The Study Abroad Life in Japan

Post on 17-May-2015

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Every year the number of international students in Japan is increasing, mostly thanks to an active government policy to host 300,000 foreign students in Japan by 2020. This class will prepare you with information and cultural insight to pursue study abroad in Japan!


The Study Abroad Life in Japan

C.Holbrook Katsucon 2/14/2014

What programs are there?


How would I pay?

Is there financial aid?

I don’t speak Japanese.What if I make a cultural blunder?

What if I get homesick?

Can I stay longer than a few months?

I want to study short-term.

When can I go?

High School? College?

What are the requirements?

Everyone faces these questions.


School. Advisors. Parents. Forums. Blogs. Programs.

GAIJINOr ‘gaikokujin’, literally meaning “foreign country person”.

Commonly shortened to “outside person” or outsider.

What do I do?

3 Types of Foreign Students

(in Japan)

1.Fully Immersed

2.True ‘Gaijin’

3.Cluster Student

Feeling like an Outsider


History of rigorous isolation policies

Homogeneous culture

Cross- Cultural Communications

Interacting with other cultures!

Developing Self Awareness

Deep Beliefs and Basic Assumptions

Values, Opinions, Judgments

Actions and Behavior

Culture shapes how you behave and how you perceive the world.

What stereotypes are there about Japan?

These are perceptions or even misperceptions?

Where did we learn them?

What are some good things to learn about Japan before study abroad?

1. CULTURE• Geography, history, religion, economy, class structure, education• Beliefs, values, ethics• Language, communication (verbal and non-verbal), social behavior

2. Specs of Study Abroad• Eligibility, age/education level• Schools, study abroad programs• Funding, scholarships• Language requirements (Japanese or English)• Transportation, tourism• What to bring, pre-departure preparation


Nine Factors of Culture:• Religion• Language• Education• Economics• Politics• Family• Class structure• History• Geography

Variables of Culture:• Environment• Time• Action • Communication• Space• Power• Personal Behavior• Social Behavior• Structure• Thinking

Create & Reinforce Group Culture Creates Diversity Between Cultures


Geography• Slightly smaller than California• 4 major islands • 4,000 smaller islands• 47 prefectures• Natural disasters: tsunami, floods, earthquakes

CLIMATE• Varies from subarctic to subtropics• Region seasonal variation

Winter:• Central & Northern Japan snow• Southern Japan warm

Rainey season in June with hot, humid weather in July.

Japan Facts + Society

Key Values in Japanese Society

• Harmony and cooperation are taught at early age• Complex dynamics of etiquette and politeness • Public behavior includes not being brash, abrasive, overly direct, or

causing embarrassment• Non-verbal communication must be interpreted• Conscious of social hierarchy to build relationships

Founding of Japan (before 710)• Amaterasu, sun goddess sent ancestor to Kyushu• Unified court in Nara• Shintoism: nature, ancestors, ancient/national legends• 6th-7th centuries: Buddhism and Confucianism political reform

Nara Period (710-784)• Permanent court and capital in Nara• Buddhism and government flourished• Painting, sculpture, lacquerware• Imperial family emerged

Heian Period (794-1185)

• Moved capital to Kyoto • Poetry and literature Tale of Genji• Aristocrats, wars, clans


Kamakura Period (1185-1333)• Genji clan victorious samurai, bakufu, shogun

Muromachi + Momoyama Periods (1336-1598)• New shogun with Daimyo (Lords)• Extravagant life and architecture• Civil wars and class struggle

Edo Period (1603-1868)• Tokugawa and new Bakufu (government)• Isolation policies• Farmers, artisans, merchants, and samurai• Writing and literacy

Meiji Period (1868-1912)• Open Doors, Westernization• Nationalism, Tokyo capital

Daily Life + Holidays


Buying a Pasmo or Suica pass!• Works on buses & trains• Reloadable

Shoes Slippers

Summer Festivals


Train Manners:• Not loud• Not taking up too much space• Try to stand• Avoiding confrontations

Bowing/Greeting:• Degrees of bowing


Bathing MannersRead signs! Some places don’t allow tattoos

Where do you rest your chopsticks?

