The Triple Decker Tank Engine Level Design

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  • 8/10/2019 The Triple Decker Tank Engine Level Design


  • 8/10/2019 The Triple Decker Tank Engine Level Design



    Summary 3.......................................................................................................

    Description 3....................................................................................................

    Objectives 3.....................................................................................................

    Adventure Goals 5..............................................................................................

    Adventure Flow 5...............................................................................................

    Key Area Descriptions 13...................................................................................

    Primary Matched Stacking Set 14............................................................................

    Blackmore Family 14........................................................................................

    Combo Solutions 20............................................................................................

    Sleeping Guard Sequence 21.................................................................................Pursued by the Barons Guards 23...........................................................................

    Primary Challenge Descriptions 24..........................................................................

    Challenge 1: Defeat Sickle the Sly 24....................................................................

    Challenge 2: Beat Ticklern the Terrible 29.............................................................

    Challenge 3: Scare the Shadow General 33.............................................................

    Challenge 4: Simpleton the Strong 37....................................................................

    Coal Car Sequence 39..........................................................................................

    Secondary Gameplay 43.......................................................................................Diabolical Four 43...........................................................................................

    Unique Dolls 44..............................................................................................

    Non Unique Dolls 48.........................................................................................

    Secondary Matched Stacking Set 54......................................................................

    Secondary Challenges 55...................................................................................

    Key Props 55.....................................................................................................

    Closing Material 55............................................................................................

    Train Stopped State 55......................................................................................

    Cinematics 56................................................................................................

  • 8/10/2019 The Triple Decker Tank Engine Level Design


    SummaryIn an attempt to find and rescue his brother Archibald, Charlie makes his way onto the BaronsTriple-Decker Tank Engine, the Ignatius Valentine.The train is taking children on a freeseaside vacation as part of the new Baron Gives Back social program.

    Once onboard, Charlie discovers that the free vacation is a ruse, and the children are in factbeing transported to the Barons offshore labor platform, which is positioned in internationalwaters and therefore exempt from the summits resolutions. Even worse, Charlie discoversthat the Baron has captured all of his family and is holding them hostage on the train.

    To rescue his family, Charlie must best an elite group of the Barons guards known as thediabolical four and find a way to stop the train before it reaches the Barons laborplatform.

    DescriptionThis adventure takes place on board the Baron Matroyshkas Triple Decker Tank Engine, theIgnatius Valentine. The train is the largest moving land vehicle ever created. Charlie mustweave his way through, under, and on top of the train to find and rescue his family.

    The train travels in the cover of night on an elevated track over the ocean itself. Thewhimsical start of the train ride quickly gives away to an oppressive iron beast of a machine,filled with large animal pens, where the children are held. All manner of corrupt officialshave decided to join the Baron in his new ventures, and while the children are being held incattle cars, they are being served piles of cash in an open-air piano bar.


    Like many of the children, Charlie first sees and boards the Triple Decker Tank Engine fromthe third train platform at the Royal Train Station. At first glance, the rather large train seemslike a joyous, fun place perfect for kids. Its brightly decorated surface is adorned with signsreading This way to fun!, No adults here!, and Kids ride free! Even the conductors aredressed like festive clowns and greet the children with lollipops and balloons.

    Once aboard, this faade quickly falls away as the cheerful train meets with, and drives into,a much larger train. This massive train is in fact the true Triple Decker Tank Engine. Its vastiron surface is littered with steam pipes, belching smoke stacks, and secured entrances.

    The kids are quickly corralled into holding pens on this new train, with Charlie barelyescaping capture. Once inside Charlie manages to use his talents to unlock some of the pensto free some captured children, including his brother Archibald.

    Its then that Archibald gives Charlie the bad news: all of the siblings that Charlie haspreviously freed have been recaptured by the Baron and are imprisoned on the train. Evenworse, their mother is also jailed here. Archibald also tells Charlie that there is no freeseaside vacation, but instead the Baron is taking all of these kids to his offshore laborplatform, where they will be put to work with even less humane conditions than before.Archibald tells Charlie to use his quick wits and talent to help free the family, who are being

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    held captive by some of the Barons most elite guards the Diabolical Four. Archibald is goingto make his way to the engine and see if he can stop the train before they reach the offshorelabor platform.

    All of the challenges are centered on the members of the Diabolical Four. Each of four has aweakness that Charlie must exploit to best them and free his family. As the members of his

    family are freed, they join Archibald at the locked entrance to the coal car. To reach heengine compartment, they must first find a way through the coal car.

    After all of his family members have been freed, Charlie joins his family and together theyfind a way through the coal car and into the engine room, where they are surprised to seetheir father, William Blackmore, bound up. But before the reunited Blackmore family can gettheir bearings, the train screeches to a halt. Its too late - the train has reached the offshorelabor platform.

    The screen fades to black as the player moves onto the final challenge of the game.

  • 8/10/2019 The Triple Decker Tank Engine Level Design


    Adventure Goals Most tension in game. More Barons officers and guards -- all after Charlie. The stakes

    of this level are very high The Baron is effectively kidnapping all of these children,and its up to Charlie to save them.

    Low point for Charlie. At the end of the Zeppelin level, all of the kids were happywith Charlie because they thought he had freed them from a life of labor. But as itturns out, Charlies actions just forced the Barons hand and he is doing somethingeven more evil and the kids are worse off than before. Because of this, the childrenthroughout the level say mean things to Charlie. Its not until the Baron is defeatedthat the kids warm up.

    Charlie can get captured. Similar to the Zeppelin, but they just throw Charlieoverboard, who always manages to get back onboard via cinematic.

    Charlie fails a bit. Charlie has tried to do it on his own the whole way like hesproving to the world that a small guy can do it all by himself, but he falls short, andhis family shows up to help him. The message that its ok to need some help, and notturn that into anger like the Baron did, needs to be somehow communicated.

    Size Gating Challenges. We now have a lot of different areas in the game level thatare gated by doll size weve got six sizes to work with. Somehow, this needs to bemade an interesting element in the level design, and also incorporated into thechallenges into an interesting way.

    More Timing Combo Solutions.Timing combo solutions require two different abilities

    from two different dolls to be used within a period of time to get the solution. Tomake this more intuitive and easier, all timing combos are setup so that the dolls thatare needed can stack inside each other.

    Adventure Flow Intro Cinematic, Part 1

    o Curtains open on the stage play set, showing a miniature version of the happy

    train moving down the tracks and approaching an even larger, second train.

    o The brightly decorated happy train drives up a ramp into the larger, much moreominous industrial train the Barons real triple-decker tank engine.

    o The door to the happy train opens and the children, loaded up with balloonsand suckers, all excitedly run towards a festively decorated gate sporting theface of a happy hobo that reads FUN FER ALL!. Charlie is accidentally

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    knocked aside by the excited kids and falls into a chamber pot, concealing himfrom the train crew.

    o A member of the train crew dressed as a somewhat unsettling clown closes thegate to the fun house.

    o The gate slams shut and a few of the letters above the gate fall and FUN FERALL! becomes FUN ER AL.

    Establishing In-Game Cinematic.

    o In-game camera pans along length of train, showing it moving down a trackthat is suspended high above the water, at night. Buoys with blinking lightsprovide some focused illumination, while a full moon floods the train itself.

    o The camera tracks through a window towards the caboose, and we see Charlie,alone, standing near the fun house gate.


    o Player takes control of Charlie in the Caboose.

    o The Fun Fer All (now reading FUNERAL) gate is locked. The player finds avent that only Charlie can fit through and emerges into the next train car.

    The Kid Pens

    o Player emerges from vent into a small passageway that is flanked on either sideby cattle pen style gates filled with children. A large sign reads Child LaborForce Holding Pens.

    o Fun house style slides lead from the ceilings and dump into the pens.Occasionally a child slides down one of these and lands behind the gates.

    o Its clear that the kids who went into the Fun Fer All! gate in the openingcinematic got shoved down the slides and put into the pens here.

    o As Charlie walks down the cattle car, its clear that there is nothing he can doto free the kids at the moment.

    o The kids all recognize him from his past victories against the Baron. Somewhatsurprisingly, they angrily yell at Charlie instead of praising him.

    ! Look! Its that little runt from the Zeppelin!

    ! Thanks a lot, Charlie! Now look at us!

    ! We were better off before!

    ! You made the Baron angry, and now were paying for it!

    ! Who knows where the Baron is taking us!

  • 8/10/2019 The Triple Decker Tank Engine Level Design


    o The player moves forward using the set of stairs leading to the lowest level ofthis train car.

