a) fees or charges for the purposes of the Act; and

(b) fees or charges for services provided by the Board in the exercise of its functions under the Act.

(2) However, the Board must not, in relation to students, fix—

(a) a fee for registration, or reinstatement of registration, on the students register; or

(b) an annual practice fee.

(3) The Board may recover a fee or charge fixed under this regulation by action in a court of competent jurisdiction as a debt due to the Board from the person liable for payment of the fee or charge.


18—Temporary practice in the State

A nurse or midwife who—

(a) is employed as a nurse or midwife in another State; and

(b) is required as a condition of his or her employment to practise nursing or midwifery in this State for a period not exceeding 1 month; and

(c) is registered or enrolled as a nurse or midwife in the other State; and

(d) has paid the appropriate fees currently payable under the law of the other State in relation to—

(i) practice; and

(ii) registration or enrolment as a nurse or midwife,

is exempt from the obligation to pay the registration or enrolment, and annual practice, fees under the Act.

Schedule 1—Revocation of regulations

1—Revocation of Nurses (Electoral) Regulations 1999

The Nurses (Electoral) Regulations 1999 are revoked.

2—Revocation of Nurses Regulations 1999

The Nurses Regulations 1999 are revoked.


As required by section 10AA(2) of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1978, the Minister has certified that, in the Minister's opinion, it is necessary or appropriate that these regulations come into operation as set out in these regulations.

Made by the Governor

with the advice and consent of the Executive Council on 9 July 2009

No 201 of 2009



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Adoption of Annual Business Plan, Budget, Annual Valuations and Declaration of Rates 2009-2010

NOTICE is hereby given that at its meeting held on 29 June 2009, the Rural City of Murray Bridge resolved that in exercise of the powers contained in Chapters 8 and 10 of the Local Government Act 1999 (the Act), and in respect of the financial year ending 30 June 2010.

1. Adoption of Annual Business Plan 2009-2010

The 2009-2010 Annual Business on the Council Agenda of 29 June 2009.

2. Adoption of Budget 2009-2010

The Council budget for 2009-2010 on the Council Agenda of 29 June 2009 and consisting of the budget statements being: • Statement of Financial Performance; • Statement of Financial Position; • Statement of Cash Flows; • Statement of Changes in Equity; and • Operational Budget Document—including detailed budget

analysis by department and cost centre,

all other statements and information in accordance with Regulation 5B of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1999, which provide for:

(a) total estimated expenditure of $25 588 000 (including depreciation);

(b) total estimated income from sources other than rates and loans of $12 899 000;

(c) total new loans of $1 600 000; (d) total amount required to be raised from rates

$13 419 000.

3. Adoption of Valuations

The most recent valuations of the Valuer-General available to the Council of the capital value of land within the Council’s area being $2 469 830 200 be adopted for rating purposes for the 2009-2010 financial year.

4. Attribution of Land Uses

(a) the numbers indicated against the various categories of land use prescribed by the Local Government (General) Regulations 1999, be used to designate land uses in the Assessment Record;

(b) the use indicated by those numbers in respect of each separate assessment of land described in the Assessment Record on this date (as laid before the Council) be attributed to each such assessment respectively;

(c) reference in this resolution to land being of certain category use means the use indicated by that category number in the Regulations.

5. Declaration of General Rates

In order to raise the amount required for general rate revenue:

(a) differential general rates be declared on all rateable land as follows:

(i) 0.5185 cents in the dollar of the capital value of rateable land of Categories 1 and 9 uses (Residential and ‘Other’ Categories);

(ii) 0.8305 cents in the dollar of the capital value of rateable land of Categories 2, 3 and 4 uses (Commercial Categories);

(iii) 0.7265 cents in the dollar of the capital value of rateable land of Categories 5 and 6 uses (Industrial Categories);

(iv) 0.4335 cents in the dollar of the capital value of rateable land of Category 7 use (Primary Production);

(v) 0.6745 cents in the dollar of the capital value of rateable land of Category 8 use (Vacant Land); and

(b) a minimum amount payable by way of the general rate of $662 in respect of each assessment be fixed in accordance with section 158 of the Act.

6. Declaration of Separate Rates

In exercise of the powers contained in section 154 of the Act in order to upgrade and improve the Town Centre Zone (as defined in the Development Plan under the Development Act 1993 applicable to the Council area), a differential separate rate of 0.00 cents in the dollar of the capital value of rateable land for land use Categories 2, 3 and 4 in the Town Centre Zone is declared on that land.

7. Declaration of Natural Resources Management Levy

In accordance with section 154 of the Local Government Act 1999 and section 95 of the Natural Resources Management Act 2004, the Council declares a separate rate of 0.0060767 cents in the dollar of capital value of all rateable land within the area of the Rural City of Murray Bridge for the purpose of reimbursing to Council the amount that Council contributes to the SA Murray Darling Basin Natural Resources Management Board for the 2009-2010 financial year.

8. Declaration of Annual Service Charges and Service Rates

8.1 Community Waste Water Management and Water Supply Schemes:

8.1.1 Riverglen

In accordance with section 155 of the Local Government Act 1999, a total of $63 750 is to be levied against the properties within the area defined as ‘Riverglen’ to which Council provides a pres-cribed service, namely the provision of a septic tank effluent disposal and water supply. A service charge of $470 per assessment is imposed on rateable and non-rateable land a service rate of 0.166437 cents in the dollar of the capital value of rateable land is declared on Allotments 1 to 30, 125 and 126 in Deposited Plan 30450, Allotment 50 in Deposited Plan 42391 and Units 1 to 73 in Strata Plan 11238, being land to which the septic tank effluent disposal scheme and the water supply scheme are provided.

8.1.2 Woodlane

In accordance with section 155 of the Local Government Act 1999, a total of $42 845 is to be levied against the properties within the area defined as ‘Woodlane’ to which Council provides prescribed services, namely the provision of a septic tank effluent disposal and water supply. A service charge of $445 per assessment is imposed on rateable and non-rateable land and a service rate of 0.19008 cents in the dollar of the capital value of rateable land is declared on Allotments 1 to 18 in Deposited Plans 44292 and 48073, Allotments 191 and 192 in Deposited Plan 75292, Allotments 1 to 4, 7 to 37 and 40 in Deposited Plan 51229, Allotment 50 in Deposited Plan 53034 and Allotment 200 in Deposited Plan 62423, being land to which the septic tank effluent disposal scheme and the water supply scheme are provided.

