The spirit of light

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Spiritual Quote of the Spirit of Light, by @pjvalente (medium Paulo Jose F valente).




This book is dedicated to Dr. Jaime de Oliveira Medium Spiritist Group

Francisco Candido Xavier Sao Paulo - SP


I dedicate this digital book in English for Leslie Marshall, for their tireless work in support of real democracy in the U.S. and worldwide.

The author:

Paulo José Fernandes Valente

Twitter: @pjvalente


This work has been automatically translated by Google translator.



I saw the spirits of light for the first time when

my brother was dying in a hospital bed; surrounded by half a dozen of them.

They were intense beams of golden light, and seemed

perform a medical operation.

At that moment a strange, deep stillness gripped my heart. So I was absolutely sure that

my brother would recover, and they did. God writes straight with crooked lines, I thought.


The quotes were received this book by

Paulo Jose F Valente, when he attended the Spiritist Group Francisco Candido Xavier, situated in Martin Street,

306 - Sao Paulo SP Brazil,

in 2009


So who are the spirits of light? They are big-hearted souls when in earthly life, which transcended to the higher spheres of the astral. However, returning to earth in spirit to bring understanding and relieve pain. The spiritual path Do not worry when you walk the spiritual path. Just focus on do good to themselves and others. Follow your heart When you feel lost in the way of life, see your heart. For it is only he who can rescue you to the track. Word of Jesus Jesus' word is final: You love one another as I love you. Light of Love While ignorance enslaves and liberates light of love. Loneliness No one is totally alone in this life, nor will the other. There is always close by divine light, even if you do not see it.


Correct path The light path is the correct path. A blind man can follow it. Good heart The flame is not quenched his spirit is immortal. She shines brightly languishes with love and hate. So cleanse your heart releasing him of hatred and ignorance. Friendship Learn to choose your friends. Not every tree bears good fruit. People without heart Where is the heart of people without heart? Certainly they have died and do not know. Great heart The size of your heart will be measured by your actions. Only those who do good, goodness and love that has a big heart. Lost in life The worst loss is the one who has gone astray in life by not following your heart.


Peace Your inner peace is divine. Who is at peace with certainly shares with others. It is well to realize that we are all interconnected. The spiritual world is everyone watching. your works Your work reflects your thoughts, your actions and certainly your heart. Masterpiece The most valuable work you do in earthly journey is one that lifts you up and you dignifies. She is everything you take to the other side. Love is light There can be no real understanding love. Love & Sex Love transcends gender, yet does not mean that so you need to dismiss it. Spiritual universe The universe has no beginning and no end. He is eternal and infinite. Is this address your universal spirit will live forever. Illusion & Wealth All wealth that brings harm is the result of illusion. Granted the illusion never brings good results.


Wealth All wealth is drawn from the good work and dedication will be blessed. However, it is cursed and will certainly bring troubles originates when greed and selfishness. The body Your body is your school on earth. So make good use of it. Note that when you learn you do not take this "school" with him to the beyond. Desires Enslaves the poor souls who are the uncontrollable urges that they have. New time Free your soul and the illusory desires a new era opens for you. Mission of light All the land we have missions to fulfill. The most important is to purify our hearts with love. Love Light Wherever you are spiritual light, there will surely be love.


Thank The ungrateful person thinks everyone has debt to her. Have the person know you have high debt to all. Only this last is worthy of the kingdom of heaven. Karma Thoughts, words and actions make up your karma, but he did not necessarily be bad. And it just depends on you. Desires Know that the Lord of your desires is not you but your illusions and feelings. They can take you to hell in his own lifetime. Words of Life His words indicate how much is light and are, or heavy and sick, your heart. Words Words can also build and destroy. So pay attention to your speech. Avoid words that can destroy and use edifying words. Desires The build desires under control and give meaning to life. Instead, the desire are destructive and uncontrollable misleading.