    The Sleeping Guard Sequence

    o The player emerges into a second pen area, once again filled with children. A

    short in-game cinematic does a fly-by of this area, showing the kid pen with ashut gate, a sleeping guard, a guard dog holding keys in his mouth, and finally alarge device on the wall near Charlie.

    o There are kids of all sizes here, both good and bad, from previous adventuresin the game.

    o Charlies brother, Archibald is here as well.

    o Talking with Archibald reveals that there is something much more going onhere, but Archibald insists that Charlie help the kids escape before they talkfurther.

    o There is a sleeping guard and a guard dog positioned near a gate to the kidpen.

    o If the player approaches the guard, he will wake up and throw the player offthe train. One of three thrown from the train cinematics will play, and theplayer will be returned to the train.

    o To successfully complete the sequence, the player must stack into a largefeeder, which will dump dog food in a bowl for the guard dog who will comeover to eat it.

    o The player can then stack in the guard dog. The guard dog has a ring of keys inhis mouth and an open pen ability.

    o The player can use the guard dog s ability to open the gate and let the kidsout.

    o Intro cinematic part 2 plays.

    Intro Cinematic, part 2

    o Curtains open on stage play to show the freed children running across thestage, escaping from the pen. Archibald also escapes and approaches Charlie.

    o Archibald tells Charlie about the Barons plan to take all of the children to hisoffshore labor platform, which falls outside the protection of the summit.

    o Archibald also tells Charlie that the Baron has captured all of their family andthey are being guarded by four elite guards known as The Diabolical Four.

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    o Archibald asks Charlie to rescue their family from the guards while he makeshis way to the engine compartment in an attempt to stop the train before theyget to the platform.

    Primary Objectives Card

    o Rescue your family from their captors and stop the train.

    o The card features images of Charlies five family members.

    Hint text Rescue your family from their captors and stop the train.

    Defeat Sickle the Sly Challenge

    o Player proceeds from the sleeping guard sequence car to the next train car andencounters the first challenge at this point. One of the diabolical four isguarding his brother Albert.


    This diabolical guard is a hypochondriac, and all of the challenge solutionsinvolve the player fooling the guard into a panic about being ill and abandoninghis post.

    Hint text Defeat the Sickly Sentry and Rescue Albert.

    Albert Exit Cinematic

    o After the player find the first solution for the Diabolical Guard #1 Challenge, astage play cinematic will show Albert leaving the area and arriving in the coalcar in front of the locked vault door that makes up the first part of the coal carsequence. Any other family dolls previously freed will be in this room as well.

    Passenger Level

    o Directly above the Sickly Sentry car is the first of many passenger cars.

    o The car is filled with Evil industrialist passengers, kid servants, and a fewunique dolls.

    o Dolls that the player needs to solve the various guard challenges will always belocated one or two train levels away from the challenge itself.

    Carrier Pigeon Level

    o On the third and final level of the Sickly Sentry car is the carrier pigeon level.

    o Dozens of pigeons line the walls, sitting on a series of perches that look exactlylike the soup bowls that some of the child servants carry on their heads. Someof the pigeons have letters that kids have written to home, asking for help.

    Penthouse Level

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    o The Carrier Pigeon level connects to a new train car. The top level of this traincar is the penthouse level. This luxurious car is filled with Evil Industrialistdolls.

    Ladies Only Level

    o Directly below the penthouse level is a ladies only level.

    o The player can enter the level, but can only proceed through if they arestacked in a female doll.

    o Two XXXLarge female dolls (Rosie and Gertie) guard both sides of the ladiesonly level. If the player is stacked with a female doll showing, the guards willopen the gate so that the player can proceed through.

    o This area winds up being a small gating obstacle that the player must navigate.To solve many of the solutions in the Ticklish guard challenge below, the playermust stack male dolls from the Penthouse level into a female doll and bring

    them through the ladies only level.

    Beat Ticklern the Terrible Challenge

    o The bottom level of this train car is another challenge. The second of thediabolical four is holding his sister Agatha captive.

    o This diabolical guard is formidable, but is extremely ticklish. All of thechallenge solutions involve the player tickling the guard in some way, whichdrops him to the floor in an uncontrollable fit of laughter.

    Hint text Rescue Agatha from the Diabolical Guard

    Agatha Exit Cinematic

    o After the player find the first solution for the Diabolical Guard #2 Challenge, astage play cinematic will show Agatha leaving the area and arriving in front ofthe locked door to the train engine room.

    Open-Air Piano Bar

    o The player can walk alongside an exterior balcony from the Ticklish Guardchallenge area to arrive at a large, open-aired train car called the Pay offPiano Bar.

    o Various corrupt government and industrial officials are being served piles ofmoney by children with little treasure chest hats. Open vaults lined with moneyand gold bricks are open behind the bars, and clown-masked train stewards arefilling up plates full of money for the guests.

    o At the center of the bar is a six-tiered piano. Attached to the side of the pianois a music-box like mechanism. A single XXXLarge piano player sits forlornly infront of the largest, lowest piano.

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    o The bar is without power the hanging overhead lights are unlighted and theexit door is closed. The XXXLarge piano player will chatter at the player to gethis attention. He will ask the player for help, explaining that all six of thepiano players must be brought to the bar so that the six tiered piano can beplayed and power restored to the bar. Only once power is restored to the bar

    will the player be able to proceed with the rest of the level. Hint Text Find and stack together all of the piano players matched stacking set

    Piano Players Matched Stacking Set

    o The player must move back to the previous two train cars and find and stacktogether the piano players and bring them to the pay-off piano bar.

    o The player will have already passed all of the piano players on their way to thebar.

    o Its a minor obstacle to get them to the pay off piano bar, because the player

    will have to stack the appropriate piano players in a larger female doll to getthem through the ladies only level.

    o Once the player has brought all of the piano players to the bar, they will needto stack them together. Once they are stacked together, the secondarymatched stacking set reward cinematic will play, power will be restored to thebar, and the player will be able to proceed through the rest of the level.

    Scare the Shadow General Challenge

    o The player encounters the third challenge at this point. The third of thediabolical four is holding his sister Abigail captive.

    o This diabolical guard is an albino and is extremely light adverse. He has turnedoff the main gas powered lights in this car and it is only dimly illuminated withcandle light. All of the solutions for this challenge involving bringing light tothis area in some way, which will send the guard running away.

    Hint text Defeat the Shadow General and rescue Abigail.

    Gas Room

    o Immediately above the Shadow General level is a large two-story gas room car.

    o The gas room car is filled pipes, gas mains, pilot lights and other industriallooking equipment and dolls that the player can use to find solutions for theShadow General challenge.

    o A catwalk leads up and onto the roof, where the player can continue on to thenext car.

    Abigail Exit Cinematic

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    o After the player find the first solution for the Diabolical Guard #3 Challenge, astage play cinematic will show Abigail leaving the area and arriving in front ofthe locked door to the train engine room.

    Kid Workshop

    o The catwalk from the Gas Car leads the player on top of the train and downinto the upper story of a tall workshop level.

    o This level is home to the kid workshop where children are being taught to doa variety of hard and unpleasant tasks.

    o Many of the children here, like the kid in the pens at the first part of the level,are quite angry with Charlie, and will yell unkind words at him if they see him.

    o The player can stack with and use a variety of these dolls in the nearbySimpleton Guard challenge below.

    Simpleton the Strong

    o Directly below the Kid Workshop level is the fourth and final challenge. Thefourth of the diabolical four is holding his mother Agnes captive.

    o This diabolical guard is massive and strong, but quite dumb. All of thechallenge solutions involve the player deceiving or tricking the guard in comicalways that no intelligent adult would fall for.

    Hint text Defeat the Simpleton Guard and Rescue Mom!

    Mom Exit Cinematic

    o After the player find the first solution for the Diabolical Guard #4 Challenge, astage play cinematic will show Mom leaving the area and arriving in front of thelocked door to the train engine room

    Tutorial Card Help your family! Join your family and help find a way into theengine!

    o The above tutorial card will display as soon as the player as found firstsolutions for all four challenges.

    Hint text Help your family get in the engine room and stop the train.

    Coal Car Sequence

    o The car immediately after the Simpleton guard is the Coal Car. The Coal Car isa large train car piled high with chimneys and coal. A series of conveyor beltsshuttles large clumps of coal from the Coal Car to the Train Engine in front ofit.

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    o The player makes his way to the Coal Car and finds all of the freed Blackmorefamily gathered in front of locked vault door. A cinematic plays, introducing thesequence to the player.

    o When the game returns after the cinematic, the player is locked in the CoalCar with just the Blackmore family dolls.

    o The player must stack the Blackmore family together and use their abilities, inturn, to make their way through the coal car and into the engine room.

    Engine Room

    o After using all of the Blackmore family abilities in the Coal Car, Charlie is ableto squeeze through a vent and enter the trains engine room.

    o As soon as Charlie jumps out of the vent and lands in this area, the player willsee Charlies father, William, bound to the machinery.

    o Outro Cinematic plays.

