The Squall, Dec. 22, 2011

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Dexter High School's student newspaper, December 2011 issue


Dexter High School2200 N. Parker RoadDexter, MI

Dec. 22, 2011 • VOL. 17 • Issue 3

The Dreadnaughts’ voice

Boys aren’t the only ones looking for a 10 point this hunting season

Photo Credits: Kristie Duve (hunter), Miranda Mors (diver)

pg 8/9

pg 6

Divers start freshthis season

Girls got it

IndexThe Squall Page 2www.thesquall.comDec. 22, 2011

6&7 Sports & EntertainmentRookie divers join team

SOPAStaff Writer Nathan Hoatlin voices his opinion about SOPA and Internet censorship.

Inconsistent Discipline

Some students struggle with strict rules and punishments. And some teachers say things aren’t strict enough.

Hunting informationThe latest news on hunting, hunters and hunting seasons.


Must-see moviesStaff Writer Emily Tarnaski breaks down three movies that are as essential to the holidays as mistletoe and snow.

The 5x5Don’t worry, you’re not seeing double! The Squall is featuring twins in this month’s 5x5!

Luminaries light upAs the holiday season approaches, Ann Arbor Street and Baker Road light up with bright, festive decorations.

The ultimate snowfortHere’s a crash course in the art of snow warfare that Sun-Tzu himself would envy.

Thai exchange students DHS has three foreign exchange students from Southeast Asia. Here’s their story.

Is it the most wonderful time of the year? Staff Writer Jacob Van Hoof thinks so.

16Choir students don their best pantaloons and gowns for their annual medieval-themed celebration.

News & Feature4&5

A number of new, inexperienced divers are making a splash by joining the team this season.

8&9 Center Spread

10&11Interactive Spread

12&13 Opinion & EditorialWinter break

The editorial explores the issue of hunt-ing: is it ethical? How does the tradition affect the environment?

14&15 Get Involved & YOU Page

Girls who huntSeveral female students transcend gender stereotypes and enjoy a sport dominated by men.

PhotostoryMadrigal dinner

Anti-huntersWhile the tradition of hunting is thor-oughly entrenched in Dexter, some residents want it to go.

Game of the year Students have become addicted to Bethesda’s new fantasy RPG. Here’s an inside look at the game that con-tinues to enthrall players with diverse dragon-slaying fun.

pg 5

pg 10

pg 16

Photo Credit: Karn Jitsukummongkol

Photo Credit: Miranda Mors

Photo Credit:, used with permission

Web PreviewThe Squall Page 3

www.thesquall.comDec. 22, 2011


The 5x5

Connor ThompsonEditor-in-ChiefEmily DarrowEditor-in-Chief &Head DesignerKristie DuvePhoto EditorJennifer StirlingBusiness ManagerAlex “Mo” MortensonPublicity ManagerCarly CashIllustrator & DesignJames SimondsGraphicsLindsey LloydBrandon OttoKathryn PisanoTaylor SchmidtDexter StevensJennifer StirlingDesign TeamMarissa ArgieroMason CamilleriJoel GowenJustin JubackChante LiuMelissa MabryMiranda MorsKathryn PisanoMakenzie SvihraPhotographersBenjamin BruetschSirah CamaraDan EdwardsNicole FergusonTheodoreGrammatico IIMurphy HansenNathan HoatlinLevi KipkeCameron La FontaineNicole LucasMichael McGonigleMichael MioduszewskiColin NorthrupEmily PapEmily TarnaskiJacob Van HoofStaff WritersRodney SatterthwaiteAdviser

Letters to the EditorThe Squall encour-ages letters to the editors. All letters will be screened for libel and obscenity. The editorial board may edit or shorten letter as long as the mean-ing is unchanged. All letters must be signed and include a telephone number for confirmation. Request to withhold a writer’s name will be consid-ered by the editorial board. Letters can be emailed to the Squall staff, dropped off in room 407 or given to any member of the Squall staff.

Staff EditorialsEditorials represent the majority opinion of the editorial board. Editorials are un-signed. Columns rep-resented the opinions of the individual staff members who wrote them.

Staff policy

Contact usMail address:2200 N. Parker RoadDexter MI, 48130(734) 426-4240 ext: 7407Email:


The Squall is a student publication distribut-ed to students, faculty and staff of Dexter High School. The Squall is also distrib-uted by subscription to the Dexter com-munity. The Squall has a press run of 1700 copies and is printed by The Argus-Press in Owosso, MI The pa-per serves as a public forum with student editors making all content decisions. Opinions expressed in the newspaper are not necessarily those of Dexter Community Schools.

Check out the new and improved extension of The Squall’s print publication!

Incidents including the stabbing of a student’s hand with a pen and the throwing of a weight on a student’s foot have created an environ-

ment which has caused some teachers to question the enforcement of student disciplinary policy.

Administrators however, say some of the ques-tions those teachers have are a result of lack of in-

formation on the teacher’s part regarding individual students’ special education classification.

One such student, a ju-nior who got suspended last year for puncturing another students hand with a pen, was said he was suspended until the end of the year for the stabbing. He then went to another school in Ypsi-lanti where he said he was suspended for possession of

an illegal substance. After that he said he started to take online

courses provided by DHS, came back to DHS but was suspended again for throwing a weight at somebody. He is now back at school full time

Despite his violent behavior, this student said he appreciates the school’s willingness to give him multiple chances.

