The Sun. (New York, NY) 1861-03-05 [p ].C9 HVR8E8. cbanliafaialda aad walUra-1- 94 Fourth ara...

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THE NEW YORK SUN,ebllrhed Pally, Wantleys excepted, which ae

liuaanaa rtiww le reeelved,) at ih OK SeaINIMtaps anrMr of FoJton tad Neaaaa iliwk. andp. m nroaaway, (corner or Broadway, rrkBow eed Asa streetl under the Amerioea If imuil

TM Daily Boa U delivered br Carriers, to nkaerlbwrs la New York Clr and viclaity, el611 AMD A QUARTt.R CENTS PER WEEK.

Slrgle Ccpiee Otl Cent.taT Whoa seril by mII, Font Dttlars a year.

i"Hi uin-- etnai iutuini ui rear,witn uwnwr iu-i-


U mailed le sulwcribers at eevenly-ftv- e ran peryear 1 1 mom lis, Jl i sine, Is coblea.l rente. Spool'

ml (null la Intending eubeorlUrs.Address THE SUN."

Oomer Felloe end Hunl street, New York.


Improvement !



Porn, want nousr, tenement, btoerSHOP f

Cnuf SMBine-- Line fe fAc StM t

Hare ri a II0U8C, TOTEMENT, STORE er BtlOT

AVrid a Shtntnl Um tt tht SLT ftie you went HELP or nAVTie, of see tin, f

6nd SMUiiw itiw ta tht SOSIyeavreateBnTATiONt

eSrwd a 8kMt 1AM tt tht B ITS IDe yea ward WORK er CfTOM f

aeetd a fAtUta WiM fe tht 8US IOt yea ml WORK too CHEAP t

Bm4t.8hiUmaIAnilttht8UStDave ye. Bathing la BELL mr.AP f

evtda8aUiiwLinefefVo"rJfDe you wleh la BUY AciYTHtNCJ ("HEAP

AVnd a nUtUnt Lmt la IA atTJf IHave you anything Ta need tlie MONEY for f

tend iftUlia,; Leiw ( IAe ATUN tfltveyo, foltep nOTORIIVNTINGI f Don't da

tt. but brlnx the bouee lo eon, brhdinfSkiUwLliutotkiSUXI

IU ran LOIXJINOfl ta l. or BOAttn la offr fJbma a JSntUuw Wim la IA ft l.Y

Dor"nDOARnrI)POINOgf .ind a jiAtUmo- - Lint tt IA SCTJT

Pa rw t AtorrmNo im tub world t8k.ND A DUUXLNU IJ.NK TO TUB HVN t


Advortlraments for the BUlUoa!TUB tn SntLLISQ SYSTEM 1 1 1

mOOUEHH OF TIIS AGE.A Niw tumjrr a ku. mi BgusH ot Lm I

Tht Chmjmt M (a ASYTBISQ mm, it to

ADTXRT18M n tht BVS.Anjthlac want! can ba kad or baari of ao Ik






aUUbk AdvertlmMtVaUAaimn tm Atti

Aawra u all adTartiaaraaaU tuj W rtalTalMlhalniOaoa. la atdar la gtra aask Aa

artUai afORR RPACR for kU atanay, kka amataraBad ta aaeh adTarttaananl, to boU faeaa fcrmaa,auy ba aaad aa Ika Addraaa lo wklah anawara art

ka aaracul al Ikla oAaa, Inataaa af oooapytagrpaaa aaaJlaarly artlh a apaclal altoaaara.

aiumi.vaif. Boaaa waalal I rnla. fai lulloa Fany. 311la Ikla oaaa, Ika aarwar aknld ba dlraoaaa

MMo.lU.aaaOmaa."AatwttowavW aitek to rwN tr mtmmtm

BUi al irta (AarVbrt Asm m awaaton fa Inaar

anf parttMtlar aaaMt ta fAalr AdaarttoaawnM.

mriu no addrbms is oirniABMWKRM art ta U mltUuitA ta tht Botd-fot- trvTtuiktnittoAimtiMmmti, mm MUa0uaOaa.

MatlUlfAajr ActTCrtlRemeaiUi.

aQiriiOYnKNT-F- ar MaJaa.


waotf-- Tl Nimio pt, nan 9. letAOENTS Faa-S- ox 101, llorriitown, N. J. t,lSl,SAGENTS vant4 at 191 Nao ft, roam T. ,tPREAD and caka kakar-M- )T Third ara, litajUTTERfaraUIaUoaoeallart-Tigpabr- H, tERRAXDBaftalad-ApilrlSDy- ii, o (tain.OOODIeaUkFmK'r,attT3Bowfrr. tTMAN waatad ta baka tandr, at IK) DlrUloa it. elHAM on Tama, la ahoy Mb Myrtla ara, Dnaklfa.PARTNER a lib work for W, t W't miehlna.3 SuaTAILORS tad I apraton-t- lt SnUlraa at, rear. US nOU8K FaU-- , br KCIXWIO, W Savrutk ara,( SUIP earaaaUra k S caulkare at Uarantrt. 1,1

UTO t MEN for SWaawra. Arplf T Chatham Siuara. Matevth,tHawd mrvontBtf-- rt r


Sawn mikara, 49 Dalanaay at, 4,1ARTIFICIAL Bower makan, at M Eldridfa at 1JUCTTON hole aad re auken, at 191 Ea-- IM atFLOWER auton, at 161 Canal at. 4.1H1CIRLthateaaraaa-CaOeix- tb tr. MOIRLS U aaaka aaaer boxea, ond hanaa.41 Day at.4.1nOl'SEHAID aad a aeaawtrav, at 181 Eaat ICth at.HOUSRWORKER1, arlrata famlllaa-4-?4 Broadvaf,LAVMnRRaa (Protaatant) 434 Broadway, ay atalra.LOOT tan waarota-t- th ar, eor 40th it. t,M4.tTAILORRBBRS and aperaton at 1M Bayard at. C9

HVR8E8. cbanliafaialda aad walUra-1- 94 Fourth araOPERATORS aa W. W. maehiaa-- Tl Croaby it.OPERATORS on aklrt biutlea-l- M Writ SOU at MlOPERATORS at their hemoe on boatlea.lM W. Mth atVEST baMera-- aa Lae ara Bom it, W'm.borih 4,1VEST makar, Srat 1(M

WOMAN ta taw for 1 werke-- ST R, lit at, Wauburik1 OIRLB furkltckea wark-- U Catharloa Blla. t1 IN1SI1E1IS aa tMn ooaN-- 3S Baxtar at, room (Me,1 OIRLB ta ia to Cuba, with a famlly-- T Chatham 84S F1N1BIIKFS oa pant 11 Mott at, top floor, front,fl COOKS wasted plaona-1- 94 4U ata.

SPICK packart at lot Waihlairtaa at. t,U4,1


QIRLforBi arfc,lMBIaaekerit. 1,111,1


AS ill aia or baakkaepar. alalia maa-1- 11 San.OF AS antry (lark or 1UM portar-B- ox 10T Sua amoa,

BY a Boy, ata IT, la a whoUeala atora-co- od roforanoi

BY a BOY ta loan a reapactabla trada-- 10 Amity PL


AS altk naa of W. VTa-b- ea ITS SaaC 1RL (PreteeUat) aa Bona eeametreaalCS E lie atHOUSEWORK wanted by a womaa- -2 Cherry it.TO da gancrel bouxwotk-l- is Weat lSlh al, rear.


NEW drilling raachlae-1- 18 Greenwich at. f 1

AW ekarpenlnf and gununlng toeU 908 Grernwloh


aVOARDiTomSIUS4perwrrk.atlMPrlieaat 44BOARD fer a aaaa and w fa at 61 Allen at ITfFOR gredlemaa A wivee, aad alagle, 1ST Orckard. 1,4


A LADY wieuee beard la a email fand'y. 111

" LonVaiNCUi TO UJf .

BEDROOM for a aaaa and wife, at T4 Ninth are, MFURNISHED room fee etng le gauta. 111 Baeery, 4,4

NICK Room fer 1 er 1 gentlemen) 66 W.llet at 4,4


BAKERY for tale ctetp-S-CI FultM eta, B'klyn.1,1BEST bbdaaaa ear. In New Roahellat 144 Naaraa. ttSBUTCHER'S atore far tele-- Ill Eat BroUway. 18,4

TARB for Bl Fnltoa at, Brooklyn.

SeM FOB fancy goede baalaeaa-- nf Oik are. 41


BY X. B. LuAlew-Lea- ae W Caanea etMank .ir.



Complete Account ofTUB




Sixteenth Presld the

United States.

Proceedings of Congress.


Semite rtaaelay alaht rVaaJoa raatlaard fraaaaoaralac Kdlilaa.

Br, Daaia ryoka al aoma Uuftk, dafandlaf Maown pnaltioo, aa dtairin lo rata fur Ika peace roafatauoa iropnalilona.

Mr. Docaiaa laid ha ahon'd art reply lo Ika(jihof hia oollaairua, waloo related to ala oaaoranw. Ilahadiapiladltilhalaiayaireazi, waaaha tl al made It, asd lateral llmee ataaa, bul roaato a paal u Ita ttauaia lo Tola oa lha rarloue ejuaa-Uk-

Mr. IUTn,a propoMd lo modify lha nl. Ilabflaradaimplylo make tl alimar, butnot 10 altar lha aeuaa uf ina amaadmem.

