The spanish coast

Post on 14-May-2015

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Spanish coasts


The Atlantic coast extends into three

regions: Galicia, part of Andalusia and Canary Islands.

This coast is high and rocky . With cliffs and many estuaries.

Andalusian coast

The Cantabrian coast is generally

high and rocky with cliffs and estuaries.

The Cantabrian coast extends into three regions: Asturias, Cantabria and the Basque Country.


Basque Country



The Mediterranean coast is Spani´s longest coast.

It is generally low and with sandy beaches.

The Mediterranean coast extends

from the French border in

Catalonia to the Strait of

Gibraltar in Andalusia and

the Balearic Islands

The Balearic Islands are high and rocky but there are sandy beaches.

Spain has two large archipelagos:

Balearic Islands

Canary Islands

They are located to the east of the Peninsula, in the Mediterranean Sea.

There are five main islands: Mallorca, Ibiza, Manorca, Formentera

and Cabrera. As well as few smaller islands

Mallorca is the largest island and it is the most

mountainous. The main mount range is the

Tramuntana Range.

They are located to the west Africa, in the Atlantic Ocean.

There are seven main islands: La Palma, El Hierro, La Gomera, Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura and Lanzarote. These islands are of

volcanic origin. This means the land was formed by lava from volcanoes. The relief is very mountainous. Mount Teide is the highest peak in Spain.