“I’m just thankful that this school has let me back,” he said. “I’ve finally learned I’m not going to mess it up, because I’ve learned following the rules is better than not. I feel the disciplinary rules here are pretty appropriate. And I accepted my punishment.”

The Squall is not naming this student because of his age.

And while some teachers say administrators are too lenient on students such as this, Dean of Stu-dents Ken Koenig said many things come into play when dealing with troubled students.

“I feel that the people who think the disciplin-ary actions are unbalanced, or inconsistent, only know a portion of the details that come into play with it,” he said.

Koenig also said some teachers and students don’t know the students who have Individual Edu-cation Programs or 504 plans that protect them from lengthy punishments. IEPs and 504s are fed-eral laws that protect students with special needs from getting extended suspensions.

District 504 Coordinator and Assistant Prin-cipal said, “Any student that receives an accom-modation plan at DHS has a 504 law that states if that student reaches more than 10 days suspension throughout the school year must attend a Mani-festation Determination. At this meeting, a team including the student, the student’s parents, teach-ers and administrators must decide if the infrac-tion the student committed was because of their disability. If it is due to their disability, then they

will face consequences that follow their accommo-dation plan. If the infraction was not due to their disability, their punishment follows the norm for all students.”

For students without 5o4 plans or IEPs, Koenig said administrators use the Progressive Disciplin-ary Model approved by the board of education. The model provides for student punishment ac-cording to how many offenses a student has had.

This model can be found at in the Parent Student Handbook section

One teacher, who asked us not to use their name because they said they feared administrative disci-pline if they talked, disagreed. She said disciplin-ary action at the school must be improved.

“Although I believe that everyone needs to be offered chances to learn from his or her mis-takes, especially students, I think some behaviors are simply inappropriate,” they said. “As a public school we need to draw the line at intentional en-dangerment of another student.”

None of the other teachers approached for this story would grant an interview.

Koenig, however, said the approach this teacher discusses is already happening.

“If the actions of one person are affecting the safety of 1,999 other students, then we will always err on the side of the safety of the rest,” he said. “I believe that some people only see the tip of the ice-berg, and they don’t see everything else. And we as administrators have to take that into consideration when discipline is given.”

NewsThe Squall Page 4 www.thesquall.comDec. 22, 2011

Consistent discipline?Special classifications can lead to more lenient discipline for some

People who think the disciplinary actions are unbal-anced only know a portion of the details.

“”- Ken Koenig

Dean of Students

Illustration credit: Carly Cash

Cameron LaFontaineStaff Writer

News Feature The Squall Page 5

Dec. 22, 2011

Exchange student adjusts to life abroad

When a tsunami hit in Thailand on Dec. 26 of last year, Karn Jitsukum-mongkol had plans to go diving near the storms. But the tsunami hit first, so Karn was spared any danger. “I’m so lucky,” he said.

It’s this sense of fortune that Jitsu-kummongkol and the two other Thai ex-change students say they feel about their year in the United States.

Even simple things like American food make fellow Thai exchange student Sonwit Sakdanupap thankful for variety.

He says American food is bland by comparison to Thai food, and he likes the change.

“We eat spicy food every day, and it is always served with rice,” Sakdanupap said.

In addition, Sakdanupap’s host fam-ily have given him a taste of life in Amer-ica in other ways too. “We introduced him to American food, movies, music, theater and even Halloween,” Ted Mil-liner said. “Sonwit thought it was pretty strange but interesting.”

For sophomore Kelly Milliner hav-ing Sakdanupap as part of her family has helped bring her own family closer together.

“It’s been really different having Son-wit as part of our family,” she said. “We have been doing more things as a fam-ily which I’ve liked. They have really good food in Thailand, and Sonwit has cooked some dishes for us.”

While Kelly and her family have learned about Thai culture, the adjusting to American life has had its surprises in the Milliner house as well.

Kelly said, “Since Sonwit thought it was so cold here he put milk in his room thinking it would keep just fine, but it spoiled because his room was warm.”

She also said he loves snow and stayed outside in it because it was the first time he’d seen or experienced winter weather.

Thailand native Kunyarat Phongsawi also brought up differences about the weather as just one of the many con-trasting elements between life here and in Thailand.

“This is the first time I have seen snow, so I’m pretty excited,” Phongsawi said.

Doug Jackson, the local contact for AFS-USA, the organization which helped coordinate these students’ stay in the United States said students from Thailand adapt particularly easily to life in American.

“The students from Thailand are es-pecially creative and well-mannered,” he said. “The ones I’ve known have been on the quiet side, but when you engage them they are also very social and great to be around. They are always smiling. The students become part of your fam-ily. You don’t have to do anything spe-cial, just live your life and include them in your every day family life.”

That is exactly what Kelly said she and her family have done with Sonwit. She said they have found the experience of hosting an exchange student to be a rewarding one in many ways.

“Having an exchange student is really fun for us,” she said. “As a family we are enjoying learning about a different cul-ture.”

Her father agrees. As he said, “It helps make the world a

smaller place.”

Colin NorthrupStaff Writer

Photo from: Karn Jitsukummongkol

Karn Jitsukummongkol sits in a coffee shop in the mountains of Northern Thailand. Jitsu-kummongkol is one of three Thai exchange students living in Dexter this school year.