Mr. Dooi.rmra propoauion waa duarraal to.yaaa,lSiiaa,1.

Mr. Hmnnui offered en amea Iment a. a enSrtUI'lK; Iba aaiaa ae Mr, (i.tiae onca banira olTrJlo Iba ('irrTiNbiw roaaiutwu, bLl auMitiejyw.ladraw.

Tba qwetina tu than oa Mr. Poutre amend.roent, wnlik la lo aubalilula IhaCaiTTianu re to

Mr. CLTioiiiK ea'd. If Ika amendment waa, Iboua h not tnuohrd Iba llnne, II would barea food effOLl on lha oouniry.

Mr. IlraLta aiplalnad Ibal ha wae la (aror of lhaCnUeodaa reaolauona, bul ha waakd a aanaratavota oa aaok propoellhtt.

Mr. Dovoijm aald If II ware a4opled II arouldpraTenl aialra a tar abollahlntr alarary al all.

Mr. Maaoa cbararUrlaad lha raaoluilona from lhaUouaaaadeioalTalo Iba South, and apuka al aooaalength afalnal tbam.

Mr. Moaaiu aald ha bad boat unooacernal forlha laat huur la Iba dlacunton folnc oo,btil whanlha hoootabla Senator from I linaia abakaa hu kaadla Ikla quarter, I beta a rural lo onjacl. We eraktonaii al lha tud of alx yeare' tarribla aiuiloa,aad all coxae from thil trifling adralitatraltoa ofplilr. and la to ard now la a dlaaHution of lhaCaloa t and ytl ganllamaa prorxiaa to go oain tna aama . A taw pe'lry Caanelx yiara ago on tba alatery I'tanion. Thea ii.lUain ttaiea united upon It terauee damirrail Ianl aaTonof Ihoaaautaa ara oat of lha L'olseima (eallmun aland and wranfla, andIhraaiaa axaura lo Iba dually If we doe'i ewl.j mote ibaaa Haw noeltuma. Tela pillcr n

ta and ci!ialulad la lttt, l.klug alta atoe out of tba I'nJi. and wa, on lull alda of lhacialr, are to be charged with a dlaaolulloa ofIhel'nlou. Oil what hate tkeea eanatora, or Uoaafer rapnaoBI, doaaf No Inly of man al lhaNi rth baliaraa thai Cwnrraaa hai a right l later.fara, and yel wa ara callad noon to do what nobodybelleree wa aan do. No parly in lha N ln autar.talna any purpoaa of a crueede agatnetalatety in tha atetea. lie rafarrad to Ikaepeack of Iba aenalnr from Kentucky, whoaaya tha whole difficulty waa la regard lo aha Tarrtiory of New Mextoo. If that ba aa loan thera lareally no dlfflcutly. But hare la a propoettloa toamand Ika Conatllutioa), and walch la to looorporaaeInto that Inetrumant, a raeogvltloa of alarary,and It la that agalaet which Banatora proiaet.lie rafarrad lo Ika fad that Vuvtala eaul aa ultimatum, and tnan armed heraelf tjt lha purpiae ofarmad lolarrantlon between tha government andtha alalaa In rebellion, aad argued inat under auehrlrouraeUncea aanaeore ought not to praeant prapordilona here far eur act aptanca. He oontandad thattba attituda of Virginia waa aa ail of eneaaoa.

Mr. Wahiaaldha bed onoa atatad blepMltlon,aad ta had to aay ba waa of tha aama opinion. Heeald ba bad heard of the raeolulteo, but iba praaanlota waa an eilraordtnary one. II waa reiiallloaaralnal tba bawl In Iba world. NublngIn lha world ever lnatlluled eujh telwlllouaioepithi aoturaod lnalltutlon, which they now a ght aoetUxd. lie oontandad thai thaprogreta of ,hl rit,olutlon la la aiaul an (ucureol jMpotlem, andn tlilg maVai ika p'inolp'ai of the free eketei eundout aoe'early aa tna foot thai they aia lettingue l:auae doapollem cinnul asixt In ourruinuat. ite vninpiaui 01 ui wet wa oate 1

frae nreae and fraa eiaai.h. and love Hbaitv too are 112 1

Tea difMoully la thai yoa oan'i atert a daaporlaai Uithe fraa autre of tba N Jittu Tha rernady for lhaanl la sot In paper reaa'utlona,whaa yeu telle of go.luf out of tut Valoa and coming back, and

I?yolrynalracl It on a baele ao aa toharmon xa and uphold your eratem, yoa auuft Aralrecoottriki tba Ihruna of (il, and change lhauueoan mind. He cl timed that tha complalBto agelnet tba Rapubllceaa wart unJual and un"bundad, and Iktl aeceeeloaamonnla elrop'y in Ika aaeertloa lhal thaetelea hare a rlgfal to make war on tha general git.eramant, bul that Iba general giveromenl hai nottha right to defend heraelf. If Ue dootrlna ba true,I'.orlia which waa biught for purpiaaa of defenceof tha omntry, may Join haraalf to a foreign countryand turn eur guna agalnat ua, and baw long la tlattre gentlemen ekyd up here end aaeerted lhaMairoa dnrlrtaa. Ok! Ghoet of General .feckeoa,whet would you think of modern demoorala t Aaula could alas aecaie anl turn bar guna agalnetbar awn countiy, A gyTftrninanl foundod oneuch prtoclplaa la no goTarnmanl at all. Uayrocaedod to argue lhal all Iba trouble bad grownoutoflheropaalcf Uaold oouiproralee, and nowbrought tha union la the targe of diaeolutlon andrLiiuuctlon. Ua aald tha klaljrr of all cainnro- -

ulata ana full of dlaaatar and ruin yet wenreaakalloukaetillanidbar woraa than alf lha rail. Tbaremedy ic In Ita gonl old Comlltulloa niada byeur fauere. Ha would ataad by that U jnelllullon,and law no place where II nea,lr,l amwdoaalriibucy intanueato mtanero wiui umiiumuub utIka atatae,anl no party Intended to di l;T wa araakad to glra new guarantee; but be billeted lhaSouth would aeaplee tna ram wno auoweo guaanttan ta be wrung from tbam In auct a way. Wamvirt uoaa back lo Ika old ark af aalely, lha ooaetltulion and lo tat old eonatrujtlonr. Tha pro-- r

compruailaea amouut to n ,tlilag butai notdlapcaid I) admit Ita renvoi.

tun of eletery. If wa carry thla raeoluilon 11 willkeep up egtlaUon. excitement and Irritation. Thell.l.uUtotn party wae lha only one which waaupholdlag lha ark of Ameeioaa llbarty. Atl oth-a-ra

wera attempting to aulka It down. Let uaact like men. Many nallena ara lookUg loaaakow lha great etnigglaehaU ba deeldei, 01aeaelnra In tha tkak of carrying through Ua doc.trlnaaofourfathara,and,UTaor die, ha would

ur. Vnrre orTerad a reaoluelon of thinka to lhaVice Fitoldant lor tha Impartial, honorable and ef.rwtlta manner la wnica be naa aiacnargeo, tnedutlae ef bla office, which wae ajraed to unaol.moualy

Meaan. Foot,Nicbouoxm1 Pvai rated lathafllrmaUte.



The nueatlon waa this uken on the originallullon, ae it came from Ue Uoaa.

The follow leg waa Ue vote tYraa Meaera. Anthony, Biker, D'g'er, Bright,

Cilttsndrn, Dlien, Dauglaa, Feeler, O'lmaa, Owin,Harlan, Hunter. Johne-at- , (of La-

tham, Maaon, Nlcbolaon, Folk, Pugh, R oa,Blaetian, Ten Eytk, Thoraptou.

Natl Mam, Uinghaia, Chtodler, C'ark, Diellllla, Duikee, Fi. Kag, Buuiar, Trumbull,Wade, Wllklnaon, Wlleon-- 11.

Benator rout waa la Ike Chilr, aal dw'dellhal It wae earned, htvlog v jtad la thl

610 A. if Ui'. Tuaixit, tppwJed from thedeclelonof tl chair, on Ua groindthtlll re.qulrid of Ue wlv.le vote of the Setete

The declaioa wae aueulaed Yeaa, 93: Ne,e, 1.

Maw re Wan and Maeon movad to Itke up UeCnetanden reaolutione. Agreed lo.

Thaiiietlon wae then on Mr CLMamau4mtnlwkit.hwaedlaagTeedtoby'Veaa.lSi Nije.Ti

Mr. Cairrraaia than moved to eikililule ueof lha Pace 0 mfaranoe.

Motion loat by yeaa T.naya U.Tea n,-- i. .. tk. tha adeutlon ef the

Crlawudea oompromlae reeoluuoDi. LiM by Ikefi' lowing vjtei

Yle -- Meeera. Bayard, Blglar, Bright.Huoaer, Jahneoa of Teaaaa.

ea. Kennedy. Laaa, Lelbaee, Maeon, Nlca'uaaa.Polk, Pugh, Rloe, Babaenea, Tkomaon aal Wlf

.Xra-Mea-ara, Aotkoay, O'Uts, Chulva

Cletk, DUaa, llonlittla, I) nkee, VaaieaJeo'imta,Fnaier, Itnnms Harlan Ktoff. Mmlll, Sjmxer,Tea t'tck, Tn.mbal.', Want, iV. Ma,a eu 1 WiUmrxV.