Earthly journey On the journey we are tempted by earthly desires and illusions about the property of matter. Learn everything you need is within yourself. And to discover this inner treasure enough to just open your heart. Prayer Prayer is the light that illuminates the soul: the heat that warms the heart. It is a gift you have and what does not belong. World Peace The war lords and their vicious dogs will be met. This is already being fulfilled. Those who live will see an emerging era of world peace this century. Better World The new time is coming, not before a few more trials and tribulations. New time II In the new era dawns that material progress will be more fair for everyone. It will be a time of light and understanding between religions exist, which germinate in a "universal religion". Injustices The worst are those injustices committed against his father and mother. Who will make good destination will not, and certainly will go through trials that are difficult to bear.


Past obsessive Who lives in the past overlooks the present and the future compromises. Love Speak with love, think and act with love with love. This good news given Jesus will give you infinity and eternity. Path of Light His actions are good and true? Do you love yourself, nature and the next? Consult your heart to answer them. If you answered positively to formulated questions, then you are following the path of light. Correct path Being in the right path those who do not look back do not learn the lessons of life. However, if you do not look forward to not get everywhere. Universal heart Who is evolving certainly has the universe in your heart pounding. In the path of Light As soon as you walk the road of light, the better your future life. Sufferer Oh, brother sufferer. It is up to you to take away the thorns from your heart.


Stones of the road Stay tuned to the stones of the road, and if you stumble on some of them do not moan. For the stone gave you the lesson of attention and perseverance. Greater love Love has many faces and the most perfect of these is the spiritual side. Love & Light As the sun warms the fields, love warms the heart and enlightens the spirit. Master This house is a center of light that dignifies our father. It is in his name that we workers operate. Healing The child who is crying today will be cured of his evil spirit and flesh. <01/26/2009 spirit of light, about a boy in this group Spiritist Francisco Candido Xavier - Sao Paulo, Brazil.> Purity We are all born with purity of heart, so we must rescue her as soon as possible. Dark path If you walk a path that gives you great pleasure and a little love, get it fast. Surely you are living a great illusion that will cost the nose.


Spiritual understanding The light of spiritual understanding heart warms us and makes us immortal. Love is divine While love is divine; hate is human. This means that hatred destroys us as love makes us immortal. Pain Your illusions and attachments are the roots of your pain. Blessing of the spirit of light I touched your heart and your mind lit. Want blessing better than this? Paradise Heaven is not a destination but a conquest. Need to earn it. Works Do not be fooled by your works. The work consists of the true and eternal light. Basically we are all achievers. Serenity Before you disagree seek the truth. Before agreeing to seek the reason and love.


Self He who puts his ego ahead of his quest, seeking the truth; but always see the illusion. Doubt When in doubt do not. Be quiet. So no need to apologize. Earthly happiness Happiness is fleeting. We look for where it is not, but if the will find it soon. Unlimited wants If you link your happiness to the realization of your desires, you will never be happy. Obsession The more depressed a person is, the farther it is from reality. Every depression is an exaggerated attachment to a particular obsession. Fool One who disagrees is a fool. However he agrees with everything that is equally silly. Disagree Anyone who disagrees is wrong actually agreeing with your opponent.


Listen Who does not hear is not heard. Who would not be heard can not question and therefore can not learn. Selfishness Selfishness cloudy mind, heart and drought exacerbates the desires and illusions. The selfish The selfish accumulates more than you need and less of what you want. For it is always unfortunate. Gossip Do not listen to gossip. When we take care of the lives of others of our neglect, and misery comes back. Forgive but not forget He who says he has forgiven and not forgotten, not really forgiven. This person has a thorn in the heart and another in consciousness. Sin He who looks for the divine laws certainly would be a sin. Divine forgiveness Divine forgiveness is granted to those who repented and sought to repair the fault.


Soul Do not wash the soul except for the heart. Error Who makes no mistakes does not learn. And those who live in error does not evolve. God writes straight God writes straight with crooked lines. Much of what is given "to see and hear," we are only truly revealed by the heart. The murky Some prefer to tread the murky, which is not good. Unless disappointment, sadness and pain. The addition If you enter the valley of the shadow of death, let the flame of your heart brighten your every step.

Happy Heart Do not let your heart rule your desires. Leave it to govern itself. Better World Let the truth be told. Turn your swords into plows and feed the hungry.