Families say they learn about the world by hosting foreign students


SportsThe Squall Page 6www.thesquall.comDec. 22, 2011

Diving inMurphy HansenStaff Writer

Senior Patrick Becker dives against Milan. Becker tried out for the dive team for the first time as a senior.

Photo Credit: Miranda Mors

Those new to sport must have risk-taking attitude according to coach

Historicallythemensswimand dive team has pro-ducedasmallnumberofdivers. In the 2010-2011

season, for example, the team hadthreedivers,twoofthemcompletelynewtothesport.

SeniorAlexMortensen,thenaju-nior,wasoneofthoseinexperienceddiversandsaidhetrieddivingalmostonawhimatfirst.“Ididitforfun,”hesaid.“Thereweren’tanyreturningdivers, and it lookedcool so I triedit.”

CoachAlexGauvin,himselfanewfaceonthepooldeck lastyear, saidpart of his job is to try to get newrecruits,soheisalwayshappywhenthosewithlittleornodivingexperi-ence joining the team. “I think thatit’smy job as a coach to encouragenew divers to join and stay on theteam,”hesaid.“Ithinkthat’sahighpriorityforanyhighschoolathleticprogram: to introduce the sport tonew people and see if it can enrichtheirlives.”

And when it comes to accept-ingnewdivers,Gauvinsaidheisnotworriedabouttheirskilllevel.“Igen-erallystarttheseasonwithbasicsandfundamentals,”hesaid,“forboththenewdiversandtheexperiencedones,soearlyonit isn’taproblem.LaterI think themoreexperienceddiverspush the newer ones to learnmoredifficult dives, and having someonetowatchcanbeagreatassettonewdivers.”

Infact,peoplenewtodivingcaneasilyadapttobeingpartofa teambecausepersonalityisoftenmoreim-portantthanskill.“WhatIlookformostisanabilitytolistenandmostimportantlybravery,” he said. “Oursportisstronglydrivenbyfear.Whatwedo is scary, and the risks canbehigh,soIlookforsomeonewiththe


Hecitedlastyear’snewdiversasbeingabletoachievegreatthingsbe-causeoftheirmindset,notnecessar-ilytheirskills.“Ithinkmypreviousnewdiversdidsowellbecauseoftheattitude they had,” he said. “Thereneedstobearisk-takingattitudeontheteaminordertogetbetterandtoprogress quickly.Quite simply theyneedtobementallystrongandbraveandwillingtotakeafewhits,mean-ingsmacks,hopefully.Nobodylikestohittheboard,butithappens.”

Knowingthemind-setittakestobeadiverandhavingbeenanewdiv-er himself just last year, Mortensentook it upon himself to encourageother students to try the sport andhas recruited inexperienced diversofallagesincludingsophomoreGuyBurkeandseniorPatrickBecker.

AndwhileMortensenhelpedcon-vince him to join the team, Beckersaidhewas looking for a laid backsporttokeephimbusyasasenior.

“Herecruitedme,butitwasmoreof a personal decision. Iwanted aneasysenioryearanddivingisaprettylaidbacksport,”hesaid.


Senior Chase Galloway joinedBecker and six other seniors tryingout for the team for the first time,buthechosetoquitafterthreedaysofpractice.

“I knew I wouldn’t be diving inthemeets,”hesaid.

Regardless of what other peoplehave chosen to do,Becker said he’smaking themost of his decision tostay.

He said, I’m just diving for fun,andIdidn’texpectthepracticestobehashardastheyare.It’sstillagoodtime though. I like the swimmingcommunity, and I’mhappy I joinedtheteam.”

Mark Brown

Jake Killian

Jake Claflin

“We just started season for swim and dive, so our outlook is pretty good. The talent seems pretty strong as well, and we’re all looking forward to seeing how our new dive coach can work the guys to do something great.”

“We have two returning divers from last year who are continuing to improve and three new divers. This is the biggest dive team we have had since I’ve been on the team, so it’s fun to have them around.”

“I started diving when I was in 4th grade. Our goal this year is to go to states and make it to the top ten.”

Skyrim becomes the most popular video game of the holiday season

On his seventh grade trip to England,seniorIanWilsonwasintroducedtoObliv-ion,theprequeltoSkyrim.Therewasad-vertisingalloverhistourbus,andwhenhegothome,herentedthegameandinstantlybecameaddicted.

“I wasted precious time most peoplewouldspendfurtheringtheir social lifeordoinghomeworkonandoffforfouryears,”Wilsonsaid.

Andwhenhediscoveredanewversionof this series Skyrim was going to be re-leased,hewasecstatic.


Although Skyrim has become popularthisyear,theserieshasexistedsince2007.

This latest version of the Elder Scrollsseries,Skyrim,wasreleasedNov.1.

This roleplayinggame’spurpose is fortheplayertodefeatAlduin,theevildragonwho is determined to destroy the land ofSkyrim.




For the girls who have begun to com-plain about the game stealing their boy-friendsawayfromthem,Wilsonsaidnottoworry.

“Oneday saidmanwill forget to save,dieandreactbynotplaying thegame foramonth,sojustkeepholdingonIguess,”hesaid.

Available on Playstation 3 and XBbox360, the game won the Best Role playinggame at the SpikeVideoAwards, and thedeveloperBethesdaSoftworkswasalsose-lectedasthestudiooftheyear.

Other studios in the running were In-finityWardwhichrecentlyreleasedCallofDuty:ModernWarfare3andValveCorpo-rationwhichrecentlyreleasedPortal2.


