The twelve days of social customer service uk

Post on 18-Jan-2015

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Best Practice Tips to Drive Retail Success During the Festive Period Christmas 2013 is predicted to be the most digital ever with online sales set to exceed £10billion for the first time, and conversion rates – those who buy online after shopping – to reach a five-year high of 5%. Retailers will see a surge in customers turning to social channels to express dissatisfaction with the online experience. With 42% of Twitter users expecting a company response within an hour, social customer service needs to be fully embedded as a viable communication channel in time for the Cyber Monday surge. Our webinar discussed best practice tips for: * 12 steps for a successful Social Christmas * Coping with the holiday surge * Crisis management during the busiest shopping season of the year If you are interested in hearing the discussion again, or missed the webinar, register your details and a recording will be sent out along with slides. Any particular thoughts, questions or views you'd like to share? Tweet us with the hashtag #12daysofsocial.


The twelve days of Social Customer Service


believe companies should offer customer support on their profiles

customers expect to receive assistance within 5 minutes of reaching out to the company

Having a team of dedicated agents in place ensures you can meet customer expectation and deliver real customer service within your social channels.


Having a social team embedded within your brand’s contact centre gives you the powerful opportunity to delight

customers in real-time. A simple way to understand the issues customers are bringing to social media is to review and

categorise one week’s Tweets and comments.


Delivering a consistent brand voice is top priority for many marketers on social channels.

Whether you have

social agents, each person should reflect the brand’s personality through their engagement with customers.


Social Customer Service agents should be able to handle most service issues. But for issues requiring specialist help or a sensitive response, ensure you have a clear escalation process and guidelines set up.


If something goes wrong in the run up to Christmas – products go out of stock, your website crashes – an outcry on social media is almost guaranteed. Ensure your social media team has a direct connection to corporate communications and a plan for how to react.


Set expectations for when you will be providing Social Customer Service.Ensure that customers are aware of your hours of operation and the types of issues that can be dealt with on your social channels. Not giving this information can cause confusion for customers, and potentially increase the risk of issues spiralling out of control.


Our research shows that Tweet volume for major retailers can increase by up to a quarter in the period before Christmas. Ensure you are ready with back-up resources to cope with the flood of customer comments and queries.


A recent survey by Edison Research shows that 42% of consumers complaining via social media expect a response within 60 minutes.

There can be a lot of noise on your social channels, especially if you are delivering effective marketing campaigns. It’s important to identify real customer service issues to ensure they get a quick response. Failing at this not only risks upsetting the customer, but also increases the chance that it could turn into a bigger and more public issue. 


We recently compared 40,000 Tweets of major retail brands to understand how customer complaints are moved from social media to

traditional channels including phone and email. 14% of deflected Tweets were from customers who were experiencing problems in-


80% of UK users access Twitter via a mobile device

1 in 4 use Twitter while shopping


Social provides a first alert when customers voice concerns about large-scale issues including webpage outages or promotion failures. Improve customer satisfaction by joining the conversation to take action and instantly gain valuable business insights.


Customers will spend 21% more if they receive good customer service via social media

Surprise and delight your customers by calling out to them when they indirectly mention you or use terms related to your brand. Proactive outreach on Twitter provides an unprecedented way for brands to directly advise consumers on purchasing decisions without seeming sales-y.

of those helped via social customer service return as a customer in the future.


Key to scaling up your social customer service operation and to ensuring efficient communication between departments is a playbook outlining how your company delivers Social Customer Service – developed with input from customer service, marketing and corporate communications.


Thank you.