Mr I! li hit rrnrtrt an etMMitlta aeaaloa, l,.Alt A. M, IhtSeatta ink a ireaaa l.ll tena'tkak

Mr. rruu old thai ha vaeted a teal tw, andtherefore rnvred lo la; lha whrla eubirrl oa lha U,Ua. Hewanwdtoalopdlauwlna.

A Tata waa than lakin on lha amta Imenl. whichwaa loal by yaaa II. raya IS, U. ll,utr.,PiTone, limnuM Jou.e a, o( Tmnww: !,mail, Kloa aud S'aaarua roung with Iba Ru- -iataiiln.lii.

Mr. luiaiuatlieneffarrd as anieidmant, wh.chla iiel'tata i.niei(!iuBl

Tba arret rlrreni wai lai l,y yew 11 reT'll.lfrw ATaBT Batia lm , VoTa Qaa'.a',a dTaa tin u f nedlta Mr. (laiara

fTfrid a. aa atnatoiiienllliealaiiiuwfrerwl hyM . Siwaif, Lwt It yitalli ntye t Mori.Aanina, 11. aia Daiaaa. Fuvrta, Taa Kiel,and Wire iug In ibe Meat .

Mr JrmaaON, o A kania.ofr,'rt.l a i antand.rr,t U p op ltou o( tlie Pe.c i C.i,ft anoe. I. tb tearej ; Beyell

The 8'nileiraertb'edat tea o"el,ck, Tba Pre.Ileal eel M lire Senate llo'd r. A 'a'ge number

of enrol ad I Ilia were aanounoed atgnedTta JMil tietlrriloa etrreet certain c'a'lcet

rrrnre In Ire Te'lfT 14 I wa. paaard.8rel . were ma e, anl ihaUll toln'o-- .

poralalhaMWopitiiaa 0t l,UMtaken rp and debalad, Mr, Baiberr oipiauig tu pataaga- -

At half paid e!f tea, a maaava wee rerelTtd fia--

tha Hoaae, lhal heTIBg Salahod btu.aeia. It waaready ta adjourn.

Mr. Baraa-- proceeded tMr, Clai aald It waa a all u rale of an Of ergrown

ewar ar y ata how nwerful I cauld get TheSwiaaa haa coma here to Ulk a I 111 dowa at Ibaetitoaof Iba eeoeion.

Taelea o'clock arrWerl, and tha V oa PraeidautcaVad tha 8niaa lo l. r, . d a I

FaUiia:-- la taking loal l.aranf Ibla pniltloa, Iahail ak a few kipmo'i la ' id lo ,rler n ,oumy graaful aiknowlKlgmen'e f t lie lewlutioadedarlag r appr-ea- l . i l.--a miaoarla wku-- I lata my l itiea,aal lo expreea my rleeii ee. of Ih uniformormrteT which aa the prtwiUltg i flicer I here re.catfadrmmlLememlMra aflblab dy. If I kiterommtted errore your genrrnne f iVa-anc- e d

lo rareika Ibcei, and during tta whole periodof my eerrlra I lite netor appealed In f ua layour Jual'ca or chnrliy.

Tha menory f Ikeea now will errrlie cherlebed amonr Iba wesai grateful

of my life, axd for my eticrateor, I etaftoteeare bttt,r wl.bthanlVat bo may erjoy Ibareletluna of mutual whlik aa hevpilyhavamaikid our lnlerowira.

K iw, geoliemea of lha Senate, and o3k"ra of lhaSenate, from whom I beta rrcMt ad a many kindofflcee, aocepl my tratltndeaad cordial wlaaaa foryour pT.ritt and aralf wa.

Mr, Ilaaua then alepad forward and aald Sena.tore i The eineiienra of aererai yeara In ihl l lyliae tauglil ma aoma hlng ef Ua dutlea i f the pre.aiding officer, and win a etara ltfl-ib- purpta todiaclarga Uaaa dutiaa fellhfully, relying onoa thecouneey and p nation of Henalira, aj I lofoblntna aid of Plelaa Prorldenee. I am nw realyaitakaUaoaik reoulred br Ibad lOHtiiutioiiarMl to enter upua the dlaBvrra at the official dutlee ualgnodma by tha confidence of a generona people,

Mr Ilaaua then look lbeoati ae fi.lowe:' I, HtaniHtL Ileal ih do eel mulyeweartoeup.

port tba Conetitutloa of lha t'alte.1Mr, BiK'anraiiKia aald I "llttlag n,iw arrlrad

at Ua termination of IbUCmrrwaa I bow declarethe Senate adjourned without day.

Mr. U a aim took tha Chair, and the proclamationfor an eitra aaaalon waa read.

by announcing lha acJaurnmetil f lie It inea e'rwKir.

Much rood prevjl'ed, tea nal firewe'.leaire epkrnaxd Ike iiten.lcra

Ileaae af HepriatuHatlrew.WMmjtm, Morrh 4. The 11 xua reareamblad

atteub'clork. No pereoaa whuetartwre In Ibaellerira, aioapl the K'partera . epei'atora hating

eisliidad by direction of Ikaef arrangrroeBU.

Much mlaoallaneoua tnalaa of no paHlcular lmportance waa di'poeed ef wlik the uaual no ay

The reporla of the ei C inferencewere made and upon. The proceedinga wereocoaaioaelly lilarnipaed by tba leceatlanof inea.aagaa from the Senate, ami the aunouaoemeul bythe Prime Secretary, Mr lluiunaiaaaa, that theProvident haa algoed certain billa.

Tee report of Ue Committee of Couference on theLIU amendatory of Ue peltm lawa waa adopted.

Alrooat etaiy member had a propMition or bill lopaee. Tba atruggla for lha floor waa Intaawlr ei.citing. Queetlooa ef eider were now and UeaMr. HoTOBna.talalngkle Tilce aU-it-e tha dla.eeJd.

UlU being a dellberailTe body, Ury mlfhl knowwaae waa gmng on.

A Voloe'You mlataka; Ihla la not a dellberwtire body." Criea of "Uood."

A motion wee made to clear the gallerlee.(I Augbtar )

Aa haratofore Hated, tha Tieitora gallerlee weraentirely empty.

Ai half pant eleten o'clock, a motion to adjournwaa nagatittd. Yeaa to, agalut III.

S ima unlniportani burilna! aaa tranaactel, aadTuioiu trifling aiatiera were urged.

rKtaral Tolcea "adjourn,'' aruid confualan.Mr. Aiornwo.i, of Kentucky, moel to tale up

tie I ltd B ildiara' Panalon bill.Fifty or more memtieie hare etrote to gala a

from tha rtpeakar.Motlona were bumirouely made to " c'.etr the

Keller! ee."Mr. Sanjiti. from Ihe Oomiuluaa an.

pointed to wait on Ihe President, aald they he--

performed Hat duty, and that tha Preeldeul hadiiifotmtdlkemhabad aubullted bla laat cotneiu-uliatlo- n

to Ue Houae.A motion waa hare made to adjourn, when Iba

e.ikex roaa amid mttktd il'.enca tad diUTtrallue following ailekeiei

tnt irritn'i tutljiu.fientlemrnbflhe II mee or We

bate bow arrlrad al the cloae of Ihe Tolrty.altih(Jongreaa. During lie progreae auenea of an

character hare lean wltneaaed. SeveraleUUa bate atctdVd aud all their memere, withone exception, left Ue Hell. No leverof hia ootiLtiy can wltnaee aucb auexhibition (wiUoul faallnga of Ike deepaat anxie-ty. Al jour preeldlng c deer, I Lave not fall It myoaty to deviate from II e eetabliahed prac-tice by entering into dlec oration on Ue ft tor.ludieu, Ue demande upu the limaif tbe chair euflh ieul la lie view wilhiut, end 11 lewiee Ue Speaker akould not be eaiaogled Inthe oonfllcta of dabaU. You will pvrmll ma,therefore, before puling to aay iiuoiluly whatla wall knawn to many If not al of you, UalI Lava aver been, am bow, aal I true!ever aball rearaln a devoted friend ef the I'n-lo-

of tbe etatea and favorable lo any Juetand Ulwral oompromlae. Tha report of tbeCommittee of Thirty-Ure- a of thla Houae mat raycordial approval, and I have never healleled to de-clare my belief Ibal a contention of all Ihe atatei loconsider actual or auppoesd grievance wa, Iheproper and luoat araliame remedy Af a memberufuie Union I declare my tooTlctlon inat no lane--

0 o ground baa baun a.elgned a dleaolutlon ofate Ilea wLlctt bird every Awericea clmanto hie country, and Impartial hlatiry will aonitice. My roniljauce la the Aniei-Ut-

lnple la iu'': that I believe no jual complain! canex-i- t long without a at Inelrhtndi, ThereIt, alwaya a remedy In the Union wltb I'll view,1 Ueileie my v .limine to Join tutneiaiireaui luuipremiea. t won ,i no au uerauae oi tne