Andallof these salesarewell-deservedaccordingtoWilson.

Hesaid,“Tothosewhohaveneverheardofthisgameyet,Idon’tknowwhatyou’redoingwrong.Purchasethisgameimmedi-ately. You aremissing out. Trustme. YouwillthanktheSkyrimcommunity.”

EntertainmentThe Squall Page 7

www.thesquall.comDec. 22, 2011

New fantasy game a hitSirah CamaraStaff Writer

Photo Credit: Joel Gowen

Seniors Deema Yuhasz and Owen Eisenlord sit on the couch while playing new video game Skyrim. The Skyrim series has existed since 2007.

Battlefield 3, is a single and multiplayer shooter game that puts the player in the shoes of a soldier in a fictional war. Players can play many different military roles such as a special forces soldier or an F-18 systems officer. The game takes place in many different places around the world and follows the story of fictional characters Sergeant Blackburn and, later, Dimitri Mayakovsky.

In Modern Warfare 3 players compete in different missions to beat the game. The mis-sions range from eliminating enemies in a specified location to manning mini-guns and other weapons and planting explosive charges on enemy bases. Modern Warfare 3 is the third installment of the Modern Warfare series. The Modern Warfare series is the most popular video game series ever released.

Revelations is a sequel to Assassin’s Creed: Brother-hood. The point of the game is to search for a weapon that is sealed within a for-tress and rumored to be the key to ending a fictional war between secret societies.Players use free running to move and fight According to IGN, Assassin’s Creed is quickly becoming one of the most popular video game series in the world.

New hit video

games of 2011

Photos submitted by subjects

SpreadThe Squall Page 8www.thesquall.comDec. 22, 2011

The Squall Page 9

Dec. 22, 2011

Sophomore Cassie Klocek woke up one morning when she was a 5-year-old and looked out the window. What she saw in her yard changed her life.

“I went outside on a crisp October morning at the age of 5 to see a dead, bloody deer that my dad had shot hanging from the tree in my backyard,” she said. “I then realized that I wanted this to be my future.”

Cassie and her sister Alicia have both been hunting since a young age. And in addition to the usefulness of game as a

food source, Cassie said she enjoys the experience of being out in the woods.

“Hunting is my passion,” she said. “The best days are when I get the chance to go experience the sun beating down on my hair

while I’m in the woods hunting deer. I especially like the adrenaline rush you get when you see a deer.”

Hunting can be calming too, according to senior Sarah Lamb. She said hunting is a sport that consists mainly of sitting in the woods watching for deer; she finds this calmer part of the sport the most appealing.

“It’s kind of peaceful, and it’s very quiet,” she said. “When you hunt, you get that time to yourself, and it’s really nice.”

Junior Emily Sobolewski agrees.“The best thing about hunting is being outside and away from every-

thing,” she said. “It’s a nice escape.”With the variety of animals Sobolewski hunts, she ends up spending a

lot of time outside. “I stay occupied all year because I hunt deer, squirrels, rabbits, coyotes,

turkeys and geese,” she said. “And in the summer I go fishing.”Most female hunters become involved with the sport for the same reason

because it is a family tradition.“I’m the only girl in my family, and both of my brothers did it, so I felt

obligated,” Lamb said. “Of course, I started enjoying it more and more each time I went out.”

Competition with men is common, according to Sobolewski. “Guys think that female hunters can’t shoot as big of deer or as many deer as

them,” she said. “I think they’re just jealous.”Lamb agrees.

“I feel like female hunting goes against the norm,” she said. “Society thinks that men should go out and hunt. Women just discovered that they can do it, too. It’s

definitely rewarding.”


Ladies get out their bows, guns and camo for thehunting season

Firearm deer hunting season started Nov. 15, with students taking time off of school and parents taking time off of work to go on hunting trips. But while some look forward to hunting season, others protest what they call the killing of innocent deer.

When driving down Main Street during the first week of gun season, sophomore Eden Krull said she drives defensively around Mill Creek Sport-ing Goods because of drivers stepping on the brakes to get a good look at the dead deer hanging from Mill Creek’s buck pole.

While Krull said she isn’t complete-ly against hunting because she knows it will go on regardless of how much she dislikes it, she is against the deer pole because of the cruelty she said it displays.

“It is completely unnecessary, dis-gusting and absolutely gross,” she said.

PETA (People for the Ethi-cal Treatment of Animals) College Campaigns as-sistant Amelia Jensen agrees and works ac-tively to protest hunt-ing on the grounds that it is cruel and unnecessary.

“We protest hunting because the unnecessary suffering that it causes animals. The stress that hunted animals suffer—the ines-

capable noise, fear, and commotion—severely compromises their normal eating habits, making it hard for them to store the fat and energy that they need to survive the winter,” she said.

“Hunting also disrupts migration and hibernation patterns. For animals like wolves, who mate for life and live in close-knit family units, hunting can devastate entire communities.”

Hunters may believe they are doing a good deed for the environment by killing animals. However, according to Jensen, they actually harm ecosystems.

“Hunting creates conditions that favor accelerated reproduction: The abrupt population decline that it causes leads to less competition for food among survivors, and ultimately, a higher birth rate, thus leading once more to the very problems that hunt-ers claim to solve,” she said. “If our real concern is to keep animals from starving, then rather than hunting, we should take steps to reduce animals’

fertility, an approach that would help us preserve wolves, mountain lions, coy-otes, game species,

and other natural predators who are cur-

rently managed to en-sure a steady flow of vic-tims for hunters to kill.”