    Outro Cinematic

    o Charlie unties dad and opens the door to let the family in.

    o The family reunion is interrupted as the train comes to a halt. The familyrealizes that theyre too late the train has arrived at the offshore laborplatform.

    o The Baron emerges from the a previously unseen door in the engine room anddelivers a monologue. He tells them that his real plan is to sail the entire

    platform to a nearby country that gives generous tax breaks to companies whomake heavy use of child labor.

    o Before family gets their bearings, Baron runs off.

    o Charlie says Ill take care of this. Dad says wait a minute, son. Lets do thistogether as a family.

    o All of the Blackmore family runs off the stage after the Baron.

    o Fade to Black.

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    Key Area Descriptions

    The following are brief descriptions of the key areas in the Triple Decker Tank-Engine.

    Fun House Caboose

    The initial areas in the adventure are made up in part by the happy train parked inside the

    caboose area of the larger train. These areas are very colorful, with a distinct carnival/funhouse feel. All of the train crew wear clown outfits that are slightly unsettling. Upon closeinspection of the colorful signage and props is an undercurrent of something very wrong.

    Kid Pens

    There are several cattle-style kid pens throughout the train. For the most part these arelargely inaccessible to the player, but serve to sell the tension of this level. The children willyell angry words at Charlie. While Charlie seemed to be the hero at the end of the Zeppelinlevel, he has hit a low point at the start of this level. Many of the children blame him for theBarons sudden aggression and their desperate situation.

    Passenger Cars

    Several passenger cars, each catered to a different size of doll, make up most of theconnecting parts of the train. The passenger cars are primarily filled with various corruptofficials and industrialists who have decided to join the Baron in his new ventures.

    Carrier Pigeon Car

    This foul smelling animal car is filled with dozens of pigeons, which perch on a series of corkroosts. Some of the pigeons have letters that kids have written to home, asking for help. Thepigeons in this car can be used in some of the challenge solutions.

    Pay-Off Piano Bar

    The center point of the train is made up of a very large open-air piano bar car. At the centerof this spectacle is a six-tiered piano, being played by six different piano dolls one for eachsize doll in the game. Seated around the piano bar are a variety of corrupt officials. Childrenand crew servants wander among the crowd, serving them money, stocks, and bonds from theBarons payola bar.

    Kid Workshop

    This is a training area for the children who have been conscripted into hard labor by theBaron. Children are being forced to learn how to use a variety of implements to do unsavoryjobs.

    Coal Car / Engine Room

    To access the engine room, the player must use Charlies family to successfully navigate

    through the attached coal car. Inside the engine room, Charlies father William is bound. Thetrain itself is being run by an auto-pilot- which turns out to be a series of rat dolls pursuingchunks of cheese.

    Diabolical Guard Cars

    Typically, a guard will occupy one story of a passenger style car. Each guard area is setdressed to provide hints about the Guards weakness. Since the car is functionally only a gateand a guard, the entire rest of the space can be there to provide hints.

  • 8/10/2019 The Triple Decker Tank Engine Level Design


    Primary Matched Stacking Set

    Blackmore Family

    The Blackmore Family is a close-knit, loving working-class family struggling to make endsmeet as the world around them rapidly changes. They are a hard-working family of chimney

    sweeps. Strength, agility, and an uncanny determination run in their blood, making them alluncommonly good at all things relating to chimney sweeping.

    William Blackmore

    Size: 6 (XXXLarge)

    Description: William is aproud fourth generationchimney sweep. The harshhand of the working life hasmade him serious, but healways remembers to try and

    make his family laugh.Despite his large size andpowerful frame, years ofbalancing on gables andclimbing roof lines has madehim dexterous and agile.

    Accessories: Hat, bellows.William wears a workingmans hat, woven from theBlackmore family pattern. He

    also carries a small bellows,handed down to him from hisfather.

    Ability: Stoke Fire. Whenused, William points hisbellows in front of him andrapidly pumps them a fewtimes before returning them to his side. If used on the sight of a fire, William can transformsmoldering coal into an ambitious blaze. When this ability is used on another doll, the dollinflates with each pump of the bellows. Once the pumping has stopped, the doll remains in

    its swollen state for a beat or two and then quickly deflates, as an embarrassing flatulation-like sound rushes from the doll.

    Notes: Because the presence of William Blackmore is a surprise, only revealed at the end ofthe level, he will not be shown as part of the matched stacking set for this level. On thetriple-decker tank engine level, the Blackmore family set will only be five dolls. During theFinal Challenge, William will be added to the list and it will increase to six.

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    Agnes Blackmore

    Size: 5 (XXLarge)

    Description:As the

    matriarch of theBlackmore family, Agnesfrequent hugs and quietdetermination are theglue that holds everyonetogether in tough times.Although proud of herfamilys chimney sweepheritage, shed like herchildren to have moreoptions in this new,

    industrialized world andworks hard to see thatthey do.

    Accessories: Hat, fluebrush. Agnes black hair ispulled back in elegantloops and tucked under asimple, white hat. On herback she carries thebristle head and collapsed

    wooden frame of a fluebrush.

    Ability: Clean Out.When used Agnes pullsthe wooden frame of the flue brush off of her back, creating a telescoping brush that sheshoves in front of her in an upward trajectory. If used near an open steam pipe or chimneyflue, the brush will telescope/extend to the top, often clearing the passageway of debris. Ifthis ability is used on another doll, the brush will interpenetrate the doll, and the target dollwill be given giant googly eyes (accessory) as the brush cleans them out. Child and othersmall dolls play an evade response.

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    Archibald Archie Blackmore

    Size: 4 (XLarge)

    Description:As the oldest ofthe Blackmore children,Archie carries the burden of a

    child who has been given a bittoo much responsibility at tooyoung of an age. Although thiscan make him seem a bituptight at times, Archie findsrelease in athletic activitiesand strenuous, physical work.

    Accessories: Hat. Archiewears a working class hat,woven from the Blackmore

    family pattern.

    Ability: Chimney Climb.When this ability is used neartwo walls at the correct widthapart, Archie will turnsideways, lifting himself up byalternating pressure on hishead and feet. This allowsArchie to quickly climb upthese types of vertical

    passageways. When this abilityis used away from this type of navigational challenge, Archie will simply chatter I cant dothat here.

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    Abigail Abby Blackmore

    Size: 3 (Large)

    Description:Abigail isCharlies fiery, energeticoldest sister. Always

    ready to leap to action,she can becomeimpatient with indecisionor pause. She speaksmore coarsely than hersiblings and is sometimeswarned by her mother towatch her language.

    Accessories: Hat andsnuffer. Abby wears her

    hair shorter than theother Blackmore women,and tucks most of whatremains under the samestyle working hat (wovenfrom the Blackmorefamily pattern) that herfather wears. She alsohas a large copper flamesnuffer, but thisaccessory is scaled down

    and not visible when she doesnt use her ability.

    Ability: Snuff Out. When used, Abby pulls out a large copper flame snuffer, brings it up overher head, and slams it down with great aplomb. If she is near a fire source when performingthis ability, the fire will be immediately extinguished. If she does this ability on another doll,the snuffer will hit them on the head, smashing them vertical to be really flat. The smasheddolls will hop for a second and then pop out to normal size. Larger dolls will play the hotfoot response as if their toe had been smashed. This ability response is identical to theHammer Kids from the Kid Workshop.

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    Agatha Blackmore

    Size: 2 (Medium)

    Description:Agatha is afriendly, creative child. Sheoften expresses herself by

    customizing her belongings,and has embroidered flowerson her dress. Despite herpleasant nature, she is asstrong as the rest of thefamily, enduring the arduouslife of a chimney sweep witha smile and a kind word.

    Accessories: Parasol. Agathacarries a black, Edward

    Gorey-esque parasol, whichhas been embellished with anembroidered flower or two.

    Ability: Parasol Spin. Whenused, Agatha will pull out herumbrella, open it over herhead, and rapidly spinaround, like a whirlingdervish. She will slightlytranslate forward as she does

    this. Agatha can use thisability to shield herself fromfalling debris, such as fallinglumps of soot and chunks ofcharcoal a commonoccurrence when she is working with her father. If she uses this ability near other dolls, anymedium or small dolls will be split as she spins into them. Large or bigger dolls will play asurprise response.

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    Albert Blackmore (Small)

    Size: 1 (Small)

    Description: Albert is a bright,slightly introverted child oftendescribed as shy. In contrast to

    some of his more domineeringbrothers and sisters, Albert enjoysspending time alone. Despite thisoutward appearance, he is asstrong as the rest of the family,and can wield a coal shovel like noother.

    Accessories: Hat, coal shovel. Hewears the same workers hat,woven from the Blackmore family

    pattern, as the rest of the men inthe family. He also carries a coppercoal shovel that has been in theBlackmore family for some time.The head of the shovel is engravedwith the Blackmore family crest.