Ilea that bava bouiid u together undor tha In.iu I tutlon fiaina-- by our future, and undir at'( rutltiition ilgntil by 1'ie Immortal Whiki.toI would d , lur tta uati ual honor la com nit'dI tbe eximiloieLI of free Inatlluliona. I would doeifir ire love 1 bear fir my countrymen lo all pattlof ,ur be'oved Lind, and repa, lally a for Ua tkaof tliat noble baud of patrloia In the border aouthera autaa, who, agalnat great oppoallloo, bareatocd firm like roclu la Ue ocean, lor Ue peeeeana porfiauiiy w taa t nion. vut, gentleman,I may not further dwell on Ueae general eubjecta.For Ue diaparage of Ue dutlae of Ihla eleliou towhich I waa called by yev fclodaiee. I can onlyaay 11 haa been my purpoae to do alt In my powerto promote your comfort aa membera, te deal

with all and to advanae the beat Intereetaof Ue oeuntry ao far ae any luoaee haatlandad my admlslatration la Ice chair.II le to be aecriued eery much to tbe klndneaa andlibtaraneeof tie m.e.Uere of tbelliuie. I claim!br mveelf only Ue (oeril of good intention and. .. .fl. ka'.- - : ..m a..., li... l,.Kaoneaa puriiaaea. ta iwjbuwm j,ii.w-i.Iaaae- d

to adat la fully gratifying aad will beanvng my moat agt eaule rwllclloii ofUe p'ace.I thank you, (outlet for 111 i mark of jair an.probation. I could not fall to reraetk thai Ihla

wei preirnled by ahe oldeet mamber of IheIlauee, by wtooi I waa eworn love cSie, asd onewboaa eievated cbaraevar la acknowledged by ueall. I believe no former efeaker ever receivedmore klndueee al Ibe handa of Ibe Ilouee than haafallen to my lot, Alilil all Ina couBnU of a

on auaetlrna onntlnuaUT ariamtT. you haveniter ovteuled any declelon I have made. I dnut lofer from Ihla trat I wae alwaya ngbt; but Ido Infer that If wrong, Ue I forme bail.ved It waethrough mlaapprekeurion and not by daaign, andaud Ual II wae y ur run juanlmly which led joulo eanction Ihe chair.

Yon wilt perm I me, I hope to tey here, IVil Iam under great obligalioue to Ihe cmcara of tbielleuee for their aaalitanca and devotion to my co'o-nrl- .

I return Ibem all mr very warmeat tbauke.And bow, gantleeien and filenria, 11 only rawainattat I take my leave of yon. Toe parting hour taaa butirvtbour. When I flrat cerne arnoug ,cu I

dac'ared m aelf a Iiailonal roan. I ail ao itlll, andrual lehall ev.r iitualnao Ofien In my leilredmomintalih 11 ihlt k ef you and Ue miiy aosniathiougnwliib we have peaeed. My piarar lohavea for jou la, lhal you may have iktl blmlnlwhich oomalb frvm atiove, and that tha greatRaltrofNallonala whoae tend are the de.tiaieof ua au may raore peace to our eountry, ni leg or-

der out of omWon, aad union to Ike preaenlelement. Giat'.oruea, I bow bid you an

eOectbaeU farewell.Ur, p amnawToa waa frequently applauded dir-la-

tkedel.vaiy of headdreee, whieh kecoaoljded

The Inaegnrallon.IViuh'tigton, Siimli j, S 7', i.Tlie Inaugu-ratlr- a

ceuemcnire will take placets a large plat-fott-n

ertrUd evir Ue etepaof Ue eaat penuoo ofILe Cep'tal. TL ovried point providat for theriaaldml'e uae while aptaklng, edtencei hlra wallout In frl where tkouade of tbe people uu areand Lear hire,

ltetvy Ula are peadlnit on l'i q ifatlen of I'llriiaiCiait'aa.rety Ibronrfi iba x !.. anl r.,eoKltlyle fe'l elheadquarteia ruticarn'.Kg urpub-lurii-

iiiaii na.Tide laaomo feH cnncernliif the

raeaible ac len of a large gang of l'lug-Un- l a,"wboeie tee froin Balttun-te- . AM i.i.tliie

aia boliut taken by Hie police and aitlitaiyeuiruritWe to pravriti a tlieiurbauca,

H la ganrrall, ruaiond lonltfLI trat a largelidyof rein he arrived here front Ballimcreanlroaoy frran Yliginia, part of wbom are eerewiluu-lat- a,

and a I ottii-- 1'uion men imie eevea tiua-ort- il

in ail. li la n a baluved thul any veryr,rteldWecTnlUenU beree a,but ihe autl'mHIie have kept a vary clnee loik-ou- t,

ltd erreiivlaedtbalmoelor lhenret characterof HiltinioreBudeoaiiiplaeealn Virginia have letfor Waahlngtoa, aud would all be preeaal MudiymotBlBf.

Gme al So aiana all hUadat'eraa-alogeUerl- i.

night, and have epenl wiaoh of fie day la g deteila asd giving ordere Tbe orde a are iILe awlrteel BaiBie, aad none id Ua aauorduutaa

allow, d to know eetttucg ouaeeinlnf therxwp! whtt U c,ntird by their o'

dire, Tbjil.aforlliepTwrvttlon of UapeacitacompUle, and Ihe gfat praiauann will holakeu rralnl auy alhKk "eon tne prnreailim ordrmiaieeieitcn aialrel Mr l.taooui'e petawt. IIwill t guarded Uroughout by a hnltow aiTiare ofDlalikt Mi'itlaln three ranka, who will ami

lha platferm la keep beck the ucowd. at Inatit will be impoeaible to approoack Ihe pereea of thePrraldenl.

I.letit, (len. Soorr will nit rrobtkly be virlhle,bul will al Ibe ranat avallak'e point for aooeeaby bla ruioere. Abtiul five bundrcl epei-la- l policehave lieen ditiilod, arnoner lben aeveral detectivefrom Pollade, lltltlmoie, New X it aul lloiton. Nearly a bnodrea are on duty troro Haiti-- .mere alone i ible BjuardaLeve been placeil oadrpy alih the Keleral troop lonlirln, ea I manyevtra ued to prevent eurjuiee,

no on apprahMida any dlnVu'ty.There are le ea Uidiai of Wide Aw ike ba e,

wbo have erctired eomoinnqiu aa a, aadaie thjrcugbly raguili'da a though Ibey make no npei ort fTaualTe damonatiail ia uf tbelr piwaanee.

tna raooataaa or na eaoawtoiiar.It le raid bore, rat the aaibo lty of teeterc from

M nl4iNnry, A'e Ihtt a gentleman lof i thai placeet ratal date ego for Waehlpgtou, who la eappoeedto have traveled here men,;, anl to be now lu Ihierily, aa a Corniulaaloaar from the 8 lutliera Cm-f- i

denary. Tide gentlernaa le ineuuo'ed,after the iBangu ailnn, i preaenf bla

creilantlala a An' cl ihe S xithaniand ark Iu teoognlUou br Ihe United

Btatea. Pruldanl Lieooia li expect I to replythat he La no power In Ue and cannotgive the detlrel anawar. To Ihla tlia AmUwt.1 ,rle directed to tejoln that ba la loalntctiil to Inalatugn a daclalve anawar within! delay, and fallingto gal it, to ininiadlatolT retire.II tree nndart Mod et Mintfnmery thttlfthareooc.

niaioaof the liulhe-- n Confederacy l refiuad. Im-mediately oa Ihe feci being aacartatnai Form Sam.tar and Plokeaa will be attaokad i and aa armadlavae will be liiiruedlataly on lha newAdmlnlatrallcn.

Tnr . Tin Tiaeiau.Niter received lore today from Itichmon--

ataril ILfil no eecoeelon ordiaanee caq pw tbeVuglnlen Convenlian under any ctrnimatanrea.T' e Union man, If they can do ua better, willaul tttlbto for tbe eeocealon orJlne a p'ovlalonf,r railing a ooiivutiii fur the border alave elate.,11 ue fathltg two or three numlha more of lime forrillKtlou-

a a ui la tna aia in.The Huruite,nn S Uurday, preaeated a of

do In u rr l. Tnere hae beaa Utile II In Ibe hle-l-

of lie country. Theepeet-he-f Senator Laaawae ILe inciiiug cauae of Ibe exallngecene. aud te deuounced In bluer termenn all eldre Tlie reply of Apt foireonlnhlacaalgtllonof Ltiae-llpea- d all hit formeretkiru. The pemtatlon ef hia aiaticb wta moelequene. and aa he cloned Ike gallerlee. where ikepeople a'l along had malnUlned a breathleaeat leu e. buret forth with uproarloue and long.eoBllnuad aaolauaa. and Urea roaalaa? cheer e weragiven fir lha Union, followed by " three for AotjoaaaoB -

Inauguration Core:monies.

The following are the ceremonies fir the In-

auguration of the rreaident, aa anangid by theCommittee of Arrangemtnta I

The doote rf Ihe Beuate Chamber weie opined atIt o'clock A St , fur Ihe admlerlon of Scnilora audoibera enlll'od to admlaalon, aa fi Howe I

andTbe Chief Jubtlceaad Aaauclate JuJgfi of che

Boprcmo Couit.lue Diplorrattc Ccrpa, Heada of Drptrtraeuta,

and tx.tuemttri of either branch of CnngT"i and

mambrra of Congieea eloct.

yflicere of the arjj ,Li MTj who, by ntme,httecelTcd the tl aika ef CoDLfe..

novernora of S'alee and Terr Itor ill of the Uuloa,

andexClovaiDoraof SUtea, Aealetaal Secretarialof pejarlruenta.