Just hearing the word “hunting” makes sophomore Zeke Breuninger think about climbing a mountain with a rifle and a bearskin.

This makes sense, since from hunt-ing, Breuninger said he obtains surviv-al skills and an appreciation for nature and its beauty.

“I just always have hunted,” he said. “It’s a good hobby to have.”

As a hunter, Breuninger also un-knowingly gives back to the commu-nity, according to local journalist, real-tor and hunter Rick Taylor.

According to Taylor, hunters such as Breuninger lower local car insur-ance rates and strengthen the economy and sense of community.

“Farmers make a great deal of mon-ey leasing out their property for the express purpose of hunting,” Taylor said. “The average hunting lease on a local farm fetches about $2,000 per season.”

Michigan ranks among the top three states in the nation for licensed hunters, and millions of dollars are spent on hunting in the state. Many hunters travel to Michigan to go hunt-ing, and some come specifically to Dexter to see the buck pole in town according to Mill Creek Sport Center General Manager Maureen Heikkinen.

Heikkinen said, “It’s beneficial to

local businesses. Hunters will stop in town and grab something to eat at the Pub or across the street at the A &W. You don’t even think about all the silly costs,” she said about the extra costs of hunting, “but you can ask your friends for a lot of stuff.”

Hunters can spend as much as they want at Heikkinen’s store: butchering services, gun smithing services, deer calls, doe and buck scents, human anti-scent and special gutting knives are all for sale in large quantities.

Despite the generosity and com-radeship of hunters, Taylor said he has experienced the unfriendly interac-tions hunting can inspire.

“Hunters and anti-hunters can be a fickle bunch,” he said. “Both have very strong opinions on the matter, and it’s an issue that sadly won’t go away qui-etly.”

But even with some animosity, Heikkinen, who is not a deer hunter herself, said hunting is a key compo-nent in population control.

“By reducing the deer population, you avoid starving deer phenomenon,” she said. “Anyone who has seen a starving deer trying to eat a pine cone just knows how awful it is.”

But economic advantages or not, Breuniger said it’s just cool when he learns other people are hunters.

He said, “It’s just something to talk about. It sparks a conversation.”

Junior Emily Sobolewski takes aim with her rifle. Photo Credit: Kristie Duve

Levi KipkeStaff Writer

Nicole FergusonStaff Writer

Hunters & protesters

Hunting There are 10 major hunting seasons in Michigan. All are regulated by the DNR. Licenses are need for each season.

Seasons Sharp tailed grouse

Pheasant (Male)Squirrel

Wild turkey






Ben BruetschStaff Writer

October 10-31

October 10-January 1September 15-March 1 September 24-November 7 August 1- September 30February 1- March 31

September 10-October 26 September 15-March 1 October 20-November 14September 15-March 31

September 15-December 18

Dexter residents continue a decades-old tradition

Locals protest for humane treatment of animals

Cassie Klocek Alicia Klocek Emily SobolewskiKILLSHOT

Illustration: Carly Cash

Every holiday season, I need to watch “Home Alone.” If I don’t, the holiday just doesn’t seem

right. Made in 1990 and directed by Chris Columbus, it’s also about a boy who gets left at home when his family goes on vacation. He enjoys his time away from his fam-ily, until he realizes he wants them back. Even though I’ve seen this movie a thousand times, I still laugh at all the childish jokes like, “I’m gonna give you to the count of 10 to get your ugly, yella, no-good keister off my property, before I pump your guts full of lead!” Check it out to enjoy a flashback to your childhood.

Directed by Jon Favreau this movie about a Christ-mas elf, Buddy, played by Will Ferrell who finds out he was adopted, takes the viewer through his jour-ney to find his family and be accepted by them. If you don’t laugh while watching this film, you have no sense of humor. This movie is known for its infamous quotes: “I love you. I love you. I love you,” “Cotton headed ninny muggins,” and “Francisco. That’s fun to say. Francisco, Francisco, Francissssssco.”

Interactive SpreadThe Squall Page 10 www.thesquall.comDec. 22, 2011

Holiday Classics

Whether viewers watch the original “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” from 1966 or the more re-cent rendition from 2000, “The Grinch,” they are in

for a treat. Sitting in front of the TV with the Christ-mas tree glowing, decorations all around, the smell of freshly baked sugar cookies and either version of “The Grinch” playing is the perfect formula for a great holi-day night. Besides the plot, both these movies have good music. I could jam out to the song, “Where are you Christmas” from the new Grinch any time of year. In order to have a complete holiday season, watch both these timeless movies.

Graphic: James Simmonds



‘Home Alone’

Interactive Spread The Squall Page 11

Dec. 22, 2011Interactive Spread

TwinsTaylor SchmidtStaff Writer

N: Sometimes we can just look at each other.

P: Hand signals

Both: Telepathically.

Both: The power of laughter.

H: Spending as much time apart as possible.

P: There is no argument, it’s me.

Photo Credits: Joe Shmo

What does your typical weekend

consist of?

H: Super Strength.

O: Super welding and math capabilities. Overall


Both: Cage Fighting.

O: What don’t I hate?

P: We don’t, we just know.

H: Twin Telepathy.