Pure Heart If your heart is light, your spirit is light. Spirit of Light In the mundane world there are spirits of all kinds. Even those pure spirits who do not need to return to earth after death, and do so willingly to help others. They are everywhere and you can not imagine. Spiritual success The path of spiritual life is long and the hardships are numerous. Do not give up that success is certain. House of the Heavenly Father The father's house is as simple as a small heart and pure. However this is short address you will find eternal life. Children Keep a pure heart like the little children. It is he who will give you eternal life and heaven. His mission Go and fulfill its mission. Spread your word that all four corners of the world will hear you. <palavras the spirit of light to autor> Lack of love There are those who think they can live without love. In fact do not live fully.


Workers Not far from the day that the other benefactors of this house will also see the spirits of light. <the spirit of light on the benefactors of the center espírita: Francisco Candido Xavier> True love True love is unlimited and includes all beings and things. It is a divine wealth that is available to everyone. Spiritual evolution Open your heart to the light of the fruitful love and let it go. No major transformation. Transformations The baby learns to walk. The young man learns to love. The adult learns to be. The elderly learn to be reborn. Memoirs Equally important is to remember to forget. So remember the good and useful and forget the bad things and useless. The best way to forget the bitterness is to forgive. So you'll be happy. Forgive Sin is earthly and divine forgiveness. So the forgiveness you give yourself raises and dignifies you. Error Go and do not wander more. Forgive yourself. Does not Allah forgive? Yes, he forgives!


Universal truths When the light of your heart enlighten your mind, you will know God's truths. Immortality Our divine origin makes us immortal. However need to change body many times until we get such grace. Happiness unhappy Men cause great suffering to themselves and others seeking "happiness." Inner voice Listen and follow your heart that will open a new era for you. Divine Love Divine love attracts people of good heart as light attracts moths. Spiritual Family We formed a big family. We are all brothers. Godbrothers Never stay away from your spiritual brothers. This would be an impossible task. In fact they will always be with yourself in other lives.


Transformation The time changes everything. Except infinity and eternity, which are powerful divine attributes. Search The search for truth can result in discord. Disagree but do not fight. The truth is not in fighting but in the enlightenment. Discord When you disagree keep calm. Listen to what your opponent has to say. He may be right and you do not. Fluid of life Water is the universal fluid of life. No smell, no taste and no color. However it is essential. His spirit is like water. Pure, peaceful and essential. Blessed Blessed are they who believe and continue on the path of light. Their tracks are narrow and rocky, but the destination will be glorious. Heart Your tongue is a good indication of how good your heart. Healthy and uplifting words can only come from a good heart .


Divine laws Whoever contrary to divine laws will be punished. However, it is not God who punishes. They are the very acts that will provide the offender's deserved punishment. After all, who can put his hand on fire without getting burned? Inner voice To warm your heart listen to your inner voice. It comes from the depths of your spirit, which not only immortal is divine. Have faith and the flame of love always warms your heart. Illusion If you do not notice the beauty of life beyond the material, then the illusion has come over you. The Better World A better, more just and good is emerging before our eyes. I know you see it, but others have not. United The nations should treat each other like sisters. In every family there are problems, it does not matter. In the end everything is resolved with love and justice. Diseases The ills of the flesh on earth ends with the burial. But the diseases of the spirit still after him. Path and The path of good is difficult to tread, for countless desires try to divert your steps.


Eternal life

The path of good heart will lead you to life eternal. Our Father's Prayer Those who pray the prayer of the Our Father with a pure heart, just like little children certainly will get aid from the spirits of light. Father & Mother Honor your father and mother. For they are the beginning of everything in our lives. Parental love is the greatest love there is. Brazil spiritual From Brazil came with a spiritual light energy to illuminate the world. Peace of Mind Peace of mind is difficult to achieve. For it is only at peace with himself who took this peace to others. So do good for you, but do for others as well. Heart of Light Your actions pave your way. And your heart will give you the light you need to follow him.


Time Nobody lives in the past and so little in the future. However, they are the good deeds of the past to build a better future for you. Lighthouse Heart Wherever you go, always follow the path of light. The heart is a lighthouse. Follow him. Path of light Every path of light begins in good heart. Although we do not know for sure our destiny, and of course at the end of it all will lead us to God. Spirit Few people understand that fire is not quenched within each one. Is it coming all happiness and all suffering. This is called eternal fire and spirit is divine by nature. New time A new era for humanity is emerging. For human beings are fed up with bad things and illusory. However, things still get worse before a little more to improve. Faith Being on track to have faith that you get where you want. Faith purifies the heart and enlightens the mind. It is faith that will give you eternal life, not science.


