The Ultimate Guide to Feeding Your Dog Healthy...

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The Ultimate Guide to Feeding Your Dog Healthy & Balanced Homecooked Meals Andrew Lewis & Team


The Ultimate Guide to Feeding Your Dog Healthy & Balanced Homecooked Meals Andrew Lewis & Team

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All materials in this book are copyright protected and may not be used commercially, reprinted, distributed, republished or resold in any way unless with prior written consent from the author.

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The author of this book is not a trained dog health professional. It is the reader’s responsibility to consult with a licensed, practicing Doctor of Veterinarian Medicine (DVM) (or equivalent in your country) before making any changes to your method of feeding, grooming or any other matter of dog care for any dogs for which you have any responsibility or contribute, in any way, to their care.


The Ultimate Guide to Feeding Your Dog Healthy & Balanced Homecooked Meals Andrew Lewis & Team

Introduction From Andrew Lewis

Here’s the Ultimate and Simplest Guide you’ll need to ensure that you feed your dog balanced and healthy homecooked meals for all her lifetime. We have made this guide really simple.

We know you don’t like wasting time you could be spending with your furry loved ones. So we kept this guide short and simple but complete with all the information you would need!

If you’re serious about really understanding your dog’s nutritional needs, then please read the main Dog Food SECRETS book too.

May your dog have a long and happy life,



The Ultimate Guide to Feeding Your Dog Healthy & Balanced Homecooked Meals Andrew Lewis & Team

Table of Contents Tip: This Table is Clickable

Canine Digestive Physiology .......................................................... 6

What You Need to Know .............................................................. 6

Important Tips for Dog Owners ................................................... 6

A Dog’s Nutrient Requirements ...................................................... 7

Protein ........................................................................................ 7

Starchy Carbohydrates ................................................................ 7

Dietary Fiber ............................................................................... 8

Fat ............................................................................................... 8

Vitamins ...................................................................................... 8

Fat-Soluble Vitamins ................................................................... 8

Water-Soluble Vitamins ............................................................... 9

Minerals....................................................................................... 9

Macro-minerals ........................................................................... 9

Micro-minerals .......................................................................... 10

Water ........................................................................................ 11

Excellent Sources Each Nutrient Your Dog Needs......................... 12

Best Protein Sources for Your Dog ............................................ 12

Best Sources of Starchy Carbohydrates and Dietary Fiber ......... 13

Best Sources of Fat .................................................................... 13

Best Sources of Vitamins & Minerals ......................................... 14

The Rules of Preparing Balanced Nutrition ................................... 15

The Generic Dog Food Formula .................................................... 16

Generic Formula for an Adult Dog .............................................. 16

Generic Formula For a Puppy ..................................................... 16

List of Dangerous Foods for Dogs ................................................ 18


The Ultimate Guide to Feeding Your Dog Healthy & Balanced Homecooked Meals Andrew Lewis & Team

Calorie Requirements and Variations ........................................... 19

Standard Method for Calculating Caloric Requirements ............. 19

Commonly Used Multipliers ....................................................... 20

How to Select a Healthy Commercial Food ................................... 21


The Ultimate Guide to Feeding Your Dog Healthy & Balanced Homecooked Meals Andrew Lewis & Team

Canine Digestive Physiology

By understanding the digestive physiology of dogs, any dog owner will have an easier time learning how to feed their furry loved ones healthy homecooked meals.

It’s important for dog owners to know that the digestive system of dogs is different than us humans. They eat and process food differently than us. Among all mammals, dogs have the shortest digestive system and it only takes about 8-9 hours for the whole process to be completed. Of course, for puppies the whole process takes a lot shorter since puppies have not developed the mature system that adolescent and adult dogs have.

What You Need to Know

• A dog’s mouth is designed to bite off and chew large pieces of food. • Dogs have hinged jaws and large teeth so they can ingest large

chunks of meat. • The stomach plays a very vital role in digesting food. Once reaching

the stomach, food is digested with a high level of hydrochloric acid to break down the large chunks of meat.

• Dogs actually can spit out food that has not been processed properly and re-swallow it. This is due to their natural regurgitation instinct.

• Once food is digested in the stomach, it then goes to the small intestine but now in liquid form. The small intestine is where the main part of digestion takes place and where food is broken down into nutrients and absorbed by your dog’s body.

• From the small intestine, the unassimilated or waste food goes to the large intestine which is the last stop before it’s pooped out as feces via your dog’s rectum.

Important Tips for Dog Owners

• The digestive system of your dog can give telltale signs if there’s something wrong with your dog or of she’s ill.

• It’s important to always monitor your dog’s eating and pooping habits.