    Ability: Shovel. When this ability is used near a pile of small debris such as a pile of coal,Albert will leap into action, rapidly dispensing of the obstacle with a preternatural grace andspeed. When used on a small or medium doll, he will flip them up into the air, where they willdo a full rotation and land back on their feet, exactly from where they launched from. Large

    and bigger dolls simply play a surprise response.

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    Combo SolutionsAs part of ramping up the difficulty on this adventure, more combo solutions will be present

    in the challenges. Combo solutions are solutions which require two different dolls to be used.They come in a few flavors:

    Chain. Use one doll to do something and use the second doll to do something. There islittle or no timing pressure and the doll abilities do not need to be used in a particularsequence. Example: Bear solution in Safari, Bun in the Oven in Get Rid of the Gas.

    Timing.Two different abilities of two different dolls must be used within a certaintime to get the solution. This is the most advanced, and the type that we should domore of.

    To make Timing Combo solutions more intuitive, they should be setup so that the dolls that

    are needed can stack inside each other (they are the appropriate sizes).

    The ideal timing combo sequence would be:

    Player finds and stacks with Doll B.

    Player finds Doll A. Player stacks Doll B into Doll A.

    Player goes to challenge area and uses Doll As ability.

    Player then unstacks to Doll B and uses their ability.

    Note it would be possible to do timing combo solutions without stacking both dolls

    together by just having them around, but it would be hard to manage, because aftera period of time dolls will leave an area to return to where they were taken from.

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    Sleeping Guard Sequence


    The lower floor of the kid car that Charlie makes his way into contains a small sequence thatthe player must do before moving forward with the rest of the level. After completing the

    sequence, the back door to this area will be open and the player can advance through thelevel.

    When the player first enters this car, an in-game establishing shot will play. It will startwith Charlie, pan pass the kids in the pen, and over towards the sleeping guard(indicated by ZZZs above his head). An obvious gate to the pen is across from theguard. Near the guard sits a guard dog, wagging its bushy tail and whining (indicatedwith dialog).The dog has a distinctive key ring in his mouth. The camera then starts tomake its way back towards the player and pans past an empty dog bowl and a dog foodfeeding contraption (that has a semi obvious way to activate it).

    Hint text will display Open the gate and free the kids.

    The kid pen is filled with children from previous levels. Charlies oldest brother,Archibald (XLarge) is also in the pen. The kids will chatter at the player if he getsclose to them. Archie will chatter encouraging words, but the rest of the kids willspew venom, similar to the initial kid pen that the player makes his way through.

    If the player gets too close to the dog or the guard (before the player can stack intothem), the guard will wake up with an alert, chatter Its you! Stop! and chase theplayer. If the guard gets within range, he will throw Charlie off the train.

    In order to open the gate, the player must stack with the dog that has the key ring inhis mouth.

    To do this, the player must attract the dog far enough away from the guard so that theguard doesnt wake up and chase Charlie.

    To attract the dog, Charlie must activate the dog food mechanism and fill the dogsbowl with food. Once the bowl has been filled, the dog will come over to the area andbegin to eat. At this point, the player can stack into the dog.

    The dog feeding mechanism works in a similar way to the guard horn or tiny bellowsfrom the Zeppelin; when the player is within close range to it, it will highlight blueindicating the player can stack into it. Once stacked into it, Charlie will have an abilitythat says pedal feeder.

    The player must rapidly press the ability button, which will slowly cause a feedinggate to rise. Once the gate has risen past a certain point, large pieces of dried dogfood will roll down a tube and into the dish below. If the player stops pressing thebutton before successfully dispensing the dog food, the gate will slide back down. Theplayer can unstack from the device at any time.

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    Once the player has dispensed the food, a short in-game cinematic will play thatshows the food falling into the dish, and then cut to the dog -- who perks up at thesound of the food and begins to head over toward the dish.

    Once the player is stacked into the dog, they will see that the Guard Dog has an openpen ability. This ability can be used to free the kids.

    When the player approaches the guard as the dog, the guard will wake up and chatter,but not chase the player at all. The guard will initially chatter something like Oh,Biscuits, its just you. If the player stays close to the gate, the guard will chatterBiscuits, get away from the pen! Those are naughty kids in there.

    When the player uses Biscuits ability on the gate, it will open and intro cinematic 2will play.

    After the cinematic is over, the following things will change in the area:

    o Guard will be gone (explained in cinematic);

    o Archibald will be gone (explained in cinematic);

    o The back door connecting to the next train car will be open;

    o Most of the kids will have dispersed across the train. The player willperiodically notice them hiding throughout various areas of the train. (we canhave these spawned from the very start since the player will not be able toget past this sequence to see them).

    o The dog and a few kids will remain around.

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    Pursued by the Barons GuardsThe Barons Guards are all on alert for Charlie. The Baron has captured Charlies family tolure him onto the train, so he can be captured and tossed overboard, removing his ability tointerfere with the Barons evil plans. The same milk carton wanted posters are postedthroughout the train.

    The Barons Guards will chase Charlie in the same way that they did on the Zeppelin.However, instead of taking him to a brig, they will throw him overboard. When Charlie isthrown overboard, one of three Thrown Overboard stage play cinematics will play. In allthree cinematics, crafty little Charlie manages to get back onboard the train.

    The player will be returned to the train on the last previously crossed overboardcheckpoints. This should result in the player being slightly set back in his advance throughthe train, but otherwise is not punishing.

    The Diabolical Four will not leave their posts to throw Charlie off the train. They WILLrecognize him, though, and chatter one-shot warnings and respond with special dialog for

    him. We could also have them call for the guards if this doesnt feel tense enough. Aftercalling the guards, they would show up a few seconds later and chase Charlie, throwing himoff as described above.

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    Primary Challenge DescriptionsThere are four primary challenges, all of which involve Charlie besting one of the Diabolical

    Four who are guarding a different member of Charlies immediate family.

    Challenge 1: Defeat Sickle the Sly


    Another of the diabolical four, Sickle the Sly,guards Charlies brother Albert. Like the restof the challenge areas, Albert is behind alocked jail door. The player must find a way tomake the hypochondriac guard think he is sick,and abandon his post to seek medicalattention or just to wash his hands

    This challenge area has the following


    The entrance to the challenge area(where the sickly guard stands) is size-gated so that only a Large or smallerdoll can enter and approach the guard.

    Challenge Introduction

    Challenge is introduced with a simple in-gamecinematic that shows Albert trapped behindbars and a large, sickly-looking guard standingon the other side of the gate. The guard willchatter I will not leave my post!

    Solution Found / Reset Sequence

    Each Challenge has a repeatable sequence that plays out whenever the player finds a solutionand the challenge resets.

    Player meets solution criteria.

    Solution cinematic plays (described at the end of each solution).

    Screen fades to black.

    Challenge resets

    Player is teleported to the closets reset waypoint and stacked down to Charlie.

    Screen fades up from black.

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    Solution HUD displays a, highlighting which solution the player as found for thechallenge.

    Player is free to try challenge again or leave.


    Solution 1: Sneezing Wild Fire (Medium)

    o On the passenger car above the guard is a sick doll (Xlarge). He is obviously sick he has two hot water bottles strapped to his head, a thermometer accessoryhanging out of his mouth and he is sneezing.

    o The players first instinct will probably be to stack the Sneezer and take himdownstairs to sneeze on the guard.

    o However, the player will be unable to get to the guard, because the entrance

    to the jail area is only big enough to accommodate a Large doll.

    o The player can try sneezing from the entrance, but the effects wont reach theguard. The guard will chatter a response Ha! Youre too big to get in here andinfect me with your germs!

    o When the Sneezer doll sneezes on any other doll, they also get sick and beginto sneeze uncontrollably for 10 seconds -- before they finally shake it off.(Question to answer does this change their ability, or is it an ambient effect inaddition to their ability?)

    o Player uses the Sneezer to sneeze on any doll Large or smaller. This doll then

    begins to sneeze.

    o Player unstacks out of Sneezer and stacks into smaller doll who is nowsneezing.

    o Player takes this smaller doll through the doorway and near guard before theeffects wear off.

    o Once the player is near the guard, a cinematic will play where the guardchatters A sneeze in the air! I must go wash my hands! and then leavesthrough the entryway.

    o Solution Found / Reset Sequence.

    Solution 2: Pigeon Bisque (Medium)

    o Player finds and stacks with any child food carrying-waiter (small). These dollscarry a bowl of soup on their heads and have a serve soup ability which poursit on the ground.

    o These dolls are found upstairs in the passenger compartment above the guard.