Love & Hate Hate is not a divine creation, so he has nowhere near the power of love. Now that's divine, infinite and eternal. Pure Heart Money, power, wealth and beauty do not lead to real progress. Only a pure heart and good can this benefit. Sweet yoke The way of life is good live. It follows that the pure heart and good will have an easy yoke. Good thoughts, good words and good deeds is what is expected in the life journey of the pilgrim spirit. Addiction The attachment is love with passion. And passion is a great obsession that destroys the soul in love. Reality The measure of things just are not the expectations on them. But things in themselves. That is the stark reality. Self Do not underestimate and not have too much pride. Then discover that you have more than precise and less than you think. Eternal fire The eternal fire in your soul there. It is he who purifies your heart and enlighten your mind. It comes from the noble hopes.


Blind spiritual If you can not see a brother in a strange, is because his spirit is enveloped by the darkness of the ego. Light Workers Just as the potter molds the clay, you must shape their desires and actions, as the divine love in you. Baptism The baptism of water is important. The water is pure. Just after crossing the warm waters of the womb, which is to be the new light of life. Forgiveness The heart is hard as a stone thrown against the sinner. It kills and nothing builds. Know that forgiveness is one of the greatest proofs of divine love. Heavenly Father The light of love warms our hearts and brightens the understanding that we are all children of God. Ways of life The heart must always guide your steps along the paths of life. Not always know why the good shortcuts that only the good heart can take you.


Illusions Death does not extinguish the illusions of desire. It can even help the obsessive process. Therefore it is the embodied soul to seek the understanding of reality by means of the divine teachings. Fardhearted How hard is the heart of the heartless and so dark is your mind, so he does not perceive the divine love that exists in all beings and all things? Final Destination Standing in the way of life do not worry where you will arrive. Go ahead and help others along the way. Earthly mission If you know what your mission on earth, your heart to see that there is a wreck of his own existence. School of life In the ways of life are all students and teachers. No one can not learn and who can not teach. Power of money The money gives the false sense of power and security. The time will come that this power will be tested and it will prove ineffective. Desires The earthly world opens up infinite possibilities for you. But be careful with your wishes, because they'll follow you like a shadow and dominate for a long time.


Good heart The rich fool who lust, but not those who have good heart. The good heart will protect you wherever you go in this or another life. Man brutalized It is easier for a man brutalized pull a gun, even though this is a word, to reconcile with his brother. Addiction Be careful. It's easy to indulge in that which gives pleasure. But this pleasure addict turn into pain and you steal health and reason. Imposition Why impose their God or their religion, their customs, or even to other hearts; if each one has free will and freedom? Error and sin Do not confuse error with sin. Mistakes are part of learning. The sins instead are the result of moral misconduct. The sins are your karma in this life and in the other. last Their evil deeds of the past give you the current stored in the heart hurts. So forget what happened and repair the evil you have done. So good new horizons will open for you.


Wheel of Life The wheel of life: birth, life, death and rebirth; constitute the law of spiritual progress; which in turn depends on your desires, feelings and actions. So cleanse your heart by doing good. Middle path Look to your left, see how many declined! Look to your right, note how many were lost! So do not fall into temptation. Learn the best way is the middle: balanced and correct. Law of love Jesus preached love to the world and not without reason. Love is the cornerstone that builds spiritual progress. Without love, the spirit does not evolve and does not transcend. Without love there is no return to God. Love x selfishness Love and selfishness are mutually exclusive. Where a is not the other. Love is split; thing that are not selfish. Bad souls The poor and ignorant souls are burned in the fire of hatred, envy and greed. Living hell still alive. Stocks & Karma Sooner or later your spirit will be seen in front of one's actions. And as if in a mirror you'll see its true face: happy or unhappy.