Communication+ Social Behavior

High Context vs. Low Context


Many things left unsaid

May have to interpret word choice or actions





More explicit communication

More openly expressive




Uchi + Soto

In Grouphumbled

Out Group honored

Honne + Tatemae

True Feelings


Tatemae Elements

Personal dignity


Not saying “no” (indirect rejection)

No open criticism, singling out, or insulting

Reserved, inwards actions

Non-Verbal Communication

OK No Good

Non-Verbal Communication • Facial expression• Gestures• Tone of voice• Posture

Counting with fingers! How do you do it?

Building Relationships

• Social hierarchy from Confucianism influence

• Very conscious of age & status

Let’s list some relationships! Senpai/Kouhai

Starting out: • Respectful of privacy don’t dig

for information• Punctuality


大丈夫!! It’s OK!

It’s difficult to know every detail about culture/society.

Mistakes are allowed, just be very respectful.

People will try to help you, but may be embarrassed. They don’t have a full understanding of your culture either or may not speak English well.

Cross-Cultural Encounter EXERCISE

. Specs of Study Abroad• Transportation, tourism• What to bring, pre-departure preparation

Justin has begun to settle into his new university in Japan, although he still encounters confusing or frustrating incidents.

On Mondays Justin was always very busy. He had classes all day and hardly had any time for lunch. One day he showed up at his seminar class a couple minutes before it started and told one of his classmates, Takako, that he was really busy all morning and didn't have time for lunch. Takako replied that she herself was also hungry. The professor came into the classroom. Justin opened his backpack and took out a small bag of potato chips offering them to Takako. She quietly whispered ‘thank you’, and refused the food. Justin then started eating them in class. Takako was very surprised and embarrassed, while others looked on in bewilderment.

Specifications of Study Abroad

Ready to go?

Are You Eligible?

Find a program that caters to your education level

High school, undergraduate, graduate, advanced degree!

Your school can help you find the right program!

Language Requirements

Check if there is a language requirement for the program

May need specific Japanese or English level

Other requirements• Essay writing• Volunteering• Extracurricular

How do I find a study abroad program??

Places to Start Looking

Japanese Organizations

Ask Your School

Student Resources for Study Abroad

JASSOJapan Study Support

Study in JapanGlobal 30

The Japan TimesGateway to Study in


Japan Society (NY)US-Japan Council

The Japan-America SocietyThe Japan Foundation

US-Japan Research Institute Study Abroad PartnersExchange Programs

Points to Consider when Choosing Universities

1. Contents of curriculum and lectures2. Degree or non-degree program3. Research facilities4. International student support

system5. Accommodation6. Exams for admission7. School fees +8. Scholarship and financial aid9. Local environment

Admissions Timeline






Plan, gather info, request info

Select school & apply

EJU application: Examination for Japanese University Admission for

International Students (if necessary)

Take EJU exam

Immigration procedures

Flight reservation


Admission Procedures

Admission into institution


Japanese Govt Scholarhsips (Monbukagakusho, MEXT)

JASSO Scholarships

Scholarships by Local Govt & Local International Associations

Scholarships by Private Foundations

Scholarships for International Students Living Abroad

Pre-Departure Preparations

• Plan your transportation• Know the areas you will spend

time in• Find interesting facts, events, or

tourism spots to visit• What’s the weather like?• Are there products or medicines

you need to bring with you?• Plan you expenses• Make the most of your time


It’s a good time to go!

Asian Gateway Initiative (2008) – high quality foreign student selection

Global 30 Initiative – 300K foreign students by 2020 (30 international schools)Companies recruit/hire overseas

• Promoting STEM• Government funding to 100

universities to develop English programs

How can you further prepare?

Look for volunteer opportunities with local organizations

Take language classes or cultural workshops

Read books on culture

Read Japanese news articles