The metered supply of water to sections of Woodlane will commence from 1 July 2009 with annual readings. The rates for supply of water will be charged at $2.26 per kilolitre (actual supply rate from SA Water) plus $165 per service charge. Overall, water and CWMS charges will be capped by 4.5% in 2009-2010.

8.2 Waste Collection Services

Variable annual service charges are imposed according to the nature of the service as follows:

8.2.1 New Garbage Collection Service

For the supply of a mobile garbage bin to land to which the new service is provided, a service charge of $60 per bin.


8.2.2 Additional Garbage Collection Service

For the supply of additional mobile garbage bin/s to land which the service provided, an annual service charge of $103 per bin.

8.2.3 Kerbside Recycling and Green Waste Services (Urban and Outer Townships)

For the provision of kerbside recycling service to land within the urban and outer townships to which the service is provided, a total service charge of $93 be applied for 2009-2010 which includes a 2008-2009 pro rata service charge of $18.

8.2.4 Kerbside Recycling Service only (Rural Areas excluding Outer Townships)

For the provision of kerbside recycling service only to land within the rural areas to which the service is provided, a total service charge of $56 be applied for 2009-2010 which includes a 2008-2009 pro rata service charge of $11.

9. Payment

Pursuant to section 181 (1) of the Act, all rates are payable in four equal or approximately equal instalments on or before the following dates:

• 21 September 2009;

• 11 December 2009;

• 12 March 2010;

• 11 June 2010.

10. Early Payment Incentive Scheme

In exercise of the powers contained in section 181 (11) of the Act and being of the opinion that it is desirable to encourage ratepayers to pay their general rates and/or separate rates, and/or service rates, and/or service charges early, the Council offers to give a discount of 1% of the amount payable of general rates and/or service rates and/or service charges if paid in full by 21 September 2009, be adopted.

D. ALTMANN, Chief Executive Officer



Periodical Review of Elector Representation

NOTICE is hereby given that the Council has undertaken a review to determine whether alterations are required in respect to elector representation, including ward boundaries and the composition of Council.

Having duly considered all relevant provisions of the Act, the information and alternatives contained within the Options Paper and the opinions expressed within the submissions received, Council proposes the following in respect to its future size, composition and structure (to come into effect as at the next Local Government Election in 2010):

• The principal member of Council be the Mayor, elected by the whole of the community.

• The City not be divided into wards (i.e. the current ‘no ward’ structure be retained).

• The elected Council comprise 10 area councillors (elected by the whole of the community).


Council has prepared a report which details the review process, public consultation undertaken and the proposal Council considers should be carried into effect. A copy of this report is available from:

• Council Office, Level 1, Civic Centre, 60 Tasman Terrace, Port Lincoln;

• Council’s website:; or

• by contacting Helena Jones, Executive Assistant on (08) 8621 2325.

Written Submissions

Written submissions are invited from interested persons and should be directed to:

Geoff Dodd Chief Executive Officer City of Port Lincoln P.O. Box 1787 Port Lincoln, S.A. 5607 via fax: (08) 8621 2399 via email:

by 5 p.m. on Friday, 31 July 2009.

Any person(s) making a written submission will be given the opportunity to appear before a meeting of Council or Council Committee to be heard in support of their submission.

G. DODD, Chief Executive Officer


Revoke the Classification of the Parcel of Land as Community Land

NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to section 194 (3) (b) of the Local Government Act 1999, Council resolved to revoke the classification of the parcel of land in Allotment 707 in Deposited Plan 58823, Hundred of Lincoln, comprised in certificate of title volume 5869, folio 502, as community land.

G. DODD, Chief Executive Officer


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates 2009-2010

NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the City of Prospect, at a meeting of the Council held on 23 June 2009 at which 11 members of the Council were present, resolved that consideration of the 2009-2010 Annual Business Plan has taken into account:

• The capital valuation of the City as set by the Valuer-General of South Australia.

• The relationship of the amount of rates needed to meet the Objectives of the City of Prospect’s Strategic Plan for 2008-2011 and the Annual Business Plan 2009-2010 (Budget, Long Term Financial Plan, Infrastructure and Asset Management Plan, Rating Strategies).

• The City of Prospect’s Rating Strategy (per annual Business Plan 2009-2010) as adopted by Council on 23 June 2009.

• The relationship and impact of the rates and rate differen-tial between residential and non-residential assessments.

• The equity of the rate structure.

• Rate concessions and rebates that will apply.

A full copy of the Annual Business Plan is available for inspection at the Council’s Principal Office, 128 Prospect Road, Prospect or on Council’s website

Adoption of Valuations

That the Council of the City of Prospect, pursuant to section 167 (2) (a) of the Local Government Act 1999, adopts valuations of capital value made by the Valuer-General in relation to the area of the Council on 23 June 2009 and specifies that the total of the values that are to apply within the area for rating purposes for the year ending 30 June 2010 is $4 285 020 700.

Declaration of Differential General Rates

That the Council of the City of Prospect, pursuant to sections 153 (1) (b) and 156 (1) (a) of the Local Government Act 1999, hereby declares differential general rates on rateable land within the area, which rates vary by reference to the uses of land designated by Regulation 10 (2) of the Local Government (General) Regulations 1999: (a) Residential: A rate of 0.28130 cents in the dollar on the

capital value of such rateable land. (b) Commercial—Shop: A rate of 0.47906 cents in the dollar

on the capital value of such rateable land.


(c) Commercial—Office: A rate of 0.47906 cents in the

dollar on the capital value of such rateable land.

(d) Commercial—Other: A rate of 0.47906 cents in the dollar on the capital value of such rateable land.

(e) Industry—Light: A rate of 0.47906 cents in the dollar on the capital value of such rateable land.

(f) Industry—Other: A rate of 0.47906 cents in the dollar on the capital value of such rateable land.

(g) Primary Production: A rate of 0.47906 cents in the dollar on the capital value of such rateable land.