The Ultimate Guide to Feeding Your Dog Healthy & Balanced Homecooked Meals Andrew Lewis & Team

• If you notice that your dog is bloated or is not eating or pooping than the usual, this can point that something is not right.

• Just like humans, most dogs experience some gas. However unpleasant gas and too much gassiness is a usual indication that your dog is eating a poor diet which can cause other health problems.

A Dog’s Nutrient Requirements What nutrients do dogs need?


Without protein your dog can not survive. Protein can have up to 22 different types of amino acids. Dogs can naturally manufacture 12 of these and the remaining 10 they can’t or at least not at the rate a dogs’ body need them. These 10 essential amino acids should be present in your dog’s diet:

1. Arginine 2. Histidine 3. Isoleucine 4. Leucine 5. Lysine 6. Methionine 7. Phenylalanine 8. Threonine 9. Tryptophan 10. Valine

Starchy Carbohydrates

They are a great source of energy and are also essential in maintaining the normal functions of your dog’s brain and nervous system. They can also provide beneficial fiber which helps in keeping the colon healthy.


The Ultimate Guide to Feeding Your Dog Healthy & Balanced Homecooked Meals Andrew Lewis & Team

The only time carbohydrates is bad for your dog is if you give too much of it which can lead to obesity especially if your dog does not get enough exercise and play. Too little of starchy carbohydrates in your dog’s diet can also result in fertility and whelping issues.

Dietary Fiber

Fiber promotes better digestion and helps control blood sugar levels, which is especially helpful for dogs suffering from diabetes. Fiber can help overweight or obese dogs lose weight and also prevent obesity as they help keep dogs feeling full.

Too much of it can cause loose stools or diarrhea which can lead to dehydration and nutritional deficiencies.


Fat helps boost the immune system, promotes healthy skin and a shiny coat plus it's good for your dog's brain health and it protects your dog's nerve fibers. It's an excellent source of energy and improves the flavor and palatability of your dog's meals. Fat is also essential in absorbing fat soluble vitamins your dog needs.


11 vitamins are essential to dogs. They are classified into two; fat-soluble vitamins and water soluble vitamins.

Fat-Soluble Vitamins

• Vitamin A - Keeps your dog's immune system healthy and which is why it's very vital to puppies since they haven't fully developed their immune system yet. It also benefits your dog’s coat, muscles, nerves, skin and eyesight and helps female dogs reproduce successfully.

• Vitamin D - It's crucial in promoting proper muscle and nerve control, regulation of calcium levels in the kidneys, bone formation, promoting strong and healthy bones, bolstering the immune system and preventing respiratory infections like the kennel cough.


The Ultimate Guide to Feeding Your Dog Healthy & Balanced Homecooked Meals Andrew Lewis & Team

• Vitamin E - Vitamin E strengthens your dog’s immune system and

prevents cell damage. It promotes a healthy heart and prevents circulatory diseases such as Tachycardia (increased heart rate) and arteriosclerosis (hardening and thickening of arterial walls). It also promotes good skin and good coat quality and can be particularly helpful to dogs with itchy skin due to allergies.

Water-Soluble Vitamins

They are not stored in the body which is why it is essential that your dog’s diet includes appropriate amounts of needed water-soluble vitamins.

• Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) • Vitamin B3 (Niacin) • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) • Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) • Folic acid • Choline • Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)


There are 12 minerals essential to dogs and they are divided into macro-minerals and macro-minerals.


• Calcium - It's especially important for young and growing puppies as it helps build a strong skeletal structure.

• Phosphorus - It's important for your dog’s metabolism, bone structure and cell energy. Puppies especially need phosphorus for their bone development.


The Ultimate Guide to Feeding Your Dog Healthy & Balanced Homecooked Meals Andrew Lewis & Team


Calcium and phosphorus come hand in hand. The wrong balance of the two minerals can cause deformed joints, brittle bones, and kidney failure.

• Potassium - Dogs need large amounts of potassium to maintain the proper functions of the body. Potassium helps keep a balance of pressure with sodium and also aids in creating cellular energy.

• Sodium - Plays an important role of monitoring pressure inside and outside of your dog’s cells. It also regulates water and helps in transferring nutrients to cells. It’s also helpful in preventing build-up of minerals that could become stones.

• Chloride - Works hand in hand with sodium in maintaining the balance of fluids in and out the individual cells of your dog’s body. It keeps the proper acid and alkali balance in the body and is also crucial for protein digestion.

• Magnesium - Supports building strong bones, aids in the production of energy at a cellular level and is crucial to keep a good working nervous system.


• Iron - Helps in providing oxygen to your dog’s organs and muscles.