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    o If the player wanders by the guard with these dolls he will chatter That smellsgood! Give it to me!

    o If the player gets close to the guard, a quick in-game cinematic will play wherethe guard drinks from the soup.

    o Cut back to game and the guard says That was good, but Im still hungry.

    o If the player uses the serve food ability and dumps it on the floor, he willchatter something like Hey! Dont waste that!

    o All of this is an elaborate hint for the player to use these dolls in some way.

    o Two floors up from the guard is the pigeon floor which is an open -roof carfilled with carrier pigeons. All of the pigeons are perched on things that lookexactly like the soup bowls.

    o If the player stacks and takes one of the child food carrying waiter dolls up

    here, a quick in-game cinematic will play showing one of the pigeons flyingdown and landing in the soup bowl on his head, shuffling around a bit, and thenflying away.

    o Once we cut back to the game, the soup has an unsightly green color and awicked odiferous curl of poisonous looking smoke emits from the top of thebowl.

    o Player then takes the waiter with the fouled soup downstairs to the guard, whowill respond as before chattering for the player to come over and give himsome soup.

    o Once the player is close enough, a short in-game cinematic will play showingthe guard drinking the soup. The guard will abruptly turn green. His facetexture swaps to one that looks like he is holding back vomit. He then chattersIm going to be sick! and runs off camera.

    o Solution Found / Reset Sequence.

    o Note if the player pours the pigeon soup near other dolls, they will reactdifferently than to the normal or snot soup.

    o Note After a solution is found, this doll will reset to having normal soup.

    Solution 3: Snot Soup (Medium)

    o Player finds and stacks with the sneezer doll (XL) in the passengercompartment above the guard.

    o Player uses the sneezer to sneeze on one of the soup-carrying waiter dolls.

    o The contents of the soup will swap out to a new mesh that will look chunkier. Aslight yellow haze also rises from the soup.

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    o Player can then stack with the soup-carrying waiter doll and take himdownstairs and approach the guard.

    o The guard will chatter about being hungry in a similar way as in the PigeonBisque solution.

    o If the player gets close the guard, a cinematic similar to the Pigeon Bisquesolution will play and the guard will run away.

    o Solution Found / Reset Sequence.

    o Note if the player pours the snot soup near other dolls, they will reactdifferently than to the normal or pigeon soup.

    o Note After a solution is found, this doll will reset to having normal soup.

    Solution 4: Fire and Ice (Hard)


    This is a timing combo solution.o Hans is nearby, on the same level as the guard. Perhaps he is standing on the

    landing outside of the train so hes at least a few seconds away. Hans has aswamp-cooler strapped to his head and has a Blow Cold Air ability.

    o If player uses Hans ability on the Guard, he will chatter something like Heythats cold! At least its not damp in here!

    o On the passenger car upstairs from the guard is the Fire Chief doll (medium).This is the same fire chief (medium sized) from the zeppelin.

    o Player stacks the fire chief doll and takes him downstairs to spray the guardwith water. This will make him shiny and wet looking for 10 seconds before itfades. When the water hits the guard he will say HEY! At least theres not adraft in here

    o Player must then use Hans Blow Cold Air ability on guard before his wetnessfades. If he has already stacked Hans, and then stacked the Fire Chief, this willbe quick. If not, he will have to hustle to get Hans and bring him back beforethe wetness fades. This should be possible, but very tight. We want toencourage the player to sack both of the dolls needed in timing combostogether.

    o Once player manages to perform both on the guard within the time limit, cutto a cinematic where the guard chatters I think I feel a sniffle coming on! Achange of clothes is in order! and runs off camera.

    o Solution Found / Reset Sequence.

    o The next time we see the guard (after the reset) he has a scarf on to show thathe has changed clothes and is warming himself up. This stays around for therest of the game.

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    Solution Hint Summary

    Below is a summary of some of the ways the different solutions will be hinted at for theplayer. As always, easy solutions are heavily hinted, while medium and hard solutions willhave less hints.

    Guard will occasionally chatter about being hungry and wondering where his soup is.

    Guard chatters several things that give the player the impression that he is worriedabout being sick.

    Guard will also mention that he mustnt abandon his post.

    If the player uses the Fire Chiefs ability on him, the guard will chatter HEY! At leasttheres not a draft in here

    If the player uses Hans ability on him, the guard will chatter Hey thats cold! At leastits not damp in here!

    All Solutions Found State Jail Door permanently open.

    Back Door to car open so player can traverse straight through this car.

    Guard is gone left the train somehow.

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    Challenge 2: Beat Ticklern the Terrible


    Another of the diabolical four, Ticklern theTerrible, guards Charlies sister Agatha. Like

    the rest of the challenge areas, Agatha isbehind a locked jail door. Ticklern wears fullplate armor which both makes him toughand also prevents others from tickling hisbody.

    This challenge area has the following


    There is no size gating in thischallenge area any size doll can getinto the Ticklish Guard challenge area.

    After each solution is found, Ticklernfalls down in a tickle-fit, rollingaround and hitting the jail door thathes guarding, which opens it up.

    An exterior balcony leads around thiscar, so that the player can get to thePiano Bar (because the jail door blocksoff the path through the car, which isnt open until all solutions have been found forthis challenge).

    Challenge IntroductionChallenge is introduced with a simple in-game cinematic that shows Agatha trapped behindbars and a large, armor-plated guard standing on the other side of the jail door. The guardwill chatter None shall pass!

    A small group of huddled kids sits to one side near the entrance of this area, and will chattera few introductory lines before the first solution has been found. They will hint at the guardsticklish nature.

    Solution Found / Reset Sequence

    Each Challenge has a repeatable sequence that plays out whenever the player finds a solutionand the challenge resets.

    Player meets solution criteria.

    Solution cinematic plays (described at the end of each solution).

    Screen fades to black.

    Challenge resets

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    Player is teleported to the closets reset waypoint and stacked down to Charlie.

    Screen fades up from black.

    Solution HUD displays a, highlighting which solution the player as found for thechallenge.

    Player is free to try challenge again or leave.


    Solution 1: Tickle Duster (Easy)

    o Upstairs in the Ladies Only car are French maids, who are dusting offshelves.

    o Player finds and stacks with a French maid and comes downstairs to where

    Ticklern is.o Player uses her feather duster ability on Ticklern. Her telescoping duster is

    just big enough to reach his nose.

    o After ability is used, cut to an in-game cinematic that shows the duster on hisface, Ticklern falling down and laughing uncontrollably.

    o Solution Found / Reset Sequence

    Solution 2: Feather Face (medium)

    o Guard has hair with headband that looks very similar to upside down bowl that

    pigeons perch on.

    o There are some pigeons perched up near the ceiling line of the guard car, butthe player cannot sack with them.

    o To attract pigeons, player use a soup kid.

    o Player finds and stacks with a soup kid, located upstairs.

    o Since the soup kids are male, the player must then stack them in a female dollto bring them through the ladies only car.


    When the player is in control of a soup kid near the pigeons, a short in-gamecinematic will play that shows the pigeons fluttering down, briefly landing inthe soup bowl, and then moving onto the ground.

    o Player stacks with small pigeon doll (they stay on the ground until thechallenge resets) and approaches guard.

    o Player uses pelicans fly to roost ability to fly up to the guards head.

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    o After ability is used, cut to an in-game cinematic that shows the pigeon landingon his hair, and settling in. Ticklern falls down and laughs uncontrollablywhile pigeon flies away.

    o Solution Found / Reset Sequence

    Solution 3: Hairy Amor (Hard)

    o This is a combo solution.

    o In the penthouse car, two levels up, are both Gilliam the Furry (L) and theTailor Wickens (XL).

    o The player finds both of those dolls and stacks them together.

    o To get to the guard area, the player must pass through the Ladies Only car.To do this with these two male dolls, the player must find and stack with anXXL female doll (the Carbon Footprint female doll is around for this purpose).

    o Player gets through Ladies Only car and makes his way to the challenge area.

    o Player unstacks from female doll and uses the Tailor Wickens Measure forFitting ability on guard.

    o Short cinematic will play where the guard will chatter Its about time. Thisarmor is too tight! Take it and fix it!

    o When game fades up from cinematic, Ticklern has been stacked down one sizeand is standing in his boxer shorts. The larger, armored Ticlern doll is stackedon the Tailors head as an accessory.

    o Player unstacks from tailor and uses Gilliam the Furry to give Ticklern a furryMan Hug. Gilliams hairy body tickles the Guard.

    o Solution Found / Reset Sequence

    o Note, after this solution has been found once,the Guard will responddifferently to the Tailor Wickens instead of taking off his armor, he willchatter Im not falling for that again! Get outta here!

    Solution Hint Summary

    Below is a summary of some of the ways the different solutions will be hinted at for theplayer. As always, easy solutions are heavily hinted, while medium and hard solutions willhave less hints.

    If the player tries to hug the guard with Gilliam before his armor has been removed,he will chatter Thankfully your hair cant get through my armor. It looks ticklish!