(h) Vacant Land: A rate of 0.351625 cents in the dollar on the capital value of such rateable land.

(i) Other: A rate of 0.47906 cents in the dollar on the capital value of such rateable land.

Declaration of a Minimum Amount That the Council of the City of Prospect, pursuant to section 158 (1) (a) of the Local Government Act 1999, hereby fixes, in respect of the year ending 30 June 2010, a minimum amount of $745 that shall be payable by way of general rates on rateable land within the Council’s area.

Declaration of a Separate Rate (Natural Resources Management Levy)

That pursuant to section 95 of the Natural Water Resources Management Act 2004 and section 154 of the Local Government Act 1999, Council, in order to reimburse to the Council the amount contributed to the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board Levy of $316 170 declares for the year ending 30 June 2010, a separate rate of 0.0076436 cents in the dollar on the capital valuation of all rateable properties within the area of the City of Prospect.

Payment of Rates Notice is hereby given that pursuant to section 181 of the Local Government Act 1999, that the rates shall be payable in four equal or approximately equal instalments due and payable on 1 September 2009, 1 December 2009, 1 March 2010 and 1 June 2010.

M. GOLDSTONE, Chief Executive Officer



Periodical Review of Elector Representation

NOTICE is hereby given that the Council has undertaken a review to determine whether alterations are required in respect to elector representation, including ward boundaries and the composition of Council.

As an outcome of this review Council proposes: 1. That the office of Mayor (as elected by the whole of the

community) be retained as the Principal Member. 2. The elected Council comprise of 16 Ward Councillors. 3. That the City be divided into eight wards with each ward

being represented by two Ward Councillors.

Report Council has prepared a report which details the review process, public consultation undertaken and the proposal Council considers should be carried into effect. A copy of this report is available from the Council Offices, 12 James Street, Salisbury, S.A. 5108 and at Council’s website at or by contacting Patricia Twigg, Governance Co-ordinator, on telephone 8406 8329.

Written Submissions Written submissions are invited from interested persons and should be directed to the City Manager, P.O. Box 8, Salisbury, S.A. 5108, fax (08) 8281 5466 or email by close of business on 7 August 2009.

Any person(s) making a written submission will be given the opportunity to appear before a meeting of Council or Council Committee to be heard in support of their submission.

S. HAINS, City Manager


Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates

NOTICE is hereby given that on 23 June 2009 the City of Tea Tree Gully, pursuant to Chapter 10 of the Local Government Act 1999, adopted the following resolutions for the year ending 30 June 2010:

1. Capital valuations to apply in its area for rating purposes for the 2009-2010 financial year, as supplied by the Valuer-General as at 22 June 2009, total $14 280 471 220 ($13 731 891 000 rateable).

2. Declared a general rate of 0.3483 cents in the dollar on the capital value of all rateable land within the area and pursuant to section 158 (1) (a) fixed a minimum amount of $880 payable by way of rates on rateable land within the City of Tea Tree Gully.

3. Declared an annual service charge of $277 for all properties serviced by Council’s Community Wastewater Management System (CWMS) where the occupied property is charged a SA Water sewer service charge or the land is vacant. An annual service charge of $398 will apply for all other properties serviced by CWMS.

4. Declared a separate rate of 0.008071 cents in the dollar on the capital value of all rateable land within the area of City of Tea Tree Gully to reimburse Council for the amount contributed to the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board.

5. In order to reimburse the cost of the conversion from Community Wastewater Management System (CWMS) to SA Water sewer the Council declared a separate rate of a fixed amount of $277 on specified assessments.

6. Rates will fall due in four approximately equal instalments per year, the due dates being the first day of September, December 2009 and March and June 2010.

D. ROGOWSKI, Chief Executive Officer


Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates

NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the City of Victor Harbor, at a meeting held on 6 July 2009, in exercise of the powers contained in Chapter 10 of the Local Government Act 1999, resolved as follows:

Adoption of Valuation Pursuant to section 167 (2) (a) of the Local Government Act

1999, adopted for rating purposes for the year ending 30 June 2010, the Valuer-General’s valuation of capital value of land within the area of the Council totalling $3 439 512 400.

Declaration of Rates Pursuant to sections 153 (1) (b) and 156 (1) (a) of the Local

Government Act 1999, declared the following differential general rates on rateable land within the area of the Council for the year ending 30 June 2010, based on the capital value of the land and varying by reference to land use as categorised within Regulation 10 of the Local Government (General) Regulations 1999:

• In respect of rateable land with Land Use Category 1 (Residential) and Category 9 (Other), a differential general rate of 0.3005 cents in the dollar.

• In respect of rateable land with Land Use Category 2 (Commercial—Shop), Category 3 (Commercial—Office) and Category 4 (Commercial—Other), a differential rate of 0.3306 cents in the dollar.

• In respect of rateable land with Land Use Category 5 (Industry—Light) and Category 6 (Industry—Other), a differential general rate of 0.3155 cents in the dollar.

• In respect of rateable land with Land Use Category 7 (Primary Production), a differential general rate of 0.2479 cents in the dollar.

• In respect of rateable land with Land Use Category 8 (Vacant Land), a differential general rate of 0.3606 cents in the dollar.


Regional Natural Resources Management Levy

Pursuant to section 95 of the Natural Resources Management Act 2004 and section 154 of the Local Government Act 1999, declared separate rates for the year ending 30 June 2010, based on the capital value of all rateable properties, to recover amounts payable to Natural Resources Management Boards as follows:

• In respect of all rateable properties located within the area of the Council and of the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Natural Resources Management Board, a separate rate of 0.0048 cents in the dollar.

• In respect of all rateable properties located within the area of the Council and of the South Australian Murray-Darling Basin Natural Resources Management Board, a separate rate of 0.0058 cents in the dollar.

Fixed Charge Pursuant to section 151 (1) (c) (ii) and in accordance with

section 152 (2) of the Local Government Act 1999, imposed a fixed charge of $230 on each separate piece of rateable land within the area of the Council.