The Myon of Waahlngtoa and Georgetown eti--l

tie faoil'lc ef the Mplomatlc Cnpi aoaU wareplaced In fiont of the Secretary--! table for the I'ree-ldr-

aid lVaaiJaul eld! i and, on their lata, for

the corunr.lttee of urengr mania.

Tbe Ckltf Juatlue and Aaoclate Juetlieaof theSupreme Court will have eette the light of theChair.

Ibe liiblornallc Corpa will cccupy eeate on Uatight of Ihe chair, mil to the Supreme Cautt-U'ada-

Dipattmenta on tht left of Iba chair,Oflicara of the Army aid Nary who ty name re.

caived the thabka oi Coagreea. Ooveraore ofBtatea and tertltutlca, aud AHlataul aecreUrlee ofIhe depart

M nibera of Congreaa and M umber e'.H occu-

pied eeata, on tha lefl of Ue chair.The gaUci Ira were rirertad for ladle.At II oVlock Ike I'lialdaniandUe Pria'deit

e' t a'ouitpenlfdby Iwobnembera of theCiamlt-l.- e

,yf AriandtmetiU,prooMdd lu a carnage to tbemi th w lug f Ue capltol.'I -- e Vim rrreldenl elect waa rondutrd to tte

tin ate LLan,btr, nheie tba oaih waa admlalatered1 hi in by tl a Vice rroaldcnt

Whin l',e Senile aaaen-blt- at 1! 1'olo.k, theI'.e.lJi u1, at d tba rreaident elect occupied the eeala

prejaied fir them,ater which tbey pro, ended tothe latfmm u tha central portion of Ihe Ctpttol,In the following order i

The Harehal of tbe Dletrlct of Columbia.The Supreme Court of Ue Unltel Btatea.

The Sergeant at arena of Ue Senate.The Committee ef Arraagainenti.The Freeldeat of the United BUteiacd Ihe

elect.The Vice Pieeldent and Ihe Secretary of lie San-at-

The membera of lha Senate.

The Diplon-atl- Corpa.Heed of liepartinenta, novernora of eUtaa and

Tanltuilea, Ue Maj ore of Waahlngtoa and George-

town, and other peraona, tdniltted Into Ue Senate

Chamber.On reaching Ihe portico, tht rreaident took a

eaat on lae platfoim, aurroumleil by Ihe ofllclale

u.d blhara entitled to placaa In the Senate chamberAll being In leadlnia,lL oath of office wie

to Ike Prealdent elect by Ue Chief Jua-tk- a,

andon the ooaclualca of the rieatdeal'eIhe meniLere of Ue Senate, priced 1 by Ike

Secntary, and Swieant al arrne,

leturned to Ibe Senate cbamlier, aad tha Pieeldent,ai oovpanlrd by the Committee of Arraogemenie,prreidi d to Ihe Preeadeat'a houee.

11 uinroyon, Afurc4 1- - reiineilvania Avenue epiarid today like a atreet CTvWbtd withflege. Tba ratloBai enalgn la 8) lag at everyavailable p tat throughout Ita length.

wltdow, laloony, and dxiratep on theriute of pi etc a! on la crowd id with apart Mora,acd uion t very bleck of maiUe, or timber, or heapof building material, people are cluttered like bee.Tbeuliriit of good burner arema to prevail, and

to dUtnibacra baaoocunad ofany Impvrtauia, A

large police foioe is atatloned at Ue aorta d tor of

Ihe Capitol. Ne one but ladle and thoec euentloa-- .

Id la loa programme ara admitted.Tie Snail Chamber Is baidicmi'y faiu'.e

althbricadid rhelia, laogidtn row batweei IhCrtkeit Ike Sinatota.

Tne iMUi ,a"tilaair CiepeJ ly ldl-i- i laeaujie"ewwJt, C 'nrp c oi a emmi Iben areIke buliee of Ike dip'otnailo con, who appearedIn full number, Ike gent'emen ef Ihe enrpe Uklnetalloua oa Ue light of the'.- r Jn,t, diea 1

In tlflr full couit drtaa f laced sockett ate, email word, etc.

llonci Grin n appeatd In 11. 1 rerwtat'i gal-l.-

Tleotr?er of arrangemmla, aa aet'Jed by 111

wae ea follow -To the li fl i f lha Vice Prea-den- t we-- e the f

Arrrc(mrnla lirne 1 atly bolilnd thi tthe heao'a of tha tarto-i- l drptitmenta.





Prllotti CiiiVM of tht fnitci St.ititilu compLance with a cuatjra ae old at Ihe llor

ertnient lUalf, I appear Wfare you i ad lrru oubilifly and tolike in your preien.e the oalli

IreUiattliulloii of lha I Ulte-- I Mtalea,tdbetakeu ry Ibe rreeldeul Iwfire he eutaia ontbe eiteulu-i- . cl tna ifflia.

I do n I o mttder It necn.ary al f ir meto duxiuwi tbo mtitara uf elnilnl,ir lm alu.itwhich tnarele eo aptclal auxieiy ur eiaiieui,ulAppiehenalon aeemato axial among the pattplo ofUe eouttern eValiw, that by tbe of aRepublican Admialatratlun their pnperiy bimItueir eaoe, abd airaoutil arcurlly are lo be en-dangered. Tbeie haa never beeu any lewo-iahl- e

ceuee for audi apprehftualuo, a lead, Ue luoatample evidence to tlie contrary Laa all Die wbi'eetlatid, aud been open to their lai Hon, litefouud in nearly all Uepubiieued apeiUe of biuiwho now you, 1 do but ipiote front oueof Urea epeccLranhenlawj.aia laat "I have bo ptipiee dlre'.'y ortnairecuy li witb the lututntlon of SUv.y in Ibe eUlea where tl exlate. 1 Inhere I

hate no lawful right to do ao, aud I hateao Inclination t d-- i Tboie who tiominated anl elected me did an with a full Voiw-eJg- e

thai I had made thla, and many almPar de-claration, and had never recanted thern. Anilmore Uan Ula they placed la the plut'orni for myacoeptam-e- . and ae a law to Uemaetv.e anl lome, the dear and emphatic roaolution wbioh I nowload.

iaal tha mtiuteiiaaca luvioitta ul tarlgbla ef Ihe iletee and eepectally the right of eachelate to order and control ila owa domeatic Inntttu-- .

Iloue. aooording lo Ua oan Judgiaent, exiluelve4y,la eaaenlial to ilal lilauca of pnwei, ouwhli-t- i Ue perfection and euduran of ourtbliihal taliric Jdepend, aud wa lhalaalaa latart'iai, by ermrd force, of Ibeeoll of any alate or territory, no muter utilrwhat Hint, aa the giat or lie crim i. Imwreiterate tbtie aenlliaenll, ai.d In doing ao, I on'yplea upon the public attention the mtcon, II a. te proof of which tbe cue ta auia'ep-IJ'l- fi

thai Ue property, pew-- i anlaiciuity of no aretlou are to be la anya la rndaugrred by Ihe now Incomln;

I a Id. too, that t'l 1'ie pit, tleawhich, Willi the Uouatilntlou anl thelawe, tan la givcu. will In ch.erfullr givento ad Ita alalaa whei lawfully damaud 1, ',rwhaUven-auae- , aa cbeaifully to one eecttin toanother. Tbeie le much o,iolroveiay almui Ibedellveriag up af fugltkrea from hi vice or labor.

1 Tbeclauaa I now read la aa plainly written la theCOMtuutloo ae any other oi tta provlalniu.I .. No pereon held to eervlce or labor la one atate.under Ue laws thereof, eeoaplag lato anoihar,aaall, ia ooaeeioanoe ef aay law or regulationtheiela, badtacuarged from such aei lea or lab ir,but ahall be delivered up oa claim of Iba party to..,.BOB .W.H ,U VI IHJVI 111. J VW UUV, '

II teecaioeiyqiiaalleoedlhailbl provision waeInteaded by tooae who made II for lue reclaimingof whet we call fugitive elite, and lie Inteutloiuf Ue law giver la Ike law.All meruUre of OnijraM swear their eupporlto Ue whole Ouialitiitinu i to Uli prjvlaion aemuch as cny other. To tbn propoaitlou, Ikeu, lhalslaves whoeo caaaa coma willilu the term of thlacliuna "aball le delivered arlheiroatliaara lintel-roe-

Niwlfllny would male e Ibe effort In gioilhamper, could they not, with nearly eriutt uitulli. lty, frame aud pane a law iy mean olwhich te keep good thai uutalrnousrath. There la aemn dlflarooce uf op-inion wbeiber thla i Uiive ahould bo eulorccdiiy nalieu.l er by atale eulhorlty, but etirely lhaldiflerena-- la not a very material one. IfUeaUvolalobe eurrendereil II can be of but tittle oonuenceto blm or lo oibera by which au'.Uo.lty11 1 done aad ahould any one, inanr tarn te content lhal iliU oatnahall go uiikept on a merely uasuUitnlial cnitrovertyae to how II ehall be kept. ATi'n, in aaylaw upon this eutijeii, ought not all the a'rruarde"f !":; tT,"wn L. '.' cW.Wr.ti nvl lumaaeJuriapiulence to be latioiueed, si ihtl a fre;man be not In any case surreu lured s aslave, and might II ml be well at Ue e

live U provide by law for Ihe enforcement of thatclnee In Ihe Cmatilutlon which guaianleai Ibal"tbe tltlsene of each elate ahall be entltltdlo all Ihe prlvllrgte and liuniunlnea ofclllwai ln ue several itIntra" I takethe i fflslad oetli today, with no msu'ai iiwervaUoasand with nopuipoae lo oonali ua the C meliuMouor law by any hjpoorttUieJ tula1, and while I dinot cluwe now to putlculer ac' of(Jocgreia aa proper to be enfneed, I dilugk'est that II will lie much aa'or forall, both In bfnilal and prttiM atatleaa, it coa-fot-

Uabd abide by all Ihneeai't which attud un-repealed, than to violate any of Ibeea, truting I Jfind lrapiialty In having Uetu held to ba uucin- -atltullonai.

