The Traces We Leave Behind

Post on 19-May-2015

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As you most likely are aware of everything you do with a computer system might be logged and tracked in every last minute detail if you or someone else decide to do so. What most users are not aware of though is all the traces and data that you leave behind although none asked for it.This talk will give the audience an insight in the world of invisible surveillance and what kind of tracks we leave behind by merely using a computer system. The audience will also be introduced to how this data can be extracted and how the authorities, the employer or the user can benefit from this. The talk ends with a few examples of how to protect yourself from leaving unwanted traces behind.


The Traces We Leave Behind


Mattias Wecksten

2009 (cc) by-nc-sa

What Traces Do You Leave If…

…you delete a file?

…you format a hard drive?

…edits a document without saving?

…use an USB memory?

Files on the Hard Drive

• Hard drive = Binder with index

• Write file = Insert document

• Remove file= Erase from index

• Format = Replace index

Data Extraction: deleted file

• Recreate the entry• Analyze data• Recreate data

Data Extraction: formatted hard drive

• Recreate the register• Analyze data

Data extraction: Word-recovery

The Windows Registry



• Who is responsible if erased information turns up?• What information seeps out?• What ethical aspects are considered?• Are you prepared for the incident?


Presentation: M. Weckstén (cc) by-nc-sa

Photo: Bitxo (cc) by-nc-sa

Illustrations: T. Weckstén (cc) by-nc-sa