Rebates—Rate Relief Pursuant to section 166 (1) (l) of the Act, rebates on rates will

be offered as follows:

• in respect of residential properties which are the rate-payer’s principal place of residence, a rebate of the amount by which the general rate payable exceeds the 2008-2009 general rate payable by more than 15%; and

• in respect of Primary Production properties which are the ratepayer’s principal source of income and who can demonstrate financial hardship (e.g. where the owner has been the recipient of an Exceptional Circumstances Drought Relief Grant), a rebate of the amount by which the general rates payable exceeds the 2008-2009 general rates payable by more than 15%, to a maximum rebate of $500.

Such rebates would not apply where: the property has been acquired by the ratepayer or has become their principal place of residence (or principal source of income as applicable) after 1 January 2008; the increase in general rates is due in whole or in part to an increase in valuation of the property attributable to improvements; the increase in general rates payable is due in whole or in part to an increase in valuation of the property attributable to a change in the zoning of the land under the Development Act 1993.

Payment of Rates

Pursuant to section 181 (1) of the Local Government Act 1999, rates for the year ending 30 June 2010 are payable by quarterly instalments on the eighth day of the months of September 2009, December 2009, March 2010 and June 2010.

G. K. MAXWELL, City Manager



Road Closure—Lobethal Road and Sutton Road, Ashton

NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 10 of the Roads (Opening and Closing) Act 1991, that the Adelaide Hills Council proposes to make a Road Process Order to close and merge portions of the public roads (Lobethal Road and Sutton Road) with allotments 1 and 2 in Deposited Plan 31905, situated adjoining the western and southern boundaries of said allotments, more particularly delineated and lettered ‘A’ and ‘B’ (respectively) in Preliminary Plan No. 09/0054.

A copy of the plan and a statement of persons affected are available for public inspection at the offices of the Adelaide Hills Council, 63 Mount Barker Road, Stirling and 28 Main Street, Woodside, and the office of the Surveyor-General, 101 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, during normal office hours.

Any application for easement or object must set out the full name, address and details of the submission and must be fully supported by reasons. The application for easement or objection must be made in writing to the Adelaide Hills Council, P.O. Box

44, Woodside, S.A. 5244, within 28 days of this notice and a copy must be forwarded to the Surveyor-General, G.P.O. Box 1354, Adelaide, S.A. 5001. Where a submission is made, the Council will give notification of a meeting at which the matter will be considered.

Dated 6 July 2009.

P. PEPPIN, Chief Executive Officer



Periodical Review of Elector Representation

NOTICE is hereby given that the Council has undertaken a review to determine whether alterations are required in respect to elector representation, including ward boundaries and the composition of Council.

As an outcome of this review Council proposes the following in respect to its future size, composition and structure (to come into effect as at the next Local Government Election in 2010):

• Retain the Mayor as the principal member of Council, to be elected at Council-wide elections by the community.

• The Council area not be divided into wards (i.e. retain ‘no wards’), thereby requiring all of the area councillors to be elected at Council-wide elections by the community.

• The number of area councillors be reduced from 10 to eight.


Council has prepared a report which details the review process, public consultation undertaken and the proposal Council considers should be carried into effect. A copy of this report is available from the following locations:

• Berri Barmera Council Office, 19 Wilson Street, Berri;

• Barmera Library and Customer Service Centre, Barwell Avenue, Barmera;

• Berri Library and Information Centre, Kay Avenue, Berri;

• Berri Visitor Information Centre (Tourism Office), Riverview Drive, Berri; and

• Council’s website:,

or contacting the Chief Executive Office, David Beaton, telephone 8582 1922.

Written Submissions

Written submissions are invited from interested persons and should be directed to the Chief Executive Officer, David Beaton, fax 8582 3029 or email by close of business on 31 July 2009.

Any person(s) making a written submission will be given the opportunity to appear before a meeting of Council or Council Committee to be heard in support of their submission.

D. BEATON, Chief Executive Officer


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates

NOTICE is hereby given that at a meeting of the Council held on Tuesday, 23 June 2009 and for the year ending 30 June 2010, it was resolved:

Adoption of Valuations 2009-2010

To adopt, for rating purposes, the capital values made by the Valuer-General totalling $1 243 933 700 of which $1 171 834 200 is in respect to rateable land, and that 23 June 2009 shall be the day as and from which such valuations shall become the valuations of the Council.

Declaration of Rates 2009-2010

To declare the following differential rates based upon the locality of the land and its use on all rateable land within its area:

(1) Townships of Barmera, Berri, Cobdogla, Glossop, Loveday and Monash as defined:


(a) Category 1 (Residential): 0.5241 cents in the

dollar on the capital value of such rateable property;

(b) Categories 2, 3 and 4 (Commercial—Shop, Commercial—Office and Commercial—Other): 0.5733 cents in the dollar on the capital value of such rateable property;

(c) Categories 5 and 6 (Industrial—Light and Industrial—Other): 0.6320 cents in the dollar on the capital value of such rateable property; and

(d) Category 9 (Other): 0.5253 cents in the dollar on the capital value of such rateable property.

(2) Outside the aforesaid townships as defined: (a) Category 1 (Residential): 0.5208 cents in the

dollar on the capital value of such rateable property;

(b) Category 7 (Primary Production): 0.4865 cents in the dollar on the capital value of such rateable property;

(c) Category 8 (Vacant): 0.3840 cents in the dollar on the capital value of such rateable property;

(d) Category 9 (Other): 0.5253 cents in the dollar on the capital value of such rateable property;

(e) Categories 2, 3 and 4 (Commercial—Shop, Commercial—Office and Commercial—Other): 0.5712 cents in the dollar on the capital value of such rateable property; and

(f) Categories 5 and 6 (Industrial—Light and Industrial—Other): 0.6361 cents in the dollar on the capital value of such rateable property.

Declaration of Minimum Rates 2009-2010 To fix a minimum amount payable by way of general rates of

$533. Declaration of Service Charges—Community Wastewater

Management System (Effluent Disposal Scheme) To impose an annual service charge for all properties serviced

by the Berri Barmera Community Wastewater Management System (effluent disposal) that includes the Community Wastewater Management System of Berri, Barmera, Glossop, Monash, Cobdogla and Loveday, as follows:

$560 per unit on each occupied allotment; and $280 per unit on each vacant allotment.