P: Her evil side.

H: I don’t know if there is enough time for that.

H: Definitely me.

E: Yelling.

L: Fighting, but not mean like dogs. Just fun.

L: Telepathically.

L: We can read minds. Just sayin...

N: Tons of laughter.

L: She’s too messy.

N: When she hits me.

How do you communicate?

What is your twin power?

What do you hate most about your


Who is better and why? L: Me, because I’m the


N: My sister because she’s more thoughtful.

H: Everything.

H: Me, I was born second. Saving the best for last.

O: Me, I was born first.


sha a








and V







ah an

d Pa

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ia an

d He

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V: Texting.

E: Hanging with friends and partying.

V: We could fly.

E: Being able to switch bodies.

V: Watching movies.

V: She’s bossy.

E: It’s kind of hard to pick the worst thing about her.

E: Me because I try not to be as mean.

V: Me because I’m more under-standing and don’t freak out

about little things.



Lil D



L: Staring at each other.

P: We can make a mean odor.

L: We can actually talk ...

P: Adventuring with our friends Tommy and

Chuckie.L: A lot of screaming,

crying, and eating

P: She looks too much like me.

L: He smells terrible.

P: Me because I don’t bite the hand that feeds me.

L: Me, because I know how to get what I want.

Graphic: James Simmonds

OpinionThe Squall Page 12 www.thesquall.comDec. 22, 2011

The most wonderful time of the year

I appreciate summer vacation, spring break, fall color day and any other time we get away from school. Any span of time with little to no commit-ment is always welcomed. Given the time of year, however, I cannot help anticipate the two- week break from school coming up so quickly.

Winter break is undoubtedly the most fun and undervalued two-week period of the year. Yes, bet-ter than any part of summer break, better than spring break, better than any other 14-day period, ever.

First of all, winter break features multiple holi-days gleefully celebrated everywhere with family and friends. Almost everyone I know, regardless of religion, loves the holiday season. From Christ-mas to Kwanzaa to Hanukkah to Ramadan, there is some form of celebration for everyone over break.

This is a time of selflessness, joy and appre-ciation. I’m getting to the age where giving has become more gratifying than receiving.

Watching the face of someone open a well-thought-out gift is heart-warming.

Not to mention, watching little kids fly through unwrapping presents and obsessing over Santa Claus, while I reminisce over those days as a young Jacob, brings a tear to my eye. Running downstairs to see the plethora of gifts sitting under the tree and waiting impatiently for my parents to finally allow me to tear them open is one of my greatest memories. I once even fell down the stairs, rushing too quickly to look at the gifts awaiting me. In an attempt to refrain from getting too sentimental, I’ll stop there.

In addition, New Year’s Eve always delivers a wonderful post-party to round out the festivi-ties and welcome in the new year. This year’s New Year’s Eve parties should be especially awesome since it will be the last chance we get; usher in the

year of 2012, have a good time and try not to think about the fact that the world is ending

in 12 months. Winter break also brings some of the

most exciting football games of the year. The NFL season winds down while the heat of the college bowl season comes in early January. We get to see the best teams duke it out for differ-ent honors, while also enjoying the downfalls of teams we dislike.

Watching a rival sports team fail when it mat-ters most in a lesser game is almost as satisfying as watching one’s favorite team win, especially when my own team -- Wisconsin -- is in the Rose Bowl once again and not expected to emerge victorious.

Unfortunately for everyone, the start of the NBA season will also headline winter break this year. On the plus side, I can easily ignore the atrocity that is professional basketball by simply not watching.

Seeing one inevitable choke job from Michigan State in their bowl game is enough for me; I don’t need to see LeBron James and the Heat do the same thing in a more boring sport.

These are just some of the many mag-nificent things the break offers, as the two-week pe-riod provides at least something that could bring joy to just about anyone: no school, celebrations, winter ac-tivities, sports, holiday spirit, presents, food and lots of alone time.

Winter break is amaz-ing. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Jacob Van HoofStaff Writer

SOPA must be struck down Free speech, one

of the pinnacle val-ues of American In-dependence could very well have died in November with the introduction of SOPA in the United

States Congress. SOPA, the Stop Online Piracy Act, is designed, according to its supporters,

to stop websites illegally offering copyrighted material as well as other sites deemed “harmful” by the United States government.

Wasn’t the Internet created so that people could share information freely? Since Aloha Net in the 1970s, the Internet has never been controlled by any one country or group of people.

Granted certain countries censor sites that they deem unfit for their citi-zens to see, but I never dreamed that the land of the free would join this group.

I understand that piracy undercuts American businesses. People get caught

stealing multimedia often, and it’s common for people to use torrent sites as well. But where does the line blur at what is piracy and what isn’t?

What’s to stop the Government from blocking sites like Facebook and Twitter next.

The information we freely have access to now could take days, if not weeks, to access in the future, requiring all the right government permissions and clearances.

With the Internet censored, what will keep the government truthful? Where will we hear the news if the next time we open up our favorite news provider we see a “Censored by the United States government” page message?

If we can’t obtain information truthfully, how can we believe what we are hearing?

SOPA is bad policy and should be struck down before it ever reaches the desk of the President.

Information is and always has been free in the United States. Since the in-ception of our country, the First Amendment that our forefathers bled for has protected our right to information.

This amendment should still protect the future, as we all have a right to an uncensored, truthful Internet, no matter how harsh it may be.