Ilia aeveaiy-twoyor- a alle e lha liratluaueuiatlod of a Prealdent uiiler our Nitloml (Jinmiu-llo-u.

Hurlug that period, flteen diff,-reu- l aulgnatly diatlnMul.hed til t uia hive, la eiuvwelou,adailnurlerel Ue Kteoutive brrnJi of Ue U iveru-mau- l,

inty have condu"tel It through mtuy andgrttially treat auotaa. Ytl wuu all 111

core for pncid-nl- , I now eiter unju the etnelink fr IVe brief oonitltutlonil Kim offtur teara unt'ar great and peculiar M-I'ult- y

A dlarupt'oa ef the falural I'uiouheietofoie OLly menaced la mw fvaildrfbly

I hold that ln couteaip'auaj of al

law aul tf the Conntitutlou, Ue uuloa afl! lee alalia la perpetual. Perpetuity ta Imp'lail IfWit expreetad in Ihe fuialamanul law of allI atonal gotu n.cuU. II la atfe In eeaert that (I n

mi nl pre)! avtr had a provleluu la it oraulolaw for Ua own terminationCu'loue to execute all lhaexpee provUlone of ibenallcnal conelltutlon, and lha I ulon will enduref never, It Inlng Iroiioaailila to deetmy It, ex v pi byaoma mtlon net prevtdtd for in lha Inetru-mant lua-f- . Aga'n, If Ihe Inltid Stainbe not a goiarament proper, bin aa asa f .t.. In tl,a n.liirA nt

contract merely, ran II, ae a contract be piacoahl'nnmade by leae than all Ua parti a who made II.One patly to a may violate II break It11 lo apeak: but dues It sot require all to lewlaSayreaclud II flleaoruding fiom Ueae general prlm-'pl-

, we dadthe proportion Ibal la legal oouUiuplatton thaI oloa la perpetual, oouflrmed by Ue history efIhe I ulon lta.ll.

Tne I nlon le much older that Ihe C jnatliutlonII waa formed In fact by the arllclet of aiaoclallonlallli. II was matured and continued lu the

ImlapeodaiKie la lilt 1 1 waa furthermatured and tha f.llh of all Ike thea Ihlrtaen stateeipreaaly pllgltad aid engaged lhal It shouldhe iierpaaual by the aillclee ofoonfaJtiaUoa In lilt,and flually In I ibl una of tba dectoead objects for 1 1.rlalnlng and aaUbllaklBg Ue Cunalltutiun, waa tofirm tuoie perfect union. Uut I the deatrut lion oue Uolon by one er by a ta. only ef the eUteaI lawfully tmelb'e, the Union La le.s tbau before-Ib- e

Conatitoaiua iatlnir loal the vl'al clruienl-n-f

perpemlly. It foliewe f orn Ilea viawethat no atate opm II own mare umaoa can.awfu'ly get out of the Union I Uat reaolve andcrdlnauoae o thai enVI are legally void, and Ibalecu of violence within any atata or alalaa a.iluiIbe authority of tbe Uuiied Biataa are

or revolutionary,!.i i - i.l al,.t in v aw of

lutlon and the law the I nlon la unbroken, and to

the iiteut of my s.W'r I shall laaa care.

a lha Chtlliuilou Iwell aa iita.l enjidtw.. . .,.r , .,.,n I.M ,,,.n

mr. the tawa oi ao. mm w -fuTly etecnted in all Iba elate. 1 .log lata. I deemIlliUeulyaaiaip'e duly on my put I e uati

neifKl y pwMi" it ' '' ' ' prklloells, nnleae!W. rlabiful tba Amarloaa people, ahaliwilMioid lie re,iildiou or anna euluuitl.livmanner direct Ue contrary. Ilriwlthta will nolbe maided eee menace, bul only aalue deula'wi

piinaa of the Union, that It vtlil louelitulluntllyilafend arel malnlalu ItaeltI a doing Ih, there neelabe nobloadalieloe

aad there ahall be anna, uu'eae li 1 force I

i trfia lie national autnoriiy, tue noweObttided In ae M use tob.'U, aocuiy aal poes S the prmien

B'd patre rwVng'nr to ihe governmrael 4 OHItc'eul Ihe UM.ra aid li pttl, bit bayout

lainay len-ene- y n in.,, i'j cl llaere willl ai uivaator, no tielagor ft tea agal tat or are mlice p'i ne ant wi eie,

Tfittre kntllllly lo lie Unlttd KUtue aha'.l I'lIB grral and eo un'Teraal aa to p'etent l

n a dent rinna fiom hodug ibel'nle a! i fllcer, the-- e will le no al enapt ta force ovtivk-u- eiracge'S einnnrr Ibe I p a tjat tl,,e.Wlil ellie i t.iei legal .Ighl nayix'etrf Ihe

toenfoice CenncUeof lieteoffljet, theatk m I to do eo wi ut beiolirlia li g and ao ntr-l- y

liopraciioaule witbali that I deeia II Ueurr lohTg t Ihe time, tl e urn a al euoB (It tt.

The nair, uuleax lepelel, ll cootuine lo lefmnl-- 1 d la a ,r arte of the I'ulo.t.

poi.l.Ve Ue npdi ivc eh'ra ahtl'lava lhal HK'i tf i aal acdir.., which Iumwi faviaalie to cam laiuit and leu

He none lure luolceed wLI lefokwrd, vn'eaa cu teat evrnte etui eaprrlifirw atiall ihnw a m d (Ijatioil o rhi;Ti l Inproper end, la aveiy ce4 and ea'gettoyray rani due l ton will bo netclred ec edto II e enrem.i larree ec iiat'y evbilrg, sadwith a view ei d a h pa of a peaunful to ml u of itata kaai Iroublee. abd lha nwtorext a of fraternalijtiipaahleaasdifl Thttihrraarepcraoniintrie cram txei wno i era tooeetr y ineuuca(ill ivtim aaa a'f jraact any preiexito ao it,will tieithet affirm r ileoy. Hut If ihrre be aaihI net d add-e- i a word to thi ra- - To ttieen, how.itn, who leal.y leave tha I' may I aollp-a-IW. a entering np-- n a grave a matter as lhadiaanutiaai cl oar m'alo with e'Jlie bene, ita raemotlu end He hnpas,wouldltmt well to emerUiu why we da It f Vfillyoa haeard ao deeperate a aaep wblle tbeia is anylotlionef Ilia lis oej fly (rom here a-- i realeiu-ter.e- e

f Will you, while Ibe certeie ilia you fly teare II en all laenal otee o I'yfrom'Will y, ual ihe mmmlaaloaof in 'm' a ,

A I v lo ba ooateiit la tbe 1'nioa, Ita'l citili.t:ot al i'g tecan re mtotilnl I, ttIme, Ikeu, that any t'nUU p'a'Uiy w lm in the

' aa denlid I tnli., nail lu.tlvII e limnan mnl I eo e,ntliiiad tut to parlyc.n recti to the and.rily c' dot, g tule I'olik, Ifyiucaa,ef a elig.e lii.tfttice lu ' ch e p'einlyvn.len pioal-lo- if tba 0 m.lliut jin hai everlm dteltd. I', by ihe iceie Mo-o- f nn .wlete, a trajoiliy ehouid deprire a nunmlyif aryc'eai?y wm In lilllenal rlrhl, It ni1(ht, laan oral poll t f v tw, Ju.tify revnlutioni reitaia'yamldlf.'irl rghtaarea vdaliea. Iljlaueh la


All Ibe liable f uillHieila aiai il lu lltlual ere eo p'aln y arturrd lo Ihetit lyaftlrma.liotra atd le anona, Rua'anteea au--l prohiol-Uob-

In lha CouetUttttcit that controveieleattver aitee cwieiuirg them, Itut no otgaatalaw can atari fiaibol with a prone lit epanflcal-l-

a plKalile le tveiy ipieailoa wbn-- maytccur iu praciitat alminlatrauoa, Nl fore-elx-

can etilitptte, uir any documentof leaaonalile lerfrtu contain ix-f- provlaiuna for a'l inetlii. Snail be auireudiwed by Nttieioal or by atale