Declaration of Separate Rate—Natural Resources Management Levy

To declare a separate rate of 0.0061 cents in the dollar based on the capital value of rateable land in the Council’s area in order to recover the amount payable to the SA Murray Darling Basin Natural Resources Management Board and to fix a minimum amount payable by way of this separate rate of $6.

Payment of Rates That rates will fall due and in four equal or approximately

equal instalments on the following dates: 1 September 2009 1 December 2009 1 March 2010 1 June 2010.

D. BEATON, Chief Executive Officer



Periodical Review of Elector Representation

NOTICE is hereby given that the Council has undertaken a review to determine whether alterations are required in respect to elector representation, including ward boundaries and the composition of Council.

As an outcome of this review Council proposes to:

• Retain the Office of Mayor as its Principal Member.

• The elected Council will comprise 10 Ward Councillors.

• The Council area will continue to be divided into four wards to be named Kadina Ward, Wallaroo Ward, Moonta Ward and Paskeville Rural Ward.


Council has prepared a report which details the review process, public consultation undertaken and the proposal Council considers should be carried into effect. A copy of this report is available from the Council Office, 51 Taylor Street, Kadina and at Council’s website at or by contacting Greg O’Connor on (08) 8821 1600.

Written Submissions

Written submissions are invited from interested persons and should be directed to Greg O’Connor, 51 Taylor Street, Kadina, S.A. 5554, fax (08) 8821 2736 or email:,

by close of business on Friday, 7 August 2009.

Any person(s) making a written submission will be given the opportunity to appear before a meeting of Council or Council Committee to be heard in support of their submission.

P. DINNING, Chief Executive Officer



Periodical Review of Elector Representation

NOTICE is hereby given that the Council has undertaken a review to determine whether alterations are required in respect to elector representation, including ward boundaries and the composition of Council.

As an outcome of this review Council proposes to maintain the status quo.


Council has prepared a report which details the review process, public consultation undertaken and the proposal Council considers should be carried into effect. A copy of this report is available from the Council Offices, 43 Dauncey Street, Kingscote and at Council’s website at or contacting Daniel Rowley on 8553 4500.

Written Submissions

Written submissions are invited from interested persons and should be directed to the Chief Executive Officer (Review of Elector Representation), P.O. Box 121, Kingscote, S.A. 5223, fax (08) 8553 2885 or email by close of business on 31 July 2009. A feedback form is also located on the website.

Any person(s) making a written submission will be given the opportunity to appear before a meeting of Council Committee to be heard in support of their submission likely to be on Friday, 14 August 2009.

C. NOON, Chief Executive Officer


Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates 2009-2010

NOTICE is hereby given that the District Council of Kimba at its meeting on 3 July 2009 for the financial year ending 30 June 2010:

1. Adopted for rating purposes the Valuer-General’s valuation of site values applicable to land within the Council area totalling $133 089 920.

2. Declared differential general rates based upon the locality of the land as follows:

2.1 2.069 cents in the dollar on the site value of all rateable land in the township of Kimba; and

2.2 0.6232 cents in the dollar on the site value of all other rateable land in the Council area.

3. Fixed a minimum amount payable by way of general rates of $150.


4. Imposed annual service charges as follows:

4.1 In respect of land serviced by the Kimba Township Community Wastewater Management Scheme, $90 for vacant allotments and $130 for occupied allotments.

4.2 In respect of land serviced by the Council’s waste management (collection) service, $120 for properties with a commercial land use and $70 for properties with a residential or other land use.

5. Declared a separate rate of a fixed amount of $60 per assessment on all rateable land in the Council area to recover the amount of $37 080 payable to the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board.

D. CEARNS, Chief Executive Officer


Adoption of 2009-2010 Annual Business Plan

NOTICE is hereby given that at its meeting held on 30 June 2009, the Council, in accordance with section 123 of the Local Govern-ment Act 1999, adopted the 2009-2010 Annual Business Plan.

Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates Notice is hereby given that at its meeting held on 30 June 2009, the Council, in exercise of the powers contained in Chapter 10 of the Local Government Act 1999, adopted the following resolutions:

Adoption of Assessment

That pursuant to section 167 (2) (a) of the Local Government Act 1999, Council adopts for the year ending 30 June 2010, the most recent valuations of the Valuer-General available to the Council of the capital value of land within the Council’s area being:

$ Rateable Properties................................... 2 129 112 366 Non-rateable Properties ............................ 47 380 075

and specifies 1 July 2009, as the day from which such valuations shall become the valuations of the Council.

Adoption of Budget

That pursuant to the provisions of section 123 of the Local Government Act 1999, the 2009-2010 financial budget, as presented, including the:

• Budgeted Operating Statement;

• Budgeted Statement of Financial Position;

• Budgeted Statement of Changes in Equity;

• Budgeted Statement of Cash Flow;

• Budgeted Financial Indicators,

is adopted involving:

• a total operating expenditure of $15 117 846;

• a total capital expenditure and loan principle payments of $4 248 439;

• a total estimated income and borrowings (other than rates) of $6 181 121;

• a total amount required to be raised from general rates of $8 294 224.

Declaration of Rates

That pursuant to section 156 (1) (c) of the Local Government Act 1999, the Council declares differential general rates according to the locality and the use of the land and based upon the capital value of the land on all rateable properties within the area of the Council, for the year ending 30 June 2010, as follows:

Cents Rural Living .......................................................... 0.393 Deferred Urban...................................................... 0.393 Residential (Naracoorte) Zone............................... 0.560 Recreation (Naracoorte) Zone ............................... 0.560 Conservation (Naracoorte) Zone ........................... 0.560 Country Living (Naracoorte) Zone........................ 0.560 Mixed Use (Naracoorte) Zone............................... 0.560

Cents Deferred Industry (Naracoorte) Zone .................... 0.560 Commercial (Naracoorte) Zone............................. 0.577 Commercial/Industry (Naracoorte) Zone............... 0.577 Industry (Naracoorte) Zone ................................... 0.577 Town Centre (Naracoorte) Zone ........................... 0.577 General Industry (Naracoorte) Zone...................... 0.577 Industry Zone ........................................................ 0.494 General Farming Zone........................................... 0.329 Forestry/Farming Zone.......................................... 0.329 Horticulture Zone .................................................. 0.329 Special Uses Aerodrome Zone .............................. 0.329 Town Centre (Lucindale) Zone ............................. 0.471 Commercial (Lucindale) Zone............................... 0.471 Country/Towns Zone Vacant Land Use ................ 0.471 Country Townships Zone ...................................... 0.471 Residential (Lucindale) Zone ................................ 0.471 Vacant Land Use (Lucindale) Zone....................... 0.471 Public Purpose (Lucindale) Zone .......................... 0.471

Minimum Rate

Pursuant to section 158 of the Local Government Act 1999, the Council fixes a minimum amount of $230 payable by way of rates for the year ending 30 June 2010.

