The Sun

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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Masthead in sans serif font. It is simplistic and modern as well as easily recognisable to readers.

Three main colours are used on the page – red, yellow and blue.

Pun on well known quote from Star Trek. Underlined to attract reader’s attention

Pose is seductive – appealing to target audience

“Star Trek” is in font associated with film/original TV series. It is in white to differentiate it from the rest of the headline which is sensationalising a love scene, not promoting the film itself. Headline is in

Pun – key information and pun in blue – connotes team colours

Promoting sports section to target audience. Mostly using images of celebration of both players

Attracting target audience by promoting sports section using images of inserts and coloured star shape similar to price to highlight the high number of pages

Political news is not valued as it is given very little space on the front page – only one and a half sentences

Writing is in red to attract attention, link with language “shock” and connotes danger

Red box is used to draw attention to a continuing news story as it is necessary to keep the reader interested in this event. Emotive language “Agony of lost two years”. Image allows reader to empathise.

Lead headline is in bold upper case and takes up 1/3 of page. Language “shock”, “mugged” and “swoop” is emotive and highlights the shock felt by the Princess and by the public at this event. Alliteration is used “Princess and pals”

Image of Eugenie in formal royal blue suit and hat. Hat signifies her status in society and highlights the shock of this event in comparison to this. Also comparable to the emotive language “shock” and “swoop”