• Copper - Helps ensure that your dog’s system is able to absorb iron which is crucial in preventing anemia. It also plays a role in the production of melanin which gives your dog its hair color.

• Manganese - Especially vital for puppies as well as senior dogs. It helps ensure that your dog has quality bone and cartilage and also aids with the mitochondrial function or simply the cell’s energy source.

• Zinc - Helps improve your dog’s body function in various areas. For example, zinc improves the quality of your dog’s skin and hair while at the same time improving your dog’s reproductive function.


The Ultimate Guide to Feeding Your Dog Healthy & Balanced Homecooked Meals Andrew Lewis & Team

• Iodine - Plays an important role in your dog’s digestive system.

• Selenium - Helps fight off oxidative stress such as aging, pollution, cancer, and inflammatory diseases. Selenium works hand in hand with Vitamin E in protecting the cell membranes from the damaging effects of free radicals.


Water is essential for all life forms and it is the most important nutrient for all animals. Your dog can survive after losing all of her body fat, and half of her protein. But your dog may not survive if she loses only one-tenth of her water.


The Ultimate Guide to Feeding Your Dog Healthy & Balanced Homecooked Meals Andrew Lewis & Team

Excellent Sources Each Nutrient Your Dog Needs

What ingredients should you include in your dog’s meals to ensure that she gets all the nutrients she needs? Here is a list that you can use as a helpful guide.

Best Protein Sources for Your Dog

Protein-rich foods that are “most digestible” are your best options.

• Eggs –Eggs are actually a more superior protein source than meat. Just make sure that you serve them cooked.

• Muscle Meat – And we are talking about REAL meat here. This is the most natural protein source for dogs and there is much evidence from the ancestors of modern dogs that their digestive system was designed for real meat. Beef, chicken, turkey, liver, duck, and venison are some of the best sources of protein-rich meats.

• Organ Meat – Organ meats particularly liver, are excellent sources of protein but they contain fat soluble vitamins which can build up nd become toxic. So limit your dog’s intake of organ meat to no more than 15% of total meat eaten

• Fish – Fish is also an excellent source of protein for dogs as long as the fish is cooked. Salmon (wild salmon) is generally the best choice in fish since it is also high in omega-3 fatty acid.

• Cheese – Cheese is another excellent source of protein. Both regular cheese and cottage cheese contain a good amount of protein, however they have different amount of fat in them. If your dog needs a diet that is lower in fat, cottage cheese is the more ideal option.


The Ultimate Guide to Feeding Your Dog Healthy & Balanced Homecooked Meals Andrew Lewis & Team

Best Sources of Starchy Carbohydrates and Dietary Fiber

• Whole Grains – Whole grains are excellent sources of starchy carbohydrates. Plus most whole grains also contain fiber. So add whole grains in your dog’s meals such as:

• Brown rice • Barley • Oats • Quinoa

• Fruits and Vegetables – Fruits and veggies are packed with dietary

fiber, antioxidants, phyto-nutrients, enzymes, natural vitamins and minerals that help keep your dog healthy (some like onions are not good for a dog, so check the “Dangerous Foods” list below.

Best Sources of Fat

• Saturated Fat in Meats - These are the fats you see in and on the outside of meat.

• Unsaturated fish oils such as • Cod liver oil • salmon oil • and other unsaturated fish oils

IMPORTANT: Do not give your dog fish oils regularly as too much of it can lead to vitamin E deficiency. Don’t feed your average-size dog more than 2 drops of fish oil in a day.

• Polyunsaturated fats from plant sources • Flax seed oil –It provides your dog with the most amount of

Omega 3, helps boost the immune system, improve the skin and colon health and promotes better vitamin absorption

• Coconut oil - Coconut oil has more than 90% saturated fats plus traces of few unsaturated fats like monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

• Sunflower oil – This oil is packed with Vitamin E and Omega 6. However it does not contain Omega 3.


The Ultimate Guide to Feeding Your Dog Healthy & Balanced Homecooked Meals Andrew Lewis & Team

• Safflower oil – This oil is packed with Omega 6. • Olive oil – Packed with Vitamin E

Best Sources of Vitamins & Minerals

Vitamin A

• Liver and Liver Oil • Fish • Carrots • Leafy Greens • Egg Yolks • Yellow Fruits (Hint: The more vibrant the color of the fruit or

vegetable, the higher is its beta-carotene content)

Vitamin D

• Halibut • Cod Liver Oil • Saltwater Fish • Yogurt • Cheese • Eggs

Vitamin E

• Leafy Greens such as Spinach • Asparagus • Seeds • Nuts (Be careful what kind of nuts you give to your dogs. Some are

poisonous to them. Check out this list of nuts that are unsafe for dogs.)