Declaration of CWMS (formerly STEDS) Service Charge

Pursuant to section 155 of the Local Government Act 1999, the Council fixes an annual service charge for the Lucindale Community Wastewater Management Scheme (CWMS) for the year ending 30 June 2010, as follows:

(a) in respect of all occupied properties serviced by that scheme in the township of Lucindale—$312;

(b) in respect of all vacant properties serviced by that scheme in the township of Lucindale—$113.

Declaration of Waste and Recycling Collection Service Charge

Pursuant to section 155 of the Local Government Act 1999, the Council fixes an annual service charge for the Waste and Recycling Collection for the year ending 30 June 2010, as follows:

• in respect of all occupied rateable properties in the townships of Naracoorte, Lucindale, Frances, Hynam and Kybybolite and properties zoned Rural Living—$124.

Declaration of South East Natural Resources Management Board Levy

Pursuant to the powers contained in the Natural Resources Management Act 2004 and section 154 (1) of the Local Government Act 1999, in order to reimburse the Council the amount contributed to the South East Natural Resources Management Board, the Council fixed a separate levy of $36.80 in respect of each rateable property in the area of the Council in the catchment area of the Board.

Payment of Rates—Payment of Rates by Quarterly Instalments

That pursuant to section 181 of the Act that the payment of rates may be made by four approximately equal instalments, the first of which shall be due on the first working day of September 2009, the second on the first working day of December 2009, the third on the first working day of March 2010 and the fourth on the first working day of June 2010.

A. EVANS, Chief Executive Officer



Periodical Review of Elector Representation

NOTICE is hereby given that the Council has undertaken a review to determine whether alterations are required in respect to elector representation, including ward boundaries and the composition of Council.

As an outcome of this review Council proposes to maintain the present structure of four wards and nine elected members with adjustments to the ward boundaries to achieve equitable balance of elector numbers between wards.



Council has prepared a report which details the review process, public consultation undertaken and the proposal Council considers could be carried into effect. A copy of this report is available from the Northern Areas Council Jamestown Office, 94 Ayr Street, Jamestown; Northern Areas Council Gladstone Office, 14 Fifth Street, Gladstone, between 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Northern Areas Council Spalding Office, Main Street, Spalding (Tuesdays, 10 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. and Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.), the Council website at

Written Submissions

Written submissions are invited from interested persons from Thursday, 9 July 2009 and should be directed to Keith Hope, Chief Executive Officer, Northern Areas Council, P.O. Box 120, Jamestown, S.A. 5491 or email to, to be received by close of business on Friday, 31 July 2009.

Any person(s) making a written submission will be given the opportunity to appear before a meeting of Council to be heard in support of their submission.

K. HOPE, Chief Executive Officer


Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates, 2009-2010

NOTICE is hereby given that at the special meeting of Council held on Wednesday, 1 July 2009, Council resolved the following:

Adoption of Annual Business Plan

1. That in accordance with section 123 of the Local Govern-ment Act 1999 and Regulation 5A of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1999, the Annual Business Plan as presented and amended, considered by Council to be consistent with the objectives and goals of its Strategic Manage-ment Plan, be adopted by Council as its Annual Business Plan for the financial year ending 30 June 2010.

Adoption of Budget

2. That in accordance with section 123 of the Local Govern-ment Act 1999 and Regulation 5B of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1999, the Budget as presented, considered by Council to be consistent with the objectives and goals of its Annual Business Plan, and comprising:

• operating surplus (before capital) $715 000;

• net surplus from operations $5.792 million;

• capital expenditure of $13.291 million;

• net overall funding deficit of $3.031 million,

details of which are contained within the:

• budget income statement;

• budget balance sheet;

• budget statement of changes in equity;

• uniform presentation of finances;

• financial indicators,

be adopted by Council as its Annual Budget for the financial year ending 30 June 2010.

Adoption of Valuations

3. That in accordance with section 167 (2) (a) of the Local Government Act 1999, the following valuations, being the most recent valuations of the Valuer-General available to Council at this time, for the capital value of land within the area of Council being $1 925 869 000, be adopted by Council for rating purposes for the financial year ending 30 June 2010.

Declaration of Fixed Charge and Differential Rate

4. That in accordance with sections 152 (1) (c), 153 (1) (b) and 156 (1) (c) of the Local Government Act 1999 and Regulation 10 of the Local Government (General) Regulations 1999 and in consideration of sections 150 and 153 (2) of the Local Government Act 1999, Council does not set a maximum rate increase limit, and declares general rates on all rateable land within the area of Council for the financial year ending 30 June 2010, as consisting of a fixed charge and a differential general rate:

Fixed Charge

In accordance with section 152 (1) (c) and in consideration and subject to section 152 (2) of the Local Government Act 1999, a component being a fixed charge of $260 be imposed on each separate piece of rateable land,

and a differential rate calculated as:

Differential General Rate

In accordance with sections 153 (1) (b) and 156 (1) (c) of the Local Government Act 1999 and Regulation 10 of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1999, a component being a differential general rate based on the capital value of the land and the land-use and/or location of the land be imposed on each separate piece of rateable land as shown in the table below:

Differential General Rate—for the Year Ending 30 June 2010

By Land-Use:

• Residential (rating code 1): 0.2678 cents in the dollar of capital value.

• Commercial and Light Industrial (rating codes 2, 3, 4 and 5): 0.6413 cents in the dollar of capital value.

• Industrial (rating code 6): 3.8267 cents in the dollar of capital value.

• Primary Production (rating code 7): 0.1487 cents in the dollar of capital value.

• Vacant Land (rating code 8): 0.5372 cents in the dollar of capital value.

• Other Land (rating code 9): 0.5372 cents in the dollar of capital value.

By Location:

• Country Township (rating code 10): 0.2678 cents in the dollar of capital value.

• Regional Rural (rating codes 11 and 12): 0.1487 cents in the dollar of capital value.

Rates Payments

5. That in accordance with section 181 (1) of the Local Government Act 1999, all rates payable for the financial year ending 30 June 2010, be payable by four equal (or approxi-mately equal) instalments due for payment on 12 September 2009, 12 December 2009, 13 March 2010 and 12 June 2010.

Discount for Early Payment

6. That with reference to section 181 (11) of the Local Government Act 1999, Council will not apply a discount to general rates payable for the financial year ending 30 June 2010.

Separate Rate—Natural Resources Management Levy

7. That in accordance with section 95 of the Natural Resources Management Act 2004 and section 154 of the Local Government Act 1999, to enable it to meet its obligations to the Northern and Yorke Natural Resources Management Board, Council declares a separate rate on all rateable land within the area of Council, and that that rate be 0.0143 cents in the dollar of capital value for the financial year ending 30 June 2010.

Annual Service Charge

8. That in accordance with section 155 of the Local Govern-ment Act 1999, Council imposes a service charge on land to which it provides or makes available to a community waste-water management system, for that service charge to vary on the basis of being occupied or vacant, and that the service charge for the financial year ending 30 June 2010 be as shown here:

Per CWMS Unit Crystal Brook: $ • occupied land .................................................... 264 • vacant land ........................................................ 198

Napperby: • occupied land .................................................... 424 • vacant land ........................................................ 243

DR A. JOHNSON, Chief Executive Officer




Renmark District Business Zone Development Plan Amendment Public and Agency Consultation

NOTICE is hereby given that the Renmark Paringa Council has prepared the Renmark District Business Zone Development Plan Amendment (DPA) to amend the Renmark Paringa (DC) Development Plan so as to provide land and policies that promote desired business and commercial development in appropriate areas of the Renmark Township.

The DPA proposes the following changes: • amend the District Business Zone Policy provisions to

provide for the south-west extension of the zone along Renmark Avenue between Twenty First Street and Twenty Third Street;

• insert a Concept Plan for the area affected into the District Business Zone Policy provisions;

• rezone Lot 4 being CT 5846/788 DP64071 from Residential 1 to District Business;

• rezone the existing General Industry (former Renmano Wines Site) on the corner of Twenty Third Street and Renmark Avenue to District Business Zone;

• rezone properties fronting Renmark Avenue between Twenty First Street and Twenty Third Street presently contained in the Residential 1 Zone to District Business Zone;

• replace Index to Zone Map RePa/2; • replace Zone Map RePa/17 and 18; • replace Policy Areas Map RePa/24 and 25; and • provide a new Policy Area Map RePa/27.

The draft Plan Amendment Report will be available for public inspection at the Community and Civic Centre, 61 Eighteenth Street, Renmark from Thursday, 9 July 2009 to Friday, 4 September 2009. Copies of the Plan Amendment Report can be purchased at the Community and Civic Centre Office for $10. Copies are also available on the Council website:

All submissions should be addressed to The Chief Executive Officer, P.O. Box 730, Renmark, S.A. 5341. Copies of all written submissions received will be available for inspection by interested persons at the Council Offices from Monday, 7 September 2009.

A public hearing, to enable people to speak to Council in relation to the DPA and their submissions, will be held on Tuesday, 22 September 2009 at 7 p.m. at the Community and Civic Centre (if required as a result of submissions being received and persons wishing to speak). The written submission should therefore clearly indicate whether you wish to speak at the above public hearing on your submission.

For further information please contact Rebecca Perkin, Town Planner on telephone (08) 8580 3000, fax (08) 8580 3030 or email to Dated 9 July 2009.

B. HURST, Chief Executive Officer


Change to Road Names—Renmark

NOTICE is hereby given that at a meeting of Council held on 28 April 2009, Council resolved, pursuant to section 219 (1) of the Local Government Act 1999, to assign names to the following: 1. The public road beginning at Sturt Highway near Yamba

and ending at Millewa Road, Murtho shall be named Border Fence Road.

2. The public road beginning at Weaver Road, Lyrup to the end shall be named Ohlson Road.

3. The public road beginning at Roper Avenue and ending at Government Road, Renmark shall be named Maniatis Road.

4. The public road beginning at Old Lyrup Road, Lyrup to the end shall be named Homestead Road.

5. The public road beginning at Purnong Street, Renmark to the end shall be named Dairy Road.

6. The public road beginning at Moorna Street, Renmark and ending at river (currently named Kulnine Street) shall be named Cresent Street.

7. The public road beginning at Moorna Street and ending at Nelwart Street, Renmark (currently named Twenty-fifth Street) shall be named Townsend Street.

8. The public road beginning at intersection of Twenty-third Street and Moorna Street, Renmark to the end (currently named Twenty-third Street) shall be named Plush’s Bend Road.

9. The public road beginning at Cresent Street, Renmark to the end (currently named Twenty-first Street) shall be named Falland Lane.

10. The public road beginning at Old Wentworth Road and ending at Ibis Road, Renmark shall be named Hawk Street.

11. The public road beginning at Tern Street and ending at Sanctuary Road, Renmark shall be named Eagle Street.

12. The public road beginning at Old Wentworth Road and ending at Ibis Road, Renmark (currently named Quail Street) shall be named Ibis Road.

13. The public road beginning at Mack Avenue and ending at Ibis Road, Renmark (currently named Ibis Road) shall be named Mack Avenue.

14. The public road beginning at Mack Avenue and ending at Sanctuary Road, Renmark (currently named Ibis Road) shall be named Tern Street.

15. The public road beginning at Canal Road and ending at Currawong Street, Renmark (currently named Chaffey Street) shall be named Heron Street.

B. C. HURST, Chief Executive Officer



Public Road, Bray

NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 10 of the Roads (Opening and Closing) Act 1991, that the District Council of Robe proposes to make a Road Process Order to close and merge the public roads adjoining sections 155 and 157 in the Hundreds of Bray and Ross, as more particularly delineated and lettered ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ on Preliminary Plan No. 09/0046.

