The Union in Peril. Conflict Over Status of Territories Wilmot Proviso (1846) fails to ban slavery...

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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The Union in Peril

Conflict Over Status of Territories Wilmot Proviso (1846) fails to ban

slavery from newly acquired Mexican territories

Free Soil Movement Party Found support from northern

Democrats and Whigs Didn’t demand end to slavery,

only spread of slavery

Conflict Over Status of Territories Southern position:

oppose abolitionists, Free Soilers, favor extending 36°30’ westward

Popular Sovereignty Lewis Cass, Michigan Democrat…

let the people decide

Conflict Over Status of Territories Election of 1848

Democrats nominate Cass Whigs nominate Zachary Taylor Free-Soil Party nominates Martin Van

Buren Taylor won because vote siphoned off

by Free-Soil party in NY and PA

Conflict Over Status of Territories Election of 1848

Taylor won because vote siphoned off by Free-Soil party in NY and PA

The Compromise of 1850 California joins as free state Utah and New Mexico to join as

territories, w/ popular sovereignty Ban slave trade in DC,

but allow slavery there Adopt new fugitive slave law

All proposed initially by Henry Clay

The Compromise of 1850 Daniel Webster speaks on behalf in

order to preserve the Union John C. Calhoun

speaks against, insists on Southern territorial rights

The Compromise of 1850 Millard Fillmore

succeeds deceased Taylor, supports compromise

Stephen A. Douglas gathers support for individual portions of plan

Agitation Over Slavery Fugitive Slave Law

Track down runaway slaves

Lack of rights for the accused

Agitation Over Slavery Underground


Agitation Over Slavery - Literature Harriet Beecher Stowe’s

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Agitation Over Slavery - Literature Hinton R. Helper’s nonfiction

Impending Crisis of the South

Agitation Over Slavery - Literature Southern response

Slavery positive for masters and slaves Sanctioned by the Bible, history Attacks on northern “wage slaves”

Literature & laws polarized the sides

National Parties in Crisis Election of 1852

Dem’s nominated “doughface” Franklin Pierce of New Hampshire

Whigs nominated Winfield Scott, ignored slavery

Whigs lose big time

National Parties in Crisis

Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854) Repeals Missouri

Compromise Some Northerners

sees it as slave power conspiracy

The Republican Party Know-Nothings surge but fail Republican party forms (1854) as

coalition of Free-Soilers, antislavery Whigs, dissatisfied Democrats

Oppose extension of slavery

Election of 1856

Extremism & Violence “Bleeding Kansas” –

Border Ruffians v. Free-State Warriors

Extremism & Violence Caning of Senator Sumner

Constitutional Issues Lecompton Constitution –

proslavery constitution of Kansas Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857)

Lincoln-Douglas Debates Stephen Douglas debates Abraham

Lincoln Slavery key


John Brown’s Raid

Election of 1860