Secret Inertia does not bring evolution and not every action necessarily brings progress. The secret is to do good deeds, that only the good heart can practice. So reject the shady paths and follow the light,

happy that fate mile for you. Control your desires Your cravings will drive out of heaven one day. The cycles of reincarnation are instruments divine for you to progress towards heaven; controlling their earthly desires. Pride He was a lawyer and his word had the force of authority: acquit or condemn. Until one day he itself was judged by the judgment he did when alive. And also as usual, was sentenced was weighed and its judge. Heart bitter Remorse and guilt become embittered heart, because of thoughts, words and bad deeds. The person will notice these conditions with time, that the illusions of life led to the paths obscure the suffering and pain. Power of Love The mysteries of the soul are interesting. A touch or a word can heal. In both cases, both the tap and the word must contain love. This powerful medicine only good and pure heart can hold. Religions The day will come to understand that religions. The light of religious understanding shall come forth a better world for all.


Law of Progress Your heart and your actions will shape your karma. Finally, that he will move his wheel of reincarnation. Good deeds Always go for the good thoughts and good deeds. Then you will have a better life and your spirit will be freed from earthly weight. Greediness He needed to calm the mind meditating. Instead chose the wrong way, but more tasty: chocolate ate and were satisfied. Presently he turned one of those obese obsessed with the pleasures of the flesh. Sacrifice When that man saw the animal in sacrifice to blood oozing, compassion came over him. Then came the light: we are all children of God. Temple within The largest temple is one that is within you. Find it and then take him all her love. On that day the universe will open for you. Illusion earthly Watch your feelings because they are what you command. The bad feelings, especially anger, envy and ignorance represent the foundation of all illusion. Be the master of your destiny.


Inner sun The good heart is the sun that warms our inner being. Get rid of all the coldness, hatred or bitterness. The good life depends on a pure and loving heart. Never let your heart become a block of ice. The warm inner peace is up to you. Indecision When you are unsure consult your heart and you will soon see a divine path before him. God Infinite is its power. His love is infinite. His goodness is infinite. God is the almighty creator of heaven and earth. There is no greater mercy. Sin He who sins and repents will be forgiven. He that sinneth and repenteth not shall be punished double, and this punishment will come of itself. Punishment The punishment for sin does not come at the hands of God, but by the deeds of the sinner who create hell in your mind. This is the law of spiritual cause and effect. Best known as karma.


Spirituality Open your mind and open heart results in evil. Open your heart and not open the mind results in naivety. The open mind and good heart desired to bring spirituality. Immortality Remember: You are dust and to dust you will return. This on the material, however, the spirit will continue in the wheel of life to transcendence. Then look further progress in life. The force of reason In discussing is the truth. Otherwise pass by foolish or ignorant. Generosity The generous heart is so great that it is the world. The hard-hearted and mean what it contains but hell and pain? Take your time Every second on earth is a time of learning, experience and testing. So treasure your life. Do not waste time with useless and unproductive.


Disaffection The disaffection is the absence of love. What is pretty terrible, devastating and primary source of serious diseases. Worse than no love only hate. The wheel of suffering At the root of your sufferings are your attachments. At the root of your attachments are your desires. Finally there is the ignorance and lack of love. God Those who do not believe and claim they will suffer enough in the ways land; dominated by huge egos and breathtaking illusions. Divine Light No one is so ignorant or unwilling that can not be enlightened. Neither the divine light is so far as your heart can not find. All we came up with this light. Eternal Light The divine light is the light that warms and it does not burn. It is the light of love and understanding. It is the eternal light that we all possess.


Repentance When repentance shake your heart, repair the harm you caused. Divine love is great and is also great for your forgiveness. Eternal What the eyes see and the heart does not feel the time is a mirage. What the eye does not see and the heart feels, surely it is eternal. Spirit of light I The spirit of light has an aversion to anger, pride, envy and ignorance. He knows the mysteries of life and death as anyone, since it possesses the divine understanding. Spirits of Light II The spirit of light has a light heart, an accurate understanding and infinite goodness. Who possess the qualities that stands out most is love, without which the other attributes would not have much value. Words from the master And Jesus said "Love one another as thyself." The selfish person has difficulty understanding this issue and therefore suffers. Embodied or social beings we are not always


My Brother And Jesus said, "And who is my brother?" Certainly we are all brothers and sons of God. Here is another great lesson that the master has left us. Divine image That fire does not burn and is not quenched within us, makes us the image and likeness of God. Path of Love Who walks not in the well is deluded and lost in darkness. One is that the light path is traversed only by those who have good heart. The Gospel The light of understanding should illuminate the dark and cold hearts at all times. Preach the gospel that your time is not lost. Paradise Many spend a lifetime and not find a clue to its location. Actually never consulted his own heart. The key of paradise There are more mysteries in this world than we can imagine. One of the biggest is in our heart. There we can find the keys to happiness and heaven.


Huge ego If you feel the center of the universe, know that you are more lost than ever. His ego is so inflated that does not realize the connection between all things. He is blind who sees and believes. Correct path - Master, what is the best way forward? In this life there are several possible ways to go as you want free will. However, the best way forward is the one illuminated by the light of understanding and love. This path is divine. Wealth Material wealth can bring you much comfort and pleasure. Be aware that neither wealth nor your own body you own. They are transient as the clouds in the sky. Rather than material wealth is spiritual wealth. Therefore, take care also of your spirit. It is what will make you happy or suffering in this and other lives. Paradise The unbelievers seek the key to paradise and there is none, then propalam, with all the certainty that it does not exist. But the truth is otherwise. He does exist and its key lies in the heart of each one. There is the key to happiness: the dream ticket to heaven and eternity. Souls dense The souls attached to the passions of the flesh have stiff and heavy hearts. Only the light-hearted souls will break into the heavenly mansions above.


Passions The passions of the flesh are the illusions that blur the mind and harden the heart. Source of greatest pain and sorrow there. Law of progress There can be no progress without conscience? There can be no progress without love? No! Therefore the law of progress is the law of conscience and love. Human interdependence No one can evolve spiritually subjugating others. We are all interdependent. Soon we must help each other. A better world depends on this awareness by all. Texts of light The texts of light serve to purify the hearts and enlighten minds. They indicate the good way in this earthly life. Study them forever. Spiritual healing Pacify your heart and let go of unhealthy obsessions of your mind. So you get the blessing of healing.


So who are the spirits of light? They are big-hearted souls when in earthly life, which transcended to the higher spheres of the astral. However, returning to earth in spirit to bring understanding and relieve pain. The spiritual path Do not worry when you walk the spiritual path. Just focus on do good to themselves and others. Follow your heart When you feel lost in the way of life, see your heart. For it is only he who can rescue you to the track. Word of Jesus Jesus' word is final: You love one another as I love you. Light of Love While ignorance enslaves and liberates light of love. Loneliness No one is totally alone in this life, nor will the other. There is always close by divine light, even if you do not see it.


Divine works And Jesus said: "Whoever wants to see and those who want to hear." One who observes nature and not notice the divine works is indeed blind, deaf and ignorant. Divine plans When in doubt about the divine designs, admire a flower. Note how it is ephemeral. Admire a rainbow and realize how little time it lasts. You have an immortal spirit within you, and still regrets in life? Religion Do not bother with what they say about your religion. Free will is a right for everyone. Some will say this is the way. Others will say - the way he is. In any case, follow your heart, because no true religion teaches evil. Cry Think of us who will soon be among you. He who cry fervently get aid. This is our mission. Inner peace The greatest peace that can exist is inner peace. While living a crazy war with itself, the person enjoys a quiet deep inner peace. Spiritual learning Who is not ready for another life, not live properly. And who thinks that does not live properly, because it is not learning the lessons of life and therefore vegetation. So learn and practice the spiritual teachings. Try as they might encounter.


The lost Being lost profligate man, one day he prayed to heaven: - God help me. I'm lost! Then a voice came to consciousness: - My son, now you've met. Powerful prayer of faith God the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. Help me avoid evil and will tread the path of goodness and love. Choices The pleasures of the flesh also bring great disappointments and sorrows. So make good choices. Separate the wheat from the chaff in your life. Separate the illusion of reality. Separate the eternal perennial. High Road - good company In the ways of life you will always have company. So always follow the right path. The way of love. Is he that will give you happiness and good company. Grow and multiply Personal growth must be balanced and based on family, spiritual values , ethics and justice. Grow and contribute to others grow as well. Death Death is a gateway to another dimension. The happiness you will find there will depend on the purity of your heart lead.


Perfection Perfection does not exist in this world. If there would be no such progress? Persistence Have tolerance, patience and prudence, with yourself and others. Remorse If the guilt is tearing your soul, forgive yourself even if nobody does the same about you. Go and repair the evil, the extent of its reach. Then forget that your yoke will be light. The understanding Before praying to ask for health, pray for understanding. In general, the diseases are the result of ignorance and evil deeds. Good understanding prevents many diseases and cure many others. I Spend spiritual When the spirit of light blesses a person who calls for greater parent, means she will get extra energy you need to experience personal progress on the earthly plane. Spend spirit II The blessing is an energy transfer from the spirit of light to the person worthy of such grace. In fact the blessing purifies the heart and the body of the person honored. Treasures of Heaven and Earth Your parents are your treasure. Your brothers are your riches. Your friends are priceless. His good deeds have no price. With all this wealth because it occupies your mind with plans obsessive enrichment material?


Prayers If your prayers do not transform their thoughts and attitudes, then you will not reach the desired blessing. Effective prayer A good prayer should first transform your mind and your heart. Only then that grace will be achieved. Greater understanding Take heed to the meaning of life. Listen to your inner voice and ask your advice to heart. False appearances This world is illusory and false appearances. So who is the spiritual understanding of his refuge, find truth and peace. Spiritual transcendence He who tread the path of goodness, love and spiritual understanding; one day be rewarded with spiritual transcendence, liberation from the cycle of reincarnation. Interdependence Observe and note how the bees they are so united. Collective work of them comes the sweetest honey. In nature we are all interdependent, as creator God so willed. You would not be different. So respect and cooperate with their peers. The entire Each person has his own mission, but do not forget that all individuality is part of the whole. So work on behalf of all too. Because working for yourself, do it all already.


The illusion Earthly pleasures muddy the minds and harden hearts. Freeing oneself from the illusions is to embrace freedom. Love Light We need to intensify the light of love in your hearts and in your veins pulsate. So the door of the higher spiritual world will open up for you and the spirits of light they will be receptive. The star The countless stars in the sky remind us of our infinite possibilities and infinite also our limitations. So the father made us most immortal in our multiple lives. Lessons of life Appreciate your life lessons. Both good and evil are important lessons that contribute to spiritual progress. Fruits of Love Let the fruit of your work contains love. Love is the measure of your life here and hereafter. Correct path The path you have chosen will their companies. Good roads will lead you to good companies and they will make you happy. Good companies How can anyone be happy only if human beings are social by nature? So follow the path of good companies, that your life will be full and happy. Spiritual progress Earthly life is fleeting, but gives us the lessons necessary for spiritual progress


Journey of life In life you will find many disappointments and countless pleasures. But do not cling to them because the attachment will cause terrible obsessions that will turn away from the right path. The World of Shadows Those living in the shadow world are prisoners of their own illusions. The illumination Lighting is reviving, with love, the divine light of the heart. World of shadows The inhabitants of the world of shadows possess the cold heart. They ignore the fact that only true love brings happiness. Masters of Light The spirits of the higher echelons visit this house, because the seeds of understanding were dropped on fertile soil: the heart. Appearance of Spirits of Light Not every worker can see or feel the spirits of light. But the day will come when other mediums of the house will have that opportunity.


Difficulties of life The stones of your way are their past misdeeds. The coals to your feet now tread, your hatred is rooted. The thorns imbedded in your conscience are your regrets. Go and repair the wrong you did. For there is timely to do so. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Bewilderment If you are disoriented in life, see your mind and heart. Find out what the thoughts that enslave you and the passions that devour thee, and let go of them. Be the master of your life. Self-control Take back the field from his mind, releasing the bitterness of his heart. The lost Purify your soul by doing good deeds. Soon realize that their burden has become lighter and you met. Traveler of light The light path always begins in our hearts. Child Safeguard the child that is within you. Purify your heart from all evil and fill it with love. Heart transcend the loftiest spirit of light that will take place in the kingdom of heaven. Poverty A rich man loved money and not love anybody. So trying to buy love as if it were possible. And happiness has always escaped him. And her life was like. Beyond the grave realized how miserable outside. Moral of the story: look for the spiritual wealth as they can find.