A copy of the plan and a statement of persons affected are available for public inspection at the office of the Council, Royal Circus, Robe and the Adelaide office of the Surveyor-General during normal office hours.

Any application for easement or objection must set out the full name, address and details of the submission and must be fully supported by reasons.

The application for easement or objection must be made in writing to the Council, P.O. Box 1, Robe, S.A. 5276 within 28 days of this notice and a copy must be forwarded to the Surveyor-General, G.P.O. Box 1354, Adelaide, S.A. 5001.

Where a submission is made, the Council will give notification of a meeting at which the matter will be considered. Dated 9 July 2009.

B. HENDER, Chief Executive Officer


Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates 2009-2010

NOTICE is hereby given that the District Council of Yankalilla at its meeting held on 25 June 2009, for the financial year ending 30 June 2010:

1. Adopted for rating purposes the Valuer-General’s valuations of capital values applicable to land within the Council area totalling $1 649 330 120.

2. Declared differential general rates based upon the use of the land as follows:

(a) Residential: 0.405 cents in the dollar; (b) Commercial—Shop: 0.405 cents in the dollar; (c) Commercial—Office: 0.405 cents in the dollar; (d) Commercial—Other: 0.405 cents in the dollar;


(e) Industry—Light: 0.405 cents in the dollar; (f) Industry—Other: 0.405 cents in the dollar; (g) Primary Production: 0.365 cents in the dollar; (h) Vacant Land: 0.555 cents in the dollar; and (i) Other: 0.405 cents in the dollar.

3. Imposed a minimum rate of $650 in respect of each separate piece of rateable land in the Council area.

4. Declared a separate rate of $0.0061 cents in the dollar on capital value on all rateable land in the Council area to recover the amount of $96 680 payable to the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board.

5. Imposed annual service charges as follows: (a) In respect of all occupied properties serviced by the

Normanville CWMS Treatment Plant, an annual service charge of $433 per unit.

(b) In respect of all vacant properties within the area serviced by the Normanville CWMS Treatment Plant, an annual service charge of $433 per unit.

(c) In respect of all occupied properties serviced by the Second Valley CWMS, an annual service charge of $294 per unit.

(d) In respect of each vacant allotment within the area serviced by the Second Valley CWMS, an annual service charge of $294 per unit.

(e) In respect of all occupied properties at Myponga Beach serviced by the Myponga Beach Treatment Plant an annual service charge of $433 per unit.

(f) In respect of each vacant allotment at Myponga Beach serviced by the Myponga Beach Treatment Plant an annual service charge of $433 per unit.

(g) In respect of all properties at Cape Jervis serviced by the Cape Jervis Treatment Plant, an annual service charge of $433 per unit.

A property service charge per unit will be charged in accordance with the CWMS property units code as provided at Regulation 9A of the Local Government Act 1999.

R. SWEETMAN, Chief Executive Officer

IN the matter of the estates of the undermentioned deceased persons:

Bond, James, late of 29 Austral Terrace, Morphettville, retired labourer, who died on 5 April 2009.

Bowley, Elliott Burton, late of 10 Coleridge Crescent, Clearview, retired French polisher, who died on 15 May 2009.

Chambers, Robert John, late of 7 Braun Drive, Hahndorf, retired accountant, who died on 29 April 2009.

Cook, Marilyn, late of 186 Esplanade, Largs Bay, antique dealer, who died on 21 February 2009.

Donovan, Elizabeth Mona, late of 20 Rushall Crescent, Fitzroy North, Victoria, of no occupation, who died on 19 April 2009.

How, Richard Nicholas, late of 47 Pine Avenue, Warradale, computer programmer, who died on 4 February 2009.

Huggett, James Ernest, late of 25 Newton Street, Whyalla, retired maintenance fitter, who died on 25 January 2009.

Lynch, Betty Alma, late of 2 Richard Street, Wallaroo, home duties, who died on 18 April 2009.

McIntosh, Bessie Eloise Sydney, late of 500 Old Cleveland Road, East Birkdale, Queensland, of no occupation, who died on 31 January 2009.

Middleton, Ross Lewis, late of 56 High Street, Grange, retired settlement’s clerk, who died on 10 May 2009.

Nankervis, Beatrice Mary, late of 39 Campus Drive, Aberfoyle Park, widow, who died on 1 March 2009.

O’Connell, Terrence Gregory, late of 7 Chambers Street, Beachport, retired machinery operator, who died on 26 February 2009.

O’Donoghue, David Paul, late of 2-10 First Street, Brompton, retired heavy vehicle operator, who died on 19 March 2009.

O’Shea, Laurel Patricia, late of 57 Hill Street, Campbelltown, retired dining room attendant, who died on 11 April 2009.

Plane, Dorothy Joyce, late of 25 Roopena Street, Ingle Farm, of no occupation, who died on 10 January 2009.

Roberts, Ronald Theodore, late of 33 Ulinga Street, Glenelg North, retired consultant, who died on 24 April 2009.

Tiver, Dorothy Vera, late of 25 Roopena Street, Ingle Farm, of no occupation, who died on 22 May 2009.

Tonkin, Ronald Ivan, late of 32 Kittel Street, Whyalla, retired foreman, who died on 1 April 2009.

Turley, Felix John Joseph, late of 47 Glen Osmond Road, Eastwood, retired transport driver, who died on 16 May 2009.

Wilkins, Cora Elaine, late of 59 Ferguson Avenue, Myrtle Bank, retired pharmacist, who died on 6 February 2009.

Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act 1936, as amended, the Inheritance (Family Provision) Act 1972, and the Family Relationships Act 1975, that all creditors, beneficiaries, and other persons having claims against the said estates are required to send, in writing, to the Public Trustee, 25 Franklin Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000, full particulars and proof of such claims, on or before 7 August 2009, otherwise they will be excluded from the distribution of the said estate; and notice is also hereby given that all persons who are indebted to the said estates are required to pay the amount of their debts to the Public Trustee or proceedings will be taken for the recovery thereof; and all persons having any property belonging to the said estates are forthwith to deliver the same to the Public Trustee.

Dated 9 July 2009.

M. I. BODYCOAT, Public Trustee



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