The touchable tag-cloud is part of the lab’s information sharing ecology

Post on 09-Jan-2016

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The touchable tag-cloud is part of the lab’s information sharing ecology. Multi-modal information for group work. t eam.sPace. Let’s have a look at. Team.Spod. How does this fit together?. Location  team.sPod Presence  touchable tag cloud Concepts  team.sPace - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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The touchable tag-cloud is part of the lab’s

information sharing ecology

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Multi-modal information for group work

Social Personal

Static Touchable Tag-Cloud


Mobile team.sPod

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TEAM.SPODLet’s have a look at

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How does this fit together?

•Location team.sPod•Presence touchable tag cloud•Concepts team.sPace•Peers team.sPace/team.sPod