The Uonatitullou doe not ex,elyayi llnalCotriea alavery la Uelerrtio

lltef The Coueilmtlon de nl tip ie lylay. Firm ipieatloca of llila ctaea eprtng ail oucottlluti ual ratilreverlra, and we dlvldtuen Item Irlo malorttiea andIf ilie mfnoTlly will not acpi'race, tl e tntjoiltynitiat or ur govemmant muiieae. There le nalternative for oonl'oulna tha government bul acipiteeceuce ou the one aide or the nth r. li a ial- -

iiiuliy In eurb a ceno will aecade ratbarthan acouleece, they make a precedent which laturn will tuln and dltide Una, (or a minority ofIhalr own will from Ibem whenevera aiajoitly rtfuiet to ba controlled by euha Biiconiy, For Inetauce, why nut anyportion ot a new confederacy a ear or twohence arbitrarily secede again, prrcleely eepottintia ef the preaenl luioo aow claim toaeoede frara It All who cherlah diaunlnnrnllmeiila are now talng educated to Ue

eaail tame. of doing thi. I Ibere aucapetted li!.!. tr of Intcreette among the ettlea toci,mp4ee new I vion aato projis-- htiuiMiy onlyand pi rttujl irinwed aeieaalon. Plainly, tha can-H- e'

dm of r la ILeeeeemeof auaroiiy,A naeJonlT held In leatral&t by C luetilutionalckiik end iimlutl.nw, and alwaya changing eaeliyVlth dellbeiate thangee of puular Oiinloae audoeulimcnU le Ue only true eoeeretgaof a fiae people. Wboeter rejeita TlAwe, if nrcanly, lly to ana'eby or todrepoturu t iianiinoua y Le Inipoealblu. Tne ruleof a uiuiorlly, aa a permanent arrangemente wholly inadmuv Iblr, to Uat, rejeotlng

tlie Btejoiity iiiLnQli'e, aneichy or deMpotlemIn eome tr m le all Ual ta '.if. I do But fonxeatha poaltlon aaiitmed br eome, that conatllutionaltiuetiiooa ara ta tie aeciaea by tne nupreue tjoart,nor do I deny Uat such declaleus muet habludlng la any caaa upon the patties tu a suitea to Ike object of that anil, while Ibey araalso entitled lo very high onalderelleu In allparallel case br all other derjarlmentaof the government aud while It Is obviouslyposeible Uat such declalou may be erroueuua inany gltaa ease, atlll Ue evil flVI following Itbeing limited to that paitlgular cats, with Ual II may le overruled, aad net er ban iraea preoedeat for other re ea, cm better ba borne than

UeeillaofadifTebl practlie, at tbe aamatime the candid citlxen niuat confta thai If Ibe

ol cy of Ihe govemoianl upon Ihe vital ipiaa.looa afhctlng ti.e whole peiiple le to be

fixed by the decUlooa of theSupreme Couit the Inataiit they areell made lu oidmtry litigation b.twan aitieaIn ptraoral actl'in.. the tp.ile will hae easedIn le iheir own, unleae hevlng to tbnl tileel

Hi ally ieaic,iiad their govirumiiit Into theIinu ot tkbl emlnenl tiilntiitl, la tba, a laII la view any a-- I uiku the Coutt or tbe Judge.Ilia a ill y fiutu whcn Iter may not eUrlnk todecide caea properly brougnl liefute Ueiu, and Itla no faun if tholra If others sock tj turnIhslr dfilaloo to polil'eal pnpaiee. Oneeicllon of our coimliy alavery le rightend ought to Iw exlandid, wliUa Ibl HhnrIwlletea It I wrong, and ought nnl I)be eittdc. IUi la Ui only sulwUo-tla- l

dlepute In Us fugltiia elets tltutei f the Ooiuilllinl u, and Ibe Taw for Ibe eup; rati-on elite foirja a'ati trade, aie ea. aswell uforcel iliaa as any law ranitir be In a coxuiuuity, where the moreltineeof the p p'e Imrifectly si ppoit the lawiuelf. TLSLuaibcdy of tin people abide by tbedry legal obll, t'l'Hi lu ca,ee, ai 1 a few l,rrakotirlnetcb. Tb'tllblik cannot be cured, aadil would la woraa In both cae after Irpiratum oflha erctlPLt iLlb l.f'ie. The forrln elavetrade, una Impeiaecily euppreaaad, wouldbe ultimately lavlied, wiinout rettrlcllonIn one rectiop, while fuuitlva alatea bowin!t, taartially aurra.dared, would not be aurian-line- d

at all ly Ihe otter.I'hyalial'y spiak'tg, wa cannot aeiiarate.-weea- nnot remove our rrene r II te section! from et, It other.ur build an Impidiulle wall between tkean. A hus-

band and wife may be divorced, and go out ofIhe prenent-- and be jot d Ue reu h of t ack alher butIlia different parte of our country (i annul di this.They cannot butreaiaiit face li lace, anl Inter,couiee elUer aiukable or koatlle miut continuebetween tbtni. I It paeible then to makeIlal Intirooiuae advanmoiu er nore eat.ItUctcuy alter aeparatiua tbau before. Cana i. It- - I, lireiiee eaaiar tcao rrinoe c,n niaav,wi I'an et le mere faithfully enferced

Irteien alena lliau lawe can among Men I

I 'o. you to In war yen cannot Bghtat, , aud whin aner muck Iota onbib ilJee eud ui galu in either youtaaea fglit pg Ibe Ideu'kal queetiona as totrrn-- if intern mee ara again i'm yoa. Thlaooiib'rv- - a ub lu inetl iillona, lalenaa lo lha peoplewho Inhibit. Wherever they ihall grow weary

tail ol Ike a sieiiag govemaeiitl they caaeier.0 ie ibtlr ii'butliutiouai light of emeuduig.or theirr nlutioiarr light to dlamember er over,throw It. I i'iaM'1 bi Ignorant of Ue facti at many woitby and patilutle clllaene aredieliou of batlag Iba aatloLal euneiliu'ionemended While I make no recoeemeudatlonamaudinatd. I fully lacoguUe the full aulhnnl'of Ue people over tbe whole eubl'Cl,to be exarclaed ln either of the mode pree-rrlbe-d

la the Ina'.rumeat ltaelf, and I ahouldunder eilellag clrcuattaucee, favor ratherthan eppnaa a fair opportunity being affordedthe people lo ail upon II Iwillv.ulure to addthat to ma the ceafeuttea made Hint preferableIn Ual II allows emeadmenu to originate, withIhe people tbnuaalvte, laateed of only par.mining l hem to take or reject prooilianaoriginated by libera nel eodeJally eleeeafir Ue purpoaa and which might nut be prei leelyauh as they would wlali elluer to acoil cr ra.fuae. I tuidaiat.Dd a prupoeej emrodeueol ' Ibe(Joitliutlou, wll.b ameuduaeol how.ver I hate,a oaen ha. DaaMeil Uonereaa.10 the Iftert Uat Ue IVeral l.overement ehallever Interfete with lha domeatii liulutiooa ofi.iiiS Including ibal of periuna held te aaevlce

To avoid of what I htvaeald, IUapart fiom iy purpoae not to apeak of partlcu aramindnebta, ao f.r aa to say Hal holding such alnctieloomUlmiHed Coratitutlontllaw Ihtveniol Jeciion to lu larlig madr,exprei and InevoctMe.Tnarhlef aiaaUliaie delvee all his autboiHv fiomtt people, aul Ibey obuferred none upon him to

1 1 iiie'e'ine for Ibaseparaaliinoftaeauue. ThsIhomeelvca alto can dotblatf Ibey choiee,

bul Ue Executive ae such has noUlog to it wtUIt; bis duly Is to sdraln-s'i- tbe preMnt aa it rania kia habde.ard lo traiiu.ll II uuimpalied ly him4 Lie suoceaaor. Why ahould tbeie u ! be a

lit ci iifidew la lue ultimate Juavci of Ihe'. Ie Ibere envtietter ortuualoopetalbe worlcrIn eur ptraei.1 diffeaoee la either party with'tit faith if Uilng In the bight. If the A'mUbtylUler of naUona wlb Hit eternal tru-- and Juallsabe ou your tide el the north, or on yoU'S of lhaoulb thw tru h and that Ja ion will .ura'y prevailv tea iiiogment oi wie tnou-ia- i tue

Py the fiau-- of lha govsramenl nnder which wsive, tl.l aaiaa people havewUilv gviu Ihalr publloei vanu lut lute l iwer for mbcliK asd have with

eiirel wleduu provided for Ibe return td that littleo tnotr own nance at very tuort itieiveia. vt at.eI e people retain Iheir virtue end vigilance, no ad

eciuiiti alio, ny any atuea e irked sees or follycoa veiy aeriovuily injure tha (everBsaent ta theaaoit ayace bl niur yeara.