    The guard will periodically chatter about his ill-fitting armor, and the need to get ittailored perhaps while adjusting himself during an idle animation.

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    If the player talks to the guard, he will say something about the place needing a gooddusting.

    If, while stacked with a Pigeon, the player gets real close to guard without flying to hishead, guard will chatter Your feathers cant get through my armor, you little ticklishthing you!

    All Solutions Found State

    Jail door open.

    Back Door to car open so player can traverse straight through this car.

    Guard is gone.

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    Challenge 3: Scare the Shadow General


    Another of the diabolical four, The ShadowGeneral, guards Charlies sister Abigail. Like

    the rest of the challenge areas, Abigail isbehind a locked jail door. The ShadowGeneral looks like an albino, and is very lightsensitive, so he has disabled the gas power inthis car. It is very dimly lit, illuminatedmainly with large birthday cake candles.

    This challenge area has the following


    Because the guard is light-sensitive,he has disabled the gas main and the

    gas lights in his car. The area is onlydimly lit with large birthday candles.

    Upstairs from the guard car is a twostory gas car. A sign near thestairway door says Gas Main andpoints up stairs.

    Additionally, fat gas pipes come downfrom the stairs and ceiling andterminate in a large, un-illuminatedgas light. These could be human scalefor extra emphasis.

    Challenge Introduction

    Challenge is introduced with a simple in-game cinematic that shows an annoyed Abigailtrapped behind bars and a large albino guard standing on the other side of the jail door. Theguard will chatter Be afraid of the dark!

    Solution Found / Reset Sequence

    Each Challenge has a repeatable sequence that plays out whenever the player finds a solutionand the challenge resets.

    Player meets solution criteria.

    Solution cinematic plays (described at the end of each solution).

    Screen fades to black.

    Challenge resets

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    Player is teleported to the closets reset waypoint and stacked down to Charlie.

    Screen fades up from black.

    Solution HUD displays a, highlighting which solution the player as found for thechallenge.

    Player is free to try challenge again or leave.


    Solution 1: Cookin with Gas (Medium)

    o Guard has turned off the gas power to his car so it stays dark. It is onlyilluminated by dim birthday candle light.

    o Upstairs from the guard is a two story gas car. A sign near the stairway door

    says Gas Main and points up stairs.o The gas room is filled with all sorts of pipes, dials and valves. Arranged

    prominently in the room is a large Gas Main valve in the off position and alsoan un-lit Pilot Light.

    o A big valve with a wrench like hex nut on it has a sign above it that reads GasMain and next to it is an indicator that it is Shut OFF instead of TurnedOn.

    o Next to the valve is a gas nozzle with a sign above it that says PILOT LIGHT.An indicator is next to it that says NOT LIGHTED instead of LIGHTED.

    o Player must find and stack Jasper who can use his maintain ability to turnthe gas line to on. Jasper is in one car back in the Piano Bar and the player willhave to go back and get him.

    o The player must also use one of the lighter dolls who can then light the pilotlight. There is one in the gas room already.

    o The player must turn the gas on before lighting the pilot light. If the playertries to light the pilot light first, the lighter doll will chatter I cant light thisuntil the gas is turned on.

    o After the player has used both Jasper and the Lighter Doll in the correctsequence, power to the lights is restored.

    o Cut to a quick in-game cinematic that shows the light turning on downstairsand the guard running around shrieking IT BURNS! IT BURNS US!

    o Solution Found / Reset Sequence

    Solution 2:Flatulight (Hard)

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    o This is a combo solution.

    o The albino guard area is dimly illuminated, lit only by giant birthday candles.

    o In the gas room, located immediately above the guard, is one of the lighterdolls (XL). The lighter doll has a candle on his head that provides some dim

    illumination. This doll has a flare ability which, when used, increases theintensity of the candle on his head.

    o Players first instinct may be to stack with the lighter doll and take him downstairs and use his flare ability near the Shadow General.

    o If he does, the Shadow General will chatter What a nice reading light. Not toobright! or something to indicate that the light isnt intense enough to botherhim. If the player repeatedly uses the flare, the guard will chatter more hints that nudge the player into thinking of comboing with the Farter.

    o The player needs to go back to the piano bar and stack with the farter (L) and

    then find and stack with a Lighter Doll (XL) there are some in the piano bar,as well as a few upstairs in the gas room.

    o Player brings both dolls to the guard.

    o First the player uses the Lighter dolls Flare ability, and then before it fadesaway--, the player unstacks to the Farter and uses his Flatulate ability on theLighter Dolls candle.

    o Cut to an in-game cinematic that shows a giant fireball illuminating the wholeroom, and the guard scurrying away, chattering IT BURNS! IT BURNS US!andrunning away.

    o Solution Found / Reset Sequence

    Solution 3:Grease Fire (Hard)

    o This is a combo solution.

    o Player must travel to the piano bar to find and stack with an XXLarge Oil Barreldoll.

    o Player must also stack an XL Lighter doll.

    o Player takes both dolls near guard. Player unstacks to XL Lighter Doll and usesFlare ability.

    o And then, before the flare fades away, the player re-stacks with the Oil Barreldoll and uses his oil spill ability on the Lighter Doll.

    o This creates a giant flash of light, illuminating he whole room.

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    o Cut to an in-game cinematic that shows a giant fireball illuminating the wholeroom, and the guard scurrying away, chattering IT BURNS! IT BURNS US!andrunning away.

    o Note, if the player uses the Oil Barrel dolls oil spill ability anywhere nearthe guard, he will chatter Unlit oil is no concern of mine! as a hint.

    Solution Hint Summary

    Below is a summary of some of the ways the different solutions will be hinted at for theplayer. As always, easy solutions are heavily hinted, while medium and hard solutions willhave less hints.

    Talking to the guard will reveal several mentions of not liking bright light.

    If the player tries to light the pilot light with the lighter doll before using Jasper toturn on the gas main, the lighter doll will chatter I cant light this until the gas isturned on.

    If he does, the Shadow General will chatter What a nice reading light. Not toobright! or something to indicate that the light isnt intense enough to bother him.

    Hint for if the player combos with the toot instead of Flatulate: If you had morefuel for that flame, it mightve amounted to something!

    If the player uses the Oil Barrel dolls oil spill ability anywhere near the guard, hewill chatter Unlit oil is no concern of mine! as a hint.

    All Solutions Found State

    Jail door open.

    Back Door to car open so player can traverse straight through this car.

    Guard is gone.

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    Challenge 4: Simpleton the Strong


    Another of the diabolical four, TheSimpleton the Strong, guards Charlies

    mother Agnes. Like the rest of the challengeareas, Agnes is behind a locked jail door.The Simpleton the Strong looks very child-like and simple minded.

    This challenge area has the following


    On the other side of the jail area,there is a small open service hatchin the floor. The entrance to thehatch is on the connector/balcony

    leading to the front of the car, wherethe guard stands. It is clearly labeledemergency access. Small dolls (andCharlie!) can fit in this hatch and popup in the jail cell where CharliesMom is being held.

    Challenge Introduction

    Challenge is introduced with a simple in-game cinematic that shows Agnes trappedbehind bars and a large dumb-looking guard

    standing on the other side of the jail door. He chatters Duhnone shall passSolution Found / Reset Sequence

    Each Challenge has a repeatable sequence that plays out whenever the player finds a solutionand the challenge resets.

    Player meets solution criteria.

    Solution cinematic plays (described at the end of each solution).

    Screen fades to black.

    Challenge resets

    Player is teleported to the closets reset waypoint and stacked down to Charlie.

    Screen fades up from black.

    Solution HUD displays a, highlighting which solution the player as found for thechallenge.

    Player is free to try challenge again or leave.

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    Solution 1: Clownfoolery (Medium)

    o Simpleton mentions that he doesnt like clowns and is afraid of them.

    o On the passenger car above Simpletons car is a large clown box. Inside the boxis a deranged clown that is used to keep misbehaving children in line. Theclown is part of an emergency child control system that the Baron had installedon the train.

    o The clown box is guarded by a guard.

    o Player uses nearby hammer or toilet children to annoy passengers by using theirabilities on them.

    o Guard lets the clown out of the box, who will jump out with a scream.

    o Player can then stack into the XXXLarge Deranged Clown.

    o Player takes clown down to Simpleton and uses his ability on him.

    o Cut an in-game cinematic of guard chattering Scary clown! and running away.

    o Solution Found/Reset Sequence.

    Solution 2: Sheet Spirit (Medium)

    o Simpleton is scared of ghosts.

    o Upstairs from the guards car is a two story workshop car, where kids are beingtrained to do menial tasks. The largest station in the workshop car is a sheetfolding area, where kids are folding white sheets.

    o Player stacks with one of the sheet folding kids (Medium sized) and uses herfold sheet ability on one of the small children. This puts a blanket on theirhead, making them look like a ghost.

    o Player stacks into the faux ghost kid and approaches the Simpleton guard.

    o Cut to an in-game cinematic that shows the guard playing a surprise animation,chattering A ghost!!! and running away.

    o Solution Found/Reset Sequence.