• Vegetable Oils


• Meat • Fish • Vegetables • Fruits


The Ultimate Guide to Feeding Your Dog Healthy & Balanced Homecooked Meals Andrew Lewis & Team

The 3 - Rules of Preparing Balanced Nutrition

Just like any dog owner, of course you’d want to make sure that your dog is eating a healthy and balanced meal. Here are the 3 basic rules when feeding your dog homecooked meals to ensure balanced nutrition.

1. Variety is Key

Don’t stick to just one recipe. Feed your dog lots of different foods such as chicken, beef, turkey, lamb, fish, and eggs. By variety, we also mean feeding your dog different parts like muscle meat and organ meats. Keep in mind that different types of meat and different cuts of meat do carry different nutrient profiles. Add in a variety of fruits and vegetables.

By having variety in what you feed your dog, you are providing your furry family member with a wider range of nutrients. It’s perfectly okay to have a few recipes that are a staple to your dog’s diet. But don’t just serve one or two and exclude everything else.

2. Balance over Time

I’m pretty sure that you don’t eat a complete and balanced meal all day, every day, the whole year round. Just like humans, your dog doesn’t necessarily have to eat a complete and balanced meal every single time.

What’s important is meeting their nutritional needs over a period of days or weeks. The only time you need to be concerned about feeding your dog a complete and balanced meal every time is if you feed your dog a single recipe. Which is why variety, the first rule we mentioned is very important.

If you cook your dog’s food in bulk, which I recommend you do, then you must be very careful to prepare a balanced meal.

3. Supplements

Adding supplements to your dog’s diet is a great idea, especially if cooking in bulk. This is one way to be sure that all your dog’s nutritional requirements are met. See our Homemade Canine Supplement Guide.


The Ultimate Guide to Feeding Your Dog Healthy & Balanced Homecooked Meals Andrew Lewis & Team

The Generic Dog Food Formula This formula will be your best friend when it comes to home preparing

food for you dog.

With this simple and straight forward formula and an understanding of which foods are healthy for your dog, you can literally make thousands and thousands of different recipe variations.

I personally have made so many different meals for my dogs over more than a decade with no more than this formula, which I’ve memorized.

If you commit this to your own memory, which I strongly recommend, you will forevermore have the power to create limitless variations of meals for you dog for the rest of his or her life.

I’ll give you the version for an adult dog and for a puppy, the only difference is your puppy requires more protein (and therefore less of some other ingredients):

Generic Formula for an Adult Dog

40% Protein

25% Fibrous carbohydrate (fruits and vegetables)

25% Starchy carbohydrates (brown rice, oats, barley, quinoa)

10% High quality fat (natural fat in the meat is usually adequate)

Generic Formula For a Puppy

50% Protein

20% Fibrous carbohydrate (fruits and vegetables)


The Ultimate Guide to Feeding Your Dog Healthy & Balanced Homecooked Meals Andrew Lewis & Team

20% Starchy carbohydrates (brown rice, oats, barley, quinoa)

10% High quality fat (natural fat in the meat is usually adequate)

Amazingly simple and incredibly powerful…. This formula is in the top 3 things I have to share with you after more than a decade teaching nutrition to dog owners.

I know I can’t say that and leave you hanging, lol…so here are the other 2:

1. Learn to cook in bulk (a must, a must, a must!) 2. Never, never, never feed your dog commercial food unless its

one that has passed our testing process & made it onto our Confidential Dog Food Report (or is of equal standard)


The Ultimate Guide to Feeding Your Dog Healthy & Balanced Homecooked Meals Andrew Lewis & Team

List of Dangerous Foods for Dogs Since you’re cooking for your dog, you ought to know which ingredients

are NOT safe to use.

• Avocado • Grapes • Raisins • Macadamia Nuts • Apple seeds • Apricot pits • Cherry pits • Chocolates • Candy • Coffee (grounds, beans, and chocolate-covered espresso beans) • Gum (can cause blockages and sugar free gums may contain the toxic

sweetener Xylitol) • Hops (used in home beer brewing) • Moldy foods • Mushroom plants • Mustard seeds • Onions and onion powder • Peach pits • Potato leaves and stems (green parts) • Raisins • Rhubarb leaves • Salt • Tea (because it contains caffeine) • Tomato leaves and stems (green parts) • Walnuts • Xylitol (artificial sweetener that is toxic to pets) • Yeast dough or bread dough • Alcoholic beverages


The Ultimate Guide to Feeding Your Dog Healthy & Balanced Homecooked Meals Andrew Lewis & Team

Calorie Requirements and Variations How much calories your dog need every day depends on many factors

such as your dog’s lifestyle, age, activity level, metabolic rates, pregnancy, lactation, and many more. We have a formula for you to determine this.