My teuulitaicn, aia, aal al'. I tl'lk (elmlya


a'l tipra ui, wvrte lattert, Nothing vt'atM'ya-air- I'aie.Iflhtta BaniM,-- i.1

aeta. loaeepwth y would never takeUaicljetlwUi ba f aa rated by eaklaer

!'" ,T V "" "'"i aa ba eaawty II. Socb if you aa a a now dtesaanewfed eilllateiliecld Unet.tutlrn Unimpaired, eauii n I w a d .lire pole, ibe lawi t yotrr Lamina-- , it will, ibe tew Aamlnl.t eetoei eHfiie to Biraily, if H e.a'd, tanaiire ei.L.r tf ft we a adaIVed ina)lliouLaaredla etbfied hold Ua llgki rife satlie tuepui.,iteela ao eliglaraaenn tWratetLie iohB. Intel pOtioeJarn, Cerie-I-I

u.l'y. atd a fiin lelaroa on Ulm wtI trttr jit fo'laleu Ills favored laid areaiaUmririeitiaoaCja , la tht U way, all oar pee-- e,

i.l diftlrulilee.Ujitrritride ny dliraWtfl'd Mow aaaatryw

ard rit lo mue le Ike snornealeM taawavil war, lha not aeaal' yoa Yen

tan leva to cinflal erflhiei behrg yarn eel eaalleesirieoi Yi n lava ao oh reentered taliav ibe ilve Ln anl, while I shalllave'ba tiel B"lemqoia to preetro, preoeasaod tlefeeut " il I am loth ta cloae. We ara Bat aa.n luUilf.iei.cV tterttiaetaotbeerianilea. Tkaaaatlea-m- oar eiiaueo, it rtiu.i era meesi eaar11 ila ef afT dtp, The roa.a eikedaeif aeearewit eixtlneT from evety baitle field aad pavtnol para lo etny llting kearl eaaCbearifcatar.e all ever thla Iwrwd lead, win yet ewalIhe rkotna af Ue l'B!aa, when agala to'iohed, awerly they will bo, by Ihe kaaar saejels eeT earanwii e.

"1' j


AdrerliaemettiawPeeewar FOUR LIMPA. eeewotda, or laaa, erne day M ceadej Iwa dere,

Terentoi thtea daye,l ell daie,l IS. AM lay.eevaanaw inaaaa, eaave pv ee eaca day.

Man Usee and dtethaJS cen'e for each tewr lyadreituwroeata of four luoea, Uawrssl awt.ect4.retleecaof tha tffioa, S4 for eeerr Mlwaeja.lVaa, Aavwnuwanaeua leceivwa owut ia arwexaiM TbUeaaaeUebmeatf Ut Barely elneed en So

Malpaarat far,vrr,e.iA, ,1nrr I It bad beaa dsrJIsgj

fete Ibal ail goods abppedr a Ihla poet for Tessas.see, tnt at pay dune a bare, aa Taaawstaa la not seapof ina it Mitheva C"ndrtacy, na'eae Ihe gwoda wartirun i,.o uriine reu. vt, aaa luaded ta UapWane Match II.

Inauguration Day in New York.

letcerr I'arltfaaawl abeat IheCatr.

A deeper ard more reitJlrg evelteenentcvmmunily,thaalaetof traVar.

All ou'dl cns aie alike aaurerts raaaIbe rar'.leat Intelligence ef the deiega al Waaaawaj.

'ton and liTeepectlve of party, throng the, botala, aad wherever the ell ghteet pveipeetnfTaisof galnlsgln'oraiaUov, ilebatleg,

connected withthe rreaident his Isangutation tr kia futara '

coiiree, In rrtntto aatlrmal affaire,Ibeg rallouicaof excltcnieolarpeara lobe eaat

tbeiiieieattdUireelof lbs Ire eaiena, that Leu-- ")

iioi b eluniM sever be allowed to take Ihe PiaallsaaIlal chair, aad Ihe la'taaa-leaiirl- was tulveraal-- y

uli.blted trlkeanlvalol Ua attoal laaegwr- a-

lion.Al a llille etlir two oVock, however, InttUigeaaee

wa,. iriilved by teleg a4t and aanoinee4 aaltne "Sr " at In that Liacota had enmmeteweLie li.auguial Aildieae. This La a great meaavararata id Ila public mind ae Ihe Information aaaaiaiad and then the (tea! question sines "na atwtlllesar

Al an laity hour In Ihe forenoon tha crowdIke Ktvrral newpeprr tffliee tavame asala-oa- t lo Ucckace the atieete, aad hourly thlathrong Irrreaaed until al Ihe lime when tha Sana

i xtre giee lo dress, the vlclalty of our ofBoemsas of human being Impaiieally awaaV

lag Ue isaue of the Inatigaral Address.liming Ihe day IheBewaboye aUerapted eevwral

tinica to get ofl pietereled extras, bur ware we jvery , buyerr, lu moat lnOuMpvesBBMaharply for Ue nioch desired news befjap they ka-- .

raate.L TVVery Utile party feeling has been known exadai

la argument, aad none af tha bltterneaa waa aahlbl!ed which generally ehareetetieea tha exotte-me-nt

of aa election day.

A Yeuahaw la a Iwntaoei Fwlleai law. .

On tha 1st Inst., la London, Cant. KiOaT,rouuh, honaat, weather-beate- n mariner, of eairwfrack address, and master of tha Amaricaa ewajs

John A. Tarki, appeared Wore Mr. YaBOtarrto answer a summooa tsken out by a ahJa ear-y- tr,

named Josrru IloDoaos, who claimedbalance of A'l, 10. for repairing tha defendant atfiKure-btad- .

Ilia complainant said ha had agreed with thw)

defendant to npair his flpire-bea- for Xo, aavsl

bad completed the Jib and only rectlred 25a. aftbe niono,

'J'ba Uofcne'inl Yes, for epollinn my flgaiwhead,

Mr, YAarLKT You appear to have a rarvrKOml fiKuro-bea- (A laugh.)

I'apt Kirn Yes my 6i;ure-hea- il it all rleaitsml Uut (laughter) but a to my skip's ifuo one can tell whether it's a bird eara turtle.

Mr. YAttriKT What la the matter with It tt 'apt. Hun He hut f jiled the wlnge.Mr. YautjL. WiBfia what do you meeafCspt lilCH (louillr) WUit do t nieaa? why,

W, I, H, K, , (epeUi'n!! tlie word slowly.)Mr. YARtiuiT Tbank jou: I sm maoh

obliytd to juu, tlr. What li yow Btrura.bca.l?

C'jjt. Rim An Amerlcsn esule, and thaiUnl leal one of lis vi Inn oa tBy ToyiRa here.

Mr. Yakuijit Indeexl. 1 nope that Is aaominous of what is goiui on oa the other sideof the Atlantic .

Cspt. Ru It I hope nol. WelL I aumeatIhiainan totaite a new vting formyaasle,anil it is fcur incliea too abort and spoiled.

Mr. YAitniiT It wou'l fir at all.C'ept. Hich Fir, no( I ahould think not. U

audi an eagle as that attempted lo 11 It wetiMdicn to tbe ground.

Mr. Yabulkt You mean to aay It clop..1.1.1

Catt. RiiH lilt, and erne wing Is shorterthan the other. I dare not go into in rort with euih an eagle as that. I like saywing carved properly. Ihe complainant larl.ti-- that tbe wing wsj properly carved, batIn thi he was contradicted by another sUatcatver. who laid It was too abort, and that tad

ihin the old aad Badnw v, lug was thinner one,artistically lmlehed. Una wing migm oeenaato look fica and liidepenilent like the northaratstes of America, the ether was trpIcaL

Mr. Yabhi ma, we must bava na aa

llllci hart, Wblih wing was it, CapUla Btuaithe starboard or larboard wing I

Captain Kim It wa tha port wing I

Mr. Yi'LY Tba port wing. Wa ealthat Ihe get nine bee a wing. (Oreat Uagntetv

After lome further discussion It waa agreedthat tha dufendant should give up the new wis,to the complainant, and tba summon waa, atI hia understanding, dUmNeed.

The CoatrLAUiAJiT lha wing Lsof no a

"iTr.'YAPPirr That Is my decision. Tea

lavs puiled the wing of the Amerlceagland the captain will not go into port with tttcl

a bad einecfmeaof Ue national emblem.

a..i.. Pawa uflirew.

Ibe followlog table .howl the leadlsBa)tfliccs that yleiila revenue et er and above tew

expenses iYork. N. Y ,nMHNew .Maluis.M" .. tt,m

aioa.Mas .. lf,H tIIpkiladalphle, I'a 18JTSM'Han Fiamlsee, Cal .. lliatTClocllDaO, Ohio ,,,, ., i.m)hew Oileane,La.,, ,, ,6i MMimpbhtTann., ,, hlil atWilmington, Del ,. I.MMAibasy.N. Y .. 4.IMU1Miieeula Ky ... t.tI eaIHlrotl, Mich .. tiunWwhlsgion. D. C .. Ire 1

BiBalo,N Y .. 1BS1MColcago,II ., llTiTilldo,Otlo .. humN.aJivlIle. Tann ,.. t0T ISK ebmond, Va ... leriuatiaiigonueiy, aVla.,,,,,. ... !U4tritlalttmora, hid . . 1J1'ittaturgh, P-a- ... I.llt

A irntTATan u.iout on tharanraadiNewstk, K. J., tired a pistol at one of his be

itrmentors, on Monday, wounding him la U


Rusir arnniii'arl, roisonrre acelebrsteJI.lot,' at BoUa-etc- r "u Monday ; tha dog vei

I h Engine Ct. o. K, and net er failed ta wej

hem up at tba Orel tap tt the bell:

A fRtiiKtK now tnr m mud to leave a U

lotim at llaxlfcid, Cl., tu lburadsy night, uafter soma atirdt with tbe Uudkud. was Sa

tioik, kill Ihcn fired st i hew uwounoeaIxitli rns, anJ rusy lose them.

Tub MAr cr a ?J,7'iiUtiended to blow UP the fimll

b,lait week, has

nirue itUoMRRT vrrtinT.

a asjh

3"'- - v " "'"