Nathan HoatlinStaff Writer

Government attempt at Internet censorship goes too far

Illustrations by: Carly Cash

Opinion Editorial The Squall Page 13

Dec. 22, 2011

Deer hunting has been a staple of Michi-gan culture since the Great Lakes region was settled. However, what once was a necessity is now a regulated pastime.

Though still popular, hunting now has strong moral opposition from various groups including People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals which tries to not just end violent treatment of animals, but also reform indus-trial practices and in-crease gun control.

Un fo r tunat e ly, the issue of hunting is far too inflamma-tory on both sides of the argument to lead to much compromise on the matter: hunt-ers defend a cultural practice, whereas ani-mal rights groups ve-hemently fight wan-ton violence.

Both sides can make an argument on reasonably strong moral grounds. And in the present political climate, the issue looks to be intractable for a long time.

In the interest of finding a constructive so-lution to the problem, consider the deer pop-ulation, often toted as a reason to continue to allow widespread hunting. Before Michigan created a deer hunting season in 1895, the deer population plummeted with the heavy influx of settlers.

However, as the local herd grew, it began to cause problems of its own. According to the state of Michigan, over 60,000 vehicle crashes involving deer occur each year.

Furthermore, the 2 million-strong herd also takes a toll on local crops. In this case, hunting can be justified to prevent wide-

spread famine among deer.However, excess hunting can harm, not just

deer, but the entire ecosystem.Balancing a delicate ecology is no easy task.

It would be ridiculous to suggest that one de-cision made or law passed now will be helpful in 50 or 100 years.

State governments should be constantly re-evaluating the effectiveness of their own leg-

islation, and they should especially be encouraged to do so frequently with hunting leg-islation.

The state should legally de-fine the point at which the deer population would be considered too low or too high, taking into ac-count a chang-

ing ecosystem and natural deer population growth.

If the current system of hunting seasons causes an imbalance in the deer population, then state legislators are responsible for changing it.

Regulations themselves should be changed on a regular basis, much like federal and state budgets.

Considering the fluid nature of the ecosys-tem, an annual evaluation of its general state would be reasonable.

In making new laws, governments should work to maintain humane treatment of deer, preventing both over hunting and starvation. If the state equally weighs both needs, then it will come to an acceptable and humane reso-lution each year.

What do you think about hunting?

Hunting regulations need to be updated more often

Illustration by: Carly Cash

John BaumanFreshman

“One shot, one kill, son.”

JuniorAndrew Milkey

“To really get good, you must become one with the wild.”

SophomoreAlisha Anderson

“Eww, hunting is absolutely disgusting.”

Art teacherAutumn Campbell

“If done well, it is more humane than the Tyson Chicken Company’s raising and murdering practices.”

What we think:State governments should often update old regulations on hunting based on an accurate census of animal populations.

Illustrations by: Carly Cash

Becauseofher love for the townandher

desiretogiveback,ErinMcKillenhashelpedmake luminaries for 12years including run-ningtheluminary-makingworkshopforthepast10.

McKillen who graduated from DHS in2000 and currently teaches kindergarten inAnnArbor,saidshelovesworkingwithpeo-pleandvolunteering.

Apart from the luminary workshop, shevolunteers with the Dexter Area HistoricalSocietybygivingtoursofGordonHallandhelping with Civil War Days. She is also ateamcaptainforRelayforLife.


Enlisted to join the luminary workshopinitially by Bruce Waggoner, a local histo-rianwhomshemetwhilecreatingavideoofthehistoryofDexterforahighschoolvideoclass,McKillen saidWaggoner askedher to

carryonhiswife’slegacy.“Bruce was afraid to see his wife’s hard


Busch’sandCountryMarketdonatedtheplasticandpaperbagsused toholdsuppliesthatcreatelumi-naries.

The rest of the items,suchascandles,werepur-chasedwith Chamber ofCommerceFundsaswellasthefewdonationsthatthe Luminaries work-shopreceiveseachyear.

McKillensaid,“Therewere several meetingsthatoccurbeforetheac-tualworkday.Imetwiththe Chamber Contact,Mariah Fink, to planhow we were going tospread the word about


orsSociety,alongwiththeMillCreekCS&L class,Boy Scouts,Girl Scouts andothervariouscommunityvolunteersalsohelpout.

SeniorandNHSmemberPaigeDriscollsaid,“Ialwayshavealotoffunhelpingout.It never feels likework. It feelsmore like


berJuliaDupkeagreed,sayingtheluminaries “add a much-neededspirittoDexter.Thetownwouldbe pretty boring without themduringtheholidayseason.”

And this is why McKillencontinueswithherworkonthisproject.

“I am hopeful that we getbacktocoveringtheentirevil-lage with lights once again,”shesaid.“Wehadsomeissueswith ordering supplies thisyear so you will notice it’smuchsmallerthanusual.”

Get InvolvedThe Squall Page 14www.thesquall.comDec. 22, 2011

NHS lights up downtownEmily PapStaff Writer

Photo Credit: Emily Darrow

Holidays in other towns

With the onset of winter, The Squall has been beset with fearful letters from readers. These cries for help all concern the same thing - a terrifying scourge that affects students everywhere: snowball ambushes.

But never fear, readers, The Squall is here to help. Here are two quick and easy tips to consider when building your very own protective fortress of snow and ice. Soon, your attackers will be running for cover from a barrage of powdery white destruction launched from the ramparts of a castle that even the White Witch of Narnia would be proud of.