Here’s what you need to remember though.

• It is impossible to mathematically determine exactly how much calories or kilocalories your dog requires.

• Whatever number that you come up with, it should be viewed only as an estimate.

What this means is:

Simply feed that number of calories, monitor your dog’s weight, body condition and overall wellbeing and make adjustments accordingly. It is best to consult your veterinarian most especially if your dog is suffering from any health problem or has special dietary needs.

It is equally important to remember that there is no one-size fits all calculation for calorie requirement of pets. There are certain things that can make a dog’s situation unique.

Standard Method for Calculating Caloric Requirements

Here’s the standard method veterinarians use to determine the calorie requirements of dogs.

• First convert your dog’s body weight in pounds to kilograms. To do this, divide the weight in pounds by 2.2. (Example 10 lbs / 2.2 = 4.54 kilograms)

• RER or Resting Energy Requirement is calculated with this formula: 70 x body weight in kilograms ^0.75 (This ^ mathematical symbol designates the following number as being an exponent of the preceding number)

• MER or Maintenance Energy Requirement = The corresponding multiplier x RER


The Ultimate Guide to Feeding Your Dog Healthy & Balanced Homecooked Meals Andrew Lewis & Team

Here is a table of commonly used multipliers.

Commonly Used Multipliers

Typical neutered pet 1.6 Typical intact pet 1.8 Weight loss 1 Weight gain 1.7 Light work 2 Moderate work 3 Heavy work 6 Growth (below 4 months) 3 Growth (above 4 months) 2

Let's do a sample calculation. Let's say your dog is neutered and is at an ideal weight of 45 lbs.

Figure 1 - Sample calculation of caloric requirement

Keep in mind that this is only a ballpark estimate.

If you don’t want to do the calculations manually, check out this helpful calculator for daily caloric requirements of dogs.


The Ultimate Guide to Feeding Your Dog Healthy & Balanced Homecooked Meals Andrew Lewis & Team

How to Select a Healthy Commercial Food

If for some reason, you’re not able to cook for your dog, you need to learn how to spot the healthy commercial dog food brands from the bad ones.

We have a book called Confidential Dog Food Report now on its 4th Edition that lists down the very best and ultra-healthy dog food brands in the market and teaches our 76-point checklist for choosing a healthy commercial dog food. We recommend that you get a copy of it.

But here are some simple tips on how you can easily spot the good ones out there.

• Make sure that these 5 ingredients are included:

1. Real Meat/Muscle Meat –Protein is crucial for your dog’s health, growth and development. Real meat such as chicken, turkey, lamb, beef and fish are all sources of high quality and highly digestible proteins.

2. Identified meat source followed by the word meal – Such as chicken meal or turkey meal. They are very high in protein as well. But if the meal has imprecise origin (e.g. poultry meal), better stay away from it. Who knows what animals were used in it.

3. Whole grains – Whole grains such as barley, oats, and brown rice. Of course, if your dog has had allergic reactions from grain, it’s best to get one that is grain-free.

4. Identified Animal Fat – Such as chicken fat. Again, if the ingredient just says animal fat – the imprecision of its origin is worrisome. Best to go for one that identifies the animal source of the fat such as “chicken fat”.

5. Vegetables and Fruits - Veggies and fruits are a great source of antioxidants, phytonutrients, enzymes, fibers, natural


The Ultimate Guide to Feeding Your Dog Healthy & Balanced Homecooked Meals Andrew Lewis & Team

vitamins and minerals which are all essential for your dog’s well-being.

• Check the first 2 ingredients listed. • The 1st ingredient should be real meat. It should be listed as

chicken, or beef, or turkey, etc. • The 2nd ingredient should also be real meat or an animal specific

meat meal such as chicken meat meal, turkey meat meal, etc.

• Check the ingredients and make sure that the dog food brand you choose does not have any toxic and questionable ingredients such as:

• Menadione • BHA • BHT • Ethoxyquin • Artificial Colors • Meat-byproducts

We have listed down the 68 bad ingredients you should avoid in commercial dog food on our book Confidential Dog Food Report 4th Edition.


The Ultimate Guide to Feeding Your Dog Healthy & Balanced Homecooked Meals Andrew Lewis & Team

Use this simple guide to ensure that your dog is only fed balanced and healthy homecooked meals for all his or her lifetime.

Here’s to your dog’s happier, healthier, and longer life!