    Solution 3: Masked Mirage (Medium)

    o Simpleton mentions that he is waiting for the relief guard to come so he can gopotty.

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    o Player finds and stacks small sized corporate spy doll who is found in thepassenger car above Simpleton.

    o Player uses the spys disguise ability on any nearby doll.

    o Player takes disguised doll to talk to Simpleton.

    o If players disguised doll is smaller than XXLarge, Simpleton will say youre toosmall to be my relief guard!

    o If players disguised doll is XXLarge or larger, cut to in-game cinematic whereSimpleton chatters Oh, good youre here! I need to use the potty! He thenruns off.

    o Solution Found / Reset Sequence.

    Solution Hint Summary

    Below is a summary of some of the ways the different solutions will be hinted at for theplayer. As always, easy solutions are heavily hinted, while medium and hard solutions willhave less hints.

    Guard chatters about needing to use the potty and asking if the player if hes seenhis replacement.

    Talking to guard will reveal that hes scared of ghosts. He describes ghosts in a waythat sounds like white sheets.

    There are a few clown stewards in the car near the guard. The guard will talk about

    how much he likes clowns, and that they would never hurt a fly, etc.All Solutions Found State

    Jail door open.

    Back Door to car open so player can traverse straight through this car.

    Guard is gone.

    Coal Car SequenceOnce the player has freed all of Charlies family, a tutorial card urges the player to join the

    family at the Coal Car. The player must use all of Charlies family abilities to get through thecoal car and into the engine in an attempt to stop the train.


    The player can make their way up to the coal car at anytime during the level progression, andsee whatever family members have been freed standing there, outside of the locked vault-like door that marks the first part of the sequence. Until the player has freed all of his family

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    members, they will auto-face the player and not be stackable. They will chatter at the player,urging them to free the rest of the family and come back.

    After the player has freed all of the Blackmore family members, a tutorial card will pop up,urging the player to travel to the coal car and help the family get into the engine room.Although the player is not limited as to which dolls the player brings with them into the coal

    car, all of the non-Blackmore family dolls will be teleported back to the spawn locations afterthe coal car sequence intro cinematic plays (see below).

    Five gates

    The coal car sequence is a series of five gates that can only be passed by using one of theBlackmore familys abilities on. The family abilities will be used from the largest (xxl mom)to the smallest (s Albert). Finally, Charlie will proceed through a small space to find hisfather in the engine room and trigger the outro cinematic which completes the primaryplaythrough of the level.

    The main purpose of this sequence is to familiarize the player with all of the Blackmore doll

    abilities, as they will be used to win the final challenge. This sequence also has a very similarpattern to the final challenge, in that the player is using the largest of the family dolls tosolve the first part, and then smaller dolls, in order, to proceed through the rest of thesequence.

    Sequence Flow

    Player enters area after freeing all of the Blackmore family members. Coal sequenceintro cinematic plays.

    When game returns control to the player after the coal sequence intro, the player isunstacked down to Charlie, and any other dolls that the player brought into the coalcar are teleported back to the starting locations. In addition, a door now blocks the

    coal car entrance so that the player cannot leave. If the player approaches the lockeddoor, Agnes will chatter (in super hi-pri) The Barons guards mustve heard that weescaped and put the train on lock down.

    All of the above measures are to ensure that the player can only use the Blackmorefamily dolls to solve the coal car sequence and removes any potential confusion.

    Hint text Get all of the Blackmore family and find a way through the coal car.

    Player stacks all of the family together, leaving the player in control of AgnesBlackmore. If, after stacking the family together, the player tries to unstack, Agneswill chatter No time for that now! I must open that door!

    Player approaches a large, vault-like locked door in center of room. In the center ofthe door is a large combination lock. Connected to the combination lock is a largeconduit that moves up the door and off to the side, where it merges with a largesteam pipe. The steam pipe has an opening at around Agnes height.

    Player uses Agnes clean out ability near door.

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    Short in-game cinematic plays showing her putting her cleanout tool up the steampipe, the combination lock rotating, and the door opening.

    Note, if the player tries to use any of the other Blackmore family abilities on this door(before they have stacked all the way up to Agnes), whatever doll they are controllingwill chatter Not now! Lets get everyone together first!

    On the other side of the door is a short hallway ending in two brick walls, narrowlyspaced apart. A sign on the wall is labeled emergency access and points upwards.

    Agnes cannot fit between walls.

    Hint text Use the next smallest Blackmore to keep moving forward.

    Player stacks down to Archibald. If player tries to unstack past Archibald (down toAbigail), the unstack will be blocked and Archie will chatter Not now. I need to find away to get up that wall.

    Player approaches the space between wall and uses Archies chimney climb ability. Ashort in-game cinematic plays showing Archie moving up between the walls by doing aspecial animation.

    Control returns to player at the top of the chimney area. Once again the player islooking at a small hallway that sizes down and ends in a [Abigail ability door]. Collisionblocks the player from falling back down the chimney climb area. The player mustproceed forward.

    Archie cannot fit down the hallway.

    Player should have learned the pattern at this point and unstacks to Abigail and moves

    down hallway. If player doesnt unstack from Archibald for 30 seconds, display theUse the next smallest Blackmore to keep moving forward hint text again.

    Player unstacks to Abigail. If the player tries to unstack past Abigail, it will be blockedand she will chatter Not now! I must do my part first!

    Player approaches moves down hallway and finds a fireplace with a fire burning in it.

    Player approaches the fire and uses Abigails snuff out ability.

    A short in-game cinematic plays showing Abigail pulling out a large copper snuffer(normally it scaled down inside her) and slamming it forcefully down on the fire, which

    puts it out.

    Once the fire is out, a medium-doll-sized exit is on the back of the fireplace. Abigailcannot fit through it. Player must unstack down to Agatha. No hint text is displayed.

    Player is prevented from moving back to through the fireplace opening by collision.Once again, if the player tries to unstack past Agatha, it will be blocked and she willchatter Not now! Its my turn!

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    Player approaches an area where coal chunks are falling from ceiling down to aconveyor belt or something below. When player approaches the falling coal, they willbe stopped and Agatha will chatter I cant just walk through that!

    Player uses Agathas parasol spin ability.

    A short in-game cinematic plays showing Agatha pulling out a jet-black parasol andspinning like a whirling dervish through the falling coal. The coal bounces off of herumbrella and she passes through the area, unharmed.

    On the other side of the coal waterfall area is an open door frame that steps downthe size of the passageway and Agatha cannot proceed forward. Collision blocks theplayer from re-entering the coal waterfall. If player tries to use Agathas ability again,she will chatter Not now! We must find a way forward into the engine room!

    Player must unstack to Albert to move forward. No hint text is displayed. If the playertries to unstack past Albert, he will chatter No way! Im doing my part!

    Around the corner from the door frame is a small door that says engine room accesson it. The door is partially blocked by a large pile of coal that has been dumped there.Empty coal carts flank the door.

    Player approaches the pile of coal and uses Alberts Shovel Coal ability.

    A short in-game cinematic plays that shows Albert wielding a coal shovel in an elegant,almost martial-arts fashion. He quickly clears the coal out of the way the small vent isnow accessible.

    Albert cannot fit through the vent. Player must unstack down to Charlie. No hint textis displayed.

    Player unstacks down to Charlie and enters the vent. Once the player is through thevent, they are prevented from moving back through it by collision.

    The player continues through the vent which opens to an open-aired catwalk thatconnects the Coal Cart to the Train Engine. The player can also see several slides thatare dumping coal from the coal car and into the engine (not accessible).

    The player continues forward and drops out of the vent and into the engine room.

    The engine room is a small compartment. Tied to furnace area is Charlies father,William.

    William will chatter Charlie! Its your father!

    Player approaches William.

    Outro cinematic plays.

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    Secondary GameplayNot including Primary Matched Stacking Set.

    Diabolical Four

    None of the diabolical four are capturable dolls. They are the guardians of each of challengeson the train, and will remain at their posts even in the train stopped game state, until allsolutions for their challenges have been found. After that, they leave the train in somehumorous way. If we have time, we could do some simple all solutions found rewardcinematics to show what happens.

    Sickly Sentry

    Size: 5 (XXLarge)

    Description: Wears a white filter mask strapped to his face, black elbow-length rubber

    gloves and a warm hat. First aid kit strapped to belt.

    Accessories: Hat, mask, and first aid kid.


    Challenges: Sickly Sentry Challenge.

    Ticklern the Ticklish

    Size: 5 (XXLarge)

    Description: Wears full plate armor.