1) Size MattersIntimidation is the most important deterrent of snow-based assault. If potential attackers approach your position only to find themselves confronted by 20-foot high solid wall of ice, snow and gravel, they will be hard pressed to find a way through.

2) Use Advanced WeaponryThe average snow goon group is disorganized and badly supplied; often, raiding parties go unarmed, gathering supplies as needed. This is a fatal weakness that must be exploited. A snow catapult can be made with a wide shovel, a strong axis of rotation and a good counterweight. Traps can be made by filling holes in the terrain with fresh snow that snow goons will fall into. It is important to note that The Squall does not approve the use of punji sticks.How to build a snow fort

By: Teddy Grammatico

Handmade holiday fair and arts and crafts.


Parade, floats, queens, horses and Santa Claus. Following

the parade, tree lighting will be held.


Festival of lights, Santa visits, fire department collects food

and toys for the less fortunate, cookie tour, parade floats.

Grass Lake

35th annual holiday parade, floats, dance groups, bands, hired performers, animals,

baton twirler.


Tree lighting ceremony followed by visits with Santa

and a holiday parade.


Graphic By: James Simmonds

The Squall Page 15

Dec. 22, 2011YOU Page

Dearintellectuallychallengedpeople,Everyoneknows I’mperfect. So anynuggetof advice


People who text all the time ...Therearecertaingroupsofthepopulationwhoarein


I understand it’s weird actually talking to someoneface-to-face,butlearningthevaluableskillofconversationcan go a longway.Don’t getmewrong. I enjoy a nicetextingconversationasmuchasthenextperson,butwhenyoucan’tfocusononething,thereisprobablyanissue.

People who wear shorts in the winter ...It’s 30 degrees out, and you couldn’t wear a pair of



People who drive a Honda Odyssey ...I’msorryifyoudriveaHondaOdyssey,butIhaven’t


People who can’t park within the lines ...Youdon’tdeservetodrive.Parkingwithinthelinesisa

basicskillofdriving.Ifyoumiss the lines the first time,havethecommon



People who don’t get into the holiday spirit ...ThehappiesttimeoftheyearisChristmastimeorHa-

nukkah orKwanzaa.This time only comes once a year;if you are ruining it for everyone else, then you are theScroogetoeveryone’sgoodtime.


fortunately for these people my opinion doesn’t matterthatmuch.

Who to not be likeA comprehensive list of people I hateEditors’ note: YOU asked for an advice column. Here YOU have it. This is the YOU page. This advice is for YOU from our resident expert in advice giving, Mike McGonigle. Unlike most journalism, the writer is talking di-rectly to YOU. YOU may or may not wish to take the advice. In fact, we’d recommend against it.

Graphic By: James Simmonds

The choir has put on a Madrigal dinner for 19 winters. The dinner includes a perfor-mance, singing and a meal for those who at-tend. The meal is divided into courses, with a traditional song played during each.

“The performance always tells a story of a queen and king, and we sing typical Renais-sance songs like ‘Delightful Pleasant Groves,’ and we also perform some Hanukkah songs as well,” choir teacher Julie Bassett said.

Students dress up in medieval costumes, and seniors get a chance to choose their out-fits.

“All senior girls have the opportunity to pick our costumes before everyone else, and there’s a drawing for four girls to have dresses custom made,” senior Lauren Mitchell said.

The dinner is also different from other concerts because it allows interactive perfor-mances.

“It’s a nice alternative instead of just do-ing a concert,” Bassett said. “We have kids

with a lot of talent and have drama experi-ence as well, so it’s a nice chance for students to be more engaged instead of just singing on stage.”

This year’s dinner was held in the com-mons for the first time.

“This year we has a lot of people because we only had one show, and we had it in the commons instead of the band room which I think was a big help,” Mitchell said.

This wasn’t the only change, however. In-stead of doing two shows, Bassett decided to only do one large show.

“We changed it to make it easier,” she said. “Two shows was too much because we had to rehearse for both shows, and it took a lot of time.”

Even with these changes, the choir was able to raise about $2000 to pay the accompanist that performs at their shows.

Mitchell and Bassett both agree the perfor-mance was a success.

“It’s a fun way to get into the holiday spir-it,” Mitchell said. “I think parents really en-joy it, which is why we do it to begin with.”

The Squall Page 16

Dec. 22, 2011PhotostoryMagical Madrigal

Seniors Allison Pallo, Clare Tell, Dan Hanrath, Taylor Petri, Jamie Verbal, Megumi Fujii , Erica Scheu, Lauren Mitchell and junior Andrew Grafton gather around the piano during the senior song. Senior girls get to pick their costumes before anyone else.

Seniors Patrick Rogers, Dan Hanrath, Taylor Petri and sophomores Robin Jackson and Kendall Buzzelli sing about saving the damsel. The choir raised a little over $2000 through the dinner.

Choir performs Renaissance tunesNicole Lucas Staff Writer

Senior Shelby Kasenow holds a candle while singing “Silent Night.” Each course during the dinner is accompanied by a traditional song.

Senior Dan Hanrath, and juniors Bobby Toth and Nate Nuttle perform during the Madrigal dinner. The choir has put on a Madrigal dinner for 19 years.

Photos By: Miranda Mors and Linda Hackett Kasenow