Inner Light The divine light has is that every director and creative. Search this light step inside and you will have unimaginable powers. Spiritual Light The divine light is the flame that never goes out and intensifies with love. The essence of true happiness and immortality. I fear Fear is a natural instrument that protects us. However, it is like fire: useful when controlled and dangerous when out of control. Fear II Do not be exaggerated fear of things, people or animals. Such sentiments bring bitterness and sorrow. Fear out of control takes away the joy of living. Fear III The fear uncontrolled hardens the body and dulls the spirit. Fear IV The main fears of mankind are: fear of dying and fear of suffering. Mind control and faith in divine protection help you control these fears. Mind control I Control your mind to avoid unnecessary and unpleasant thoughts, especially negative thoughts about yourself or about things.


Immortality The quest for immortality does not depend on the advances of science. It depends rather on the progress of the spirit. Purify yourself and you will live forever. Revelations of Heaven and Earth I In the material world the body is important. Beyond the grave is the important value that the spirit acquired in earthly life. Revelations of Heaven and Earth II The unclean spirits suffer by being deprived of the body. For the connection to the world the ground is still too strong for them. Therefore reincarnate. Revelations of Heaven and Earth III The land is a mixture of prison, laboratory, school and workshop. Full of rules and instructions. Or learned by understanding or learned by pain. Freewill is a gift. Good choices are your options. Spirits of Light I The higher spirits are detached, the commitment is a source of suffering and pain. However they experience the profound universal love. Spirits of Light II Fundamental energy of divine creation, the light spirits have already completed all developmental stages of earth. So they were freed from the wheel of reincarnation. So they pass the land by their own free will to do good. Wheel of Life I The relatives and friends today, may not be the same as other earthly lives. Here is the living world.


Wheel of Life II It revolves endlessly with its cycles of birth, deaths and rebirths almost endless. Behold, one day the spirit frees itself of the wheel of evolution. So God wanted. Love comprehensive Nothing moves without God grant. So love one another as Jesus loved us. Dear brothers Love your parents. Love nature and animals. Love himself and his fellows. Love to work with the certainty that the father will be with you most. Perdition Some are lost in the ways of life. Reason: the fire of passion and illusion love reduced to ashes. His treasure Five things that should not be unnecessarily lost: life, control, respect, enthusiasm and love. Divine compassion If you suffering and death are inevitable, trust that God's compassion will defend them. Never forget that your spirit is immortal and that he deserves happiness. Uplifting thoughts Use the power of thoughts to things uplifting and optimistic. Try to help others with love and dedication.


In crisis Believe that things will get better no matter how bad they are. As the clouds are temporary crises are too. After the storm follows the calm. Mysteries of Heaven The last divine word has not yet been told. The facts and the truth will change back. The mysteries of the universe are infinite and they are revealed just started, according to the degree of evolution of each and every time. False prophets False prophets are everywhere. Watch your desires and control your impulses. Strengthen your spirit so that no prophet will slaughter the evil spirits. God Did anyone ever seen God? Happy is he who has not seen and yet believe. Fatality When ending his mission in the material world, know that any science can help. Then trust in God and find strength in his own mind. Best refuge there. The revelations You know that these revelations are the latest. Go and spread them. END


Who is the author ?

Valente, Paulo Jose F: Economist, medium and freelance writer, born in the town of Assis (Brazil) on 03/26/1954. Works in Sabesp since 1977 in the position of Management Analyst, Department of Business Organisation.

Works he wrote:

"The Crystal Skull" - Book of adventure on the Quest for the Crystal Skull (fiction).

"Search in yourself" - A collection of quotes from self-help, with 17 threads. "

“UFO - a True Story Revealed "- tells the story of a true event in 2003, recorded on video by the author and tells the inside story of Ufology.

"Integrators" - Monograph dealing with complex business relationships.

"The Spirit of Light – Quote Psychographic" Spiritual self-help book.

The Sociocapitalism - For a Better World (politics and economics).

Some of these works can be found free at: /pjvalente