    Accessories: Full plate armor.


    Challenges: Ticklern the Ticklish Challenge.

    The Shadow General

    Size: 5 (XXLarge)

    Description: Albino. Wears a full length wool trench coat, Russian style winter hat,sunglasses. Carries a long grim reaper style reaper with a butterfly net on the end which he uses to catch children. He refers to normal dolls as Day Walkers.

    Accessories: Hat & reaper.


    Challenges: The Shadow General.

    The Simpleton the Strong

    Size: 5 (XXLarge)

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    Description: Texture painted to make his head look tiny. Really long arms. Wears apropeller beanie hat and carries a stuffed kitty cat. He has the mind of a child.

    Accessories: Propeller beanie hat & stuffed kitty cat.


    Challenges: The Simpleton the Strong.

    Unique Dolls


    Size: 4 (XLarge)

    Description: Despite being quite ill, the Sneezer was so eager to invest in the Baronsnewest enterprise, he boarded the train despite his better judgment. Barely able to

    get up this morning, he has two water bottles strapped to his head and a thermometerhanging out of his mouth. He wears Victorian pajamas and bunny slippers. He is clearlysick.

    Accessories: Dual water bottles strapped to his head and thermometer hanging out ofhis mouth.

    Ability:Infectious Sneeze. When used, the Sneezer discharges a goopy eruption ofsnot. Any nearby dolls that are in front of him (within an arc) will get hit with thesneeze and become infected. Infected dolls will turn slightly green and begin tosneeze. After 10 seconds or so this effect wears off.

    Challenges: Sickly Sentry Challenge (2 solutions).

    Fire Chief Russell

    Size: 2 (Medium)

    Description: This is the same fire chief who was in the brig in the Zeppelin challenge.Determined to not be sidetracked by the Barons men, he has boarded the train to doa thorough inspection for fire safety.

    Accessories: Helmet with spray nozzle (rigged).

    Ability:Spray Hose. Shoots a stream of water out from his hat for a few seconds.

    Any dolls hit by the water get remapped to look wet for about 10 seconds, and thenthe effect fades.

    Challenges: Sickly Sentry Challenge part of a combo solution with Hans.


    Size :1 (Small)

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    Description: Poor lost Hans in his distinctive sailor suit was lured onto the train withthe promise of a lollipop. Instead he was fitted with a swamp cooler hat and told tocirculate through the train, providing portable air conditioning for some of the largerguests, who tend to overheat.

    Accessories: Swamp cooler hat (rigged).

    Ability:Blow Cold Air. When used, the fan on his head animates and blows a gust ofcool air (it lasts for a few seconds) out in front of him. Dolls hit with this effect, play achatter response -- where they shake a bit, as if they were cold.

    Combo:This ability can be combod with Fire Chief Russells Spray Hose. Dolls hitwith the combo effect play a Frozen response. A thin layer of ice forms on thesurface of the doll and freezes them in place. A few seconds later it melts and theyare able to move again.

    Challenges: Sickly Sentry Challenge part of a combo solution with Fire Chief Russell.

    Corporate Spy Size:1 (Small)

    Description: This doll has been sent aboard by one of the Barons competitors to getthe low-down on the Barons new venture. He wears a full length trench coat/Inverness and a hat that conceals most of his face.

    Accessories: Large floppy hat that disguises most of his face.

    Ability: Disguise. When used, target doll is given one of the Barons Guards masks,appropriate to their size. This mask will generally fool everyone other BaronsGuards will chatter a Hello when they walk by, for example. The diabolical four

    other than the Simpleton will not buy it and chatter a That disguise is not foolingme. Beat it, Traitor!.

    Challenges:Used in a solution in the Simpleton Challenge.

    Other: Needs some sort of little area of the passenger car that he rides in to helpdraw attention to his function. Perhaps he is riding with many conspicuous bags ofBarons Guard masks, and a secret attach case.

    The Tailor Wickens

    Size:4 (XLarge)

    Description: He looks like a tailor wearing suit pants, no coat with a white shirtpushed up to his sleeves. Carries a large dress-makers tape.

    Accessories: Dress-makers tape (rigged).

    Ability: Measure for fitting. When used, the tailor does an amusing animation ontarget doll with the measuring tape that might be considered inappropriate in certaincircles. Dolls all play a surprised response.

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    Challenges: Part of a solution for the Ticklish Guard Challenge. When he uses hisability on the ticklish guard, the guards full-plate armor will be attached to his headas an accessory (see Challenge description for full description).

    Gilliam the Furry

    Size:3 (Large)

    Description: He looks like a Chia doll is head and arms are covered with fur thatstick out from the dolls silhouette. After an early life as a freak in a traveling circus,one of the rich industrialists employed him as his personal servant, because he makesa great conversation piece at parties.

    Accessories: Just his hair!

    Ability: Hug it Out. When used on a nearby male doll, Gilliam performs a brisk manhug. The target doll will chatter Your hair tickles! as a hint towards his solution.Gilliam will refuse to hug women or children, and instead will chatter something likeHugging women would be inappropriate or Hugging children is generally frownedupon!

    Challenges: Gilliam is part of a combo solution in the Ticklish Guard Challenge. Hecan man hug the ticklish guard after the Tailor removes his armor.

    Rosie & Gertie (both unique)

    Size:6 (XXXLarge)

    Description: She guards the entrance to the ladies only car and will not let dolls passthrough it unless they are female. If the player is controlling a female doll, she willchatter Right this way, sister! and open the gate door. Rosie & Gertie are generallyhard to stack, but a few abilities will make them vulnerable to stacking if the playerwould rather go this route than approaches with a female doll.

    Accessories: None.

    Ability: Open Ladies Gate. If the player uses this ability away from the ladies gateshe will chatter something like I must be near the ladies gate to open it!

    Challenges: No.

    Other Notes: If the player unstacks to reveal a male doll after they have entered theladies only car, all of the female dolls in the area will chatter nasty things at him, butno-one will kick him out.

    Deranged Clown

    Size:6 (XXXLarge)

    Description: Unlike the somewhat charming Clown stewards that roam the train, thisis a very scary and evil clown.

    Accessories: Black curly wig. Evil puppets.

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    Ability: Evil Puppet Show. When used, the deranged clown pulls out two puppetsand begins to act out a scene of murder and treachery, making stifled death rattlenoises and jumping about like a mad clown. This sends most dolls running away in fear,leaving a wake of poop in the process.

    Challenges: Used in the Simpleton Guard Challenge.

    Guard Dog Biscuit

    Size:1 (Small)

    Description:A mild-mannered golden retriever, Guard Dog Biscuit is more interested ineating than in guarding the kid pen. A fact that Charlie exploits to solve the SleepingGuard Sequence.

    Accessories:Ears, a tail that can wag, big ring of keys hanging from his mouth

    Ability:Open gate

    Challenges:No, but he is the key (no pun intended) to the Sleeping Guard Sequence.

    Meriwether Malodor

    Size: 3 (Large)

    Description:Hes here because he got hooked into some sort of investment scam. Forattending a one hour workshop on investing, hes supposed to get a prize. Like one ofthose ridiculous time share things.

    Accessories: None

    Ability: Flatulate. Same as before, except that it now as a combo effect when used

    with the Lighter Dolls Flare ability. Combos:

    o This ability can also be combod with flareto create a charcoaled remapon nearby dolls. Charcoaled dolls are covered with a black texture, with onlytheir eyes showing, and lick of smoke emitting from their heads. 10 secondslater, the charcoal fades away.

    Challenges: Used in the Albino Guard Challenge.

    Other: Final Challenge Doll he is part of one of the duels on the Offshore LaborPlatform.


    Size:2 (medium)


    Accessories:Trusty wrench!

    Ability: Maintain

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    Challenges: Used in the Albino Guard Challenge.

    Other: Final Challenge Doll he is part of one of the duels on the Offshore LaborPlatform.

    Non Unique Dolls

    Clown Stewards

    Size:2 (Medium)

    Description:These stewards look much like train station employees, except that theywere slightly disturbing clown masks.

    Accessories:Clown Mask and juggling dolls.

    Ability:Juggle. When used the doll pulls out three juggling pins (which are actually

    very small wooden dolls about the size of the Pirates Parrot) and juggles for a fewseconds usually ending with a pin hitting him on the head.

    Challenges: No.

    French Maid

    Size:3 (Large)

    Description:These ladies are dressed in the classic French Maids uniform.

    Accessories:Little white hat. Telescoping feather duster.

    Ability:Feather Dust. When used her feather duster telescopes and she reaches upto dust up high shelves. This happens to be at the exact level of the nose of anXXLarge doll.

    Challenges: Used in the Ticklern the Ticklish challenge.

    Barons guards

    Size:5 (XXLarge).

    Description:These are the same mask-wearing Barons guards from t