The Ultimate Fan Blog For the Tampa Bucs: New Era in Tampa

Post on 23-Jan-2017

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The Ultimate Fan Blog For the Tampa Bucs: New Era in Tampa

By: Hayward Miller


Table of Content

1. Executive Summary

2. Social Media Audit

3. Social Media Objectives

4. Online Brand Persona and Voice

5. Strategies and Tools

6. Timing and Key Dates

7. Social Media Roles and Responsibility

8. Social Media Policy

9. Critical Response plan

10. Measurement and Reporting Results

Executive Summary

Our major goal for this blog for 2016 will be growing our blogs following and creating a community for Tampa Bay Bucs fans .

The primary focus will be giving a virtual sport cast about Tampa Bay Bucs and the NFL and influencing more people to our website by sharing more

entertain, and educate people with great content and build relationships with other fans or sports fanatics .

Two major strategies that will help in achieving this objective:

1. Live tweeting chats of great content and updates given by the team through other social media outlets.

2. Creating topics that will encourage conversations and influence with great content.

Social Media Audit • Social Media Assessment:

• As of right now twitter seems to be more of a way to communicate easier to increase following and the number of interactions. (engagement rate cannot be calculated at present time.)

• Traffic Summary(Website):

• As of right now Facebook is by far the biggest driver of traffic compared any other social medial outlets because Facebook is only social media I have used for my other blog.

• Audience Demographics Summary:

• I will be reaching out to ages 15-65 Football is a sport that has been here for awhile so reaching out to a large group of people will be less difficult because of the popularity for the sport.

• Competitor Assessment Summary:

• As far as competitors go there are many blogs on the Tampa Bay Bucs but the ones that stands out to have a strong following on social media outlets like Facebook and twitter would be Buc Nation.

Social Media Objectives

• In 2016, the primary focus of our social media strategy will be to reaching our goals which is increasing the popularity of this blog through our social channels and increasing the community by entertaining, and providing great content and building relationships and creating relationships between fans .

• Some specific objectives include:

• 1. Increase visitors to the website by 15% in 4 months

• 2. Increased brand popularity through increased posts on Facebook and Twitter

• 3. Increase the visual content with messages that I post on Facebook and Twitter channels by 25% in 4 months


Adjectives that describe our brand:

• Creative

• Accurate

• Original

When interacting with Fans we are:

• Nice

• Humorous

• Excited

Strategies and Tools


• To post Twitter and Facebook with creative pictures and videos.

• Send messages of gratitude to every follower and encourage for them to active on bringing more followers.

• Use my Hootsuite to stay on top of everything.


• Facebook

• Twitter

• Hootsuite

• Rebel Mouse

• Slideshare

Timing and Dates

• Holiday Dates

• Thanksgiving

• Christmas

• New Years

• Veterans Day

• Independence

• Reporting Dates

Reporting will occur During July to December (Football Season) Superbowl and Pro Bowl TBA


• Marketing Director – Hayward Miller

• Social Media Manager –Hayward Miller

• Social Media Coordinator –Hayward Miller


• Have fun

• Have respect and be polite to others

• No Profanity

• Ask Questions if you need help with answers

• Be nice in this competitive atmosphere


If Inappropriate Tweet Sent from this blog

Action Plan:

When inappropriate Tweet is detected: take screenshot

Then delete the Tweet

If the Tweet is seen and is making a negative impact I will send a Tweet with an apologetic message


• As we begin with this blog I will be reporting the measurement every 2-3 weeks

• I will be measuring from social media outlets such as Twitter, Facebook, and as we grow we will try other social media out lets

Link to my Slideshare: